Plant Exam

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Question 4 1 / 1 point If a corn (Zea mays) plant is suffering from chlorosis, which of the following elements might be a useful addition to the soil? a) iodine b) magnesium c) water d) molybdenum e) chlorine


A flash of red light followed by a flash of far-red light given during the middle of the night to a short-day plant will likely Question options: a) inhibit flowering. b) cause increased flower production. c) have no effect upon flowering. d) stimulate flowering. e) cause a root down.


A genus of primarily wind-pollinated plants includes one unusual species that has evolved to be pollinated by insects. Several morphological changes have accompanied this adaptation. The ______________ are more colorful, there is a nectary at the base of the ______________, the ________________ are shorter and produce sticky pollen, and the __________________ are stickier for enhanced pollen capture. a) petals, stamens, sepals, carpels b) petals, sepals, carpels, stamens c) petals, sepals, stamens, carpels d) stamens, carpels, petals, sepals


Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to attract pollinators to a flower? a) the amount of nectar b) color of the flower in visible light c) taste of the ovules d) odor e) color of the flower in UV light


A long-day plant will flower Question options: a) only under artificial light in the summer. b) when the temperatures at night stay above freezing. c) when the night is shorter than a critical value. d) in the late fall. e) regardless of the photoperiod imposed.


Question 2 Which of the following hormones would be most useful in promoting the rooting of plant cuttings? Question options: a) cytokinins b) indolebutyric acid c) strigolactones d) gibberellins e) sunkissden


Most of compounds that constitute the dry weight of a plant enter the plant body through the a) cuticle b) bark c) mycorrhizae d) stoma e) root hairs f) tap roots


Name that cell type! These cells are joined end-to-end, conduct water and are connected to each other with strips of wall material? a) sieve tube members b) sieve cells c) tracheids d) vessel members e) companion cells


The apical bud of a shoot produces ________, resulting in the inhibition of lateral bud growth. Question options: a) CDK b) ethylene c) abscisic acid d) auxin e) cytokinin


Which of the following is a true statement about clonal reproduction in plants? a) Cloning, although achieved in animals, has not been demonstrated in plants. b) Clones of plants do not occur naturally. c) Reproduction of plants by cloning may be either sexual or asexual. d) Making cuttings of ornamental plants is a form of fragmentation.


Which of the following statements best summarizes the regulation of flower in response to day-length cues observed in some plants? Question options: a) Flowering in short-day and long-day plants is controlled by phytochrome. b) Long-day plants flower in response to long days, not short nights. c) As a rule, short-day plants flower in the summer. d) As a rule, long-day plants flower in the spring or fall.


Which of the following will help a short-day plant flower? Question options: a) a night that is longer than a certain length b) a day that is longer than a certain length c) a burst of far-red light in the middle of the night d) oscillating periods of high and low levels of sunkissden e) a burst of red light in the middle of the night


You are feeling cruel so you force the tip of a plant into a horizontal position. After a little while, you notice this tip grows upward. This defiance of your cruelty is related to Question options: a) auxin movement toward the lower side of the stem. b) the plant's will for self-governance. c) auxin production in cells receiving red light. d) whether the plant is in the northern or southern hemisphere. e) calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum of shaded cells.


Select all of the following cell types that move materials through the body of the plant. a) sieve tube members b) xylem vessel members c) tracheids d) sclerenchyma e) sieve cells


Active transport would be least important in the normal functioning of which of the following plant tissue types? a) root endodermal cells b) stem tracheid element c) leaf mesophyll cells d) leaf transfer cells


Due to the limitation of land and water resources on planet earth, biotechnology can help to increase the crop yields to meet human needs and demands in the years to come. Farmers have to produce ________% more grain per hectare to feed human population in ________. a) 50; 2050 b) 40; 2030 c) 25; 2035 d) 20; 2030


The detector of light during de-etiolation (greening) of a tomato plant is Question options: a) chlorophyll b) phytochrome c) xanthophylls d) sunkissden e) carotenoids


Which of the following best explains both the growth of a vine up the trunk of a tree and the directional growth of a houseplant toward a window? Question options: a) the root down b) tropism response c) morphological response d) nastic movement e) taxic movement


Which of the following is a scientific concern related to creating genetically modified crops, as discussed in the book as valid? a) Their adaptive advantages would allow them to overpower natural ecosystems. b) Herbicide resistance may spread to weedy species. c) Beneficial insects may be harmed by eating pest species. d) The monetary costs of growing genetically modified plants are significantly greater than those of traditional breeding techniques.


A plant's transition to a flowering state is most likely to be marked by a(n) Question options: a) decreased rate of respiration. b) increase in root development. c) decrease in vegetative growth. d) increase in lateral bud growth. e) increased rate of photosynthesis.


A short-day plant will flower only when Question options: a) days are shorter than nights. b) nights are shorter than a certain critical value. c) nights are longer than a certain critical value. d) no one is looking because they are shy. e) days are shorter than a certain critical value.


To make seedless grapes grow to normal size, growers spray or treat them with Question options: a) ethylene. b) nitric oxide. c) gibberellin solution. d) auxin solution. e) cytokinins.


What is a function of indoleacetic acid that affects fruit development? Question options: a) promoting gene expression in cambial tissue b) causing cell death in the stem c) promoting rapid growth of the ovary d) preventing pollination e) inhibiting formation of the ovule


Which of the following plant responses is primarily due to the action of gibberellins? Question options: a) cell division b) promotes ripening of many types of fruit c) inhibits growth d) sex determination e) putting the root down


Your future self is a scientist studying how plants adapt to desert conditions. Look at you trying to discover how crops can be productive in arid climates because there isn't a lot of predictable rainwater in this imaginary future. You discover a plant that produces a hormone under water-deficit conditions that triggers multiple drought responses throughout the plant. The hormone is most likely Question options: a) IAA b) 2,4-D c) ABA d) GA e) Sunkissden


1. Water diffuses into the sieve tubes. 2. Leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis. 3. Solutes are actively transported into sieve tubes. 4. Sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf. 5. Sugar moves down the stem. Reference: ordering phloem Which event is the first in the mass flow of materials in the phloem? a) 5 b) 1 c) 3 d) 2 e) 4


1. Water diffuses into the sieve tubes. 2. Leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis. 3. Solutes are actively transported into sieve tubes. 4. Sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf. 5. Sugar moves down the stem. Reference: ordering phloem Which event is the middle (third) in the mass flow of materials in the phloem? a) 1 b) 4 c) 5 d) 3 e) 2


Biofuels are mainly produced by a) plants that convert hemicellulose into gasoline. b) poop. c) the genetic engineering of ethanol-generating genes into plants. d) the breakdown of cell wall biopolymers into sugars that can be fermented. e) transgenic crops that have cell walls containing ethylene.


Classic experiments suggested that a floral stimulus, florigen, could move across a graft from an induced plant to a non-induced plant and trigger flowering. Recent evidence using Arabidopsis has shown that florigen is probably Question options: a) a modified version of sunkissden. b) a phytochrome molecule that is activated by red light. c) a second messenger that induces Ca2+ to change membrane potential. d) a protein that is synthesized in leaves, travels to the shoot apical meristems, and initiates flowering. e) a membrane signal that travels through the symplast from leaves to buds.


Almost all plant cells have the ability to produce abscisic acid. One of the functions of abscisic acid in plants is to Question options: a) decrease in root senescence. b) stimulate cell elongation. c) stimulate cell elongation. d) delay leaf senescence. e) promote stomatal closure during drought stress.


In a short-day plant with a critical day length of 13 hours, flowering would be induced by _______ hours of light alternating with _______ hours of darkness. Question options: a) 12; 12 b) 14; 10 c) 12; 8 d) Both a and b e) Both a and c


Which of the following is a true statement about plant reproduction? a) Rhizoids protect gametes from excess water. b) Eggs and sperm of bryophytes swim toward one another. c) Embryophytes are small because they are in an early developmental stage. d) Bryophytes are limited to asexual reproduction. e) In bryophytes, the dominant generation consists of haploid gametophytes.


Which part of plant structure synthesizes cytokinins primarily? Question options: a) roots b) ripened fruits c) shoot apical meristem d) almost all plant parts e) the underside of leaves


A plant has the following characteristics: a taproot system, several growth rings evident in a cross section of the stem, and a layer of bark around the outside. Which of the following best describes the plant? a) woody eudicot b) herbaceous monocot c) woody annual d) herbaceous eudicot e) woody monocot


Gas exchange, which is necessary for photosynthesis, can occur most easily in which leaf tissue? a) spongy mesophyll b) epidermis c) bundle sheath d) vascular tissue e) palisade mesophyll


In which plant cell or tissue would the pressure component of water potential most often be negative? a) stem xylem b) stem phloem c) root cortex cell d) leaf mesophyll cell


Oaks, birches and corn produce both staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant. What term describes this type of plant? a) monoecious b) dioecious c) hermaphroditic d) complete e) determinant


Root hairs, which absorb the water and minerals in the majority of plants, are the extensions of root a) epidermal cells. b) endodermis. c) parenchyma. d) collenchyma tissue. e) pericycle.


Select all of the following cell types that retain the ability to undergo cell division. a) a parenchyma cell 2 mm from the tip of a root b) a functional sieve-tube element c) sclereid cells d) a stem fiber cell e) a tracheid cell


Select the best explanation why trimming the top of a plant make the plant bushier. a) Trimming damages or removes the apical meristem which activates the axillary meristems to grow. b) Trimming stimulates the plant to produce more rhizomes which results in more branches. c) Trimming disrupts vertical transport routes for water and nutrients while enhancing horizontal transport routes. d) Trimming stimulates the cork cambium to produce more secondary growth. e) Trimming forces leaves around the vicinity of the cuts to become reproductive leaves.


Water flows into the source end of a sieve tube because a) sucrose has been actively transported into the sieve tube, making it hypertonic. b) sucrose has diffused into the sieve tube, making it hypotonic. c) water pressure outside the sieve tube forces in water. d) the companion cell of a sieve tube actively pumps in water.


Which of the following essential nutrients plays an essential role in the opening and closing of the stomatal aperture? a) K b) Bo c) Fe d) Mg e) Au


Which of the following in an ovule after fertilization is correctly matched? a) endosperm-triploid b) antipodals-diploid c) polar nucleus-diploid d) ovule integument-haploid e) synergids-diploid


Which of the following is a reasonable explanation of why photosynthesis begins to decline when leaves wilt? a) stomata close, restricting CO2 entry into the leaf b) water flows out the plant when the stomata close c) there is insufficient water for photolysis during the light reactions d) chloroplasts within wilted leaves are incapable of photosynthesis e) CO2 accumulates in the leaves and inhibits the enzymes needed for photosynthesis


Which of the following is true about vegetative reproduction? Select all that are true. a) It produces clones of the parent plant. b) It involves both meiosis and mitosis to produce haploid and diploid cells. c) It involves meiosis only. d) It produces vegetables and not fruits.


Which of the following was an essential adaptive feature for the evolution of plants from water to the land? a) minimizing the evaporative loss of water b) photosynthesis c) acquiring water from the ground d) acquiring CO2 from the air e) using light more effectively


Which tissue is responsible for the recovery and rapid growth of damaged leaves of grass grazed by sheep in a pasture? a) intercalary meristem b) apical meristem c) mesophyll d) parenchyma e) axillary buds


Select every FALSE statement from the following. a) Secondary growth is a common feature of eudicot leaves. b) Primary growth and secondary growth alternate in the life cycle of a plant. c) Plants with secondary growth are typically the smallest ones in an ecosystem. d) Secondary growth is produced by both the vascular cambium and the cork cambium. e) Flowers may have secondary growth.


If the kingdom Plantae is someday expanded to include the charophytes, then select all characteristics below that would be shared derived characteristics of that expanded kingdom. a) rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes. b) chlorophylls a and b. c) alternation of generations. d) plasma membranes of cellulose. e) ability to synthesize sporopollenin.


1. Water diffuses into the sieve tubes. 2. Leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis. 3. Solutes are actively transported into sieve tubes. 4. Sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf. 5. Sugar moves down the stem. Reference: ordering phloem Which event is the last in the mass flow of materials in the phloem? a) 1 b) 5 c) 2 d) 4 e) 3


As a youngster, you drive a nail in the trunk of a young tree that is 3 meters tall. The nail is about 1.5 meters from the ground. Fifteen years later, you return and discover that the tree has grown to a height of 30 meters. About how many meters above the ground is the nail? a) 28.5 b) 1.5 c) 3.0 d) 0.5 e) 15.0


Carnivorous plants have evolved mechanisms that trap and digest small animals. While human eating plants haven't been discovered yet, remember that evolution is an ongoing process so you never know. For now, carnivorous plants use the bodies of its prey to supplement the plant's supply of a) water. b) minerals. c) blood that plants use as phloem sap. d) carbohydrates. e) ATP.


Imagine BIOL 1002 had a required lab. You were examining leaf cross sections under a microscope finds many loosely packed cells with relatively thin cell walls. The cells have numerous chloroplasts. What type of cells are they? a) sclerenchyma b) parenchyma c) endodermis d) xylem e) collenchyma


In seed plants, which of the following is part of a pollen grain and has a function most like that of the seed coat? a) stigma b) sporopollenin c) sporophyll d) sporangium e) male gametophyte


In the vascular bundles of most eudicot stems, primary phloem differentiates toward the ________of the stem, while primary xylem differentiates toward the ________of the stem. a) cork cambium; vascular cambium b) outside; middle c) middle; middle d) shoot tip; roots e) middle; outside


Mosses have a distinct haplodiplontic lifestyle. Which of the following statements are true concerning the lifestyle of mosses? a) BOTH Each leaf-life structure in a moss grows from an apical meristem. AND The seeds of the moss have a 2n ploidy. b) Meiosis occurs in a specialized diploid stalk that is embedded in 1n tissue. c) Each leaf-life structure in a moss grows from an apical meristem. d) BOTH Each leaf-life structure in a moss grows from an apical meristem AND Meiosis occurs in a specialized diploid stalk that is embedded in 1n tissue. e) The seeds of the moss have a 2n ploidy.


Phloem transports ________ from the ________ source to the ________ sink. a) amino acids; root; mycorrhizae b) sugars; leaf; apical meristem c) nucleic acids; flower; root d) proteins; root; leaf e) sugars; root; flower


Stomata open and close to balance water and carbon dioxide needs. Stomata open when a) ion concentration decreases in guard cell cytoplasm, causing water to exit the cell. b) ion concentration increases in guard cell cytoplasm, causing water to enter the cell. c) ion concentration decreases in guard cell cytoplasm, causing water to enter the cell. d) Trick question! Guard cells don't have anything to do with stomata! e) ion concentration increases in guard cell cytoplasm, causing water to exit the cell


The cells in the root that make root hairs are derived from which tissue? a) Collenchyma b) Dermal tissue c) Guard cells d) Ground tissue e) Vascular tissue


The shoot elongation in a growing bud is due to a) cell elongation directly below the shoot apical meristem. b) cell elongation localized in each internode. c) cell division localized in each internode. d) cell division at the shoot apical meristem. e) cell division at the shoot apical meristem and cell elongation directly below the shoot apical meristem.


The syringe is empty and you use it to decrease the pressure inside the xylem so the water potential decreases to -3.0 MPa at the arrow. How will this change effect the water movement in this plant? a) Less water is likely to enter the roots from the soil. b) The leaves will dry out as water flows backwards in the xylem from leaves to stem. c) Photosynthesis will increase because the guard cells are able to be open. d) Due to the change in water potential, sugars will be imported into leaves instead of exported. e) Water movement inside the plant will stop because the xylem cells will be damaged and die.


Which of the following cell types conducts water most rapidly through a plant? a) sieve tubes b) vessel members c) sclerenchyma cells d) phloem e) parenchyma cells


Which of the following should have had gene sequences most similar to the charophyte that was the common ancestor of the land plants? a) early angiosperms b) early bryophytes c) early gymnosperms d) early lycophytes


Which of the following types of plants are incapable of self-pollination? a) monoecious b) dioecious c) plants that have perfect flowers d) complete e) wind-pollinated


Which of the following would be least likely to affect osmosis in plants? a) proton pumps in the membrane b) receptor proteins in the membrane c) plasmodesmata d) aquaporins e) a difference in solute concentrations


Select the following statements that are true of most angiosperms. a) The plant can become dormant but the seed cannot become dormant. b) They have a triploid endosperm within the seed. c) They have an ovary that becomes a fruit. d) They have a small (reduced) sporophyte.


Of the five statements below concerning vascular cambium, select all the statements that are FALSE. a) It develops between the primary xylem and the primary phloem in dicots. b) It is formed by the ground meristem. c) It is responsible for all cell types that result from primary growth. d) It is important in the elongation of roots. e) It occurs in monocot and eudicots.


Select all of the following statements about the angiosperm embryo sac that are TRUE. a) The nuclei within the embryo sac are diploid. b) The embryo sac nuclei are the product of mitotic division of a megaspore. c) It contains eight nuclei. d) The synergids flank the egg cell. e) It is the gametophyte generation of the plant.


A plant takes up a lot of water from the soil. A LOT! What is the fate of most of this water? a) used as the final electron acceptor during respiration b) used to keep cells turgid c) lost during transpiration d) used as an electron donor during photosynthesis e) used as a solvent f) used as a hydrogen source in photosynthesis


According to our current knowledge of plant evolution, which group of organisms should feature mitosis most similar to that of land plants? a) multicellular green algae b) red algae c) charophytes d) unicellular green algae


As you know, the first land plants most likely share a common ancestor with green algae. Assuming this evolutionary history is true, the earliest land plants were most likely a) plants with well-developed leaves. b) plants similar to the majestic river oak. c) nonvascular plants that grew leafless photosynthetic shoots above the shallow fresh water in which they lived. d) vascular plants with well-defined root systems. e) species that did not exhibit alternation of generations.


By definition, a gametophyte must be a) sexual. b) monoecious. c) haploid. d) diploid. e) dioecious.


How could you distinguish between a root hair versus a very small root? a) Root hairs do not have a cuticle. b) Root hairs are white, while roots are brown. c) Root hairs are extensions of single cells, while roots are multicellular. d) The epidermis of a root hair is thinner than the epidermis of a root. e) Root hairs only absorb water, not nutrients like roots.


If you wanted to increase the cation exchange and water retention capacity of loamy soil, what should you do? a) Practice no-till agriculture. b) Add silt to the soil. c) Add clay to the soil. d) Add fertilizer containing potassium, calcium, and magnesium to the soil. e) Adjust the soil pH to 7.9.


In a post-apocalyptic future as imagined in "Mad Max Fury Road", plants were grown via hydroponic culture. Suppose you were the plant expert hired to make that movie set as real as possible. The director wants to use filtered, purified water in the hydroponic plants to keep the plants pure. What is your advice? a) No, with hydroponics the water needs dissolved sugar in it so the root can get the energy they need to grow. b) No, pure water will too much of an osmotic challenge to the roots and the plant cells will burst and die. c) No, when grown in water, plants need some amounts of nutrients in the water. d) All of the "No" answers are correct. e) Yes, pure water is the best thing for hydroponics.


Parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma are all types of cells derived from a) vascular cambium tissue b) procambium tissue c) ground tissue d) cork cambium tissue e) epidermal tissue


Primary growth at the apical meristems can produce cells that differentiate into each of these cell types, except which? a) ground tissue b) procambium c) cork cambium d) epidermis e) leaves


Several properties are characteristic of a soil in which typical plants would grow well. Of the following, which would be the least conducive to plant growth? a) abundant humus b) high porosity c) compacted soil d) numerous soil organisms


Ten tomato plants are germinated and maintained in a large tray with no drainage. After several weeks they all begin to wilt and die despite repeated watering and fertilization. The most likely cause of this die-off is a) competition for resources. b) organic nutrient depletion. c) anoxia. d) evil roommate disease e) no room left for root growth.


The driving force that pushes the root tip through the soil is primarily a) continuous cell division of root cap cells. b) continuous cell division just behind the root cap in the center of the apical meristem. c) elongation of cells behind the root apical meristem. d) continuous cell division in the root cap at the tip of the root. e) the concentration of BIOL 1002 students. f) the elongation of root hairs.


The functional role of sporopollenin is primarily to a) repel toxic chemicals. b) comprise spore surface structures that catch the wind and assist in spore dispersal. c) reduce dehydration. d) provide nutrients to spores. e) make spores less dense and able to disperse more readily.


The rate of transpiration of water out of a plant is affected by a) Humidity b) Temperature c) All of the answers are correct. d) if the plant is in direct sunlight e) Wind


Which of the following arranges groups these terms from most inclusive to least inclusive? 1. embryophytes 2. green plants 3. seedless vascular plants 4. ferns a) 3, 2, 1, 4 b) 1, 2, 3, 4 c) 2, 1, 3, 4 d) 1, 4, 2, 3 e) 2, 1, 4, 3


Which of the following is derived from the ground tissue system? a) cuticle b) root hair c) pith d) phloem e) periderm


Which of the following is the correct sequence of processes that takes place when a flowering plant reproduces? a) growth of pollen tube then pollination then germination then fertilization b) meiosis then fertilization then ovulation then germination c) meiosis then pollination then nuclear fusion then formation of embryo and endosperm d) fertilization then meiosis then nuclear fusion then formation of embryo and endosperm


While eating a celery stalk and you are picking stringy parts of the plant out of your teeth, you realize that the stringy parts provide support but are flexible. The stringy parts of the celery you eat are composed of what type of cells? a) Companion cells in the vascular tissue b) Tracheids in the vascular tissue c) Cells in the collenchyma d) Sclereids in the sclerenchyma e) Cells in the parenchyma


Xylem transports a) amino acids. b) water up and down the plant. c) water from the roots to the leaves. d) mineral ions from the leaves to the roots. e) carbohydrates.


Your favorite flowering plant (I don't know why, but you call it Snuggles) has a mutation that eliminates a protein required for microsporogenesis. From the possible outcomes listed below, which is most likely? would most likely a) Snuggles fails to produce anthers. b) Snuggles fails to produce petals. c) Snuggles fails to produce pollen. d) Snuggles fails to produce sepals.


n increase in plant diameter results from cell division in which type of meristem? a) secondary meristem b) stele meristem c) lateral meristem d) intercalary meristem e) primary meristem


Question 5 0 / 1 point Which of the following statements about water transport is true? a) Root pressure is sufficient to drive xylem sap movement. b) Bulk flow is not a mechanism by which water and minerals are transported. c) The cohesive nature of water is central to water movement in a plant. d) Water transport is an active process. e) None of the above

C Water movement depends on the cohesive nature of water and its capacity to withstand the tension placed on the water column by transpiration.

Lateral meristems produce a) lateral tissues. b) pith. c) dermal and ground tissue. d) secondary tissues. e) shoots and roots.


Plant biotechnology is an effective tool for a) increasing the import of oil. b) increasing the incompatibility of fertilization. c) decreasing genetic diversity. d) reducing world hunger.


Secondary phloem a) includes live companion cells and dead sieve cells. b) encompasses more stem volume than secondary xylem. c) is produced by the cork cambium. d) is part of the bark. e) primarily stores carbohydrates.


Soft-ball review question, so don't miss it. The process by which water is pulled up through the xylem columns of plants as it evaporates out of the leaves is called ________. a) osmosis b) anhydration c) respiration d) transpiration e) stomatization


Suppose you peeled back the dermal tissue at the site indicated by the letter C. What type of vascular tissue would you encounter first? a) Primary xylem. b) Secondary phloem. c) Young wood. d) Primary phloem. e) Secondary xylem.


The earliest vascular plants on land had underground stems (rhizomes) but no roots. Water and mineral nutrients were most likely obtained by a) root nodules. b) osmosis through the root hairs. c) diffusion across the cuticle of the rhizome. d) absorption by mycorrhizae. e) absorption by hairs and trichomes


The fruit of angiosperm are a little crazy, almost nutty you'd say (see what I did there?). Which of the following fruits is derived mostly from an enlarged receptacle? a) raspberry b) peach c) pineapple d) apple e) pea


The leaflike appendages of moss gametophytes may be one to two cell layers thick. Consequently, which of the following is least likely to be found associated with such appendages? a) tracheids b) rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes c) cuticle d) stomata


Vessel element is to xylem as ________ is to phloem. a) cork cambium b) collenchyma cell c) pith d) sieve-tube member e) vascular cambium


Water potential is generally most negative in which of the following parts of a plant? a) xylem vessels in leaves b) xylem vessels in roots c) cells of the root cortex d) mesophyll cells of the leaf


Which of the following pollinating agents is correctly matched with the type of plant it helps pollinate? a) animals-aquatic plants b) water-terrestrial plants c) sand-desert plants d) wind-grasses


Which of the following statement about double fertilization is false? a) One sperm nucleus fuses with two polar nuclei. b) One of its products is a triploid nucleus. c) One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus. d) It takes place in the microsporangium. e) It can occur in most angiosperms.


Which of the following statements about water transport in roots to the xylem is false? a) Water cannot penetrate the Casparian strips. b) Water may be transported symplastically. c) Water can move by bulk flow. d) Water may reach the xylem by an entirely apoplastic route. e) Water must be transported across at least one membrane.


Which plant cells are the most common and the least specialized? a) epidermis b) meristem c) sclerenchyma d) parenchyma e) collenchyma


The function of the Casparian strips is to a) divert water and minerals through the membranes of endodermal cells. b) prevent water and minerals from entering the stele through the apoplast. c) provide regulation for water and mineral movement in the plant. d) All of the above e) None of the above

D Not all minerals that enter the apoplast of a plant's root are beneficial to the plant. The Casparian strips prevent water and minerals from reaching the stele through the apoplast, diverting them instead through the plasma membranes of the endodermal cells. Channel proteins in these plasma membranes determine which minerals can enter the symplast, and from there, the stele. The Casparian strips thus contribute to the regulation of water and mineral movement in the plant.

As plants moved from water to land, which of the following adaptations did not help with this transition? a) All of the answers are adaptations that helped plants make the transition from water to land. b) Land based plants evolved tissue dedicated to the movement of water and minerals throughout the plant body. c) Land based plants selected for tissue with greater strength to allow plant body rigidity. d) Land based plants evolved a waxy cuticle on the surface of the plant to help prevent water loss. e) Land based plants shifted to a haploid dominant form to help prevent DNA damage from UV radiation.


Copper plays a critical role in ________ of plant cells. a) cytochromes b) cofactor for enzymes needed for nitrogen fixation c) water splitting in photosynthesis d) programmed cell death e) redox reactions and lignin-biosynthetic enzymes


Girdling often results in the death of the tree above the girdling line because it removes bark and a) the tree lacks structural support to remain standing. b) apical meristems. c) lateral meristems. d) damages the xylem under the bark. e) damages the phloem under the bark.


In many plants, it is possible to peel off the lower epidermis of a leaf without disturbing the photosynthetic mesophyll cells, thereby exposing the mesophyll directly to the air. How would the immediate (seconds to minutes) response of photosynthesis compare to the longer-term (minutes to hours) response of photosynthesis in this exposed leaf? a) no change immediately, long-term increase b) immediate increase, long-term increase c) immediate decrease, long-term decrease d) immediate decrease, long-term increase e) immediate increase, long-term decrease


Of the following descriptions, which one is the best for describing the function of the Casparian strip in plant roots? a) It is the name of the ship captained by Prince Caspian. b) It ensures that all minerals are absorbed from the soil in equal amounts. c) It aids in the uptake of nutrients. d) It provides energy for the active transport of minerals into the stele from the cortex. e) It ensures that all water and dissolved substances must pass through a cell membrane before entering the stele.


On a warm September day of your freshman year, you see your evil roommate steal 3 apples from the dining hall. One of the apples drops from your roommate's hands and rolls under a bench. Your evil roommate takes the other 2 apples back to your dorm room, where they remove the seeds and put them on a window sill to dry out. In the spring your evil roommate plants the seeds from the window sill, but none of them grow. As you are leaving for the summer, you see an apple tree sapling (a small tree) growing under the bench where it fell from your roommate's hand in the fall. You fondly recall your BIO 1002 prof and realize this sapling is demonstrating a) the autonomous pathway. b) the light dependent pathway, in which seeds need a certain amount of sunlight before germinating. c) All of the answers are correct. d) BOTH the light dependent pathway, in which seeds need a certain amount of sunlight before germinating AND the autonomous pathway. e) stratification, in which seeds need to be held for some time at a cold temperature before germinating.


One would expect to find the highest density of aquaporins in which of the following? a) the pits of a tracheid b) in the nuclear membrane of sieve tube cells c) the plasma membrane of parenchyma cells in a ripe fruit d) the plasma membrane of a mature mesophyll cell in a leaf e) the plasma membrane of guard cells


Pollination begins when pollen is transferred from the ________ to the ________ of a flower. a) stigma, embryo sac b) anther, receptacle c) anther, ovary d) synergid, egg e) anther, stigma


The boundaries between the different growth zones of a typical eudicot root are not as clearly defined as the images suggest in your book. Based on what you know about plant development, which tissue would transition into fully differentiated tissue in the root before other tissue? a) Dermal tissue b) Ground tissue c) All the tissue of the root differentiate at the same time and boundaries. d) Ground and Dermal tissue must differeniate before vascular tissue. e) Vascular tissue


The dominant type of tissue that makes up most of the wood of a tree is a) vascular cambium. b) primary xylem. c) mesophyll cells. d) secondary phloem. e) secondary xylem.


The fancy vocabulary word symplast describes the continuum of cytosol between cells in the same plant. The cytoplasms of these cells are connected by (check all that apply) a) apoplastic route. b) extracellular spaces. c) hope. d) symplastic route. e) plasmodesmata.


The mayhaw fruit trees produce a fruit that has never been cultivated by humans. Two mayhaw trees are growing in a field. They are identical in every way, except that tree #1 contains a mutation that causes the mayhaw berries it produces to have very little of the sugary flesh and twice as many seeds per berry. Tree #2 produces average mayhaw berries with an average amount of seeds. Which tree will have more offspring that live to maturity? a) The mutated tree #1 because it produces more seeds. b) The normal tree #2 because it seeds have more flesh to nourish the developing seeds. c) Both "The mutated tree #1 because smaller berries travel better in the wind. ' and "The normal tree #2 because the seeds from this tree will be better dispersed. " are true. d) The mutated tree #1 because smaller berries travel better in the wind. e) The normal tree #2 because the seeds from this tree will be better dispersed.


The plasma membrane of plant cells a) contains a Na+/K+-ATPase. b) does not carry out indirect active transport. c) maintains a positive membrane potential across the membrane. d) makes ATP. e) contains an ATP-dependent proton pump.


What types of tissue are removed or damaged when a tree is girdled? a) Dermal b) BOTH Dermal AND Ground c) Ground d) Vascular e) BOTH Dermal AND Vascular


Which of the following elemental ions plays a critical role in opening and closing of stomata? a) nitrogen b) magnesium c) oxygen d) calcium e) potassium


Which of the following statements about xylem transport and phloem transport is true? a) The driving force for both is in the leaves. b) Both are passive processes that do not require energy from the plant. c) Both rely on living cells only. d) The direction of flow can reverse in both. e) Both rely on a water potential gradient.


Your evil roommate is working with plants and wants to increase the lateral branches. To help your evil roommate achieve this goal, you should suggest a) feeding the plants nutrients b) treating the plants with auxins c) deep watering of the roots d) fertilizing e) pruning shoot tips


Which of the following is the correct order of floral organs from the outside to the inside of a complete flower? a) spores then gametes then zygote then embryo b) petals then sepals then stamens then carpels c) male gametophyte then female gametophyte then sepals then petals d) none of the answers are correct e) sepals then stamens then petals then carpels f) sepals then petals then stamens then carpels


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