Principles of Marketing Exam 4- Isenberg

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inventory management

Because of the significant investment many companies have in the products they sell to customers, they must develop and maintain adequate varieties of products to meet their customers needs.. this is called...

people toward whom the advertisements are directed

The target audience for an advertising campaign is the

listening carefully to questions and comments and watching reactions

a sales person will better be able to determine the prospects specific needs by_________ during the sales presentation


anything that reduces the accuracy and clarity of communication is called....

organizational buyers

are especially partial to direct marketing channels when expensive and/or complex equipment is involved.


are items offered free or minimal cost as a bonus for purchasing a product

marketing channel members.... inefficient

are likely to experience misunderstandings, frustration, and poorly coordinated strategies as a result of channel conflict caused by _____ communication between members

piggyback, fishyback, and birdyback

are terms usually associated with gaining efficiency in shipping through containerization

The size, geographic distribution, and demographic

characteristics are the MOST important to consider before determine the promotion mix ingredients

layout, displays, color, and lighting

exterior and interior characteristics such as ____ are all elements of a store's atmospherics

category killers compete primarily on the basis of

low prices and enormous product availability

physical distribution

order processing, inventory management, materials handling, warehousing, and transportation are the activities that define...

without wholesalers and other intermediaries,

products would likely be more expensive due to the use of less efficient members


represents a company on a permanent basis

12 cold calls

research shows that one referral is valuable as....

warehouse clubs

retailers that ell only to members and feature discount retailing combined with cash- and- carry wholesaling are called....

current- customer sales and new business sales

sales activities in the sales structure are divided into two categories :

Merchant wholesaler

takes title to goods, assumes risk associated with ownership, and buys and resells products.


target market of a regional shopping center typically includes at least____

receiver's response

the ____ to a message is feedback for the source

advertising platform

the basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wants to include in an advertising campaign is the....

supply chain management

the coordination of all the activities involved with the flow and transformation of supplies, products, and information throughout the supply chain to the ultimate consumer is called...

intergrated marketing communications

the coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact defines....


the cost of retaining existing customers is usually substantially ____ than the cost of acquiring new customers

before, during, and after; pretests, inquiries and post tests

the effectiveness of an advertising campaign ca be measured ______ , the campaign through the use of _____ .

follow- up

the final stage of the selling process is _____

building long-term relationships with customers

the focus of personal selling is shifting from selling a specific product to


A ___ is an organization that purchases products for the purpose of reselling them to ultimate consumers

category management

A retail strategy of managing groups of similar, often substitutable products produced by different manufacturers is called ____

Promotion Mix Ingredients

Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations are called....

sales office

Manufacturer-owned operations that provide services normally associated with agents is a....

personal selling

Paid personal communication that attempts to inform customers and persuade customers to purchase products in an exchange situation is called....


___is important to a retailer because ___ determines the trading area from which the store must draw its customers

marketing channel

a ____ is defined as a group of individuals and organizations that directs the flow of products from producers to customers

environmental monitoring

a firm can identify changes in public opinion that affect it by conducting....

is a media plan

a list of the exact magazines, newspapers, and television stations in which an advertisement will appear, along with the dates and times...

event sponsorship

a major benefit of using ____ is that it can provide large amounts of free media coverage

Just- in- time (JIT)

a manufacture has decided to improve its inventory management by maintaining low inventory labels and waiting to purchase materials until right before they are needed in production.

specialty retailers

a narrow product mix with a deep product line would mostly be carried by....


a print or digital ad's ____ is designed to attract readers' attention and develop attention so that they will read the entire advertisement

able, willing, and authorized

after compiling a list of potential customers, a salesperson must evaluate whether each prospect is_______ to buy the product


communication that builds and maintains favorable relationship by informing and persuading one or more audiences to view an organization more positively and to accept its product is the role of ____

multichannel distribution

companies are increasingly using ____ to respond to changing consumer preferences to be able to buy a product wherever they desire

department stores

compared with other types of retailers, ___, compete mainly on the basis of customer services


employed temporarily

customer loyalty

frequent-user incentives are most likely to stimulate....

personal selling; salesperson's efforts on sales than advertising's effects on sales

if a firm's promotional budget were extremely limited, it would more rely on _______as its main promotional tool because its is easier to measure a _______

administered vertical marketing system (VMS)

in an ___, interorganizational relationships are achieved by informal coordination

consumer products

in contrast to industrial products, ___ are often purchased because of social influence

sales promotion objectives

in establishing ____ , a marketer should always align objectives with the organization's overall objectives

product placement

in television show is becoming increasingly important due to consumers' greater ability to screen, and fast forward through advertisements

public relations

is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between a company and its stakeholders

free merchandise

is an example of a trade sales promotion metho


is physical- distribution that involves design and operation of facilities for storing goods

reinforcement advertising

is primarily targeted at the current users of a particular product

support a strong customer orientation; motivate salespeople

managers should be careful to craft sales contests that ____ and ____

a benchmark statement

should be included in advertising objectives because without a reference point it is difficult to determine what degree objectives have been accomplished

consumer groups and government officials

some critics, including ____ , suggest that certain products should not be promoted because they are potentially harmful

exclusive, selective, and intensive

the major levels of intensity at which a company can choose to distribute its products are....

pusling, continuous and flighting

the three general types of media schedules are...

direct marketing, direct selling, and automatic vending

the three major types of non-store retailing are:

pioneer; competitive

the two major types of product advertising are ___ and ___

convenience stores

were developed in 1927 to supply milk, eggs, and other products for customers replenishing their iceboxes

a company may suffer if it cuts back the size of its sales force

when better market conditions prevail or when company growth occurs,

signs that have meanings

when encoding the message, the source should use ____ that the target market will understand

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