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Examine the following map of the Aztec empire. Which of these were the characteristics of the Aztec empire?

mplementation of tribute system, practice of human sacrifice, construction of floating gardens

two ways the Magna Carta influence democracy?

declared that no "free man" could be arrested unless charged with a crime, advocated timely and speedy trials for people accused of crimes.

Iconoclastic Controversary

divdied the Byzantine Empire

Read the following excerpt from Spanish Conquistador Pedro de Cieza de León's "Chronicles of the Incas." Then answer the question that follows. No one who was lazy or tried to live by the work of others was tolerated; everyone had to work. Thus on certain days each lord went to his lands and took the plow in hand and cultivated the earth, and did other things. Even the Inca themselves did this to set an example. And under their system there was none such in all the kingdom, for, if he had his health, he worked and lacked for nothing; and if he was ill, he received what he needed from the storehouses. And no rich man could deck himself out in more finery than the poor, or wear different clothing, except the rulers and the headmen, who, to maintain their dignity, were allowed great freedom and privilege. Based on the excerpt, what two conclusions can be made about Pedro de Cieza de León's thoughts on the Inca civilization?

he Inca were a self-sufficient and hardworking group of people.

Song Synasty

Conquered by the Mongols after facing threats from Nomadic Groups Politicdal corrup[tion contributed to its downfall


Orignated in Areas arouynd the ANdes mountains Domesticated animals for the purpose of travel & transportation

In what way were the Maya similar to the Aztec and the Inca?

All three followed a polytheistic model of religion.

rom which land did Arabia get materials such as silk and porcelain?



Conducted business with neighbors, the Zapotecas orignated in parts of Central America

no central government or organization. People looked for protection from powerful lordspriestskings. This relationship led to the feudal system. The king held all the power, and it trickled down to nobles

Fall of Rome

pilgrimage to Mecca that is only required for people who are physically and financially able


In which two ways did Justinian I leave his mark on the Byzantine Empire?

He created a code of law for the empire., He ordered the construction of Hagia Sophia.

How did exposure to ancient Greek and Roman culture help bring about the Islamic golden age?

It gave Muslims a culturally rich civilization upon which to build.


King Nobles Knights Peasants & Serfs

Order of Events

Muhammad unified most of Arabian Penisula into a single Islamic State Islamic forces conquered Mesopaotamia defeating the Byzantine people The Ummayyad army crossed the Strait of Jilbralter & conquered Spain Europeans attacked the Muslim Emp[ire as part of the Ottomons

Which of the following contributed to the formation of feudalism?

People wanted the protection that the nobles could provide them.

Catholic Church

Pope Cardinal Archbishops & Bishops Priests

Fourth Crusade

Pope Innocent hoped to return Jerusalem to free the city form Muslims the Holy Roman Emperor wanted to regain control of the Byzantine Empire Crusaders sacked Constantinople

First Crusade

Pope Urban called for prople to recover Jerusalem from Muslims, Crusaders massacred jews in the Rhineland, Crusaders captured Jesrusalem but killed Muslims, Jews, & Christians in the process

Schism of 1054

Split the Religion of Christianity between Easst & West The Roman Pope & the Eastern Patriatrch excommunicated each other

Read the following excerpt from Spanish Conquistador Pedro de Cieza de León's "Chronicles of the Incas." Then answer the question that follows. No one who was lazy or tried to live by the work of others was tolerated; everyone had to work. Thus on certain days each lord went to his lands and took the plow in hand and cultivated the earth, and did other things. Even the Inca themselves did this to set an example. And under their system there was none such in all the kingdom, for, if he had his health, he worked and lacked for nothing; and if he was ill, he received what he needed from the storehouses. And no rich man could deck himself out in more finery than the poor, or wear different clothing, except the rulers and the headmen, who, to maintain their dignity, were allowed great freedom and privilege. Based on the excerpt, what two conclusions can be made about Pedro de Cieza de León's thoughts on the Inca civilization?

The Inca government provided for its people during times of need.

What was an important contribution of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages?

The church encouraged education by copying books and educating clergymen.

Which sentence is true about the early settlers in the Americas?

They crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia to enter the Americas.

According to historical records, what did the Aztecs expect those in captured regions to do?

They had to pay tribute to the rulers in the form of items such as paper and food.

What was the effect of illuminated manuscripts on the Byzantine Empire?

They helped preserve knowledge from ancient Greek and Roman texts.

How did the inventions of paper money and the compass produce similar effects in China during the Middle Ages?

They made it easier to engage in trade.

Tang Dynasty

boasted a storng & competent military force completed the Grand Cnal Project started by the SUi Dynasty

hat was a possible factor in the downfall of the Inca civilization?

civil war

What was gunpowder initially used for in China during the Middle Ages?

creating fireworks

two practices did Zen Buddhism encourage people to cultivate in China during the Middle Ages?

personal growth & meditation

the declaration of faith to worship Muhammad as the Messenger of God


required reciting of prayers five times daily: at dawn, midday, afternoon, sunset, and nightfall


required fasting from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan


at the bottom of the social structure and relied on nobles to keep them safe.


How did the Fourth Crusade contribute to the Byzantine Empire's downfall?

t left Constantinople permanently damaged after the crusaders looted its valuables.

donation to charity to improve society and help the poor


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