Political Science chapter 7

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According to the Department of Labor, roughly ______ percent of Americans participate in volunteer activities annually.


Which of the following explain why Europeans with less education and income vote at higher rates in their countries than their American counterparts?

Class-based European organizations encourage participation. Americans face more voter registration requirements.

Opponents of voter ID laws tend to be


True or false: When the United States was founded, all white men were given the right to vote.


Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationship between income and political participation in the United States?

Higher income citizens are the most active because they have the resources to participate effectively.

Although some people believe it is insignificant, which of the following may result if IDs are not required for voting?

Increased fraud

Why did the communist movement fail in America?

Its goals were too at odds with American values.

The movement against gun violence had a relatively low profile until the mass killing at

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

The difference in the age of participating voters is more pronounced in

Mid term

The mass killings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resulted in which of the following?

National School Walkout Day March for Our Lives demonstrations

Who led the impassioned plea for tougher gun control measures after the Parkland shooting?

Parkland students

Which statement best describes the prevalent view of the public concerning protest activists in the United States?

Protest activity should be tolerated.

The proportion of eligible adult citizens who actually vote in a given election is known as

Voter turnout

Generally, protests ______ have not been popular in the U.S.

against U.S. military action

Which of the following refers to a total lack of interest, such as a total lack of interest in politics?


How can Americans participate virtually in politics?

by using resources and joining discussions on the Internet

People who believe that citizens ought to participate in political affairs are likely to describe voting as an exercise in

civic duty

Over 70 percent of Americans' political participation via community activities takes place in which of the following?

civic organizations school-related groups church-related groups

Which of the following forms of political participation require citizens to spend a comparatively large amount of personal resources?

demonstrating for political causes volunteering in a political campaign

following factors are said to adversely affect voter turnout in the United States

frequent elections, voter registration laws

Which group of Americans have the highest level of voter participation?

highest 20 percent of income earners

although some people believe it is insignificant, which of the following may result if IDs were not required for voting

increased fraud

For a movement to succeed, it must

institutionalize its goals.

In general, protest activity is ______ common in the United States than in many Western democracies.


Compared to citizens in Europe, Americans are ______ likely to contribute time and money to political campaigns


Internet political participation peaks during which of the following?

presidential elections

Which of the following tactics were used to disenfranchise blacks in the post-Civil War South despite the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment?

publicized lists of voters literacy tests

In what area has virtual participation been a tangible asset for political campaigns?

small-donor fundraising

Harvard's Robert Putnam refers to the sum of face-to-face civic interactions among citizens in a society as

social capital.

Unlike participation through interest groups or political parties, participation in political movements

takes place largely outside established institutions.

To date, what is the most successful of the recent political movements?

the Tea Party movement

which amendment to the US constitution extended voting rights to eighteen-years-old?

the twenty-sixth amendment

Why did states start registering voters?

to prevent individuals from voting multiple times in the same election

Americans participate more in politics than do citizens of other western democracies except in which of the following activities?

turning out to vote on Election Day

Which of the following results from a high frequency of elections, such as having primary, general, and referenda elections?

voter fatigue

What is a social or political movement?

a way for disenchanted citizens to voice their displeasure with government policy

The United States' voter turnout rate in presidential elections tends to hover around ______ percent.


True or false: Americans in the lowest 20 percent of income earners have the highest levels of participation in the United States.


More people in the United States participate in election campaigns than people in other countries do because

the United States has more elected posts than other countries do.

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