PMBOK: 5th Edition Chapter 4

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2. What are the key benefits of Develop Project Charter?

- A well-defined project start and project boundaries - Creation of a formal record of the project - A direct way for senior management to formally accept and commit to the project

31. Examples of Facilitation techniques?

- Brainstorming - Conflict resolution - Problem solving - Meeting management

17. What documents the (SOW) use for reference?

- Business Need - Product Scope Description - Strategic Plan

19. What is usually contained in the Business Case document and for what purpose?

Business Need and the Cost-benefit analysis to justify and establish boundaries for the project.

34. What is Develop Project Management Plan?

Process of defining, preparing and coordinating all subsidiary plans and integrating them into a comprehensive project management plan.

53. What is Direct and Manage Project Work process?

Process of leading and performing the work defined in the project management plan and implementing approved changes to achieve the project's objectives. The key benefit is that provides overall management of the project work.

62. What Enterprise Environmental Factors could influence the Direct and Manage Project Work process?

• Organizational, company, or customer culture and structure of the performing or sponsor organizations. • Infrastructure. • Personnel administration. • Stakeholder risk tolerances. • Project management information system

4. What kind of agreements are established with the Project Charter?

- A partnership between the performing and requesting organizations. - Used internally within the organization to assure proper delivery under the contract.

33. What do you document in a Project charter?

- Business needs - Assumptions - Constraints - Understanding of the customer's needs - High level requirements - New product, service or result that is intended to satisfy: a) The project purpose or the justification b) Measurable project objectives and related success criteria c) High level requirements d) Assumptions and constraints e) High level project description and boundaries f) High level risks g) Summary of the milestone schedule h) Summary of budget i) Stakeholder list j) Project approval requirements (what is project success, who will say the project is successful?) k) The assigned project manager, their responsibility and level of authority l) Name and authority of the sponsor authorizing the project

27. Examples of agreements?

- Contracts - Memorandums of understanding (MOUs) - Service Level Agreements (SLA) - Letter of agreements - Letters of intent - Verbal agreements - E-mail or other written agreements

6. How soon a Project Manager is identified and assigned to a Project?

- During the development of the project charter preferably - Always prior to the start of planning

39. How does the Enterprise Environmental factors influence the Development of the Project Management plan?

- Governmental or industry standards - Project management body of knowledge for vertical market (construction) and/or focus are (safety risk) - Project management information system (automated tool like scheduling software tool) - Organizational structure, culture, management practices, and sustainability - Infrastructure (facilities, capital equipment) - Personnel administration (hiring guidelines, employee performance reviews, training records).

28. How can the Enterprise environmental factors influence in the Develop Project Charter?

- Governmental standards, Industry Standards or regulations - Organizational culture and structure - Marketplace conditions

41. What does the Project management plan template should include to be used during the development of the project management plan?

- Guidelines and criteria for tailoring the organization's set of standard processes to satisfy the specific needs of the project - Project closure guidelines or requirements such as the product validation and acceptance criteria

37. What is defined in the Project Management plan?

- How the project will be executed, monitored and controlled, and closed. - The contents varies depending on the application area and complexity of the project

11. What's the reason for Projects to initiate?

- Internal business needs - External influences

25. As a result of what a Business Case created?

- Market demand (Car Company authorizing to build more fuel efficient cars in response to gasoline shortage). - Organizational need: (high overhead costs require to combine staff functions and streamline processes to reduce cost). - Customer request (electric utility authorizes to build new substation for new industrial park). - Technological advance (Airline authorizes to develop electronic tickets instead of paper). - Legal requirement (Paint manufacturer authorizes to create guidelines to handle toxic materials). - Ecological Impacts (Company authorizing project to lessen environmental impact) - Social need (nongovernmental organization authorizing potable water system to communities with high rates of cholera).

29. How can the Organizational Process Assets influence in the Develop Project Charter?

- Organizational standard processes, policies and process definitions - Templates (the project charter template) - Historical information and lessons learned knowledge base

40. How does the Organizational process assets influence the Development of the Project Management plan?

- Standardized guidelines, work instructions, proposal evaluation criteria, and performance measurement criteria - Project management plan template - Change control procedures - Project files from previous projects - Historical information and lessons learned - Configuration management knowledge base

45. How do you utilize the Expert judgment during the development of the project management plan?

- Tailor the process to meet the project needs - Develop technical and management details to be included in the plan - Determine resources and skill levels needed to perform the project work - Define the level of configuration management to be applied - Determine the documents to be subject to the formal change control process - Prioritize the work of the project

20. What is documented in the Product Scope description?

- The characteristics of the product, service or results that the project will be undertaken to create. - The relationship between the products services or results being created and the business need that the project will address

21. What is documented in the Strategic Plan?

- The organization's strategic vision, goals, and objectives - May contain a high level mission statement

43. What do you consult when you review the Change Control Procedures when you are Developing the project management plan?

- The steps by which official organization standards, policies, plans and procedures, or any project documents will be modified - How any change will be approved and validated.

12. What does the internal needs and external influences trigger?

-Creation of needs analysis, feasibility study, business case, or description of the situation that the project will address.

5. What document is preferred to establish agreements on external projects?

A formal contract. With this the project team becomes the seller responding to conditions of an offer to buy from an outside entity.

88. What does the Project management information system provide?

Access to automated tools, such as scheduling, cost, and resourcing tools, performance indicators, databases, project records, and financials used during this process.

65. What does the Project Management Information Systems provide to the Direct and Manage Project Work process?

Access to tools, such as scheduling tool, a work authorization system, a configuration management system, an information collection and distribution system, or interfaces to other online automated systems.

58. What is a preventive action?

An intentional activity that ensures the future performance of the project work is aligned with the project management plan.

57. What is a corrective action?

An intentional activity that realigns the performance of the project work with the project management plan.

59. What is a defect repair?

An intentional activity to modify a nonconforming product or product component.

30. Who provides expert judgment when you Develop Project Charter?

Any group or individual with specialized knowledge or training from sources such as: - Stakeholders, including customers and sponsors - Other units of the organization - Consultants - Professional and technical associations - Industry groups - Subject matter experts (SME) - Project Management office (PMO)

68. What is a deliverable?

Any unique and verifiable product, result or capability to perform a service that is required to be produced to complete a process, phase or project. They are typically tangible components completed to meet project objectives and can include elements of the project management plan.

10. What does an Initiator or Sponsor should have to be the most appropriate person to initiate a Project?

Be at a level that is appropriate to procure funding and commit resources to the project

71. What is an update?

Change to formally controlled project documents, plans, etc, to reflect modified or additional ideas or content.

76. What does monitoring process include?

Collecting, measuring and distributing performance information, and assessing measurements and trends to effect process improvements

16. Who provides the (SOW) for external projects and with what basis?

Customer as part of a bid document (request for proposal, request for information, or request for bid) or as part of a contract

77. What does controlling process include?

Determining corrective or preventive actions or replanning and following up on action plans to determine whether the action taken resolved the performance issue.

66. What is the purpose of having meetings during the Direct and Manage Project Work process?

Discuss and address pertinent topics of the project.

32. What is the Project Charter?

Document issued by the initiator or sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project, and provides to the project manager the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.

47. What is the Project Management plan?

Document that describes how the project will be executed, monitored and controlled. It integrates and consolidates all of the subsidiary plans and baselines from the planning processes

9. Who initiates the Projects?

External entities to the project such as: - Sponsor - Program or project management office (PMO) - Staff person or a portfolio governing body chairperson or authorized representative

70. What is a change request?

Formal proposal to modify any document, deliverable, or baseline.

35. What is the key benefit of having a Project management plan?

Have a central document that defines the basis of all project work

36. What are the INPUTS, TOOLS&TECHNIQUES and OUTPUTS of the Develop Project Management plan?

Inputs 1. Project charter; 2. Outputs from other processes; 3. Enterprise environmental factors; 4. Organizational process assets Tools & Techniques 1. Expert judgement; 2. Facilitation techniques Outputs 1. Project management plan

54. What are the Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs of Direct and Manage Project Work process?

Inputs 1. Project management plan; 2. Approved change request; 3. Enterprise environmental factors; 4. Organizational process assets Tools & Techniques 1. Expert judgement; 2. Project management information system; 3. Meetings Outputs 1. Deliverables; 2. Work performance data; 3. Change requests; 4. Project management plan updates; 5. Project document updates

3. What are the INPUTS, TOOLS&TECHNIQUES, OUTPUTS of the Develop Project Charter?

Inputs 1. Project statement of work; 2. Business case; 3. Agreements; 4. Enterprise environmental factors; 5. Organizational process assets Tools & Techniques 1. Expert judgment; 2. Facilitation techniques Outputs 1. Project charter

86. How is Expert Judgment used in the Monitor and Control Project Work process?

Interpret the information provided by the monitor and control process to determine the actions required to ensure that the project performance matches expectations.

64. How is Expert Judgment used in the Direct and Manage Project Work process?

Is used to assess the inputs needed to direct and manage execution of the project management plan and it is applied to all technical and management details during this process.

1. What is Develop Project Charter?

Its the process of developing a document that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities

24. Who uses the Business Case?

Managers or executives above the project level for decision making.

14. What is a Project Statement of Work (SOW)?

Narrative description of products, services, or results to be delivered by a project.

7. How does a Project Manager contribute to a Project charter during its development?

Obtain a foundational understanding of the project requirements. This understanding will better allow for efficient resources allocation to project activities.

83. What is Work Performance Information?

Performance data collected from various controlling processes, analyzed in context, and integrated based on relationships across areas. Work Performance Information is correlated and contextualized, and provides a sound foundation for project decisions.

89. What are work performance reports?

Physical or electronic representation of work performance information compiled in project documents, intended to generate decisions, actions, or awareness. Examples: status reports, memos, justifications, information notes, recommendations, and updates.

74. What is Monitor and Control Project Work process?

Process of tracking, reviewing, and reporting the progress to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan. The key benefit is that it allows stakeholders to understand the current state of the project, the steps taken, and budget, schedule, and scope forecasts.

81. What derives the cost forecast?

Progress against the cost baseline and computed estimates to complete (ETC). It is typically expressed in terms of cost variance (CV) and cost performance index (CPI).

80. What derives the schedule forecast?

Progress against the schedule baseline and computed time estimate to complete (ETC). It is typically expressed in terms of schedule variance (SV) and schedule performance index (SPI).

15. Who provides the (SOW) for internal projects and with what basis?

Project initiator or sponsor based on business needs, product or service requirements.

8. What use is the Project charter to a Project Manager?

Provides the authority to plan and execute the project

69. What is work performance data?

Raw observations and measurements identified during activities being performed to carry out the project work. Examples: work completed, key performance indicators, technical performance measures, start and finish dates of schedule activities, number of defects, etc.

18. What do you describe in the Business Need?

Reference of the market demand, technological advance, legal requirement, government regulation, or environmental consideration.

82. What does a validated change provide?

The necessary data to confirm that the change was appropriately executed

44. What does the Configuration management knowledge base contains that helps you during the development of the project management plan?

The versions and baselines of all official organizations standards, policies, procedures and any project documents

13. Why is a Project Charter not considered to be a contract?

There is no consideration or money promised or exchanged in its creation

61. What are approved change requests?

They are an output of the Perform Integrated Change Control process and include those request reviewed and approved for implementation by the change control board (CCB). They are scheduled and implemented by the project team and can impact any area of the project or project management plan. They can also modify the policies, project management plan, procedures, costs or budgets or revise the schedules.

38. How does the team use the Project Charter as an input for the Project Management plan?

This is the starting point for initial planning throughout the initiating process group, at a minimum the charter should define the high level boundaries of the project.

26. For what purpose do you use an agreement?

To define initial intentions for a project

23. What is the purpose of the Business Case?

To describe the necessary information from a business standpoint to determine whether or not the project is worth the required investment.

22. What is the main purpose of a Strategic Plan document?

To ensure all projects are aligned with the overall objectives of the organization.

87. How analytical techniques are applied in project management?

To forecast potential outcomes based on possible variations of project or environmental variables and their relationships with other variables. Examples: Regression analysis, causal analysis, root cause analysis, trend analysis, etc.

42. Why do you consult when you take Project files from previous projects when you are Developing the Project Management plan?

To review and take as reference the following: - The scope , cost , schedule and performance measurement baselines - Project calendars - Project schedule network diagram - Risk registers

46. What are the facilitation techniques used in the Development of the Project management plan?

Used to help teams and individuals achieve agreement to accomplish project activities - Brainstorming - Conflict resolution - Problem solving - Meeting management

51. How can a Project Management plan be changed once is baselined?

When a change request is generated and approved through the Perform Integrated Change control process.

52. Examples of Project documents that are not integrated into the Project management plan?

a) Activity attributes, cost estimates, duration estimates, resource requirements b) Agreements c) Change requests d) Forecasts e) Issue log f) Milestone list g) Procurement documents h) Project calendars i) Project charter j) Project staff assignments k) Project statement of work l) Quality checklists, control measurements, metrics m) Requirements documentation n) Risk Register o) Resource breakdown structure p) Schedule data q) Work performance data

50. Apart from the project baselines and the subsidiary plans, what other things shall the project management plan include?

a) Lifecycle selected for the project b) The Processes that will be applied for each phase c) Details of the tailoring decision specified by the team d) Describe how the work will be executed e) Change management plan that documents how changes will be monitored and controlled f) Description of how the integrity of the project baselines will be maintained g) Requirements and techniques for communication among stakeholders h) Key management reviews for content, extent of, and timing to address open issues and pending decisions.

48. What project baselines are included in the Project Management plan?

a) Scope baseline b) Schedule baseline c) Cost baseline

49. What subsidiary plans are included in the Project management plan?

a) Scope management plan b) Requirements management plan c) Schedule management plan d) Cost management plan e) Quality management plan f) Process improvement plan g) Human resource management plan h) Communications management plan i) Risk management plan j) Procurement management plan k) Stakeholder management plan

75. What are the Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs of Monitor and Control Project Work process?


78. With what is concerned the Monitor and Control Project Work?

• Comparing actual project performance against the project management plan. • Assessing performance to determine whether any corrective or preventive actions are indicated, and then recommending those actions as necessary. • Identifying new risks and analyzing, tracking, and monitoring existing project risks to make sure the risks are identified, their status is reported, and that appropriate risks responses plans are being executed. • Maintaining an accurate, timely information base concerning the project's product and their associated documentation through project completion. • Providing information to support status reporting, progress measurement, and forecasting. • Providing forecast to update current cost and current schedule information. • Monitoring implementation of approved changes as they occur. • Providing appropriate reporting on project progress and status to program management when the project is part of an overall program.

56. What is included in the Direct and Manage Project Work process related to review impact of all project changes and the implementation of approved changes?

• Corrective actions. • Preventive actions. • Defect repairs.

84. What Enterprise Environmental Factors could influence the Monitor and Control Project Work process?

• Governmental or industry standards (Examples: Regulatory agency regulations, codes of conduct, product standards, etc.). • Organization work authorization systems. • Stakeholder risk tolerances. • Project management information system (Examples: Automated tool suite, such as scheduling software, confirmation management system, etc.).

67. What are the common types of meetings?

• Information exchange. • Brainstorming, option evaluation, or design. • Decision making. *Note: Meeting types should not be mixed as best practice

85. Which Organizational Process Assets could influence the Direct and Manage Project Work process?

• Organizational communication requirements. • Financial controls procedures. • Issue and defect management procedures. • Change control procedures. • Risk control procedures. • Process measurement database. • Lessons learned database.

55. Mention some activities included in Direct and Manage Project Work process.

• Perform activities to accomplish project objectives. • Create project deliverables. • Provide, train and manage the team members assigned to the project. • Obtain, manage, and use resources including materials, tools, equipment, and facilities. • Implement the planned methods and standards. • Establish and manage project communication channels, both external and internal to the project team. • Generate work performance data, such as cost, schedule, technical and quality progress, and status to facilitate forecasting. • Issue change requests and implement approved changes into the project's scope, plans and environment. • Manage risks and implement risks response activities. • Manage sellers and suppliers. • Manage stakeholders and their engagement. • Collect and document lessons learned and implement approved process improvement activities.

73. What documents could be updated during the Direct and Manage Project Work process?

• Requirements documentation. • Project logs (issues, assumptions, etc.). • Risk register. • Stakeholder register.

91. What documents could be updated during the Monitor and Control Project Work process?

• Schedule and cost forecast. • Work performance reports. • Issue log.

72. What elements of the Project Management Plan could be updated during the Direct and Manage Project Work process?

• Scope management plan. • Requirements management plan. • Schedule management plan. • Cost management plan. • Quality management plan. • Process improvement plan. • Human resource management plan. • Communications management plan. • Risk management plan. • Procurement management plan. • Stakeholder management plan. • Project baselines.

79. What subsidiary plans within the Project Management plan form the basis for controlling the project?

• Scope management plan. • Requirements management plan. • Schedule management plan. • Cost management plan. • Quality management plan. • Process improvement plan. • Human resource management plan. • Communications management plan. • Risk management plan. • Procurement management plan. • Stakeholder management plan. • Scope baseline. • Schedule baseline. • Cost baseline.

90. What elements of the Project Management Plan could be updated during the Monitor and Control Project Work process?

• Scope management plan. • Requirements management plan. • Schedule management plan. • Cost management plan. • Quality management plan. • Scope baseline. • Schedule baseline. • Cost baseline.

60. What subsidiary plans contained in the Project Management plan are related to project work?

• Scope management. • Requirements management plan. • Schedule management plan. • Cost management plan. • Stakeholder management plan.

63. Which Organizational Process Assets could influence the Direct and Manage Project Work process?

• Standardized guidelines and work instructions. • Communication requirements. • Issue and defect management procedures. • Process measurement database. • Project files from previous projects. • Issue and defect management database.

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