Phys. Test 1

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atomic number

The number of protons found within the nucleus of an atom.

Match the description on the left with the correct term on the right: A) enzyme that catalyzes gene transcription B) the "starting line" for gene transcription C) three nucleotide sequence within a gene D) three nucleotide sequence within a molecule of mRNA E) start codon

-> RNA polymerase -> promoter region -> base triplet -> codon -> AUG

Match the description on the left with the correct organ system on the right: - Transport of materials between cells of the body - Defends against foreign invaders - Coordination of body function through electrical signals and release of regulatory molecules circulatory system reproductive system nervous system urinary system musculoskeletal system immune system endocrine system digestive system integumentary system respiratory system

-> circulatory system -> immune system -> nervous system

Match the organs on the left with the correct organ system on the right: - thyroid gland, adrenal gland-> - lungs, airways -> - kidneys, bladder -> circulatory system reproductive system nervous system urinary system musculoskeletal system immune system endocrine system digestive system integumentary system respiratory system

-> endocrine system -> respiratory system -> urinary system

Match the description on the left with the correct term on the right: A) biological catalyst-> B) an inactive precursor to an enzyme-> C) the attachment of a functional group to an enzyme with a covalent bond-> D) region on enzyme where the substrate binds-> E) chemical that activate an enzyme by binding to a secondary site on the enzyme that is separate from the substrate binding site F) organic cofactor

-> enzyme -> zymogen -> covalent modulation -> binding site -> allosteric activator -> coenzyme

Match the molecule on the left with the correct label on the right (answers can be used more than once): ATP DNA RNA protein amino acid nucleotide nucleic acid

-> nucleotide -> nucleic acid -> nucleic acid

Match the description on the left with the correct organelle on the right (each answer will be used only once): A) protein synthesis-> B) modifies and packages proteins received from the rough ER-> C) degrades and removes cellular debris and worn-out organelles-> D) cellular detoxification-> E) stores intracellular calcium-> smooth endoplasmic reticulum ribosomes peroxisome Golgi apparatus lysosome

-> ribosomes -> Golgi apparatus -> lysosome -> peroxisome -> smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Match the functional groups with the correct label: R-NH2-> R-PO42-> R-COOH-> phosphate group methyl group carboxyl group hydroxyl group amino group

->amino group ->phosphate group ->carboxyl group

nonpolar covalent bond

A bond that results in an equal sharing of electrons.

polar covalent bond

A bond that results in an unequal sharing of electrons.


Ion with a positive charge.


Like atoms that vary in the number of neutrons.

A molecule must have hydrogen bonded to either ________ or ________ in order to form a hydrogen bond with another molecule. a) oxygen/nitrogen b) carbon/sulfur c) oxygen/carbon d) nitrogen/carbon e) iron/oxygen


For the following system in equilibrium, predict the direction it will shift after adding more carbonic acid (H2CO3) to the system: CO2 + H2O ⟺ H2CO3 a) the system will shift to the left b) the system will not shift in either direction c) the system will shift to the right


Most lipids are hydrophobic molecules. a) true b) false


Some cells in the human body lack a nucleus, and some cells have more than one nucleus. a) True b) False


The core of cilia and flagella are composed of ___________. a) microtubules b) microfilaments c) neurofilaments d) myosin molecules e) keratin filaments


Which of the following best describes a cell membrane? a) a bilayer of phospholipids with imbedded proteins b) a bilayer of cholesterol with imbedded carbohydrates c) two layers of micelles d) a single layer of phospholipids with imbedded molecules of cholesterol e) a freely permeable barrier separating the extracellular fluid from the cytoplasm


Which of the following is not one of the four primary types of tissue? a) glandular b) muscle c) connective d) epithelial e) nervous


You are measuring growth (change in height) of the plant Arabidopsis at two different temperatures every day for a five-week period. When you graph the results, what is your independent variable? a) the temperature at which the plants are grown b) the species of plant c) the height of the plants d) the time when growth is recorded


double blind study

a study in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving which treatment

blind study

a study in which the participants do not know which treatment they are receiving


a tentative interpretation or explanation of observations

Which of the following statements is false?

a) the double-helix of DNA is stabilized with hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen bases b) DNA and RNA are classified as nucleic acids c) RNA has thymine instead of uracil d) DNA has deoxyribose as its pentose sugar e) RNA is single stranded

Which of the following can cause a protein to denature? Choose all that apply: a) exposure to a change in pH b) exposure to excessive heat c) exposure to excessive cold d) exposure to a change in salt concentration

a, b, d

Choose the two monosaccharides that are needed two synthesize sucrose, which is also known as table sugar. a) glucose b) deoxyribose c) ribose d) fructose e) galactose

a, d


abnormal tissue growth through unregulated cell division

A theory held in everyday life holds the same level of scrutiny and validity as a scientific theory. a) true b)false


Arrange the following levels of organization from the simplest to the most complex? cell molecule organism atoms tissue organ system organ a) organs - organ system - organism - tissue - cell - molecule - atom b) atom - molecule - cell - tissue - organ - organ system - organism c) organism - organ system - organ - tissue - cells - molecules - atom d) atom - molecule - tissue - organ - cell - organ system - organism e) atom - molecule - cell - tissue - organism - organ system - organ


Molecules with nonpolar bonds tend to be hydrophilic. a) true b) false


Physiology is the study of ________, and anatomy is the study of ________. a) chemical processes/physical processes b) function/morphology c) structure/emergent properties d) emergent properties/function e) structure/function


Plants store excess sugar in the form of _________. a) glycogen b) starch c) maltose d) chitin e) cellulose


Simple squamous epithelial tissue is most closely associated with which of the following functions? a) transporting b) exchange c) protective d) ciliated e) secretory


dependent variable

the variable expected to change and be measured during an experiment

The _________ of a physiological organ system is the purpose of a system, and the _________ is the how of a system. a) mechanism/teleology b) function/mechanism c) mechanism/function d) physiology/anatomy e) anatomy/physiology


The alpha-helix and beta-pleated sheet are examples of the ________ structure of a protein. a) primary b) secondary c) tertiary d) quaternary e) pentanary


The arrangement of _________ in the ______ energy level (shell) of an atom determines an element's ability to bind with other elements. a) protons/inner b) electrons/outer c) protons/outer d) electrons/inner e) neutrons/outer


What is the control center for body temperature regulation? a) thermoreceptors b) hypothalamus c) sweat glands d) limbic system e) thalamus


Which of the following junctions allows rapid cell-to-cell communication? a) adherens junctions b) tight junctions c) desmosomes d) gap junctions e) hemidesmosomes


Which of the following statements regarding mitochondria is false? a) Proteins associated with the electron transport chain are attached to the surface of the cristae. b) The mitochondria do not contain DNA or RNA. c) The mitochondria produce most of a cell's ATP. d) The open space in the middle of a mitochondrion is called the matrix. e) The mitochondrial cristae increase the surface area of the inner membrane.


Which of the following statements regarding pH is false? a) a solution with a pH 2 is 10 times more acidic than a solution with a pH of 3 b) the more [H+] in a solution, the greater its pH value will be c) an alkaline solution has a pH greater than 7 d) the normal range on the pH scale is from 0 to 14 e) in a neutral solution, [H+] = [OH-]


The three components of a feedback system include which of the following? Select all that apply: a) transducer b) sensor c) thermostat d) effector e) regulator f) integrating center g) compressor


Proteins are __________ built from ________ different amino acids. a) monmers/24 b) polymers/4 c) polymers/20 d) monomers/4 e) monomers/20


The conversion of a gene into a molecule of mRNA is called _________ and takes place in _______ a) transcription/cytoplasm b) translation/cytoplasm c) transcription/nucleus d) translation/nucleus


Which of the following statements is false? a) different cells of the body vary in size, shape, and function b) all structures and functions of the body are a result of cellular activity c) cells are created through spontaneous generation d) human cells are classified as eukaryotic cells e) cells are the structural and functional unit of life


Which of the following statements is false? a) the addition of carbohydrates or lipids to a protein is a type of posttranslational modification b) alternative splicing can lead to the production of different forms of a protein from a single gene c) introns are coding regions of a gene d) there are 3 codons that do not code for an amino acid e) molecules of tRNA deliver amino acids to a ribosome


Which of the following statements is incorrect? a) positive feedback events do not happen frequently b) positive feedback loops amplify over time c) most homeostatic mechanisms are regulated by positive feedback loops d) blood clotting is an example of a positive feedback loop


Which of the following terms/phrases does not belong with the others? a) building larger molecules from smaller ones b) forming chemical bonds c) hydrolysis reaction d) dehydration synthesis reaction e) anabolic reaction



cell with two copies of each chromosome

A layer of _________ located on the external surface of the cell membrane forms a protective layer called the glycocalyx. a) lipids b) nucleic acids c) nucleotides d) carbohydrates e) proteins


All steroids in the body are derived from _________, which is the most abundant steroid in the body. a) estrogen b) cortisol c) vitamin D d) cholesterol e) testosterone


Arrange the following events of protein synthesis and secretion in the proper sequence. 1. The polypeptide chain enters the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. 2. Protein is produced by a ribosome 3. A secretory vesicle is formed. 4. A transport vesicle is formed. 5. The polypeptide chain enters the lumen of the Golgi complex. 6. Exocytosis releases protein from the cell a) 6 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 1 - 2 b) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 c) 2 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 6 d) 2 - 1 - 4 - 5 - 3 - 6 e) 4 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 6


Gene expression is the conversion of a gene into a(n) _________. a) carbohydrate b) lipid c) molecule of ATP d) protein e) organelle


The fluid portion of the cytoplasm is called ___________. a) aqueous humor b) interstitial fluid c) the cytoskeleton d) cytosol e) an inclusion


Which of the following is not a function of membrane proteins? a) cell-to-cell recognition b) signal transduction c) transport material d) produce cellular ATP e) catalyze reactions


Which of the following is not part of the internal environment? a) blood plasma b) extracellular fluid c) intracellular fluid d) lumen of the stomach interstitial fluid


Which of the is not a characteristic of epithelial tissue? a) epithelial tissue is avascular b) epithelial tissue is anchored down to connective tissue with a basement membrane c) epithelial cells divide frequently d) the cells in epithelial tissue are not close together and have measurable space between them e) the apical surface of epithelial cells face either an open space or a lumen



division of the nucleus during reproductive cell division


division of the nucleus during somatic cell division

Which of the following is a normal response for when body temperature is too high? a) shivering b) putting on a parka c) vasoconstriction of surface blood vessels d) deactivation of sweat glands e) vasodilation of surface blood vessels


Which of the following is classified as an inorganic compound? a) RNA b) glucose c) sucrase d) estrogen e) sodium chloride


Which of the following is not a property of water? a) serves as cushion to protect internal organs b) high heat of vaporization c) participates in chemical reactions d) major component of lubricating fluids found within the body e) low heat capacity


Which of the following is not one of the six most common elements by mass? a) phosphorous b) oxygen c) hydrogen d) carbon e) iron


Which of the following is the best definition for homeostasis? a) the process of stopping blood loss b) molecules, cells, and organs working together to coordinate body functions c) process by which regulated variables fluctuate over time d) regulation of information flow between organs and cells e) the ability of the body to maintain a relatively stable internal environment


scientific model

helps scientists understand an object, process, or idea that cannot be directly experienced

Blood glucose concentration rises after a meal and stimulates release of the hormone insulin. Insulin travels in the blood and stimulates body cells to uptake glucose from the bloodstream. This reduces blood glucose concentration. This is an example of ________. a) feedforward control b) acclimatization c) negative feedback d) positive feedback e) dynamic equilibrium

negative feedback

Place the following terms in the typical sequence in which they appear in the scientific process: experiment model hypothesis observation theory

observation - hypothesis - experiment - model - theory


programmed cellular death


tissue growth through enlargement of existing cells

independent variable

variable that is intentionally changed in an experiment

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