Physics 1310 Final Review

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If a freely falling object were somehow equipped with a speedometer, its speed reading would increase each second by about

10 m/s

About how high can water be theoretically lifted by a vacuum punt at sea level?

10.3 m

A column that extends from sea level to the top of the atmosphere contains a certain mass of air. If the same column instead had the same mass of water in it, the height od the water column would be

10.3 meters

The weight of a 1 square meter column of air that extends from sea level to the top the atmosphere is

101,000 N

What is the freezing temperature of water on the Fahrenheit scale?

32 F

What happens to the conductive properties of wood when it gets very hot?

It will continue to remain a good insulator

A temperature difference of 10 degrees Celsius is also equal to a temperature difference of 10 on the

Kelvin Scale

How would decreasing the percentage of greenhouse gases affect the amount of infrared radiation reflected by the atmosphere back toward earth?

The amount of infrared radiation would decrease

Why is one able to walk on red-hot coals without getting ones feet burned?

The coals are not good conductors of heat

How would you walk on red-hot coals without getting your feet burnt?

Walk fast

The mass of a pet turtle that weighs 30 N is

about 3 kg

A column that extends from sea level to the top of the atmosphere contains a certain mass of air. If the same column instead had the same mass of mercury in it, the height of the mercury column would be

about 3/4 meter

Hang from a pair of gym rings and the upward support forces of the rings will always

add up to equal your weight

Substances absorb heat energy by the process of

all of these

the air in this room has

all of these

When the temperature of a strip of iron is increase the lengthen of the strip

also increase

Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing


Pour a liter of water at 40 degrees C into a liter of water at 20 degrees C and the final temperature of the two becomes

at or about 30 degrees C

In drinking soda or water through a straw, we make use of

atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric molecules do not fly off into outer space because of

earths gravitation

When we speak about heat we refer to

energy in transit

When your foot stands on a tile floor, thermal energy always flows ?

from either your foot or the tile depending on the temperature of the tile

When you touch a cold piece of ice with your finger, energy flows

from your finger to the ice

A good absorber of radiation is a ?

good emitter of radiation

What type of gas absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation

greenhouse gases

The reason the suns radiant energy is of shorter wavelengths than the earths is because the sun

has a higher temperature than the earth

The relation f-t tells us the high temperature sources emit electromagnetic waves of?

high frequency

In a mixture of hydrogen gas, oxygen gas, and nitrogen gas, the molecules with the greatest average speed are those of


Which way will air flow through the house?

in the window and out the chimney

Suppose you are standing on a weighing scaled and all of a sudden the atmosphere vanished. The reading on the scale would


When a volume of air is compressed, its temperatures?


In each second of fall, the distance a free falling object will fall is


Your feet feel warmer on a rug than on a tile floor because a rug?

is a better insulator than tile

Ice has a lower density than water because ice

is made of open structured, hexagonal crystals

Which of the following would best describe the conductive properties of wood?

it is a good insulator

A helium filled balloon will reach its maximum altitude when

its weight equals the weight of displaced air

Hydrogen and oxygen molecules in a gas sample have the same temperature. This means the hydrogen molecules, on the average, have the same

kinetic energy, but more speed

In a vacuum a marshmallow becomes


The faster a fluid moves, the

less its internal pressure

If a poor absorber of radiation were a good emitter, its temperature would be?

less than its surroundings

Metals are both good heat conductors and good electrical conductors because of the

looseness of outer electrons in metal atoms

One of the main reasons one can walk barefoot on red-hot coals of wood without burning the feet has to do with?

low thermal conductivity of the coals

Alcohol is less dense than water. If alcohol is used to make a barometer on a day when atmospheric pressure is normal, the height of the alcohol column would be

more than 10.3 m

A massive block is being pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a constant horizontal force. The block must be

moving with a constant non zero acceleration

Who was the first person to connect that the physics that explains why the apple falls to earth is the same principles of physics that explains why the moon orbits the earth


Celling fans make you feel cooler in a warm room. Do celling fans reduce room temperature


Ina glass of water at room temperature, do all the molecules have the same speed?


A one ton blimp hovers in the air. The buoyant force acting on it is

one ton

A good reflector of radiation is a ?

poor absorber of radiation

A suction cup sticks to a wall. It is

pushed to the wall by the atmosphere

Heat travels from the Sun to the Earth by the process of?


The planet earth loses mainly be?


Which will undergo the greater rate of cooling-a red hot poker in a warm oven or red hot poker in a cold room?

red-hot poker in a cold room

Suppose you are served coffee at a restaurant before you are ready to drink it. In order for it to be the hottest when you are ready for it, you should add cream?

right away

Relatively speaking, do high frequency waves have long wave lengths or short wavelengths?

short wavelengths

The energy source responsible for the motion of molecules that make up the atmosphere is

solar power

it is commonly thought that a can of beverage will cool faster in the coldest part of refrigerator. Knowledge of Newton's law of cooling

supports this common knowledge

Ice tends to form first at the

surface of bodies of water

A column of mercury 76 cm tall has weight that is equal to

that of a column of water 10.4 meters tall

How would increasing the density of air in the atmosphere affect the amount of infrared radiation returned by the atmosphere back toward earth?

the amount of infrared radiation would increase

A helium filled balloon releases in the atmosphere will rise until

the balloon and surrounding air have equal densities

Both black and white road surfaces absorb sunlight. At the end of the sunny day the warmer road surface will be?

the black surface

The white hot sparks that strike your skin from the 4th of July type sparkler don't harm you because

the energy per molecule is high, but little energy is transferred because of the few molecules in the spark

A water filled paper cup held in a flame will not catch fire. This is because

the paper cup cannot become appreciably hotter than the water it contains

What change in pressure occurs in a party balloon that is squeezed to one-third its volume with no change in temperature?

the pressure will increase to three times its original pressure

The flight of a blimp best illustrates

the principle of Archimedes

Compared to the buoyant force of the atmosphere on a 1 liter helium filled balloon, the buoyant force of the atmosphere on a nearby 1 liter solid iron block is

the same

Consider two mercury barometers, one with twice the cross sectional area of the other. Neglecting capillarity, mercury in the smaller tube will rise

the same height as in the larger tube

The higher the temperature of an object?

the shorter the wavelength it radiates

Suspend a pair of ping pong balls from two strings so there is a small space between them. If you blow air between the balls they will swing

toward each other

When a party balloon is compressed to one-third it volume, gas pressure in the balloon


At the same temperature, which move with the greater speed in the air?

very light molecules

A balloon is buoyed up with a force equal to the

weight of air it displaces

A large block of wood and a smaller block of iron on weighing scales both register the same weight- 1 ton. Taking buoyancy of air into account, which has the grater mass?


The temperature of absolute zero is stated as

-273 C

A 1-kg balloon at equilibrium in the air is buoyed up with a force of

10 N

If a projectile is fired straight up at a speed of 20 m/s, the time it takes to reach the top of its path is about

2 seconds

It would be easier to pull evacuated Magdeburg hemisphere apart when they are

20 km above the ocean surface

A bobcat ( with four paws) stands with each paw on a different bathroom scales and there are four scales. Each of the four scales reads 50 N. What does the bobcat weigh?

200 N

What is the boiling temperature of water on the Fahrenheit scale?

212 F

Forces of 30 N and 40 N at right angles on a block of mass 2.0 kg. Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the block

25 m/s

Which of these cites the lowest temperature?

270 K

What are the temperatures of freezing water and boiling water on the Kelvin temperature scale?

273 for freezing-373 for boiling

If you are able to grab a hot pan and pull it out by the handle without burning yourself, what kind of handle must the pan have and why?

A wooden handle, because it is the better insulator

Airplane flight best illustrates

Bernoulli's principle

Heat energy is measured in units of

Choice A and B are both true

A bubble of air released from the bottom of a lake

becomes larger as it rises

As helium filled balloon rises in he air, it becomes


A liter of hot water will cool to room temperature faster in a ?

black pot

Cold water will warm to room temperature faster in a ?

black pot

Which body glows with electromagnetic waves?

both the sun and the earth

In a vacuum, an object has no

buoyant force

If air were a better conductor than it is, at nighttime the earth would be?

considerably colder

Compared to the buoyant force of the atmosphere on a 1 Kg helium filled balloon, the buoyant force of the atmosphere on a nearby 1 kg solid iron block is

considerably less

Newton's law of cooling applies to objects that undergo?

cooling or warming

A piece of metal with a hole in it cools, the diameter of the hole


When air rapidly expands, its temperature normally?


When the speed of a fluid increases, internal pressure in the fluid


When gas in a container is squeezed to half its volume and the temperature remains the same, the gas pressure


When gas in a container is squeezed to half of its volume, its density


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