Political Science 2 - Michael Soupios LIU Post

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Chief of Staff

#1 guy at the white Hous, has the Presidents ear

Solicitor General

#2 person in justice does screening of what cases should be heard by the supreme court


(Federal Insurance Contribution Act) -social security, payroll tax, comes off paycheck. General Assistance and money(tax) you have to contribute in the social security and you get money back

Marshall Plan

America's plan to stop spread of communism in Europe, stabilized Western Europe, containment strategy. Named after George Marshall... Economic rescue plan that the U.S. financed. When there is economic chaos that is when there is spread of communism


America's traditional foreign policy position (stay away from Europe and all alliances)

Elite Model

C. Wright Mills wrote "The Power Elite" it says that despite our democracy, elites will always have control. There are elites that manipulate policies for their own personal benefits

Cuban Missel Crisis

Cold War, U.S. vs Soviet Union - worst crisis

Issue Network

EPA & Sierra Club. some bureaucratic agency with an interest group or environmental group

Interstate Commerce Commission

Industrial Revolution, first regulation of commerce...ex.) Vanderbilt and railroads


Mutually Assured Destruction - the balance of terror and helped keep nuclear peace at the height of the Cold War nuclear policy, mutually assured destruction , kept peace between Soviets and U.S. for 50 years because they are equal in # and quality.


Nixon's attempt to take down tensions between U.S. and Soviets...leads to treaties to contain nuclear weapon use. Opens up a dialogue between U.S. and Russia and says that we all agree to disagree. Nixon takes down these risks through detente and says he will stop nuclear bombs and other dangerous things to ruin the planet


Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization, containment (Europe, U.S. Canada against the Soviet Union

Speaker of the House

Number 1 Key position in the house of representatives


Strategic Defense Initiative- originally announced by President Reagan.... a nuclear umbrella over the U.S. that would make the country immune to bombing

President of the Senate

VP of U.S. functions are primarily for voters. if there is a tie vote the VP has to go to Senate to and break the vote by voting for himself

Living Room War

Vietnam War, mass media

War Powers Resolution

Vietnam War. Done to limit the president's power as commander and chief

Mass Media

Vietnam War. In democracies mass media plays a role in shaping public opinion influences public opinion and elections

Zimmerman Note

alleged document form Germans to Mexico encouraging them to attack the U.S...Zimmerman always denied that there was never a proposal...there is a possibility that there was never a proposal. wisest of all policies and the U.S. learned that they should never cross the ocean to conflict ever again. U.S. never wants to get involved with Europe again

Sherman Anti-Trust

anti-monopoly legislation...targeted Rockefeller and petroleum oil...took monopoly and broke it down

Iron Triangle

bad because it protects industries, counter-productive alliance, harmful to american democracy... Side 1: interest groups, Side 2: elected officials, Side 3: companies that want to ensure growing. Agencies of the federal government and you have a special interest group along with it

The Wheel

came from FDR, open, unrestricted approach, people come tell the President anything. gatekeeper is the chief of staff

Marbury vs. Madison

case that ends up assigning judicial review to the supreme court...single most important case in judicial history

Truman Doctrine

conainment, U.S. says that they will do whatever it takes to stop communism revolutions. Named after president who succeeded after FDR because he died in office. Any place around the world that starts the spread of communism the U.S. will step in and use any measure to stop it


conservative, restrictive approach of getting people into the oval office, chain of command. gatekeeper is the chief of staff

Common Law

customary, traditional legal practice...comes from court...opposite of statutory law

Office of Legislative Council

first place to go when you want to start a piece of legislation


high rate % of winning re-election...incumbent=person running for re-election

Chief Executive

in charge of entire federal bureaucracy. Title of the President and says that the whole federal bureaucracy refers to him as this

Strategic Weapons

includes biological, chemical and nuclear. Mass Destruction. Taking natural occurring pathogens and making them more deadly

Massive Retaliation

initial position of U.S. when it had a monopoly of bombs. theory states that if you do anything stupid they will get rid of you

Domino Theory

international communist conspiracy based out of Moscow. exposed by mass media. Got us into the Vietnam War due to mass media but also got us out

(GAO) Government Accountability Office

investigative unit that works for congress. government accountability office.detective agency that does research and investigation for congress


members of federal bureaucracy, reveal wrongdoings of congress to the press. they get paid money to go public with the information

Political Process


Assistance to the Poor

must qualify with low-income to receive financially (food stamps, housing etc.)


national security council- all important foreign matters are discussed here

Writ of Certiorari

notifies lower court that their case is selected to be reviewed by the supreme court. once you are selected you get a writ from the lower court saying that you have been accepted. The formal notification saying that you can come to the supreme court


office of management and business, works for the president. the first draft of the annual budget has to be supplied by the white house. an army of accountants that prepare a budget for the president then is sent to congress for approval

Abraham Lincoln

one of the top 3 presidents, Lincoln, FDR and George Washington

Concurring Opinon

opinion written by single person in majority in votes of supreme court

Baby Boomers

person born following years after WWII, temporarily marked an increase in birth rate

Pardon Power

power of The President to pardon crimes and people who are in and out of jail. Get out of jail free card

Power of the Purse

power of money


refine the language of a bull to make a polished document

Freedom of Information Act

relates to the federal bureaucracy. congress passes a law that states not as many documents can be stamped private. more public documents. keeps the federal bureaucracy honest and releases documents

Judicial Review

review by the supreme court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act


service rendered to voters problems and helps them overcome their problems


ship sunk by German submarines, helps U.S get involved in WWII. Was a passenger liner and most people on the ship who died were Americans. We violated the status of being neutral because there were missiles under the ship

Incremental Model

slow, low-risk for policy makers, SAFE

Tactical Weapons

small weapons used to support infantry. You will find these on the battlefield

Line-Item Veto

special veto that state governments have that the President does not have. State governments can take out or keep what they want from a bill. Allows president to strike things out. Only president to have this was Bill clinton and he got it taken away due to separation of power


spreading of something (weapons) and in this case a bomb

Rogue State

state that does not play by the rules. Ex. North Korea and Iran ( Rogue=dishonest and not trustworthy)


supreme court promoting desegregation, black kids bussed to white schools, supreme court cannot put into effect its own rulings because both black and white community were not happy with this


taking a bill to death...longest- Thurmond...can only happen in the senate...ends in cloture

Hawley Smoot

tariff that contributes to the beginning of the Great Depression...protective... no one winds up making money...involved the scale of farming goods


tax on imports and can provoke tariff wars. This is to protect the industry and to protect jobs

Fusion Bomb

the worst type of bomb...hydrogen bomb...Edward Teller who was captured after WWII created it...used for the intercontinental missile.. equivalent to 20 million tons of TNT

Bench Trial

trial without jury, verdict handed down by the judge and the judge will pass the ruling

Tet Offensive

turning point of Vietnam War. Mass media got the United States into the war


vote that ends a filibuster...60/100 senators must agree...if it succeeds it ends the filibuster if not you must go back to filibuster

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