portal of exit
when does portal of exit occur?
after microorganism finds a site to grow and multiply -so they can enter another host
organisms that are normal flora
in one person can be pathogens in another -organisms exit when a person expectorates saliva
Reproductive Tract
organisms such as neisseria gonorrhea and HIV exit thorugh the man urethral meatus or women's vaginal cannal during sexual contact
(sprays or splashes) -respiratory or other secretions -ebola
portal of exit sites include:
-blood -skin and mucus membranes -respiratory tract -genitourinary tract (GU) -GI tract -Transplacental (mother to fetus)
direct contact
-blood or bodily fluids -if person is sick -Ebola (direct and droplet)
GI Tract
-mouth is one of the most bacterial contaminated sites of the human body, must most the organism is normal flora -GI portal of exit include emesis, bowel elimination, drainage of bile via surgical wounds or drainage tubes
-normal sterile body fluid -in case of communicable disease such as HBV, HCV, HIB it becomes a reservior for pathogens -Organisms exit from wounds, ventipuncture sites, hemetemesis, and bloodly stool
urinary tract
-normal urine is sterile -when patient has UTI the microorganism exit during urination
respiratory tract
-pathogens that infect the respiratory tract such as influneza virus -released from the body when an infected person sneezes or coughs
skin and mucus membrane
-skin is considered a portal of exit because an breaks of integrity of the skin and mucus membrane allow pathogens to exit the body -may be exhibited by the purulent of purulent drainage