Post Classical Era

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Emperor Wu

(685-705) the sole woman to rule China as emperor in her own right; she called herself emperor and founded a new dynasty. The Zhou (609-705), that replaced the Tang dynasty until her death in 705, when the Tang dynasty was restored

Jin Dynasty

(960-1276) dynasty that ruled a united China from the northern capital of Kaifeng from 960-1126 and only the second half of the empire from 1127 to 1276

Songtsen Gampo

(ca. 617-649/650) founder of the Yarlung dynasty in Tibet who introduced Buddhism and an alphabet to his subjects

China divided: The Jin and the Southern Song, 1127-1234

- Adjustment for northerners to be able to live in the south was difficult because of the big cultural and dialect differences. C - Many came by boat. I - For a moment of time, the Southern emperor hid in Nanjing because there was no official capital yet. P - Li Qingzhao was faithful to her husband, creating many written works and travelling a hundred miles so he did not die alone. S - She was a voice to those who lost and suffered at the hands of Jurchens conquest. S - While a peace treaty was signed in 1142, the Southern Song payed the Jurchen in silver and silk annually. P - While the people were against the payments to Jurchen, it benefited trade and economic growth because the money was used to but Chinese goods. E

Buddhism and Regional Kingdoms in Korea

- Because Chinese influence was limited to the military, the king of Koguryo was able to capture the northern part of the Korean peninsula. P - The Three Kingdoms period lasted until 668, when the Korean Peninsula was unified. P - Because the Three Kingdoms were constantly fighting and competing against each other, they often used iron tools such as spears to get an upper hand over one another. P - Korean rulers Incorporated Confucianism with into their teachings and the people were taught how to read and write in Chinese. P - Before Buddhism Koreans prayed to the god's for Good Harvest. C - Buddhism began to become controversial. C - By the 6th Century, Buddhism was heavily corporated into Korean kingdoms. C - Japan suffered greatly when it was defeated in 1600 - The victory of the Silla forces in 675 led to the first unification of the Korean peninsula and resulted in a two and a half century period of stability. P - The bone rank system divided those with power into 7 categories with the King being highest. P - In 780 Royal families fought for control resulting in a decline.

The rise of the Northern Song Dynasty, 960-1126

- From 907-960, there was the Five Dynasties period, when China was split into several regional governments. P - The Song Dynasty maintained a Bureaucracy, where a lot of power was kept with the citizens. - The six ministries were Revenue, Civil Appointments, Rites, Works, Punishments, and War, and they all were active in the government (also in the Tang dynasty). P - The prefectures worked with collecting taxes and keeping justice. P

The Emergance of Japan

- Historians use the Chronicle of Japan to study Japanese history since for some time there wasn't a system of writing - during the third and fourth centuries, chieftains ruled Japan, and in the fifth and sixth centuries, there was a spread of many different cultures, which caused political instability. P - The military used Chinese and Buddhist teachings. C - The Paekche kingdom heavily incorporated Buddhism in it's society, and its use of the bone-rank system gave it power. P - The Soga clan, a Japanese Buddhist supportive group originating from Korea. P - The Japanese court converted to Buddhism in 587. P - Prince Shotoku had the Japanese in China in 600, where they learned about China and reported their findings. P - Because of the power of China, Japan structured it's politics based on the one used in the Tang dynasty. P - Land was distributed individually per household. E - Houses had wooden pillars. Their use of tiled roofs and stones panels was structured from Chinese architecture (700th century). C - Its capital for a thousand years- starting in the 7th century- was Kyoto, and it was based off of China's then capital. C - Smallpox epidemics were spread through China. I - A quarter of Japan's population died from epidemics that originated from China and Korea. I - Empress Koken showed her support for Buddhism by making several prints of Buddhist prayers. - After her death, woman emperors were no longer allowed. S - After 800, Japan no longer followed the Tang rule and small farming became more common. P - Brush talking is writing down whatever is heard in Chinese. C - Because Japanese language was so different from Chinese language, they developed their own alphabet called the Kana. C - The Tale of Genji, written using Kana, was known to be the world's first novel. C - The elite and powerful were able to write both in Chinese and kana (the woman generally only knew how to write in Kana), while countrymen were illiterate. S - By 1000, the Japanese structured their government in which the emperor and his courtiers lived in the capital, and full-time warriors participated in the military.

The Tibetan Empire (617-842)

- Rulers of the Tibetan Plateau followed the Tang governance. P - Gampo founded the Yarlung dynasty based on Indian and Chinese governments as well as the principles of Buddhism. P - He used to record things in writing. C - Gampo received a wife from the Chinese government after nearly defeated hin - He demanded for Tibetans to learn how to make silk and write. - The Tibetans were able to capture some of western China. P

How did religious beliefs share the social hierarchy of both Aztec and the Inca?

- The Inca believed their ruler was the Great Speaker, a descendent of the sun gods. The Aztecs believed their ruler was semi divine - in both societies, blood rituals were important, and prisinors of war were sacrificed to their gods

The Collapse of the Northern Song 1126-1127

- The Jin dynasty was founded by Jurchen after Kitan and the Song were defeated, capturing Kaifeng. P - The Jurchen used gunpowder to be able to take over Kaifeng because of its huge size. P - Chinese soldiers used gunpowder arrows, bombs flamethrowers, and towers when fighting for control. P - The southern Song dynasty began because Jurchen took over Kaifeng, thus taking over the northern part. P - Jurchen was unable to capture the southern part. P - China's capital was at the south of Yangzi. P - Tens of thousands of people flooded from the north to the south, bringing 500,000 people from northern China to Southern China. P

China reunified (589-907)

- The Sui dynasty reunified China in 589- P - To unify the people, the Tang dynasty embraced Buddhism, and Asian influence made artwork beautiful- C - Taizong after overthrowing his father gave money to Buddhist monasteries.- P - Using the Silk Roads, Taizong was able to capture a large portion of Northwest Central Asia.- P - The Tang code was used for the government. It was used with legal cases such as punishing those committed murder. P - The equal field system was used by the government when collecting taxes. Each household leader was given a certain amount of lands based on the number of inhabitants. E - He tried to make Confucianism more prevalent, often educating and giving jobs to those who followed Confucianism. C - Emperor Wu ruled as emperor in her own right,. P - Because in the book The Great Cloud Sutra a female ruler was prophesied to rule a powerful Buddhist Society, Emperor Wu constructed many Buddhist monasteries. C - Women had worked under Chinese bureaucrats. P - In 690 Emperor Wu founded the Zhou Dynasty. P - She proclaimed herself a chakravartin ruled in 693. P

How did the Inca system of coercive labor compare to other systems of coercive labor, such as serfdom in Europe and Japan?

- the Incan labor system was the Mita system, where abled bodied citizens were required to perform a certain amount of labor per year for te state, and in return, the state helped to take care of the old and sick. - Serfdom was the act where peasants would do farmwork and other jobs all year, and give a portion of their taxes to the knights who gave them to the nobles. It wasn't about working for a certain amount of time, but rather enough so you can support yourself

The long decline of the Tang Dynasty, 755 - 907

- the Tang Dynasty divided into two halves (618 - 755) & (755 - 907). - The first half was military and economic Prosperity because the equal field system and military victories allowed the dynasty to be very successful and stable. - the second half is when task collectors couldn't raise enough revenue and the Islamic world ended the expansion to Central Asia of the Tang Dynasty. - Ennin lied to stay in China but only to continue his research on Buddhism. - China was wealthy in salt. - Chang'an was designed to look very appealing, with large boulevards and markets that sold luxurious objects and foreign Goods. - These markets printed books and sold calendars. Buddhist texts (the need to write down prayers) influenced the creation of printing using wooden blocks. - Wuzong collected many taxes. - Buddhism and tax revenue allowed the Empire to last for another 3 centuries.

How did alliances help the Spanish conquer the Aztec Empire?

- they (Cortes and the Spanish) allianced themselves with the Tlaxclans and other people who didn't like the Aztecs - this allowed them to have people who can help them understand the terrain and to gain intel on Aztec and its weaknesses

What is humanism?

-An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements. -A philosophy in which interests and values of human beings are of primary importance.

Who is Zheng He?

-Court official, he was an explorer that traveled to Asia and Africa. -He realized 7 voyages -An admiral who explored the Indian Ocean

What was European Feudalism?

-Feudalism developed as a way for medieval societies to protect themselves -A system of government based on landowners and tenants -Political system based on bonds of loyalty between lords and vassals -The social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century

Explain the encomienda system.

-Spanish settlers were granted land and had autonomy to treat the natives on it however they pleased. -Europeans claimed it was their right to demand labor and tribute from Natives.

What were the long-term effects of Mongol rule in Eurasia?

1) the unification brought by Ghengis (Chinggis) Khan promoted cultural diffusion, and religions like Islam spread a lot 2) their invasions and spread may have spreaded the Black Plague, leading to famine and death of hundreds of thousands of people. 3) the silk roads were not used as often, replaced by the Mongolian Post Relay system

What was the social hierarchy under Feudalism (in order)?

1st- Kings- collected taxes from the nobles 2nd- Nobles- controlled the castles and used collected taxes for renovation and to pay the king 3rd- Knights- assisted the nobles by collecting taxes and protecting them and the serfs 4th- Serfs- farmers and other workers who were expected to give a large portion of what hey made to the nobles

Who was Bernardino de Sahagun?

A Franciscan friar, Sahagun (1499-1590) worked with a team of researchers to record the long book entitled General history of the Things of New Spain, also known as the Florentine Codex.

What is obsidian?

A naturally occurring volcanic glass used by different peoples in the Americas to make fine art objects, dart tips, and knife blades sharper than modern scalpels. The most important good traded by the Maya.

What is Copan?

A typical Maya city-state. At its peak in the eighth century, Copan had a population of 18,000-20,000 divide into sharply demarcated groups: the ruling family, the nobility, ordinary people, and slaves.

What was the Aztec Empire?

An empire based in Tenochtitlan (modern day Mexico City) that ruled over 4 to 6 million people in modern-day Mexico and Guatemala.

What was the Inca Empire?

Andean emoter founded in 1438 by Pachakuti (d. 1471), which ruled over a peak population of 10 to 12 million.

What was an Ayllu?

Andean kin groups of the Inca empire that worked the land in several adjacent ecological zones as a hedge against crop failure in any one zone.

What was the age of faith?

Around 910 there was a spiritual revival led by monasteries who wanted to return to basic Christian principals.

Buddhism and the Tang blueprint for rule in Korea and Japan, to 1000

Because of the Tang Dynasty success, Tibetan rulers tried to incorporate Buddhism and into their government. However, the equal field system was not able to be used when coinciding with Korean or Japanese Society.

Why was block printing so important?

Block printing was the most important advancement because it was a way to educate the non-elite, thus making education more accessable to commoners. This allowed them to do well on civil service exams, and for the government to not soley be made of the rich. The commoners can then use their power to help improve the way of living for all. Educated people make better calculated decisions, which leads to further announcements that aid society. Overall, by being a way for books to be made quicker and cheaper, block printing was the most significant development in history.

What was Tenochtitlan?

Capital city of the Aztec Empire, which the Mexica reclaimed from swampland, with a population of some two hundred thousand people.

How did Charlemagne rekindle learning in Europe? How did he personally participate in this learning revival?

Charlemagne rekindle learning in Europe by building royal schools all over his empire. Children from all classes were given the opportunity to get an education. He personally participated by trying to learn to read and write.

How many military campaigns did Charlemagne wage over his 46 year career as king? When he conquered people, what choice concerning Christianity did he give pagan subjects?

Charlemagne waged more than fifty military campaigns. When he conquered people he gave them the choice of either converting to Christianity or to be killed.

What changes did China experience during the Song Dynasty?

China during the Song dynasty experienced an economic growth because of trading and innovative new technologies at the time. For example, gun powder, a material used for fireworks and bombs, was sold for a good price, adding revenue to their income. In addition, porcelain was sold at a very high price because it was only made and found in China, becoming a large source of revenue. Additionally, books were sold at a higher rate at a lower price to the civilians because block printing allowed books to be manufactured more effectively. The higher education level of the citizens allowed the Chinese to make good decisions when trading, overall adding to their economic success.

The five dynasties period and the Song dynasty, 907-1276

Despite the Song Dynasty taking over after the Tang, they kept the same Bureaucratic government the Tang had. They did switch the center of the government to the south, and used civil service examinations to hire officials.

What are some characteristics of the Olmec society?

Early settlement patterns-1500 BC-400 BC near Tenochtitlan. -Dependence on Hunting and Gathering. -Settlement near fertile marsh lands in central America. -Development of agriculture- Maize, Gourds, Beans, Squash. -Very few Domesticated animals available; Wild Game, Dogs and Wild Boar. -Interacted through trade and warfare. -Use of Obsidian as a tool. Love of Jade. -Animistic religion/ sacred Jaguar. -Ritual blood letting for gods

What happened as an effect of the "Increased Interaction" caused by the Crusades?

European Christians also became exposed to new ideas as they traveled throughout the Mediterranean basin ◦The works of Aristotle ◦Islamic science and astronomy ◦"Arabic" numerals which the Muslims had borrowed from India ◦Techniques for paper production which the Muslims had learned from China While the Crusades may have largely failed as military adventures, they helped encourage the reintegration of western Europe into the larger economy of the Western Hemisphere

What percentage of children died before adolescence? How many children lost at least one parent before adulthood?

Fifty percent of the children in the Dark Ages died prior to reaching adolescence. Additionally, the majority of the children lost at least one parent before they became adults.

What happened in Lindisfarne England on June 8, 793? What "age" had begun on this day?(We have discussed Lindisfarne in the past - but from the perspective of the Vikings)

In Lindisfarne England on June 8 793 a Viking attack lead to the plundering of many goods and the death of numerous people. Following this attack, the Viking age started.

What was Quipu?

Inca system of record keeping that used knots one strings to record the population.

Who were the Mayan people?

Indigenous people living in modern-day Yucatán Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala. Their complex society reached its height during the classic period, when they used a fully developed written language.

What new religion spread throughout the Middle East and Africa and threatened Europe by 732 AD? What Christian nation fought this faith in Tours, France in 730?

Islam was spreading through the Middle East, Africa and threatened Europe by 732 AD. Islam was competing with Christianity for followers in Europe. The franks fought the religion of Islam in Tours, France in 730.


Japanese system of writing with simplified Chinese characters that are used phonetically


Korean kingdom that adopted Buddhism and united with the Tang dynasty in 660 to defeat Koguryo and Paekche kingdoms, unifying Korea for the first time in 668?

Bone-rank system

Korean social ranking system used by the Silla dynasty that divided Korean families into seven different categories, with kings coming from only the top group

Whose court did Marco Polo visit during the Yuan Dynasty?

Kulbai Khan's court (Mongolians)

What was Gothic architecture?

Later innovations (such as flying buttresses) create the type of support which allowed for large stain glass windows- replace romanesque styles of architecture.

What was the main goal of Mayan rulers at times of war?

Main goal of the Mayans was to get captives——-> rulers brag about how many captives that they had. they also often used these captives aas blood sacrifices to their gods


Mixture of potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal used by the Chinese for fireworks and explosive weapons

What were some new thoughts and ideas in medical Europe?

New Thoughts and Ideas: • Writers through out Europe begin writing in their own "Vernacular". • Famous Authors include: - Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy - Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales • Thomas Aquinas - a Roman Scholar and Clergy - Religion can be proved logically. - Believer in Aristotle's scientific method for religion.

What is the Popul Vuh?

One of the few surviving sources in the Mayan language, this oral epic features a series of hip ball games between the gods and humans. Originally written in Mayan glyphs, it was recorded in the Roman alphabet in the 1500

Soga Clan

Powerful Japanese family of Korean descent that ruled in conjunction with the Yamato clan from 587-645; introduced Buddhism to Japan

What are the long-term effects of the fall of Constantinople at the hands of the Ottomans?

Significance of the Fall of Constantinople "The city seemed to defy the great expansion of Islam. No matter how much territory fell to the Muslims, Constantinople resisted every siege and every invasion. Not only would the seizure of Constantinople represent a powerful symbol of Ottoman power, but it would make the Ottomans master of east-west trade".

What was the Rule of St. Benedict? By 600, what was the dominant cultural force in Europe?

St. Benedict's rule was a very strict one that was based off a moral code. In order to keep evil from occurring among his men this code restricted the free will of men.

What was monasticism?

Synonymous with monk hood a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work. • Provided schools for the children of the upper class. • Inns, hospitals, refuge in times of war. • Libraries & scriptoria to copy books and illuminate manuscripts. • Monks———>missionaries ———> convert barbarians to Christians. • Cleared land for agricultural purposes.

What was an Atepetl?

The 450 city-states of the Aztec empire that each had its own leader and government, a palace for its rule, a

Which empire came to an end as a result of the plague?

The Byzantine Empire, because the plague weakened it, allowing the Ottoman Turks to take over

What were some changes in the church brought about by the crusades ?

The Crusades temporarily increased the power of the pope. However, papal conflicts with feudal monarchs in Europe eventually lessened this power. The rift between the eastern and western churches was not healed. In fact, it widened after the crusaders' attack on Constantinople

Who did European knights start to attack once Europe was no longer threatened by external enemies? What did the purpose of castles become during this time?

The European knights started to attack peasants once Europe was not being threatened by outside forces. Castles was where the Knights who attacked the peasants were kept by the lord.

How long did the Frankish and Moorish armies wait for each other to make the first move? How did Charles get the Moorish troops to retreat?

The Frankish and Moorish armies waited six day for the the other to make the first move before the first attack was made. Charles Martel had his army take the plunder of the Moorish army and convinced them that there was a retreat happening which caused disarray with the Morrish forces.

How many men did the Moors invade France with in 730? What Frankish general waited for this army?

The Moors invade France in 730 with fifteen thousand men. The frankish general that waited for this army was General Charles Martel.

To what extent did the Spanish and Portuguese settlement of Brazil, Mexico, and Peru alter the existing social hierarchy in these conquered areas?

The Spanish and Portuguese settlement of Brazil, Mexico, and Peru altered the existing social hierarchy in the conquered area because the conquered people had less power. They were treated as slaves under the treaty of tordesallas. They were forced to work for the settlers in exchange they would be taught about Christianity.

How did the Viking ships help their raids to be so unexpected?

The Viking's ships aided in the unexpectedness of their raids because they were not only able to sail through the ocean but through rivers as well.

Equal Field System

The base of the Tang dynasty tax system as prescribed in the Tang Code. Dividing households into 9 ranks on the basis of wealth, officials allocated each householder a certain amount of land

What was simony?

The buying or selling of ecclesiastical (religious) privileges, for example pardons or benefices.

What title did the Christian church give to Charles after his victory of Tours? What did Charles' grandson Charlemagne become on Christmas in 800 AD?

The christian church gave Charles Martel the title of The Hammer Martel. Charlemagne became the first Roman Empire in over 300 years on Christmas in 800 AD.

What lands did the Church tell the knights they could invade in 1095? What did the Church call these military campaigns?

The church told the knights that they could invade Jerusalem and the Middle East in 1095. They called these campaigns the spread of god's will.

What was the favorite target for Viking raiders? What British kingdom did the Vikings attack in 866?

The favorite target for Viking raiders was Great Britain and Ireland and monasteries. The Vikings attacked the British Kingdom of Northumbria in 866.

What was the Renaissance Period?

The period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world

Three kingdoms period

The period of Korean history from 313-668 when the Koguryo, Paekche, and Silla kingdoms all fought for control of the Korean Peninsula and exercised profound cultural influence on Japan?

What was lay investiture?

The practice of laypeople (non-clergy(religious officials)) appointing Church officers. The underlying issue of the Lay Investiture Controversy was lay control over the appointment of bishops and abbots. •Led to power struggles between the Secular leaders and the Pope. The Pope typically prevailed in this issue, but the kings/emperors still controlled the secular realm.

What is fallow?

The stage of crop rotation in which the land is deliberately not used to raise a crop.

What was scholasticism?

The system of theology and philosophy taught in medieval European universities, based on Aristotelian logic and the writings of the early Church.

What two edicts did the Church issue in the 10th century to curb knightly violence?

The two edicts that the Church issued in the 10th century to curb knightly violence were the peace of god and the truce of god.

What was the work pattern for many during the Dark Ages

The work pattern was not reliant on what time of year it was was and was therefore not the same throughout the year. There would be time was there was a lot of work being done and times when there was no work being done.

Explain the reasons for Ming Maritime expeditions. What was the primary motivation for the treasure fleet voyages?

Their motivation was to find new trade routes for economic growth

Why did the monks that invited St. Benedict to their monastery try to poison him twice? What did Benedict establish after this?

They tried to poison St. Benedict due to the fact that they were not accustomed to his kind of rule. St. Benedict was a strict ruler and disciplined the monks and made them obey his demands. After, the monks had attempted to murder him twice St. Benedict went on to create twelve new monasteries.

How was a typical Mayan city divided?

Typical Mayan city-state= population divided into ruling family, nobility, ordinary people, and slaves.

What was Romanesque architecture?

Typical style of early medieval buildings. characterized by semi-circular arches.

What city did the Viking Ivar and the "Great Heathen Army" take in this invasion? How did Alfred the Great defend his kingdom from Ivar's army?

Viking Ivar and the "Great Heathen Army sought to take the city of York. However, Alfred the great built a fortress in hopes of defending his kingdom.

What were the positive and negative effects of the nomadic Turkish and Mongol Empires on the Eastern Hemisphere between the 11th and 15th centuries?

a positive was the postal relay system, a mongol system of roads with stops where messengers could get food and new horses (stop every 30 miles). that was the backbone of the mongol empire. this kept all the corners of the empire together also they had requirements for receiving envoys, and court financed merchant networks. chinggis khan died in 1227

Wood block printing

a printing system developed by the Chinese in which wood blocks were carved with enough characters to print entire pages

What techniques did the Ottomans use to expand their empire?

being a nomadic group let them conquer areas and get the resources from those places (settled populations) without trading or working for it, they moved around, getting a variety of resources.

What were the characteristics of the imperial systems of both the Aztecs and the Inca empires?

both had a complex calander system, and both had written languages, although the maya written language was only known among the highest ranking people. Both had a marketplace and both prized foods and spices. They had very high population cities, and very strong armies. Both performeed blood sacrifices to please the gods, and both prioritized the armies very high.

Examine the political, social and economic effects of the Black Plague in Eurasia.

in Eurasia, the black plague killed nearly half the population, and it took 200-300 yeras to restore the population. After the plague passed, many poor people and builders died because they didnt have the budget of the rich. However, there was still a huge demand for builders across eurasia, and with a smaller amount of them, htey were able to get paid more, and they even "unionized" to lower taxes that were initially very high on them during midieval times.

Describe the differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance.

north valued material wealth in their artwork more, while Italy valued religion and overall integration of classical cultures, such as greece, into its artwork. North renaissance had more realistic, and bigger paintings, while Itlay had art picturing many critical moments described in the bible

Song Dynasty

noted for art and literature and philosophy. (960-1276) dynasty that ruled a united China from the northern capital of Kaifeng from 960-1126 and only the second half of the empire from 1127 to 1276

Describe the rise of the Ottomans.

ottomans take over mediterranean, so explorers set off to find ways to get to india and china, but they get to the americas, called the age of exploration. ottomans know a lot about the environment and resources on the silk road. who were the ottoman turks: in anatolia timur crushed ottoman forces in ankara in 1402. all that remained of the byzantine empire was constantinople, osman attracted warriors, who required plunder and conquest to remain their way of life. cyprus is argued to be greek, turkish, or its own country (cyprian)

Who is Tamerlane?

tamerlane: relative of genghis khan, takeover/military strategy similar to genghis khan. in the east mongols followed their way of life after collapse of empire, when ibn arrived in delhi, he saw the khans nephew took rule. he married a descendant of genghis khan to claim descendance. known as timur the lame, because he did nothing too good. he took craftsme from areas he conquered and told them to build buildings in his city. the city was beautiful with a lot of different cultural influence. timur died when he was getting ready to lead his troops, different members of the royal house couldn't decide on a leader so they divided the empire among themselves. by 1500 nearly all mongol successor states died out. muscovy appeared as the major power, leaving only a small mongol state in crimea.

What aspects of Europe in the 15th century contributed to their growth and expansion?

the colonization of new lands, the treaty of orsedillas, and the overall idea of exploration that was the theme of this time period

Tang Dynasty

the imperial Dynasty (618-907) that represented a political and cultural high point in Chinese history. The Tang emperors combined elements of the Qin/Han blueprint for empire with new measures to create a model of governance that spread to Tibet, Korea, and Japan

How did the Mayans promote political unity in their region (known where their region is located), and how did they rule over their empire?

they had a group of noblemen to verify that ruler was fit to rule, and they ruled over ther empire using sharply demarcated groups: the ruling family was at the top, closely followed by the nobility, then farther down there were the ordinary people and lastly the slaves.

What factors led to the Spanish and Portuguese acquisition of empire in the Americas?

they had guns, armor, and horses. Also, the Europeans had better strategy and they carried diseases with them such as smallpox which the mayans, aztecs, and incas were not immune to.

What type were Mongol policies in China, Persia (middle east), and Russia?

they were a little bit against islam, but other than that they were completely accepting of cultures in the areas they conquered. They left old leaders to lead their areas, and they expalnded their postal relay systm too these areas too, as the postal relay system was the backbone o the empire, holding all it corners together.

Describe the typical social structure of nomadic societies.

they were a very militaristic group, they had a strong army. they had a sultan, and after he died 4 people would fight for power. similar to the arabian peninsula. nomadic societies constantly move around, and they steal things from poorly protected areas, like churches. they don't like to battle, only very quickly take and run

How did the mongols unify the Eurasian people?

with the postal relay system, a mongol institution of fixed routes with stops where messengers could eat and get fresh mounts (stop every 30 miles) , which functioned as the central nervous system of the gowing empire. they took east europe and north china, later russia. this is when europe saw how vulnerable they were to the mongols. they mongols attacked poland in 1241-42 after europe said he wouldn't give mongols 10% of their wealth. them ogudei died, chinggis' son, soall troops had to come to mongolia

Who was Pope Gregory I?

• Asserted "Papal Supremacy" of the bishop in Rome. • Emphasized Penance (confession). • Actively tried to convert pagan kings through missionary activity.

What were the Advances of Education in medical Europe?

• Creation of Universities. - a place for scholars to come together and learn. The first universities in Europe with a form of corporate/guild structure were the University of Bologna(1088), the University of Paris (c.1150, later associated with the Sorbonne), and the University of Oxford (1167).

What were the effects of the crusades?

• People of different religions grew to hate each other • Popes became more powerful • Feudal kings became more powerful • Renting land helps to free serfs • Europeans become interested in traveling • People learn about other cultures

What were some changes in the feudal system brought about by the crusades?

• The Crusades increased the power of monarchs, who had gained the right to increase taxes in order to support the fighting • Feudalism was weakening. An economy based on money, not land, took hold • Traditionally, lords had required grain or labor from their serfs. Now, they began to ask for payment of rent in money. - the crusades resulted in the inability to use the Mediterannean to trade, so people began exploring for other trade routes, resulting in them finding the Americas

What were Cathedrals?

•During the early Middle Ages most people worshipped in small churches. •However, around 1100, the development of large Gothic Cathedrals were created to represent the glory of God.

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