Psy 202

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Most psychological characteristics are caused by:

A combination of nurture and nature

_____ is NOT a phase of the general adaptation syndrome.

Nonspecific stress The stages are: Alarm -> Resistance -> Exhaustion.

For psychologists, theory of mind refers to:

Our ability to recognise that others have mental states that might explain their behaviour

A hormone that has recently been shown to play an important role in mother/infant attachment is:

Oxytocin Oxytocin is important in mother-child attachement. Oxytocin is sometimes called the "cuddle hormone" or "trust hormone".

A prisoners' dilemma is a game with all of the following characteristics except one. Which one is not present in a prisoners' dilemma?

Players work together to arrive at their strategies The players do not work together when deciding on the strategy they will use, they choose before finding out what the other player chose.

Which of the following best describes psychological science?

Psychological science principles are highly applicable to everyday life

Which of the following philosophers is most noted for promoting dualism as an explanation of the mind/body problem?

René Descartes

Psychoanalysis is a type of psychological treatment developed by _____, a Viennese neurologist.

Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud, who had an enormous impact of psychology as well as popular culture developed psychoanalysis.

Which of the following psychologists is most closely associated with the school of functionalism?

William James William James is associated with Functionalism. The following are the psychologists paired with the school of psychology they are associated with. William James - Functionalism B.F. Skinner - Behaviourism Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis or Psychodynamic Wilhelm Wundt - Structuralism

Compared to the medical model of health, the biopsychosocial model:

includes more factors

According to Dr. Shariff's lecture what are the three ways that cooperation can be sustainable, since cheating is the best solution for an individual organism?

Direct Reciprocity Indirect Reciprocity Kin Selection

Which of the following items are considered potential teratogens?

Drugs, Bacteria, Viruses, Alcohol, Chemicals

In which city did Wilhelm Wundt open the first psychological laboratory?

Leipzig, Germany William Wundt, who is considered the father of experimental psychology opened the first laboratory in 1879 within the University of Leipzig in Germany.

The first woman officially granted a Ph.D. in psychology was:

Margaret Floy Washburn Margaret Floy Washburn was the first to officially earn a PhD in Psychology. Mary Whiton Calkins completed all the requirements for the PhD but Harvard did not award it, trying instead to offer one from their associated womens college Radcliffe, which she refused.


Myelination increases the speed of transmission and is not complete until young adulthood.

Being very overweight is:

a major health problem in contemporary society Being very overweight is a major health problem in contemporary society. It is linked to both overeating and genetic factors.

Dynamic systems theory refers to the view that development is:

a organising process Dynamic systems theory refers to the view that development is a organising process.

Magdala blushes very easily; any time she makes even a slight social error, she turns bright red. Magdala regards this tendency as a real social failing and would give a great deal to stop blushing. You might make Magdala reconsider the value of her blushing by telling her that people who blush:

are more readily forgiven their mistakes One of the purposes of blushing is to rectify interpersonal awkwardness and restore social bonds after a transgression. It communicates a realisation of interpersonal errors, thereby repairing and maintaining relationships

According to Piaget, in which learning process do we place a new experience into an existing schema?

assimilation According to Piaget, assimilation is when we place a new experience into an existing schema?

If you hold a pencil in your teeth, forcing you to raise the edges of your lips into a sort of smile, you will _____, as predicted by the _____.

begin to feel happy; facial feedback hypothesis

Research suggests that the average adult smoker, compared to the nonsmoker:

can plan to live about a decade less Research suggests that the average adult smoker, compared to the nonsmoker can plan to live about a decade less

The difference between using critical thinking explanations and everyday explanations for psychological phenomena is that:

critical thinking relies on evidence and scientific support for making conclusions

According to the affect-as-information theory, we use:

current moods to make judgments, even if we do not know the sources of our moods

Research on the effects of exercise has shown that it can have beneficial effects on:

depression cognition memory Research on the effects of exercise has shown that it can have beneficial effects on cognition, memory, and depression.

A(n) _____ is a physiological state that encourages behaviors that correct a deficiency state, which is called a(n) _____.

drive; need Drives are psychological states that encourage behaviors that satisfy needs. Needs create arousal that motivates behavior

Sarah and Joe are taking the same psychology class. Sarah wants to do well in the class because she is earning credit toward a general education requirement. Joe wants to do well because he loves the material. Sarah wants to do well because of _____ motivation, whereas Joe wants to do well because of _____ motivation.

extrinsic; intrinsic Extrinsic motivation: Emphasises the external goals an activity is directed toward, such as reducing drive or obtaining a reward Intrinsic motivation: Refers to the value or pleasure that is associated with an activity but has no apparent biological goal

Research on the fight-or-flight response has been criticised by Taylor and others for

focusing too exclusively on the responses of males Research on the fight-or-flight response has been criticized by Taylor and others for focusing too exclusively on the responses of males. Recall Taylor and collegues have developed the theory that women more often use the tend-befriend response.

Which of the following is NOT a primary emotion?

guilt Guilt is not a primary emotion. The primary emotions are: Sadness, happiness, anger, surprise, disgust, fear, and contempt.

Need to belong theory states that the human need for interpersonal attachments is adaptive. As discussed in your text, belonging is a basic motive like hunger because NOT belonging:

has negative health consequences The impact of being a social outcast can have negative health impacts and thus it can be argued that the need to belong is a basic motive.

One of the important changes in how psychologists approach the analysis of development is that in the last several decades:

important developmental changes have been presumed to occur across the entire life span Important developmental changes have been presumed to occur across the entire life span. For example, Erikson's Psychosocial development.

Psychology developed into a discipline in:

nineteenth-century Europe Experimental psychology had its start in 19th century Europe, with many considering the foundation of William Wundt's laboratory in 1886 within the University of Leipzig being th start of modern psychology.

Erikson's final stage of psychosocial adjustment takes place in:

old age Erikson's final stage of psychosocial adjustment takes place in old age.

The placebo effect is most often based on:

patient expectations about the placebo's effectiveness

Jason and Cora are riding on a roller coaster, which is producing high levels of arousal. They attribute their aroused state to romantic feelings for each other and feel they are falling in love. The effect of the roller coaster is from the _____ associated with emotion; thinking that the arousal is usually due to romantic feelings is part of the _____ associated with emotion; feeling they are falling in love reflects the _____ associated with emotion.

physical changes; cognitive appraisals; subjective experiences

According to the two-factor theory of emotion, we experience emotion through:

physiological arousal followed by cognitive interpretation

The difference between eustress and distress involves whether the event is perceived as:

positive or negative

What is the correct order of the periods of the human developmental progression?

prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood

A child seen playing at the beach has first poured a bucket of sand into a short, fat container and then another bucket into a tall, thin container. When asked which container holds more sand, the child points to the tall, thin container. This response suggests that she is at Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development.

preoperational Failure to understand conservation (understanding that when you pour into a new container the amount remains the same) indicates a child is in preoperational stage.

From an evolutionary perspective, pleasure _____ survival and reproduction, by _____

promotes; facilitating adaptive behaviors

The purpose of homeostatic behaviours is to:

stabilize conditions in the body

Research in different cultural contexts reveals that obesity is:

stigmatised in some of them and respected in others Research in different cultural contexts reveals that obesity is stigmatised in some of them and respected in others. Cultures with less stable access to food tend to respect heavier people.

Which of the following statements is true regarding crystallised intelligence and fluid intelligence?

the former increases across age, whereas the latter begins to decline around age 30 Crystallised intelligence increases across age, whereas fluid intelligence begins to decline around age 30

Blake is waiting to hear whether he has been accepted to medical school. He is so anxious that he is having trouble working. To cope with the situation, he tries to keep himself from thinking about medical school or the admissions process. By engaging in this _____, Blake is likely to _____.

thought suppression; think about medical school even more

Erikson argues that most adults are motivated by what he calls generativity. By this he means that people:

want to give something of themselves to others Erikson argues that most adults are motivated by what he calls generativity. By this he means that people want to give something of themselves to others

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