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Thirteen-year-old Erin and her mother were in a car accident. Her mother was fine, but Erin had a cut on her forehead. When the attractive EMT came over to her, Erin would be MOST likely to say:

"Don't look at me. I must look terrible."

Samantha and Gabriel have decided to take their son to Sea World. When they asked him two years later if he remembered going he answered no. Their son was _____ years of age at the time of the trip.

2.5 (amnesia fades before 4 years old)

Only a small proportion, about _____ percent, of U.S. teens wish they were someone else.


Late adulthood begins at age:


Inferiority complex is to _____ as collective unconscious is to _____.

Adler; Jung

Andrea participated in an experiment in which she was asked to look at photos of happy times in her life; then she was asked to view photos of people attacking harmless animals. Her brain activity was recorded throughout the experiment. Results should show that:

Andrea's brain would be active in different areas for the different types of photos.

Maura and Trish are eighth graders who have been caught smoking. Maura's parents yell at her, ground her for a month, and take away her television and internet privileges for 2 months. Trish's parents talk to her about their disappointment and concern; additionally, they make her spend every afternoon for a week at the library researching the dangers of smoking and discussing her findings with them each night at dinner. With respect to Baumrind's parenting styles, Maura's parents are MOST likely _____ and Trish's are MOST likely _____.

Authoritarian and Authoritative

Allan is 34. Beryl is 50. Callie is 63. Which of these individuals is middle-aged?

Beryl and Callie are middle-aged, whereas Allan is not.

Leanne is 5 months old. Chastity is 8 months old. Dominique is 25 months old. Which infant should show the MOST evidence of stranger anxiety?

Chastity because they peak between 8 and 14 months of age

Justyce is in a movie theater and on the screen one of the actors is cut across the arm. He gasps but everyone else in attendance is silent. Which country might he be in?


Psychologists use the term _____ to refer to all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating.


Five-year-old twins Keith and Kevin each have 4 ounces of juice in their glasses. Keith's glass is tall and narrow, whereas Kevin's is shorter and wider. Kevin complains that Keith has more juice, revealing his lack of:


Nadine hears a television talk show guest remark, "A baby's mother provides it with food, and that's the basis for attachment." Nadine immediately realizes that this statement is false because she is familiar with:

Harlow's work with monkeys.

A grandmother is in her early eighties and is beginning to seem frail. Which of these is likely noticeable about her abilities?

Her hearing, distance perception, and sense of smell are diminishing.

The _____ view of personality emphasizes the growth potential of healthy individuals.


The first theory of emotion in psychology's history was the _____ theory.


Which theory of emotion is correctly matched with the sequence of events it proposes?

James-Lange—stimulus, physiological response, emotional experience

Which statement describes the pattern of life satisfaction for adults whose spouse died?

Life satisfaction dipped prior to the death, dropped significantly during year of spouse's death, and rebounded to prior levels in the years following the death.

Michelle and Paul attended the funeral of a mutual friend. When others asked them how their friend's fiancé was taking the loss, who is MOST likely to give a more detailed and accurate account of the fiancé's emotional state?


Al is applying for a new job with a large company. As part of the application process, Al will need to take a personality test. The test has 10 scales including a scale that assesses depressive tendencies. Al is MOST likely taking the:

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

In a psychology class debate on the trait perspective, Colin needs to take the opposing view and rebut its positive aspects. Which criticism of the trait perspective would he cite?

People do not act with predictable consistency, and behavior varies from one situation to the next.

Elena has been in therapy for two months. When she began therapy, her therapist asked her to describe herself as she would ideally like to be and as she actually is. Her therapist explained that when these two descriptions are nearly alike, the person is thought to have a positive:

Self Concrpt

Abigail has a reputation of bad-mouthing other people. She always seems to make judgmental comments about others. What might be a reason why Abigail acts this way?

She has low self-esteem.

how might adolescents' tendency to engage in risky behaviors such as drag racing and experimental drug use reflect brain development phenomena?

The frontal lobe matures slowly, impeding adolescents' ability to weigh potential consequences.

Nikolas is suspected of a crime and is asked to take a polygraph test. Although he is innocent, what are the chances that he will be falsely accused?

These tests error about 1/3 of the time

A(n) _____ describes a characteristic pattern of behavior or a disposition to feel and act, as assessed by self-report inventories and peer reports.


Erik Erikson used the phrase "basic _____" to refer to a child's fundamental sense that the world is reliable and predictable.


"We were arguing and the gun just went off!" This statement illustrates one's tendency to accept less responsibility for one's bad deeds. This is called:

a self-serving bias.

A child's realization that others may have beliefs the child knows to be false BEST illustrates the development of:

a theory of mind

With respect to Joseph LeDoux's idea of emotional processing pathways, low is to high as _____ is to _____.

amygdala; cortex

Mark is embarrassed by the fact that he displays emotion when watching a film with sad or sentimental scenes. What could Mark do to help control these emotions while viewing this type of film?

bite on a popsicle stick

Because of cataracts, a neighbor was deprived of visual experiences during early childhood. Last year, her vision was restored by surgery but she is having difficulty in dealing with the visual world. This is probably because:

brain cells normally devoted to vision died or were diverted to other uses

Becky babysits two sisters, Jasmin and Erum. Last week when the two girls were eating cookies, Jasmin complained about how unfair it was that Erum had more cookies than her. To solve the problem Becky took one of Jasmin's cookies and divided it in half. Jasmin then thought that the cookies were equal between her and her sister and was happy. Several months later Becky is babysitting them again. She bakes the girls brownies and Jasmin again complains that her sister has more brownies than her. Becky divides one of Jasmin's brownies in half and asks her if it is now fair. Jasmin replies, "No, all you did was cut it in half." Jasmin is now in Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

concrete operational

Social-cognitive theorists believe people learn many of their behaviors either through _____ or by observing and _____ others.

conditioning; imitating

Landon has become more responsive to his boyfriend's advances since he noticed that an attractive man had moved in next door. Landon is using a defense mechanism called:


Recent research suggests that the unconscious involves _____ that activate instantly, before conscious analysis.


The humanistic perspective on personality:

emphasizes the growth potential of healthy individuals.

Which facial expression is one of the proposed six basic facial expressions of emotions?


Susan is excited to be studying developmental psychology in China. She believes that children's facial expressions are universal and that children everywhere will perform each activity EXCEPT:

fidget when they are sad.

An unarmed 18-year-old African-American man was on his way to college when he engaged in an altercation with a police officer. The ending result was the police officer shot and killed him. Sean is a 19-year-old African-American man who is disgusted about what just took place in his neighborhood. He decides to demonstrate his frustration by joining in riots taking place in his neighborhood. Sean is in Piaget's _____ stages of cognitive development.

formal operational

Dallas thinks two of his friends are highly compatible, so he is trying to get them together. To help get them interested in each other, Dallas might have them:

gaze into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes.

Dr. Burns sees his own therapist in order for him to be at his emotional best for seeing patients. He is open with his feelings and self-disclosing in his own therapy. Rogers refers to this attitude as:


Juan loves horseback riding. What would be an environmental factor associated with horseback riding for Juan?

having friends that also ride horses

Walter always seems to make judgmental comments about others, whether he is judging their clothing, the way they walk, the way they talk, and so forth. What might be a reason why Walter acts this way?

he has low self esteem

Rebecca is applying to graduate school and has several items she must turn in with her application, including letters of recommendation, GRE scores, transcripts, and a personal statement. Which of these is likely the BEST indicator of her potential for success in graduate school?

her academic transcripts

Rogers and Maslow are the key proponents of which personality theory?


The process of developing a sense of _____ during adolescence was highlighted by Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory.


Carolyn Rovee-Collier's research on infants revealed that:

infants remember specific associations.

Marissa resents the burden and constraints of caring for her infant daughter. She frequently ignores her daughter's cries for attention. As a consequence, her daughter is MOST likely to display signs of:

insecure attachment.

A researcher secretly puts a dab of rouge on a child's nose before placing him in front of a mirror. The child points to the rouge on the mirror's reflected image. From this example one can conclude that the child:

lacks self-recognition.

Sexual feelings are largely dormant during the _____ stage, which begins at age _____.

latency; 6

The first menstrual period in girls in the United States occurs usually within a year of age 12, and it is known as:


Chanice is 12 years old. When she woke up this morning she noticed blood on her bed. This has never happened before. Chanice is experiencing:

menarche. (first mestrual period)

Five-year-old Ling is beginning to show signs of being able to plan ahead in a somewhat rational manner. At her age, this development is likely due to:

neural networks sprouting in her frontal lobes.

Jarrud thinks he should obey his teachers only if they are carefully watching him. Lawrence Kohlberg would suggest that Jarrud demonstrates a(n) _____ morality.


Although Greg has accumulated many tickets for a wide range of traffic infractions, he complains all the time to family and friends about other peoples' driving. Sigmund Freud would describe this as _____, while today researchers would describe this as _____.

projection; false consensus effect

Sigmund Freud is associated with the _____ theory of personality.


Bruce has been smoking since he was 15 years old. His doctor tells him that he needs to quit for his health. Bruce tells the doctor, "Look, smoking is the only bad thing I do, and besides, you have to die of something." This BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:


Aerial's history of romantic relationships influences her attitudes toward romantic relationships, which changes how she now responds to her current boyfriend. This is an example of:

reciprocal determinism.

Anxious people tend to be on the lookout for potentially threatening events. Their personality shape how they interpret and react to events. In turn, their reactions influence subsequent events in a way that often reinforces their anxiety. This BEST illustrates the concept of:

reciprocal determinism.

Laurent is 16 years old and is trying different clothes and hairstyles. His father is confused and sometimes shocked by his son's pairing of shirts and pants, the earrings, chains, and hair colors. His mother, on the other hand, just laughs. According to Erik Erikson, Laurent is in the stage of development called identity versus _____.

role confusion

Dianne feels overwhelmed. She helps her adult daughter regularly with finances and caring for her grandchildren. She is also the primary caregiver of both her aging mother and her father-in-law. She feels like she never has a minute to herself. Dianne can be referred to as being in the _____ generation


Three-year-old Adam happily explores the attractive toys located in the dentist's waiting room while his mother is in the room. However, if she briefly leaves and then returns, he will return periodically to her side for brief moments. Adam MOST clearly displays signs of:

secure attachment.

Card players who attribute their wins to their own skill and their losses to bad luck BEST illustrate a _____ bias.


John is a star basketball player on the high school team. He is very tall. He is also very popular with both boys and girls. John is more likely to be:

sexually active.

Nina was almost hit by a bus. However, she is okay and her parasympathetic system is responding accordingly. It is:

slowing her heart rate and activating her digestion.

This is overestimating others' noticing and evaluating one's appearance, performance, and blunders.

spotlight effect

Mary's inability to toilet train her 10-month-old infant is MOST likely due to:

the lack of necessary maturation.

According to Abraham Maslow, self-actualization is a high-level psychological need. It only arises after basic psychological and physiological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved. Self-actualization refers to:

the motivation to fulfill one's potential.

Jennifer attributes her failing grade in sociology to an unfair final exam. Her attitude illustrates:

the self-serving bias.

Dr. Haun developed a test that measures the amount of extrasensory perception (ESP) individuals exhibit. The test is found to be reliable, which means that:

this test measures something consistently, but it may not be ESP.

Dr. Wayne states that the task of the personality psychologist is to describe the consistent and persistent patterns of behavior that distinguish one person from another. Dr. Wayne is MOST likely a _____ theorist of personality.


According to Gordon Allport, personality should be described in terms of:


Fran's life is more hectic than ever. She is 55 years old and works full time. Her son just graduated from college, but since he cannot find a job he moved back home. Fran's mother is getting frail and she is thinking about putting her mother in an assisted living facility. Fran is experiencing:

tugs of sandwich generation

The Lazarus theory of emotion suggests that people experience emotion

when appraising an event as harmful or harmless.

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