Programming the World Wide Web - Chapter 1

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1.14 What is a virtual host?

A secondary host on a server that can support more than one site.

1.15 What is a proxy server?

A server that can server documents that are in the document root of other web servers on the web.

1.3 What is the form of an IP address?

An IP address is a unique 32-bit number. IP addresses usually are written (and thought of) as four 8-bit numbers, separated by periods.

1.50 For what particular kind of Web application was Rails designed?

Applications that access databases?

1.31 Why must code generated by a filter often be modified manually before use?

Because it cannot be converted to it's original form and browsers can interpret the new source code differently, it needs to be altered to render as intended.

1.42 What is the purpose of JSF?

Client-generated events can be handled by server-side code with JSF.

1.52 In what fundamental way does an Ajax Web application differ from a traditional Web application?

Communication from the browser to the server is asynchronous and when the requested document is provided by the server it's typically a small part of the whole document and thus faster.

1.35 What are the most common applications of JavaScript?

Creating and modifying HTML documents dynamically, validating form data, building Ajax-enabled HTML documents.

1.37 What is the primary use of Flash?

Creating static graphics, animated graphics, text, sound, and interactivity to be a part of stand-alone HTML documents or as a part of other HTML documents.

1.44 In what language is the code in an ASP.NET document usually written?

Either Visual Basic .NET or C#

1.47 In what ways is Ruby more object oriented than Java?

Every data value is an object and all operations are via method calls, and because of this many operators can be redefined by user programs and all classes can have subclasses.

1.38 Where are Flash movies interpreted, on the server or on the browser?

Flash is interpreted on the browser through a plug-in.

1.21 Describe the purposes of the five most commonly used HTTP methods.

GET -Returns the contents of a specified document HEAD -Returns the header information for a specified document POST -Executes a specified document, using the enclosed data PUT -Replaces a specified document with the enclosed data DELETE -Deletes a specified document

1.23 What response header field is most often required?

Host name request field

1.41 In what way are JSP documents the opposite of servlets?

In JSP documents, the Java code is embedded in HTML documents to provide the dynamic parts instead of HTML code existing inside of Java code.

1.32 What is the great advantage of XML over HTML for describing data?

Is that application programs can be written to use the meanings of the tags in the given markup language to find specific kinds of data and process it accordingly.

1.24 What important capability is lacking in a markup language?

It cannot be used to describe computations - it is NOT a programming language

1.30 What is a filter HTML converter?

It converts an existing document in some form to HTML.

1.36 Where is JavaScript most often interpreted, on the server or on the browser?

It is interpreted on the browser typically.

1.19 What is the purpose of an MIME type specification in a request-response transaction between a browser and a server?

It is there to tell the browser what to do with the media type being requested. i.e. a jpg photo. The browser will then determine what application to use to access the media with either through helper applications or plug-ins.

1.26 Is it practically possible to compute the private key associated with a given public key?

It is, but it is not computationally feasible.

1.22 What is the purpose of the Accept field in an HTTP request?

It specifies a preference of the browser for the MIME type of the requested document.

1.16 What does the file protocol specify?

It specifies that the document resides on the machine running the browser. When being utilized, the FQDN is omitted and takes the following form: file: //path-to-document

1.48 In what country was Ruby developed?


1.40 In what language are servlets written?


1.51 Which programming languages are used in Ajax applications?

Javascript, XML, HTML

1.9 What kind of browser, introduced in 1993, led to a huge expansion of Web usage?

Mosaic - the first browser with a graphical interface. This enabled more casual users to utilize the web.

1.33 How many different tags are predefined in an XML-based markup language?


1.1 What was one of the fundamental requirements for the new national computer network proposed by the DoD in the 1960s?

One fundamental requirement was that the network be sufficiently robust so that even if some network nodes were lost to sabotage, war, or some more benign cause, the network would continue to function.

1.45 Where is PHP code interpreted, on the server or on the browser?

PHP code is interpreted on the server side.

1.25 What problem is addressed by using a public-key approach to encryption?

Privacy and integrity are protected through encryption. If data is intercepted, the interceptor won't be able to decrypt it.

1.7 In the first proposal for the Web, what form of information was to be interchanged?

Scientists wanted to exchange documents describing their work.

1.2 What protocol is used by all computer connections to the Internet?


1.34 What is the relationship between Java and JavaScript?

Tenuous - only some of the syntax is the same. Java Script is dynamically typed.

1.8 What is hypertext?

Text with embedded links to other texts. This allowed non-sequential browsing.

1.4 Describe a fully qualified domain name.

The host name followed by increasing larger domains. i.e

1.13 What is the server root of a Web server?

The other directory on a web server, called the "server root". Could be stored on another HDD or another machine. Used to store some parts of the servable document collection.

1.28 What appears to motivate a hacker to create and disseminate a virus?

The pride and accomplishment they get from destroying stuff and outwitting security engineers.

1.11 What is the document root of a Web server?

The root of one of the two directories that make up the file structure of a web server that stores the web documents that the server accesses and serves.

1.12 What is a virtual document tree?

The secondary areas from which documents can be served.

1.20 With what must a Web server furnish the browser when it returns a document with an experimental MIME type?

The web server must supply a program that the browser can call on to display the contents of the database.

1.39 Where are servlets executed, on the server or on the browser?

They are executed on the server.

1.29 What is a plug-in?

They are programs that can be integrated with a word processor.

1.46 In what ways is PHP similar to JavaScript?

They both use dynamic typing

1.17 How do partial paths to documents work in Web servers?

They work because in the web server's config file the root directory it can serve from has been set.

1.6 What is the purpose of telnet?

To allow a user to log into another computer from the computer they are using.

1.43 What is the purpose of ASP.NET?

To be an alternate option for writing server side dynamic documents. It supports any .NET code and runs faster than interpreted code.

1.5 What is the task of a DNS name server?

To convert the FQDN to its IP address either through it's own repositories or by sending it to another DNS server to try.

1.49 What is the purpose of Rails?

To serve as a development framework for web-based applications that access databases.

1.27 What is the difference between a virus and a worm?

Viruses must be spread through attachments or freeware whereas worms spread on their own.

1.10 In what common situation is the document returned by a Web server created after the request is received?

When a browser client requests a static document from a server.

1.18 When a browser requests a directory without giving its name, what is the name of the file that is normally returned by the Web server?


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