Plagiarism Quiz Study Guide

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Which of the following is the best way to protect yourself against plagiarism?

Always cite your sources, paraphrase other people's information and cite the source of that information, include your own contributions so you are not relying exclusively on the ideas of others

Below is an excerpt from the article: Bennett, R. (2005). Factors associated with student plagiarism in a post-1992 university. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 30, 137-162. "There is a need for university staff to address forcefully the issue of academic integrity during introductory programs and to explain clearly and sympathetically the objective need for honesty in academic life" (p. 156). Which of the following examples correctly paraphrases the above passage (without plagiarizing)?

During orientations, university staff should be very clear about the importance of academic integrity (Bennett, 2005).

If you paraphrase a source by summarizing that information, it is not necessary to credit the source within the text -- you just need to reference the source in a reference list at the end of the paper.


It is acceptable to turn in a paper that is based exclusively on another person's ideas, as long as the paper is cited correctly.


Paraphrasing involves using the same words as someone else, but rearranging the order of those words within the sentence.


Below is an excerpt from the article: Levenson, M. R., & Park, C. L. (2002). Drinking to cope among college students: Prevalence, problems and coping processes. Journal on Studies on Alcohol, 63, 486-497:

Levenson and Park (2002) found that drinking to cope is very common among college students and is related to much higher levels of alcohol consumption.

Below is an excerpt from the article: Schuetze, P. (2004). Evaluation of a brief homework assignment designed to reduce citations problems. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 257-259: "Increased student confidence in their ability to avoid plagiarism would hypothetically result in an inaccurate perception that they are fully knowledgeable about the complexities involved in proper citations in scientific papers" (p. 259). Which of the following examples correctly paraphrases the above passage (i.e. without plagiarizing)

One danger that arises from learning about plagiarism is that students may mistakenly believe that they know all there is to know about citing information properly (Schuetze, 2004).

Which of the following is not an error that will result in plagiarism?

Paraphrasing other people's information and citing the source of that information.

Borrowing someone else's ideas or words, but failing to properly document the original source is called:


If you put someone else's ideas into your own words and then pass those ideas off as your own, you are committing plagiarism.


You copy a long passage from a book into your paper, and you change some of the wording around. You cite the source at the end of the passage and again in the reference list. This is a type of plagiarism.


Your art history instructor has assigned a paper in which you need to select a painting for analysis. You find a Van Gogh painting online by using Google Images, but do not provide a citation. This is plagiarism.


A ____________ is placed within the text and includes the authors' last names and the publication year. A ___________ is placed at the end of a paper and includes information on the authors, year, title of the source, and publication data.

citation; reference list

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