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Court Dimensions are identical to what?

A doubles badminton court.

What is Pickleball an ideal sport for?

For small spaces, and all members of a family/community

How do you determine the serving team in pickleball the professional way?

The players toss a coin or rally the ball until a fault is made. The winner of the toss or the rally has the option of who gets to serve first.

In the non-volley zone, what must you do with the ball?

You can only hit the ball off of the bounce, NOT from the air.

What are the four faults in pickleball?

a. Hitting the ball out of bounds b. Not clearing the net c. Stepping into the non-volley zone and volleying the ball d. Volleying the ball before it has bounced once on each side of the net

What should you do in order to correctly set up a Pickleball court?

a. Use the doubles badminton court lines. b. Attach the PIckleball net to the badminton/volleyball net standards at a height of 3 feet.

A ball landing on any line is considered ____________________________.


Shot selection--Receiving Team on Offense: The receiving team in the net volley position may utilize the following shots to win back the serve: (2)

1. Overhead slams down the middle of the court or angled toward the sidelines. 2. Drop shots clearing the net and landing in the non-volley zone.

If the receiving team is set at the net volley position, the serving team can utilize these shot selections: (3)

1. Passing, drive shots toward the receiving team player who is moving forward after hitting the return of service shot to establish the net volley position. 2. Lobbing shots deep to the receiving team's baseline. 3. An effective dink or drop shot

What requirements must be made in order to make a correct doubles play in Pickleball?

1. Player in the Right Hand court will serve diagonally across the court to the receiver. 2. On the opposite right hand side of the court the ball must clear the non-volley zone and land (hit the ground) in the Right Hand serving court. 3. The receiver must let the ball bounce before returning to serve. The serving team also needs to let the returning ball bounce on the ground before playing it. After the ball has double bounced (single bounce on both sides of the court) the ball may be either volleyed or played off of the bounce until a fault is made.

Double Bounce Rule-- Each team must play their 1. ____________ shot off the bounce. That is, the receiving team must let the serve 2. __________, and the serving team must let the 3. ______________ serve 4. _____________ before playing it. After the 5. ________ 6. ____________________ have occured, the ball can be either 7. ___________ or played off the 8. ________________.

1. first 2. bounce 3. return 4. bounce 5. to 6. bounces 7. volleyed 8. bounce

Pickle-Ball Doubles Strategy--Pickle-Bal involves strategies that include 1. __________ , overhead slamming, 2. ________ _________ ___________ from the baseline, and fast 3. _________ exchanges at the net. The key strategy to remember is that the team that reaches the 4. ______ court in a net volley position first will be in the best position to 5. ________ the point. Again, the most 6. ____________ position of play is when 7. _____ players on the same team are 8. ___________-______-_________. In the attack position 9. _________ ________ 10. ___________ the non-volley zone line.

1. lobbing 2. passing drive shots 3. volley 4. front 5. win 6. effective 7. both 8. side-by-side 9. one foot 10. behind

SERVE--Player must keep 1. __________ foot behind the back line when 2. ____________. The serve is made 3. ________________. The paddle must pass 4. ___________ the 5. ___________. The server must hit the ball in the 6. _______ on the serve. He is 7. ____________allowed to 8. __________ it and then hit it. The service is made 9. __________________ across the court and must 10. ______ the 11. _________-_______________ ___________.Only one serve attempt is allowed except if the ball touches the net on the serve and lands in the proper service court. Then the serve may be 12. _________ over. At the start of each new game, the 13. _________ serving team is allowed only 14. ______ fault before giving up the ball to the opponents. Thereafter 15. ________ members of each team will serve and 16. ____________ before the ball is turned over to the opposing team. When the 17. ______________________team wins the serve, the player in the 18. ___________ ___________ court will always 19. _______ play.

1. one 2. serving3. underhand 4. below 5. waist 6. air 7. not 8. bounce 9. diagonally 10. clear 11. non-volley zone 12. taken 13. first 14. one 15. both 16. fault 17. receiving 18. right hand 19. start

Shot selection--Serving Team of Offense: Both serving team players will be side-by-side, 1. ________ ______ behind the baseline. The ideal serve is hit 2. _____ deep 3. _________ to the receiving team player. The advantage of a hard-hit deep serve is the receiving player who returns service will have greater difficulty moving 4. _________ and "getting set" in the 5. _______ ______________ position. The serving team can take advantage of this deep serve by hitting a short 6. _____ shot that will land in the 7. _____-________ zone just in 8. _______ of the on-rushing receiving player who is moving 9. __________ to join his partner at the 10. ______ ____________ position. Remember, the 11. ______ team must let the return of service shot bounce once on their side prior to moving forward to the attack position.

1. one foot 2. hard 3. serve 4. forward 5. net volley 6. drop 7. non-volley 8. front 9. forward 10. net volley 11. serving

How long are the serving boxes? How wide?

15 feet. 10 feet

When was pickleball invented?


How many serving boxes are there on one side? How many serving boxes on the entire court?

2 per side, 4 per court

How wide is the pickleball court?

20 feet

How high does the net hang in the middle?

34 inches, instead of 36 inches.

How tall is the net?

36 inches or 3 feet

How long is the pickleball court?

44 feet

How long is the non-volley zone?

7 feet

How does a team make a score?

A player can only score when serving. A player who is serving shall continue to do so until a fault is made by his team. The game is played to 11 points, however, a team must win by 2 points.

What is a dink or drop shot?

An effective dink or drop shot is when the ball lands in the non-volley zone and the receiving team is unable to hit the ball on the fly without faulting. Once the receiving team lets the ball bounce in the non-volley zone then the serving team rushes to the attack position. Now the serving team has created a situation where they are on equal terms at the net volley position with the receiving team. This will create fast volley exchanges at the net. This short drop shot strategy creates fast and furious volley exchanges between all four players who are stationed at the net volley position.

What is the only way that you can score?

By serving the ball

How can drop shots be effective?

Drop shots can be effective as the serving team players are back in a side-by-side baseline position prepared for overhead slams. They must rush forward and hit an "off-balance" shot which is usually a "put-a-way" overhead slam or volley by the receiving team. It is to the receiving team's advantage while at the net volley position to return all possible shots on the fly (not on the first bounce). If the receiving team lets an offensive lob bounce then they may relinquish the net volley position as the serving team will seize this opportunity to move forward and gain the net volley position while the receiving team retreats to the defensive position on the baseline.

What do lobs do?

High, deep lobs drive the receiving players back to the baseline and many times the receiving team will allow the ball to bounce as they think the ball will fall out of bounds. At this point, the serving team will seize the opportunity and can move forward to take the net volley position away from the receiving team.

What is volleying?

Hitting the ball before it bounces (in the air).

How do you know which serving box to serve from ( in a singles play)?

If it is an even number or 0, the player will serve from the right hand side of the court diagonally to the opposing right hand side of the court. When the score is an odd number, the player will serve from the left hand side of the court diagonally to the opposing left hand side of the court.

How do you score with a doubles play?

If the fault is made by the receiving team a point is scored by the serving team. When the serving team wins a point, it's players will switch courts (Switch from the original serving box to the other one) and the same player will continue to serve. When the serving team makes it's first fault, the players will stay in the same court and second partner will serve. When they make their second fault they will stay in the same courts and turn the ball over to the opposing team. Players will switch serving boxes only after scoring a point.

Who created pickle ball?

Joel Pritchard, William Bell, and Barney McCallum

In Pickleball, what has far greater importance than brute power and strength?

Shot placement, Steadiness, patience, and tactics

The ideal attack position for the receiving team as both players are in the best position to win the point is what?

The receiving team is in net volley position hitting ball back over while serving team is in defensive position back on baseline attempting to return the ball back to the receiving team.

What should the receiving team player (who is receiving the served ball) do with a served ball?

The receiving team player should hit a deep return of service shot and move forward to the net volley position side-by-side with his/her partner.

How will the players be positioned on the court?

The serving team will be side-by-side on the baseline in a defensive position ready to return the ball. The serving team has to stay back until the ball has bounced once on their side (from the serve) prior to moving forward to the net volley position. The receiving team will have the player not receiving the serve in the net volley position. The player who is receiving the serve should play 1 to 2 feet behind the baseline to anticipate the deep serve of the opposing team.

What is a volley?

To hit the ball in the air without letting it bounce first. All volleying must be done with the player's feet behind the non-volley zone line. It is a fault if the player steps over the line on his volley follow through.

Why was pickleball created?

To provide a sport for the entire family to enjoy.

A player may move into non-volley zone before...

the ball bounces, but the player must let it bounce before returning it.

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