Praxis Reading

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cloze exercise

Words are removed from the texts and students must supply them

High frequency words

Words in a selection of text that are seen numerous times


Smallest meaningful unit of language example: coffee+maker= coffeemaker run+ing= running

Aptitude test

Measure learned abilities such as mathematics and verbal reasoning Help predict the course of future learning SAT and ACT

Complementary processes that change schemas

Assimilation and accommodation Ongoing attempt to balance accommodation and assimilation to gain equilibration

reading rate

Measure of speech generally calculated in words per minutes

2 categories of standardized assessments

Norm referenced and criterion referenced

stages of emergent writing

-Drawing-first written representations -Scribbling- looks like letters - wavy scribbling or mock handwriting may appear as children are exposed to print-rich home environments and classrooms -Letter-like forms -Letter strings -transitional writing -Invented and phonetic spelling - word and phrase writing -Conventional spelling and sentences

non-continuant affricatives

/J/ /c/

non continuant: dipthongs

/Y/ /w/ /O/ /yu/

non-continuant stop sounds-- voiced

/b/ /d/ /g/

Consonants: Fricatives unvoiced

/f/ /T/ /s/ /S/

consonants whisper


Continuant vowels

/i/ /I/ /e/ /E/ /@/ /x/ /A/ /u/ /U/ /o/ /c/ /a/

Consonants (Nasals)

/m/ /n/ /G/

non-continuant stop sounds-- unvoiced

/p/ /t/ /k/

Non-continuant semivowels

/r/ /I/ /w/ /y/

Consonants: Fricatives--voiced

/v/ /D/ /z/ /Z/

Most common semi vowels

/w/ when sounds like /oo/ --- dew /y/ when sounds like /ee/ (yesterday), /e/ (happy), or /i/ (fly)

phoneme substitution

1 phoneme changed to make a new word

theories about child cognitive and social development fall into two broad categories

Behaviorism and constructivism

steps to Identify the main idea

1. Identify the main idea of each paragraph first. Might be stated explicitly as a topic sentence or might be implicit.. If idea is implicit students will need to summarize paragraph in a single sentence in Own words 2. After determining the idea of each paragraph, students think about what these main ideas have in common or makes a summary of summaries 3. Student check made out your statements to make sure they have no specific details or examples nothing encapsulate only the most important points

Seven steps in the research process

1. Identifying and focusing on the topic 2. Finding background information and conducting a preliminary search 3. Locating materials 4. Evaluating sources 5. Note taking 6. Writing 7. Citing sources

routine For collaborative and independent poetry reading

1. Initial reading to experience mood of the poem and musicality of the language 2. Second reading to focus on pauses and thought units in to identify the speaker 3. Third close reading to take marginal notes on structure of the poem, the denotation, and connotations of unfamiliar words, the impact of imagery and figurative language, and the meaning of confusing lines or phrases 4. Final reading to come up with the thematic ideas drawn from the details



strategies for specific word instruction

1. Predict-o-gram: students given list of words; predict how words will be used in text; used in both fiction and nonfiction--common in fiction easily integrated into existing knowledge about plot structure 2. Semantic impressions: students given list of words in order as appear in text; definitions briefly discussed; Students write own story using words in same order, using each word once; read text and compare finished story to original 3. Semantic feature analysis: graphic organizer that helps think deeply about features of each vocabulary word 4. list-group-label: semantic mapping strategy; students brainstorm all words they can think of that relate to particular topic; divide list of words into subcategories based on common features 5. possible sentences: students given list of vocabulary words from text they will read; write "possible" sentence for each word, illustrating word's possible meaning; after reading text, students return to possible sentences to see if they were accurate or if sentences need to be changed based on word's actual meaning or reveled in text 6. OPIN: students fill in blank with word they think belongs in sentence; students break into groups to defend word choice to other members--helps reinforce other skills as students use context clues and background knowledge to justify answers

steps to Identifying central ideas

1. Students practice identifying the topic of the text 2. students ask themselves a question such as what is the author saying about horses? 3. Answer to that question is the central idea of the text

Strategies to activate students background knowledge to allow for maximum semantic cueing

1. Using metacognitive strategies and questions like what type of word would make sense here, does this meaning make sense in a text about _____? 2. Having students make a list of words they predict might be used in the text after previewing its title, illustrations, and headings 3. Engaging students in scripted exercises in which they confirm predictions

Phonics Word Patterns Sequence

1. VC or CVC words with simple (continuous) initial sounds (man, pat, fin, at, on) 2. VCC or CVCC words with initial continuous sounds (ask, mash) 3. CVC words with initial stop sounds (cab, hit) 4. CCVC words (easier blends with continuous sounds generally taught before more challenging blends with stop sounds) (flat, stop, slap, crab) 5. CCVCC, CCCVC, or CCCVCC words with various levels of complexity including consonant digraphs (/sh/ /ch/) and vowel combination (ee, ea, oo) as well as r-controlled vowels like butter, wither, firm, germ, and so on

3 areas of writing development

1. conceptual knowledge (understanding purpose of writing) 2. procedural knowledge (understanding how to form letters and words) 3. Generative knowledge (Using words to communicate a meaning)

5 components of promoting staff development

1. explain instructional theory-- help school staff understand research-based best practices; answer teacher questions enthusiastically and provide resources to help teachers understand and implement high quality instruction 2. modeling or demonstration--model or demonstrate new techniques or practices in classrooms to help teachers and paras see high-quality instruction in action 3. observation- observe ongoing reading instruction; allows to share successful techniques used in 1 classroom with other teachers; helps observe teacher progress toward particular goals with class or group of students 4. feedback/reflection-reading specialists help provide constructive and actionable feedback to teachers; act as instructional or literacy coaches; should practice humility and patience, modeling own processes as reflective practitioners 5. supporting collaboration

8 places of articulation

1. post-alveolar - sh in shin 2. palatal - y in yellow 3. velar - g in girl 4. glottal - h in happy 5. dental - th in think 6. labiodental - f in fast 7. bilabial - b in bag 8. alveolar - l in like

4 stages of reading words

1. prealphabetic 2, partial alphabetic 3. full alphabetic 4. consolidated alphabetic


19 lines long Five stanzas each with three lines and a final stanza of four lines Includes a refrain--Two lines that's repeat throughout the poem following a specific pattern

Quetion for all handicapped students act

1975 First legislation targeting educational rights expands educational rights for students with disabilities Ensures that students with disabilities can access any accommodations, modifications, related services, and specially designed instruction need to make adequate educational progress in a public school setting

Stages of literacy development

1st - awareness/exploration of spoken and written lang 2nd - experimenting with reading and writing 3rd - early learning of reading/writing in educational setting 4th - transitional reading/writing (grade 2-3) 5th - competent reading and writing (4th grade and beyond)

Live model

1st Core concept in social learning theory Individual demonstrating or acting out a behavior

Symbolic model

1st Core concepts in social learning theory Real or fictional characters portray behaviors in books, movies, television, or online media

Verbal instructional model

1st core concept in social learning theory Provides descriptions and explanations of a behavior

When do infants begin vocalizing expressions of comfort, usually in response to pleasurable interactions with a caregiver? (grunts or sigs- evolve into cooing)

2 to 4 months


2 vowels in the same syllable ai, ay, ee, ea, ie, ei, oo, ou, ow, oe, ue, ey, ay, oy, oi, au, aw

vowel teams

2 vowels next to each other that make a single sound some are digraphs and others consist of 3 or 4 letters laugh, high, and hay

early production stage

2nd stage in second language acquisition learners achieve a 1000 word receptive and active vocabulary can produce single word and 2-3 word phrases and can respond to questions and statements enjoy musical games or word plays that help memorize language chunks they can use later

Emerging stage of writing

2nd stage in the developmental stages of writing Age 4 to 6 Students use pictures when drawing but they also label objects Students can match some letters to sounds Student copy print they see in their environment

Jerome Bruner

3 modes of representation: enactive, iconic, symbolic

Engaging Reading strategies (after)

3-2-1 Quick Write

speech emergence stage

3rd stage in second language acquisition English Language Learners have vocabulary of 3000 words able to chunk simple words and phrases into sentences that may or may not be grammatically correct respond to models of proper usage better than they do to explicit correction learners more likely to have conversations with native English speakers--gaining confidence in language skills can understand simple readings when reinforced by graphics or pictures and can complete some content with support

Industry versus inferiority

4th stage of the psychosocial development theory Between the ages of five and 12 Teachers play an important role since children are now in school Friends begin to play a significant role in a child's self-esteem during this time as they seek the approval of their peers If children are encouraged by parents, teachers, and peers, they begin to develop a strong sense of confidence If children are not encouraged, they might feel inferior and out their abilities

Bridging stage of writing

6th stage in the developmental stages of writing Age 8 to 10 Students write about a particular topic with a clear beginning, middle, and end Students begin to use paragraphs Students consult outside resources

A fourth grader writes the following sentence: I should have called him, but he wuld not have been home What type of spelling instruction should his teacher use to help him revise this sentence? a. Draw his attention to the correctly spelled phonogram in the sentence b. Point out the incorrectly spelled word and have him write the word spelled correctly5 times c. Have him read aloud the sentence he has written to identify and correct his spelling error d. Use an incidental approach and try to develop opportunities for him to see the word spelled correctly in another text


A seventh grade science teacher asks the reading specialist for help in meeting the needs of English language learners in a unit on parts of a cell, since the textbook chapter is not wholly accessible to some students. What should the reading specialist recommend? a. use graphic aids like diagrams and images in the text as much as possible to promote understanding b. Assign each student a peer tutor to read the textbook chapter aloud to ensure correct pronunciation c. Provide English language learners with an audio recording of the textbook chapter to listen to multiple times d. Avoid using the textbook chapter and focus instruction on lectures and notetaking to meet the needs of all learners


A teacher asked the reading specialist for advice on taking the class to the library to select text for sustained silent reading. What is the best advice for the reading specialist to give? a. Encourage students to find a text at their independent reading level that meets their interests b. Discourage students from selecting texts about topics they are already familiar with c. Select text for students to make sure they are appropriate d. Ensure that an accelerated reader test exist for each chosen book to monitor comprehension


A teacher encourages students to activate background knowledge as a read and come across unknown words. Which of the following cueing strategies is the teacher using? a. Semantic cueing b. syntactic cueing c. structural cueing d. graphophonic cueing


At some point in their academic career, students will need to deviate from the exclusive use of a phonics through spelling model because a. Not all words are spelled phonetically b. It is only applicable to single syllable words c. The method does not address reading skills d. It requires students to work in collaborative groups


How is a semi vowel distinct from a vowel? a. It acts as a syllable boundary b. It is always pronounced as a short vowel c. It contains no phone d. It is always pronounced as a long vowel


Story book reading with pre-readers helps to develop oral language skills in which of the following ways? a. It increase his knowledge of vocabulary and syntax b. It helps students practice expressive communication c. Exposing students to diverse orthographic patterns d. It promotes phonemic awareness and letter sound correspondence


Which activity is most appropriate for students to practice onsets and the alphabetic principle? a. having them sort toy animals into tubs based on initial letter sound of the animal's name b. asking them to clap out the syllables in a student's name c. asking them to point to a sentence on a page d. having them remove a sound from a ord and say the new word


Which activity would most likely help students develop knowledge to use semantic cues effectively? a. Reading books that provide information on a variety of places and cultures b. Underlining confusing sentences and diagramming them c. Reading a text aloud twice, once to oneself and once to a partner d. Encouraging students to increase their reading rate to retain more information


Which of the following categories describes a common way to classify phonemes? a. Vowel versus consonant b. Morphology versus semantics c. Receptive versus expressive d. Generative versus procedural


Which word is the most difficult for students to decode and with us be introduced toward the end of the phonics continuum? a. dirt b. stop c. call d. flat





A bound morpheme Attached to the end of a base word, root, or stem Example: -able in comfortable


A bound morpheme, usually of Latin origin, that cannot stand alone but is used to form a family of words with related meanings. Prefixes and suffixes added to change meaning of word example: comfort= un-comfort-able respect= dis-respect-ful


A four line stanza


A morpheme that precedes a roots and contributes to or modifies the meaning of a word example: -re in reappear

derivational affix

A prefix or suffix added to a root or stem to form another word (e.g., -ness in likeness, un- in unhappy).

Semi vowels

A sound that is voiced similarly to a vowel But acts as a syllable boundary

Inflectional affix

A suffix that expresses plurality or possession when added to a noun, tense when added to a verb, and comparison when added to an adjective and some adverbs example:-s in dogs -en in oxen

r controlled syllable

A syllable containing a letter combination made up of a vowel followed by the R example: far, fern, first, for, fur

engaging reading strategies (before)

ABC brainstorm five word prediction


Ability to easily recognize words automatically Do not need to sound out or break down each word able to read rapidly with little effort at basic levels of decoding Comes with automatic word recognition--Must be taught along with explicit phonics instruction aimed at decoding unfamiliar words

Phonics, phonemic awareness

Ability to hear, distinguish And manipulate individual sounds within words in spoken language Capital and lowercase letter names Consonant sounds Digraphs Vowel sounds


Ability to read text quicker, Accurately, and with proper expression Provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension


Ability to recall the spelling of a word and write it based on a stored mental image

Cognate awareness

Ability to recognize cognates and use them as a tool for understanding a second language

Retention in Bandura social learning theory

Ability to store and retrieve information at a later time


Ability to use a learned skill in novel situations

Zone of proximal development

Achieved when children are engaged in social behavior with adults or peers Distance between a child's actual development level as demonstrated by independent problem-solving in the potential developmental level as demonstrated under adult or peer guidance

What age do most kids begin linking words to meaning?

Age 1

Later multiword stage

Age 5 Average 4 to 6 words/sentence-- Can increase vocab by as many as 20 words per day Age 8 Average child knows 28,300 words

Concrete operational stage in stage of development

Age 7 to 11 children begin to use actiobs that are logical and rational when thinking and solving problems begin to understan permanence and conservation, or concept that weight, volume, and nimbers may remain the same even though appearance changes operationa; thinking develops and egocentric thinking is reduced

Preoperational stage in stages of development

Ages 2-7 Demonstration of intelligence through symbols Language abilities mature Memory and imagination develop rapidly Thinking is non-logical, non-reversible, and egocentric

Physiological needs in hierarchy of needs

Air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, and sleep basic needs 1st level of hierarchy of needs

Manner of articulation

Airflow and whether it is impeded as the sound is formed Stop sounds Fricatives Nasals Affricatives

Measurement error

All the variations that impact an examinees performance Testing conditions or the emotional state of the test taker Assessments of very young children have significant measurement error compared to those of older children

iambic pentameter

Alternate stressed and unstressed syllable's in a line or verse with 10 syllables per line

Venn Diagram

An illustration of the relationship between and among sets, groups of objects that share something in common 3 circles overlapping with a shared circle

morphemic analysis

Analysis of morphemes Structural clues within words such as affixes and roots can give clues to a word's meaning


And oral reading response that the first from the expected response Term used because theory hold that errors are not random but are the attempts of the reader to make sense of the texts example: house-home

Quantitative measurements

Anything for which a number can be calculated Word frequency, length of words and sentence links, average syllables per word Calculate a range or score that is assigned to a text--MetaMetrics

Multimodal Elements

Appealing to different modes of communication


Applies a characteristic or meeting to an object or action that is not literally applicable

Basal approach

Approach to spelling instruction Rooted in the notion of orthographic patterns or spelling generalizations such as constant doubling, adding prefixes and suffixes, and dropping the silent E when adding a suffix Involves set of curriculum with spelling lists that gradually increase in difficulty Lists are most effective when grouped by orthographic pattern and when these contain high frequency words that students can decode when reading

Question students should be asked to guide to identify folklore

Are there supernatural elements, such as magic, dragons, or fairies? Does the story teach a lesson? Do the characters in the stories have exaggerated abilities? Is the story from a particular cultural tradition?

How do young kids make language discoveries

As They play, explore, and interact with others


As students read they can guess at words they do not know by considering the rest of the passage Word and sentence formation Meaning of words

When is the development of syntactic component evident

As young children begin by making statements then gradually progress to more advanced sentences

How can students be guided to determine whether a text is fiction or nonfiction?

Asking whether the text is a true or real story

Record of Oral Language (ROL)

Assesses children's oral language skills By having them listen to and repeat a Series of increasingly Complicated sentences

peer assessment

Assessment of student work by peers Widely used in higher education, particularly in large online classes in which instructors are unable to get feedback on each students work If students receive appropriate guidance and practice it can be used effectively in many secondary and some elementary classrooms Will not result in a formal grade Can be invaluable to help students revise their work before submitting it for grading Students given a rubric or list of criteria and asked to assess and other students work based on this rubric or set of criteria Asked to offer specific feedback for improvement can help students who are unsure of how to revise or edit their work as they are given clear and actionable suggestions can be used during collaborative learning teacher asks for feedback from group about level pf each member's participation usually more effective when clear criteria for evaluation are set

univrsal screening

Assessment process for possible reading difficulties Usually takes place three times per year

Four requirements for learning in Banderas theory

Attention Retention Reproduction Motivation

Informational writing

Author sets out simply to communicate information to the reader Found in many textbooks and news articles may also instruct the reader-- lists, steps to be followed, and a sequential order

Character development

Authors used to create characters that are complex and believable Authors might develop characters directly by telling the reader explicitly What the characters like by describing traits and values Authors include thoughts and feelings of the characters themselves, offering readers even more insight Authors develop characters indirectly by revealing their actions and interactions with others--Might do this by including what one character says or thinks about another and allowing readers to draw own conclusions authors combine direct and indirect characterization- Ensures that readers know what they need to know and provides opportunities for reflection and interpretation

A fifth grade teacher plans a lesson on digital dictionary skills. What type of vocabulary instruction is being provided? a. Incidental vocabulary learning b. Word learning strategies c. Semantic impressions d. Semantic features analysis


A first grade teacher asked crying Student to take a deep breath and then use her words to describe the problem. In addition to helping a student develop emotional regulation, the teacher is also teaching the student about which of the following? a. semantics b. pragmatics c. orthography d. phonology


A high school teacher is working with students to identify the purpose of a science article in preparation for similar questions on the SAT/AC T. Which advice should he give students to help them answer the question "What is the authors purpose?"? a. Always ask whether the author achieved their purpose for writing this text b. Look for specific text evidence that supports an assertion about the authors purpose c. The purpose will generally be revealed explicitly in the introductory paragraph d. A call to action never gives possible clues to the authors purpose


A reading and language arts teacher is planning a unit on listening skills for 4th graders. She asks a reading specialist for ideas. Which activity would the reading specialist MOST likely recommend? a. having students memorize and recite poetry in front of the teacher for a grade based on inflection and accuracy b. having a guest speaker visit the classroom to discuss a topic and answer student questions c. having students watch a video and then ask questions about parts they did not understand'd. having students find a solution to a school-wide problem that affects them all


A reading specialist is helping a kindergarten teacher implement a new synthetic phonics curriculum. The specialist observed a student working with the teaching assistant to read a short sentence: He ran into the woods. The student becomes stuck on Woods. Which question should the teacher assistant ask to stay aligned with synthetic phonics instruction? a. What do the pictures tell you this word might be b. What sound do the letters in the word make c. Where would someone run? d. What other words do you know that rhyme with wood?


A reading specialist is planning to screen pre-kindergarten students for oral language proficiencies. Which of the following instruments is he most likely to use? a. ASEBA b. ROL c. Otis-Lennon d. phonics screener


A reading specialist is working with a small group of fourth grade students receiving tier 2 interventions aimed at improving comprehension. Which technique is the reading specialist most likely to recommend to students? a. Using graphophonic cues b. Applying fix up strategies c. Coarticulation of phonemes d. Moving tiles in Elkonin boxes


A second grade reading teacher is concerned that some students sound out every word they encounter even if they know the word. This slows down reading rate and impacts overall fluency. She asks the reading specialist for advice. Which of the following strategies is most appropriate for the reading specialist to recommend? a. Switch to a phonics through spelling approach b. Encourage students to preview texts and circle known words c. Have students skip over known words as they read orally d. Focus on developing a semantic cueing system


At what age do typically developing children begin cooing? a. 6 weeks b. 2-4 months c. 1 year- 18 months d. 2-4 years


Disadvantage of relying on Lexile level as a sole indicator of text appropriateness is that a. It is only applicable to students whose first language is English b. It fails to account for qualitative text features c. It does not encourage the reading of rigorous texts d. It can only be used to measure fiction text


First-language acquisition in children a. goes through a variable sequence based on language and culture b. follows a similar pattern across most languages and cultures c. varies based on the primary language spoken by parents d. happens in a strict sequence based on development of vocal cords


In which type of writing would students be most likely to use a dialect or register and still communicate a message effectively? a. An expository essay b. A free verse poem c. A research paper d. A biographical essay


Which activity will help gauge a student's print awareness? a. asking him to recount story events b. asking him to point to a sentence c. asking him to write the letter p d. asking him what sound p makes


Which of the following is the best definition of the word morpheme a. An individual sound within a word b. The smallest unit of meaning within a word\ c. An established orthographic pattern of a word d. A pattern by which a word is articulated


social learning theory

Bandura people learn best by observing, imitating, and modeling behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions Includes a social element-- Idea that people can learn new information and behaviors simply by observing other people 3 core concepts 1. People can learn by observation through 3 basic models: A live model, verbal instructional model, and a symbolic model 2. A persons mental state and motivation can determine whether a behavior is learned or not-- Not only does external environmental reinforcement contribute to learning, intrinsic reinforcement, or internal reward does as well 3. Even though a behavior is learned, they may not be a change in behavior--New information can be learned without behavioral changes Combines the cognitive and behavioral learning theories with four requirements for learning: Attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation

Three primary approaches to spelling instruction

Basal approach Developmental approach Incidental approach

dynamic assessment

Based on Lev Vygotsky's theory of the zone of proximal development What a learner can do alone is negligible when compared to what they can do with the aid of a more skilled peer or adult Instruction is embedded into the assessment Typically involves a pretest, some type of intervention, and then a post test child initial skills can be compared to the skills he or she displays after receiving instruction for improvement Can be very helpful in measuring students ability to learn new skills Can help uncover learning potential and is more modifiable and responsive to the individual students

literal questions

Based on explicit information in the text and reply or only recall or identification of information from the text example: On what day did Mark send the letter?

Inferential questions

Based on implicit information in the text Require students to make an inference or prediction or to draw a conclusion example: What will Mark most likely do after he sends a letter?

syntactic cues

Based on the structure of language and regarded as the brain second most efficient queuing system while reading Include sentence structure and word order, structural clues within words, and structure analysis of the word Words meaning can sometimes be clued or determined by its placement in a sentence

what Is the structure of oral language entwined with

Beginning reading instruction


Beneath that uses word frequency and sentence length in an equation to yield your score scores assigned to both readers and texts

Lexile ranges

Best results come from a reader measure that falls within a sweet spot range per the text measure Most of what students read has already been assigned a Lexile text measure Teachers can raise students chances of enjoyment in comprehension of text by ensuring that the Lexile text measure fits within the average range for the grade level and for each students reader measure Only effective for text that follow a typical structure

Commercially available assessment instruments for English language Learners

Bilingual syntax measure of listening and speaking IDEA proficiency test Language assessment system WIDA-ACCESS Placement test Woodcock-Munoz Language survey-revised Student oral language observation matrix

Phonological Awareness: syllable


Benjamin Bloom

Bloom's Taxonomy

Audio assisted reading

Common strategy for students to lack fluency Students follow along in written text as a listen to a fluent reader read it aloud usually on an audiobook

How do active readers get involved with a text?

By making connections between their background knowledge and what they are learning or experiencing Seek meaning in what they read in order to solve a problem, to gain new knowledge, or to answer a question about some thing that matters to them


Correct decoding of words In twined with rate when measuring fluency since reading quickly but incorrectly is not desirable

A character map would be an appropriate semantic organizer for which of the following types of texts? a. A non-fiction passage about snails b. A poem about the beauty of nature c. A short story about a young girl d. An argumentative essay about school uniforms


A fourth grade student is faced with the following sentence: She was green with jealousy. Which of the following word attack strategies is most likely to help the student determine what the word green means in the sentence? a. using graphophonic cues b. Using Ortho graphic patterns c. Using context clues d. Using morphemic analysis


A high school English teacher is working on an integrated reading and writing unit on point of view. He wants to expose students to multiple respective's in texts but discourage them from using the pronoun you in formal academic writing. The teacher would most likely not assign which writing task? a. personal narrative b. research report c. formal letter d. compare/contrast essay


A ninth grade English teacher asks a reading specialist how to incorporate oral language for critical reading into his unit on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. What instructional strategy is a reading specialist most likely to recommend? a. Filling out a graphic organizer before, during, and after reading the play b. Reading the play aloud with dramatic inflection c. Holding a classwide to be on who's fault the tragedy really was d. Encouraging students to use fix it up strategies as they read the tragedy orally


A reading interventionist is working with a second grade student receiving tier 3 interventions in fluency and decoding. Before the days activity, which will involve reading from a leveled reader, the interventionist asks the student to preview the booklet's title and illustrations and make predictions about the type of book it is. This helps the student to a. develop Metacognition b. Apply fix up strategies c. determine genre d. Analyze plot


A reading specialist is observing a ninth grade classroom with several English language learners who need additional vocabulary development practice. Which of the following strategies should the specialist recommend to the teacher? A. TEACHING FIX UP STRATEGIES B. Using a language experience approach c. Instruction in common idioms d. Incidental vocabulary learning


A reading specialist is planning a professional development event on ways to incorporate creative writing into daily reading instruction. Which vocabulary building activity is he most likely to discuss? a. list-group-label b. OPIN c. semantic impressions d. semantic grids


A reading specialist noticed that a kindergarten student receiving tier 2 interventions often struggles to pronounce words such as bread, hoop, deal, and void in conversation. She should tell the speech language pathologist that the student is struggling with which type of structure? a. Consonant blend b. r controlled vowels c. dipthongs d. syllabication


A science teacher asked a reading specialist to help create a list of titles for fifth grade students to read independently about scientific topics which of the following should he consider? a. whether the texts allow students to apply fix-up strategies b. the degree to which the texts will permit morphemic analysis c. The overall qualitative and quantitative text complexity d. Whether the texts are complex enough to be right with 50% accuracy


A student is stuck on the word Istanbul in the sentence "My father took a trip to Istanbul." She asks, "What is an Istanbul?" How best can a teacher encourage her to use syntactic cues to aid in determining the words meaning? a. Have her break the word into its 3 syllables and sound out each syllable individually b. Ask her if she has ever been to Turkey and, if so, what cities she visited c. Cover up Istanbul and ask her what kind of word most likely go in the blank d. Ask her if she thinks the sentence makes sense as written or if the word Istanbul should be moved


A third grade teacher wants to encourage students to organize their thoughts into a coherent paragraph. Which of the following instructional strategies best meets this goal? a. Data dump b. Self-assessment c. Hamburger method d. COPS mnemonic


After conducting a survey, a reading specialist discovers that only 12% of students are reading independently at home outside of reading for homework assignments. How might the reading specialist to most effectively address the situation? a. Encourage teachers to assign more self-directed reading comprehension exercises b. Conduct additional research to find out why students do not enjoy reading for pleasure c. Start a program that reward students for completing independent reading logs each week d. Send home literature with students that describes current research in the importance of independent reading


An elementary school teacher might teach a lesson on open syllables in order to do which of the following? a. Provide students with vocabulary building practice b. Encourage students to read texts at their frustrational reading level c. Help students determine if a vowel makes a long or short sound d. Help students develop a standard English dialect


Catherine is a two-year-old whose parents and teacher understand her well. However, strangers often have Trouble understanding what she's saying. Why is this? a. Strangers do not recognize cooing and babbling b. Catherine speaks only in consonants c. Catherine is in The telegraphic stage of speech\ d. Strangers are unable to hear subtle variations in allophones


For English language learners who are in emergent readers, the most effective instructional methodology is a. A whole language approach b. an analogy phonics approach c. A synthetic phonics approach d. An embedded phonics approach


Mark, a kindergartner, has mastered his letter sounds. He is sitting at the oral reading table with Miss Hayes, trying to read a short sentence. He gets stuck on the word glad and stops reading. Which strategy might Miss Hayes have Mark use? a. Phoneme substitution b. Phoneme blending c. Phoneme segmentation d. Thinking of a rhyming word


What is the best way to differentiate instruction in a first grade reading classroom? a. Practice oral reading with only the more advanced students so those struggling will not feel uncomfortable b. Use only texts on the lower end of the first grade Lexile range to ensure they are accessible to all students c. set aside time for students to engage in silent reading with a teacher select a book based on student ability and interests d. Conduct additional phonics drills with students who need help with decoding while the other students do a science experiment


Which instructional aide is most likely to be used in an analogy-based phonics lesson? a. Letter sound chart b. High frequency word list C. word families chart d. picture dictionary


Which resource would be most helpful to a seventh grade student building skills in the semantic component Of oral language as she reads a text with complex vocab? a. Chart showing continuant and non-continuant Sounds b. Chart showing how to form irregular plurals c. Age appropriate dictionary d. Chart that shows how to diagram sentences


Which word is most likely a non-decodable word? a. atlas b. flute c. sign d. save


consonant-le syllables

C-le syllables final syllables when joined with an open syllable There is a long vowel sound and no double consonant When joined with a closed syllable, there is a short vowel sound and double consonant 11 -le patterns: -ble, -gle, -zle, -fle, -tle, -dle, -stle, -ckle, -ple, -cle, -kle

stresses and intonations

Can be carried from first languages Can change the meanings of English words leading to an unclear message

Conferencing or peer review

Can be used after first modeling process and providing guidelines to students most successful writing conferences are structured and occur when students have a clear idea of what type of feedback they should provide and how to give feedback in a constructive way strategy in revision and editing

Strategies to understand nonfiction texts: Text codes

Can be used in context of passage reading Students given list of symbols to use throughout the texts that mean specific things example: !! or check mark Students freely express what they are able and unable to understand Teacher can use information to talk about certain topics within the texts Builds deeper understanding of material

COPS mnemonic

Capitalization Organization Punctuation Spelling checklist to use during the authoring cycle

Phonics Classroom Strategies

Categorize and sort words based on beginning letters, meanings, or patterns Recite tongue twisters Play games that involve matching words and pictures Reading emergent reader booklets with simple sentence patterns Make student authored and illustrated class books Use tactile materials to shape letters and words Journal with label drawings and simple descriptions of personal experiences Decode words in poems, songs, and messages written on boards or charts

Science fiction

Category of fiction in which writers tell imaginative stories that are grounded in semantic and technological theories or realities Often explores ideas involving the future of humanity and its relationship with universe or with technology subcategory: dystopian fiction

Entities the reading specialist might work with to provide services in programming to students, teachers, and parents

Chamber of commerce National nonprofit group Community library Supplemental education and tutoring service providers Textbook/ed tech publishers whose reps often provide training and professional development Volunteer organizations Parent teacher organization or other parents groups


Changes to materials or instructional methodologies that allow all students to learn the same material as their peers

Character tags

Characters in drama have unique attributes such as manner of speech, dress, or a catchphrase Make characters memorable to readers

Preconventional stage

Child behaves well because it is in their own best interest

Conventional stage

Child conforms to societal expectations


Child identifies few letter names or distinguish few phonemes in words Recognizes few written words, each primarily in a limited context Example- Child sees red stop sign and knows that mean stop If word shown with no visuals they will not be able to decode


Child refers to all animals with tails as doggy Overextend definition of words

Under extension

Child's definition of a word is too narrow example: Referred to stuffed animal as a toy

One word stage

Child's use of a single word to convey a full meaning One of three purposes-- Identify an action, convey an emotion, or to name something

transitional writing stage

Children begin writing letters separated by spaces although real words are generally not yet being formed Many children successfully copy letters and words from environmental sources Writing child's name or name of a common classroom object on a card for child to copy can encourage

Full alphabetic

Children came form complete connections between letters in written words and phonemes in pronunciations

Invented spelling

Children learn sounds as they start this phase Start communicating words and ideas more clearly though many words may have only a beginning and ending sound Natural part of process of emergent writing Children should be allowed to express ideas and practice writing without an over emphasis on spelling errors Explicit Selling instruction will generally begin in early elementary grades

Early multiword stage (Telegraphic stage)

ChildrenAs they mature, alternates mostly understand by parents and caregivers Begin using elements of grammar and repeating longer sentences but still unable to create own Tend to leave out parts of speech like pronouns, determiners, and modals as the mature, alternate between Childlike and adult-like speech, making fewer omissions and more multi clause sentences

Instructional accommodations

Clarifying directions through oral repetition and providing a written version Implementing daily routines to clarify expectations Providing visual aids whenever possible Encouraging the use of mnemonic devices providing students a hardcopy of notes Implementing frequent review and reinforcement activities at end of lesson Creating opportunities for additional or extended practice Using peer learning strategies

6 Syllable Patterns

Closed syllables open syllables vowel-consonant-e syllables vowel teams consonant-le sylabbles r-controlled syllables

Three categories of learning

Cognitive, social, and psychomotor


Compares two things of a different type

Assessment measurements used for evaluation for special education services

Comprehensive test of phonological processing Phonological awareness test Test of word reading efficiency Gray oral reading test Rapid automatized naming test Relevant subtests of Woodcock Johnson III or the Wechsler Individual achievement test tests for skills in phonological awareness, decoding, fluency and comprehension, and rapid naming


Concerns observable stimulus response behaviors Suggests all behaviors are learned through interactions with the environment through classical or operant conditioning Our mind is a blank slate at birth

Individuals with disabilities education act

Congress reauthorized EHA in 1990 and again with amendments in 1997 and 2004 Part B provides for services for students between the ages of three and 21 Part C provides for early intervention services for students from birth to three years old


Consonants produced when air moves through both the nose And mouth in the production of the sound


Consonants produced when the air moving through the mouth creates audible friction

persuasive writing

Convince the reader to act or think a certain way use specific reasons and supporting evidence to do this Use rhetoric to influence readers


Created by the authors attitude toward the reader and the subject of the text Depending on word choice

A knowledge of basic text organization help students become

Critical readers and effective writers

Most common universal screening

Curriculum based measurement Dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills, Woodcock reading mastery test revised, Texas primary reading inventory

A Preschool has an emergent curriculum that supports reading as a process that students must come to naturally. This preschool would most likely use embedded phonics instruction because it a. Relies on an unpredictable sequence b. Encourages the use of hands on learning c. Works better for advanced learners d. Can adapt to any text learners choose


A high school teacher asks a reading specialist for feedback on a rubric she has created to assess students on the oral presentations. The rubric includes the following categories: Unity/ Adherence to topic Cohesion and transitions Well researched and understood content Appropriate language use Which category should The reading specialist suggest the teacher add to the rubric? a. Use of continuant and non-continuant sounds b. Phonological awareness c. Use of transitional expressions d. Nonverbal communication


A reading specialist observing a preschool classroom notices that a student has learned the word computer. The student then goes around the room pointing to various objects and seeing computer. What part of normal oral language development is this student exhibiting? a. babbling b. friction c. underextension d. overextension


A second grade teacher notices that his students often read in monotone during oral reading practice. Which strategy can a reading specialist recommend to help students develop prosody? a. Setting aside times oral reading each day b. Modeling an appropriate reading rate c. Using ability grouping for silent reading d. Having students act out a play from a script


A sixth grade reading teacher asked the reading specialist for advice on how to structure independent practice in a classroom with students of various skill levels. What recommendation should the reading specialist make? a. Focus instruction on pragmatics so that students see the connections in what they are learning b. switch to an analogy based phonics method action to engage all students c. Use running records to keep track of student progress and current skill level d. Implement peer assisted learning strategies as appropriate to provide scaffolding


A teacher wants to help students make and refine predictions as they read. Which activity would best meet this goal? a. list-group-label b. semantic gradients c. Peer assisted learning strategies d. Directed Reading Thinking Activity


Compared with synthetic phonics, analytic phonics relies more on a. letter-sound correspondence b. phoneme blending c. knowledge of syllables d. context clues


In systematic phonics instruction, irregular and challenging vowel sounds are taught a. Alongside short vowel sounds b. Before individual letter sounds are mastered c. Before instruction in consonant blends d. After mastery of individual letter sounds


Sight words are unlike other words that early readers in counter because they a. Lack typical structures that allow for sounding out b. Appear in frequently and only in certain genres c. Have multiple meanings based on context d. Should be memorized and recognized instantly


Which of the following strategies would BEST help a student identify the tone of literary work? a. implementing pre-reading strategies like previewing, scanning, and predicting b. Using a list group label process to dig deeper into key concepts from the work c. Focusing on the morphology and orthography with words found in the text d. Identifying specific words in the text that evoke feelings or emotions


Which strategy can be employed to help students activate background knowledge before they read a text? a. Reciprocal teaching b. frayer model c. OPIN d. KWL chart


Which vocabulary term would most likely be included in a lesson on Dictionary skills in a fourth grade classroom a. noun b. Phonogram c. Context d. origin


Independent reading strategies

Daily reading logs Sustained silent reading or drop everything and read--independent reading programs Lending libraries Recommend books on student interests Book clubs and book discussion groups Social media

Stages of LD: Transitional

Demonstrates basic reading skills but the broader and richer elements of reading that allow them to obtain information from and interpret what they read, explore various genres, maintain interest in an entire book, and Enjoy reading as an engaging activity


Describes the authors choice of words Each piece of writing has it Include sentence and paragraph structure

Sensory imagery

Descriptive language that appeals to one of the five senses

Summative Assessment

Designed to evaluate student learning after the end of a defined unit of study Compare student knowledge to the initial learning objectives that were addressed throughout the unit of study May take the form of a unit test, midterm, or final exam, or a final paper or project Generally high stakes assessments because they carry high point values Often critical to a students overall grade, their ability to pass a course, or promotion to the next grade

descriptive writing

Detailed description of an event, person, place, or even in animate objects

Speaking frequently with children and encouraging them to speak with others will help

Develop oral language foundation necessary to be successful with beginning reading instruction

Storybook reading helps

Develop oral language skills

What do young children experience when they come from non-print rich environment and not read to as children

Experience delays in pre-reading and oral language skills

By the end of third grade most students should be able to spell words with

Diphthongs Coil, soon, enjoy, wow Soft G's and c's Dice, hedge Short vowel patterns Head, sought Silent consonants Tomb, known, gnaw, wrote Advanced digraphs and blends phase, character, whose Contractions 2 Syllable words Compound words Words with suffixes that show number or degree Fastest, foxes

During their first year babies hear speech as

Distinct but meaningless words

Who identified the three categories of learning

Dr. Benjamin Bloom in 1950s

Readers theater

Drama or other texts with different roles or parts for students to read aloud with appropriate dramatic session

Bloom's theory of mastery learning

Each domain has its own hierarchy Divided into categories that must be mastered before moving to the next several


Effective use of language: Knowing how to It turns in a conversation, using proper tone, using politeness Engaging in effective communication

Renzulli's Triad Enrichment Model

Encourages 3 types of learning experiences: exploratory learning learning experiences in which thinking processes are developed investigative activities students typically have some sort of authentic experience with the topic

QAR strategy

Encourages students to identify the type of question and to think about how to find the answer Right There Questions- Literal questions that require only location of the relevant part Think and search questions- Require synthesis from multiple parts of the text Author and you questions- Require text to have been read but answer is not directly in the text; Typically inference and depth of knowledge two and three questions On my own questions- Require background knowledge and do not rely on text evidence directly Specific targeted strategy

Specific reading comprehension difficulties

Experienced by students who can decode on a basic level but lack the vocabulary knowledge or inferencing skills necessary to comprehend text fully

Operant conditioning

Eliciting a response rewards or punishments Intermittent rewards are powerful tools for modifying classroom behavior

Who expounded on the physical domain in 1972

Elizabeth J Simpson

What is a helpful activity to help phoneme segmentation

Elkonin boxes

Elementary and secondary education act

Enacted in 1965 by Congress Seeks to improve student academic achievement through supplementary educational services as well as increased educational research and training provides financial assistance to schools servicing a high percentage of students from low income families First legislation to provide states with direct financial assistance to support the education of students with disabilities

Paragraph or essay hamburgers

Encourage students to plan a paragraph or essay with the topic sentence or introduction as a top bun and a concluding sentence or concluding paragraph at the bottom bun Supporting details or body paragraph are the middle parts of the hamburger

How to encourage a love of reading and a deeper expression of texts by advanced readers in the classroom

Encouraged choice of texts Allow for appropriate pacing Extend learning through independent projects

Phonemic Awareness ELL

English phonemes are distinct and should be taught explicitly--Particularly for sounds that do not exist in the students native language Sounds that are present in native language and are already known can be transferred rapidly Instruction in phonemes should focus on those that differ from the students first language

Narrative nonfiction

Entertain Tell a true story Include a setting, characters, and a plot May also use figurative language and other devices to entertain the reader

Choral reading

Entire class or group reading a text aloud in unison Teacher models passage with appropriate rate and prosody Students read aloud using finger to follow text Helps develop confidence, prosody, and automaticity and can assist in sight word acquisition

Theory of psychosocial development

Erickson Outlines eight stages from infancy through adulthood Each stage is characterized by psychosocial crisis that will have a positive or negative affect on personality development Healthy personality is developed by the successful completion of each stage Inability to successfully complete a stage may lead to the inability to complete upcoming stages---May result in an unhealthy personality and sense of self but can be successfully resolved in the future

logical fallacies

Errors in reasoning that weaken the argument

nonfiction forms

Essay speech-- specific purpose News article Biography Autobiography

Informal assessments

Evaluate students outside of traditional written test format Help give a more complete picture of ongoing progress Might provide more accurate results Observation, portfolios, projects, presentations, and oral checks Should be ongoing and should guide instruction alongside formal assessment Oral reading checks, oral comprehension checks, running records, phonics screener's, exit tickets, informal writing assignments/journaling

Factors that contribute to a texts complexity

Evaluate text based on both qualitative and quantitative measures and their match to the reader

Self-determination theory

Everyone has a perceived locus of causality People with a higher internal PLOC are more likely to feel in control of their circumstances and are motivated by internal rewards People with an external PLOC feel that outside forces are controlling their behavior and are motivated by external rewards Helping students understand their PLOC will enable them to feel more in control of their own behavior

Extrinsic motivation

External rewards

Compare and contrast structure

Explain how two things from there every day experience are similar and different Charts and other graphic organizers help organize thoughts and understand structure--Venn diagram

Motivation theory

Explains the driving forces behind conduct

What may be an infant's initial vocalization

Expressions of discomfort- crying Or the byproduct of involuntary actions- Sucking, swallowing, burping, coughing


Expressive writing that tells a story to an audience through the actions and dialogue of characters which are brought to life by actors who play the roles on stage


Extension of the SQ3R method Students preview reading material, generate questions, and read to answer the questions Reflect on what they have read, recite or retell from memory what they have read, and then review the material for any missed information

Expanding stage of writing

Fifth stage in the developmental stages of writing Age 7 to 9 Students organize sentences logically and use more complex sentence structures Student spell high frequency words correctly Students respond to guidance and criticism from others

Identity versus role confusion

Fifth stage of psychosocial development theory Between the ages of 12 and 18 Adolesents will struggle to figure out who they are and what they believe in May try out different friends, styles, and belief systems on their way to figuring out who they are Those who are successful will develop a strong personal identity Adolescents who struggle in the stage will have a weak sense of self and lack confidence in their own beliefs

by the end if second grade most students should be spelling words with

Final consonant blends Rant, fast, Bend, link Regular long vowel patterns ride, tube Double consonant endings Lick, fuss More complex long vowel patterns Suits, fail r controlled vowels Near, bear, hair, are


Find of inference that is concerned with what is going to happen next in a text valuable active reading skill--Requires readers to be constantly aware of what is going on in the text and what the author may be foreshadowing through their specific choices

Home language survey

First and most common step in identifying English language learners Many states and districts mandate that parents complete this upon student enrollment short and available in multiple language not the end of the process followed by an interview with students parents, an interpreter as needed--gives relevant background on prior educational experiences and other factors that might not be apparent

Transactional reading or transactional reading response theory

First developed by Louise Rosenblatt Text on a page is nothing until it becomes a performance of meaning in the readers mind Relies on an individual's interpretation of a text to give it meaning

Full pattern recognition takes place over four stages of

First language acquisition

What point of views are most literature written in

First person or third person

Trust versus mistrust

First stage in the theory of psychosocial development Takes place during a child's first 18 months Characterized by an infants uncertainty about the world Feelings can be resolved by primary caregiver who provides stability and consistent, predictable, and reliable care that will help the infant develop a sense of trust and secure feelings even when threatened If infant has received inconsistent, unpredictable, or unreliable care, the infant must develop a sense of miss trust and carry the feeling into other relationships, which may lead to anxiety and insecurities

positive transfer

First when students find similarities between their native language and English and use those similarities to help them learn example: Spanish-speaking students may recognize English verb "to comprehend" Because it looks similar to the Spanish verb comprender "to understand"

Primary sources

Firsthand accounts speeches or diaries, surveys or census data, photographs of an event

Motivation in Banderas social learning theory

One must be ________ to reproduce the observe behavior, either by external or intrinsic motivators

independent reading level

For independent reading Require students to read with 99% accuracy and 90% comprehension Generally texts just below a students reading level can evolve

Word choice in structure can make a piece

Formal or informal

When does laughter generally appear

Four months

Self-esteem needs in hierarchy of needs

Fourth level of hierarchy of needs Success, independence, status, respect divided into 2 categories: Esteem for oneself and the need for respect from others

Intermediate fluency stage

Fourth stage in second language acquisition English language learners have vocabulary of about 6000 words Speak in more complex sentences and catch and correct many of their errors Willing to answer questions to clarify what they do not understand Communicate fairly well Have large gaps in vocabulary and in grammatical and syntactical understanding of the language Often comfortable with group conversations as long as any difficult academic vocabulary is limited

Beginning stage of writing

Fourth stage in the developmental stages of writing Age 6 to 8 Students write several related sentences on a topic Students use word spacing, punctuation, and capitalization correctly Students create writing that others can read

Six foundational principles idea has operated under

Free appropriate public education appropriate and nondiscriminatory evaluation Individualized education program Least restrictive environment Parent participation Procedural safeguards

love and belongingness needs in hierarchy of needs

Friendships, intimacy, trust, receiving and giving affection, and feelings of acceptance or feeling like a part of a group 3rd level of hierarchy of needs

theory of multiple intelligences

Gardner 1983 traditional method of testing intelligence, IQ testing, limited 9 different types of intelligence to characterize ways children and adults develop skills and solve problems one's potential correlated to his or her learning preferences encourages educators to reflect in how schools operate and make changes to ensure teachers are trained to instruct ina variety of ways to meet intelligence needs of all children can develop children's strengths and build confidence as well as provide teachers with teaching and learning tools that reach beyond typical lecture, textbook, and worksheet methods

achievement tests

Generally multiple-choice and required test takers to answer a standardized set of questions non-referenced


Genre of prose writing that is based in fact Information is to the best of the authors knowledge true and accurate Comes in many forms most of which display creativity and originality and how factual information is presented written to persuade, inform, explain, entertain, or describe

Strategies for conducting assessments with English language learners

Giving students a word bank or other explicit prompting Allowing a test to be read aloud or to be completed early in it's entirety Giving written assessments with simplified language administering assessments in smaller portions Allowing students to use a dictionary or translation device on tests and/or allowing for extra time or unlimited time Not penalizing for spelling or grammar errors Using informal assessment measures such as observational records or oral assessments whenever possible

Emerging literacy

Gradual, ongoing process of learning to understand and use language Begins at birth and continues to early childhood


Group of lines followed by a space each Stanza of a poem may have a specific number of lines Lines are sometimes arranged in a pattern created by meter and/or a rhyme scheme Pattern is often repeated in each stanza although it can be varied for effect modern Poems may have stanzas with varying length or no stanzas at all Some modern poems written entirely in free verse without any fixed form


Group of two consecutive letters who's phonetic value is a single sound example: /ch/ in chat /sh/ in shark

Word Family

Group of words that share a rime vowel plus the consonants that follow example: -ame, -ick, -out

Reciprocal teaching

Group or paired strategy Assigned roles to groups of four students who together work to read and comprehend a text

Peer assisted learning strategies

Group or paired strategy Student partners with a classmate and take turns providing each other assistance and feedback in reading comprehension


Having more than one syllable

Psychological or cognitive foundations

How the brain works during the reading process eg. How the eye and brain work together to make meetings of texts and how the brain processes in stores such information for recall


Help students think about the authors purpose Accompanied by a picture of a pie with various slices to illustrate each of these purposes

plot diagram

Help students understand key elements Graphic organizer that help students identify the exposition Students then pinpoint the conflict of the story Next is the rising action Diagram closes with the final resolution Introducing diagram is easiest when students already have some background with the story Timeless stories with plots that students know by heart ideal for an initial exploration of the plot diagram

Bloom's taxonomy

Hierarchy of skills that build on each other from simple to complex and concrete to abstract Created in 1956 I was in 2001 to include action words to label the categories and subcategories and describe the process in which learns work through knowledge Establishing objectives or learning goals so that teachers and children understand the purpose of instruction Provides teachers with framework for organizing objectives--Teachers can plan and use appropriate instruction, design and implement purposeful and valid assessments, ensure that instruction and assessments are objective driven

Tier 1 of RTI

High-Quality Classroom Instruction, Screening, and Group Interventions

Self actualization needs in hierarchy of needs

Highest level in hierarchy of needs Personal growth, self-fulfillment, or reaching maximum personal potential


How the vocal folds react, whether by vibrating or remaining open

Phonemes can be placed into 2 categories based on

How vocal tract configuration changes while sound is being produced

First person

I point of view Narrated by character within the story Can make the story feel more believable and authentic to the reader readers knowledge and understanding are limited to what the narrator notices and are influenced by what the narrator thinks and values

What method can be used when students get stuck on high frequency sight words?

I say, you say, we say

difference between IEP and section 504 plan

IEP Law: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Department: Department of Education Eligibility: disability as defined in IDEA that impacts educational Included: specialized education services, accommodations, modifications, related services Age: 0-21 Location: schools through grade 12 Section 504 plan Law: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Department: Office of Civil Rights Eligibility: a disability that impacts a major life function Included: accommodations, modifications, related services Age: no age limit Location: school through grade 12, college, work

Phonological awareness: Rhyme


What are children far more likely to do if they have heard or spoken many words

Identify words in texts

Purposes for assessments

Identifying developmental delays Evaluating student mastery of learning objectives Designing appropriate interventions Gauging efficacy of program delivery Determining placement of students within programs

Cultural sensitivity ELL

Important for all students Especially relevant for English language learners who may be unfamiliar with elements of American culture that many people take for granted Assumptions about religious beliefs, dietary preferences, clothing choices, family structures should be avoided teachers should select a variety of texts and curricular resources to promote and understanding of diverse cultural perspectives Teachers should consider curricular resources that include diverse authorial voices


Important strategy that takes place during reading To provide effective instruction teachers should set clear guidelines and expectations

No child left behind NCLB

Improve the academic performance of all students through increased accountability for results, emphasizing research based instruction, ensuring such instruction is delivered by highly qualified teachers


Initial consonant or consonants in a syllable (before the rime) example: ball=b-

What two ways can vocabulary be developed through

Incidental vocabulary learning or intentional vocabulary learning

Informal reading inventory

Includes a word list to determine which level of the assessment should be given Features an oral reading and silent reading portion Pinpoints the independent, instructional, in frustrational reading level for each student Results can be used to differentiate instruction and choose appropriate reading material for the reading level of each student

students with reading difficulties on the comprehension level benefit most from

Instruction and interventions that help them develop metacognition to self assess understanding and apply strategies to integrate information and synthesize it with existing knowledge

pre speech stage of language articulation

Infants learn to pay attention to speech, inflection, and rhythm before they begin to speak Respond to speech More acutely than other sounds

curriculum based measurement

Informal assessment in which a student reads aloud a passage from the core reading curriculum Student reads for about 1 to 5 minutes Value of number of words correct is compared to the target of the month anti-year based on pre-defined standards related to grade and age

Areas of cognitive development

Information processing Reasoning Language development Intelligence memory

horror fiction

Intended to frighten, startle, or disgust the reader Often involve paranormal or psychological content Mysteries and thrillers which may have arouse fear or paranoia tend to be fast-paced and outcome driven; Also tend to focus on human behavior or relationships and not on paranormal activity

attribution theory

Internal attribution is assumed when other people make mistakes Victim blaming occurs because people tend to view the victim as a predictable stereotype When someone makes a mistake, they tend to view the cars as external People usually think of themselves as more complex than they give others credit for being Teacher should be careful about applying internal attributions to students and should help students understand that others are as multifaceted as they are Important to recognize when students, parents, and coworkers make limited internal attributions about other students, parents, and coworkers

Intrinsic motivation

Internet rewards


Intonation and rhythm of speech; Pitch, stress, and juncture Reading with expression, proper internation, and phasing Helps readers to sound as if they are speaking the part they are reading Set apart from automaticity

What does most effective writing contain?

Introduction, several supporting details organized in a logical sequence, and conclusion

Strategies to understand fiction texts: Picture mapping

Involves allowing students to freely make pictures or charts of important information within the text; Almost like an outline of the story As they progress throughout the text, they can refer back to their map as needed Students able to express themselves and can use an anecdotal notes of understanding

Systematic approach

Involves decoding words sound by sound and then synthesizing the sounds into words

Analytic Approach

Involves studying sounds within the context of the whole word so that /w/ is referred to as the "sound heard at the beginning of wagon"

Specific comprehension deficits

Issues with vocabulary, language learning, and abstract reasoning Might co-occur with phonological or processing deficits as well as with other conditions, particularly Autism also referred to as hyperlexia because word recognition skills are average or even advanced

Theory of cognitive development

Jean Piaget 1936 Child's knowledge developed from schemas that use past experiences to understand new experiences

Media literacy

Key part of digital literacy Students ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information in both digital and physical form

Symbolic stage

Knowledge is stored through words, mathematical symbols, or other symbol systems mode of representation


Language chosen specifically for its particular effects---to influence readers

An over emphasis on speaking English correctly without consideration for unique registers and dialects removes

Language from its pragmatic context and fails to account for the bride diversity within the spectrum of spoken English

Advanced fluency stage

Last stage in second language acquisition Have achieved cognitive language proficiency in learned language Demonstrate near native ability and use complex, multi phrase and multi clause sentences to convey ideas Still have accents and sometimes use idiomatic expressions incorrectly---essentially fluent

Fluent stage of writing

Last stage in the developmental stages of writing Age 9 to 11 Students write both fiction and nonfiction with guidance Students experiment with sentence length and complexity Students edit for punctuation, spelling, and grammar

Classical conditioning

Learning a response to stimuli or the environment If students view a classroom as safe, inviting, and interesting, they are less likely to miss class and more likely to pay attention


Learning is an active process and knowledge is constructed based on personal experiences Learner is not a blank slate Learner uses past experiences and cultural factors to gain knowledge in new situations

Social development

Learning values, knowledge, and skills that allow children to relate to others appropriately and effectively and contribute to family, the community, and school in positive ways Directly influenced by those who care for and teach the child Indirectly influenced through friendships, relationships with other family members, and the culture that surrounds them As children's social development progresses, begin to respond to influences around them and start building relationships with others

What side of the brain does speech elicits electrical activity


Individualized education program IEP

Legal document developed by IEP team Reports present levels of performance, annual goals and objectives, accommodations, modifications, related services, and specially designed instruction to help students make adequate educational progress

norm-referenced tests

Measure an individual student against a group of other test takers, typically of the same age or grade level Results reported in a percentile ranking Most often used to measure achievement, intelligence, aptitude, and personality

Three foundations reading comprehension is built on

Linguistic foundations Sociological or cultural foundations Psychological or cognitive foundations Inform how each student will experience the process of learning to read and how the process must be differentiated for all readers

Three levels of questioning

Literal questions Inferential questions Evaluative questions


Literary text that uses critical humor to reveal vice and foolishness in individuals and institutions Purpose- Somehow improves the object of ridicule Literary or rhetorical devices that create satire include sarcasm, irony, mockery, exaggeration, understatement as well as an honest narrative/speaking voice that is this made or appalled by the object of the satire Complex literary device that requires comprehension well beyond a literal or even basic inferential level Regarded as a more challenging type of texts reserved for older students and more advanced readers


Long speeches in which the characters explain their thinking about philosophical ideas or social issues Can be directed toward another character


Lyrical poem with 14 lines Usually written in iambic pentameter

Abraham Maslow

Made significant contribution to the field of child development Best known for the hierarchy of needs

Free appropriate public education FAPE

Maintains that students with disabilities have a right to an education at no additional cost to parents Required to meet the students unique educational needs in a public school setting

Rehabilitation act of 1973

Major civil rights victory for individuals with disabilities Ensures all students with disabilities a right to public education Public schools required to ensure that students with disabilities receive a comparable education to those without disabilities

Realistic fiction

Meant to be relatable for readers Try to create a degree of verisimilitude in their writing especially in a dialogue between characters

Those learning English for first time as children or as second language learners Must learn construction of words through

Manipulation of morphemes to create plural construction, adjective, or adverb forms

Hierarchy of needs

Maslow Motivational theory that consists of five needs: Physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self actualization Basic human needs are arranged hierarchically To attain the highest level one must meet the growth needs in each stage Everyone has the capability and desire to move up the hierarchy Progress can be disrupted by the inability to meet lower level needs Ones life experiences can influence progression of the hierarchy

standards-reference testing

Measure students performance against certain content standards as defined by each grade level and subject Typically scored in categories such as basic, proficient, and advanced annual state accountability tests

Authentic assessment

Measures the students ability to use knowledge in a direct, relevant, often real world way Students apply reading and writing skills in a pragmatic or practical way A fifth grade teacher might give students brochures for places to explore on a field trip and ask them to read and summarize the high points of each brochure Offer opportunities to go much deeper than a traditional written test

object permanence

Memory of an object even if it has removed from their immediate environment

word-attack strategies

Methods of decoding unfamiliar words

explanation writing

Might explain how things are similar to or different, might define a term, or might explain a problem and it's solution

Literary nonfiction

Mix of expressive and informative writing that tells a true, verifiable, or documented story in a compelling artistic way


Modeling activity Process of modeling one's thinking during a reading

Strategies for developing writing skills in revision and editing

Modeling or think aloud's Conferencing or peer review Self-assessment


Monologue delivered as if nobody were listening such as shakespeare's to be or not to be in hamlet


Most basic unit of language sound Identification, isolation, blending, Segmenting, deletion, addition, sub at least 44 phonemes in English some letters represent different phonemes and some phonemes made up of more than 1 letter 18 consonant phonemes-- /r/ and /t/ 15 vowel phonemes-- /Ā/ and /oi/ 6 r-contolled vowels-- /Ä/ 5 digraphs-- /ch/ and /sh/ not the same in all languages

Americans with disabilities act

Most comprehensive civil rights legislation for individuals with disabilities 1990 Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the workplace and in all public places Lead to increased community access, accessibility of public transportation, and more equal employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities Provides anchor layer of legal protection for the right of students with disabilities to have equal access to public education

What phrases are hints to the authors goal in writing

Most importantly and in contrast

Appropriate and nondiscriminatory evaluation

Must be completed by a team of train professionals and should include information from parents Should I dress all areas of concern, and materials must be sound and non-discriminatory Must be conducted in a timely manner and reevaluation's must occur a minimum of every three years

different genres

Nonfiction Fiction Drama Poetry

VISA annotations

Noting interesting or new vocabulary, important inferences, helpful summaries, and brief analysis

Children learn the components of oral language through

Observation and experience

Qualitative data

Obtain through interviews with parents and teachers and observational records

Voiced sounds

Occur when vocal folds vibrate

Unvoiced sounds

Occurs when vocal cords remain open and do not vibrate

Incidental vocabulary learning

Occurs while reading Either independently or through teacher guided oral reading activity

During which stage a first language acquisition do you children begin using words with intentional meaning

One word stage

Formative Assessment

Ongoing monitoring of student progress toward learning objectives Teacher seek more information to streamline instruction Find appropriate and target instruction in areas where there is most need Tend to be low stakes assessments- Assessment that does not carry a high point value Does not significantly impact a student course grade or chances of promotion to the next grade

Techniques for older students for developing oral language skills for critical thinking and creative expression

Oral discussion or critiques of literature or expository texts Reciprocal teaching Book club or book discussion activities in groups Oral discussions with peers on current events or issues that require critical reflection Persuasive speeches or presentations Plays or dramatic performances Writing and reading a piece of creative writing aloud Impromptu dialogs or role-plays

What is oral language a component of and what connections does it rely on

Oral language and understanding of structures a seminal Component in phonics instruction--Relies on connection between written and spoken language

A first grade teacher asks a reading specialist For strategies to build oral language skills in one of her students struggling with classwide phonics instruction. What is the best reason for her to use such a strategy

Oral language skills are tied to success in foundational phonics instruction

Stop sounds

Oral occlusive Consonant sounds in which the vocal tract is blocked so that all airflow stops


Overall characteristic of a group of speakers


Overall liveliness and expressive Ness of reading Includes appropriate pauses and changes and pitch in intonation based on punctuation and the overall meaning of the piece Teachers should model as they read stories, passages, and even directions allowed

Paired Reading

Pairs of students take turns reading to each other Often more fluent readers paired with readers still developing fluency


Pairs students to answer comprehension questions about a text First students think about own answer, activating background knowledge Then pair with another student or small group them share answer with their group or partner and then the entire class group or paired strategy

Parent participation

Parents must have shared role in all special education decisions including IEP reviews, evaluation, and placement decisions

Procedural safeguards

Parents must receive written notice or procedural safeguards, parent and student rights, meetings, and all educational decisions Parents have access to all students educational records Parents may take due process measures in the event of a disagreement between the parent and a school district

Transitional expressions

Part of the organizational pattern of the text used as clues for overall comprehension and in determining the authors purpose

Every student succeeds act ESSA

Passed in 2015 by Congress Replace no child left behind effective starting 2017 to 2018 school year rolls back many of the federal education requirements giving power back to the states States required to create accountability plans, track state set accountability goals, and incorporate accountability systems Removes the federal HQT requirement of NCLB STATE MUST SET EXPECTATIONS FOR ENSURING HQTS ARE PROVIDING INSTRUCTION Maintains the state assessment requirements of NCLB and Title 1 fundings for schools

Morpheme acquisition order

Pattern in which the Knowledge of morphemes is gained as people acquire language First language acquisition-Pattern remains consistently fixed for most learners English language learners-Pattern less constant and varies based on first language

Simpsons categories of the physical domain in order of complexity

Perception (awareness) Set (readiness) Guided response (imitation) Mechanism (proficiency) Complex or overt response (skilled) Adaptation and origination (modification and construction)

Reproduction in Banderas social learning theory

Performing the observed and learned behavior

Postconventional stage

Person is driven by own ethics and morals even when it is not popular

point of view

Perspective from which the action in a story is told Writers able to control what readers know

Authors purpose

Persuade Inform Explain Entertain describe Sometimes further reveled by the text structure

Students with reading difficulties on the word level benefit most from

Phonics instruction particularly phoneme blending, phoneme segmentation, and phoneme deletion or substitution practice activities Synthetic or analogy base phonics approach is popular

What can poetry with rhyme help reinforce

Phonological awareness Natural outgrowth of many young children love of song

Three components of oral language

Phonological, semantic, syntactic

Psychomotor domain

Physical domain Deals with all aspects of motor skill development

What experiences support kids emerging literacy skills


free verse

Poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme

Text evidence

Post reading exercise Important that conclusions and understanding fully informed and truly based in text itself As readers consider textual evidence may change or expand their original interpretations


Post reading strategy Reflect on experience of the text and write formal or informal responses

Most valuable forms of oral language instruction

Practice and modeling

setting a purpose

Pre-reading strategy Teacher might introduce each new text with a guiding question or a hypothetical situation that pushes students to examine their own value systems After facilitating a discussion about the question or scenario, the teacher direct students to a particular text to examine how the author or characters would respond Teacher is guiding them towards the thematic elements of the text Students encouraged to draw connections between authors choice and the overall message


Pre-writing method that encourages students to consider their purpose, audience, and organization pattern Role of writer: what perspective will you as the writer take? audience format: how will you communicate your message topic

developmental stages of writing

Preconventional Emerging Developing Beginning Expanding Bridging fluent

categories of the moral domain

Preconventional morality Conventional morality postconventional morality


Pretest, some type of intervention, and post test part of dynamic assessment

What happens when is students only reading strategy is sounding out even when they come across a word they now?

Prevents automaticity and slows reading rate and comprehension as students become proficient readers, encouraged to say words they know by sight or memory automatically

Problem solution structure

Problem is presented and a possible solution discussed Might introduce structure through collaborative activity Students identify a problem in the classroom, school, or community Can write a letter to a decision maker about the issue and a possible solution Can read other texts to see how other authors structure their arguments

miscue Analysis

Process of analyzing miscues In order to determine which cueing systems Or combination of systems that the student is using Semantic-- Word or sentence meaning Syntactic-- Way words are arranged in a sentence Phonics-- sounds

Text editing

Process of double checking for errors in previously written text


Process of gathering information from multiple sources to understand what students know Measures how they are progressing and if any problems have arisen in their development

Non-continuant sounds

Produce as the vocal tract changes Over the pronunciation of the sound Diphthongs Semivowels Stop sounds affricatives

Section 504 of the rehabilitation act

Prohibits programs that receive federal financial assistance from discriminating on the basis of disability If student with a disability does not qualify for services under IDEA they may still receive support Students with disabilities may receive related services, accommodations, and modifications to ensure equal access to education

grade equivalent scores

Provide a result in a grade level student's performance is equal to the median performance corresponding to other students of a certain grade level


Providing incremental reinforcers Helpful in instructing students with reading difficulties and disabilities

Quick Write

Purpose is to introduce a concept Aunt connect this concept with prior knowledge for experiences and allow students to discuss and Learn from other students Students given two minutes to write freely of what comes to mind when the teacher sets the topic


Rate at which the assessment produces the same outcome every time Test has low reliability if it does not produce accurate results each time it is given


Rate, accuracy, and expression of a text when read Important measure of a students reading development because it affects comprehension and enjoyment of reading Not limited to oral reading With comprehension because students who struggle to read and decode individual words will have difficulty comprehending entire sentences and paragraphs Students to read at a slow rate may have trouble recalling what they have read

What two skills develop together

Reading and writing

How can older students practice second person point of view?

Reading and writing letters to other students, the teacher, or administrators, or other school personnel

Concepts of Print

Reading from left to right. Reading from top to bottom. The fact that letters and words convey a message. Print is what we read. The "return sweep", to move from one line to the next. Illustrations in a book correspond to the print. Every book as a front, back, and an author. must be mastered before learning to read key to print awareness


Schema changes to allow for new knowledge


Reading strategy to help readers determine what is important in the text Using own words, readers reduce a text or section of text to its main points or central ideas Skip insignificant details and redundancies and look for general ideas rather than specific facts and examples student Produced summaries provide valuable insight into comprehension levels Students who actively comprehend what they read will produce accurate summaries Those who struggle with comprehension may leave out important ideas or leave in unnecessary information We should be used throughout the study of a text and in the post reading process to gauge how well readers understood the basic ideas of the work

How can teachers introduce the basic concept of point of view to young students?

Reading the narrator's point in one voice and each different character in a different voice and encouraging students to do the same


Reading without conscious effort or attention to decoding.

Categories of social domain

Receiving phenomena (attentive/aware) Responding to phenomena (participation) Valuing (respect) Organization (balance/prioritization) Internalizing values (discriminating)


Recollection of words and word meanings

Post reading strategies

Reflection Ask students to return to guiding question, synthesizing their understanding of the text and it's thematic and cultural relevance Make connections between the text, themselves, the world, and other literature Text evidence

2 factors to rank assessments

Reliability and validity

Historical fiction

Relies on realistic settings and characters from an earlier time to tell new stories Often setting is central to the motivations and actions of characters Students might need to explore background era before they can comprehend text at the highest level

Categories of cognitive domain in order from simplest to most challenging

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing evaluating Creating

Categories of blooms taxonomy

Remembering--ability to recognize and recall Understanding--Interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining Applying--Being able to execute or implement Analyzing--Being able to differentiate, organize, or attribute evaluating--Checking or critiquing Creating--Generating, planning, and producing

Timed repeated readings

Repeated readings of familiar texts at the independent reading level Students read text three or four times as teacher records time and words correct per minute


Repetition of initial phoneme of each word in connected text ex. Harry the hippo hula hoops with Haddie

Evaluative questions

Require readers to form an opinion on the text Need to understand explicit information and then consider how they feel about this information example: What do I think about Mark's action in sending the letter?

Intentional vocabulary teaching

Requires educators to more explicitly direct vocabulary acquisition

Title III of Part A of ESSA

Requires states to hold English language learners to the same rigorous standards as all students


Rhythm or beat of the poem Engage young students with different texts can be clapped to, stomped to, or even danced to

Spelling notebook

SPELLING INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITY Students learn a spelling rule and then list words that demonstrate it

Correct usage of the parts of speech emerges



Score that shows where a student ranks in comparison to 99 other students

reader mesures

Scores assigned to readers typically come from standardize tests and measure current level of reading ability

Safety needs in hierarchy of needs

Second level of hierarchy of needs Order, law. stability, protection from elements, security, and freedom from fear

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Second stage in theory of psychosocial development characterized by a child's physical development and occurs between the ages of 18 months and three years Children begin to assert their independence and autonomy and discover their many skills and abilities Parents and caregivers should be patient and allow children to explore their independence by providing support and encouragement If children are supported and encouraged they will become confident and secure with their abilities If they are criticized, controlled, or not allowed to exhibit independence, they may have feelings of inadequacy, shame, and doubt, and become dependent on others

Two word stage

Second year of life Vocabulary acquisition rates begin at 1 to 3 words per week and increase to as many as 10 words per week after 40 words learned Word combinations appear Form mini sentences with simple semantic relationships example: "go bye-bye"

How to introduce poetry and build interest for a poetry unit

Select an especially forceful poem, read it dramatically, and invite students to discuss their responses

Cover copy compare

Selling instructional activity Students study word spellings, cover them up and then style them independently, checking after for word accuracy

Strategies for students with difficulties on comprehension level

Semantic mapping or visual organizers, reciprocal teaching, and PQ4R method

What are the three queuing systems that the human brain uses to determine the meanings of words?

Semantic, syntactic, and grapho-phonetic Form word analysis strategies


Sensitive, expressive verse writing that uses rhythm, unified and concentrated thought, Concrete images, specialized language, and patterns Important to read poem more than once when analyzing

Criteria for assessment instruments used to screen for reading difficulties

Sensitivity: Degree to which an instrument detects at risk students Specificity: Degree to which the instrument avoid false positives Practicality: Brevity and simplicity of the assessment Consequential validity: Refrain from inequality in identification and shown to lead to effective intervention


Sentence formation Way words are arranged in a sentence Way speakers use morphemes Together to make sentences with meaning


Set of beliefs and stories of a particular people Passed down through the generations Come in many forms

structural elements of literature

Setting Characters Conflict tone Point of view Main idea Organization Can be introduced with other literacy activities


Short poem format that originated in Japan Three lines of five, seven, five syllables


Short stories intended to teach moral lessons

By the end of first grade most student should be able to correctly spell short words with

Short vowel sounds with a consonant verb consonant pattern Cat, dog, pin Vowel consonant pattern Up, egg Simple consonant vowel pattern Go, no Consonant blends and digraphs in simple and high frequency words' Chat, that

When to use formative assessment

Should always be ongoing and is used to form instruction Gathers basis as to the level students are currently Usually based at the end of a lesson unit Examples:Exit slips, graphic organizers, logs, and observational notes

what activities can be useful in teaching listening skills?

Simon Says whole body listening

social development theory

Social development plays a critical role in college development and there is a zone of proximal development that cognitive development depends on


Sounds produced without closing the vocal tract

By the end of fourth grade most students should be able to spell words with

Special spelling rules such as doubling the final letter on CVC words when adding certain suffixes Napping, saddest

SQ3R strategy

Specific targeted strategy Developed for reading textbooks but useful for many different reading materials Survey: Previewing the text and taking note of the graphics, headings Question: Generating questions about the text after previewing Read: Reading and looking for answers for the question Recite: Rehearsing or saying the answers to the questions Review: Reviewing texts and answering or responding to any other questions

3 categories of reading difficulties

Specific word reading difficulties Specific reading comprehension difficulties mixed reading difficulties


Speech sounds known as phonemes Producing and understanding speech sounds System of sounds that make up language


Speed at which a reader reads

Writing sorts

Spelling instructional activity Students divide spelling words into columns based on similar orthographic patterns

Phonogram study

Spelling instructional activity Students practice reading and writing words that contain certain sounds

Word sort

Spelling instructional activity students sort words based on orthographic features

Tall tales

Stories are set in realistic settings but include characters with wildly exaggerated capabilities


Stories often involving gods or demigods that attempt to explain certain practices or phenomena


Stories that involve magical creatures


Student should be thinking about their own level of understanding Students think about what they are thinking as they read Helps to immediately identify any confusion or uncertainty Readers who are aware of their thought processes are able to recognize and react when understanding breakdowns Use fix up strategies--Active readers apply the strategies when they realize they do not understand what they are reading

Partial alphabetic

Student will identify the names major sounds of most consonants Increasingly likely to use some of these letter-sound Associations as the coding and spelling cues Increasingly likely to use non-alphabetic cues Example- Student might pronounce ball as/bal/ instead of/bol/ Children learn the names or sounds of the alphabet letters and use these to remember how to read words

self selecting text

Students choose something to read based on their own interest May still need scaffolding Knowing Student's personality, interests, and independent reading level can be helpful

Processing speed/orthographic processing deficits

Students do not read quickly or accurately Orthographic coding defers from phonological coding in that it does not rely solely on letter sound correspondence and knowledge but rather on memory Typically milder than a phonological deficit and maybe co-occuring or distinct from a phonological deficit


Students mix words from first language in with language they are learning Happens when they have forgotten a term or do not know how to express themselves in the second language Very common with bilingual and multilingual individuals


Students must use semantic and syntactic use as the only method for decoding new words

Phonological deficits

Students struggle with word recognition due to week phonological processing Face a range of challenges including trouble with letter sound correspondence, sounding out words, and spelling 70 to 80% of students with a reading related learning disability suffer Usually described by the term dyslexia or language-based learning disability

Curriculum compacting

Students who have already mastered parts of the curriculum to skip those areas and move onto new material

Mixed reading difficulties

Students who have deficits in both decoding and comprehension

specific word reading difficulties

Students who have trouble reading or decoding individual words May have a low average fluency and comprehension levels because they struggle to decode on the word level When presented with texts they are able to decode however they have strong reading comprehension skills

Least restrictive environment LRE

Students with disabilities must be provided supports with nondisabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate for them to make educational progress Includes access to the general curriculum which insurers that students with disabilities have access to the same curriculum as their nondisabled peers Emphasize placement in the general education classroom with supplemental aides and services as much as possible

dystopian fiction

Subcategory of science fiction Authors explore social, cultural, and political structures in the context of the futuristic world

What is the pattern speakers most often speak in?

Subject+verb+ object

When to use summative assessment

Summaries Of students progress at the end of a unit or a semester or at some other point of time examples: Aspire, 9 weeks testing, graduation exam

what should students identified as at risk during universal screening be provided with

Support using the response to intervention framework

Phonemes categorized in terms that describe way most educators discuss oral phonics instruction

Syllables, onsets, rimes

What component of oral language is the last to develop


Different types of charts

T-chart Venn diagram semantic mapping concept definition mapping


Taking in new information and relating it to an existing schema What the child already knows

Neurological impress

Teacher and student read same text at same time while both following along with their fingers Method thought to edge the words in Student's mind and help them develop automatic word recognition

Direct vocabulary instruction

Teacher defines and teaches a concept, guides students through its application, and arranges for extended guided practice until mastery is achieved. This differs from EXPLICIT instruction because it is scripted.

Direct Vocabulary Instruction

Teacher defines and teaches a concepts, guide students throughout its application, and arranges for extended guided practice until mastery is achieved Differs from explicit instruction because it is scripted


Teacher overtly demonstrates a strategy, skill, or concepts that students will be learning

Shared reading

Teachers model oral fluency and student share experience Turning the pages and showing illustrations while asking students basic comprehension questions and to make predictions or inferences Referred to as shared story book reading in the early childhood setting

selecting texts

Teachers must find a just right level of text complexity where students are challenged but not frustrated Text complexity highly individualized and should be matched to the instructional task

Text complexity

Teachers should encourage students to tackle ever more sophisticated texts as they develop the foundational skills they need to take on new challenges Does not mean pushing students beyond what they can decode Giving students developmentally inappropriate texts may lead to a lack of confidence and less interest in and enthusiasm for reading

Targeted mechanics instruction

Technique for teaching mechanics used with an individual student or at class level Teacher could provide individualized instruction

Writing workshop

Technique for teaching mechanics Organizational framework for teaching the writing process that include a mini lesson, worktime, and share time Mini lesson can provide mechanics instruction for students to incorporate into their writing

formal assessments

Test results that are reported in either a percentile or percentage format Standardized tests, chapter or unit tests, and end of course exams

Progress monitoring

Tests that keep the teacher informed about the child's Progress in learning to read during the school year Assessment results provide a quick sample of critical reading skills that will inform the teacher if child is making adequate progress toward grade level reading ability at the end of the year curriculum based methods most popular

What factors should educators consider when selecting text?

Text measures and age

Frustration level

Texts read at less than 85% accuracy and less than 50% comprehension Generally above a soon as reading level and not recommended Text might be effective in paired reading activities with proficient readers

Instructional reading level

Texts used for teacher guided instruction Typically read at 85% accuracy with over 75% comprehension Usually at the students reading level

Cognitive domain

deals with intellectual development

Phonological awareness

The ability to hear, distinguish, and manipulate the sounds in words in spoken language Rhyme, syllable, phoneme


The phoneme is spoken aloud it creates an audible sound


Units (Typically containing a single vowel sound) Within words


The vowel and any consonants that follow in a syllable example: Ball, fall, tall, wall share rime -all

Erik Erikson

Theory of psychosocial development

Engaging reading strategies (during)

Think -Pair-share 3-2-1

Developing stage of writing

Third stage in the developmental stages of writing Age 5 to 7 Students write sentences and no longer rely mainly on pictures Students attempt to use punctuation and capitalization Students can spell words based on sound

Initiative versus guilt

Third stage of theory of psychosocial development Occurs between the ages of three and five Children continue to assert their independence more frequently while interacting with other children Children develop interpersonal skills through play by planning and imitating activities or making up games with other children If the skills are encouraged, child will feel secure and taking initiative If a child is not allowed to develop the skills, they can develop a sense of guilt perhaps feeling like a nuisance and lack self initiative

integrated curricula

Those that structure several cross curricular units around a central theme Popular in many early childhood and some lower elementary settings


Time and place of events in a story Student should look at how characters interact with their surroundings, how they are influenced by the societal expectations of that time and place, and how the location and time impact the development of the story

Strategies for developing oral fluency in the classroom

Timed repeated readings Shared reading Choral reading Paired reading Readers theater Audio assisted reading Neurological impress


Tip of the tongue is held in a position near to but not touching the back part of the alveolar ridge

Attention in banduras social learning theory

To learn new information any distractors will negatively affect observational learning


To the author takes toward the subject or audience

What will children try to do when they encounter a sentence structure they have not mastered

Try to repeat sentence using structure they are comfortable with

Consonant Digraph

Two consecutive consonants that represent one phoneme, or sound (e.g., /ch/, /sh/).

Materials accommodations

Underlining or highlighting keywords in directions Chunking assignments or presenting them in smaller increments Using glossary or list of key vocabulary terms Using chapter by chapter, page by page, or even paragraph by paragraph reading guides Using assistive technology: Audio recordings or books on tape, E readers or tablets, text to speech software

Annotating strategies

Underlining or highlighting main ideas or important information Circling keywords Placing ?'s next to a confusing part that might need further attention Writing notes in the margins

Orthographic knowledge

Understanding of the system by which spoken language is communicated in writing Students must have certain foundational skills based on an understanding of the three layers of linguistic information: Alphabetic-Recognition of letter sound correspondence and sounding out from left to right Pattern-Understanding more complex patterns that might not be simple left to right such as long vowel digraphs or open and closed syllables Meaning-Understanding meaning and we're parts that do not change with pronunciation such as sign and signature

Cognitive dissonance theory

Uneasiness that is felt when someone has conflicting thoughts People will change their behavior, change their thoughts, or justify the behavior Power of persuasion Recognizing and helping students recognize where the internal conflict is coming from will help resolve it`


Unverifiable stories that seem to have a degree of realism about them


Used for listing Two separate viewpoints of a topic Topics can include anything that can be cleanly divided into two opposing views

Lev Vygotsky

Used the social development theory and zone of proximal development Cognitive development better achieved through interactions or help from peers or an adult than three individual

compare and contrast structure

Used to describe to like or unlike things in authors purpose

diagnostic assessment

Used to determine what students already know Teachers give at beginning of the school year or before each unit of study Helps calibrate the level of instruction and can help track progress over time when compared with summative assessments Particularly important when teachers are implementing pyramid planning Can uncover learning gaps that teachers will need to address Used as being of the school year to identify students at risk of not meeting learning objectives and to differentiate instruction and plan interventions for the students


Used to distinguish authors tone Emotional atmosphere of a literary work that shapes the readers experience of the text Created through an interplay of the literary elements of plot, characters, setting, point of yview, tone, and figurative language

Third person narrator`

Voice outside the action of the story, and observer who shares what he or she knows, sees, or hears with the reader Might be fully omniscient, partially omniscient, or limited

All sounds or phonemes classified as

Vowels Diphthongs Semivowels Consonants

Strategies to aid students in comprehension of literary texts

Using graphic or semantic organizers---> storyboards or event sequence frames and timelines, story maps or plot diagrams, character maps, character trait identification charts Guided Comprehension Questions--> those requiring students to underline, highlight, and locate answer, those requiring a constructed response, cloze exercises when portion of text is removed and readers must fill in the blanks Summarization and Main Idea Exercises--> written retellings that ask students to recall and write down important parts in own words, exercises that ask to create outline of story, ask students to identify main or central ideas in story, ask students to identify themes or messages within story Specific Targeted Strategies--> Directed Reading-Thinking Activity, QAR Strategy, and SQ3R Strategy Group or Paired Strategies--> reciprocal teaching, think-pair-share, Peer Assisted Learning Strategies


Usually listed on the students IEP May include a reduced number of questions or items on assessments, different grading criteria

vowel-consonant-e syllables

VCE syllables end in -e which makes final vowel sound long Decode, rude, bake


Variation in language based on audience or situation

Gardener's suggested intelligences

Verbal linguistic intelligence Logical mathematical intelligence Spatial visual intelligence Bodily kinesthetic intelligence Musical intelligence Interpersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Naturalist intelligence Existential intelligence

What do students learn as they listen to stories read aloud

Vocabulary and syntax Can use as part of Own expressive language

cognitive development

Way people think and develop an understanding of the world around them through genetics and other learned influences

Semantic component of oral language refers to

Way speakers combine morphemes

Sociological or cultural foundations

Ways readers approach the reading task based on their unique environment and cultural constructs

Linguistic foundations

Ways written and oral language are involved in the reading process Students with strong background in basics of the English language will generally have much stronger comprehension of texts

Semantic mapping

Webs of words Purpose of creating a map is to visually display the meaning based connections between a word or phrase and a set of related words or concepts

What do students use language to describe

What they are hearing and seeing

Place of articulation

Where the sound originates in the mouth And how the part of the mouth work to make the sound

Vocabulary ELL

Will vary considerably from their native speaking classmates Need instruction in idioms and basic connector words like because, and Need explicit and direct instruction in the vocabulary of the classroom Includes words frequently used in giving instructions, words associated with subject area, high frequency words used in speech and texts, and all vocabulary necessary to understand a text should be taught explicitly and backed up with images or objects

How do you authors organize nonfiction texts

With a text structure that suits their purpose may be a sequence of events or a thorough description of some thing

strategies to introduce vocabulary

Word Expert Words Alive Semantic mapping


Word formation Meaningful word parts such as roots and affixes Various word endings that make up a word change in number or parts of speech

language experience approach

Word recognition thought to come not from Graphophonic cues but rather from words that have been experienced and written about by the students and teacher whole-language

Samples of spelling instructional activities

Word sorts Phonogram study writing sorts Spelling notebooks Cover copy compare


Words that are related to each other by virtue of being derived from a common origin (e.g., 'decisive' and 'decision').


Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings Context the only way to determine the meaning of a multi meaning word Cannot times be decoded based on spelling alone presuming the In the first but this method should always be confirms based on context to ensure correct decoding and understanding Students can be asked to circle, underline, or highlight the other words in the text that back up their interpretations of multiple meaning words


Words that have similar meanings


Words that may or may not be spelled alike but are pronounced the same. These words are of different origins and have different meanings (e.g., ate and eight; scale as in the covering of a fish; and scale as in a device used to weigh things)

sight words

Words that require no decoding because they are instantly recognized and read automatically Should be presented to students frequently so they can simply be memorized

Sight words

Words that students are not able to decode Students need to be able to recall Simultaneously

role of the reading specialist

Work to improve reading outcomes in a school community Conduct and analyze assessments on a student, classroom, grade, or school wide level Might design and facilitate universal screening measures as part of an RTI framework, interpret results of schoolwide reading standards based assessments, and help teachers create rubrics or other assessment frameworks to monitor student progress Devise in facilitate plans for differentiated instruction, model instructional techniques, or observe teachers and students to make curricular instructional recommendations Consult with educators on plan to target intervention strategies, differentiate instruction as part of tier 1 interventions, or methods for embedded literacy across the content areas Communicate with parents in the community about new initiatives in standards-based accountability enourage homeschool connections related to promoting reading development Conduct frequent and ongoing progress communications with parents in an RTI framework


Wraps up the focus of the piece

Formal style of writing

Writing a letter to the principal

informal style of writing

Writing a note to a friend


Writing system for representing language

Techniques for teaching mechanics in context

Writing workshop Targeted mechanics instruction Mentor texts Writing assignments Analysis Writing exercises

A high school English teacher gives each student a checklist to compare their research paper against before submitting. Which of the following skills is the teacher helping students develop a. Self-assessment b. fix up strategies c Transactional reading d. Guided writing


A pre-kindergarten classroom has several books with pictures and minimal text that helps students master key concepts like counting. How are these picture books related to Bruners mode of representation? a. They help young students explore concepts through iconic representation b. They help young students still in the in the enactive stage representation c. They encourage students to begin to make inferences d. They encourage young students to make a connection between written and spoken language


A preschool teacher observes that an infant knows that an object still exists even when it is out of a child's view. This child is most likely in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development a. sensorimotor b. preoperational c. concrete operational d. formal operational


A reading specialist gives a published, criterion-referenced reading assessment instrument to a 3rd grade student on 2 different occasions within a week. The student scores much higher on the first assessment. This assessment has measurement error as well as a. reliability issues b. validity issues c. A biased norming group d. a small norming group


A reading specialist is working on a new Drop Everything and Read program in a middle school. In meeting with teachers, which is the most important strategy for the reading specialist to recommend? a. help students find a book of interest at their independent reading level b. encourage students to read a book with at least a 1300 Lexile level c. ask students oral comprehension questions after the reading period d. focus on helping students develop prosody during the program


A reading specialist observes Reading Mastery, a highly scripted teacher directed method of phonics instruction, being used in a kindergarten classroom. As students respond by saying words or sounds in choral unison, the teacher immediately corrects errors or offers praise for correct responses. Which theoretical foundation is this reading program based on? a. behaviorism b. constructivism c. hierarchy of needs d. multiple intelligences


A reading specialist suggests that the eighth grade English teacher invite a guest speaker to present a lecture on the historical Ground and setting of Johnny Tremain before the class reads a portion of the text. What is the most appropriate strategy to use with the guest speaker? a. Listen read-discuss b. Predict o gram c. Peer tutoring d. Readers theater


An assignment in which students select a novel and then create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing its plot is appropriate for an advance reader because it a. allows for student choice b. includes elements of technology c. makes use of curriculum compacting d. promotes homogenous grouping


Dr. Kim has Anna place number tiles on a board in a certain pattern. He then showed Anna how to place the tiles correctly on the board. Then he asked Anna to try placing the tiles again. What type of assessment is Dr. Kim administering to Anna? a. Dynamic assessment b. Benchmark assessment c. criterion-referenced assessment d. multi-perspective assessment


Jamie has just moved from Mexico to Texas, where his mother enrolled him in an ESOL class. A few weeks in, Jamie is still reluctant to speak because he mixes in words from his first language with the English he is learning. Which linguistic behavior is Jamie demonstrating? a. code-switching b. cognate awareness c. difficulty with accent d. language interference


Peer review activities can be an effective part of the writing process when they a. Occur within a structured framework b. Use homogeneous grouping c. Encourage brutal honesty d. Take place without teacher assistance


The College Board publishes a report on how SAT scores are linked with freshman grade point average and on-time college graduation. This is done o provide support for which factor of its assessment instrument? a. validity b. reliability c. measurement error d. standard deviation


Which of the following is a requirement for learning according to Albert Bandura? a. Motivation b. Stimulus c. Reward d. Movement


Which of the following is characteristic of the writing workshop organizational framework? a. share time b. Reading mentor texts c. Embedded phonics d. Semantic feature analysis


Which of the following reading comprehension strategies could also provide students with opportunities for socio-emotional learning? a. Reciprocal teaching b. cloze procedure c. List group label d. embedded phonics


Which of the following sentences written by a Spanish-speaking student illustrates negative transfer? a. The whale blue dives. b. The blue whale will dive. c. The blue whale dives? d. The blu whal divs


Which reading instructional strategy draws from the zone proximal development? a. Neurological impress b. Semantic feature analysis c. KWL chart d. Semantic impressions


what does successful writing have?

a central focus


a five line stanza


a stanza of three lines

Examples of strategies to understand fiction texts: I wonder

a thought bubble for students to write and questions they had about text either before, During, or after reading the selection students paired up or separated into groups To discuss questions before returning to whole group instruction Scaffolds learning process and allow students to hear other questions/answers They might not have thought of before


a word opposite in meaning to another

Auditory sequencing

ability to identify a word sounds in the proper order


ability to pronounce sounds of written words orally and understand their meaning

receptive oral language

ability to understand what is being said

expressive oral language

ability to use language to communicate ideas appropriately

what skill can be taught depending on student age and context?

active listening skills


adaptation process by which new info is taken into previously existing schema example: child has previous schema of categorizing dogs as having 4 legs. He identifies a new animal as a dog based off number of legs

best way to build consensus

trying to figure out what a person might need to support an initiative or change


added at beginning or end of a word to modify its meaning

sensorimotor stage in stages of development

ages 0-2 Infant shows intelligence the motor activities without using symbols Seven months- Children develop object permanence Increase in physical development allows for progression of new intellectual abilities Symbolic language abilities begin to develop at end of stage

Formal operational stage in stage of development

ages 11+ final stage children become able to independently navigate through problems and situations Should be able to adapt to different situations by applying learned knowledge Major cognitive transition occurs where adolescents are better able to think in more advanced, efficient, and complex ways

Main goal of phonics approach

aid students in decoding words they encounter while reading

Universal Design for learning

all classrooms should use an approach that meets the needs of all learners and allows all students to access the same curriculum teachers must meet needs of high achieving students with a pyramid approach to plan lessons

why are language skills primary avenues for cognitive development?

allow children to talk about experiences and discoveries


another way students can develop overall comprehension of a text Your ass can and then answer questions about what has been said Questioning occurs on three levels

context clues

any cues that help readers determine word meaning in connected texts Does not necessarily have to be integrated with existing background knowledge Students explicitly taught to identify other words in a sentence, paragraph, or passage that provide possible clues to the meaning of an unknown word Helpful with subject specific vocabulary

nonverbal communication

any way communication occurs outside of speech

Developmental approach

approach to spelling instruction Individualizing spelling instruction based on the developmental level and needs of individual students Uses the research back strategies of the basal approach but does not rely on a single spelling list or spelling continuum or curriculum for all students Characterized by practices like focusing on words that are within a students instructional level, defined by a list of words that students can spell with 40 to 90% accuracy

Incidental approach

approach to spelling instruction Student oriented or student centered approach Teaches spelling in an authentic context Relies on words students encounter in reading across the content areas Less effective than the other two approaches but still used in some programs that employ a whole language literacy approach

Techniques for younger students for developing oral language skills for critical thinking and creative expression

ask students to describe objects they see ask students to describe how 2 objects are similar or different encourage play with props in dramatic play center encourage students to pretend to be characters from stories ask students to describe another person or themselves

free brainstorm

ask students to freely write down what already know about topic

4 areas the reading specialist cover

assessment instruction serving as a schoolwide resource collaboration with stakeholders

A reading specialist wants to assess student retainment of skills at the end of a small group intervention aimed at vocabulary acquisition. Which method of assessment should the specialists use? a. Administer a norm referenced assessment] b. Ask students to write down three new words they learned c. Ask students to write three words with long vowel sounds d. Administer a standardized achievement test


A classroom using an embedded phonics approach would most likely include which of the following? a. Phonics worksheets b.Connected texts c. Spelling lists d. Vocabulary workbooks


A high school teacher teaching a dual credit US history course to seniors asks the reading specialist for help with the college level textbook, which is challenging for some students to comprehend. What should the reading specialist recommend? a. Focusing the class on multimedia texts instead of written information b. Giving students explicit strategies such as the SQ3R method c. Reading most of the textbook aloud in class d. Switching to another textbook for the rest of the year


A kindergarten teacher who wants to assess student mastery of phoneme blending would most likely a. ask students to add suffixes to various root words b. have students match up cards with onsets and rimes and say each word c. ask students to remove a letter from a word, add a new one, and read the new word d. have students point to items in the classroom that begin with a certain letter sound


A reading interventionist wants to use the classwide results of a criterion referenced tests as a starting point to meet with a fourth grade teacher about improving the cabbie knowledge among students. Which assessment results should she reference? a. Iowa test of basic skills b. Annual state accountability test c. results from a phonics screener d. results from running records


A reading specialist asks first grade students to read words from a Dolch word list. What is the reading specialist screening for> a. phonemic awareness b. sight word acquisition c. rate and fluency d. basic phonics skills


A reading specialist is hoping the special education teacher plan a lesson on rhyme and meter in poetry for students with reading disabilities. Which assistive technology might she recommend? a. An E reader or digital copy of the poem b. An audio recording of the poem c. A large print version of the poem d. A version of a poem adapted at a lower Lexile level


A reading specialist is planning a professional development event for first through fifth grade teachers focused on strategies to comprehend nonfiction texts. The specialist wants to make sure that there is at least one strategy presented that will be relevant to teachers of the young students. What is the best strategy to meet the same? a. Cornell method b. Words Alive c. two-column method d. text coding


A reading specialist is trying to convince one of the schools fourth grade teachers to incorporate more technology into his lessons to meet new district standards. The teacher did not grow up with technology and does not think his students need it. What is one argument in favor of technology the reading specialist might make to help the teacher see its value? a. Students play video and computer games at home, so they should use technology at school too b. Technology may help the teacher differentiate instruction for struggling readers c. The district standards are always based on what is best for students, so he should heed them d. Technology is not bad as long as it is strictly controlled by the teacher


A reading specialist notes that a second grade student find a story challenging to read independently but has more success with it during neurological impress. What can be said about this situation? a. The story is at the students independent reading level b. The neurological impress created a zone of proximal development c. The neurological impress helped the student understand symbolic representation d. The story is at the students frustrational reading level


A reading specialist observing a second grade classroom notices that during the fast paced lesson, most students are not participating and seem to find the material too challenging. The teacher is well ahead of the district mandated scope and sequence, but benchmark assessment show that many of the students are not on target to meet the end of year objectives. What is the best action for the reading specialist to take? a. Conduct a classwide assessment of oral reading fluency and share the results with the teacher b. Plan a meeting with the teacher to work on pacing of instruction to meet the needs of all students c. Identify the students with the greatest reading needs and refer them for special education services d. Encourage the teacher to stop all whole class instruction and focus on working with students one on one


A reading teacher asks her 6th grade students to skim the text and turn the bold paragraph headings into questions. After the students have read the text silently, the teacher asks them to write answers to each of the questions. What skill is the teacher assessing? a. identifying tone b. recalling main idea c. activating background knowledge d. making inferences


A sixth grade reading teacher gives a daily warm-up quiz with a low point value that covers some of the material discussed the day before. What type of assessment is he giving? a. a benchmark assessment b. A low stakes formative assessment c. A norm referenced assessment d. A high stakes summative assessment


A sixth grade student receiving literacy interventions writes the following introductory paragraph for his autobiographical essay My name is Joel my friend sometimes call me Joe. I have lived in Boston all my life I enjoy baseball fishing and marshal arts. After school. I live in a large house my two brothers live there to. Which type of target mechanics instruction should the interventionist plan? a. Basic orthography b. Sentence structure c. Basic capitalization d. Preposition use


Drama is a genre well-suited for helping students develop a. phonemic awareness b. prosody c. alliteration d. Concepts of print


During free choice center time, a kindergarten teacher notices that one of her students has gone to the writing center, take a piece of lined paper, and written several misspelled phrases. What should the teacher do? a. Explain the correct spelling of each word b. Praise the student for the attempting and choosing to practice writing c. Provide handover hand guidance for the students to erase and rewrite the words d. Target the student for more explicit spelling instruction


How do criterion-referenced tests differ from norm-referenced? a. they are standardized assessment instruments b. they measure performance against a benchmark c. they are usually multiple-choice assessments d. they are both scored electronically


Lucia enjoys listening to songs in English. She memorizes the choruses and sings them to herself. She notes word she does not recognize and integrates phrases from the songs in her every day language practice. When asked about the songs, Lucia responds in single words and short phrases but struggles to compose complete sentences. What stage of second language acquisition might Lucia be in? a. preproduction b. early production c. speech emergence d. intermediate fluency


Mrs. El-Badawi is a kindergarten teacher who wants to find out her students level of phonemic awareness at the beginning of the school year so she can target her instruction. Which is the best type of assessment? a. Formative assessment b. Diagnostic assessment c. Summative assessment d. Play-based assessment


Reading specialist is helping an inter-departmental team plan a Cross curricular lesson for a 10th grade world history course and a 10th grade English 2 course. One of the objectives is based on the following literacy in history/social studies standard: Compare the point of you of two or more authors for how they treat the same or similar topics, include which details include and emphasize in their respective accounts. Which activity is most appropriate? a. Students watch to record lectures by famous historians with two different perspectives on the fall of the Roman empire b. Students read Shakespeare Julius Caesar and then compare it to the information about Cesar in their history text c. Students read Shakespeare's Richard the third and compare and contrast it with Julius Caesar d. Students watch a film about some aspect of Roman history and compare it with the information in their history text


The reading specialist sits in on a conference between an eighth grade English teacher in the parents of a struggling student. The teacher focuses only on homework not being done, poor attendance, and lack of attention to detail in written work. The teacher leaves the meeting feeling like she was unsuccessful in forming a partnership with the parents. What is the best feedback for the reading specialist to give? a. In the future, try to focus only on academics, not behavioral concerns b. In the future, try to include both positive and constructive negative feedback with parents c. Conferences should be focused more on metrics like test scores and grades than general feedback d. Conferences should always include the student so that teachers can be fully transparent with the remarks


Which is the most appropriate question to ask parents or guardians during an interview as part of a comprehensive assessment of English language learning? a. Do you value education in your home? b. Has your child attended school before? c. Why did you come to the United States? d. Why do you believe learning English is important?


Which of the following is a primary source appropriate for a third grade class to use as part of a research project? a. An article in a history journal written by a noted scholar of World War II at a 770 Lexile level b. Photographs of soldiers taken during World War II available online c. A documentary video about American pilots in World War II made by public television d. Transcripts of an interview with a World War II pilot at a 1400 Lexile level


Which of the following is the most appropriate accommodation for a student diagnosed with dyslexia? a. fewer questions on a written test b. Audio recording of a book c. Picture board for oral communication d. Rubric for grading writing that does not take off points for spelling errors


Which of the following statements is the best reason for educators to avoid relying on standardized assessment instruments as the sole criteria for determining a reading-related learning disability? a. all assessment instruments lack reliability and validity b. all assessment instruments have some measurement error c. all assessment instruments overidentify students for specific learning disabilities d. all assessment instruments are norm-referenced and require careful interpreation


common types of poems

ballad sonnet haiku villanelle

core reading program

basal reading program helps students learn to read through 5 core areas (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension) designed for regular classroom and includes scaffolds or means of differentiation for all learners provides student materials and teacher materials sold as comprehensive packages must be aligned to standards of state, district, or school often decided upon on district level because of need for consistency or standardization across grade levels, typically at least K-3 or even K-6

graphophonic cuing

based on applying sound-symbol knowledge while reading most basic level of decoding and tends to be least efficient since its focus is on individual units common word-attack strategy-- Knowledge of syllabication and syllables patterns Students can be taught to break words into syllables and then identify the six syllable patterns to aid in decoding To be most effective readers must have some knowledge of the word they sound out to make meeting

Print awareness

basic understanding of the nature of reading: we read from left to right and top to bottom and we are reading words on a page

strategies for teaching alphabetic principle and letter-sound correspondence

begin instruction with lowercase letters--these are primary letters used in forming words avoid overemphasis of letter names and focus on letter sounds--some students may be confused by distinction between name and sound teach easy consonants first, then easy vowel sounds, introducing new sound every 2-3 days teach most common sound letter makes first teach letters that look similar and/or have somewhat similar sounds separately and to limit confusion model correct pronunciation when teaching letter sounds, introducing continuous sounds (f,l,m,n,r,s,v,w,y,and z) stop sounds require control to pronounce correctly (/b/ for b vs "buh" for b) teach short vowel sounds before long vowel sounds--allows to begin to sound out short consonant-vowel-consonant words like dig and run

Norm referenced test base their percentiles on

bell-shaped curve

phonemic blending

blending sounds together to make a word teachers say sounds and ask students what word is made can ask students to repeat sound in words during circle time or storybook reading

how to activate background knowledge

brainstorm web ABC brainstorm free brainstorm

Word Expert

break up new vocabulary into mini lists and have each student become expert of 2 or 3 words create card with definition, illustration, and sentence from text

Why should teachers use environmental prints in different languages?

builds confidence and familiarity and reinforces idea that words in languages other than english have meaning

Asking first grade students to write the letters of the alphabet as a screening measure for reading difficulties is ineffective because it a. lacks practicality b. relies too heavily on background knowledge c. lacks sensitivity d. relies too heavily on quantitiative data


A high school English teacher sponsors a creative writing club that meets weekly after school. He asks the reading specialist for advice on a high-impact way to publish student work and share it with the school community. What should the specialist suggest? a. Invite administrators to attend one of the club meetings and listen to the students read their work b. Encourage students to read the pieces at home to their family members c. Plan a digital or print literary journal that can be shared across the school d. Teach students to use publishing and graphic design software to format their pieces


A reading interventionist is working with a small group of third grade students to identify the main idea. When asked, "What is the main idea of the article?" Students say, "Jupiter." What question should the interventionist ask next to guide students to identify the main idea? a. What did you already know about Jupiter before reading b. What are some new things you learned about Jupiter after reading c. What is the author trying to teach us about Jupiter d. Do you think was most interesting about Jupiter


A reading specialist is conducting a research study in her school to measure the effectiveness of teacher prays on levels of oral reading confidence. Which of Erickson's stages are the students in the study most likely in? a. Trust versus mistrust b. Autonomy versus shame and doubt c. Industry versus inferiority d. Intimacy versus isolation


A reading specialist is helping a ninth grade English teacher develop a rubric that she will use the score student writing. Which of the following categories would appear on the rubric under the heading of mechanics? a. word choice b. style c. punctuation d. tone


A reading specialist is mentoring a new 10th grade English teacher. One of her students with dyslexia is very frustrated and feeling overwhelmed by the assigned novel the class is reading. What should the reading specialist recommend? a. have the student read the Cliff Notes version of the novel instead of the novel b. Encourage the student to read at least 50 to 100 pages each day c. give the student an audio recording of the book to aid in comprehension d. Read the entire novel aloud in class asking a different student to read orally each day


A reading specialist is speaking at a back to school night about the states new read by three initiative. The specialist should primary focus the presentation on a. Quantitative data that shows where the district stands in relation to overall state goals b. Qualitative data about the quality of instruction at the school and overall student satisfaction c. Ways parents can support the initiative at home d. Ways parents can volunteer in the classroom


A reading specialist is working with a group of students with specific word reading difficulties. Which type of instructional intervention is most useful for these students? a. focus on vocabulary knowledge and inferencing skills b. Practice with synthesis and summarization c. Explicit, systematic phonics instruction d. Instruction aimed at increasing reading rate and prosody


A reading specialist providing feedback to a fifth grade teacher suggests that student should read aloud pieces that they have written. The reading specialist is most likely suggesting this because a. Students at this age are still developing oral language skills b. Teacher should grade writing only after hearing it read aloud c. This is a simple way for students to publish their work d. Oral reading is the optional time for mechanics instruction


A reading specialist providing tier 2 reading interventions suspects that one of her second grade students might need language learning supports. What is the best course of action? a. Make a referral for special education services b. Administer a non-verbal test like the Peabody picture vocabulary test c. Recommend evaluation to the staff member who works with second language learners d. Change the focus of the interventions to vocabulary supports and other strategies for ELLs


A reading specialist receives a forwarded email from the assistant principal from an angry parent. The parent's daughter, a fourth grader, has been participating in school sponsored afterschool tutoring for several months but has made no progress in terms of higher reading grades. The parent has asked the assistant principal to evaluate the after school tutoring program, which she believes to be ineffective. How should the reading specialist handle this situation? a. Respond to the parent directly, assuring her that the program is backed by research b. Respond to the assistant principal with an assurance that the program is effective and backed by research c. Meet with the classroom teacher to find out more about the student and determine if additional interventions might be appropriate d. Remind the assistant principal that grades are solely the responsibility of the classroom teacher and that the tutoring program is the problem


A reading specialist sees the following list on an elementary classroom board: Long A - paper, danger, grape Short A- apple, catwalk, scan Which of the following spelling activities is the class most likely engaged in a. Cover, compare, compare b. Segmentation c. Word sorts d. Word families


A tenth grade English teacher wants to create an authentic assessment to evaluate student skills with writing in coherent paragraphs. Which assignment would be best? a. directing students to give a presentation to the class on something they know how to do well b. Asking students to analyze the way paragraphs are used in a newspaper article on a topic of their choice c. Assigning students to write the draft of an email they will eventually send to someone d. Having students use a graphic organizer to organize their thoughts into paragraphs before writing an essay about an assigned topic


A textbook sales representative meets with the principal and reading specialist to demonstrate and discuss a new core reading program. What is the most important question for the reading specialist to ask? a. How will this program augment our existing reading program b. can the program be delivered by a parent or volunteer tutor c. what research has been done to back up the effectiveness of the program d. will students transferring from another school be successful with the program


After reviewing the data from annual standards-based assessments, a reading specialist sees that results show most 3rd and 4th grade students are struggling with the meaning of homographs. Which area of instruction would the reading specialist most likely recommend to the 3rd and 4th grade reading teachers to aid students in determining the meaning of homographs? a. roots and affixes b. graphophonic cues c. context clues d. analogy based phonics


Auditory sequencing describes the process of a. Forming oral language in the proper sequence b. Focusing on the main idea of spoken language c. Identifying sounds in the proper order in a word d. differentiating between long and short vowel sounds


Designing an intervention program that takes place outside of core instructional time is ineffective because students a. Might miss opportunities to receive more individualized attention b. Are frequently misidentified as needing such services when they are just unmotivated c. Can miss out on instruction in the main classroom d. Tend to be less focused then when receiving such interventions after school


Harvery scores in the 89th percentile on the Stanford achievement test, an annual norm referenced test. What do the results mean? a. He got 89% of the questions correct b. 89% of students did the same as or better than Harvey did c. Harvey did the same as or better than 89% of students d. Harvey did well enough to be part of the norming group


Preschool children should be encouraged to experiment with letters and text to label pictures they draw because a. strengthens receptive vocabulary b. Develops gross motor skills c. Contributes to an understanding of text as meeting d. Encourages the transition from artistic to written expression


Specific comprehension deficits often co-occur in students diagnosed with a. dyspraxia b. dysgraphia c. Autism Spectrum Disorder d. Emotional Disturbance


The principal has asked the reading specialist to plan and conduct a 2 hour professional development event focused on "strategies for sight word acquisition." A veteran first grade teacher has already successfully implemented several instructional strategies for this topic. How can the reading specialist best draw on this knowledge after the formal PD event? a. Ask the teacher to create a slide presentation to share with other teachers b. Encourage the teacher to develop a written evaluation to monitor teacher understanding of sight words c. Work with the principal to help other teachers observe the successful first grade sight word lessons in action d. Enlist the teacher to review and provide feedback on the lesson plans of all teachers for a six week period following the events


Which of the following describes the best way for a kindergarten teacher to integrate technology into the writing process? a. Teaching students to use a spell and grammar check feature in word processing software b. Structuring research assignments that require students to search online databases c. Using software that allows students to drag and drop pictures to create a story d. Allowing time each day for students to complete online punctuation drills


Why has universal screening for reading difficulties become standard practice for most elementary schools? a. It allows for a more systematic process of selection of a reading curriculum b. It provides further data to support the efficacy of phonics instruction c. It can identify at risk students for prompt early intervention d. It allows paraprofessionals to take a more active role in reading assessment



categories of work that are similar in format, content, tone, or length

instructional texts

challenging but still manageable (90% accuracy) used with teacher guidance

invented spelling

children learn to spell by spelling all words phonetically


combination between stop sounds and fricatives ex. cherry

phonics through spelling

combined approach whereby reading and spelling are taught in tandem taught to spell words phonetically by sounding them out or breaking them into individual phonemes based on interconnectedness between sounds of words and their spelling --allows for invented spelling spelling taught early and alongside reading fails to account for all the nuances of English language

Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)

composed of relevant educators and administrators recommends placement of ELLs into certain courses and creates a plan for their success depending on school's population and resources, reading specialists may participate-- must be aware of student plans and monitor implementation as part of student's overall literacy development

semantic cues

cues to a words meaning drawn from background knowledge or prior experience Brains most efficient queuing system--Words are immediately retrieved from memory and processed Rely on students to activate knowledge and make reasonable predictions and inferences regarding a word's meaning used in cloze exercise can be based on text itself

"Hyerlexia" is a term that describes students with reading deficits in which of the following areas? a. phonology b. processing speed c. orthographic patterning d. specific comprehension


A 6th grade teacher asks the reading specialist for feedback on a research project she is planning. Each student will choose a young adult author to research online at home. They will then bring in printouts of 2 or 3 online articles for a note taking activity the following day. What is the best suggestion the reading specialist can make? a. assign the students an author instead of allowing them to choose, since they might choose an uninteresting text b. have students print out and take notes on the articles for homework so they can practice working independently c. discourage students from using online sources for research because most are biased and outdated d. allow students to find and print out the articles at school, since not all students have a computer or printer at home


A preschool teacher wants to assess the level of her students' print awareness during the 1st week of school. Which of the following supplies does he need? a. phonics screener b. an Informal Reading Inventory c. the Iowa Test of Basic Skills d. a book with print and pictures


A reading specialist is helping a high school teacher make her unit on Romeo and Juliet more accessible to English language learners. Which is the best suggestion for the reading specialist to make? a. Provide an alternative dramatic text on a different topic for ELL students to read b. Encourage ELL students to use context clues as they read the play to identify new vocabulary c. Teach important roots and affixes to ELL students to aid in their decoding of new words in the play d. Give ELL students a list of words used frequently in the play with their definitions


A reading specialist is presenting the schools new sustained silent reading program to faculty. This will take place every afternoon at 1 PM. The reading specialist wants to use ideas from social learning theory. To do this, she should emphasize to teachers that during SSR time they should a. Monitor all students closely to make sure everyone is on task b. Meet with coteachers to review lesson plans c. Ask comprehension questions to confirm student understanding d. Participate by reading a book or magazine of interest


A reading specialist observing a kindergarten classroom at circle time notices that the teacher is trying to help students understand humorous irony in the book he is reading. What feedback might the reading specialist give after the class observation? a. Students gain little from being read to aloud and reading instruction should be based primarily on phonics drills b. Student should be grouped by level and reading books at their skill level instead of participating in large group shared story book reading c. Students at this age are typically not able to sit and listen to a story being read and should be encouraged to work at centers most of the day d. Students at this age have not yet fully developed capabilities in abstract thought sufficient to allow them to detect irony


A reading specialist working with a group of second graders decides that she will use extrinsic motivation to increase interest during reading intervention time. Which is the best extrinsic motivator for her to use a. Ask students to write down a goal and then develop steps to work toward it b. Encourage students to think of how much more confident they will feel once they are reading fluently c. Warn students of the long-term consequences of not reading fluently by third grade d. Provide students with specific, targeted praise for meeting or exceeding expectations


A teacher hangs a poster in the classroom that says, "I before E except after C or when sounded like ay as in neighbor and weigh." This poster gives an example of a. A continuum of spelling b. A graphophonic cue c. A phonogram d. An orthographic pattern


A teacher observes that after one student has begun to call out in class instead of raising his hand, other students are imitating this behavior. Which of the following theories explains this behavior? a. Piaget's theory of cognitive development b. Breuners modes of representation theory c. BF Skinner's theory of behaviorism d. Bandura social learning theory


A teacher wants to introduce her first grade students to the idea of conflict in stories. Which technique is most appropriate? a. Ask students to go to the library and select a story book with lots of conflict b. Project-based learning asking students to solve a major global problem c. Have students compare and contrast problems in their life they consider major and minor d. Guided story book reading in which the emphasis is on the problem the characters resolve


Before assigning a historical fiction novel what should the reading teacher do to give students the necessary background knowledge? a. Reveal the climax and resolution b. Provide students with the character trait chart c. Encourage students to determine the theme d. Give insight into the setting


John, a second grade student, is assigned to read a paragraph from his social studies textbook and write a sentence stating the central idea. What can I readings interventionist do to help him with this task if he gets stuck? a. Ask him what he liked about what he read b. Ask him to list all the details from the paragraph c. Go over key vocabulary with him d. Ask him what he thought was most important


Poetry written in free verse would not be amenable to assessment items written to test identification of which of the following? a. figurative language b. Symbolism c. Tone d. meter


Samantha is a fourth grade student with many friends who is liked by her classmates. She is struggling to meet grade level expectations for reading. Her teacher, who believes in Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, wants to tell Samantha's parents something positive about her. Which of the following statements should the teacher make? a. Samantha has strong verbal linguistic intelligence b. Samantha has strong spatial visual intelligence c. Samantha has strong intrapersonal intelligence d. Samantha has strong interpersonal intelligence


The reading specialist is providing a list of mentor texts to help the sixth grade English teaching team provide instruction on punctuation of dialogue. Which type of texts would the list most likely include? a. Autobiographies about well known people b. Persuasive essays with expert quotations c. Long narrative poems with multiple speakers d. Short stories with multiple characters


Which activity would a reading specialist recommend to a second grade teacher to help students summarize text? a. Written retellings b. Language experience approach c. QAR strategy d. SQ3R strategy


Which of the following would not be a service provided to a student under a 504 plan? a. occupational therapy b. testing accommodations c. extra transition time between classes d. specially designed instruction


Which word contains both an open syllable and an r-controlled vowel? a. rigourous b. related c. hunger d. miser


While using a QAR strategy, which types of questions do not require students to consider text evidence in their response? a. Right there questions b. Think and search questions c. Author and you questions d. On my own questions


instructional strategies for developing writing skills in planning

data dump guided pre-writing RAFT media or tech-enabled planning

What Words do kids learn when they interact?

describe concepts like up and down Words that let them talk about past and future events

word-learning strategies

dictionary, glossary, and thesaurus: dictionary skills taught around 3rd grade, require explicit instruction on how to locate word's pronunciation, etymology, parts of speech, and definition---tend to focus on word's denotation when each word also has a connotation morphemic analysis- breaks apart morphemes within words and analyzes them for meaning; should be taught explicitly as a unit of study and referred to frequently during instruction contextual analysis: applies context clues to infer meaning on unknown words English Language Learns will need additional vocabulary building practice -- vocabulary knowledge one of key foundations that leads to reading success---picture dictionaries, teaching cognates, and teaching idioms

A second grader reads the word book as būk. This student would most likely benefit from instruction in



dramatic works Written in poetic or lyrical verse or in regular prose Authors rely on stage directions to describe the sets and to give directions to the actors about what they are to do Actors perform long speeches in which the characters explain their thinking about philosophical ideas or social issues

Cornell method

each page divided into keywords, notes, and summary


effective use of language: knowing how to take turns in a conversation, using proper tone, using politeness, etc.; engaging in effective communication.

Systematic Phonics Instruction ELL

effective with students whose first language is not English Decoding through phonics-2 step process: Teachers must give ELLs tools to sound out words Must also be able to make meaning of the words based on their oral language vocabulary

What should teachers do if ELL students are taught in the general education setting?

embed EL objectives in lesson, modify lesson and assessments

any reading curriculum must be presented with an intentional instruction design that

emphasizes te=he intro to and use of explicit and systematic strategies follows an instructional sequence: - teacher modeling or direct instruction -guided practice -scaffolding while students apply the newly acquired skill -independent practice is systematic and builds on previously acquired skills contains intentionally aligned materials

modes of representation

enactive, iconic, symbolic learners interpret the world followed in sequence but not age dependent depend on how familiar learner is with subject matter what is being taught must be appropriate and ready for learner instead of learner being ready for subject matter any subject can be taught to any individual at any age but material must be modified to appropriate form and stage for learner

5 word prediction

encourages students to make predictions about text, activate prior knowledge, set purposes for reading, and introduce new vocab teacher picks 5 unfamiliar words seen within text introduce those words and ask each student to write a paragraph or a sentence, for younger grades, to make predictions about what they might think theme of text would be allow students to read text and compare thoughts to conclude

open syllables

end in vowels and make long vowel sounds Rival, microphone, total


exaggerated language

Forms of folklore

fables Fairytales myths Legends Tall tales

reading difficulties

falling behind grade-level expectations in reading but do not qualify for special education services under category of specific learning diability formally diagnosed learning disabilities typically qualify for special education services and served through IEP


first stage in second language acquisition also known as silent period may have upward of 500 words in receptive vocabulary refrain from speaking will listen and may copy words down an respond to visual cues and will communicate their comprehension sometimes students repeat what they hear--parroting can help build receptive vocabulary but should not be mistaken for producing language

preconventional stage of writing

first stage in the developmental stages of writing age 3-5 Students are aware that print conveys meaning but they rely on pictures to communicate visually Students include recognizable shapes and letters on drawings Students can describe the significance of the objects in their drawings


formed by closure of lips

strategies for developing writing skills in drafting

framed paragraphs paragraph or essay hamburger shared or interactive reading


general agreement all members of group agree that they can live with a decision and will not actively fight against it

What can literature be classified into?

genres and subgenres

whole body listnening

gives students explicit instruction on how to listen with entire body these include: eyes on speaker ears listening mouth quiet hands in lap or away from others feet still body pointed toward speaker brain thinking about what it is hearing heart considerate of others

What activities can aid in oral language development of young learners?

guided storybook reading whole group activities such as show and tell

automatic word recognition ELL

helpful speed up reading rate and sometimes prevent difficulties encountered when words deviate from standard phonetic structures


helps students read by connecting written language to spoken language or by correlating certain sounds with certain letters

What must English language learners receive to increase English proficiency and stay on track to meet grade level objectives?

high-quality, early targeted interventions

authoring cycle

ideas transformed into written form to effectively communicate meaning 1. plan 2. draft 3. revise 4. edit 5. publish


impact learning and pronunciation of English Speakers often will substitute sounds of first language for ones they think are the same in English

analytic phonics

implicit phonics does not sound out each phoneme in a word students identify onset and rime and recognize word families apply knowledge from previously learned words or phonograms whole words introduced first and then broken into component parts to determine similarities encouraged to guess at words--accuracy diminished relies on students drawing connections themselves and is less explicit

How is phonics word patterns introduced?

in sequence based on degree of difficulty

text complexity levels

independent reading level instructional reading level frustration level

Emerging literacy begins in _____ and ends at age _____

infancy- age 8

babbling stage

infants start by controlling pitch of vocalizations to create squeal or growl change volume of sounds to create both quiet and loud sounds learn to produce sounds based on friction-- snorts, raspberries infants learn to create sequences of consonant-vowel sounds they repeat in lengthier spans as they speak in sentences

data dump

informal pre-writing method where students write down a topic and then any words that immediately come to mind students then select only the words that was closely pertain to their chosen topic

Tier 3 of RTI

intensive intervention

negative transfer

interference Incorrectly apply rules from native language to learning of English

specific word instruction

involves activities that help learners acquire knowledge of new words

effective professional development for educators

is perceived as pertinent/relevant to each teacher's classroom uses authentic experiences and active learning is collaborative and allows for multiple perspectives provides modeling of best practices uses ongoing coaching includes feedback and reflection allows for adequate time for new skills to be put into practice

phonemic awareness

knowledge of and ability to use phonemes does not come naturally-- students need explicit instruction to master best to work with students in small groups-- proficiency levels may vary

Concepts of Print Classroom Strategies

label objects and parts in class read predictable books with language patterns post word walls with thematic and high frequency words post simple messages that reinforce class etiquette or new concepts direct attention to print that provides information such as exit, push pull, office write morning messages on board have students dictate stories

quantitative measures

layout overall text structure sentence structure levels of meaning knowledge demand


learner's current understanding of language they are learning rule based system that develops over time tends to blend aspects of learner's first language with those of 2nd often characterized by learner's tendency to overgeneralize speaking and writing rules in new language over time rules adjusted and readjusted according to feedback evolves as learner moves toward proficiency

Language Experience Approach

learners and teachers first have shared experience then they document the shared experience with scaffolding as necessary, students create text about shared experience students read story aloud noting any needed revisions final story read aloud again, often accompanied by teacher-directed comprehension questions LEA helps students connect writing and reading because they are involved in both creation of written language to communicate an experience and reading of the written language used to communicate what happened

decodable stage of literacy development

learns relationship between letters and sounds Begins to understand the meaning of words and formations of sentences

emergent stage of literacy

least Proficient reading Alphabetic knowledge Concept of words Sense of story (Beginning, middle, end) Listening and retelling skills Phonemic awareness Verbal expression

what is essential to phonics instruction?

letter-sound correspondence

what skill can be slower to develop especially in young children?


What can aid in both vocabulary development and phonemic awareness?

listening to and sining songs and rhymes


literal meaning

Students should be made aware that nonverbal communication varies based on ____, and different cultures have different norms or standards for gestures, eye contact, volume of voice, and so on.

locale `

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

metrics for measuring the readability of a text

Gunning fox index

metrics for measuring the readability of a text

SMOG index

metrics for measuring the readability of a text

central focus

main idea


main idea

what happens to those who have heard and participated in many conversations?

make connections and activate background knowledge as they read

Before reading a new text what should students do?

make predictions about what they are reading

connected texts

makes phonics instruction effective words in sentences and paragraphs instead of only in isolation or lists can be chosen for practice with particular skill or phonics structure can allow students to practice new skills in an authentic context


many words follow basic principles of phonics should be able to sound decodable words out before basic structure deviations are mastered -- (long vowel sounds with a word ending in -e and various digraphs where 2 letters make single sound such as /th/ and /ay/

English Language Proficiency standards

may be created by the state or by the WIDA Consortium aim to help students develop language proficiencies related to language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and the social and instructional language of the school environment

Letter-Sound Correspondence

means recognizing the corresponding sound of a specific letter when that letter is seen or heard. letter-sounds should be taught explicitly and in isolation from one another first then students can practice saying sounds of letters and sounding out simple words in context knowledge of a phoneme associated with a given letter foundational skill for effective phonics instruction

Criterion-referenced tests

measure an individuals performance as it relates to a predetermined benchmark or criteria generally used to measure a students progress toward meeting certain objectives Compare student knowledge against the set criteria

Hasbrouck-Tindel oral reading fluency chart

measures progress over course of school year and from grade to grade compares students in percentiles with peers on scale of words read correctly per minute

Benchmark Assessment

middle ground between a formative assessment and a summative assessment More formal than a formative assessment but not a high stakes standardized summative assessment Sometimes called interim assessments or predictive assessments track student progress and determine the degree to which students are on track to perform well on future summative assessments Many states use before annual standards-based assessment to determine which students need intervention to help prepare for the high-stakes test Also be used to evaluate overall school or district goals and whether the school or district is on track to achieve those goals

Iconic stage

mode of representation Knowledge is stored through visual images

enactive stage

mode of representation knowledge is stored through motor responses applies not only to children but adults too some tasks completed as adults will be difficult to describe in the iconic mode or the symbolic form

phoneme deletion

more advanced phonemic awareness activities phoneme removed to make a new word

closed syllable

most common end in a consonant that causes vowel to make a short sound stretch, computer, bat, backing

high frequency letter-sound correspondence

most frequent and useful letter sounds taught first allows student to begin reading as soon as possible without having to wait for mastery of each letter sound

Dolch Word List

most popular sight word list It's 315 words determined to be the most frequently used in English Early childhood teachers might post some of these words around the classroom or encourage students to play games with sight word flashcards Repetition = mastery of these words-- Will help students read more quickly, fluently, and easily 50% of all written material is made up of only 100 at the most used words

conventional stage of LD

most proficient - based whole language classroom used more reading strategies and exhibited patters of a postive stance demonstrate through perserverance of challenging reading persistence and effortful application of strategies such as self-correcting, etc.

2004 individuals with disabilities education improvement act

most recent authorization of IDEA Expands procedures for identifying students with learning disabilities to include identification through response to intervention Include several changes to align with the 2001 no child left behind legislation

Comprehension ELL

must be carefully scaffolded in a variety of ways Should provide as much background knowledge as possible to students unfamiliar with aspects of American culture better able to comprehend text with low complexity Some texts should be used to build comprehension skills Graphic organizers, visual aids, and films or multimedia elements to promote comprehension may also be helpful

how can teachers use environmental print

names and logos of popular children's products, stores, and restaurants to encourage pre-readers to read these words use in each of students' home languages


names everything as same thing such as everything is a computer

Secondary sources

non first hand accounts Books, articles, and webpages devoted to a topic

personality test

non-referenced Measure a students tendency to behave in a certain way Administered to parents and children together

intelligence test

non-referenced Used to measure overall intellectual functioning, problem-solving skills, and aptitude for learning can help determine giftedness in children in the presence of an intellectual disability Used in tandem with achievement tests to note patterns or discrepancies in IQ and academic achievement

moral domain

not part of Bloom's domains of learning developed by Lawrence Kohlberg based in theories by child development psychologist Jean Piaget deals with acquisition of morals and values

What should be respected in assessing and building oral language skills in preparation for and in conjunction with reading instruction

nuances Related to each students home language (Dialect, register, etc)

Anecdotal Notes

observational method uses frequently in classroom or learning settings in which observer summarizes student's growth informal notes

systematic phonics instruction

occurs in a particularly designed sequence most effective teach individual letter sounds teach consonant blends teach consonant digraphs teach irregular/challenging vowel sounds (r-controlled vowels) phonics structures first introduced in isolation through direct instruction and practice

second language acquisition

occurs through series of 5 stages must pass through each stage on way to proficiency --time spent in each stage varies from person to person 1. preproduction 2. early production 3. speech emergence 4. intermediate fluency 5. advanced fluency

Comprehension of fiction

often use familiar stores for in-depth comprehension--students familiar with literal meaning of the text The readings of the same story in early childhood classroom or not uncommon Reading several interpretations of a familiar story can allow students to apply background knowledge of a familiar tale in a new context

synthetic phonics

one of most common and effective types of phonics instruction students explicitly taught to break down words in their component phonemes and sound them out at most basic level associated with students sounding out unknown words as part of decoding or meaning-making discourages practice of guessing at words based on initial letter sound or other context or picture cues teaches spelling and reading--students sounding out or segmenting words before spelling them provides explicit framework for decoding and allows students to tackle most words reliably some students rely on strategy of sounding out for too long--slows down reading rate and fluency and thus overall comprehension Most universal method of phonics instruction that can meet the needs of the most learners

qualitative measures

overall language and vocabulary of the text

nonverbal communication examples

paralingustics facial expression gestures body language/posture proximity eye contact


process by which pre-existing knowlege altered in order to fit in new information example: child knows dogs have 4 legs, when he encounters horse for 1st time, someone points differences between dogs and horses. He is then able to place dogs and horses into 2 separate categories

what should be considered when planning oral language activities?nm

particular skills being targeted


phonemes blended into allophones during process when speakers blend neighboring phonemes in words


phones further broken down into specific variants of phonemes ex: /t/ - difference in way mouth moves when saying batter, bat, take, water represented by each pronunciation

embedded phonics

phonics through context approach to phonics instruction that relies on incidental learning whole texts are the primary curricular resources only used when students have trouble reading a particular word once word is decoded, explicit instruction ceases often used with the whole language or whole word method students choose course of curriculum phonics only taught explicitly when understanding of connected texts breaks down

Three categories of reading disabilities

phonological deficits Processing speed/orthographic processing deficits Specific comprehension deficits

Figurative language

phrases not meant to be interpreted literally

Elkonin Boxes

placement of tiles or letters that correspond with each phoneme helpful for phoneme segmentation

How can you get older students interested in complex dramas?

play video clips of actual performances comparing specific scenes performed by different actors stimulates interests and can be used to discuss the different ways facing can be interpreted Act out scenes or give speeches allowing them to express their own interpretations of the characters or action Engage in writing have students write own scripts or write a research report on the play's context, author, characters, or subject matter


point in second language acquisition when learner's growth freezes and further linguisitic development becomes highly unlikely

What should teachers have students do during storybook reading?

point to words on a way and also point to words (rather than pictures)

How can students focus on paralinguistics?

practice speaking for audience and review audio or video recording of themselves analyze audio or video recordings of famous speeches for tone and inflection or gestures and eye contact

What should be emphasized when teaching nonverbal communication



pre-reading strategy Identifying the author, genre, and general subject matter before reading the text Reading headings and chapter titles, examining related graphics, researching the author and the context of the work, and anticipating the author's purpose Allows an active reader to use another pre-reading strategy: setting a purpose

Alphabetic Principle

presumes understanding that words are made up of written letters that represent spoken words students should be given many opportunities to develop letter-sound correspondence

Strategies for Comprehension

previewing setting a purpose

effective curricula are

systematic and explicit


prose genre Made up of narratives created by the author Typically written in the form of novels and short stories Many sub genres fall under category

literacy-rich environments

provide opportunities for students to develop literacy across the content areas begin in early childhood and early elementary classroom students try different ways to connect reading and writing to their pragmatic use

comprehensive intervention program

provides remediation or intervention in all 5 areas of reading often used with students who need additional class period of reading instruction or more interventions than those provided within existing framework

specific intervention program

provides supplemental instruction on 1 or more key areas of reading development to a small number of students target certain core areas include placement or diagnostic tests to start students at the appropriate point in curriculum include a recommended scope and sequence to help students fill in skill gaps as quickly as possible

ABC Brainstorm

purpose- introduce concept and connect concept with prior knowledge for experiences and all students to discuss and learn from other students students write down all the letters of alphabet and allowed to write 1 word per letter pertaining to set topic students work individually but can work in pairs or groups at end to compare notes

frustration level texts

quite difficult for student less than 90% accuracy should be avoided can be effective in paired reading activities with heavy scaffolding from peers or teachers

fluency ELL

reading fluency follows oral language fluency may have trouble with strategies like reading aloud in front of others lack confidence and focus on mistakes instead of growth overtime Oral reading practice with English language learners should be carefully orchestrated making use of a trusted peer whenever possible


reading individual text and answering questions

Response to Intervention (RTI)

reading specialist may conduct universal screenings with any number of assessment tools and then determine which students would benefit from interventions uses data to determine goals for students identified as at risk of not meeting reading objectives


reading texts with little to no errors

What is relied on when students are expected to use oral language to think critically and communicate their thoughts?

receptive oral language and expressive oral language

What will having students point to words during storybook reading do?

reinforce concepts of print and help develop print awareness help young students begin to understand hat while both pictures and words on page contributes to overall meaning, part being read is words not pictures

cloze passages

relating to or being a test of reading comprehension that involves having person being tested supply words which have been systematically deleted from a text

any curriculum must be

research based

children will have a head start in reading if they understand:

role of oral language in communication and how to produce and consume oral language


role of the reading specialist Public support or recommendation for certain causes or policies Reading specialist might present reports to the school board or other decision-makers regarding curricular or policy changes Serve as the schools representative or liaison to literacy-based nonprofit groups


the act of mentioning a number of things one by one

Jean Piaget Stages of Development

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

consolidated alphabetic phase

sequence of letters in a word that becomes salient person in phase groups common patters of letters and sounds as units allows to decode multi-syllable, novel, and nonsense words by analogy decodes many words by sight example: student's sight words include might, fight, tight, and sight-- likely to be able to identify a new word, blight with the similar rime, ight with neither direct instruction nor letter-by-letter decoding


short Narrative song about an event that is considered important Intended to be recited Characterized by a dramatic immediacy focusing on one crucial situation or action that often leads to a catastrophe

What sequence do phonemic awareness activities usually occur?

simplest to most difficult 1. understand concepts of rhyme and alliteration--practiced by listening to and singing rhyming and alliterative songs and stories. Rhyme often taught explicitly as well: think of words that rhyme or listen to and repeat nursery rhymes or stories 2. recognition of syllables in words--clap out syllables in multisyllable words 3. identification of onsets and rime--scrambled onset/rime word cards or word families are 2 of many strategies for developing recognition of these concepts 4. usually hear and understand individual letter sounds within words. Students should have plenty of practice with more basic concepts and easier skills before practicing blending or segmenting

Fix-it-up strategies

slowing down reading pace Re-reading the section in question Reading beyond the text in question to see if confusion is cleared up Using text clues Illustrations or graphic elements Text features Figuring out the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues, using picture clues or using a resource to look up the word Asking a peer for assistance

ABC brainstorm

small groups or as a class students write 1 word or phrase they already know about topic for each letter of alphabet

affective or social-emotional doman

social domain Includes emotions, motivation, and attitude

Albert Bandura

social learning theory

phoneme segmentation

sounding out a word important for reading and spelling a word


sounds produced through partially or completely closed vocal tract can be further divided based on place of articulation, manner of articulation, and voicing

2 methodologies to intentional vocabulary teaching

specific word instruction and word-learning strategies

continuant sounds

spoken though a fixed configuration of the vocal tract vowel sounds fricatives nasals

data collected to develop reading programs

standardized test results teacher interviews or questionnaires student/parent surveys classroom observations resource evaluations


stanza with two lines

Shared or interactive writing

strategy for drafting Process where writers are scaffold by experts, usually teachers Teacher scribes for the students, who must give explicit direction for what to write Can be an effective method for students who have difficulty with the physical task of writing Students compose the written piece, but the teacher serves as a subject matter expert who facilitates the process

Framed paragraphs

strategy for drafting Scaffolding technique to help students write paragraphs Fill in the blank templates that students use to write their own paragraphs

Modeling or think aloud's

strategy for revision and editing Can be used with the sample piece'' Can be teacher or student authored but should involve whole class input Piece can be projected on the screen and edited through a track changes feature in a word processing program or even copied onto a transparency and written on Allow students to participate in and experience the revision and editing process' Teachers can encourage input from the class and model strategies to revise writing such as reading aloud, identifying and refining thesis and topic sentences


strategy for understanding nonfiction texts students list 3 thinks they learned, 2 things they found interesting, and 1 question they had helps recall information, express opinions and fear from other classmates results in student engagement which help with comprehension produces self monitoring comprehension, identifying important details in content, making connections to content, and identifying areas in content where understanding is uncertain could use to help summarize lesson

guided pre-writing

strategy in planning for developing writing skills class or group of students come up with ideas and/or a writing structure Teacher helps by visually projecting ideas or writing them on a board Mapping, outlining, wedding, and listing are common strategies for guided pre-writing


strategy in revision and editing Should be taught as part of the revision process Students can be given a checklist or rubric from which to assess their own drafts and make necessary revisions


structural elements of writing and include punctuation, capitalization, spelling, grammar, and general conventions of usage


student applies knowledge of a first language to another can be positive and negative

Active listening skills

students ability to repeat what has been said to check for understanding asking questions after hearing speaker taking notes that summarize what speaker said verbal or nonverbal affirmatives as person is speaking

Note taking strategies

students complete full or partial outline of text from template students use 2 column notes where put main idea on one side and details on other use Cornell notes

words alive

students form groups to come up with actions or poses that illustrate meaning of new word on list after teacher explains words meanings to group

flexible grouping

students grouped by several criteria (skill level, learning style, interest) prevents being labeled as good or bad reader allows for fluidity and movement among groups as skill level improves

Directed Reading-Thinking Activity

students make predictions and read up to a preselected stopping point evaluate and refine predictions based on text evidence specific targeted strategy

split page method

students use 2 column notes where put main idea on one side and details on other

media or tech-enabled planning

students watch a video, look at images, or search for ideas online useful strategy for students who are stuck or who do not have an opinion on an issue or a clear topic to write about

semantic mapping

students write new word in center and write around it with a synonym, antonym, example, non-example


study and classification of phonemes or sounds part of explicit, systematic phonics instruction


subtle or implied meaning


supports used by teachers or sometimes peers during classroom activities Should be built into all lessons per the universal design for learning which states that all students should be able to learn from the same curriculum

A young child says, "Mama, go" after being dropped off at school by his mother. What component of oral language is he still mastering? a. morphology b. syntax c. pragmatics d. phonology


Tier 2 of RTI

targeted interventions

Structures for teacher decoding

teacher-directed table or mandatory computer based phonics drill segment explicit, systematic phonics instruction proven to be one of most efficient intervention strategies for students at risk of not meeting reading fluency goals

analogy-based phonics/analogy phonics

teaches students to decode new words based on known words used as part of an analytic phonics approach and also sometimes used in isolation relies on student familiarity with rimes in words often criticized for encouraging guessing and relying on student recall or memorization that may not be applicable in all situations

Mentor texts

technique for teaching mechanics High-quality writing that students can emulate in their own writing Can be used to teach punctuation, capitalization, dialogue, sentence structure, style, format, inappropriateness to audience


teeth touch tongue

independent level

texts that are easy to read (95% accuracy) used for many independent reading activities

Howard Gardner

theory of multiple intelligences


think- Teacher provokes students thinking with a question or a prompt. Allow students a few minutes to just think about the question Pair- Allow students to group into pairs to compare mental or written notes. Students able to share thoughts and deepen understanding of topic or text Share-- Students graduate from Pear's to a larger group. Students share one important point that own Pair group had

What activities can be done as students become more proficient with oral language?

think-pair-share ask 3 then me peer tutoring flexible grouping collaborative learning role-play oral presentations or speeches debates discussions oral reading

Why should children be encouraged to have conversations with adults at a young age?

to help understand role of oral language in communication and show them the best way to use oral language to express needs or preferences to join a group in play or imaginative play

What do all texts have?



tone, loudness, inflection, pitch


too limited a meaning of a word



running records

track accuracy, self-correction, and use of fix-up strategies and word attack stills use forms so teachers can mark errors, self-corrections, and how students use cues to make meanings of texts


unit of poetry Can be separated by punctuation, meter, and/or rhyme Maybe a unit of attention Usually not a unit of meaning

Activities that promote letter-sound correspondence

use letter-sound charts or flashcards with or without picture cues with individual students, small groups, or entire class -- can use I say, you say, we say method create alphabet boards with lowercase letters taped over appropriate keys for instructional or assessment activities -- as teacher says sound, student points to letter students trace or form lowercase letters with pens or pencils or in sand or shaving cream while saying sound--can develop fine motor skills and reinforce correspondence students sort items into groups based on initial letter sound use alphabet picture books for guided reading-- stop to reinforce and practice letter sounds (Chika Chika Boom Boom) draw line around, color in, or circle all items on page that begin with given sound

Strategies to modify lessons and assessments for ELL learners

use picture dictionary or electronic translators eliminate portions of assignments or assessments student may not have background knowledge of Use peer tutors or collaborative learning strategies that build on each student strengths Use multimedia or visual elements to aid in understanding Pre-teaching core vocabulary or vocabulary scaffolding such as digital texts with click through definition Limiting teacher talk and when used avoiding colloquialisms and speaking slowly Verifying that instructions are understood before students begin a task Providing both a print and oral version of instructions Using manipulatives or authentic learning situations whenever possible Providing copies of lecture notes or allowing audio recordings

leveled nonfiction texts

used Multiple settings Content area teachers can use text on the same topic divided by complexity

Cause-and-effect pattern

used by historical texts Cause is presented first and result is discussed next

multi-perspective assessment

used during cooperative learning activities peers, individual student, and teachers all collaborate to assess learning outcomes can be helpful when parts of group project occur both in and out of classroom teacher may weigh input from different assessors differently when computing the total overall grade

self assessment

used in conjunction with peer and multi-perspective assessment students evaluation of individual progress toward learning goals critical part of any child's overall education helps students become self-directed learners who devise and meet learning goals with little help from others should be large part of formative assessment students who are self assessing can actively seek out the resources they need to meet learning objectives without waiting for teachers to realize they need them must be explicitly taught

Second person point of view

uses of you and can be read as the narrator speaking directly to the reader Mainly on nonfiction texts particularly in introductory and concluding paragraphs in which the writer might make a direct appeal to the reader to reflect on the points about to be made or already made

leveled texts

vary based on text complexity

What should educators focus on in culturally nuanced means of nonverbal communication?

what is most appropriate for a given situation


visually similar words

Independent reading

vital students read independently without scaffolding students who read independently have better educational outcomes Must apply all the active reading strategies they learn in the classroom in an authentic context Many children neither engage in nor enjoy independent reading--Need extra encouragement from educators to read independently

What can picture vocabulary cards encourage?

vocabulary development and incorporate new words into classroom in speaking and listening

R-controlled syllables

vowel-r syllables most challenging Vowel is followed by the letter R which changes the way the vowel is pronounced water Explicit instruction and practice with our controlled vowel forms (er, ir, ur, ar, or) In frequent repetition and review is essential to help students mastered these types of sounds to aid in decoding

Concept Definition Mapping

way of representing relationships between ideas, images, or words in same way that a sentence diagram represents that grammar of a sentence

Where is much of the language center stored in a region

wernicke's area

supplemental curriculum

when when core program does not provide enough practice in certain skills to meet needs of all students in school or classroom may be stand alone phonics, spelling, or vocabulary curriculum usually designed for general classroom for all students and for Tier 1 interventions that occur as differentiated instruction in the context of the daily classroom activities


whether the findings the assessment instrument seeks to measure are accurate and backed by research and evidence


words that are spelled the same but have different meanings May or may not be pronounced the same example: can-- metal container or able to


words that deviate from the standard rules of phonics must be memorized through frequent exposure

false cognates

words that look similar, but different in meaning example: spanish verb comprar means "to buy" not "to compare"


words that sound the same and may or may not be spelled the same but have different meanings Teacher should direct students to the most commonly used homonyms to prepare them for encountering them in text

brainstorm web

write subject of text in center and students fill in rest with information they already know

Recursive Writing Process

writers may return to a previously completed part of the process

Environmental Print

young students have some print awareness words children see regularly in their environment (product names, street signs, business names, menus)

Ensembles d'études connexes

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