Project Management Chapter 9

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Resource histogram

A(n) ______ is a column chart that shows the number of resources assigned to a project over time


A(n) ______ or draft contract often provides the basis for defining and finalizing work requirements


A(n) _______ is a specific type of organizational chart that shows which organizational units are responsible for which work items


According to Blake and Mouton, project managers who use the _____ method use a give-and take-approach to resolving conflicts


According to Blake and Mouton, project managers who use the _____ mode retreat from an actual or potential disagreement


According to Herzberg, which of the following is a motivational factor?


According to Lencioni, which of the following qualities is present in organization that succeed?


According to Maslow, only after meeting ______ needs can individuals act upon growth needs


According to McClelland's acquired-needs theory, people who need personal ______ want to direct others and can be seen as bossy


According to McClelland's acquired-needs theory, people with a high need for _____ desire harmonious relationships with other people and need to feel accepted by others


According to Thamhain and Wilemon, _____ is the ability to improve a worker's position


According to Thamhain and Wilemon, _____ is the legitimate hierarchical right to issue orders


At the bottom of Maslow's structure are _______ needs


Covey, like Maslow, believes that people have the ability to be _____ and choose their responses to different situations


Herzberg called factors that cause job satisfaction ______


In the DISC profile, the letter "S" represents ______


In the Tuckman model, _____ involves the break-up of the team after it successfully reaches its goals and completes the work


In the Tuckman model, _____ occurs as team members have different opinions as to how the team should operate


In the Tuckman model, _____ occurs when the emphasis is on reaching the team goals, rather than working on team Process

Acquiring the Project Team

Key outputs of _____ process are project staff assignments, resource calendars, and project management plan updates

Theory Y

Managers who believe in McGregor's _____ assume that individuals do not inherently dislike work but consider it as natural as play or rest

Theory X

Managers who follow _____ assume that the average worker wants to be directed and prefers to avoid responsibility


People with a high need for _____ seek to excel and tend to avoid both low-risk and high-risk situations to improve their chances for achieving something worthwhile


Psychologist David Merril describes ______ as reactie and task-oriented


Recognizing an employee as the "star performer of the month" would be satisfying the need of the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Resource ______ aims to minimize period-by-period variations in resource loading by shifting tasks within their slack allowances

Sharpening the saw

Taking time to renew oneself physically, spiritually, mentally, and socially is ________


The _____ is a tool to measure the individual needs of different people using McClelland's categories


The _____ presents subjects with a series of ambiguous pictures and asks them to develop a spontaneous story for each picture, assuming they will project their own needs into the story


The _______ allocates work to responsible and performing organizations, teams, or individuals, depending on the desired level of detail


The acquiring of the project team is a subprocess associated with the _____ process of project human resource management


The bottom four needs in Maslow's structure is referred to as a ______ need

Interpersonal Intelligence

The capacity to understand the motivations, intentions, and desires of others is _______

Finalizing the project requirements

The first step in the framework for defining the assigning work is ______


The highest level of needs in Maslow's structure is referred to as a ______ need

Team Development

The main goal of _______ is to help people work together more effectively to improve project performance

Developing the Project Team

The main outputs of the ______ process are team performance assessments and enterprise environmental factors updates


When an organization needs a new direction, the _______ leadership style is appropriate

Extrinsic Motivation

_____ causes people to do something for a reward or to avoid a penalty

Referent Power

_____ is based on an individual's personal charisma

Abraham Maslow

______ a highly respected psychologist rejected the dehumanizing negativism of psychology and proposed the hierarchy of needs theory

Theory Y

______ emphasizes things such as job rotation, broadening of skills, generalization versus specialization, and the need for continuous training of workers

Acquiring the Project Team

______ involves assigning the needed personnel to work on the project

Reward Power

______ involves using incentives to induce people to do things

Coercive Power

______ involves using punishment, threats, or other negative approaches to get people to do things they do not want to do.

Douglas McGregor

______ is best known for developing Theory X and Theory Y

Empathetic Listening

______ is listening with the intent to understand


______ is the concept that the whole is equal to more than the sum of its parts


______ is the potential ability to influence behavior to get people to do things they would not otherwise do.


______ issues that affect how people work and how well they work include motivation, influence, and power


______ refers to matching certain behaviors of the other person

Resource Loading

______ refers to the amount of individual resources an existing schedule requires during specific time periods

Deputy Project Managers

_______ fill in for project managers in their absence and assist them as needed

Developing the Project Team

_______ involves building individual and group skills to enhance project performance

Managing the Project Team

_______ involves tracking team member performance, motivating team members, providing timely feedback, resolving issues and conflicts, and coordinating changes to help enhance project performance.


_______ is a relation of harmony, conformity, accord, or affinity and is important for communication

Resource Leveling

_______ is a technique for resolving resource conflicts by delaying tasks

Frederick Herzberg

_______ is best known for distinguishing between motivational factors and hygiene factors when considering motivation in work settings


_______ means more resources than are available are assigned to perform work at a given time


_______ power is getting people to do things based on a position of authority


_______ should receive frequent performance feedback, and although money is not an important motivator to them, it is an effective form of feedback


________ is at the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs


in the MBTI, the ______ dimension relates to the manner in which you gather information

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