Positioning Chapter 4 cont'd (forearm and elbow)

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What is the small projection on the lateral aspect of the distal humerus above the capitulum?

Lateral epicondyle

What is larger and more prominent? (The lateral or medial epicondyle?)

Medial (Sticks out more)

Which of the following projections would best demonstrate a possible elevated fat pad near the elbow joint? A. Lateral B. AP C. AP partially flexed D. Acute flexion-Jones method


What degree is a true lateral elbow position?

90 degree flexion

The ulnar notch is located at the: A. Medial aspect of the distal radius B. Distal end of the ulna C. Proximal end of the ulna D. Proximal end of the radius


What are the 3 fat pads of the elbow joint?

Anterior fat pad Posterior fat pad Supinator fat pad

What is the long center section of the humerus called?

Body (shaft)

What is the long mid-portion of the radius and ulna called?

Body (shaft)

Where is the pronator fat stripe located: A. Anterior to the elbow joint B. Posterior to the elbow joint C. Anterior to the distal radius D. Anterior to the radial head


Which is smaller? (Capitulum or trochlea?)


What term means "little head" and is located on the lateral aspect and articulates with the head of radius?

Capitulum (remember "cap" and "head" of radius)

What is the medial margin of the coronoid process opposite the radial notch called?

Coronoid tubercle (medial)

How much is the elbow flexed for a trauma lateral projection (coyle method) to demonstrate the coronoid process? A. 45 degrees B. 80 degrees C. 60 degrees D. 90 degrees


Which of the following structures is located on the distal humerus? A. Styloid process B. Olecranon process C. Coronoid process D. Capitulum


The distal humerus has specific _____________ on both anterior and posterior surfaces.


Soft tissue detail as depicted by specific ___________ located within the deep olecranon fossa is important in trauma diagnosis of the elbow joint.

Fat pads

What type of joint is the elbow joint? (the elbow is also synovial and diathrodial)

Ginglymus (hinge)

What is the proximal 2 portions of the radius called?

Head & neck (closest to elbow)

What part of the radius is located at the proximal end of the radius near the elbow joint?

Head of the radius

What part of the forearm is located near the wrist at the distal end of the ulna? (Fits into the ulnar notch of the radius to form radioulnar distal joint)

Head of the ulna

What is the expanded distal end of the humerus called?

Humeral condyle

What is the "deep depression" of the distal humerus called?

Olecranon fossa

Of the olecranon process & coronoid process of the proximal end of the ulna, which is more posterior and can be easily palpated?

Olecranon process

What are the 2 "beaklike" processes of the proximal ulna called?

Olecranon process Coronoid process

Which joint, or articulation, combines with the distal joint to allow rotation of the forearm during pronation? (This is where the radius crosses over the ulnar near upper 1/3 of the forarm)

Proximal radioulnar joint

Where do the radius and ulna articulate with eachother? What joints?

Proximal radioulnar joint Distal radioulnar joint

Which part of the ulna is primarily involved in the formation of the elbow joint?

Proximal ulna

Is the capitulum located on the radial or ulnar side of the humerus? (where does it articulate?)

Radial Remember (RC)

What are the 2 shallow anterior depressions called of the distal humerus?

Radial fossa Coronoid fossa

The had of the radius articulates with the ulna at the ____________, forming the proximal radioulnar joint.

Radial notch

What is a small, shallow depression located on the lateral aspect of the proximal ulna?

Radial notch

What is the rough oval process on the medial and anterior side of the radius, just distal to the neck called?

Radial tuberosity (used for a tendon attachment)

Which bone is shorter of the 2 bones of the forearm?


Which bone (radius or ulna) is the only one of the 2 directly involved in the wrist joint?

Radius (During the act of pronation, the radius is the bone that rotates around the stationary ulna)

What are the 2 bones of the forearm?

Radius and Ulna

When the forearm is in the pronated positon, which bone overlaps the other?

Radius overlaps the ulna

What bone of the forearm is located at the extreme distal end of both the radius and ulna? Which is more distal than eachother?

Styloid process The radial styloid process is more distal

What structure of the forearm is considered most distal?

Styloid process of the radius

Of the trochlea and the capitulum, which is located more medial and articulates with the ulna?


What term or part means "pulley" and is shaped like a pulley or spool?


The articular portion of the humeral condyle are divided into what 2 parts?

Trochlea Capitulum

Which is more medial and lateral of the trochlea and capitulum?

Trochlea is medial Capitulum is lateral (in anatomical position)

In a true 90 degree lateral radiograph position, this shows the appearance of what 3 concentric arcs?

Trochlear Sulcus (smallest arc) Capitulum & Trochlea (Double lined) Trochlear notch of the ulna

What is the large concave depression, or notch, that articulates with the distal humerus? (AKA the semilunar notch)

Trochlear notch

Which part of the proximal ulna is also known as the semilunar notch?

Trochlear notch

The trochlea (meaning "pulley") has 2 rim like outer margins and a smooth depression center portion called _______________ or groove.

Trochlear sulcus

What type of joint is the proximal radioulnar joint?

Trochoidal (pivot)

T/F The distal radius will cross over the ulna when the hand is pronated.


Which bone of the forearm is the longest? (Radius or Ulna)


Is the trochlea located on the ulnar or radial side of the humerous?

Ulnar Remember (TU)

What is a small depression of the medial aspect of the distal radius? (Allows the distal radioulnar joint to form together)

Ulnar notch (The ulnar head fits into the ulnar notch of the radius)

Does the olecranon process of the ulna fit into the olecranon fossa when the arm is fully extended?


When the elbow is completely flexed, do the coronoid process and radial head come in contact with eachother?


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