Processing and Packaging

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What is processing?

Food processing transforms raw ingredients into another form by chemical or physical means

Is processed food unhealthy?


How is guacamole made?

1) Guacamole: Mashed avocados and spices 2) At home: Served immediately after mashing and mixing 3) Industrial: Eaten days after manufacturing 4) What problems arise when there is such a delay in consumption time? 5) Made with high-pressure processing a) Inactivates PPO to prevent browning b) Cold pasteurization method

How are gummy bears made?

1) Made of sugar, gelatin, coloring, flavoring 2) Gummy texture due to gelatin *Gelatin: Protein made from collagen from beef skins 3) Problems: *Very sticky and stretchy from the sugar and gelatin *How do we get it out of the mold? [use cornstarch molds and refridgerate]

How are cheese puffs made?

1) Made with process called extrusion a) with or without heat 2) Made with an extruder 3) Extruded with heat and pressure

What is the process of making ice cream?

1) Mix ingredients together 2) Pasteurize mixture a) Kills bacteria a) Activates stabilizers 3) Homogenize a) Creates smoother texture 4) Freeze 5) Packaging 6) Store 7) Transport

What is ionizing irradiation?

1) Not allowed in organic 2) Produces ions and reactive molecules to damage DNA to kill microorganisms and pests 3) Particles decay very fast 4) Food doesn't become radioactive 5) Can be used to sterilize or pasteurize Spices are sterilized Produce is pasteurized to extend shelf life Used on fresh produce, spices, and things that cannot be exposed to heat

What is the purpose of packaging?

1) Protection *Shock, vibration, compression, bacteria, etc. *Controls permeation of oxygen and water 2) Information *Nutrition Facts panel, name of product, manufacturer, net weight 3) Marketing *Label claims, graphic design/attractiveness to consumer, recognition 4) Convenience 5) Portion control

How is ice cream made?

1) Review: Milk and/or cream, sugar, salt, stabilizers and emulsifiers, flavoring 2) Note the differences of how ice cream is made at home/in stores, vs. industrially 3) Needs to meet Standard of Identity (SOI) to be called ice cream 4) Ice cream is an emulsion and a foam *Proteins trap air

What is the process of extrusion?

1) ingredient 2) mix 3) extruder- heat (100c) and pressure (sea level) buildup 4) die - Water boils as it comes out of the die and expands Also used for pet food, cereal, pasta, licorice candy, etc. The addition of heat determines if the product will "puff" or not because of steam and instantaneous boil

What are some cons of processing?

1) introduction of new hazards 2) nutrient loss 3) energy, fossil fuels, resources 4) flavor loss

What are some pros of processing?

1) preservation and food quality 2) retain/increase nutritional value 3) ensures availability and variety a) despite season or location 4) makes food palatable 5) convenience

What are forms of processing?

Cooking, freezing, grilling, peeling, chopping, pasteurization etc.

What is canning?

Invented by Nicholas Appert to preserve food for troops in 1810 1-5 years Observed food in jars did not spoil unless seal was broken Received reward from Napoleon Bonaparte

How does canning work today?

Meant to sterilize food from microorganisms Achieved with sufficient heat alone, or with other ingredients and treatments to render product stable Hurdle technology Various types of canning Most popular is retorting, using pressure and heat Usually 15 psi at 280 ˚F for 2.8 min Cans, pouches, glass containers What is the main bacteria in canned foods we are trying to kill?

What causes spoilage?

Microorganisms, however they did not know this yet. It would be another 50 years beforeLouis Pasteur would discover the association of microbes and spoilage

What are protein films?

New technology Films made of milk proteins Biodegradable Reduces waste Problems: Milk allergies

What is Modified Atmosphere packaging (MAP)?

Often chips/puffs are sold in sealed bags Common complaint: bags are mostly air meant to protect chips so they don't crack Bags are filled with gases, like nitrogen, to prevent lipid oxidation of product and physical damage Increases shelf life Air: 78% N,21% O, 0.03% CO2

What is the difference between pasteurization and sterilization?

Pasteurization 1) Heat 2) High-Pressure Processing 3) Irradiation Sterilization 1) More aggressive heating 2) Irradiation Why would we want multiple methods for pasteurizing or sterilizing food products? [one size does not fit all]

What are the top food processors in the US and Canada?

PepsiCo Tyson Foods Nestle JBS USA Kraft Heinz Anheuser-Busch Smithfield Foods Coca-Cola General Mills Mars

How does packaging protect product from light?

Problem: Oxidation caused by light creating skunky beer, light destroying vitamins in milk Solution: dark glass (like beer bottles), milk carton SEE THROUGH MILK CARTONS DO NOT WORK

How is guacamole packaged?

Problems: 1) Enzymatic browning in the presence of oxygen 2) Lipid oxidation 3) For HPP, must be in a flexible package Solutions: 1) MAP packaging 2) Vacuum packing 3) Form-fill-seal

What is Aseptic Packaging?

Why keep your product sterile and clean if your packaging isn't? Aseptic packaging: food and packaging sterilized separately Usually in a tetrapack **plastic, tin foil, and cardboard is what the packaging is made of

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