PRAXIS English Language Arts: Content Knowledge - Test 1 Questions/Answers

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Criticism that sets literature in a social context is which of the following? cultural criticism feminist criticism psychological criticism biographical criticism

Correct answer: cultural criticism Criticism that sets literature in a social context, often of economics or politics or gender is cultural criticism. It is usually extended to popular material like comic books.

Choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose "No change is necessary." The president said that the terms were (A) acceptable; in fact they (B) exceeded his expectations. In his (C) judgment, it was perfect. acceptible acceded judgement No change is necessary.

All of these words are spelled correctly. No changes are necessary. "Acceptable" (able to accept) is spelled with an "a." Exceeded" is the correct word. "Acceded" means something entirely different. And in the United States, judgment is spelled without an "e."

(1)With the harsh economic times, many people are finding it hard to secure jobs while others are losing their jobs as their employers try to downsize human labor. (2) There are some lenders who have come to the relief of such people by offering personal loans unemployed and these are nowadays readily available in the lending market. (3) There are some lenders who will even give out these loans as long as the applicant provides a signature as show of commitment to making repayments. (4) You can apply for secured or unsecured personal loan unemployed depending on whether you have some property under your name that you can pledge as collateral. (5) If you are in need of a huge amount of cash, it is better to go for a secured loan as the asset that you will offer as security will convince the lender that you really intend to honor your debt. (6) In any case, failure to fully settle the loan will just see the lender possess the asset to raise any owing amount. (7) An unsecured personal loan unemployed is more easily accessible since this is given out without the need for the applicant to offer security. (8) As much as this results to a huge number of applicants, it is somehow risky for the lender as recovering any unpaid amount can be difficult in the event that the applicant is unable to clear the loan. (9) This is the main reason why you will find lenders offering an unsecured personal loan unemployed: • In limited amounts • At a higher interest rate • Under more strict terms and conditions • With a short repayment period If you are in urgent need of cash to handle an emergency need, there are also some lenders who offer quick personal loan unemployed. (10) By going for such, you can be sure of getting the funds shortly after application and this will make it very convenient for you to take care of your financial need in time. (11) These quick loans are mostly unsecured and have very few requirements. (12) Now that most people have some access to the internet, you can choose to get the personal loan for the unemployed from local or online lenders. (13) Online application is easier and convenient as you can apply from different places provided you have internet connection. (14) This can also see you have the funds fast as you only need to complete some online form that is approved shortly after submission. (15) Read the passage. If you were using holistic scoring which bases the score on the total quality of this essay, which would be a fair assessment? 6 -- The topic is thoroughly explored. Focus is excellent. The conventions of writing are applied. Sentence structure and vocabulary are superior. The essay is controlled, focused and well organized. 5 - The topic is substantially addressed. The vocabulary is controlled and the sentence structure is clear. There is some depth of thought. 4 -- The topic is adequately addressed. The organization is mostly coherent. The essay is clear but not necessarily complex. Sentence structure and vocabulary are acceptable. 2 -- The topic is not acceptably addressed. The essay lacks organization. The sentence structure is confusing. There are many conventions errors.

Correct Answer: 4 -- The topic is adequately addressed. The organization is mostly coherent. The essay is clear but not necessarily complex. Sentence structure and vocabulary are acceptable. This essay adequately addresses the topic. It is mostly coherent but there are places where meaning is obscured due to grammar errors. Paragraph 3 is somewhat confusing and probably should have been redesigned.

Which of the following instructional strategies is also known as semantic mapping? Semantic-feature analysis Word webs SQ3R(Survey, question, read, recite, review) Know, want to know, learned

Correct Answer: Word webs Choice A helps reinforce vocabulary that is important to understanding main concepts in a text. Choice C is when a student begins by surveying the text they are going to read. Choice D is when a student starts by brainstorming everything he/she knows about a topic.

Which is an example of an elegy? The Child is father of the Man. Gone are the days when honesty was king. Lying and cheating are what many advise. Truthiness has a more accepted ring. And lies and deceit will cause profits to rise. Keep your friends close and your enemies in sight. Beware the stranger who lurks in the night. All who will aide you will stay in the light. Enemies darken your life while friends make it bright. A stitch in time saves nine.

Correct Answer: Gone are the days when honesty was king. Lying and cheating are what many advise. Truthiness has a more accepted ring. And lies and deceit will cause profits to rise. An elegy is a lament for something, such as lost love, or an idea, like liberty, or for someone, a late friend. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" by Thomas Gray is a famous elegy. Here the loss of honesty as a business value is lamented. An epigram is a short poem which features a twist. Ben Franklin wrote many epigrams.

Which of the following online resources is most likely to provide objective, reliable information? Wikipedia A political blog The website of a major corporation The website of a professional organization

Correct Answer: The website of a professional organization Of these choices, the one most likely to provide objective, reliable information is the website of a professional organization (D). Articles on such a site are written and reviewed by experts in the field. The same cannot be said for articles on Wikipedia (A). Wikipedia describes itself as "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit." Information on a corporate website (C) or in a political blog (B) cannot be considered objective.

What is the distinguishing characteristic of a Cyclops in the Odyssey? A Cyclops has horns A Cyclops has poisonous snakes on its head A Cyclops can fly, but its wings will melt when too close to the sun. A Cyclops has one eye, which is located in the middle of its forehead

Correct Answer: A Cyclops has one eye, which is located in the middle of its forehead In Greek and Roman mythology, a Cyclops is a giant with a single eye The eye is found in the middle of its forehead.

(1)A less personal option is to use a company name that is 'associative'. This type of company name helps to create an image or connection to your business activity. (2) It is less direct than using a descriptive name but helps to position your company's name within the market through people's understanding of what words mean. (3) For example, a flick through the Yellow Pages will offer plenty of examples of this. (4) A hairdresser called Classic Cuts or a printer called Selectaprint Limited are examples of what may be found. (5) These names offer some differentiation but may not ultimately set your company aside from its competitors. The statement, "A hairdresser called Classic Cuts or a printer called Selectaprint Limited are examples of what may be found" from the passage is considered which of the following? A paraphrase A direct quotation Summary Stereotype

Correct Answer: A direct quotation The statement is exactly the way it appears in the passage. This duplication is known as a direct quotation. A paraphrase of the statement would get across the same message by using different words. A summary is similar to a paraphrase. Stereotypes are general statements made about certain people, places or things within a particular group.

Which of the following poetry forms is an unrhymed poem with three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables? A haiku A rondeau A sestina A triolet

Correct Answer: A haiku A haiku is an unrhymed poem with three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. It was adapted from Japanese poetry.

(1)A less personal option is to use a company name that is 'associative'. This type of company name helps to create an image or connection to your business activity. (2) It is less direct than using a descriptive name but helps to position your company's name within the market through people's understanding of what words mean. (3) For example, a flick through the Yellow Pages will offer plenty of examples of this. (4) A hairdresser called Classic Cuts or a printer called Selectaprint Limited are examples of what may be found. (5) These names offer some differentiation but may not ultimately set your company aside from its competitors. After reading lines 1 and 2 of the passage, the statement "Rather than using a business name that has a personal meaning, some use a name that has some sort of connection to the nature of the business" represents which of the following? Stereotype Argument A paraphrase A direct quotation

Correct Answer: A paraphrase This statement relays the meaning found in lines number one and two, with the use of different words.

(1)To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? (2) To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. (3) To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. (4) Hamlet addresses these lines to the audience. There is no one else on stage. This type of speech is called A soliloquy. An elegy. A eulogy. An injunction.

Correct Answer: A soliloquy. This type of speech is called a soliloquy (A). A soliloquy is spoken directly to the audience rather than to another character. This type of speech was used often in Elizabethan drama.

According to Noam Chomsky, which of the following is the sixth stage of language development? Prelinguistic Adult Intermediate Telegraphic

Correct Answer: Adult The prelinguistic stage is the first stage and includes crying, cooing and babbling. The intermediate is the fifth stage of language development. The telegraphic stage is the fourth stage and is when a child is likely to leave out some syllables in words.

Which of the following is a hypothesis and component of Steven Krashen's theory of second language acquisition? Affective filter Affixation Compounding Clipping

Correct Answer: Affective filter Choices B, C & D are three processes used in word formation. Choice A is a hypothesis that says outside forces that can slow down or stop acquisition.

Gusto, is to zeal, as fervor is to Lax Lazy Slovenly Ardor

Correct Answer: Ardor dor. Gusto is performing or acting in a way that shows a zeal and fervor as well as ardor, for the activity, belief, etc,.

A setting (the time and place in which a story or book occurs) is not necessarily essential to the plot. This type of setting is called a(n): integral setting backdrop setting structural setting particular setting

Correct answer: backdrop setting The settings for a story or book are one of two types: integral or backdrop. When a setting is not important to the plot it is called a backdrop setting. If the setting is essential to the plot it is an integral setting.

The most effective read-alouds are interactive. They encourage discussion at strategic points. It is important to plan carefully, and it is a mistake to assume that all one needs to do is open the book and begin reading. Which of the following is NOT a good suggestion for planning and conducting a read-aloud tied to a content subject? Read the material carefully beforehand Avoid posing questions in each reading segment Make a plan for building and activating background knowledge prior to the read-aloud Mentally segment the book by thinking ahead about points where you will pause

Correct Answer: Avoid posing questions in each reading segment Actually, for each reading segment, decide on a focusing technique. You might pose a question or ask for a prediction using pictures, if available. In read-alouds, you want to read the material carefully beforehand, make a plan for building and activating background knowledge prior to the read-aloud, and mentally segment the book by thinking ahead about points where you will pause.

Teachers use proofreading symbols to direct their students when editing or revising. Students need to learn these symbols also so that they can make their own corrections. Which is the symbol ¶ mean? Insert a hyphen. Begin a new paragraph. Delete this sentence or word. Use a period here.

Correct Answer: Begin a new paragraph. ¶, the pilcrow, is the symbol for "begin a new paragraph." Students often write run-on paragraphs or put too many ideas in one paragraph. This symbol is one which they need to know so that they can self-edit or interpret another's edits. These can be found in most dictionaries.

Which of the following defines the prefix "sub-"? Toward Beneath, under Off, away from Out, from

Correct Answer: Beneath, under "Toward" defines the prefix, "ad-". "Off" and "away from" are the definitions of "de-" and "out" and "from" for "ex-".

Choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose "No change is necessary." Albert told the coach that Bert was not going to make the team because he was so lazy. Albert the coach Bert No change is necessary.

Correct Answer: Bert Albert would not tell the coach about another player if Albert were lazy. The coach would not be lazy either. The clear choice would be to substitute "he" with "Bert."

The words "pitter patter" are an example of which of the following? Assonance Cliché Consonance Couplet

Correct Answer: Consonance The words "pitter patter" are an example of consonance. Consonance is the repetition of the final consonant sound in words containing different vowels.

(1)To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? (2) To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. (3) To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. (4) The tone of these lines is basically Joyful Contemplative Passionate Angry

Correct Answer: Contemplative The tone of these lines is basically contemplative (B). Hamlet is contemplating life and death in a rather detached, philosophical way.

Which of the following words is closest in meaning to: Intentional Mistake Deliberate Unplanned Unintentional

Correct Answer: Deliberate Deliberate means something was planned and executed on purpose. Intentional means that an act or action was done on purpose with the intent of creating an outcome. To be premeditated, prearranged, preplanned, or calculated and voluntary.

The Sherlock Holmes novels are an example of which of the following novel types popular during the Victorian period? Sensational Detective Science fiction condition of England

Correct Answer: Detective The purpose of detective novels is to bring criminals to justice. This is exactly what Sherlock Holmes novels do.

Connecting and developing ideas is part of which stage of writing? Prewriting Drafting Revising Editing

Correct Answer: Drafting Connecting and developing ideas is part of the drafting stage of writing. The drafting stage is the beginning of the actual writing. There may be only one draft or many drafts during a writing project.

Zenith, is to peak, as crest is to Bottom Dip Fallen Drop Elevation

Correct Answer: Elevation elevation. To reach the peak or zenith of a goal or career. To reach an elevation or, highest, crest of something is to reach the ultimate goal.

The study of the history and origin of words is known as Sociolinguistics. Diction. Phonology. Etymology.

Correct Answer: Etymology. The study of the history and origin of words is known as etymology (D). Etymology can be useful in helping students improve their spelling skills and reading comprehension.

What type of fiction did Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm write? Fairy tales Historical fiction Gothic plays Fantasy

Correct Answer: Fairy tales Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm wrote fairy tales. Some of their works include "Rumpelstiltskin," "Hansel and Gretel," and "Snow White."

Which of the following words is closest in meaning to: Nonsense Fact Foolishness Truth Real Wisdom

Correct Answer: Foolishness Foolishness means to be silly, or to be absurd or stupid. Nonsense means that an idea an object a person is foolish and unrealistic or is an absurd idea or action. Childishness, ludicrous and monkey business are some other words that mean foolishness.

Which of the following instructional strategies shows the relationship between main concepts and terms in the text? Graphic organizer Anticipation guide Directed reading-thinking activity Directed reading activity

Correct Answer: Graphic organizer Choice B lists statements related to the topic of the text the student will read. Choice C encourages students to make predictions while reading. Choice D is utilized before, during and after reading and teaches word identification skills.

Choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose "No change is necessary." Andrea plays the violin (A) beautiful, but her piano playing is only (B) fair. Her parents would like her to practice the piano so that she can play it (C) well also. beautifully fairly good No change is necessary.

Correct answer: beautifully An adverb is what is necessary to describe how Andrea plays the violin. "Beautiful" is an adjective. "Beautifully" is correct since it is an adverb. "Fair" is correct because it is an adjective describing "piano playing" And "well" is also correct as an adverb that is telling us how she plays.

Ms. Kane is teaching her students about structure in writing in her Language Arts class. She points out that you can think about structure as a way of finding out information. Which of the following would NOT be listed in that category? Who and what is important? How do you use rhyme and repetition? Why are these people or things important? Why someone or something is unique or part of something greater?

Correct Answer: How do you use rhyme and repetition? You can think about structure as a way of finding out: Who and what is important? The author probably starts out by introducing key individuals and events. Why are these people or things important? The author most likely will illustrate and elaborate on them. Lastly, an author may use structure to show why someone or something is unique or part of something greater? If that is the goal, the author will make connections and distinctions between individuals and events.

Several novels by Charles Dickens were published in serial form. This means they were published By subscription. In installments. For free. Anonymously.

Correct Answer: In installments. Dickens published many novels in installments. This is known as serial publication. Some critics have suggested that Dickens' novels are so long because he was paid for each installment.

Which of the following types of sentences asks a question? Declarative Imperative Exclamatory Interrogative

Correct Answer: Interrogative Choice A is defined as a sentence that makes a statement about a person, place, thing or idea. Choice B gives a command. Choice C is a sentence that exhibits a strong idea.

Which of the following is a characteristic of blank verse? It is filled with cliché's It does not rhyme It does not have a regular meter It does not have a moral message

Correct Answer: It does not rhyme Blank verse does not rhyme. It does, however, have a regular meter.

A narrative that appears to project the components of truth and/or reality indicates the use of which of the following literary elements? Frame tale Historical fiction Horror Legend

Correct Answer: Legend A narrative that appears to project the components of truth and/or reality indicates the use of legend. Legends can be perceived as having actually taken place within history.

Who wrote Anna Karenina? Boris Pasternak Leo Tolstoy Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Anton Chekhov

Correct Answer: Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina was written by Leo Tolstoy. It was published in 1877.

What are the two cities referred to in the title of Dickens' novel A Tale of Two Cities? London and New York London and Dublin London and Bath London and Paris

Correct Answer: London and Paris A Tale of Two Cities is set against the backdrop of the French Revolution. It is set in London and Paris (D).

The Canterbury Tales represents which period of literature? American Renaissance Old English period Middle English period British Renaissance

Correct Answer: Middle English period The Canterbury Tales was written in the late 1300's or of the Middle English period. It is written in Middle English, specifically in a dialect associated with London and spellings then associated with the chancery standard.

The following passage, from Ryter Roethicle's "Retribution", is an example of which type of poetic stanza? Innocents, all victims of your crime Leave their graves to deny your lie. For evil only exists a finite time Justice removes her blindfold with a sigh For all you have sown it's time to pay. Ashen faced you give in finally. You grab your chest and feel the pain It's too late now, it's time to die. Couplet Sestet Septet Octave

Correct Answer: Octave The passage is an example of an octave. An octave is an eight-line stanza of poetry.

The statement, "Don't go near the water 'til you have learned how to swim", is an example of which of the following? Malapropism Metaphor Oxymoron Paradox

Correct Answer: Paradox The statement is an example of a paradox. A paradox is a contradictory statement or tale that makes sense.

In which of the following sentences is a semicolon used correctly? Pessimists say the glass is half empty; optimists say it is half full. We still have a long way to go; possibly as much as 300 miles. We have narrowed our list to three applicants; Mr. Ramirez, Ms. Jones, and Mr. Carlson. The restaurant failed for a variety of reasons; mainly poor customer service.

Correct Answer: Pessimists say the glass is half empty; optimists say it is half full. A semicolon is used to join independent clauses if they are not joined by a conjunction. Choice (A) is the only sentence that contains two independent clauses. In choices (B) and (D), the semicolons should be replaced by commas. In choice (C), the semicolon should be replaced by a colon.

Which of the following is the verb tense in this sentence: How long have you lived in that house? Present Present perfect Past perfect Future perfect

Correct Answer: Present perfect The verb "have lived" is in present perfect tense (B). The action began in the past, but it continues in the present.

In which type of activity used for writing in the content areas would students read a text, close the book and discuss the text with a partner, write about the text in their journals and then discuss it again with a partner to make sure they have understood it correctly? Mask-simulated journaling A written retelling Read-share-write Shared reading

Correct Answer: Read-share-write Read-share-write is a technique used for writing in the content areas. Students read for comprehension. They read a passage, tell what it means, record their understanding in a journal, and then discuss the information they have gleaned again with a partner. This helps students to internalize information. It also helps students transfer information from one area to another and apply information in new ways. Students used shared reading to analyze text. Writing through a mask, also called simulated journaling, is when students write from another's perspective, for example, from the viewpoint of a historical person.

Which of the following terms describes a quick search of a text to find a particular piece of information? Skimming. Speed reading. Reviewing. Scanning.

Correct Answer: Scanning. Scanning (D) is the term used to describe a quick search of a text to find a particular piece of information. Scanning is different from skimming. Skimming involves surveying a text to get a general idea of the main points it contains.

"The mouse was as quiet as a thief in the night" is an example of which of the following types of literary elements? Mood Voice Allusion Simile

Correct Answer: Simile The direct comparison of two different subjects using "like" or "as" is a simile. In this example the mice and robber are compared.

Which literary movement used poetic expression to show the emotion of contact with the real world? Realism Symbolism Surrealism Existentialism

Correct Answer: Symbolism Realism, a reaction to romanticism, was popular during the 19th century. Realism focused on the realities of life. Writers include Gustave Flaubert, George Eliot, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy. Surrealism also flourished in the 20th century. Surrealism features the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur. The movement began in Paris in the 1920s with Andre Breton but soon spread around the world. Surrealists attacked false rationality and restrictive customs and structures. Many surrealists espoused communism and anarchism. Existentialism emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. Existentialists argue that there is no objective, rational basis for moral choice. Notable existentialists include Soren Kierkegaard, Blaise Pascal, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger and John-Paul Sartre. Symbolism flourished in the last two decades of the 19th century. This movement began in France as a reaction to realism. Symbolism uses poetic expression to show personal emotion by use of symbols which are identified with a particular poet. Authors who used symbolism are Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, William Butler Yeats, James Joyce and T.S. Eliot.

(1)We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (2) This sentence appears in The U.S. Constitution. The Bill of Rights. The Declaration of Independence. The Federalist Papers.

Correct Answer: The Declaration of Independence. This is the first sentence of the preamble to the Declaration of Independence (C). The Declaration was written primarily by Thomas Jefferson in 1776.

The award given each year for the most distinguished contribution to children's literature published in America is The Booker Prize. The Edgar Award. The Rowling Award. The Newbery Medal.

Correct Answer: The Newbery Medal. The Newbery Medal is awarded to the most distinguished contribution to children's literature published in America. Begun in 1922, it is the oldest and one of the most respected awards for children's literature.

The central organizing idea of an essay is called The conclusion. The thesis. The topic sentence. The summary.

Correct Answer: The thesis. The central organizating idea of an essay is called the thesis (B). The thesis helps a writer focus an essay on one main point. It makes an essay more coherent and unified.

(1)To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? (2) To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. (3) To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. (4) In Hamlet's view, most people fear death because They love life. They believe that dying will be painful. They lack faith in God. They fear the unknown.

Correct Answer: They fear the unknown. Hamlet says that people fear death because they do not know "what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil." In other words, they fear death because it is the ultimate unknown.

(1)We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (2) This sentence was written by Abraham Lincoln. Thomas Jefferson. George Washington. Patrick Henry.

Correct Answer: Thomas Jefferson. This sentence was written by Thomas Jefferson (B). It has been called "one of the best known sentences in the English language." Abraham Lincoln believed this sentence represented a moral standard toward which America should strive.

According to Noam Chomsky, which of the following is the third stage of language development? Telegraphic Adult Two-word Intermediate

Correct Answer: Two-word The telegraphic stage is the fourth stage and is when a child is likely to leave out some syllables in words. The adult stage is the sixth stage. The intermediate stage is the fifth stage.

In which of the following sentences is the modifier placed correctly? The cat was climbing the post without fear Christina almost ate the whole pie. Using his new binoculars, Ron spied his Uncle Bud. Sal ate the whole pie resting on the step.

Correct Answer: Using his new binoculars, Ron spied his Uncle Bud. If the sentence read "Ron spied his Uncle Bud using his new binoculars" the reader might think the Uncle Bud had the new binoculars. The other choices have misplaced modifiers which cause confusion. The cat was without fear, not the post. Did Christina almost eat (meaning she decided not to) or eat almost the whole pie (leaving only one slice)? Was Sal resting on the step or was the pie resting on the step?

(1)To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? (2) To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. (3) To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. (4) What is the basic issue that Hamlet is considering in these lines? The joys of life The brevity of life. Whether to go on living Whether to go to sleep

Correct Answer: Whether to go on living Hamlet is asking a hypothetical question about the rationale for staying alive. That is the basic meaning of the famous first line, "To be, or not to be."

Which of the following wrote about life on the American frontier? Willa Cather Emily Dickinson Alice Walker Zora Neale Hurston

Correct Answer: Willa Cather Willa Cather (A) was the only one of these women who wrote about life on the American frontier. Her best-known novels, O Pioneers! and My Antonia, are set in Nebraska.

Which of the following is the LEAST credible source for writing a paper? Internet Word of mouth Newspaper archives Audio tape

Correct Answer: Word of mouth Word of mouth is the least credible source. This source can be manipulated from its original form and content.

In which of the following sentences is the modifier placed correctly? Marcella almost drank the whole milkshake. Yesterday Lena said she wanted a sweater for her birthday. Sal nearly made $100 working for the neighbor. Lorenzo moves as quietly as a mouse doing his exercises.

Correct Answer: Yesterday Lena said she wanted a sweater for her birthday. This sentence is clear that it was yesterday that Lena said she wanted a sweater for her birthday. She did not say that she wanted a sweater yesterday (but not today). The other sentences can leave the reader wondering. Did Marcella almost drink a milkshake (but decided not to) or did she drink all but some of the milkshake? Did Sal make $99, nearly $100 but not quite, or did he almost take the job to make $100 (but decided not to)? And did the mouse move quietly or did Lorenzo?

What is the subject of the following sentence: Whom did you meet at the airport in Chicago? You Chicago Whom Airport

Correct Answer: You The subject of this sentence is "you" (A). The subject of a sentence usually appears before the direct object, but in questions, such as this, the direct object (Whom) often appears first.

Mrs. Klein is teaching her students about reference materials for when they have a question about something. She explains that if they are reading a book and come to a word they don't understand or know its meaning, they can reach for a dictionary, a reference book or an online resource that lists words in alphabetical order, with entries about the words. Which of the following is NOT one of the things listed in dictionary entries? the word being defined the part of speech a conditional verb the pronunciation

Correct Answer: a conditional verb A good dictionary entry tells you the word being defined, the part of speech, and the pronunciation. It also tells you what that word means. A word doesn't only mean just one thing. A definition will also tell us other possible things a word can mean, some other forms of the word, and examples of how the word is used. It does not include a conditional verb.

You are a teacher who is planning to choose a reading selection to use with your students at some point in the future. You would select an article or work of literature you might be likely to assign and analyze the selection in terms of all of the following except: references to other materials explain the similarities in the piece new terms introduced references not fully explained

Correct Answer: explain the similarities in the piece You are a teacher who is planning to choose a reading selection to use with your students at some point in the future. You would select an article or work of literature you might be likely to assign and analyze the selection in terms of references to other materials, new terms introduced, and references not fully explained. Develop methods of preparing your students for these potential problem areas.

A student reads a graded passage and then responds to comprehension questions specifically designed to detect the ability to grasp the main idea of the passage. This is which of the following? informal reading inventory running record rubric error diagnostics

Correct Answer: informal reading inventory An informal reading inventory is similar to a running record but it differs in that the student reads a graded passage and then responds to comprehension questions specifically designed to detect the ability to grasp the main idea of the passage. It will show whether the student can use inference to draw conclusions, to remember details or to understand vocabulary.

Language differences among students in U.S. classrooms present one of the most urgent challenges facing teachers. Linguistic diversity presents itself in two ways. The first of these is the acquisition of English as a second language. The majority of such children are not perfectly bilingual, and their skills in English are nearly always inferior to their native (home) language. This discrepancy can cause ________________________. learning difficulties gender issues ethnic diversity erroneous conclusions about students

Correct Answer: learning difficulties Language differences among students in U.S. classrooms present one of the most urgent challenges facing teachers. Linguistic diversity presents itself in two ways. The first of these is the acquisition of English as a second language. The majority of such children are not perfectly bilingual, and their skills in English are nearly always inferior to their native (home) language. This discrepancy can cause learning difficulties. A number of approaches have been developed in the past for contending with these problems. Students of limited English proficiency (LEP) may be taught in a context of bilingual education, in which instruction in both English and the native language occurs in the same classroom.

You, as a teacher, can teach students how to engage in some meaningful reading and writing experiences and utilize negotiated behavior guidelines so students can be productive during choice time. These are crucial weeks, for students are learning how to work independently, which allows you to organize and meet with strategic reading groups. Which of the following is NOT considered a strategy or method to accomplish this goal? teach students one or two kinds of journal responses limit your students' choices of reading in a specific topic review guidelines for independent reading and writing, and for seeking help offer students several choices during independent work time, such as sustained silent reading or working on a journal response or planning a project

Correct Answer: limit your students' choices of reading in a specific topic Actually, you want to offer students several choices during independent work time, such as sustained silent reading or working on a journal response or planning a project. Also, you want to teach students one or two kinds of journal responses, and review guidelines for independent reading and writing, and for seeking help. Confer with students who require extra support or reteaching for three to five minutes. Keep records of what you review and discuss on a conference form.

Writing for the purpose of increasing students' understanding of content should not be confused with having students write to demonstrate an understanding they already possess. This is not to say that writing as demonstration has no place. After all, that is the type of writing commonly found ________________________. in multiple-choice tests on essay tests true-false tests reading tests

Correct Answer: on essay tests Writing for the purpose of increasing students' understanding of content should not be confused with having students write to demonstrate an understanding they already possess. This is not to say that writing as demonstration has no place. After all, that is the type of writing commonly found on essay tests. And to an extent that also is the nature of writing as formative assessment.

When using the five W's and one H to create questions, teachers should bear in mind what kinds of responses these question words will elicit. Who can be answered with a name, what with one or two words of description, when with a date or a time, and where with a place. These questions don't usually evoke much real writing. Why and how, on the other hand, require students to _____________________________. write true statements respond by reasoning and explaining focus on the lesson give varied responses

Correct Answer: respond by reasoning and explaining When using the five W's and one H to create questions, teachers should bear in mind what kinds of responses these question words will elicit. Who can be answered with a name, what with one or two words of description, when with a date or a time, and where with a place. These questions don't usually evoke much real writing. Why and how, on the other hand, require students to respond by reasoning and explaining. In many cases, it is important for students to know those who's, what's, when's and where's. However, those are starting point, not ends in themselves.

For writing to be meaningful both as an activity that engages student interest and as an instructional tool for increasing content knowledge and understanding, it needs to be _________________________. graded shared in some way put into a book researched

Correct Answer: shared in some way For writing to be meaningful both as an activity that engages student interest and as an instructional tool for increasing content knowledge and understanding, it needs to be shared in some way. The focus should be on facilitating, rather than assessing, student learning. Judging appropriate pace of instruction informally will be a more efficient strategy and one that can be accomplished through the use of a class dialogue.

Knowing the nature of formal, or classical, definitions can assist teachers in a number of ways. Which of the following is NOT one of those ways? the classical and distinguishing features can be identified for the students as the definition is presented students can be asked to construct formal definitions once they know the two required components students do not need to compare their definitions with those of a dictionary or glossary knowledge of the classical components of a definition makes possible a number of recent techniques that have been proven to be highly effective in the introduction and reinforcement of vocabulary

Correct Answer: students do not need to compare their definitions with those of a dictionary or glossary Actually, students can compare their definitions with those of a dictionary or glossary. The classical and distinguishing features can be identified for the students as the definition is presented. Students can be asked to construct formal definitions once they know the two required components. Knowledge of the classical components of a definition makes possible a number of recent techniques that have been proven to be highly effective in the introduction and reinforcement of vocabulary.

Fiction is imaginary, but that doesn't mean we can't learn anything from it. First of all, fiction is often carefully researched by the author, who might have learned a lot about the historical time or a certain place to write about it accurately and in great detail. However, whether a fiction piece is heavily researched or not, it can often tell us all of the following except: the dates when an event in history happened about the time in which it was written how an author thought about the world around him or her how an author felt about the world around him or her

Correct Answer: the dates when an event in history happened Whether a fiction piece is heavily researched or not, it can often tell us something about the time in which it was written, how an author felt and thoughts about the world around him or her. Some literary sources are poems, novels, short stories, and plays. Dates of an event in history are typically not included in a fiction piece or are inaccurate of the true event.

You are a teacher who is teaching your 8th grade Language Arts class the steps to building an argument. The most important thing in an argument is _____________________________________. that the reader wants to read on to make sure everyone knows what your main point is the evidence and reason are closely related that information is connected to your argument

Correct Answer: to make sure everyone knows what your main point is The most important thing in an argument is to make sure everyone knows what your main point is. Clearly state your claim - nobody can agree with you if they don't know what you are saying.

You have made an assignment for your students to write a paper about an experience that they have had. You set forth the basics of writing a good narration of the events for their paper. Which of the following would NOT be one of those basics? The narration should include all of the major events of the story for primary support. The narration should bring the story to life with details about the major events of the story for secondary support. The narration should present the events in a clear order, usually according to when they happened. A narration should reveal something that will be of importance to the audience.

Correct answer: A narration should reveal something that will be of importance to the audience. A narration will reveal something of importance to the writer and it will be narrated to the audience. For instance, the writer may tell of something that happened to him that was hard to believe. This is one of the basics of a narrative story.

Which of the following authors wrote The Color Purple? Alice Walker Zora Neale Hurston Harper Lee Kate Chopin

Correct answer: Alice Walker Alice Walker wrote The Color Purple published in 1982. It is an epistolary novel that focuses on the life of female black women in the 1930s in the southern US.

Which of the following is correct? Not a dry eye in the house! I can't think of anything else to do so let's just read. Tall stature, short on intelligence. Since you mention it.

Correct answer: I can't think of anything else to do so let's just read. This is the only choice that is a complete sentence. Two clauses are connected by "so." The other choices are sentence fragments.

Choose the sentence that exemplifies the correct parallel expressions. The media tend to exaggerate the facts, twist them or making them believable when they are not true. Start exercising, eating properly and getting enough sleep. When do you want to go swimming or would you rather run? I don't know which I like more - movies, television or going to the baseball game.

Correct answer: Start exercising, eating properly and getting enough sleep. This sentence lists things as parallel expressions - exercising, eating and getting. The other sentences mix the types of expressions used - exaggerate, twist and making, then swimming and run, and last, movies, television or going.

Choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose "No change is necessary." Could you please (A) separate the classical CD's from the jazz CD's? I (B) reccommend that you keep them on different tables so that the difference is (C) noticeable. seperate recommend noticable No change is necessary.

Correct answer: recommend "Recommend" is the correct spelling. To remember it, think of it as re-commend. Do not double the "c." "Separate" has two a's separating the two e's. And "noticeable" keeps the "e."

Which of the following is the best explanation of "syntax?" the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form the study of texts the study of human speech sounds the structural organization of language at the sentence level

Correct answer: the structural organization of language at the sentence level Syntax is the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language. In other words, it is the structural organization of language at the sentence level.

I. The past tense of lie is lay. II. The possessive form of it is it's. III. The possessive form of who is who's. Which of these statements is accurate? I only. I and II only. II only. II and III only.

Only statement I is correct. The possessive form of it is its. The possessive form of who is whose.

Some writers write only for themselves. Some write for the teacher's approval. Some write for a broader audience. The teacher must help students develop a sense of audience. Which might be a good activity for helping students develop a sense of audience? Have the students put all of their work in a portfolio which will be reviewed by the teacher. Ask students to write a letter to a younger sibling, a parent, and a grandparent explaining why they need their own room. Publish each piece a student writes in a different format. Have the student choose a peer as a writing buddy to work with during the semester.

The Correct answer is: Ask students to write a letter to a younger sibling, a parent, and a grandparent explaining why they need their own room. In this exercise, the student must match his argument to his audience. He will use a different tone and style for each audience. Working with the same person or writing solely for the teacher will not provide an expanded sense of audience.

(1) They were both very ragged, and Tommy had two Shoes, but Margery had but one. (2) They had nothing, poor Things, to support them (not being in their own Parish) but what they picked from the Hedges, or got from the poor People, and they lay every Night in a Barn. (3) Their Relations took no Notice of them; no, they were rich, and ashamed to own such a poor little ragged Girl as Margery, and such a dirty little curl-pated Boy as Tommy. (4) Our Relations and Friends seldom take Notice of us when we are poor; but as we grow rich they grow fond. (5) And this will always be the Case, while People love Money better than Virtue, or better than they do GOD Almighty. (6) But such wicked Folks, who love nothing but Money, and are proud and despise the Poor, never come to any good in the End, as we shall see by and by. (7) This passage is an example of which of the following? Irony Didacticism Allusion Analogy

The Correct answer is: Didacticism Didactic literature uses a teaching tone. We are supposed to learn something from it. In this passage from Goody Two-Shoes, we see that wicked people who ignore poor relations will come to no good end.

Which is not a novel about the Depression-era South? The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Sounder by William Armstrong Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis

The Correct answer is: Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis Sounder, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and The Yearling take place in the Depression-era South. Elijah of Buxton is the story of a settlement of free blacks, some runaway slaves, in Buxton, Canada during the 1800s.

Which were political or philosophical writers of the Classical Greek Period? Euripides and Sophocles Ovid and Virgil Saint Augustine and Saint Jerome Homer and Virgil

The Correct answer is: Euripedes and Sophocles Writers reflect their times. The Heroic or Homeric Period dates from 1200 to 800 BCE. These hero legends are part of the oral tradition. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey are from this period. It would be important to know the Greek myths to interpret them. The Classical Greek Period dates from 800 to 200 BCE. Writers include Aesop, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Euripides, and Sophocles. This age is called the Golden Age of Greece. These writings were often political. The Classical Roman Period (200 BCE to 500 CE) follows the Roman's rise to power. Writers include Ovid, Horace, Virgil, Marcus Aurelius, Lucretius, Cicero, and Quintilian. The Patristic Period includes St. Augustine, Tertullian, Saint Cyprian, Saint Ambrose, and Saint Jerome. This period follows the spread of Christianity across Europe, 70 CE to 455 CE.

(1)On a clear sunny morning in June two figures might be seen climbing the narrow mountain path; one, a tall strong-looking girl, the other a child whom she was leading by the hand, and whose little checks were so aglow with heat that the crimson color could be seen even through the dark, sunburnt skin. (2) And this was hardly to be wondered at, for in spite of the hot June sun the child was clothed as if to keep off the bitterest frost. (3) She did not look more than five years old, if as much, but what her natural figure was like, it would have been hard to say, for she had apparently two, if not three dresses, one above the other, and over these a thick red woollen shawl wound round about her, so that the little body presented a shapeless appearance, as, with its small feet shod in thick, nailed mountain-shoes, it slowly and laboriously plodded its way up in the heat. (4) The two must have left the valley a good hour's walk behind them, when they came to the hamlet known as Dorfli, which is situated half-way up the mountain. (5) Here the wayfarers met with greetings from all sides, some calling to them from windows, some from open doors, others from outside, for the elder girl was now in her old home. (6) She did not, however, pause in her walk to respond to her friends' welcoming cries and questions, but passed on without stopping for a moment until she reached the last of the scattered houses of the hamlet. (7) Here a voice called to her from the door: "Wait a moment, Dete; if you are going up higher, I will come with you. (8)" Identify this passage. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery Heidi by Johanna Spyri

The Correct answer is: Heidi by Johanna Spyri Heidi is the story of a spirited young girl and her grandfather who live in the Alps. This passage has Heidi being taken to her grandfather's house up on the mountain. Spyri's story is a classic of children's literature. Heidi is an orphan. Orphan stories are very popular in children's literature. Anne, Jane and Mary are orphans from the other choices.

There are two types of sonnets, the Italian and the English. Which poet is famous for Italian sonnets? Shakespeare Casanova Petrarch Emberto Eco

The Correct answer is: Petrarch Petrarch used this form in his sonnets to his beloved Laura. Sonnet means "little song" and comes from the Italian word sonnetto.

What is incorrect in the following sentence? Tom Jones, M.D., met Larry Smith Jr. and Amy Mann PhD. in San Matteo, CA at the annual conference. They hit it off immediately. Jr. should be set off by commas. M.D. should not be set off by commas. PhD. should be set off by commas. There should be a comma after Jr.

The Correct answer is: PhD. should be set off by commas. Use a comma to surround degrees or titles used with names. Jr. and Sr. are never set off by commas. Commas never set off numbers such as, Charles III or Pope Paul XXIII.

(1)"Man! (2)" said Father Wolf, showing all his white teeth. (3) "Faugh! (4) Are there not enough beetles and frogs in the tanks that he must eat Man, and on our ground too! (5)" The Law of the Jungle, which never orders anything without a reason, forbids every beast to eat Man except when he is killing to show his children how to kill, and then he must hunt outside the hunting grounds of his pack or tribe. (6) The real reason for this is that man-killing means, sooner or later, the arrival of white men on elephants, with guns, and hundreds of brown men with gongs and rockets and torches. (7) Then everybody in the jungle suffers. (8) The reason the beasts give among themselves is that Man is the weakest and most defenseless of all living things, and it is unsportsmanlike to touch him. (9) They say too-and it is true -that man-eaters become mangy, and lose their teeth. (10) Identify the passage. The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson Fables by Robert Louis Stevenson "Why the Wolf Howls at the Moon" a Native American Folktale

The Correct answer is: The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling The Jungle Book is the story of Mowgli, a human raised by wolves. Its classic characters include Baloo, an old sloth bear, Bagheera, a black panther, and Shere Khan, a Bengal tiger. This collection of stories was first published in magazines from 1893-1894.

Which sentence contains an example of a relative clause? The show, which is playing on the weekend, is a comedy. Harry walked to school; he loved the spring weather. Mary never knew the best way to wear her belt, loose or tight. Can Tony bring his keyboard and guitar to the talent show?

The Correct answer is: The show, which is playing on the weekend, is a comedy. The words, who, whose, whom, that, which and what are relative pronouns. They create relative clauses in a sentence. The words, which is playing this weekend, form a relative clause that describes the subject of the main clause, the show.

Which is not a purpose of using a "quick write" in the content areas? To activate prior knowledge To introduce a thematic unit To help students evaluate their understanding of a topic To formally evaluate student progress

The Correct answer is: To formally evaluate student progress A "quick write" is a simple, informal, short writing activity used for many purposes. These can include: predicting, assessing prior knowledge, processing new learning, questioning and evaluating. This can be done in a short time before, during, or after a lesson. This would not be a formal evaluation tool.

Why is it important to place a piece in its historic time frame when analyzing literature? To know how old it is To understand the influences the period might have had on the writer To understand the feelings and emotions a piece might evoke in the reader To determine if it is fiction or non-fiction

The Correct answer is: To understand the influences the period may have had on the writer A piece of writing reflects the historical time and culture during which it was written. A writer can be influenced by the intellectual climate, the linguistic habits, the religious beliefs, and the artistic genre of the time.

Which is the correct definition of the rhetorical device called juxtaposition? Using two themes, characters, phrases or words together to compare and contrast Opening a story with a word, sentence or situation that will keep the reader reading Describing events realistically but in a magical haze of strange customs or beliefs Beginning a story in the middle of a sequence of events

The Correct answer is: Using two themes, characters, phrases or words together to compare and contrast An author will use this device when he wants to draw attention to similarities or differences between two characters, phrases, words etc. An example could be an oxymoron, such as jumbo shrimp. Another example would be the candy-covered home of the witch in Hansel and Gretel which compares the sweetness on the outside with the evil within.

Which of the following is NOT generally considered a characteristic of a Romantic hero? A Romantic hero is someone who considers himself the center of his existence A Romantic hero is someone that is usually rejected by society A Romantic hero is someone who is against the established societal norms A Romantic hero is someone who is always selfish and stingy

The correct answer is: A Romantic hero is someone who is always selfish and stingy A Romantic hero is generally not considered always stingy and selfish. In fact, the Romantic hero often turns to philanthropy in order to make up for misdeeds in the past and get redemption.

Mr. Reed is having his 8th grade students first scan the page or section in a book to see how the information is organized and laid out. Then, he asks them to make a plan for how they will read the information - then, read it according to their plan. They must decide if their plan helped them understand, and then plan for the next section and so on. Which of the following is NOT a good prompt to take his students through this process? What's first? Why? You planned to look at all the visuals first. Now, as you read the words, check back with the visuals. Can you find a spot where the character reflects? Read this first part. Let's see how your plan works out for you.

The correct answer is: Can you find a spot where the character reflects? This might be a good prompt for when you are trying to figure out what is inside a character's mind. However, for scanning and planning for reading various texts, good prompts include: What's first? Why? You planned to look at all the visuals first. Now, as you read the words, check back with the visuals. Read this first part. Let's see how your plan works out for you. Now that you have finished this section, will you read the next section the same way?

You have asked your 8th grade reading students to synthesize and summarize what they have just read. Which of the following would NOT be asked in this situation? Are you retelling or summarizing? Does your prediction tell what will happen next? Can you choose two, three, or four key events? What is the purpose of the chapter?

The correct answer is: Does your prediction tell what will happen next? This question would be appropriate for making predictions. To support synthesizing or summarizing, you would want to ask the following: Are you retelling or summarizing? Can you choose two, three, or four key events? and What is the purpose of the chapter? Other questions to ask would be What can you find in this textbook or nonfiction book to help you set purposes?

______________________,sometimes called glosses, represent a good way of providing additional background information at the precise moment it is needed by students as they read. Analogies TWA Marginal notes Factual information

The correct answer is: Marginal notes. Marginal notes, sometimes called glosses, represent a good way of providing additional background information at the precise moment it is needed by students as they read. Marginalia can include definitions, restatements of complex information, additional background notes, synonyms for difficult terms. and so forth.

You, as a teacher, know that practice is an esential ingredient of content learning. To be effective, practice need not consist of rote drill of factual information. Which of the following helps to reinforce basic facts? Apply and practice your understanding of the core teaching skills Find learning outcomes along with the national standards that connect to these outcomes Providing students with opportunities to use content knowledge in meaningful ways - ways that often involve literacy Use a Study Plan in the Book Resources section of your textbooks

The correct answer is: Providing students with opportunities to use content knowledge in meaningful ways - ways that often involve literacy. You, as a teacher, know that practice is an essential ingredient of content learning. To be effective, practice need not consist of rote drill of factual information. Providing students with opportunities to use content knowledge in meaningful ways - ways that often involve literacy helps to reinforce basic facts. Practice should progress from a guided to an independent condition and from an intensive, massed schedule to a distributeed, periodic one.

(1)As you can see by maintaining inspirational thoughts, you are greatly enhancing your ability to remain driven toward the goals you've set for yourself. (2) When you first get motivated to pursue any objective your enthusiasm is sky high, but over time it tends to weaken. (3) This results in a lack of motivation. (4) With the help of different forms of daily inspiration you will be able to maintain that inner drive you'll need to reach your desired objectives. (5) Learning how to stay motivated in this way will make you more successful in both the personal and professional aspects of your life. (6) Based on this passage, daily inspiration will help you do which of the following? Lower your enthusiasm so that you don't go overboard Stay as motivated with a project as you were on the first day you started it. Keep your emotions steady throughout a project. Get you in touch with your spiritual side

The correct answer is: Stay as motivated with a project as you were on the first day you started it. The passage mentions that when you first begin something your "enthusiasm is sky high." Because this enthusiasm tends to weaken over time, motivation is needed in order to stay as driven as you were at the beginning.

Many approach a book believing that all that's in there is truth, but in reality the reader plays a really important role. You, as a teacher, ask your students to read actively, thinking about their own questions and critiques as they read. You ask them, "What about the text do you believe?" Other prompts you may use during this discussion for writing to question and critique would include all of the following except: What are you agreeing with in the text? What do you disagree with? Talk about how your conversation went today. Do you think the author is wrong in any spots? Start writing there.

The correct answer is: Talk about how your conversation went today. This would be an appropriate prompt for teaching students about cooperating and collaborating in a book club, for example. Good prompts for writing to question to critique include: What are you agreeing with in this text? What do you disagree with? Do you think the author is wrong in any spots? Start writing there. Another prompt might be: Talk to me about your reactions to what the author is presenting here as fact. The kinds of responses you have are ones you should keep track of, on sticky notes or in a notebook, and plan to write more about when time allows.

It is more accurate to use the term "conventions" rather than "rules" when describing standard punctuation because Punctuation is not an important element of writing. It is up to each writer to decide what constitutes standard punctuation. There is no single authority that defines standard punctuation. What is considered standard punctuation does not change over time.

The correct answer is: There is no single authority that defines standard punctuation. There is no single authority that establishes "rules" of punctuation. What is considered "standard" punctuation derives mainly from the practices that most publishers follow. These practices change over time, and they are different in different parts of the world. For example, British and American publishers follow different conventions when applying quotation marks.

Mrs. Hampton is explaining to her students that when we have a conversation, we have to make sure we are always connecting what we say to what the person said before us. When someone starts a topic, that's the beginning of the line of thinking. When we add on, we want to keep that line alive instead of moving on to a new topic. We want to hear what the person before us said, then consider if we are adding on, agreeing, disagreeing, supporting the idea, or even asking a question about it. As her students benefit from seeing this visually and talking about a topic, which of the following would NOT be a good prompt to use as her students have conversation about a specific topic? What do you see? Make sure you heard what the person said Think about the topic we are talking about What can you add on that keeps the line of thinking alive?

The correct answer is: What do you see? This would not necessarily be a good prompt to use when students are having a conversation about a topic. Good prompts includes: Make sure you heard what the person said, think about the topic we are talking about, and what can you add on that keeps the line of thinking alive? Another prompt would be does that fit with the topic or is that a new topic?

Mrs. Bates writes the following sentence on the board: Grandma Mia, who lives in Arizona, will visit us next week. An___________________________is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun. It usually follows the word it modifies. adverb clause adjective clause noun clause pronoun clause

The correct answer is: adjective clause. An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun. It usually follows the word it modifies. The clause begins with a relative pronoun, such as that, which, who, whom, whose, or whoever.

Writing cause-and-effect questions or prompts that implicitly or explicitly ask why questions will help students master content and demonstrate mastery. There are several cause-and-effect terms that can be used to increase variety and specificity when composing expository writing questions and prompts. As a teacher, you want to remind students all of the following except: cause-and-effect are not always straightforward one cause may lead to multiple effects one effect may have multiple causes always use narrative writing

The correct answer is: always use narrative writing. Using narrative writing would not be correct. As a teacher, you want to remind your students that cause-and-effect are not always straightforward, one cause may lead to multiple effects, and one effect may have multiple causes. Regardless, the goal of expository writing is to increase your student's content knowledge and understanding.

You are teaching your students about verb phrases in your 7th grade writing class. A word that modifies or describes the quality of a noun is known as ___________________ an adverb an adjective a verb a clause

The correct answer is: an adjective. An adjective is a word that modifies or describes the quality of a noun. An adjective phrase is a phrase that acts like an adjective. For example, The crowd was far more excited now than during the first half of the game. The words "excited now" work together as an adjective.

Some word parts show up again and again in different words. That's because the English language is made up of many other languages. Sometimes parts of those other languages show up in English. They can show up in two different places: as the root of a word, or as ________________________. an affix a .com a noun a pronoun

The correct answer is: an affix. Roots are the most basic part of a word. A root word often holds the core of the word's meaning. Affixes have different names, depending on where they appear in a word. If they appear at the front of a root word, they are called prefixes. An affix is an additional element placed at the beginning or end of a word to change its meaning.

From the students perspective, charting requires very little writing. They are long on thinking and short on tedium. The basic thinking skill entailed in charting is ________________________________, one of the most important processes in any subject area. columns categorization constructing class discussion

The correct answer is: categorization. From the students perspective, charting requires very little writing. They are long on thinking and short on tedium. The basic thinking skill entailed in charting is categorization, one of the most important cognitive processes in any subject area. Charting has a hidden benefit as well. It helps students understand how charts work, and this understanding aids them in interpreting charts and even in creating their own as they write.

Mrs. Klein is judging the match between assigned materials and her student's abilities. This approach involves constructing a short exercise over a brief portion of the material in order to appraise her student's performance. A disadvantage of this approach is that it requires ________________________. computers class time review of many books grading papers

The correct answer is: class time. Mrs. Klein is judging the match between assigned materials and her student's abilities. This approach involves constructing a short exercise over a brief portion of the material in order to appraise her student's performance. A disadvantage of this approach is that it requires class time. However, because the time is spent on materials that Mrs. Klein has decided to assign anyway, she does not object to this assessment.

A reading guide is a "list of questions and other tasks to which a students must respond while reading." Reading guides focus a student's attention on the key ideas of the reading selection, and in so doing, model the process of strategic reading. Reading guides are NOT the same as post-reading questions, because students complete the guides while they read, not afterward. Each guide is unique in that a teacher must first decide what is important for students to grasp and then construct tasks for helping them do so. Which of the following would NOT be a part of that list for a reading guide? questions to be answered conversations to be had charts to be completed diagrams to be constructed

The correct answer is: conversations to be had. For a reading guide, a teacher might include: questions to be answered, charts to be completed, and diagrams to be constructed. Other items on the list would include pictures to be drawn and responses to be written. Students complete the guide while they read, and does not require conversation.

Ms. Bates is a teacher who is introducing a new word by stating its definition and then offering examples that may or may not conform to the definition. This approach is known as ______________________. elemental proactive deductive conceptual

The correct answer is: deductive. Ms. Bates is a teacher who is introducing a new word by stating its definition and then offering examples that may or may not conform to the definition. This approach is known as deductive. In deductive instruction, learners progress from a general rule (in this case, a definition) to the consideration of individual examples (here, encounters with the word in a contextual settings).

Think back to a recent writing task; a letter to a relative, an essay exam question, or a memo to a colleague. It is likely that you began with relatively general ideas about what you wished to convey through writing. Even if you had a wealth of information from which to choose, as might have been the case with an exam question, it is highly unlikely that this information existed in a form anything like complete sentences ready for transcription. Rather, your task was one of selecting, organizing, and finally __________________________your thoughts into coherent prose form. editing encoding excommunicating expecting

The correct answer is: encoding. Think back to a recent writing task; a letter to a relative, an essay exam question, or a memo to a colleague. It is likely that you began with relatively general ideas about what you wished to convey through writing. Even if you had a wealth of information from which to choose, as might have been the case with an exam question, it is highly unlikely that this information existed in a form anything like complete sentences ready for transcription. Rather, your task was one of selecting, organizing, and finally encoding your thoughts into coherent prose form. The benefits of writing more than justify the effort required, for the writer's thoughts are clarified, extended, and reorganized in ways only writing can accomplish.

The purpose of Read/Pause/Retell/Evaluate, then read on or reread is to model this self-monitoring strategy and to show how fix-strategy Reread can improve recall of content. Read/Pause/Retell/Evaluate helps students improve their comprehension and recall of content by all of the following except: asking them to stop and test how much content they understand and recall enabling them to identify unfamiliar words and passages that confuse encouraging them to monitor their understanding of a text as a group providing them with a fix-up strategy (Reread) that enables them to continue monitoring their comprehension and recall more text information

The correct answer is: encouraging them to monitor their understanding of a text as a group. Actually, Read/Pause/Retell/Evaluate helps students improve their comprehension by encouraging them to monitor their understanding of a text independently. Asking them to stop and test how much content they understand and recall, enabling them to identify unfamiliar words and passages that confuse, and providing them with a fix-up strategy (Reread) that enables them to continue monitoring their comprehension and recall more text information are all ways that help students improve comprehension and recall content.

You are teaching your students that the end of a book is often where the author wraps it all up. All the problems get resolved, we find out what happens with the character, and we can also, if we are really paying attention, do which of the following? find the lesson in the last words. figure out the main event in the chapters. retell the beginning of the book. you connect all the chapters.

The correct answer is: find the lesson in the last words. You are teaching your students that the end of a book is often where the author wraps it all up. All the problems get resolved, we find out what happens with the character, and we can also, if we are really paying attention, find the lesson in the last words. Sometimes it is the narrator, sometimes it is the character, but often somebody says something that helps us think about what the whole story is about.

You are a teacher that has your students read a chunk of text with their partner. You ask them to decide together what the main idea of the text is - try to shrink everything you just read into one sentence. Be sure not to just agree with the first thing your partner says - think critically and be sure you can back up your idea with details from the text. After students practice doing this a few times with a partner, you can _____________________________________________. help them find the hidden sentences gradually release responsibility and have them practice the strategy independently show how the details connect back to one sentence check the headings and subheadings for the main ideas

The correct answer is: gradually release responsibility and have them practice the strategy independently. You are a teacher that has your students read a chunk of text with their partner. You ask them to decide together what the main idea of the text is - try to shrink everything you just read into one sentence. Be sure not to just agree with the first thing your partner says - think critically and be sure you can back up your idea with details from the text. After students practice doing this a few times with a partner, you can gradually release responsibility and have them practice the strategy independently, encouraging them to have that same pattern of pausing after a chunk, discussing it (this time with themselves) and backing it up before moving on.

With reading groups, it is beneficial for you, as the teacher, to do some quick reflection based on your observations of strategic reading group lessons. As one group leaves and another gets ready, self-evaluate what you have observed by jotting down areas that require reteaching or interventions on a sticky note or in your planning notebook. Which of the following would NOT need to be included in this process? need to practice summarizing with three students: Jake, Karen, and Ben synthesis across texts - help group understand that texts can be movies, video, Internet blogs, books, magazines, comics and graphic novels synthesis - model in a think-aloud how they can find common themes or big ideas among diverse texts in a reading curriculum - it is not beneficial to isolate a strategy so students can comprehend and practice it

The correct answer is: in a reading curriculum - it is not beneficial to isolate a strategy so students can comprehend and practice it. With reading groups, it is beneficial for you, as the teacher, to do some quick reflection based on your observations of strategic reading group lessons. As one group leaves and another gets ready, self-evaluate what you have observed by jotting down areas that require reteaching or interventions on a sticky note or in your planning notebook. This could include: need to practice summarizing with three students: Jake, Karen, and Ben, synthesis across texts - help group understand that texts can be movies, video, Internet blogs, books, magazines, comics and graphic novels and synthesis - model in a think-aloud how they can find common themes or big ideas among diverse texts.

You are a teacher who is about to give your 8th grade students a new reading assignment. Whenever an upcoming reading assignment builds on information previously provided, review can be an effective first step in _________________. working in groups introducing the new material setting purposes using major headings

The correct answer is: introducing the new material. Whenever an upcoming reading assignment builds on information previously provided, review can be an effective first step in introducing the new material. This circumstance arises, for example, when a mathematics textbook chapter introduces a more advanced version of a problem type. Review is not as relevant, however, to a chapter (perhaps a chapter in the same textbook) in which a major shift in topics occurs.

As a teacher, you may know that controversial issues enliven discussion and promote the kind of active engagement that enhances learning. The actual result can be quite different, however. When students encounter material that conflicts with their existing beliefs and values, which of the following often suffer? student-generated questions learning and retention Q & A vocabulary tests

The correct answer is: learning and retention. The new material is in conflict with a student's values and past critical judgments. New information is at odds with "facts" that student had previously believed to be true and that may prove difficult to supplant. Misinformation and controversy are frequent factors in classroom discussions and deserve conscious attention from teachers.

A teacher's judgment of how well a child comprehends may depend in part on the types of questions asked. Thus, the choice of question type can affect a child's performance during a post-reading assignment. A student may well do better if asked questions that are entirely __________________than if asked questions at a variety of levels/ labeled literal lateral lexile

The correct answer is: literal. A teacher's judgment of how well a child comprehends may depend in part on the types of questions asked. Thus, the choice of question type can affect a child's performance during a post-reading assignment. A student may well do better if asked questions that are entirely literal than if asked questions at a variety of levels. The issue of which type(s) of questions to include in any post-reading assessment is therefore an important one.

The BEST reading guides anticipate possible difficulties with comprehension as your students read. Reading guides should do more than set purposes, they should also assist students through potential pitfalls so they can actually accomplish the purposes. Which of the following assistance would NOT be appropriate? quick definitions or synonyms for key terms bridging comments clarifying comments that might paraphrase or summarize difficult passages make sure there is very little white space on each page

The correct answer is: make sure there is very little white space on each page. Actually, a page teeming with type may overwhelm some students, particular weaker readers. Effective guides contain plenty of white space, inviting the students to make notes. They best guides are friendly aids, not laborious appendages that simply add to the total reading assignment. You can also make indications of material that may be skipped or skimmed through.

The actual use of discussion by teachers is rare. What is frequently referred to as discussion is in reality student recitation under the direct control and authority of the teacher. Students responses consist almost entirely of repeating information encountered in text or presented by the teacher through lecture. In a true discussion, all of the following occur except: students feel free to present more than a single point of view and are open to changing their minds students may speak directly to each other instead of going through the teacher many of the remarks that students make are longer than a short phrase many of the remarks that students make are shorter than a long phrase

The correct answer is: many of the remarks that students make are shorter than a long phrase. Actually, many of the remarks that students make are longer than a short phrase. Also, students feel free to present more than a single point of view and are open to changing their minds and students may speak directly to each other instead of going through the teacher

Unlike most puzzles, there is no "right" answer to what a poem means. The author usually does have a point he or she is trying to make or get across, but a lot of a poem is also ____________________________________________. always about love used with phrases partial to explicit evidence open to interpretation

The correct answer is: open to interpretation. Unlike most puzzles, there is no "right" answer to what a poem means. The author usually does have a point he or she is trying to make or get across, but a lot of a poem is also open to interpretation. People who read it may understand it differently. And that's part of the fun of poetry - hearing what other people saw that you didn't and sharing the things you saw in a poem that somebody else did not.

A natural offshoot of List-Group Label is a newer technique introduced by Kirsch and Mosenthal (1990). Their notion of nesting (embedding lists within one another) requires that students do which of the following? connect dotted lines of other branches not represented seek out instances in which some categories are actually subsets of others use a free diagram use feature analysis

The correct answer is: seek out instances in which some categories are actually subsets of others. A natural offshoot of List-Group Label is a newer technique introduced by Kirsch and Mosenthal (1990). Their notion of nesting (embedding lists within one another) requires that students seek out instances in which some categories are actually subsets of others. This might well occur as an additional step in a List-Group Label activity when a number of student-generated categories are plainly visible on the chalkboard.

You are a teacher who is showing your 7th grade students that they should use a comma to combine two independent clauses with a coordinate conjunction. In a complex sentence, connect a dependent and an independent clause with a comma and subordinate conjunction. Commas are used when ______________from the rest of the sentence such as in this example: "The finalists in the art competition will be announced at 2:00," said Ms. Weiss. directing an address crafting a sentence setting off dialogue using multiple adjectives

The correct answer is: setting off dialogue. In a complex sentence, connect a dependent and an independent clause with a comma and subordinate conjunction. Commas are used when setting off dialogue from the rest of the sentence such as in this example: "The finalists in the art competition will be announced at 2:00," said Ms. Weiss.

Ms. Abbot likes to use a variety of reading guides depending on the type of assistance her students need and the written material to be read. Hierarchical Guides are designed to lead students through three levels of mental processing as they read. It takes students through the proper process of critical reading, namely, by starting with which of the following? stated facts applications Table of Contents judgments

The correct answer is: stated facts. Hierarchical Guides are designed to lead students through three levels of mental processing as they read. It takes students through the proper process of critical reading, namely, by starting with stated facts, inferring other facts, and arriving at judgments and applications. However, the main difficulty with such guides is that efforts to validate them through research have as yet, been disappointing. One problem may be that students must answer every literal-level question first before answering a single higher-order questions. Consequently, to make an inference based on the first subsection of a textbook chapter, students must wait until they have completed the entire chapter.

Verbs in the _______________________mood describe things that are hypothetical, or not true. They also express wishes or indirect requests. The word if often appears in the sentence with these verbs. subjunctive subjective superlative simple

The correct answer is: subjunctive. Verbs in the subjunctive mood describe things that are hypothetical, or not true. They also express wishes or indirect requests. The word if often appears in subjunctive sentences. For example: If the furnace were to stop working, I would know who to call. In the subjunctive mood, the verb be is usually in past tense, and singular present verbs usually drop the final -s or -es.

Even though our primary concern is with the third stage - Reading for Learning - it is important to recognize that children reach this stage only after ___________________________________. initial reading successfully traversing the two stages that come before decoding fluency

The correct answer is: successfully traversing the two stages that come before. Even though our primary concern is with the third stage - Reading for Learning - it is important to recognize that children reach this stage only after successfully traversing the two stages that come before. For example, a student with significant decoding problems, will have grave difficulties with content area reading assignments. Unfortunately, mismatches of this sort are not uncommon.

Setting a goal at the end of a student-teacher conference lets students know the kind of practice they will have to do to reach a target. You won't have to close each conference by negotiating a new goal with the student. Instead, with the student, decide if he or she needs more practice with the established goal. Goals can be beneficial if________________. they are clear and focused written down discussed they utilize oral reading

The correct answer is: they are clear and focused. A helpful goal might ask the student to apply Close Reading when a word or passage causes confusion. A goal such as "Practice what we have been doing" is too general and can be misinterpreted if the students can't clearly state what you have been working on.

You cannot expect students to become content literate unless you give them opportunities to explore the subject area through print. Textbook assignments are not enough. Students occasionally need which of the following? parent's consent time to browse wherever their inclinations lead them be accountable for their reading choices restraint from reading certain textbooks

The correct answer is: time to browse wherever their inclinations lead them. You cannot expect students to become content literate unless you give them opportunities to explore the subject area through print. Textbook assignments are not enough. Students occasionally need time to browse wherever their inclinations lead them and to do so in an atmosphere free of accountability and restraint.

Sometimes photographs and illustrations in nonfiction books don't have captions. When this is the case, it is usually because the information from the main text gives you enough to be able to understand it. To check your own understanding, you can do which of the following? try writing a caption stop and picture what you just learned jot down the event use your flowchart to remember what you have read

The correct answer is: try writing a caption. Sometimes photographs and illustrations in nonfiction books don't have captions. When this is the case, it is usually because the information from the main text gives you enough to be able to understand it. To check your own understanding, you can try writing a caption. Read the text. Look at the picture. Think, "If I had to write one sentence explaining this picture, what would I say?" Use the information in the main text to help you.

We use the word strategies to refer to methods proficient readers deliberately employ to facilitate their own comprehension. Skills, on the other hand, enable a reader to employ strategies, but are __________________________. knowledge-based poor decoding only used with read-learn-discuss used automatically

The correct answer is: used automatically. We use the word strategies to refer to methods proficient readers deliberately employ to facilitate their own comprehension. Skills, on the other hand, enable a reader to employ strategies, but are used automatically. Reading strategies are deliberate, goal-directed attempts to control and modify the reader's efforts to decode text, understand words, and construct meanings of text. Reading skills are automatic actions that result in decoding and comprehension with speed, efficiency, and fluency, and usually occur without awareness of the components or control involved.

Mrs. Kapp writes the following sentence on the board in her 8th grade Language Arts class: When Beth saw her favorite teapot lying in pieces on the floor, she said, "Oh, great. I was hoping that would happen." This is an example of which type of figure of speech? simile metaphor verbal irony pun

The correct answer is: verbal irony. Verbal irony is when a statement's literal meaning is different from, or even opposite of, its intended meaning. In the sentence: When Beth saw her favorite teapot lying in pieces on the floor, she said, "Oh, great. I was hoping that would happen." Beth is saying the opposite of what she means.

Your 7th grade class is learning to write a narrative. You explain to them that readers often need both context and a setting to orient them in a story and understand it. The setting of a narrative is when and where a story happens. The context of a narrative is which of the following? what the setting feels like what else is happening at the same time as the story the historical time and place of a setting referencing old newspaper articles

The correct answer is: what else is happening at the same time as the story. This is the context of a narrative. The context of a narrative is also what happened before the story begins that is important for the reader to know so he or she understands the story.

Reading guides used in conjunction with web-based projects are one way of helping students navigate the confusing territory of the Web. Which of the following would NOT be a smart suggestion for constructing and using such guides? word-process the guide so that students can open multiple windows and copy and paste from Web to guide as needed word-process the guide so that students can only open one window at a time and copy and paste from Web to guide as needed build in reminders of the strategies students are applying as they work be selective

The correct answer is: word-process the guide so that students can only open one window at a time and copy and paste from Web to guide as needed. Actually, you would want to word-process the guide so that students can open multiple windows and copy and paste from Web to guide as needed. Build in reminders of the strategies students are applying as they work and be selective.

Choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose "No change is necessary." If anybody finishes before the teacher, he or she can have an extra 10 minutes of recess. you they we No change is necessary.

The sentence is correct as it is. The word "anybody" is singular and requires a singular pronoun to refer to it. "He or she" is the singular form of the pronoun and it agrees in person.

What is the chief obstacle to the relationship of the two young lovers in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? War Religious beliefs Class differences A family feud

What is the chief obstacle to the relationship of the two young lovers in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? War Religious beliefs Class differences A family feud

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