Pluralistic Ignorance

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facial expressions

"Is there a behavioral correlation? (expect more) Is there explicit correlation? (expect less)

How to dispel PI according to Gerber

1. find sources of information (i.e. opinion polls) 2. questioning how you know the norm 3. awareness ribbons 4. Are there things that we can observe so we know when people are self-censoring

Attitudes and norms mismatch

1. college drinking 2. political debates 3. culture of honor

How to dispel PI according to Miller

1. don't self-censor (hard to do and can be costly/rude) 2. reveal the real opinion of the group (only works with close friends) 3. think about the process more generally (question where your norm comes from)

Consequences for the individual

1. inferiority and inadequacy 2. difference and alienation 3. behavior

Steps of Pluralistic Ignorance (From Miller)

1. people censor their true feelings or thoughts for fear of embarrassing themselves or being socially rejected by others 2. people falsely conclude that others are expressing their true feelings and thoughts, even though they too are self-censoring 3. people conclude that their own feelings and thoughts are not shared by others

Shifting the perceived norm to influence others

1. religion, sex 2. PC-ness

Monin and Miller

2 jobs to recommend. People will recommend the black person to bad job to not appear racist if they don't get a chance to recommend them to a nice job

Greenwald and Banaji

7 parts, multiple trails control for a range of things: face, word and handedness. Simultaneous presentation of congruent vs. incongruent pairs. Most common measure is RTincongruent(slow)-RTcongruent(fast)

Batson: trends aren't significant about religion and prejudice

Not statistically different. Most likely reason: underpowered/haven't collected enough people to detect if something is there. Need at least 25 per cell and the most they had was 16

blind ratings

can attach electrodes to people's frowning muscles and see how they behave when interacting with black people. "imagine interaction and tell me how it will go" people say it will go well but white people will frown more


chocolate heart and cockroach people censor feelings of disgust. Problem: forgot to check whether people were actually disgusted and forgot to ask if they were unhappy

attitudes change but perceived attitude doesn't

desegregation: self-beliefs change but the perception of the norms changed

Control Strategies

don't be tired, drunk, or angry egalitarian ideals can trump stereotypes the IAT can be trained


e.g. adolescence, parenthood (50% post-partum), empty nester We are told what we are supposed to feel Demonstrates pluralistic ignorance making people feel out-of-step with life transitions

Fozio and Collegues

face to word categorization. See how readily people can categorize a word as bad after seeing a black face. Key measure is reaction time to bad words following black faces

secondary deviance--courage

feel bad because you were excluded and that you weren't strong enough to take a stand--not sure how universal it is


health: alcohol, sex, anorexia relationships don't get going conflict perpetuation (if we attribute motives to other people than they don't have then it perpetuates conflict)

Difference and alienation

illusion of universality not necessarily for being "worse" or "better" secondary deviance--courage

In response, social psych develops new measures

implicit questions nonverbal measures including facial expressions, blind ratings, voice quality, social cognition/priming tasks

Inferiority and Inadequacy

intelligence (miller and McFarland 1987) competence (Masloach nurses) virtue (Monin and Norton showering study) out-of-step (adolescence, parenthood, empty nester)

Illusion of Universality

members of out-group are all the same members of in-group have variety people perceive that everybody else is more similar than everyone actually is

voice quality

record intercom with black or white person. Have other people rate how positive or negative the interaction is. Negative correlated with how long you will spend working. Doesn't correlate with explicit measures of prejudice

Fein et al

survey that says whether you are racist. Resume with qualified white people and unqualified black people. If they Don't know if they are racist than the black applicant get's recommend but if the survey said they were not racist than the white applicant gets recommended


white's will try to appear equal in their treatment of people: more likely to stop and hep black people than white people in public but in private or on the phone the opposite is true

Monin and Norton

"Don't shower for three days" and people largely did but the reasons they gave between why they weren't showering (Didn't wanna be made fun of) and why other's weren't showering (see the value in it or are good people) were systematic. Demonstrates pluralistic ignorance creating doubt about one's virtue

Maslach nurses

"I'm doing fine mask" Censoring impulses to express negative feelings for fear that they will be diminished in the eyes of others Demonstrates pluralistic ignorance creating doubt about one's competence

People self censor prejudice all the time

Explicit questions don't work Rogers and Prentic-Dunn's Shock experiment presentation effects helping

Does pluralistic ignorance care about what other people actually believe?

No. If their belief and their beliefs about what others believe are different than there is pluralistic ignorance

Rogers and Prentice Dunn's shock experiment

white students shock other students get to choose how much and how long if only pleasant/unpleasant is causing the shocks, difference should be the same. If pleasant/unpleasant is used as an excuse than the unpleasant black will get a disproportionate amount of shock and they found the latter to be true

Miller and Mcfarland

you can ask or you can't ask people assumed everyone else understood demonstrates inferiority and inadequacy in intelligence as a consequence of pluralistic ignorance

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