Physical Geology Final

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The conglomerate is younger than 100 million years.

A clast (inclusion) of granite found in a conglomerate is determined to be one hundred million years old. What does this information suggest about the conglomerate?

A strike line's orientation with respect to north

A compass is used to measure the angle of ____.


A fossil is determined to be 175,000 years old. This is an example of a(n) ____ date.

metamorphic facies

A group of metamorphic rocks that formed under broadly similar temperature and pressure conditions is a(n) ____.

for the mass of a sample to decrease by half

A half-life is the amount of time required ____.


A hiatus between igneous or metamorphic rocks and sedimentary rocks is represented in the rock record by a(n) ____.

Continental accretion

Continents grow by a process called ____.

is more likely to affect poor people because they cannot afford to build on the most stable slopes

Damage to homes by mass wasting ____.

Is any change in the volume or shape of rocks

Deformation ____.

Zone of rubble along a fault

Fault breccia is a ____.

Fault scarp

Faults that penetrate the surface may show a ____.

The rock was subjected to heat and differential pressure

Foliation indicates that ____ during metamorphism

the rock was subjected to heat and differential pressure

Foliation indicates that ____ during metamorphism

The principle of uniformitarianism

Geologists use ____ and their knowledge of present-day depositional processes to make determinations about a rock's depositional environment.

Turbidity currents deposit coarse and then fine sediments

Graded bedding forms when ____.

Is an area in which little P-wave energy is recorded by seismographs

P-wave shadow zone____

Are two types of body waves

P-waves and S-waves ____.

Under all circumstances

P-waves travel faster than S-waves ____.

under all circumstances

P-waves travel faster than S-waves ____.

At high latitudes

Permafrost is primarily found ____.


Permafrost lies beneath ____ percent of the land surface on Earth.

great size variation

Poorly-sorted sediment has ____.

organisms stop accumulating carbon-14 when they die

Radiocarbon dating is possible primarily because ____.


Reaction of country rock with solutions from a cooling magma is known as ____ alteration.

Occurs over a large area

Regional metamorphism ____.

occurs over a large area

Regional metamorphism ____.

150 million years

Suppose an isotope has a half-life of 50 million years, and 1/8 of the sample remaining consists of that isotope. What is the age of the rock from which it was taken?

dry lubricants and abrasives

Two economically important metamorphic minerals are graphite and corundum, which can be used, respectively, for ____.


Various colors of slate result from differing intensities of deformation.

tend to have symmetrical profiles

Wave-formed ripple marks ____.

The magnitude of the last recorded earthquake

What factor is least likely to affect earthquake intensity?

the magnitude of the last recorded earthquake

What factor is least likely to affect earthquake intensity?

4.6 billion years

What is the approximate age of Earth?

alpha decay

What is the loss of two protons and two neutrons from the nucleus called?


What type of mass wasting is responsible for the greatest amount of property damage?


When an atom of Uranium-238 undergoes alpha decay, it becomes ____.

becomes a completely different element

When an atom undergoes alpha or beta decay, it ____.

The collision of two continental plates

When an isolated mountain range occurs in the interior of a continent, one may infer that the range formed by ____

slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss

Which list of foliated rock types is arranged correctly according to increasing coarseness of texture?


Which of the following is a rapid mass movement?

The principle of fossil succession

Which principle states that fossil assemblages succeed one another through time in a regular and predictable order?

It lowers the average slope of a hill.

Why does benching reduce the risk of mass movements?


____ are a type of lithostratigraphic unit with distinctive upper and lower boundaries.


____ is a slow movement along a curved surface that typically involves poorly consolidated material.

Rock slide

____ is an example of a slide that occurs along a planar surface.


____ is the study of the composition, origin, areal distribution, and age relationships of layered rocks.


____ maps help planners and developers make decisions about where to site roads, utility lines, and buildings to avoid potential damage from mass movement.

Isostatic rebound

____ occurs when Earth's crust rises back up to its equilibrium level after the unloading of glaciers or sediments.

Are composed of larger particles

crescent shaped areas where material has pulled away from Earth

Beneath mountains

The thickest crust found is ____.

Raleigh; Love

The two types of surface waves are ____and ____ waves.

General term for mass movements of earth materials

"Landslide" is a ____.


A rock composed almost entirely of fragmented seashells is called ____.


A sedimentary rock in which all the grains are about the same size can be characterized as ____.

Indicate the likelihood and potential severity of future earthquakes

A seismic risk map can be used to ____.

indicate the likelihood and potential severity of future earthquakes

A seismic risk map can be used to ____.

Shear strength

A slope material's strength and cohesion, the amount of internal friction between grains, and any external support of the slope define that slope's ____.

Is a special case of a reverse fault where the dip is less than 45o

A thrust fault ____.

1811 New Madrid

A very strong earthquake recorded in North America was the intraplate quake known as the ____ earthquake.


Almost ____ % of earthquakes take place along plate boundaries.

most common along convergent plate margins

Although metamorphism is associated with all three types of plate boundaries, it is ____.

Has the oldest rocks at its core

An anticline ____.


An example of a nonfoliated metamorphic rock is ____.

The P-S time interval increases

As S- and P-waves travel farther, ____.

Accretionary wedge

At an oceanic - oceanic plate boundary, a subduction complex, also called a(n) ____, is formed.


Because large intrusions, such as batholiths, have such a large surface area they cool quickly and only a relatively small area of surrounding rock undergoes metamorphism.

Mantle; 80%

Below the outermost layer of Earth lies the ____, which accounts for more than ____ of Earth's volume.

evidence of an ancient subduction zone

Blueschist facies indicate ____.

contains a small amount of carbonic acid

Calcium carbonate readily dissolves in water that ____.


Chemical sedimentary rocks can have a clastic texture or an interlocking grain texture called ____.

The gravel becomes rounded very quickly during transport.

Conglomerate is common, but sedimentary breccia is not. Why?

Is usually described as "granitic"

Continental crust ____.

derived from parent material and usually classified by the size of their constituent particles

Detrital sedimentary rocks are ____.

horsts; grabens

Differential movement on faults has produced uplifted blocks called ____ and down-dropped blocks called ____.

typically occurs when two plates collide

Differential pressure ____.

contact metamorphism only

Divergent plate boundaries are characterized by ____.

Distinct changes in the rock record

Divisions in geologic time represent ____.

Cause shaking and damage to structures

During an earthquake, seismic waves ____.

To achieve equilibrium with its new environment

During metamorphism, the original rock undergoes changes ____.

to achieve equilibrium with its new environment

During metamorphism, the original rock undergoes changes ____.

has both liquid and solid components

Earth's core ____.

Is also known as thermal metamorphism


Water adds weight and reduces friction.

How does water contribute to mass wasting?


If the P-S time intervals are known from at least three seismograph stations, the ____ of any earthquake can be determined.

Periods of heavy rainfall

In La Conchita, California, landslides have been precipitated by ____.


In a ____ fault the hanging wall block moves up relative to the footwall block.

Hanging wall goes up relative to the footwall

In a reverse fault, the ____.

lived during a brief period of geologic time

Index, or guide, fossils are most useful because they ____.

Occur when there is stress caused by compression

Intraplate earthquakes ____.


Lithification of sand and gravel requires both compaction and ____.

Migrate from igneous intrusions into the surrounding rock

Many ore deposits result from contact metamorphism during which hot, ion-rich fluids ____.

Metamorphosed limestone or dolostone

Marble is ____.

Sea level falls with respect to a continent

Marine regression occurs when ____.

Deposition occurs during a time when sea level rises and the shoreline moves inland

Marine transgressions are created when ____.

Clay-rich layers

Mass wasting is most likely to occur on slopes with ____.

Gravitational force exceeds shear strength

Mass wasting occurs when ____

Are formed under conditions of high temperatures and pressures

Metamorphic rocks ____.


Metamorphic rocks are very common in the crystalline basement rocks of shields.

while rocks remain solid

Metamorphism takes place ____.

has both igneous and metamorphic characteristics

Migmatite ____.

Of the convergence along plate margins

Most earthquakes occur along the circum-Pacific belt primarily because ____.

Is made up of rock fragments

Most gravel ____.


Most mass wasting is enhanced or promoted by ____.


Normal faults are caused by ____ stress.

Inject fluid into fractured rocks

One possible way to decrease the magnitude of an earthquake is to ____.

Contain fossils that are rare or absent in other types of rocks

One reason that sedimentary rocks are important in deciphering Earth history is that they ____.

fossil data, rock types, and key beds

Rock units can be correlated best by examining ____.

Horizontally and then were tilted into their current orientation

Rocks that are tilted were deposited ____.

crescent shaped areas where material has pulled away from Earth

Scarps are ____.

are features that form as a result of physical or biological processes operating in a depositional environment

Sedimentary structures ____.

Regions of the continents where basement rocks are widely exposed

Shields are ____.

area of exposed Precambrian crystalline igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks that form tectonically stable areas

Shields are ____.

Deformation caused by stress

Strain is ____.

Strike slip

The San Andreas Fault is a ____ fault.

Is very likely to have a large earthquake in the foreseeable future

The Seattle, Washington area ____.


The composition of the mantle is primarily ____.

Cannot be used in areas where the original rocks were pure quartz sandstone

The concept of metamorphic facies ____.

Decreases with distance from the intrusion

The degree of metamorphic change within an aureole ____.

decreases with distance from the intrusion

The degree of metamorphic change within an aureole ____.

Building retaining walls

The effects of mass wasting can be minimized by ____.

superposition, fossil succession and correlation

The geologic time scale was initially put together by ____.


The largest mountains on continents are formed by ____ deformation.

The crust and upper mantle

The lithosphere is made up of the ____.

the crust and upper mantle

The lithosphere is made up of the ____.


The longest divisions of geologic time are called ____.

The energy released

The magnitude of an earthquake measures ____.

running water

The most common and effective agent for transporting sediment is ____.


The most common chemical sedimentary rocks are ____.

radiometric dating of rocks and fossils

The most useful method for dating the oldest events on Earth is ____.

Erosion at the base of a slope

The primary cause of slumps is ____.

lateral continuity

The principle of ____________________ states that rock layers extend laterally in all directions unless or until they terminate in one of a number of natural means.

makes up a single metamorphic zone

The region between two adjacent isograds ____.

Long line oriented in the appropriate compass direction

The special symbol to indicate a strike on a geologic map is a ____.

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