PPP Final Exam

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1) sand fly 2) tse tse fly 3) malaria vector 4) desert locust a) schistocerca b) aedes aegypti c) phlembotomus d) Anopheles e) Glossina

1) Phlembotomus 2) Glossina 3) Anopheles 4) Schistocerca

1) malaria 2) botulism 3) sleeping sickness 4) T.B. 5) schistosomiasis 6) Kala-azar a) Clostridium b) platyhelmithes c) leishmania d) arbovirus e) plasmodium f) trypanosoma brucei g) mycobacterium

1) Plasmodium 2) colostridium 3) trypanosoma brucei 4) mycobacterium 5) Platyhelminthes 6) Leishmania

1) yellow fever 2) chagas disease 3) swimmer's itch 4) taenia solis 5) schistosomiasis 6) guinea worm 7) smallpox 8) lymphatic filariasis 9) dengue 10) human bot fly a) triatoma b) treponema c) mosquito d) aedes aegypti e) schistocerca gregarious f) waterfowl g) trypomastigotes h) lutzomyia i) swine j) molluscs k) cyclops L) no vector

1) aedes aegypti 2) Triatoma 3) waterfowl 4) swine 5) molluscs 6) cyclops 7) no vector 8) mosquito 9) aedes aegypti 10) mosquito

1) jimmy carter 2) montezuma 3) carlos chagas 4) benjamin rush 5) otto wucherer 6) edward jenner 7) alphonse lavern 8) walter reed 9) john dunlop 10) william C. Gorgas a) smallpox vaccine b) pneumatic tire c) trypanosoma cruzi d) lymphatic filariasis e) international task force for disease eradication f) smallpox g) malaria h) yellow fever i) yellow fever mosquitoes j) panama canal

1) international task force for disease eradication 2) smallpox 3) trypanosoma cruzi 4) yellow fever 5) lymphatic filariasis 6) smallpox vaccine 7) malaria 8) yellow fever mosquitoes 9) pneumatic tire 10) panama canal

1) yuan 2) casual agent of plague 3) measles 4) cholera 5) plague symptom 6) buboes 7) syphilis symptom 8) lepromatous leprosy 9) middle kingdom 10) leprosy a) chancre b) zhonguo c) mafeng d) mongol e) buboe f) leonine facies g) yersinia pestis h) morbillivirus i) black death j) vibrio

1) mongol 2) yersinia pestis 3) morbillivirus 4) vibrio 5) buboe 6) black death 7) chancre 8) leonine facies 9) zhonguo 10) mafeng

1) corkscrew hairs 2) porotic hyperostosis 3) megacolon 4) yellow-orange, powdery lesions 5) hyperbilirubinemia 6) bursting blisters 7) lymphedema 8) rash-ulcerations 9) cercarial dermatitis 10) conidia a) scurvy b) coffee rust c) yellow fever d) guinea worm e) smallpox f) swimmer's itch g) SALB h) malnutrition i) filariasis j) chaga's diseas

1) scurvy 2) malnutrition 3) chaga's disease 4) coffee rust 5) yellow fever 6) guinea worm 7) filariasis 8) smallpox 9) swimmer's itch 10) SALB

Most chinese dynasties ended due to a) internal conflict b) floods c) famine d) invasions from the north

A) internal conflict

__?__ was once known as East Pakistan


India is virtually impossible to govern or to conquer for which of the following reasons? a) it is a country dominated by the Buddhist philosophy of life b) the people have no sense of history c) Hinduism and the caste system are preeminent in the lives of the people d) India is an Islamic Republic e) B and D

c) hinduism and the caste system are preeminent in the loves of the people

Leonine facies is a characteristic symptom of a) tuberculoid leprosy b) borderline leprosy c) lepromatous leprosy d) diffuse tuberculoid leprosy

c) lepomatous leprosy

the most severe form of leprosy is a) tubercluid leprosy b) borderline leprosy c) lepromatous leprosy d) diffuse tuberculoid leprosy

c) lepromatous leprosy

Cysticercosis is virtually nonexistent in a) south america b) southern asia c) Middle East d) Africa

c) middle east

China's first was thie the West was a) the taiping rebellion b) the boxer uprising c) the opium war d) the long march

c) the opium war

China's 2nd five-year plan was the Great Leap Forward; the 1st Five-Year plan was a) the great proletarian cultural revolution b) the transition to capitalism c) the transition to socialism d) the cultural revolution

c) the transition to socialism

Veneral syphilis is transmitted in which stage? a) first b) second c) late d) A and B e) B and C

d) A and B

Which of the following contributed to the second epidemic of syphilis in China? a) a large susceptible population b) greater sexual freedoms c) a male-biased population d) all e) none

d) ALL

Two of the three plague pandemics originated in a) Crimea b) Egypt c) Ethiopia d) China e) Italy

d) China

which of the following organisms causes veneral syphilis? a) T pallidium careteum b) T. pallidium perterue c) T. pallidium endemicum d) T. pallidium pallidum

d) T. pallidium pallidum

A jey route of spreading plague in the 14th century was a) the silk road b) the crimea and caucasus c) italy d) all e) none

d) all

The decline of the Yuan dynasty was hastened by which effect of the plague? a) reduced tax revenues b) disruption of commerce among the Mongol hordes c) reduced manufacturing capacity d) all e) none

d) all

M leprea occures in both humans and? a) rats b) opossums c) racoons d) armadillos

d) armdillos

the bantu spread through much of Africa and dominated other peoples because they were a) hunter-gatherers b) better adapted to the climate c) arger in size d) farmers

d) farmers

Which of the following countries does not have a border with China? a) mongolia b) Bhuta c) pakistan d) Japan e) afghanistan

d) japan

the 'father of pakistan' is a) Ghandi b) nehru c) gupta d) mohammed ali jinnad e) none

d) muhammed ali jinnad

The measles virus is in which virus family? a) myxoviridae b) filoviridae c) measoviridae d) paramyxoviridae e) none

d) paramyxoviridae

"china" come from a) shang b) zhou c) xia d) qin e) qing

d) qin

The girl deficit in China is due to a) captialism b) leprosy c) syphilis d) selective abortion

d) selective abortion

Priot to this dynasty, historical information is archaeological, not written a) neolithic b) paleolithic c) zhou dynasty d) shang dynasty e) xia dynasty

d) shang dynasty

Qinghua University in Beijing was created, in part, with funds donated by the US originating in the a) taiping rebellion treaty b) guomindang c) opium war reparations d) boxer rebellion indemnity

d) the boxer rebellion indemnity

Significant cultural exchange between China and western Asia and Europe occured during the a)xia dynasty b) shang dynasty c) qin dynasty d) zhou dynasty e) yuan dynasty

d) zhou?

A virin-soil epidemic is an infectious disease that? a) has no known biotic reservoirs other than man b) occurs only in island populations c) has been introduced into a population for the first time d) casues high levels of morbidity and mortality e) A,C, and D f) C and D

e) A, C, and D above

The great wall of china was built in the a) quin dynasty b) western han dynasty c) sui dynasty d) jin ming dynasty e) all f) none

e) all

During the resurgence of syphilis in China, which other disease increase similarly? a) HIV/AIDS b) gonorrhea c) Herpes d) all e) none

e) none

Leprosy has been conclusively proven to be transmitted by a) mosquitos b) sexual contact c) sneezing d) all e) none

e) none

The transition from the neolithic period to the dynastic or imperial era began with the a) neolithic b) paleolithic c) zhou dynasty d) shang dynasty e) xia dynasty

e) xia dynasty

Significant cultural exchange between China and western asia and europe occured during which dynasty? a) xia b) shang c) zhou d) qin e) yuan

e) yuan

Marco polo visited China during what dynasty? a) xia b) shang c) zhou d) qin e) yuan

e) yuan dynasty

The first non-chinese dynasty to rule China was the __?__ dynasty? a) xia b) shang c) zhou d) qin e) yuan

e) yuan dynasty

Which of the following best describes the "white man's" burden? a) taking care of all these "bloody Hindoos" b) bringing the benefits of western culture to all the colored natives of the world c) taking care of the urban workers in the industrialized cities of great britian d) making certain there are markets for all the industrialized goodies produced in England f) all f) A, B, and D g) A, B, and C

f) A, B, and D

The British instituted which of the following emergency policies to prepare for the Japanese invasion of Bengal in 1942-1943 a) destroyed 100s of buildings of the INC and arrested 1000s of their supporters b) instituted a "scorched earth" policy in Eastern Bengal c) initiated the "boat denial scheme" e) all f) B and C

f) B and C

T/F: The cholera pathogen is an obligate parasite that requires no insect vector or animal reservoir for its survival


T/F: humans are the only known natural host of the measles bacterium?


T/F: the MMR vaccine has been documented to cause autism in young children?


One important impact of the measles epidemic of the early 20th century was an increase in the population of ___?___ in Fiji


__?__ was the last Viceroy of India


T/F: Bengal was a hotbed of the independence movement in India


T/F: Hinduism does not recognize all men as created equal


T/F: One of the most important contributions of cholera to human civilization was the development of modern water and sewage sanitation laws, infrastructure, and practices


T/F: The measles epidemic of the late 19th and early 20th centuries lowered the birth rate of the native Fijian population for several decades


The critical community size (CCS) for measles to persist in an urban population is? a) 250-500,000 b) 50,000 c) 10,000 d) 100,000 e) none

a) 250 - 500,000

the first recorded case of plague took place in the a) third century BCE b) 6thcentury CE c) 14 century CE d) 19th century CE

a) 3rd century BCE

The infamous measles epidemic in Fiji in 1875 burned itself out in how many months? a) 4 b) 5 c) 1 d) 3 e) 12

a) 4

Rice blight is caused by which of the following fungi? a) Cochliobolus miyabeanus b) Cochliobolus heterostrophus c) Vibrio cholerae d) Hemileia vastatrix e) none

a) Cochliobolus miyabeanus

Greatest parasitic killer of humans a) malaria b) HIV-AIDS

a) Malaria

the classic first-stage sytmptom of syphilis is a) a chancre b) a rash c) blindness d) brain damage

a) a chanre

Just as the 14th century plague pandemic brought massive upheavel to China, one of the effect in Europe was a) a shift in power from the East to the West b) a shift in power from teh West to teh East c) in shift in power from the south to the north d) a shift in power from the north to the south

a) a shift in power from the East to the West

Kong Fuzi founded a) confusianism b) taoism c) Buddihsm

a) confusianism

Pathogens that spread quickly and efficiently, cause acute rather than chronic illnesses, induce immunity and require a pop of sufficient density are characteristics of what kind of diseases? a) crowd diseases b) non-crowd diseases c) chronic d) acute e) all bacterial diseases f) epizootic disease

a) crowd diseases

in china, iron first came into use during the a) eastern zhou subperiod b) western zhou subperiod c) shang dynasty d) qin dynasty

a) easter zhou subperiod

I.N.C. stands for a) Indian national congress b) india national conference c) india nehru committee d) Insolent narcissistic curmudgeonitis

a) indian national congress

leprosy occurs more often in a) males b) females c) neither d) infants

a) males

The last imperial dynasty of china was that of the a) manchus b) mongols c) mandarins d) uyghurs

a) manchus

Silk production in china began in the a) neolithic b) paleolithic c) zhou dynasty d) shang dynasty e) xia dynasty

a) neolithic

syphilis was known in china as a) plum tree poison b) french disease c) polish disease d) british disease

a) plum-tree disease

The sui and qin dynasties were similar in that both were characterized by a) ruthlessness and bried tenure b) great cultural accomplishments c) adherence to confucian philosophy d) all e) none

a) ruthlessness and brief tenure

Leprosy primarily affects the a) skin and peripheral nerves b) fingers and toes c) liver an dkidneys d) stomach and spleen

a) skin and peripheral nerves

Kong Fuzi lived during the a) spring and autumn period b) warring states period c) qin dynasty d) zhou dynasty

a) spring and autumn d) zhou dynasty

The demise of the last imperial dynasty was due in part to a) the tributary system b) confusianism c) doaism d) doaism e) the long march

a) the tributary system

Central to taoism is a) the way of the universe b) compassion c) human selfishness and evil d) disipline

a) the way of the universe

MEasles epidemics in Fiji in the early 1900s are attributed in large part to: a) transportation technology b) cannabilsm c) bush meat d) undercooked meat

a) transportation technology

during the first outbreak of syphilis in europe, how did the severity of symptoms compare to those of present-day syphilis? a) they were worse b) less severe c) no difference

a) worse

How long after 1494 did it take for syphilis to reach china? a) 1 year b) 10 years c) 100 years d) 500 years

b) 10 years

Around the year 1500, the population of china was approximately a) 10 million b) 100 million c) 600 million d) 1.2 billion

b) 100 million

Worldwide, the following number of people are affected by measles each year? a) 1 million b) 20 million c) 100 million d) 1 billion e) none of them

b) 20 million

In the 1940s, Fijin demographic was overpowered by what other demoraphic? a) china b) india c) indonesia d) myanmar

b) India

The most effective treatment for leprosy is a) leprosaria b) MDT c) antiretroviral therapy d) mercury

b) MDT

Leprosy is still a public health concern in a) china b) brazil c) mogolia d) mexico e) argentina

b) brazil

In about 500 BCE, leprosy a) came to china from mongolia b) came to china from india c) went to india from china d) went to europe from china

b) came to china from india

Bubonic plague entered the US directly from a) europe b) china c) africa d) western asia

b) china

Confucious had profound effects on chinese culutre that lastes for some 15 centuries. Which of the following is most central to his philosophy? a) the way of the universe b) compassion c) human selfishness and evil d) disipline

b) compassion

The grand canal connected beijing and a) hong kong b) hangzhou c) shanghai d) N anjing

b) hangzhou

Which of the follwoing statements about the leprosy pandemic beginning in the mid-19th century is true? a) it was caused by the chinese b) it was a shameful symbol of weakened china c) it was caused by ineffective public health policies of the Ming gov't d) it was caused by the guolai custom

b) it was a shameful symbol of a weakened china

The pathogen that cuases rice blast is a) escherichia coli b) plasmodium vivax c) variola major d) cochlioblus miyabeanus e) hemileia vastatrix

b) plasmodium vivax

The pandemic that shifted the center of european civilization from the Mediterranean to the north was a) the black death b) the justinian plague c) the 2nd pandemic d) the 3rd pandemic

b) the justinian plague

The higest rates of syphilis in the U.S. occur in a) New England b) the south c) the left coast d) the midwest

b) the south

Cholera is caused by: a) yersinia pestis b) vibria cholerae c) yersinia cholerae d) mycoplasma cholera

b) vibria cholera

Which chinese dynasties were brought down, in part, by the plague? a) yuan, ming, qing b) zhou, han, yuan

b) zhou, han, yuan

The first and second plague pandemics each killed approximately how many people? a) 1 million b) 10 million c) 100 million d) 1000 million

c) 100 million

people in americas before columbus? a) 1 million b) 10 million c) 100 million d) none

c) 100 million

Teh Great Austronesian Expansion began when and was completed when? a) 3500BCE to 1500BCE b) 2500 BCE - 0 BCE c) 3500BCE-1300CE d) 3000bce - 1000bce e)3500bce-1500bce

c) 3500 BCE - 1300 CE

the shortest chain of transmission ( onset of case 1 to onset of case 2) for measles is which of the folowing? a) 1 day b) 1 week c) 8 days d) 2 weeks e) 8 weeks

c) 8 days

Leprosy is currently a public health concern in a) the US b) India c) China d) South Africa

c) China

Syphillis is easily treated by which of the following? a) vitamin C supplements b) tetracilin c) penecilin d) Dapsone e) MDT

c) Penecilline

Fiji is located a) west of india b) east of new zealand c) east of australia d) east of china

c) east of australia

Buddhism increased significantly in China while Taoism suffered Mongol persecutions during the a) time of confucious b) yuan dynasty c) han dynasty d) era of disunity

c) han dynasty

Cholera is a disease easily treated in which of the following ways: the disease is almost always fatal, so there is no real treatment b) heavy doses of antibiotics c) rest and relaxation d) prompt hydration therapy e) prompt treatment with antipyretics

) hydration and antibiotics

T/F: Leprosy is caused by a pathongenic fungus


T/F: Measles is highly contagious. 50% of persons without immunity who share a household with an infected person will catch it?


The black death originated in a) europe b) africa c) asia d) south america

C) Asia

Syphhilis as we know it today most likely a) came from the west indies b) evoloved in the 16th century china from a european progenitor c) evolved in 16th century europe from an imported new world progenitor

C) evolved in a 16th century europe from an imported new world progenator

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