PowerPoint Ch. 2
Picture fill
Picture or texture fill uses a specific file or an image that simulates a material, such as cork, granite, marble, or canvas.
Texture fill
Picture or texture fill uses, a specific file or an image that simulates a material, such as cork, granite, marble, or canvas.
Pattern fill
Pattern fill adds designs, such as dots or diamonds, that repeat in rows across the slide.
For example, you can adjust its transparency, which allows you to see through the background, so that any text on the slide is visible.
Gradient fill
Gradient fill is one color shade gradually progressing to another shade of the same color or one color progressing to another color.
The WordArt outline is the exterior border surrounding each letter or symbol.
In these cases, you could find a synonym, or word similar in meaning, to replace the inappropriate or duplicate word.
One method of adding appealing visual elements to a presentation is by using WordArt styles.
You also can add an effect, which helps add emphasis or depth to the characters.
A style is named group of formatting characteristics.
Brightness determines the overall lightness or darkness of the entire image, whereas contrast is the difference between the darkest and lightest areas of the image.
Brightness determines the overall lightness or darkness of the entire image, whereas contrast is the difference between the darkest and lightest areas of the image.
PowerPoint gives you the option to change the line weight, or thickness, starting with 1/4 point and increasing in one-fourth-point increments.
PowerPoint provides a thesaurus, which is a list of synonyms and antonyms, to help you find a replacement word.
Solid fill
Solid fill is one color used throughout the entire slide
Transparency slider
The transparency slider indicates the amount of opaqueness.
Tiling options
Tiling options repeat the background image many times vertically and horizontally on the slide; the smaller the tiling percentage, the fra
WordArt fill in the interior of a letter can consist of a solid color, texture, picture, or gradient.
Notes Pages
You can type and format notes in the Notes pane as you work in Normal view and then print this information as Notes pages.
Notes Pane
You can type and format notes in the Notes pane as you work in Normal view and then print this information as notes pages
You can use offsets, another background feature, to move the background away from the slide borders in varying distances by percentage.