Praxis 5001 Subtest Praxis 5005 - Science

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-digestive organ, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that assist digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. -endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin


"crater" formed by the collapse of the top of a volcano into an empty magma chamber


"microtubule organizing center" small body located near the nucleus (shaped like long sun with dense center and radiating tubules). Where microtubules are made. During cell division the centrosome divides and the two parts move to opposite sides of the dividing cell.


"the present is the key to the past" applied to the laws of Earth


"the surface" where sunspots (dark areas) occur


(in green plant cells) a plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.


-Carbs -Proteins -Fats -Vitamins & minerals -Water


-north star -directly above north axis of earth -stays in same place and other stars revolve around it in 24 hours

Complete metamorphosis

1) egg 2) larva 3) pupa 4) adult

Thomas Edison

Scientists is best known for research with electricity?


The cooler layer of atmosphere overlying the stratosphere and below the thermosphere.

geology (n)

The study of planet Earth as it pertains to the composition, structure, and origin of its rocks.


The study of rocks

Carrying capacity

Total amount of life a habitat can support

Atmosphere layers

Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere


Type of gas Ionized-electrically conductive

Which of the following has the shortest wavelength? A. Red light B. Violet light C. UV radiation D. Infrared radiation

UV radiation


Uncharged atomic particles contained within the nucleus

Steady state theory

Universe is constantly being renewed


Very colorful, designed to attract pollinators


Water in a solid state changes to water vapor without going to a liquid phase


a hormone secreted by the pancreas that regulates blood glucose levels.


a material that can be separated by physical means into two or more substances


a measure of the amount of matter in an object

Temperature of a substance

a measure of the average molecular kinetic energy of the substance.


a method of separating ions within a substance by passing electric current through the substance

which of the following would be an example of meiosis

a scenario where a sex cell is being produced if its describing an animal the process has to be occurring in the testes or ovaries of that animal


a state of rest or uniform motion in which there is no resultant force on a body


a type of metamorphic rock


ability to do work

Cell Cycle -

3 STAGES: Interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis

Vascular Plants (tracheophytes)

3 Types: Angiosperms (protected seeds; flowering plants), Gymnosperms (naked seeds; pine trees), Seedless (ferns)


3 Types: Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary


3 parts: Sugar & Phosphate- create supporting structure; Nitrogenous - stairs SPiN- Sugar, Phosphate, Nitrogenous

butterfly lifecycle

4 major stages 1. egg 2. larva/caterpillar 3. pupa - seals itself in the cocoon/crystilis 4. imago - emerges as an adult butterfly butterflies only live for a month or 2

complete metamorphosis

4 stages: 1) egg 2.)larva 3.) pupa 4.) adult

Earth's age

4.6 billion years old


A thin layer of gases surrounding Earth (the air)

Prokaryotic cell

A type of cell lacking a membrane-enclosed nucleus and membrane-enclosed organelles; found only in the domains Bacteria and Archaea.

Metamorphic rock

A type of rock that forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions.

metamorphic rock

A type of rock that forms from an existing rock that is changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions. Example: Schist

sedimentary rock

A type of rock that forms when particles from other rocks or the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together can have a shift in layers and the deeper the layers the older it is examples sand and sediment


any combo of two or more substances in which the substances keep their own properties -homologous mixture is a solution

example of animal that reproduces asexually



are a progressive distrurbance propagated from point to point with regularity between points


are collections of cells which serve the same function and origin


Communities that are ecologically similar in relation to climate and the species that live there


Condensed water vapor falls to Earth

Tropical ocean water (warm water and air)

Hurricanes are likely to form over

Taxonomy order

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species


Laying down of sediment in a new location.

The process by which sediments are compacted and cemented into sedimentary rock is known as what?



Location of a gene or alleles

oxygen gas

Major product of photosynthesis is


Neutrons and protons


No volume No shape

Summer solstice

Northern hemisphere is leaning towards the sun

46. Laura builds a fire in her fireplace to help warm her house. The initial release of energy from the burning log is an example of which of the following types of heat transfer?


atomic weight

Ratio of the average mass per atom of a sample


cell organelle filled with enzymes needed to break down certain materials in the cell

Cellular Respiration (combustion reaction)

cells harvest the energy of organic compound, if oxygen is needed (aerobic), if oxygen is not needed (anaerobic)


chromosomes are pulled to opposite ends of the cell "two cells in one cell"


both members benefit


brain of the cell; houses the DNA where the chromosones are


breaks down the food

Food web

bunch of food chains that make up an ecosystem; mass of connected food chains; they are connected if one part is removed, it can affect the whole web

plate movement occurs along three major fault types

convergent divergent transform


push or pull

Convex mirror

rays will divert or move apart thereby no meeting at a point; image is VIRTUAL, UPRIGHT and SMALLER


reaction is reverse of fission. Two smaller nuclei are fused into one heavier nucleus. (same reaction that powers the sun)

Guard Cells

regulate opening of the stomata

exothermic chemical reactions

release energy

adult (incomplete metamorphosis)

reproductive stage -wings full grown


covers 75% of Earth; the depth of water

Composite volcanoes

created by layers of magma and ash/cinder

Sedimentary rocks

created by lithification when fluid sediments are transformed into solid rocks through compaction and then cementation


the cell starts to split and the genetic material moves to opposite sides of the cell

renewable energy sources

solar, wind, hydroelectric, nuclear

2nd law of thermodynamics

some heat will always be lost to the environment heat cannot spontaneously pass from a colder to hotter object


some way of harnessing and utilizing energy


the division of somatic cells 4 stages: 1) prophase 2) metaphase 3) anaphase 4) telophase


the duplicated genetic material lines up along the equator of the cell and a spindle starts to grow

kinetic energy

the energy of motion


symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of another organism


tendency of a physical object to resist change in motion unless acted on by an outside force


the actual genes that an organism has


the amount of cubic space that an object occupies

what defines the type of element

the atomic number


the capacity to do work


defined as a change in position

types of metamorphic changes

deformation by extreme heat and pressure compaction destruction of parent rock bending/folding emergence of new minerals

lunar eclipse (Full moon)

earth blocks the moon from getting sunlight


family VIAA nonmetal gases at room temp. such as F (fluorine)


food passes through and delivers into you stomach

Newton's 3rd law

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Newton's Third Lad of Interaction

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Newton's third law of motion

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

most damaging rays


watershed (drainage basin)

given area of land from which all rainfall flows into a single body of water.


green photosynthetic plant that reproduces asexually

continental crust

harder land crust

heat transfer

heat energy that is transferred into or out of a substance


heat is transferred from a liquid into a cooler area


help the cell digest nutrients

what does the immune system do?

helps to protect us from many pathogens that cause diseases

how is energy measured

in calories

types of igneous rocks

intrusive and extrusive

Weather maps

isobar isotherm


joining nuclei exothermic


kinetochore fibers attach to the chromosomes which causes the chromosomes to line up in the center of the cell

Polygenic characteristics

many alleles code for a phenotype ex: there could be 20 different genes that code for skin color




masses of frozen gases, cosmic dust and small rocky particles ex: Halley's comet

explain interaction of light with matter

matter absorbs light and what we see as color is the particular wavelength that is not absorbed if an object appears white, it is either reflecting or emitting all visible wavelengths if it appears black, it is absorbing all visible wavelengths


measure of energy

specific gravity

measure of the ratio of a substance's density compared to the density of water


mechanical or chemical processes by which rocks break down.

how do most cells divide?



mixture of two or more substances

isotops relation to decaying

most isotopes radioactively decay back into their normal forms over time

how do most animals reproduce?

most reproduce sexually sperm are created in the testes eggs are created in the ovaries


most specific

Stable element

most stable when it has 8 valence electrons (Neil Bohr)

types of symbiosis

mutualism, parasitism, commensalism

will science ever be finished



not charged

refraction of light

occurs when light is bent while passing from one medium to another

reflection of light

occurs when light returns after bouncing off an object


one member benefits the other is unaffected


one of the basic substances that are made of atoms of only one kind and that cannot be separated


orbit the sun at the central of the solar system


poor conductors of heat and electric current

what does it look like during a solar eclipse

the moon is between the earth and the sun

the amount of thermal energy depends on

the quantity of a substance example: a bathtub at 90 degrees has more thermal energy than a cup of coffee at 120 degrees

A Delicate Balance

the relationship between plants, animals, and their environment that keep things in balance


the rock or the ground


the science of classification


the scientific system by which all living things are categorized with subdivisions

charles' law

there is a direct relationship between temperature and volume as temperature goes up volume goes up as temperature goes down volume goes down


used to read weight

Earth revolves around the sun

view of stars from Earth changes as

shortest wavelength of visible light


how can uncertainty be reduced

- development of knowledge within related fields and understanding of related factors - better/more observations - better explanatory models and experimental methods

what two things could cause a wave to have a higher frequency

- speed - wave length

timeline of life's history

- the first multicellular plants and fungi emerged about 1.7 billion years ago - the first multicellular animals emerged about 580 million years ago - the first anatomically modern humans appeared about 200,000 years ago

the law of gravity

- the more massive either or both bodies are, the greater the gravitational force between them - the further apart two bodies are, the lesser the gravitational force between them

Acceleration due to gravity

-9.8 m/s2


-Begins in a nebula -massive, luminious spheres of plasma held together by it's own gravity -once exhausted the core becomes a stellar remnant: white dwarf, neutron star or black hole

Mutations (genes)

-Change in the nucleotide base sequence of a genome Rare event -Can be deleterious, beneficial, or silent (has no impact whatsoever) -Rarely leads to a protein that improves ability of organism to survive -Wild Type (wild strain) - a natural, nonmutated characteristic

Taxonomy - Classification of living things

-Domain -kingdom (ex. animal) -phylum (chordate) -class (mammal) -order (primate) -family (hominidae) -genus (homo) -species (sapiens) Do Kids Playing Class Order FaGS?

which of the following would be an example of a chemical change: water boiling water and mud separating a match burning

a match burning

Light reaction

a molecule of chlorophyll absorbs a tiny packet of energy from he sun called a photon. The photon caused the chlorophyll to donate one electron and begin a chain reaction that produces ATP and adds hydrogen to the energy-rich molecule NADPH to form NADPH2


a moveable material (usually wind, ice or running water) moving surface materials


a naturally occurring organic or inorganic solid that is composed of one or more minerals.


a non symbiotic relationship in which a predator hunts prey


a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene


a person who studies the science or practice map drawing

Breakage mutation

a piece of DNA is lost

Insertion or translocation mutation

a segment from another place on the DNA is inserted in the wrong place

Inversion mutation

a segment of the sequence is flipped around

elements have ...

a set number of neutrons often the same as its number of protons


a similar process of cell division used in the creation of sex cells. these cells are haploid and must join with another gamete in order to continue division


a small rocky body orbiting the sun.


a star that increases thousands of times in brightness and then fades collapse of a star where its so strong its pieces are scattered

Super Nova

a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass. Explosion of a star


a substance composed of two or more elements


a substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means


a system in which small particles are kept dispersed by agitation or molecular motion in the surrounding medium example: muddy water in a river

granite rock

a type of igneous rock


a type of sedimentary rock

Atomic mass unit

a unit of mass that describes the mass of an atom or molecule


a violent tropical storm that forms in the Western Pacific Ocean, usually in late summer


-most integral part of circulatory system. pump that moves the blood throughout the body. -right side siphons in blood that has been spent of oxygen and needs to be sent to lungs -left side of heart pumps in newly oxygenated blood from lungs and send to rest of the body through aorta via vessels (left atrium) two chambers - fish three-chambers: Mollusks four-chambers: Reptiles

A lizard crawls atop a rock and suns itself for a period of about 15 minutes. This activity would be an example of which of the following?

. The lizard regulating its internal conditions.

years are based on....

... the earth's revolution around the sun

days based on...

...the earth's rotation on its axis

months based on...

...the moon's revolution around the earth

Animal kingdom facts

1 million species, half are insects, multicellular, hetertrophic, no cell walls, reproduce sexually, can move, respond to environment

Natural selection

1) Individuals in a certain species vary from generation to generation 2) some of the variations are determined by the genetic makeup of the species 3) more individuals are produced than will survive 4) some genes allow for better survival of an animal

Classification of living things

1) Kingdom (ex: animal) 2) Phylum (ex: cordate) 3) Subphylum (ex: vertebrate) 4) Class (ex: mammal) 5) Order (ex: primate) 6) Family (ex: hominidae) 7) Genus (ex: homo) 8) Species (ex: sapiens)


1) Prokaryotes 2) classified according to their cell wall, shape, and movement cell wall: gram-positive (stains dark purple), gra-negative (stain light pink) shapes- Bacillus (rod), Coccus (spherical), Spirillum (spiral), Spirochete (corkscrew), Chain of cocci, Cluster of cocci movement- flagella enable bacteria to move

2 Types of Cells

1) Prokaryotes - single-celled called bacteria 2) Eukaryotes - many cells with membrane-bound nucleus


1) Surrounded by protective structure; capsid 2)Antigens - allow it to identify, attack, and enter a host 3) considered Nonliving

Incomplete metamorphosis

1) egg 2) nymph 3) adult ex: grasshoppers & dragonflies

4 basic tissues

1) epithelial- things that cover 2) connective- bone, cartilage, blood 3)nervous-neurons, photoreceptor 4) muscle-skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles (capable of movement called contraction)

Characteristics of living things

1) made of cells 2) must adapt to environmental changes or perish 3) carry on metabolic processes

characteristics of living things

1) made of cells 2) Growth and development 3) Capable of reproduction 4) Adapt to environment 5) Obtain and transfer energy to perform life processes 6) Maintain control of internal environment 7) Respond to Environment


1)Eukaryote 2) both sexual and asexual reproduction 3) Differ by how they gain their food -- animal-like (ingest), plant-like (make their own), fungus-like (absorb it)


1)Eukaryote 2)Absorb nutrients 3)lack the ability to move 4)both sexual and asexual reproduction hyphae - allow for growth, feeding and reproduction

Cell Theory

1)all cells arise from preexisting cells 2)all living organisms are composed of 1 or more cells 3)Cells are the basic unit of structure and function

two general rules to know about the periodic table

1. Atomic properties are organized by row. Atomic number and mass increase as you move left to right and top to bottom 2. chemical properties are loosely arranged by column

frog lifecycle

1. egg 2. tadpole - swims around and breathes through gills 3. starts to grow legs and breathe air 4. gills go away and breathes through just lungs anphibous organism - lives both on land and water

Gravity =

9.8 (mass)

endoplasmic reticulum

A system of membranes that is found in a cell's cytoplasm and that assists in the production, processing, and transport of proteins and in the production of lipids.

full moon

A total lunar eclipse occurs when Earth casts a shadow on the Moon. What is the Moon's phase when a total lunar eclipse occurs?


A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce


Above the surface of the earth is a mass of gasses includes troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere


Absorbs heat in a reaction

Examples of compounds

Acids Bases Salts Oxides

Which of the following is not considered one of the fundamental seven processes that are carried out by all plants and animals?


DNA Pairings

Adenine with Thymine, and Cytosine with Guanine


After the chromosome seperates, the cells pull apart into two child cells and they can begin this process again

Wind Belts

Air moves from high pressure to low pressure areas

electromagnetic spectrum

All of the frequencies or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation


All the water at and near the surface of the earth, 97% of which is in oceans


Amount of energy expended in accomplishing some goal. Force x Distance(displacement)


An interaction in which one organism kills another for food.

An atom that has a different number of neutrons than its normal amount is called what?

An isotope

Newton's 1st law

An object at rest or at motion will remain at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an external force

Newton's 2nd law

An objects acceleration is directly proportional to the new force acting on an object and inversely proportional to the objects mass (F=ma)


An organelle where photosynthesis occurs holds the chemical chlorophyll which gives plants their green color and important in photosynthesis

broken bones

An x-ray image is typically used to diagnose


Animal cells Digestive enzymes


Animal cells Supply energy

Phyla of Animalia

Annelida (segmented worms) Mollusca (foot) Arthropoda (insects) Echinodermata (spiny skin) Chordata (notocord/backbone)


Any form of water that falls from clouds and reaches Earth's surface.

3rd law of thermodynamics

As temperature approaches absolute zero, entropy approaches a constant minimum


As the water boils, the resulting pressure forces a superheated column of steam and water to the surface through the internal plumbing.


Astronomers study radio waves, light, and the planets to understand the solar system and the universe. The instrument best suited to this task is the


Atomic particles that are negatively charged and orbit the nucleus of an atom Number of protons- number of electrons = charge of an atom

organic compound

Compounds that contain carbon and are formed by covalent bonds


Comprise of mostly nickel and iron (Metallic)


Humans and all other vertebrates, also including sharks, skates, rays, hagfish, bony fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals

As our planet began to form, which two light elements from the solar nebula constituted the majority of the Earth's early atmosphere?

Hydrogen and Helium

Oort Cloud

Hypothetical spherical cloud surrounding solar system Cloud is believed to be made of materials that were rejected from the inner solar system long-period comets

Water and mineral will not be absorb from the soil

If the small projections on the roots of plants, "root hairs," are removed, which of the following is likely to be the most direct effect on the plant?

Three types of rock Earth is made of

Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary

Composition of mountains

Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary ricks

accelerates towards the Earth and same rate

In the absence of air resistance, all objects near Earth's surface will

aerobic respiration

In the evolution of Earth, once the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere increased, which adaptation helped organisms evolve to more advanced forms?

Variability in Evolution

Increases by mutations, immigration, sexual reproduction, and size Decreases by natural selection, emigration, and smaller populations

Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and multicellular parasites are all examples of what?

Infectious pathogens


Inheritable changes in DNA


Interaction among organisms that vie for the same resource, both are harmed

Mitosis cycle

Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

Meiosis I

Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, trlophase, telophase, cytokinesis- 4 chromatids are formed

Phases of Mitosis

Interphase: replicate the genetic and cytoplasmic material Prophase: chromatin thickens, centrioles move to opposite sides of cell, form spindle fibers Metaphase: spindle moves to the center of the cell and chromosome pairs align Anaphase: begin to pull apart and may bend Telophase: either pinched or cell wall forms as it prepares to split Cytokinesis: the actual splitting into 2 cells


Interspecific relationships where one of the organisms benefits

intraspecific vs interspecific

Intraspecific: relationships among members of the same species Interspecific: relationships between members of different species


Jellyfish, obelia, and hydrozoa

outer planets

Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

planets composed primarily of gas

Jupiter and Saturn

you are given section of periodic table (See picture drawn) which of these elements would have chemical properties similar to NA/sodium?

K because its in the same column

Order of the classification system

King Phillip came over for good soup Kingdom Phylum Subphylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Taxonomy order

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species nemonic device: King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup

Plantae Kingdom

Kingdom of multicellular photosynthetic autotrophs that have cell walls containing cellulose

Groupings of kingdom classification system

Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species (King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup)

Surface wave

Last wave - slowest but cause the most damage 2 Types - Love waves: oscillate rock side-to-side and perpendicular to the wave direction Rayleigh waves - ground roll; moving earth in circular direction

Scientific law

Lasts longer than a theory and has more experimental data to support it

Newton's first law of motion

Law of inertia: an object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force


Layers held together by magnetic pull

1. Which of the following spheres plays an integral role in the creation of fossil fuels?



Little water Ozone layer

biotic factor

Living factors that affect a community or population

Ground Tissue

Located between vascular and dermal tissue Responsible for storing carbohydrates produced. Made of Parenchyma cells (thin-walled) and Sclerenchyma (hard, thick)

Punctuated Equilibrium

Long periods of no change (stasis) accompanied by brief periods of rapid change

Deep-water wave

Longitudinal - parallel to ocean floor Transverse - perpendicular to ocean floor


Lowest part of the earths atmosphere

The fundamental seven processes of plants and animals

MRS GERN Move Respire Sensitivity Grow Excreit Reproduce Nutrition

According to the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of spectral class, our Sun is a fairly typical __________.

Main sequence star

Evolution factors that decrease variability

Natural selection, emigration, small population, random mating


Naturally occuring earth materials made of 1+ minerals


Naturally occurring, inorganic crystalline solids with specific chemical composition Form from a liquid solution; Crystallization 90% of earth's minerals are silicates - combination of silicon and oxygen


Naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and orderly internal crystal structure.

Phases of the Moon

New moon: moon is not illuminated Waxing Crescent moon: Tiny sliver 1st quarter: (half moon) Gibbous: football shaped Full moon: completely lit up Waning Gibbous: football shaped 3rd quarter: (half moon) Waning Crescent: small sliver

Nimbus Clouds

Nimbus clouds are formed at low altitudes and are typically spread uniformly across the sky. They produces precipitation. Since they are dense with water, they appear darker than other clouds.

Which of the following two gasses compose the vast majority of the Earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen and Oxygen

Dry Air components

Nitrogen, Argon, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide

Nonvascular plants

No leaves, stems or roots because individual cells are close to their environment


Nonvascular - simple and dont have tissues to transport water and nutrients Vascular - complex and have structure to transfer water and nutrients throughout plant

3 classifications of plants

Nonvascular plants Vascular plants Angiosperms

Parts of a eukaryotic cell

Nucleus Ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi complex/apparatus Lysosomes Mitochondria Plastids Cell wall Vacuoles Cytoskeleton


Number of constellations


Occur when warm and cold air masses collide and a rotation is created by fast-moving winds.

Lunar Eclipse

Occurs when Earth lines up between the moon and the sun; the moon moves in to Earth's shadow and appears a dark color. Only occurs when the moon is full.


Ocean and continental crust collide and the ocean crust slides under into the mantle


Oceanic crust collides with another plate, making a trench and volcanic activity. OR 2 continent plates collide.


One dominant and one recessive gene

Law of dominance

One trait may cover up the allele of the other trait

Scalar quantity

Only magnitude, quantities include length, area, volume, mass, density, energy, work and power

Law of segregation

Only one of the two possible alleles is passed on to the offspring


Order of biological classifications

Organization of life (simple to complex)

Organelles-Cells-Tissues-Organs-Organ systems-Organism


Organism capable of producing complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules through the process of photosynthesis (using light energy) or through chemosynthesis (using chemical energy)


Outermost layer of earth

In which of the following scenarios would hydrogen atoms be expected to move at the greatest velocity?

Over an open flame


Overall weather in an area over a long period of time

Less than 7

PH of acid?


PH that is greater than 7


Pair of chromosomes in somatic cells


Paleozoic Era 355-250 million years ago creation of Pangea Forests grew on mountains Deserts formed


Paleozoic Era 410-355 million years ago continents moving towards each other first land animals (insects/amphibians) fish in the sea


Paleozoic Era 510-410 million years ago sea life prominent first fish land plants around water


Paleozoic Era 570-510 million years ago sea animals no life on land

Feeding relationships

Parasitism Commensalism Symbiosis Competition Predation

Vascular bundle

Part of Root System Contains both Xylem and Phloem Cells Includes supportive, protective, and conducting tissues


Permian/Carboniferous Devonian Silurian/Ordovician Cambrian


Phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes separate and move to opposite ends of the cell


The amount of space an object takes up or occupies

central nervous system

The central nervous system (CNS) is the part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord


The central part of the earth below the mantel; scientists believe it spins at a different rate than the earth creating the gravitational pull.


The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas


The change of state from a gas to a liquid


The change of state from a gas to a liquid


The changing of existing minerals into a different mineral because of extreme pressure or heat


The combined amount of evaporation and transpiration


The condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place. Water in the air and temperature are two major atmospheric conditions.

The water cycle

The continuous process by which water moves from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back

Grams per milliliter

The density of a liquid is commonly expressed using which of the following units


The distance between two corresponding parts of a wave / one crest and the next crest


The existence of stars and the surface temperature depends on ?

one positively charge object and one negatively charge object is close together

The force of electrostatic attraction increase when

Easily Compressible, measures volume and shape of its container, and particles can pass through one another

The gaseous state of matter is

Primary mineral

The mantle of the earth can be best described as


The measure of the amount of matter in an object


The most rapid rates of evolution are typically observed for populations

Evaporation (Liquid turning into gas), Condensation (Gas turning into liquid) and Precipitation (The falling of the liquid or solid)

The water cycle consist of


Theory of evolution based on studying species of birds

Plate tectonics

Theory that explains the movement of the continents and changes in the crust caused by internal forces


Thin and broken outer most surface layer of the Earth.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Three Rs to help save enviorment

atomic mass

Total Number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus A = Z+N

Fossils - STAMPF

Traces of living organism preserved in sedimentary rock 6 Ways - Amber, freezing, Mummification, Petrification, Sedimentary, Tar Seeps

law of independent assortment

Traits are passed on randomly and are not influenced by other traits

Natural selection

Traits that help give a species an advantage are passed on to subsequent generations


Transport food from LEAVES to reminder of plant Found closer to exterior of stems and roots, and BOTTOM side of leaves phloem cylinders combine with tough cork tissue to become the bark.

Endoplasmic reticulum

Transport materials - either smooth or rough

Xylem (sapwood)

Transport water minerals from the ROOTS to other parts of the plant Found near center of roots and stems, and TOP side of leaves. This becomes the major component of wood and forms annual rings

Layers of earths atmosphere

Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere

8 Biomes

Tundra and taiga- cold Grassland, temperate forest, and chaparral-changing seasons Desert and tropical rain forest- warm all the time Ocean


Two Processes: Evaporation and Metamorphosis

Protein Synthesis

Two Step process - Transcription and Translation DNA --> RNA --> Protein

Law of Segregation- Mendel

Two alleles and that half of the total number of alleles are contributed by each parent organism


Two of the same genes present


Two or more elements that have been chemically combined Crispix cereal

Divergent plates

Two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other

Fault-block mountains

USA southwest Like an ice buckle

Protista kingdom

Unicellular protozoans and unicellular and multicellular algae

Animal communication

Using body language, sound and smell to communicate to affect the behavior of another animal

Primary Consumers

Usually Herbivores feeding on plants and fungus


Utilization of food that was produced during photosynthesis


Variations of genes

What planets have retrograde rotation?

Venus and Uranus


Volume No shape


Volume Shape

Clouds form when

Warm air rises, expands, cools, condenses to the dew point


Water is 7, anything above 7 is considered basic, anything below 7 is considered acidic

Subsurface flow

Water that travels underground


Weaker For it to be expressed there needs to be two recessive traits


What a person has (dominant and recessive)


What is a graduated cylinder typically used to measure?


What's expressed


When light passes from the air into a glass lens, the light changes direction. The phenomenon is known as; he bending of a wave when it typically moves from a less dense medium, such as air, to a more dense medium, such as a glass lens.

Pressure decreases and energy increases

When solid changes to liquid what occurs

convergent plates

When two plates move towards one another and can cause mountain building

Transform fault

When two plates slide past one another

two unrelated organism coexist where one benefits and the other is harmed

Which sentence best describes the typical relationship between two organisms during parasitism?

23. Which of the following would be considered a renewable energy source?


Cirrus Clouds

Wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that form at high levels. Do not produce precipitation

Sex-linked traits

Y chromosome found only in males (XY) carries little important info but the X in females (XX) carries very important info


a ball of hot glowing gas that's hot/dense enough to trigger nuclear reactions to fuel it's existence

potential energy

a ball resting at the top of an incline plane is said to have what type of energy


a basic structure that cannot be simplified (hydrogen, gold, oxygen, etc); made entirely from one type of atom

covalent bonds

a bond formed when atoms share one or more of their valence electrons

ionic bonds

a bond in which one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other gains an electron to form a negative ion, creating an electrostatic force which holds them together


a boundary where two large land masses converge. The boundary that seperates them is called the ?

golgi complex/apparatus

a cell organelle that helps make and package materials to be transported out of the cell

deletion mutation

a change in the base sequence of a gene that results from the loss of one or more base pairs in the DNA

Milk producing gland

a characteristic of a mammal

Inner Core

a dense ball of solid iron


a feature of every living thing - mitosis and how cells divide


a force that holds back the movement of a sliding object; acts in an opposite direction to movement; mechanical energy transforms into thermal energy ex. car stopping b/c of the friction between the brakes and the wheels

applied force

a force that is put on an object by another object

Deletion mutation

a gene is left out


a group of populations residing in the same area

experimental group

a group of subjects upon which a hypothesis is tested


a group of the same species in a specific area

Fungi Kingdom

a group of unicellular and multi-cellular organisms that have a cell wall and reproduction strategies that differ from those in the other kingdoms. They can reproduce asexually by cellular division or sexually through spores.

control group

a group which resembles the experimental group in all other ways but on which the hypothesis is not tested


a homogeneous mixture in which one substance has dissolved into the other(s) example: salt water


a large geographic area with a climate that supports distinctive plant and animal groups. Aquatics, deserts, forest, grasslands, tundra


a large membrane covered structure found in plant cells that serves as a storage container for water and other liquids


a large rocky body, smaller than a planet, that orbits the sun.

Tertiary consumer

carnivore at the topmost level in a food chain that feeds on other carnivores; an animal that feeds only on secondary consumers.


carry energy throughout the water and are caused by wind blowing across the surface of the ocean.


changing from a solid to a liquid... temperature at this change is referred to as its melting point

pitch, amplitude, quality

characteristics of sound

gas laws

charles law boles law


chemical reaction that happens within cells to release energy from food


chromatin coils up on each other to produce thick strands of DNA wrapped around protein (chromosome); the duplicate chromosomes are attached to the original


chromosomes line up in the Middle of the cell


chromosomes that contain the same information; same length and contain the same genes


chunks of rock that strike a planet and is known as a shooting star while the meteoroid is burning up in earths atmosphere


chunks of rocky metallic objects that orbit the sun in a belt around the solar system

Igneous rocks

classified according to how they formed which determines texture and composition as the magma cools, crystals grow. rapid cooling means no crystals, slow cooling means large crystals

El Nino

climate pattern that describes the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean


cloud is most closely associated with the formation of tornadoes


cloud that have the highest elevation in earth atomosphere

What are clouds?

clouds are a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals that condense onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air. when billions of these droplets come together they become a cloud

salivary glands

coats food with saliva and begins the process of digestion


cold-blooded vertebrates that have scales and lay eggs on land.


coldest and driest boime

Endocrine System

collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood, among other things.

Families - groups

columns on periodic table- sharing similar characteristics


combination of two or more compounds to form a solution. (Can be separated out)..liquid mixture is called the solvent and the solute is the compound dissolved


combination of two or more elements


combination of two or more elements and s names according to the bonds that hold them together.

life cycles

complete succession of changes undergone by an organism during its life. A new cycle occurs when an identical set of changes is begun


complex molecule made of ribosomal RNA molecules and proteins that form a factory for protein synthesis in cells.

nervous system

complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body

structure of an atom

composed of three basic subatomic particles - protons - neutrons - electrons

animals cells

comprised of a number of organelles including the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, cytoplasm, and cell membrane

the nervous system

comprised of the brain, spinal cord and other nerves has the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and brainstem


concept that the Earth was shaped by catastrophic events of a short-term nature

digestive system

converts food we eat into energy. -mouth -esophagus -stomach -small intestines -liver -pancreas -large intestines -rectum

Upper Mantle

cooler and more rigid

the slower the particles move

cooler the substance

Parts of the sun

core photosphere sunspots chromosphere corona

Formation of waves

created by wind which stirs the ocean's surface over great distances


creates stars by gravity acting on particles of dust and gas in a cloud


creation of sex cell for sexual reproduction; halves chromosomes in a gamete so that when gametes combine, the normal chromosome number is restored

reciprocating motion

cutting with a saw (motion)

X-Ray Waves

ability to penetrate through objects, take images inside objects (viewing broken bones)

when did the first life emerge

about 3.8 billion years ago

how was the earth formed

about 4.5 billion years ago earth formed from the dust and the gas that existed in the solar nebula this pulled together new materials that formed things like planets

Evidence of glacial coverage

abrasive grooves large boulders of misplaced rocks U-shaped valley (glacial trough) cirques

describe why black sidewalk is hotter in the sun on a hot day and a white sidewalk isn't

absorbed radiation is converted into heat white sidewalk is reflecting light

Newton's Second Law of Acceleration

acceleration of an object depends n its mass and on the force applied to it Force= Mass X Acceleration


account for 71% of Earth's surface and 97% of Earth's water.

small intestine

after stomach comes here this is where nutrition is absorbed

key categories of reproduction in plants

algae fungi ferns angiosperms gymnosperms

facts about blood cells

all blood cells are formed in the bone marrow red blood cell: transfers food and oxygen platelet: helps blood to coagulate white blood cell: fights off illness


all of the populations of different species of animals and plants that live and interact together in an area -the different populations in a community depend on each other for food, shelter and many other things


all the organisms of the same species living together that live in a specific ecosystem -they compete with one another for food, spaces and mates


all the portions of the earth covered with water

Law of independent assortment

alleles sort independently of each other


are caused by the earth's tilt on its axis as it revolves around the sun the tilt causes each hemisphere to receive more direct exposure at certain times in its orbit

amphibians (Salamander)

are cold-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) that don't have scales. They live part of their lives in water and part on land.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution

asserts that organisms have changed over time to adapt to the unique and varied demands of their changing environments


atomic mass unit

temperature is

atomic motion the hotter a substance is the faster its atoms move


attractive force that exists among all objects. (strength of the gravitational force depends on mass of object and distance between them) As distance between two objects doubles, gravitational force between them decreases four times.


attractive or repulsive forces between objects (ex. compass)

atomic mass

average of the mass of the atoms of the element (all the isotopes etc)

wheel and axle

axel around a wheel rotates and reduces the friction of the truck on the ground


deciduous trees; bear; squirrels


deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. Four types of nucleotides: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.

large intestine

depleted food passes through


deposit of ice crystals, formed on surface objects by super-cooled fog or cloud droplets. Occurs when surface temperature is below freezing.

The Moon is much closer to Earth than it is to the Sun.

describes how far the Moon is from Earth and the Sun?

energy pyramid

describes how much energy is available for each thing


describes speed and direction

Genetically Modified Crop (GMOs)

designed to be stronger and more resilient against weeds; that often includes being resilient to weed-killing chemicals.

what does a litmus test do

determine if the substance is acidic or basic

sympatric selection

development of two different species from a single population occupying one geographic location.

Simple machine

device for doing work that only has one part; redirect or change the size of forces allowing work with less muscle effort

Gregor Mendel

discovered the idea that in generations a recessive trait can be shown eventually

unless an object is moving in a vacuum, the object causes



distance between a crest and a trough

speed =


Waves (in physics)

disturbance or oscillation, that travels through matter or space, accompanied by a transfer of energy


division of the cytoplasm and organelles


division of the cytoplasm and organelles final stage

incline plane

don't have to work as hard and gives a mechanical advantage


duration over which movement or motion occurs (distance/ speed)

One complete revolution of earth around the sun

basis of one earth year

how life began on earth

began as a simple, single-cellular organisms

Innate behavior

behavior that is inborn or instinctual

Learned behavior

behavior that is modified due to past experience


bending of the plant toward or away from light


biochemical reaction; cells receive most of their energy this way

what is the earth's spheres it is made up of?

biosphere lithosphere hydrosphere atmosphere


biotic and abiotic components in a specific region of Earth are called

Prevailing Westerlies

blow from Southwest (in NH) and Northwest (in SH) which blows in middle latitudes -most of North America fits in this belt---why our weather comes from the west

Polar Easterlies

blow from east in polar regions - 60 degrees latitude

tradewinds - Hadley cells

blow from northeast (in NH) and southeast (in SH), found in subtropic regions from about 30 degrees latitude to the equator - Hadley cells

about water's boiling point

boils at 212 degrees F at sea level freezes at 32 degrees F at sea level if you change the altitude it changes because of pressure


both sexual and asexual reproducers;

atomic weight

bottom of the number


bottom of wave

where are the more massive elements on the periodic table?

bottom right


boundary where unlike air masses meet but do not mix


branch off the large arteries and are blood vessels that deliver the oxygen rich blood to the actual tissues themselves


break down the food further

weathering (& types)

breaking down of rocks at or near Earth's surface. either chemical or physical

chemical weathering

breaking down rocks through chemical changes such as water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen

physical weathering

breaking rocks down into smaller fragments without undergoing chemical changes


breaks down dead organisms example: fungi, bacteria

Tectonic plates

broken pieces of lithosphere; movement caused by convection currents in the asthenosphere

how does weathering occur?

by chemical means (ex: acid rain) by physical means (ex: wind, rain and ice)

how can you estimate an atoms atomic mass in AMUs

by simply adding up its total number of protons and neutrons


each community depends on its environment. the nonliving, or abiotic, parts of an environment combine with the living, biotic, things in a community


each new cell structure are reconstructed; nuclear membrane is formed; nucleoli form within them


earth's outer weathered crust

what can shifting plates cause?

earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building


eating and growing stage -look like smaller version of adults without wings -process of incomplete metamorphosis -sheds its skin to grow -period b/w molts is call instars -wing bug form and grow on nymph's back

secondary consumer

eats primary consumer example: snake

primary consumer

eats producer example: rabbit

tertiary consumer

eats secondary consumer example: hawk


elements that have high densities- good for electricity and heat. Shiny/Malleable. Solid @ room temp. (left side of periodic table) families I-III


elements that react easily with other substances- gas at room temp. (upper right side of periodic table)


endothermic vertebrate animals that have wings, feathers, scaly legs, beaks and no teeth and bear their young in hard-shelled eggs,


endothermic vertebrates that have hair and produce milk to feed their young, give live birth (some exceptions) .

Law of conservation of energy

energy can be transformed from one form into another or transferred from one region to another but cannot be created or destroyed

First Law of Thermodynamics (Conversion of energy)

energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but can be transformed into other forms

1st law of thermodynamics

energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed

the law of conservation

energy changes forms but is not created or destroyed

Kinetic energy

energy in motion ex: moving water and wind


energy is transported through space

Potential energy

energy measured in the amount of "work" it does; stored energy ex: ball sitting at top of hill


energy moves through matter across particles.

kinetic energy

energy of motion

kinetic energy formula

energy of motion KE = mv^2/2

Kinetic Energy

energy possessed by an object due to its motion or movement

chemical energy

energy stored in bonds between elements


environment where a person has no wait because their is no gravitational pull

Time units from largest to smallest

eons --> eras --> periods --> epochs

Cenozoic era

era that began about 66 million years ago, known as the "Age of Mammals" Began after the dinosaurs became extinct and is the current time period.

Cinder-cone volcanoes

eruptions that make layers of cinder and ash that create a cone that compacts to become a more permanent landform

scientists value

ethical traditions such as peer review and truthful public reporting of methods and outcomes

Protista Kingdom

eukaryotic one-celled living organisms distinct from multicellular plants and animals: protozoa, slime molds, and eukaryotic algae. Have a nucleus and reproduce asexually through cell division.

response to stimuli

every living thing responds to stimuli

Newton's universal law of gravitation

every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force directed along the line of centers for the two objects that is proportional to the product of their masses; the more the masses of the objects the larger the gravitational force between them

fact about physical changes

every substance has its own unique boiling point and freezing point


everything breaks down chromatin becomes chromosomes


everything inside the cell membrane


excess water is removed from the leaf

Controlled Group

experiences or is exposed to all the same variables as the experimental or test group except for the variable being tested,

Insertion mutation

extra nucleotide pairs are inserted into the DNA


far north and far south of the equator close to the poles; plants and animals that can withstand harsh winters

Noble gases

far right column on table. have full number of valence electrons making them stable and un-reactive to other substances


fertilized egg, 23 chromosomes from female, 23 from male.

what is not a nutrient but still beneficial?


Stratus Clouds

flat layers of clouds that cover much or all of the sky. Found in the lower level of the sky




flowering plants that have sex organs within the flower; the pistal (female sex organ) and the stemen (male sex organ) (staymen)

types of metamorphic rocks

foliated (compressed bands) and unfoliated rocks

large intestines

food not digested goes here through liquid past. turns into solid waste

newton's 3rd law: the law of reciprocal actions

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Newton's 2nd law

force = mass x acceleration

electrical force

force between two charged objects described by Coulomb's law; that like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other


force between two objects that come into contact with one another (Sliding on a floor and coming into a stop)

centripetal force

force directed toward the center of the circle in order to keep the motion going

force of gravity

force with massively large objects attract another object towards itself

Warm air fronts

form as a warm air mass slide up over a retreating cold air mass. Causes the air at the front to feel warmer and more humid


form in the Indian Ocean.

provide instruction for a living organism

function of DNA

grow, reproduce and interact with enviorment

function of an animal while they are on earth is

acquires water for plants

function of the root of a plant


gas changes straight to solid


gas changes to a solid

Temperature in the Atomsphere

generally decreases with altitude. Exception = Thermosphere where temperature increase with altitude.

Important about landforms with smoother contours

generally have undergone more erosion the more it is eroded the smoother it is smoother landforms are typically older than agular landforms

how can electricity be generated and used to power a light bulb?

generated rotates which causes a charge through a conductor and reaches the lightbulb

gamete formation

generation of sex cells


genes are found on the same chromosome appear together unless crossing over has occurred in meiosis ex: blue eyes and blonde hair usually occur together


genes may form new phenotypes


gets energy directly from the sun example: plants, grass, tress

Cell membrane

good things in; waste out Marker Proteins - serves as "address sign" for the cell Endocytosis - Capture good things Exocytosis- Release bad things


granular material visible within the nucleus; consists of DNA tightly coiled around proteins

plants respond to various environmental factors including:

gravity light stress

other forces that can cause changes in motion

gravity magnetism friction

which is older great plains or swiss alps?

great plains are older than the swiss alps

what is the key advantage of sexual reproduction

greater genetic variation

green house effect

green house gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane warm the earth by trapping some of the heat radiated from the earth's surface

Punnett Square

grid that represents all of the possible genotypic combinations in the F2 generation produced by a male (gametes listed horizontally) and a female (gametes listed vertically).

Pith (heartwood) - center of the branch

ground tissue inside the vascular bundle ring

mouse traits

grows to adulthood just like a human being traits: live birth mother mouse nurses the young warm blooded has hair

what do organisms need that provides food, water, and a method of maintaining homeostasis and reproducing


allopatric speciation

happens when the population is divided by geographic features into two isolated population


has a negative charge orbits outside nucleus mass is about 1/1836th AMU


has a neutral charge located in nucleus mass is 1 AMU


has a positive charge located in nucleus mass is 1 AMU


has a positive charge (remember Anode a + positive charge) positively charged anode attracts negatively charged ions

a balanced atom

has the same number of protons and electrons


hatches from egg. eating and growing stage (insects don't eat at all after this. -caterpillars, grubs, and maggots are larvae -sheds as it grows -process of complete metamorphosis


have RNA which helps to create proteins

ionic bonds

have high polarity

covalent bonds

have low polarity

neutral charge objects

have no attraction or repulsion

Chemical Weathering

he erosion or disintegration of rocks, building materials, etc (Iron fence rusting over time). Iron is changing into another compound oxide.

latent heat

heat required to change from one state to the other

infrared radiation

heat that comes off


heat transfer as the result of electromagnetic waves


heat transfer by direct contact of particles of matter example: frying pan on a stovetop


heat transfer by the movement of a heated fluid example: boiling water


heat transported by the movement of a heated substance


heat travels through the heated solid


hold stored food and pigments


holds stars together in the form of a galaxy?

fossil mold

hollow space that outlines the organism

The 7 major characteristics of life

homeostasis organization metabolism growth adaption response to stimuli reproduction

Outer layer of the core

hot molten rock

Lower Mantle

hotter and more liquid

the faster the particles move

hotter the substance


how an organism maintains a variety of factors necessary for an effective metabolism etc. - key factor is body temperature


how often a crest passes a point


how the trait is expressed in an organism ex: blue eyes, brown hair


huge clusters of billions of stars


hydrogen turns this part red solar flares solar prominences - gases that shoot out of this layer

reproductive system

identified in males and females. Used to reproduce

Newton's second law of motion

if a net force acts on an object, it will cause the acceleration of the object F = ma force = mass x acceleration

Refraction of sound

if the air above the earth is warmer than that of the surface, sound will be bent downward toward the surface

when are communicable diseases considered contagious?

if they are easily transmitter through direct contact between individuals

Lava cools to form...

igneous rock

extrusive rock

igneous rock that is formed above surface

intrusive rock

igneous rock that is formed below surface

Law of dominance

in a pair of alleles, one trait may cover up the allele of the other trait ex: brown eyes are dominant


inheritable changes in DNA

order of the layers of the earth

inner core, outer core, mantle, crust


insects transforming stage -entire body is changing. New organs, muscles, body parts develop -process of complete metamorphosis


inside the DNA molecule are sections of information called genes. Each gene tells the cell how to make a certain protein which may determine a trait such as the color of their eyes

chemical reaction

interactions of substances that result in breaking/forming of chemical bonds, changes in electron motion, changes in energy

how to remember ions versus isotope

ion is a really small word and an electron is a really small particle isotope is a bigger word and neutron is a bigger particle

important types of bonds

ionic covalent

Natural Selection

is a basic mechanism of evolution, whereby certain traits make those individuals that have them more likely to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.


is a measure of the presence of hydrogen ions in a substance and it affects its propensity to bond with other substances

kinetic energy

is energy in motion

our solar system

is made up of numerous bodies which orbit the sun due to centrifugal force (the balance between inertia and gravity)


is not photosynthetic; depends on decaying biological material and asexual reproducer

potential energy

is stored energy

electrostatic force

is the force of attraction or repulsion between charged objects

liquid state of matter

it assumes the shape of the container and moves and slide pass one another

air mass

large chunk of air, with relatively low change in temperature and humidity


large masses of ice that form in high mountains or cold regions and move or flow over the land in response to gravity


largest zone; Transfers heat from core to power the process of convection

law of simple machines

law that states whatever force is exerted times the distance moved is equal to the output force of the machine times the distance the output force move

Outer Core

layer outside inner core 1400 miles thick of molten (liquid) rock; responsible for earth's magnetic field


layer surrounding Mantle of molten rock (weak); moves b/c of convection currents. The movem't of Lithosphere and Asthenosphere moves continental plates.


leads to the burning of fewer calories and an increase in fat storage.


main job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body.also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. As it does so, it secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines. also makes proteins important for blood clotting and other functions.


maintaining a constant and warm body temperature independent of environmental temperature (humans)


make ATP to supply energy to the cell

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

makes proteins that produce digestive enzymes

what would you use to figure out the density of a marble mass versus volume

mass in balance volume in graduated cylinder

Law of Conservation of Matter

matter cannot be created or destroyed; it can only change form


matter is made up of _____. It is made up of Protons - neutrons - electrons

Law of conservation of matter

matter or mass cannot be created or destroyed, it can change from one form to the next; the amount of mass will be the same before and after

communicable disease

may be transmissible from one person to another by either direct or indirect means


measure of how hot/cold a body is with respect to a standard object


measure of how much energy or heat is available for work


measure of mass per volume


measure of the amount of space occupied by an object.


measurement in change in an objects velocity; an object can decrease speed, increase speed, or change direction Formula: vf-vi change in velocity/change in time


measures the specific heat of a substance by using the heat transfer from one substance to another


meteor that strike the Earth's surface


meteoroid that's in Earth's atmosphere


method of heat transfer that does not rely upon any contact between the heat source and the heated object; heat can be transmitted through empty space by thermal radiation called infrared radiation ex: heat from sun, released from filament of bulb

Mesozoic era

middle life (245-144 million years ago); rise of mammals and dinosaurs; the rise of birds; extinction of dinosaurs, rise of flowering plants


minerals or rocks that can be mined for profit

chemical reaction

molecular structure of a substance changes

Chemical Change (Burning a Candle,cooking an egg)

molecules in the reactants interact to form new substances (one substance turn into a new substance

New moon

moon is in the middle of the earth and sun and not visible

Solar Eclipse (New Moon)

moon passes between the sun and the earth

Shield Volcano

more dome-shaped, with gentle sloping sides, and is made of mostly fluid lava flows

effect of coastal topography on tides

more isolated areas have more extreme tides


most common gas on earth

Circular motion

movement of an object along the circumference of a circle or rotation along a circular path or a circular orbit; speed does not change but direction is changing constantly (velocity); when the velocity changes, the object is undergoing accelerated motion and acceleration is always directed toward the center


movement of liquefied rock towards the surface, and cooler rocks inward


movement of magma through the crust and its emergence as lava onto the Earth's surface


movement of ocean water caused by differences in salt content or temperature and winds.


movement of sedimentary rocks from one place to another.


moves on top of the mantle and that is what creates earthquakes and plate shifts is very thin


moving from a gas to liquid

boiling- boiling point

moving from a liquid to a gas

Freezing/crystallization (freezing point)

moving from a liquid to solid

linear motion

moving in a straight line (motion)


moving left to right on a period - atomic radius increases

oscillating motion

moving pendulum (motion)

Electronegativity decreases

moving top to bottom in a family atomic radius increases

Animalia Kingdom

mulitcellular organisms that can move around and must comsume other organisms for energy.

Krebs cycle

multi step chemical process that converts the products of glycolysis into the energy carrying molecules NADH and FADH2. The cycle produces 2 ATP molecule for every molecule of glucose. Occurs in the cytoplasm in prokaryotes and the mitochondria in eurkaryotes.


multicellular organisms that have the ability to carry out photosynthesis.


multiplying the mass of an object by its velocity

Genetic Variation

must exist in the population in order for natural selection to occur

frameshift mutation

mutation that shifts the "reading" frame of the genetic message by inserting or deleting a nucleotide causes the gene to be misread.


natural, non-living solid with definite chemical composition and crystalline structure

if there are more electrons then protons is the overall charge of the atom positive or negative?

negative because you have more negative particles then positive particles


negative charge negatively charged cathode attracts positively charged ions

Incomplete dominance

neither gene masks the other; a new phenotype is formed ex: red & white flowers --> pink flower

Immune System

network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. defends the body against pathogens

electrical circuit

network of electrical current where the current travels in a closed loop within the circuit

Beta Emission

neutron is converted into a proton, changing the atomic number and the identity of the element

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

no ribosomes on the surface


occurs when cooler portions of a liquid or gas flow in to take place of hot rising portions


occurs when deeper and colder waters force warmer nutrient-rich waters to the surface

Lunar eclipse - Sun, Earth, Moon

occurs when earth is b/w moon and sun (in earth's umbra shadow...during full moon) becomes red due to long color waves left over from earth's atmosphere. -Can be viewed from anywhere on earth


occurs when heat is transferred due to fast moving atoms and molecules colliding with slower ones in a neighboring region


occurs when heat is transferred from hot to cooler objects


occurs when heat is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves

peripatric speciation

occurs when peripheral populations become geographically isolated from the main population and undergo genetic divergence and speciation

divergent plate boundary

occurs when tectonic plates are moving away from one another and can form new ridges or ocean basins.

Solar Eclipse

occurs when the moon lines up between Earth and the sun; the moon covers the sun, blocking sunlight.


occurs when the rate for forward reaction and reverse reaction are the same


occurs when warmer areas of liquid or gas rise to cooler areas in the liquid or gas; cooler liquid/gas then takes place of warmer areas which have risen higher; continuous circulation ex: water boiling

Gamma Radiation

occurs with alpha and beta emissions-does not change atomic number

The Mass

of a solid object will remain unchanged when the object remains intact.

nonrenewable energy sources

oil, coal, natural gas


old lava tube created by magma going in a vertical fracture


once oxygen and nutrients are spent the blood is sent back to the other major vessel, veins. Run back to the heart sending spent blood back where the heart sends it back to lungs


one cell divides once to form two identical cells. purpose is to replace worn out cells


one dominant gene and one recessive gene

Duplication mutation

one gene is repeated


one in number; half of a pair

chemical change

one in which the chemical composition of a substance is altered


one member benefits the other is harmed

Law of segregation

only one of the two possible alleles from each parent is passed on to the offspring


only planet in the solar system with a significant amount of liquid water on the surface

Mercury, Venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, saturn, Uranus neptune

order of planets nearest to the sun working outwards to the solar system


organelles make up cells cells make up tissues tissues that make up organs organs that make up organ systems and organ systems that make up organisms structure in every living thing

symbiotic relationship

organisms live in close interaction with one another

internal conditions

organisms must regulate their internal conditions

how do organisms carry traits in relation to dominance and recessiveness

organisms will always display a dominant trait but may sometimes carry a gene for a recessive trait


origical substances that interact to form distinct products


out side outer layer. solid rock 2800 km thick.

cell wall

outer layer that protects the cell and gives it structure

Plate techonics

outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core


outer shell of earth, 20-60 miles thick 2 Types - Basaltic (ocean floor) and Granite

cell membrane

outermost part of a cell


outermost shell of a planet (crust and upper mantle)

cell membrane

outside the cytoplasm and is selectively permeable choose what to let in and what to let out

know about natural selection in the theory of evolution

over time natural selection causes beneficial traits to be propagated and detrimental traits to be eliminated


part of a plant that house reproductive organs (sexual reproduction site)


particles grinding against solid formations that causes them to break off pieces


parts of rock/metal in space


performs the function of a messenger between DNA and the protein system complexes known as ribosomes.

Precambrian Era

period from the earth's formation until life began to appear


period of the cell cycle between cell divisions

abiotic factor

physical, or nonliving, factor that shapes an ecosystem


plant hormone

indoleacetic acid

plant hormone responsible for making plant cells on the side away from light elongate. Triggers chemical reaction which weakens cell walls allowing them to elongate bending towards light.


plants respond to stress from external factors

Vegetative Reproduction

plants using nonreproductive parts to create offspring

transform plates

plates that slide past each other


play a major role in chemical bonding.


portion of the earth where living things live and can include all of the other spheres

if you have fewer electrons then protons is the overall charge of the atom positive or negative?


Electromagnetic Forces

positive or negative forces- similar charges repel each other opposite charges attract each other


positively charged - making nucleus positively charged

Alpha particle

positively charged from heavy nucleus


powerhouse of the cell, produces energy (ATP) from oxygen and sugar(Cellular respiration)


preparatory phase where one molecule of ATP is used to produce two molecules of pyruvate. Occurs in the cytoplasm in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes cells and can happen with or without oxygen. anaerobic, one molecule of glucose is convrted into two molecules of lactate and two molecules of ATP>

Law of conservation of matter

principle of matter conservation states that the mass of an object or collection of objects never changes over time, n


process by which material from one area is slowly deposited into another area (ie river deltas)


process in which gas changes into a liquid when it touches a cooler surface. Change of water vapor to liquid. this is how clouds are formed


process of cell division 5 steps: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and interphase


process that produces food energy for most life forms; Endergonic reaction 2 Stages - Light reaction and Dark reaction


produce their own food (plants...photosynthesis)

the food web

producer primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer decomposer

bunsen burner

produces a controled flame and used to heat substances or cause a chemical reaction

Electron transport chain (ETC)

produces thirty to thirty-two molecules of ATP for every molecule of glucose. Electrons from NADH and FADH2 are transferred between a series of membrane-bound complexes, which in turn move hydrogen ions to create a proton gradient across the membrane.

Main phases of mitosis

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase


protein filaments attached to the plasma membrane and organelles

Inborn errors of metabolism

protein is affected is an enzyme ex: albinism

mass number

protons and neurons

nuclear force

protons in the nucleus of an atom are positively charged may be able to allow fusion to happen

Shield volcanoes

quiet, oozing eruptions that slowly build


rain falls on a surface that is colder than freezing temperature of water. Doesn't freeze before it hits the ground like sleet---freezes when it hits the ground. Encounters shallow layer of cool air, right before ground that super cools the water.

Polar or permafrost

rarely gets above freezing; most water is bound up as ice; life is limited


rate at which distance is covered during motion/rate of change of its position (distance / time) ex: mph, m/s

Calvin cycle (dark or light-independent)

reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used make glucose from Carbon dioxide in the air and water from the plants roots. The glucose is stored, when the plant needs energy, it is tranformed into ATP by the Krebs cycle.

nuclear/atomic reactions

reactions that change the composition, energy or structure of atomic nuclei

carbon bonds..

readily with a variety of different elements and compounds making possible the great chemical complexity necessary for life

Lethal alleles

recessive alleles due to the early death of the offspring

longest wavelength of visible light


2 types of cells

red blood cells white blood cells

types of stars at the end of their life

red giants super giants white dwarf - core neutron star black hole


refers to the idea that there are certain commonalities and relationships that allow us to understand, statically quantify, and predict the behavior of objects, organism and events in the universe

Food chain

refers to the natural system by which energy is transmitted from one organism to another


region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control.

warm blooded organisms

regulate their body temperature using internal mechanisms example: dog, cat, human


regulate their internal body temperature by adjusting the position of their wings.


regulates the control systems to ensure proper cell functions.

thermal energy

related to temperature and electrical energy related to the movement of electrons

laws of thermodynamics

relationship between heat, forms of energy and work


remains of an organism that has been preserved in the Earth's crust - usually in sedimentary rock, amber or tar pits

key disadvantage

reproduction requires a mate and don't have a choice


reproductive cells (sperm and egg)

adult (complete metamorphosis)

reproductive stage -has identifiable insect features. Six legs, two antennae and usually wings

sound waves

require a medium and travel much slower than light waves

Resistor of electricity

resistor is anything that electricity can not travel through easily; when electricity is forced through a resistor, often the energy in the electricity is changed into another form of energy, such as light or heat; the reason a light bulb glows is that electricity is forced through tungsten, which is a resistor; the energy is released as light and heat


response to earth's gravity, as the growing of roots downward in the ground


responsible for automatic survival functions

digestive system

responsible for breaking down and absorbing food

red blood cells

responsible for hemoglobin which carries oxygen and carries to the tissues of the body

white blood cells

responsible for keeping your body healthy by helping to fight off infection


responsible for majority of the planet's volume

the circulatory system

responsible for pumping blood to all the tissues of the body


responsible for regulating basic functions such as respiration and heartbeat


results in four reproductive cells, each with half the number of chromosomes found in the parent cell


results in two daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

differences in salinity

rivers lakes oceans and estuaries (a place where fresh water river goes into a salt water body) may differ greatly in their salinity levels and the differences primarily depend on how the water enters and leaves the body - bodies with drainage tend to have lower salinity levels than those that lose water only through evaporation

Igneous Rock

rock that forms when melted rock cools and hardens magna, granite and lava are examples rocks with impurities and speckling like granite are examples


rocks formed when tiny grains of material are pressed together over long period of time and joined loosely in a process called LITHIFICATION. 3 Classifications - Chemical, Clastic, Biologic ex. chalk, limestone, sandstone


rocky fragments


rod-shaped organelles that can be considered the power generators of the cell, converting oxygen and nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP


rows on periodic table- no similarities

Evidence of The Theory of Plate Tectonics

seafloor spreading- looking at the seafloor and seeing how its slowly moving apart between plates the puzzle piece argument fossil records


site of protein synthesis


site of protein synthesis

observation, classification, communication, measurement, prediction, infer

six basic process of science

Concave lens

slight refraction in lens where rays diverge on other side of lens; image is VIRTUAL, UPRIGHT and SMALLER; used for nearsightedness so focal point focuses further (on) to retina


slow down the heart rate and systems in the body examples: tranquilizers, sedatives, alcohol

Cinder Cone Volcano

small, steep hill formed by ash and debris surrounding a single lava vent and often has a crater at the top.

Continental glaciers

smooth everything out - steamroll the landscape

the sun and all bodies that revolve around it

solar system includes


solid area directly below crust consisting of crust and upper layer of mantle


solid changes straight to a gas

Inner Core

solid metal ball in center of earth 750 miles thick.

the three basic states of matter

solid, liquid and gas


something that makes a person or animal sick and causes disease


something that starts a chemical reaction such as a spark


something that transmits that disease and carries it to someone else example: mosquitos carry malaria

Golgi apparatus

sort, modify and package molecules that are made in other parts of the cell


speed up the heart rate and other mechanisms in the body examples: caffeine, cocaine, amphetamine


splitting nuclei endothermic (large fission releases energy because once they split, fusion occurs)




spontaneous emission of particles from an unstable nucleus


spreading of something widely. for example dropping food coloring in a warm cup of water without stirring and it becomes one solid color

noble gases

stable elements that are nonreactive to other substances.


stable homogeneous mixture

black hole

star that collapses where all the mass gets pulled into a tiny point


star that is periodically brighter and then fades back to normal

life and death of a star

stars begin as huge clouds of dust and other particles called nebulas as a nebula contracts, the particles collide with colossal force igniting a nuclear reaction and forming of a protostar then the protostar transforms into an adult star and as the star converts its fuel into more massive elements and compounds, it becomes denser eventually the star will collapse and based on its mass and other factors will become either a brown dwarf, white dwarf, neutron star, nova, or black hole

September Equinox

start of Fall in NH & start of Spring in SH

the theory of plate tectonics

states that all the earth's continents at one time were joined as a single super continent called Pangaea and over time the continents drifted apart

Newton's 1st law

states that an object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts on it


stays the same no matter gravitation- its a measure of how dense you are and the volume you take up

frictional force

stop movement of force

potential energy

stored energy

potential energy formula

stored energy PE= mgh (mass, gravity, height)

potential energy

stored energy of position possessed by an object (positional energy)

potential energy

stored in an object as the result of its vertical position or height.

what kind of bonds are ionic and compound

strong forced bonds

Polar compounds

stronger bonds due to one atom pulling the electron pair more than the other


structure formed during the asexual phase of the moss life cycle?


structure in an animal cell that helps to organize cell division


structure made of different tissues that carries out a specific function ex: stomach, brain, biceps, muscles, tongue

black hole

structure that's collapsed so much that light can't get to the surface because it's trapped by a gravitational field


study of minerals and rocks that make up the earth


study of the relationship between motion and the forces affecting motion


study of water on the earth's surface


substance that flows through circulatory system. transports body chemicals, nutrients, wastes and cells throughout your body

Chemical properties of matter

substance usually changes into another kind of substance ( cannot be undone) ex: lemon juice turning brown when heated

new moon

sun lights the back of the moon

plate tectonics

surface of earth made up of ridged plates that move relative to each other. Usually lithospheric plates

natural selection

survival of the fittest


suspension (between homo and heterogeneous) of particles within another substance

Relative Motion

takes into account the motion of an object based on the motion to observer


takes up space and has mass


tells the mass of something

Tropical rain forest

temp is constant; rainfall exceeds 200 cm per year; around the area of the equator

two factors that cause a substance to change state

temperature and pressure

science typically assumes

that the behavior of the universe is the same everywhere and that is understandable and predictable

atomic mass

the amount of matter that makes up an atom

the type of organisms an ecosystem can support is primarily determined by..?

the amount of water which is the most important factor in determining the distribution of plant life

gravitational force

the attractive force existing between any two objects that have mass


the bending of waves around obstacles and the spreading out of waves beyond small openings ex: thunder


the bending of waves when they enter a medium where their speed is different (more important with light than sound)


the brain of the cell contains: -chromosomes (DNA, RNA & proteins) -chromatin -nucleoli -nuclear membrane

Relative motion

the calculation of the motion of an object with regard to some other object; reference point is important b/c we do all calculations according to reference point


the central part of most cells that contains genetic material and is enclosed in a membrane. (Protons and Neutrons). Contains the cell DNA

Water cycle

the cycle of processes by which water circulates between the earth's oceans, atmosphere, and land, involving precipitation as rain and snow, drainage in streams and rivers, and return to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration.


the cyclic rise and fall of ocean water on Earth caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and to a lesser degree the sun

what does the timeline of fossil records help us determine?

the dating of fossils within that bed

what do fossils records help us determine?

the depositional timeline of sedimentary strata of rock


the mass of a substance contained per unit of volume

it changes from liquid to solid

the mass of the sample most likely remain the same if

did the matter get destroyed when a log in a fireplace is burned up?

the matter didn't get destroyed just turned gassious


the measure of the Earth's pull of gravity on an object


the measure of the kinetic energy in a substance's molecules.

when does it look like during a lunar eclipse

the moon and the sun are on opposite sides of the earth

why does the moon have so many craters and the earth does not?

the moon has no atmosphere so when a meteoroid strikes the moon it strikes right into it instead of burning up like in earth

doppler effect

the motion of objects emitting or reflecting sound waves changes their frequency

elliptical pattern

the nine planets revolve around the sun in a

atomic number

the number in the top left corner of an element in the periodic table represents its atomic number.

atomic number

the number of protons a particular type of atom has

law of superposition

the oldest rocks are at the bottom of a rock column

Venus and Mercury

the only planets with no moons

Paleozoic era

the part of geologic time 570-245 million years ago ; invertebrates, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, ferns, and cone-bearing trees were dominant

law of superpostion

the past will hold position at the bottom and the present will hold position at the top


the smallest amount of an element; made up of protons (+ electrical charged), neutrons (carry no electrical charge) and electrons (- electrical charge)


the smallest particle of a substance that can exist independently and still have all of the properties of that substance -composed of atoms


the smallest unit of an element that still has the properties of that element

life cycle

the stages of development individuals pass through between birth and death


the stronger of two traits; if it is present it will be expressed as a capital letter


the study of prehistoric life, including how organisms evolved and how they interacted with their environment

full moon

the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the earth

half life

the time required for half the atoms of a particular substance to disintegrate

how can we date rock strata?

the timeline of a sedimentary bed weathering depth fault shifts discontinuities

what happens when a sperm fertilizes an egg

the two haploid cells combine to form a diploid cell


the various atoms making up molecules that are held together within compounds


the weaker of two traits; in order for it to be expressed there has to be two recessive genes present; lowercase letter


their body heat is derived from metabolic processes with in the body. (warm blooded)


their source of body heat come from the environment. (cold blooded)

substance abuse

there are a variety of drugs both legal and illegal that can be abused

how do high level salt bodies of water stay with such high levels of salt?

there is no drainage source and the water only leaves through evaporation but the salt stays in the body of water


thin horizontal sheet of hardened magma between two rock layers

oceanic crust

thinner crust on bottom of ocean (ocean floor)

a cut white flower is in a jar of water - then blue dye is added causes flower to turn blue - then when you add salt it causes the flower to loose water and becomes wilted if you put the salt and the die in at the same time - the water will wilt but not turn blue

this is the same reason why humans can't drink salt water because there is more salt in the water then in your body

solar radiation, earth movement, and the water cycle

three most contribution factors of weather are

orthographic thunderstorm

thunderstorm caused by air that is forced up by a mountain or hillside


tightly coiled, visible chromatin; when the cell is dividing

ice age

time period when glaciers cover a lot of ground


top of wave

Carrying capacity

total amount of life a habitat can support

Law of conservation of energy

total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from one form to another.


traditional biome in between the rain forest and the desert

Sex-influenced traits

traits are influenced by the sex hormones ex: male baldness


traits or characteristics


transfer of heat between substances that are in direct contact with each other; the better the conductor the more rapidly heat will be exchanged ex: metal

Metamorphic Rock

transformation of an existing rock subject to heat and pressure (Marble, slate, gneiss, and schist)


transparent area of the sun visible only during a total eclipse

endoplasmic reticulum

transport material through the nucleus to the cytooplasm

Climate zones

tropical, temperate, polar, maritime

rotary motion

turning a wheel (motion)

what does electrolysis involves the use of

two electrodes called a cathode and an anode


two in number; a pair of chromosomes


two of the same genes present


two or more atoms bonded together. Ex. Oxygen in air is compound of two atoms O2


two or more elements that have been chemically combined ex: NaCl (salt)


two species occupy a similar place and both benefit from each other


two species occupy a similar place, but neither is harmed or benefits from the relationship


two species occupy a similar place, but the parasite benefits from the host while the host is harmed


two species occupy the same habitat or eat the same food

parapatric speciation

two species that are partially isolated by geography develop characteristics that make them reproductively incompatible.

static friction

two surfaces in contact that don't have any motion relative to each other ex: block sitting on an incline plane

kinetic friction

two surfaces in contact with each other where there is relative motion between the surfaces ex: wheel rolling down an incline plane

Convergent plate boundary

two tectonic plates collide and one plate is pushed upward on top of the other forming mountains, or one is pushed downward forming trenches


two traveling waves which exist in the same medium will interfere with each other; if their amplitudes add it is constructive interference and if they are "out of phase" and subtract, they are destructive interference


type of convergent boundary when one plate moves under another plate and sinks into the mantle. Subducted lithosphere is always oceanic. ex. Mariana Trench in North Pacific Ocean

Endoplasmic reticulum

vast system of interconnected membranous, enfolded and convoluted sacks that are located in the cell's cytoplasm two types: -smooth (no ribosomes on surface) -rough (ribosomes on surface)

velocity is often represented using a


what do veins do

veins bring blood back to the heart

Newton's first law of Inertia

velocity of an object does not change unless force is applied


vertebrates that live in water and on land, smooth skin covers body, lay eggs, cold blooded. hatched from eggs, but develop lungs as adults.


walk 20 feet to your mailbox 20 feet back, your ____ is 40 feet. (Your displacement would be 0 b/c it compares your start to end point

what is important to determine what organisms are in an ecosystem



water in the ocean gets heated up by the sun and then evaporates and in the air they pull together


water is at a much higher temperature than the landed it is by. (generally associated with volcanic areas)


water released from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail.


waxy, water repellent layer that covers the epidermis

Both males and females can have this disorder because they both have at least on x chromosome

what is true about X-linked disorders in humans?


when Earth, the moon, and the sun align so that light from one object is blocked.


when a wave strikes a reflective surface, it changes direction, such that the angle made by the incident wave and the line normal to the surface equals the angle made by the reflected wave ex: echo or reverberation

Centripetal force

when an object moves in a circular path, a force must be directed toward the center of the circle in order to keep the motion going

physical and human

when defing a region or place in the world, the two types of characteristics used are


when external radiation bombards certain types of elements, the excited atoms fluoresce giving off electromagnetic energy often in the form of light

Food chain becomes a food web?

when one or more interrelation links are added; a food chain is a single link with a single flow of energy; a food web contains several links and flow of energy

formation of mountains

when tectonic plates collide it results in

triple point

when temp. and pressure at which a substance can exist in equilibrium in three states of matter

spring tides

when the moon and the sun are in alignment we get more extreme tides

neap tides

when the moon and the sun are pulling at perpendicular angles we get less extreme tides

Lunar Ecilpse

when the moon is being blocked out

solar eclipse

when the sun is being blocked out


when there are two different alleles for a trait (aA, Aa)

Second Law of Thermodynamics

when work is done, some energy is lost as heat

The sun's core

where fusion takes place

Eclipses, tides, and the phases of the Moon.

which THREE of the following phenomena are related to the relative positions of the Sun, the Moon, and Earth?

Mass is a measure of matter and Weight is the effect on gravity of that mass

which explanation best describes the difference between weight and mass?

rising sea level(Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is produced from the burning of fossil fuels. Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can contribute to increasing global temperatures, which in turn can lead to increasing amounts of meltwater from glaciers. Hence, increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can lead to rising sea levels.0

which is the most likely consequence of the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere that result from the burning of fossil fuels

Mass of an object on the moon is the same as the mass of the object on earth

which of the following statements about weight and mass is true


while the section of the DNA is called a gene, a specific pattern in a gene is called an allele ex. the gene would determine the hair color. The specific pattern of the hair color gene that cause the hair to be black is the allele (physical expression of the genes we see)

what are the roles of white and red blood cells

white blood cells are used to fight disease/ protectors of the body red blood cells transport hemoglobin, oxygen, food supply

Moon is closer to the earth than the sun

why the Moon has a greater effect than the Sun on the tides of Earth's oceans?

December Solstice

winter solstice (shortest day of the year) in NH & summer solstice (longest day of the year) in SH

how is pH measured

with a litmus test

cerebral cortex

wrinkly outer layer; made up of 4 different lobes and is responsible for a variety of types of behavior; spacial awareness, conscious thought and reasoning, language ability, ability to process vision

Charles law

Gases expand when they are heated aka law of volumes


Gases that give off light and glow in the sjy

Ferrell Cells

between 30 degrees and 60 degrees - zone of mixing


the product of the mass of an object and the object's velocity (speed)

white dwarf

A small, hot, dim star that is the leftover center of an old star


Genetic code with DNA which helps make RNA; takes place in nucleus.


the provision to cells and organisms of the materials necessary to support life

how are tides formed?

the pull of the moon and the sun on earth


A solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.

Flowering Plants

2 Types - Monocots and Dicots Each has a Cotyledon (seed leaf) - transfer nutrients to the embryo.


2 Types - Nonwoody - soft; Woody - strong


2 Types: 1) Free 2) Attached Translation - process used to make protein


2 Types: 1) Rough - attached to membrane lining 2) Smooth - not attached

neutron star

A star that has collapsed under its own gravity

Composite Volcano

A stratovolcano, cone shaped, with steep sides an is made of layers of solid lava, ash and rock

Gamma Rays

short wavelengths, dangerous to human beings...cause damage at the cellular level


Cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms


Cell organelle that stores materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates

Characteristics of living things

Cells - Grow, respond to stimuli, reproduce Adapt or perish Metabolic processes - Use/Make energy


Cells found in Dermal Tissue(covers outside of plants that do not have bark)

cellular respiration

Cells use oxygen to break down the sugar glucose and store energy in the form of a chemical called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Three main parts: glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain.

Eras (current to past)

Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic Precambrian


Cenozoic Era 1.6 million years ago to present ice age humans


Cenozoic Era 65-1.64 million years ago mammals/birds evolved to replace great reptiles forests --> grasslands climate cooled


Center of an atom, consists of protons and neutrons

Which part of the nervous system is most responsible for higher functions such as conscious thought and language ability?

Cerebral cortex


Chains of linked amino acids that perform a variety of biological functions.

Plant names

Chlorophyta, bryophyta, lycophata, equisetopsida, pteridophytes, spermatopsida, gymnosperms, cycadophyta, gnetophyta, spenophyta, pterophyta, coniferophyta, gingkophyta, psilophyta, anthophyta(largest group) angiosperms, gnetophyta


Chloroplast is found in what type of organism?


Chromosomes become visable, nuclear envelop dissolves, spindle forms


Chromosomes containing the same information. Product of mitosis


Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

Parts of the nucleus

Chromosomes, chromatin, nucleoli, nuclear membrane


Clams, mussels, oysters, snails and slugs, octopus squid and chitons


Closest to surface Weather occurs here Temp decreases with increasing altitude


Coldest layer Air temp decreases with increasing altitude

Physical properties of matter

Color, mass, shape and volume


Combination of two or more substances in which the substances keep their own properties Raisin Bran

Types of animal behavior

Competitive Instinctive Territorial Mating


Composed of Iron and Nickle; 7000 km thick


Female reproductive system Innermost part of the flower Contains Ovary that produces Style which supports the Stigma (3 part sticky cap)


Ferns need this to reproduce


2 minerals with the same chemical composition, but a different crystal structure


2 or more elements chemically combined

Approximately how long ago do scientists estimate the super-continent Pangea began to break apart and form the current continental configuration?

200 million years ago

Approximately how long ago did the first anatomically modern humans appear on the Earth?

200,000 years ago

14. How many pairs of chromosomes are contained within a typical cell in the human body?


S-waves (Shear)

2nd Wave -Transverse waves that can only move thru solids

Meiosis II

2nd round of phases, producing daughter cells which are haploid

Interphase (longest phase)

3 phases: 1) Growth(G1), Synthesis (makes DNA) (S), 2nd Growth(G2)

Root Structure

3 sections: Apical Meristem - primary growth section, Elongation - where cells grow and differentiate, Maturation

incomplete metamorphosis

3 stages: (grasshoppers, dragonflies) 1.) egg 2.) nymph 3.) adult


5 carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base


Final Stage - cell divides to form two daughter cells


First and largest category used to classify organisms


First genetic map; demonstrated basic genetic principles


First person to observe single celled organisms using homemade magnifying glasses.

What is the term for the process of releasing atomic energy by bombarding a dense element with neutrons and splitting its nucleus?



Flowering plants that produce seeds for reproduction

Cumulus Clouds

Fluffy, white clouds, usually with flat bottoms, that look like rounded piles of cotton. often darker at the bottom and whiter toward the top.

Processes of forming mountains

Folding or faulting

metamorphic rock characteristics

Foliation: layering, occurs when rock is compressed along one axis during recrystallization (ex: schist and shale) Unfoliated: rocks are compressed equally from all sides or lack specific minerals (marble)

Producers, Primary Consumers (heb), Secondary (Car)Consumers, Tertiary Consumer (eat other car)

Food Chain Level (Trophic Levels)

Newton's 3rd Law

For every force there is an equal and opposite force

newton's 2nd law: the law of acceleration

Force = mass x acceleration the more massive something is the more acceleration it exerts

Cold air fronts

Form when cold air moves under and replaces a warm air mass causing a drop in temperature.

sedimentary rock characteristics

Formed by lithification Formed in layers May contain organic remains (fossils) 3 kinds: Detrital, biogenic, chemical

Igneous rock characteristics

Formed from magma Intrusive: solidifies at a depth, cools slowly, and has a coarse grain (ex: granite) Extrusive: solidifies at or near the surface, cools quickly, fine grain (ex: basalt) Hypabyssal: formed at medium depths


An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder

ionic bond

Formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another

Sedimentary Rock

Fossils are formed in what type of rock?


Found inside the nucleus and produces ribosomes


Framework that changes shape and moves



Boyle's Law

Gases contract when pressure is applied to them

Global warming

Gradually increase of the earths overall tempature

Plants - specialized cells

Ground Tissue, Epidermal


Group of closely related classes


Group of genera that share many characteristics


Group of similar families


Group of similar orders


Growth Synthesis Prep for cell division

common examples of compounds

H20 - water CO2 carbondioxide NaCL - sodium cloride

The time required for half the atoms of a particular substance to disintegrate is known as that substance's ___________.

Half life


Half of a pair of chromosomes (sex cells)

Eukaryotic cells

Have a nucleus, more complex, have membrane bound organelles, DNA is in the chromosomes in the nucleus, divide by mitosis and are diploid.


Have radial symmetry- Sea urchins, sand dollars, starfish, etc

thermal energy

Heat energy

A behavioral response from an organism is determined by which of the following factors?

Heredity and experience

Chemical properties

Qualities of a substance which can't be determined by simply looking at them


Quantities with both magnitude and direction, include displacement, velocity acceleration, momentum and force

Cenozoic periods

Quaternary Tertiary


RNA becomes Protein; occurs within ribosomes

Specific gravity

Ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water SG > 1 --sinks SG < 1 --floats


Releases heat in a reaction

The filament in a light bulb is made of a material which provides more _______ than the copper wires through which electricity usually flows?


Circulatory System

Responsible for the transport of blood and nutrients.

Location of active volcanoes

Ring of Fire = rim of the Pacific Ocean

Reverse fault

Rock above the fault plane move upward


Rocks breakdown by chemical means, usually water and acids


Rocks breaking down by physical means


Roundworms, hookworms, parasites

6. During which phase of the water cycle is water most likely to act as an agent of transportation for sediments?



Runoff produced by melting snow

Which of the following events happens the most often during a calendar year?

The Earth completes a full rotation on its axis.

The concept of plate tectonics describes the large scale motions of which of the following?

The Earth's lithosphere


Spring Tide - moon and sun in a line with earth Neap Tide - moon, earth, sun create right angle

March Equinox

Spring in NH & Fall in SH

Sun is a star, Various stars have different temperatures, some stars exist longer than other stars

Stars are

2 types of friction

Static- not moving and kinetic-moving


Stores food and pigments


Stronger If the trait is present it will be expeessed

Watson and Crick

Structure of DNA; helped explain how DNA replicates


Study of the history of life on earth, study the rock record in form of fossils.


Substance that can't be broken down into other substances Wheaties

NIckel (Iron and Colbat)

Substance that is most readily attractive to a magnet

Which of the following solutes would provide the best opportunity to create a solution in a glass of water?



Sugars that act as a source of energy for all living things.

June Solstice

Summer solstice in NH & winter solstice in SH

Immune System

System that keeps you healthy

Respiratory System

System that lets you breath

Circulatory System

System that pumps blood


Takes up space and has mass


Temp increases with increasing altitude Ionosphere Exosphere


The ability to cause changes in matter

Upwarped mountains

Black Hills of SD Broad arching of the crust

Dome mountains

Blister with magma underneath


Blocks of the crust and upper mantle


Blueprint of the cell; contains genetic information Contains TWO nucleotides that create double helix Holds template for making proteins


Consists of 3 parts: embryo, endosperm- (food for embryo) seed coat- (protection)


Male reproductive structure Located inside petals Contains a filament topped by an anther

Nuclear fusion of hydrogen

The sun is the main sequence star and generates energy by

types of friction

static kinetic

Solar eclipse - Sun, Moon, Earth

-Occurs when a new moon passes b/w the earth and the sun: completely blocks view of sun (Umbra); partial eclipse only covers part of sun (Penumbra)

Electromagnetic spectrum

-Radio waves -Microwaves -Infrared radiation -Visible light -Ultraviolet -X-rays -Gamma rays


-bit of rock and other debris that does not follow an orbit around the sun. Meteroid when in outer space, meteor when it enters earth's atmosphere, meteorite when it hits earths surface (burn in mesosphere) -contain elemental metals such as iron, along with inorganic minerals such as quartz

examples of homeostasis

-blood glucose, if blood level increases the pancreas secretes an insulin to lower it -regulating temperature by shivering or sweating -snake depending primarily on external factors like sunlight to regulate its temperature


-carries blood from lungs into the heart and into body. carries the oxygen rich blood to all the muscles/tissues that need it. -contract and expand controlling the pressure and flow of blood


-celestial object composed primarily of space dust and frozen gases

stationary front

-cold and warm air meet but neither one can move the other, at a standoff

occluded front

-combination of warm and cold front, leads to rain for a wide area.

Stratus clouds(layered)

-cover entire sky -lower region in troposphere -gray in color -Nimbostratus - continuous rain; Altostratus - no rain

warm front

-fast moving warm air mass overtakes slowly moving cold air mass. B/c cold air is denser than warm air, the warm air moves over the cold air

motion of the moon against starry vault

-goes completely once every month but not on same path as sun -is 5 degrees off the ecliptic so it goes through some constellations

Cirrus clouds (wispy)

-high altitude, feathery clouds, wispy appearance -Cirrostratus - thicker cirrus clouds, indication of rain or snow

small intestines

-location where majority of digestion occurs -bile and enzymes enter to help release nutrients so they can be circulated into the bloodstream

cellular respiration

-plants use sugar and oxygen to produce energy, water and carbon dioxide

cold front

-rapidly moving cold air mass runs into a slowly moving warm air mass, the denser cold pushes under the warm air.

cerebral cortex

-responsible for thinking, perceiving, producing and understanding language. layer of the brain often referred to as gray matter -The cerebral cortex is divided into right and left hemispheres. It encompasses about two-thirds of the brain mass and lies over and around most of the structures of the brain

motion of sun

-rises in east and sets in west -also revolves around Polaris 1 degree a day so after 1 year it ends up where it started

Plate boundaries

-spreading apart -pressing together -sliding past each other

longshore current

-type of surface current; moves sediment parallel to beach

Globe Conveyor Belt

-underwater current that circles the glove with a force of 16 times as strong as all the world's rivers combines. It is driven by density differences in the water. -beneficial to world's food chain.

how the body warms itself

-vasoconstriction to decrease the flow of heat to skin -shivering to increase heat production in muscles

thermohaline circulation

-water movements (currents) driven by densities in the water that is dependant upon its temperature (thermo) and salinity (haline) -colder and saltier equals denser such as at the poles. The cold, salty water sinks and new water rushed in on top creating currents. That water gets cold and sinks, continuing the cycle. -this process drives a current of water around the globe, beginning at the North Pole

Cumulus clouds (fair weather)

-white, puffy clouds that look like cotton -lower region in troposphere -Cumulonimbus - thunder, lightning and severe rain

the scientific process

1. state the problem 2. form a hypothesis 3. observe and experiment 4. interpret the data 5. draw conclusions

3 forms of lithification

1.) compaction- intense weight 2.) cementation- fluids carry dissolved minerals and deposit them within the available pore space of sediments, binding them into rock. 3.)crystallization- minerals will recrystallize as a response to a change in their chemical environment, such as a rise in the pH.

3 types of tectonic boundaries

1.) convergent boundaries 2.) divergent boundaries 3.) transform boundaries (slide past)

4 basic tissues

1.) epithelial- things that cover 2.) connective- bone, cartlidge, blood 3.)nervous-neurons, photoreceptor 4.) muscle-skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles (capable of movement called contraction)

parts of circulatory system

1.) heart 2.) vessels 3.) veins

Fahrenheit Scale

1.8C + 32

Fungi kingdom

100,000 species- mushrooms, yeasts, molds, rusts, mildews, stinkhorns, puffballs, and truffles

Scientific Law

A conclusion about the natural world based on the results of repeated observations

which region has the most extreme tides?

A - check picture on desktop


A PH of 7 is ?

The speed of the ball is increasing

A ball is thrown straight up about fifty meters into the air. As the ball is traveling toward Earth and returning to the person who threw it, which of the following is most likely to be true?


A battery in a circuit causes a lightbulb to glow by providing energy to which of the following in the wires of the circuit?

Cell Membrane

A cell structure that controls which substances can enter or leave the cell.


A change directly from the solid to the gaseous state without becoming liquid


A change in a gene or chromosome.

covalent bond

A chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule


A classification grouping that consists of a number of similar, closely related species


A device that converts electrical energy directly into mechanical energy is best described as which of the following


A device that converts stored chemical energy into moving energy of electrons running through a wire is called a


A device that is thick at one end and tapers to a thin edge at the other end and splits things apart

chemical energy

A form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms.

Which of the following best explains the primary difference between the liquid and gaseous states of matter?

A gas can be compressed, while a liquid cannot.


A growth response to light


A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances


A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances


A jellylike fluid inside the cell in which the organelles are suspended


A liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances


A long, whip-like filament that helps in cell motility. Many bacteria are flagellated, and sperm are flagellated.

large of body waters

A maritime air mass is an air mass that forms over


A measure of the amount of matter in an object


A measure of the force of gravity on an object


A measurement of molecular weight that is equal to the molecules amu in grams. 6.023 * 10^23 (Avogadro constant)

Which two organisms are likely to have the most similar life cycles?

A mouse and a whale

Substitution mutation

A mutation in which a nucleotide or a codon in DNA is replaced with a different nucleotide


A phenomenon must be assessed through tests and observations

Natural selection

A process in which individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than other individuals because of those traits.


A relationship between two species in which both species benefit


A rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust. Includes tectonic plates.

Cell wall

A rigid layer of nonliving material that surrounds the cells of plants and some other organisms.

Rock Cycle

A series of processes on the surface and inside Earth that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another


A simple machine that consists of a rigid bar that pivots about a fixed point.

pulley concept

A simple machine that consists of a rope that fits into a groove in a wheel


A single-stranded nucleic acid that passes along genetic messages Switches out the thymine for uracil

to convert sunlight into energy

basic function of leaves


change in velocity divided by elapsed time

Components of nutrition

Carbs Proteins Fats Vitamins/Minerals Water

Prokaryotic Cells

Bacteria and algae No nucleus Small and simple

Animal kingdoms

Bacteria/Minera Animals/Animalia Plants/Plantae Fungi Protists/Protista

Prokaryotic cells

Bacteria; has NO true nucleus or membrane bound organelles, DNA is in the cytoplasm in the nucleoid, divide by binary fission, are haploid


Basic unit of matter, central nucleus surrounded by electrons


Before a dividing cell can begin mitosis, the DNA of the cell must undergo

Two main hypotheses about the origins of the universe

Big Bang theory Steady state theory

Ecological problems caused by humans

Biological magnification Simplification of food web - 3 major crops Fuel sources Pollution Global warming Endangered species Overpopulation

Oblique-slip fault

Both vertical and horizontal movement


Boundaries form between spreading plates where the crust is forced apart in mid-ocean ridges. On land it creates ocean basins

Which structure is responsible for regulating basic functions such as respiration and heartbeat?



Caused by tectonic plates crashing into or scraping against each other


Cannot be broken down into any other simpler substance


Capture energy from sunlight and use it to produce food for the cell, site of photosynthesis

are digested more easily and absorbed more quickly

Carbohydrates are much better foods for quick energy than fats because they

Binary Covalent compounnds

CO2 NzO4- two elements named according to the number of atoms

Eukaryotic cells

Contain a nucleus and other organelles that are bound by membranes. Found in multicellular organisms.


Contain reproductive structures Arranged in four concentric rings


Control center of the cell

Mountains are most likely to form along which type of plate boundary?



Conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy.


Creates new oceanic crust when hot mantle rises and separates

Mesozoic periods

Cretaceous Jurassic/Triassic

Folded mountains

Crust movements press horizontal layers of sedimentary rocks together from the sides, making wavelike folds Alps, Himalayas

LAYERS OF THE EARTH - 3 Composition Zones - CMC

Crust, Mantle, Core


Crustaceans, insects, centipedes, horseshoe crab, arachnids,


Cubic space that an object occupies

Evolution scientist contributors

Cuvier, Lamarck, Lyell, Darwin, Wallace


Cyclic rise and fall of large bodies of water by the gravity of the moon pulling tidal bulges towards it

shells or valances

Energy levels where the electrons are found

Nucleic acids

DNA and RNA store genetic code, which are needed for the organism to function.


Density is equal to

Chemical properties of matter

Describe the ability of a substance to be changed into new substances


Describes buoyancy of crust types


Describes how light reflects off the surface of a mineral. Terms to describe luster: dull, metallic, pearly, and waxy.

According to fossil evidence, which of the following types of organisms came into existence first?


average velocity

Distance measured/time required

Plate tectonic movements

Divergent- pulling away from each other, magma comes from the earth Convergent- one plate goes under another and mountains can form Transform- horizontal, can produce earthquakes Volcanoes can occur on any plate boundary


Division of body cells that results in 2 cells exactly alike


Division of sex cells that results in 4 cells

Mendels Laws

Dominance Segregation Independent assortment


Downward movement of water through soil.

Types of mutations

Duplication Inversion Deletion Insertion/translocation Breakage

Life, Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, class , order, family, genius and species

Hierarchical order of Biological classification

Strike-slip fault

Horizontal movement along the fault

One Calendar Year

Earth's orbit around the sun

Spring tides

Earth, sun and moon are in line at full and new moon, larger tides because the sun and moon are exerting gravitational pul

outer core

Earths magnetic field originates in this thick viscous part called the

9. Which of the following is most responsible for the four seasons we experience on Earth?

Earths tilt on its axis


Earthworms, clamworms, leeches


Either AA or aa, where both are either dominant or recessive

radio waves

Electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies


Elements that are good conductors of heat and electric current.

According to Kepler's First Law of Planetary motion the orbit of every planet is what?



Energy flowing through living systems 1)Endergonic - energy released 2)Exergonic - energy created

Geologic Time Scale - EEPE

Eon - Precambrian, Phanerozoic Era- Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic Period - Quaternary.... Epoch - Holocene

Similarities of plant and animal cells

Eukaryotic Have nucleus Reproduction Cell membrane Cytoplasm Microtubules Vacuoules

Characteristics of animals

Eukaryotic Ingestion/digestion 2 sexes

Characteristics of fungi

Eukaryotic Nutrients from other organisms Reproduce asexually/sexually

Characteristics of plants

Eukaryotic Nutrients from soil Energy from sun Reproduce by producing seeds, spores, tubers, bulbs, buds, crafts

Characteristics of protists

Eukaryotic Single-celled Nutrients by ingesting small molecules and cells Reproduce asexually


Eukaryotic cell splits into two separate, but completely identical cells- 5 phases


Evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant

2nd law of thermodynamics

Every energy transfer or transformation increases the entropy of the universe.


Experiments with pea plants to observe the occurrence of inherited traits, two laws

Scientific theory

Explanation of a set of related observations based on a proven hypothesis


Fats and the way organisms store energy and help with cell function.

Law of independent assortment

Many combinations of alleles are possible

Types of biomes

Marine Savanna Desert Tropical rainforest Temperate Taiga Tundra Polar

Which of the following factors least affects a compound's tendency to change state?



Mass of a substance contained per 1 unit of volume Measured in g/cm3


Measure of the Earth's pull of gravity on an object


Measure of the energy released during an earthquake


Mechanical and Chemical


Membrane-bound areas for specific cell functions

inner planets

Mercury Venus Earth Mars

Planets in our solar system

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune listed in order from closest to the sun to furthest from the sun My Very Enthusiastic Mother Just Served Us Noodles


Mesozoic Era 135-65 million years ago reptiles/dinos were prominent continents separate and flooded


Mesozoic Era 350-135 million years ago reptiles evolving Pangea starting to break Deserts --> forests and swamps


Method of getting energy by eating food that has energy releasing substances


Method to classify plants and animals; helpful for studying large amounts of data


Miles per hour, has magnitude - 30mph


Modified leaves that protect the bud from damage

What is the key element needed for a fern to reproduce?


Five kingdoms

Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia


More complex, results in 4 cells rather than 2, stages happen twice, encouraged genetic diversity


Most hurricans formed in what part of the planet

empty space

Most of the volume of an atom is

Dip-slip fault

Movement of plates is vertical and opposite


Movement of water through the atmosphere

Mountain formation

Movements of tectonic plates create volcanoes along the plate boundaries, which erupt and form (directly related to plate tectonics)

Non fertilized eggs

Mutant genes can cause a disruption with the DNA of an organism that usually results in

Evolution factors that increase variability

Mutations Sexual reproduction Immigration Large population

3 processes used by plants

Photosynthesis, transpiration, and respiration


Photosynthetic cells Types: chloroplast, chromoplast, amyloplast


Planet that is closest to the sun

Differences of plant and animal cells

Plant cell: cell wall, chloroplasts, regular shape, cell plates, larger Animal cell: no cell wall, mitochondria, many shapes, small, pinch in half

Cell wall

Plant cells only


Plants use the sun's energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugars two processes: light reaction and dark or light-independent.


Plates of Earth's crust and upper mantle that are broken into the nine large plates


Positively charged particles, the number of protons determines the atomic number of an elenent


Precambrian Era beginning of earth - 570 million years ago no life


Precambrian Era beginning of earth - 570 million years ago some life

Canopy Interception

Precipitation lands on plant foliage instead of falling to the ground and evaporating

Surface currents

Predictable movement of ocean's surface water in response to wind. 3 factors: global winds, Coriolis effect, location of landmasses


Primarly Graze on grass as food source in food chain

P- Waves

Primary Wave - Longitudinal- travel fast thru solids and slow thru liquid; refracted


Primary site for photosynthesis Palisade layer - packed with chloroplasts that perform most of the photosynthesis for the plant


Process by which the nucleus divides into two indentical nuclei in preparation for cytokinesis; creates sex cells in preparation for sexual reproduction. 4 phases: 1) Prophase (longest) -Chromosomes become visible, 2) Metaphase (shortest)- spindle fibers orient, 3) Anaphase- equal separation and distribution of chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell, 4) Telophase (opposite of prophase)- cells complete migration to opposite sides of the cell and uncoil; opposite of prophase.


Production of the sperm and egg cells

Monera Kingdom

Prokaryotes- bacteria and Cyanobacteria, unicellular organisms or colonies

Types of cells

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

Characteristics of bacteria

Prokaryotic Single-celled Absorb nutrients/photosynthesis Asexual reproduction

Ozone Layer

Protective layer in atmosphere that shields earth from UV radiation. Located in the stratosphere.


Protein synthesis, RNA

Precambrian periods

Proterozoic Archaen

Eukaryotic Cells

Protists, fungi, plants, animals Complex, large, have cytoplasm, cytoskeleton and multiple organelles

34. Which of the following classifications would a typical star reach first during its life?


Meiosis cycle

Same cycle just twice to create half pairs


Same number of protons but different number of neutrons

Transform fault

San Andreas Large strike-slip along the boundaries of the fault

A cloud of gas and dust that was from an explosion of a star

Scientist believe the solar system was formed by

3 types of rocks

Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic


Sex cell - sperm or cells

Plant Reproduction

Sexually and Asexually (by mitosis)

Make an observation Form a Question Make an hypothesis Conduct the experiment Analyze the results

Six steps in the scientific method

Human body systems

Skeletal Muscular Nervous Digestive Respiratory Circulatory

Organ systems

Skeletal: bones/joints Muscular: muscles Nervous: brain, spinal cord and nerves Digestive: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines teeth tongue gallbladder pancreas appendix and anus Respiratory: nose pharynx trachea bronchi lungs Circulatory: heart blood and blood vessels Skin (integumentary)- skin hair nails sense receptors sweat glands oil glands Excretory: kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethera Immune: lymphatic system, nodes, thymus, spleen Endocrine: pituitary gland, pineal gland, hypothalamus, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, testes Reproductive: male and female parts

Kuiper belt

Small bodies orbiting the sun beyond Neptune in a ring/belt Remnants of the earliest phases of the solar system Short-period comets


Small organisms that are only visible through a microscope


Smallest particle of a substance that can exist independently and still have all the properties of that substance One crispix


Smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of that element Crumb of Wheaties

Inner Core

Solid, dense, very hot mixture of iron and nickel

Phases of matter

Solid, liquid, gas Identified by shape or volume

Mineral (Gold, Silver, Cooper, Diamond)

Solid, naturally formed, chemically composition and crystalline structure?

Golgi complex/apparatus

Sorts, modifies and packages molecules made in the cell

Have a high pitch. Human receive pitch based on the frequency of sound waves detected by the ear

Sound waves with a high frequency?

low pitch

Sound waves with low frequency

Winter solstice

Southern Hemisphere is leaning towards the sun


Special type of protein that can cause or speed up a specific chemical reaction. Important in digestion and help body break down and extract energy from different kinds of foods.

4 principles to define natural selection

Species vary from generation to generation Some variations are determined by the genetic makeup of the species More individuals are produced than will survive Some genes allow for better survival of an animal

the collision of high energy particles with gasses in the atompsphere

The northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis. These particles, emitted by the sun, start to glow and manifest as an array of colors in the sky.

atomic number

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom


The outer layer of the thermosphere, extending outward into space. Extends to about 6,200 miles above the Earth's surface.

Which of the following best explains why a white piece of paper appears "white" to the human eye?

The piece of paper is reflecting all visible wavelengths.


The second-lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere. Contains the ozone layer


The soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats.


The state of the Earth's atmosphere at a given time and place is known as


The study of energy transformations (work and heat) that occur in a collection of matter.


The study of minerals


The theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadily

What causes seasons?

The tilt of the Earth's axis


The uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as altitude increases

physical property

any property that is measurable whose value describes a state of a physical system. (Color, elasticity, mass)


amount of energy it takes to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius


amount of energy radiated by star per second

heat capacity

amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of the object by one degree


amount of open space (holes) in rock and is a measure of the rock's ability to hold water.


amount of time for half of the atoms of a radioactive sample to decay. Helps determine when radioactive material is safe to handle


an atom with a different number of neutrons than its normal amount

sickle cell

an inherited disorder associated with a mutation in the gene encoding the beta-globin subunit of hemoglobin.

Geiger Counter

an instrument that detects radiation and measures it intensity.

boyle's law

an inverse relationship between pressure and volume as pressure goes up volume goes down as pressure goes down volume goes up

Law of inertia

an object at rest will stay at rest, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by external force

newtons first law: the law of inertia

an object in motion (or at rest) stays in motion along a straight path (or at rest) unless acted upon by a net external force

brown dwarf

an object not quite massive enough to be a star

Conductor of electricity

an object or type of material that allows the flow of electrical current in one or more directions ex: metal, carbon, water, silver (most conducive of all), copper, aluminum, gold, brass


an object's rate of motion

how does an organism responds to stimuli

an organism typically responds to stimuli in its environment based on both its genetics and its experiences


an organized group of related objects or components that form a whole


anaerobic cellular respiration that occurs when there is no oxygen present, usually performed by Prokaryotes

carnivoure (Secondary Consumers)

animal that feed on flesh


animals eat other animals; animals they eat are called the prey


anything that has mass and takes up space


are in motion around the nucleus and have a negligible mass- negatively charged


are large bodies of salt water; smaller than oceans.

Alto- Clouds (altocumulas, altostratus)

are located in the middle of the sky and usually produce precipitation that does not reach the ground.


are made up of atoms that are held together by chemical bonds. smallest particle in a chemical element


are the substances that make up the chromosome. In other works, the strands of DNA are considered as chromatins, and when they combine, they form chromosomes.

electricity and magnetism

are two components of a type of energy called electromagnetism each can be used to create the other

spiral galaxy

arms that rotate around a dense center ex: The Milky Way

what do arteries do

arteries take blood out to the body

how can reproduction occur in plants

asexually and sexually


balls of ice, rock, and dust in space that go around the sun with a tail which is ice breaking away behind it


based on moons revolution around earth

how are foods organized into food groups

based on the nutritional properties

an atom with an imbalanced charge

called an ion can be positive or negative

basic properties of a gas

can be compressed does take shape of its container

Physical properties of matter

can be observed or measured without changed the composition of the substance (can be undone) ex: odor, speed of evaporation, color, melting/freezing, mass, taste


can cause a change in your perception or reality, can cause hallucinations examples: LSD, marijuana, mescaline

UV Waves

can cause sunburn and skin cancer from radiation - positive--> creation of vitamin D in human skin

key advantage of reproducing asexually

can choose when to reproduce

cold blooded organisms

can only regulate their body temperatures using the external environment example: lizard or reptile

basic properties of a solid

cannot be compressed does not take shape of container

basic properties of a liquid

cannot be compressed does take shape of the container


cannot produce own food. must eat and digest food to make glucose for cellular respiration (animals/humans)

six major classes of nutrients

carbohydrates, fats, minerals, protein, vitamins and water

High Pressure

caused by Cold Air

Low Pressure

caused by Hot air

erosion in streams

caused by abrasion or dissolving/absorbing minerals of bedrock

Deep water currents

caused by the density difference in water, caused by temperature differences

aurora borealis

caused by the interaction of charged particles from the solar winds interacting with the upper atmosphere of a planet. The solar wind distorts the earth's magnetic field


causes by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun on earth


causes salt to move across a permeable membrane from an area of greater salinity to an area of lesser salinity

Coriolis Effect

causes surface currents to move clockwise in Northern Hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.


cell division in which the nucleus divides into nuclei containing the same number of chromosomes


centromeres split in half and homologous chromosomes separate; the chromosomes are pulled to the poles of the cell, with identical sets at either end

physical change

change between solid, liquid or gas. Percipatation turning from rain to sleet

physical change

change from one state to another without a change in chemical composition

chemical reactions

change in chemical arrangement of atoms (reactions combine, recombine, or dissociate to form products) ex. removing a stain, digesting food, burning wood


change in form ex: butterflies, bees, flies, insects


change in location - original position means change from one location to another

Ways of heat transfer

conduction convection radiation

1st law of thermodynamics

conservation of energy, the amount of energy in the universe is constant change in heat energy = change in internal energy + change in the work done by the system

Prokaryotic cell

consist only of bacteria and blue-green algae

endothermic chemical reactions

consume energy

Plant cells

contain a mitochondria


contain digestive enzymes that break down food, substances not needed, viruses, damaged cell components and the cell itself

causes of physical weathering

freezing water (frost weathering) expansion of rock exfoliation plants & animals

Metamorphic rocks

formed by high temp. and pressure

Igneous Rocks

formed by the cooling of molten magma on the earth's surface. The magma, which is brought to the surface through fissures or volcanic eruptions, solidifies at a faster rate.

ingeous rock

formed from magma brought to the earth's surface as a result of tectonic process.

Metamorphic rocks

formed under surface of the earth from the change that occurs due to intense heat and pressure (squeezing). -changes chemically/structurally 2 Classifications - Foliated (minerals are flatted or aligned into sheets) and Non-foliated ex. marble, slate, quartzite, schist

Igneous rocks

formed when magma or lava cools and crystallizes (hardens). Can be changed into Metamorphic or Sedimentary rock 2 Classifications - Intrusive (Plutonic) and Extrusive (Volcanic) ex. basalt, obsidian, and granite

Transform plate boundary

formed when plates move in opposite directions along a boundary

Sedimentary rock

formed when rock fragments are compacted as a result of weathering and erosion.


forms the key building block of life at an atomic level

fossil cast

fossil mold that's filled with hardened sediment that recreates the organism's shape

supporting evidence of darwin's theory of evolution

fossil records, comparative anatomy, and DNA sequence

the main way to look at human history on earth


Eukaryotic cell

found in protists, fungi, plants and animals

protons and neutrons

found in the nucleus of a cell

less dense than the four planets that is closests to the sun

four planets farthest from the Sun compared with the four planets closest to the Sun?

where is the genetic code of an organism stored?

in its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)


in photosynthetic organisms only 3 types: 1) chloroplasts (green, work in photosynthesis) 2) chromoplasts (store yellow and orange pigments; provide color to leaves, fruit, flowers) 3) amyloplasts (store starch)

Cell wall

in plant cells only; thick enough for support & protection but porous enough to allow water to enter

where are the blood cels produced

in the bone marrow

six simple machines important to know

incline plane wheel and axle lever pulley wedge screw

plant cells

include many of the same organalles as animal cells as well as a number of additional organelles including the vacuole, chloroplast, and cell wall

infectious pathogens

include some viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and multicellular parasites


length of path it takes (speed X time)


lies below the crust

sources of light

light can come from a variety of sources including the sun, light bulbs and excited atoms

Concave mirror

light is reflected such that angle of incidence equals angle of reflection and they all meet at point called focus or focal point; image is REAL, UPSIDE DOWN, and SMALLER

Convex lens

light refraction in lens where rays meet at focal point on other side of lens; image is REAL, INVERTED and SMALLER; used for farsightedness so focal point focuses closer (on) to retina

isobar weather map

line of constant or equal pressure. Used to find areas of high or low pressure over broad area like the US


line on a map connecting points having the same atmospheric pressure at a given time or on average over a given period.

isotherm weather map

lines of constant or equal temperature. gives large scale view of temperature across the U.S.

heat of vaporization

liquid <--> gas

heat of fusion

liquid <--> solid

Outer Core

liquid iron and nickel


living things can adapt to their environment and there are variations in every living thing


living things have a way of reproducing whether it is sexually or asexually


located at base of the brain responsible for the timing of motor movements


located north and south of the taiga; incredibly cold

Meristematic (root cap)

location of growth, where most of the cell division or mitosis occurs.


long-term average of weather for a given region.


loose chromosomes when the cell is not dividing

outer core

made of nickel and iron and it is liquid molten metal


made of rock that is a maluable solid Thickest layer

inner core

made of solid metal mainly nickel and iron


made up of only DNA and Protien. its in the nucleaus of each cell


magma moves through a dike and pools to creates a surface dome

volcanic neck

magma solidified in the pipe of an inactive volcano that's resistant to erosion

you are given section of periodic table (See picture drawn) which of these has a similar atomic number or mass to NA/sodium?

magnesium/MA because of its atomic number

magnetic force

magnetized items interact with other items in specific ways


magnitude & direction -30mph North displacement divided by elapsed time


nonmetallic elements with properties in between those of metals and nonmetals. (found in middle of periodic table)


nuclear reaction of a large isotope breaking apart into two or more smaller elements (releases a lot of energy- atomic bombs, etc.)

parts of a comet

nucleus coma tail - always points away from the Sun

atomic number

number of protons

atomic mass

number of protons + neutrons

atomic number

number of protons in its nucleus


objects is in motion when it is continuously changing its position relative to a reference point

electrostatic replusion

objects with the same charge and close together has


occur when the shadow of the earth or the moon is cast onto the other body

Subdivisions of rocks

sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic

the circulatory system process

see drawn picture

photo of blood cells identified

see picture on desktop bottom is red blood cell middle is platelet white blood cell is top


self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survive (Sweat Glands, Lungs, and Kidneys)

Glass Prism

separates white visible light into the visible array or spectrum of all the colors of the rainbow.


separation of sex cells that have 23 chromosomes; they need each other to combine to make complete 46; splits twice; same phases as mitosis but twice


serve many functions within organism

Respiratory System

set of organs that allows a person to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body.


sex cell or germ cell; eggs and sperm


sexual reproducers; cone bearing plants (pine trees example) has a seed that is being fertilized and grows into the adult version

Covalent compounds

share one or more electron pairs between atoms- usually nonmetals

How to figure out when erosion occured

the erosion underneath a sedimentary layer most likely occured first


the final phase of cell division, between anaphase and interphase, in which the chromatids or chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell and two nuclei are formed.

what gives the earth a magnetic field?

the flow of molten metal as the earth spins is what gives the earth a magnetic field

the milky way

the galaxy we exist in shaped like a spiral disk with several long arms


the genetic material (the chromosomes of the cell) duplicate

specific heat

the heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of a given substance by a given amount (usually one degree)

Monera Kingdom

the kingdom that includes bacteria, unicellular organisms with no nucleus. Reproduce asexually through cell division


the layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth's surface


the layer of the earth between the crust and the core


the powerhouse of the cell; metabolizes things into a usable form of energy


the principal type of evidence of prehistoric life


the process by which green leaves prepare food (glucose and oxygen) using carbon dioxide, water, and minerals in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll


the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. convert light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities (energy transformation


the process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere

natural selection

the process in which individual with favorable traits survive and reproduce

how are diploid cells created

the process of mitosis and diploid cells are typically capable of beginning the process again


the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as from leaves but also from stems and flowers


the ranking of how bright a star appears to humans


the rate at which velocity changes over time

Specific gravity

the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of water

Why certain areas experience more earthquake damage then other areas?

the reason has to do with how solid the ground is underneath buildings. hard ground allows waves to move through it more easily but a softer substance slows down those waves and causes an increased amplitude. soft ground causes more earth quakes then hard ground

what is the probability that two parents who have brown eyes but carry a recessive gene for blue eyes, probability they will have a blue eyed child?

use a punnett square and see picture 1/4 chance

absolute dating

use of radioactivity to make accurate determinations of Earth's age

graduated cylinder

used for an accurate measurement

Radio Waves

used to broadcast audio, radar, and satellite communications (microwaves)


used to contain fluids but won't give you an accurate measurement

Punnet squares

used to show the possible ways that genes combine and indicate probability of the occurrence of a certain genotype or phenotype

systems of organization provide

useful ways of thinking about the world

carbon dating

using the half-life principle to determine how old a material is


usually colored circle often seen around and close to a luminous body (such as the sun or moon) caused by diffraction produced by suspended droplets or occasionally particles of dustb


usually originate over warm ocean water. Have destructive wind speeds of 74 miles per hour or more and create large storm surges, when sea water rises above normal tide. Originate in Atlantic or Eastern Pacific Ocean.

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