PSC1121 (part 2)

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Hurricanes and typhoons generally develop within the _________ latitudinal zones

10-20 degrees N and S

Standard sea level atmospheric pressure is _________

1013.2 mb

The tile of the earths axis _________

23 1/2 degrees from a perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic

easterly waves predominantly occur within the _________ latitudinal zones

5-30 degrees N and S

the leading edge of a polar outbreak is _________

a cold front with squalls

The coriolis effect is _________

a result of the Earth's counterclockwise rotation around its axis

minimum daily temperatures usually occur _________

about one half hour after sunrise

_________ temperature changes occur in parcels of air solely as a result of air expansion or compression


_________ fog forms when warm, moist air moves over a colder surface


The percentage of shortwave radiant energy scattered upward by a surface is termed its _________


Wind speed is measured by an instrument called an _________


an _________ is a center of high pressure and is generally responsible for fair weather


the _________ encompasses all living organisms on earth


_________ produces the largest greenhouse effect in today's atmosphere

carbon dioxide

the _________ divides the earth into a sunlit side and a night side

circle of illumination

The earths atmosphere is _________

constantly changing

Tropical weather tends to be _________

convective in nature

urban surface temperatures tend to be warmer than rural temps during the day because _________

drier surfaces have less water to evaporate than do moist soils

Relative humidity is usually the lowest during the _________

early afternood

The _________ measures the decrease of air temperature with increasing altitude at a given location and time

environmental lapse rate

The largest u.s. death toll in a natural disaster occurred from a hurricane that struct _________

galveston, texas in 1900

Global surface ocean currents are dominated by huge, wind driven circular _________ centered near the subtropical high pressure cells


hadley cells are driven by _________

heat from the sun

A northern hemisphere anticyclone is a _________

high pressure system that rotates clockwise

during the winter in the midlatitudes, we expect to find _________ surface pressures over the land and _________ surface pressures over the ocean. This _________ in the summer.

high; low; switches

The northern lights occur due to the excitation of charged particles in the _________


On weather maps, _________ connect lines of equal atmospheric pressure


_________ are lines of equal temperature drawn on a weather map


The _________ is the metric unit for mass


a _________ forms between two high pressure cells

low pressure trough

A system for changing the geographic grid to a flat grid is a _________

map projection

The _________ lapse rate is in effect when a parcel of air rises above the condensation level

moist adiabatic

_________ is the difference between all incoming radiation and all outgoing radiation

net radiation

during an equinox, the circle of illumination passes through the _________

north and south poles

relative to adjacent ocean surfaces, isotherms over a large continental land mass tend to shift _________ in latitude during the winder and _________ in latitude during the summer

north; south

poleward heat transfer involves the flow of heat by _________ and _________ from the lower latitudes to the polar regions

oceanic currents; atmospheric currents

_________ precipation is a result of air being lifted over a highland area


Upper air disturbances and midlatitude storms form near the _________

polar fronts

_________ mark the boundary between cold polar air and warm tropical air

polar fronts

The _________ projection centers on the North or South pole and displays the meridians as _________ lines

polar; straight

_________ are an unfavorable condition for the initial stages of tropical cyclone formation

presence of subsiding or sinking air

A parcel of air at the surface is subjected to three forces, and the balance among the _________, coriolis and frictional forces determines the direction of motion of the parcel of air

pressure gradient

In the case of electromagnetic energy, an object that is hot _________

radiates much more energy than a cool object

Destruction from tropical cyclones is not associated with _________

rapid temperate drops.

the intensity of tropical cyclones is categorized based on the _________

saffir-simpson scale

_________ is the process responsible for the turning aside of light rays in the atmosphere


a _________ is a suden rise of water level caused by a tropical cyclone

storm surge

the ozone layer is located in the _________


most of the worlds great deserts are located near the _________

subtropical high pressure centers

The closer together isobars are, _________

the higher the pressure gradient

jet streams are NOT due to _________ but they ARE a narrow band of high velocity winds located near the tropopause characterized by westerly winds in the subtropic and polar regions

the temperate difference between oceans and alnd

in the ocean, the boundary between warmer surface water and colder subsurface water is marked by the _________


The annual revolution of earth around the sun generates a natural rhythm, or _________ of incoming solar energy flow

time cycle

The highest energy, shortest wavelength form of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun is _________

ultraviolet radiation

The ground can only radiate long wave radiation _________ but the atmosphere radiates long wave radiation _________

upward; in all directions

_________ concentration varies highly in the atmosphere

water vapor

A _________ system generates similar changes in the atmospheric state of a given region


an occluded front occurs within a midlatitude cyclone _________

when a cold front has overtaken a warm front

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