Post-Exile Quiz

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Name a diaspora Jew

- Adam Sandler - Esther

What is a Rabbi? What became the new common location for Jews to worship?

- a rabbi is a Jewish teacher who were the head of the Synagogues - Synagogues became the knew place for Jews to worship

Where were the Jewish people taken into exile.


What is a diaspora Jew? Why were there so many of them after the Babylonian Exile?

- diaspora Jew= Jews living outside of Israel - they were popular because many Jews remained in Babylon instead of going back to Israel during the exile...also there were a ton of people who fled as refugees

What evil things do queen Jezebel do?

- had the prophets of God murdered - supported the prophets of Baal - helped her husband do bad things (falsely accused a man then murders him so her husband could have his vineyard)

Why did Jewish leaders like Ezra oppose to mixed marriages between the Jews and the Samaritan's?

- it would mixed up their religion and culture

What made King Manasseh worse than all of the other terrible kings and people.

He sacrificed/burned his own child

How did Elijah die?

A chariot of fire comes down and swoops him up into a whirlwind to heaven

Explain the 2 miracles of Elisha

1.) a prophet was with elijah and they were cutting down trees by the jordan river. one of the prophets dropped his axe in the river, so he showed elisha where it was and he broke a stick and threw it in the water and then told the prophet to grab it. when the prophet grabbed the broken stick, an axe came out with iron on the stick 2.) a widows husband had just died during a famine, she and her son were running dry with food and oil. she told elisha that all they had left was oil that was running dry and he told her to go and ask all of her neighbors for a lot of empty jars. she did that and then her told her to shut the door to her house with her son and then put all of the jars next to each other and pour oil into them. she kept running out of jars and told her son to bring more, but when they were all gone the oil stopped flowing. after god told her to go out and sell it to pay her debts and that her and her son could live off of what would be left over.

What does Elijah find God in on Mt. Horeb?

A small silent sound

Explain the book of Ester

Esther is a normal girl from Babylon. The King of Persia threw out his queen because she wouldn't listen to him. He was told by Hammon, that if she didn't listen to him, then his people might not start listening to him. The king brought in all of the women in the village, that could be possible queens into the castle. They had to show why they should be the next queen. Esther was chosen to be the new queen, but she didn't want to be. Esther was related to a man named Mortici who was hated by Hammon. Two men from the village tried killing the King, but Esther told him to move out of the way before the piano fell on him. This only made the king like her more. Hammon found out that one of the kings guards was mortici, so he decided to tell the king that mortici was the one who tried to kill him. Then he told the king to kill mortici and his whole family. Esther tried to tell the king to not have them killed, because her and Mortici were related. Yet, Esther kept backing out and re-inviting them over for dinner. Finally she told the king that Hammon lied, and to not kill her family and he agreed.

What did Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah rebuild?

Zerubbabel: rebuilt a temple Ezra: rebuilt religion/culture Nehemiah: rebuilt walls (because other people from the land wanted to "help")

How did Elijah defeat the 450 prophets of Baal?

They each built an alter of wood and stone. - prophets of Baal danced and cut themselves around it...but Baal did nothing - Elijah poured water all over his alter and prayed to God to light the alter on fire...God came down in fire and the water evaporated and the alter was lit

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