Presidency Test

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Explain how one of the following can limit the president's ability to implement foreign policy: : Elections

- People can vote a president out - People can vote out members of the senate who would overwise support the president's treaties

The basics (Terms and qualifications)

- 4 year terms, 22nd amendment said you could only have two - Natural born citizen, 35 yrs old, live in US 14 years prior to running - Indirectly elected by electors apportioned by state representation

Presidential Powers

- Chief Diplomat - Chief Legislator - Commander in Chief

Describe the role of the Executive Office of the President and what the constitution says about them (check constitutionality)

- Created by FDR - Most of these agencies and departments are attempting to improve the planning, management and statistical work of the agencies. - They also make sure that each department is conforming to the presidents current policies and plans .-Senior Advisor, Chief of Staff, Speech Writers, Office of the First Lady-Not mentioned in Constitution

Why the electoral college? How is it apportioned?

- Disagreements based on small states fearing lack of effect, mistrust of the American people - Indirectly selected by electors apportioned to each state based on representation in Congress

Explain how one of the following can limit the president's ability to implement foreign policy: Presidential approval ratings

- If presidential approval ratings are low, the American people may not reelect them

Define the role of the vice president and what the constitution says about them

- Job is to be ready to take oath of office in case the president cannot discharge his duties - Constitution says that the VP presides over the Senate and to help decide the question of presidential disability.

Describe the role of the Office of Management and Budget and what the constitution says about them

- OMB is to help the president prepare the budget. Also advises the president in detail about hundreds of government agencies. -Largest office within the EOP -Not mentioned in the Constitution.

List examples of stuff within the executive office of the president

- Office of Management and Budget - Office of Administration - Council of Economic Advisers

Other Presidential powers and privegleges

- Pardons (release ppl convicted of crime) - Commute sentence - Executive privilege

Executive orders

- Still subject to judicial review. - Most famous case of executive order being challenged by supreme court is Korematsu v United States about Japanese internment camps

Define the role of the first lady and what the constitution says about them

- The Constitution doesn't mention the First Lady. - The role of the First Lady is to always be by the presidents side. Other than that the First Lady usually chooses a topic, and goes after that achievement during her time in office. (Michelle Obama childhood obesity)

Define the role of the cabinet and what the constitution says about them

- The role of the cabinet is to provide in input on key issues. - The different leaders of the departments are often strongly tied to their departments, making them big advocates for their issues in the departments. - The Constitution doesn't mention the Cabinet.

Organization of the executive office

- VP - spouses of pres and vp - executive office of the pres - senior white house leadership

Federalist 70

- Written by hamilton addressing critics of the executive branch being run by a single Prez - Defended the necessity based on the energy required to be a stable leader - 1 prez can take strong, decisive action - Easier to watch one executive

War Powers Resolution

- a resolution of Congress that the president can send troops into action abroad only by authorization of Congress, or if American troops are already under attack or serious threat - A law passed over Nixon's veto that restricts the power of the pres to maintain troops in combat for more than 60 days w/o congressional - to clarify the balance of powers between the two branches of government.

State of the Union Address

- the annual speech from the president to Congress updating that branch on the state of national affairs - Lays out legislative agenda to mobilize public support

President as Chief of Party

- unofficial leader of political party - must bargain and persuade with Congress to effectively execute agenda

Must the president have a cabinet?

-Not required but it's been a tradition since Washington - Not in const

identify and explain two formal powers Congress has over war-making.


Executive privilege

A right claimed by presidents to keep certain conversations, records, and transcripts confidential from outside scrutiny, especially that of Congress - US v. Nixon case (narrowed the definition; increased Congressional oversight of executive)

rally point

A rising public approval of the president that follows a crisis as Americans "rally 'round the flag" and the chief executive (national or economic crisis)

Going Public

A strategy where the president promotes himself and policies in Washington by appealing directly to the people for support

Executive agreement

An agreement between a prez and another nation that does not have the same durability of a treaty but does not require senate ratification (IE. Camp David accords)

Explain how executive agreements expand the president's ability to implement foreign policy.

An agreement between a prez and another nation that does not have the same durability of a treaty but does not require senate ratification (IE. Camp David accords) - President does not have to go through the senate

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Executive office that: Prepares president's budget proposal to congress and supervises the administration of the executive branch agencies.

Bully Pulpit

Informal but powerful thing. Appeal to the public to pressure other branches of govt to support their policies State of the union address, Trump's twitter

Things Pres can't do w/o congress

Pass laws and fund programs Confirm appointments Override veto (⅔) Treaty ratification (2/3 ) Impeachment add details

Does the White House Staff get either elected by the people or confirmed by congress?

President appoints them and they are confirmed by congress

Executive Office of the President (EOP)

The cluster of presidential staff agencies that help the president carry out his responsibilities/oversee the bureaucracy.

presidential honeymoon

The first several months of a presidency, when reporters are more forgiving than usual, Congress is more inclined to be cooperative, and the public is more receptive to new approaches.

Describe the role of the White house staff and what the constitution says about them

The functions of the White House Staff are to help the president carry out the role of Chief Executive Officer. -Chief of Staff: Jack Lew -Not mentioned in the Constitution.

White House Chief of Staff

The head of the White House staff. Does not require senate confirmation.


The process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. Does not in itself remove the official definitively from office; essentially the statement of charges against the official.

What are the functions of the white house staff?

To help the president carry out the role of Chief Executive Officer. Staff includes the president's most trusted aides, the counselor to the president, a number of senior advisers, and top officials who work with the president in the areas of foreign policy, the economy, national health care, the media, and defense. It also includes the president's press secretary, the president's physician, and the staff of the first lady.

Describe two enumerated powers Congress has in making foreign policy.

Two enumerated powers of Congress has in making foreign policy are declaring war and ratifying treaties.

Describe two expressed powers the president has in making foreign policy.

Two formal constitutional powers of the President in making foreign policy are making treaties and being the commander in chief.

Signing Statement

Written comments issued by presidents while signing a bill into law that usually consist of political statements or reasons for signing the bill but that may also include a president's interpretation of the law itself


an official order or commission to do something.

pocket veto

president's power to kill a bill, if Congress is not in session, by not signing it for 10 days

What was the intent of the framers when constructing the presidency?

wary of tyranny. They made the president powerful enough to check and balance Congress but not so powerful as to overrun Congress.

Describe the primary constitutional conflict between Congress and the President over the decision to go to war.

• Congressional attempt to reassert control over national security • Presidents have largely ignored, asserting the act is unconstitutional

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