PSY 239 Final

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Which of the following was questionable about Adler and those to whom the next several chapters are devoted? Select one: a. Their ideas related to Freud's in some way. b. All were concerned with early childhood experiences. c. They all developed their own ideas. d. They all were neo-Freudian. Question 2 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following was true of Adler and his family? Select one: a. His childhood was happy. b. He was a robust child. c. He converted to the Jewish religion. d. He nearly died of pneumonia at age five. Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following distinguished Adler, relative to the other theorists? Select one: a. He spent some time in a seminary. b. He was one of few who never had anything to do with Freud. c. He married a U.S. citizen. d. He opened health clinics. Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which was true of Adler's orientation to children? Select one: a. He was concerned about adult problems, not those of children. b. He never worked with children or adolescents. c. He was a constant advisor to child-guidance centers. d. He felt uncomfortable around children due to his own childhood experiences and trauma. Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which was true of Adler's orientation to people? Select one: a. He was rather distant in interactions with people. b. He saw the personality as a whole made up of distinctive parts. c. He was very consistent: he did not change his mind. d. He believed that striving for superiority was the major motive of people. Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Teleological, in regard to behavior, means Select one: a. backward looking b. performed with a purpose c. fragmented d. out of sync Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "Individual psychology" means Select one: a. a conception of a unique human as a interconnected whole b. the psychology of the individual rather than of the group c. a psychology of the masses that concentrated on the disenfranchised d. the vision of a new discipline that would emphasize environmental influences Question 8 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best definition of social feeling? Select one: a. feelings about social and institutional matters b. efforts to develop feelings about social matters c. the dominance of social considerations over individual concerns d. concern for the community and the need to associate/cooperate with people Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best definition of social interest? Select one: a. feelings about social and institutional matters b. efforts to develop social feeling c. the dominance of social considerations over individual concerns d. concern for the community and the need to associate/cooperate with people Question 10 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following was probably Adler's most important and enduring concept? Select one: a. birth order b. social interest c. shock d. teleological Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following are among the relatively recently proposed additions to Adler's three tasks that each person must address? Select one: a. love b. work c. society d. spirituality Question 12 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Shock is Select one: a. an extreme form of reaction; a person's automatic, unknowing exploitation of symptoms b. experienced when a person's fiction runs head-on into reality c. what occurs when consciousness and unconsciousness clash d. experienced when two people in a close relationship develop different prototypes Question 13 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Neurosis (Adler) is Select one: a. a state in which social interest is ill-developed b. a reaction to compensation c. is a rare phenomenon among women d. is too rare to be a serious problem Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Inferiority refers to Select one: a. how others feel relative to oneself b. Adler's phrase for the consequences of an exaggerated form of inadequacy explained in part by deficient social interest c. all those feelings that come from failed attempts at sexual fulfillment; d. the persistent feeling that one does not measure up to one's own or societal standard Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Inferiority complex refers to Select one: a. how others feel relative to oneself b. the consequences of exaggerated inadequacy explained in part by deficient social interest c. all those feelings that come from failed attempts at sexual fulfillment d. the persistent feeling that one does not measure up to one's own or societal standards Question 16 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To compensate is to Select one: a. seek revenge on those who have frustrated oneself b. overcome weaknesses by striving to become superior in some way c. to fight the natural disposition to superiority over others d. to bend over backwards to do or become whatever weaknesses deny oneself Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To overcompensate is Select one: a. to seek revenge on those who have frustrated you b. to overcome weaknesses by striving to become superior in some way c. to fight the natural disposition of superiority over others d. to bend over backwards to hide what you deny in yourself Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a characteristic of the neglected or over indulged child? Select one: a. The over indulged child expects homage from others. b. The neglected child compensates by finding problems "too easy." c. The over indulged child compensates by becoming humble. d. The neglected child grows up to be too trusting. Question 19 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best definition of "striving for superiority"? Select one: a. overcoming an organ defect that is particularly disfiguring b. exaggerated, abnormal form of striving involving "overcompensation" for personal weakness c. universal phenomenon that where a person attempts to achieve perfection d. the faulty method of addressing one's inferiority by literally faking superiority Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best definition of "superiority complex"? Select one: a. overcoming an organ defect that is particularly disfiguring b. exaggerated, abnormal form of striving involving "overcompensation" for personal weakness c. universal phenomenon that parallels physical growth; the goal of obtaining perfection d. the faulty method of addressing one's inferiority by literally faking superiority Question 21 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to experts on self-esteem, upon what should raised self-esteem be based? Select one: a. upon real accomplishments b. upon praise regardless of accomplishments c. upon displays of love d. upon communications that the child is worthy regardless of its behavior Question 22 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Birth order refers to Select one: a. the orderliness of the birth process in a family b. the degree to which particular children's reactions to the birth of a sibling is orderly c. the importance of the birth of a new child to the order of the household d. the child's birth position relative to other siblings Question 23 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Adler thought that the only child was Select one: a. the center of attention b. dethroned from the central position c. actively struggling to surpass others d. the most pampered Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is the critical point to be made about early recollections? Select one: a. Recollections say more about the person in the present than the person as a child. b. Recollections are the best known way to get at the person's childhood. c. Recollections provide valuable data regarding child rearing practices. d. Measures of early recollection are more valid and reliable that other personality measures. Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Adler, a brief therapy approach was Select one: a. a matter of shortening the length of sessions so that clients would not have to be in an emotionally charged atmosphere for long b. techniques to solve clients problems in a specifiable and small number of sessions c. a means of shortening the total relationship between the therapist and patient, regardless of the number of sessions d. a ridiculous idea that was not in the best interest of the client Question 26 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which was most true of Adler? Select one: a. He was recognized in his time, but had little influence later. b. He was known for his in-depth, detailed assessments of childhood traumas. c. He believed that questions of morality were beyond the arena of appropriate inquiry for psychologists. d. He was a model of the responsible, humanitarian professional. Question 27 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Some of Adler's patients were Select one: a. mental giants b. acrobats c. Nazis d. movie stars Question 28 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Adler was an early advocate of Select one: a. environmentalism b. internationalism c. women's rights d. long term therapy Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Another name for social interest is Select one: a. prototype b. fictional finalism c. Lebensraum d. Gemeinschaftsgefuhl Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Adler, what lies behind personality development? Select one: a. childhood trauma b. complexes c. childhood beliefs d. appetites Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Social feeling is not high among neurotics who (Adler) Select one: a. come from wealthy families b. come from poor families c. report ERs that emphasize social relations d. have been pampered as children Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The superiority complex is best explained by a deficiency Select one: a. in social interest b. in sexual immaturity c. of prototype developments d. of ER content Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Where are firstborns most likely to be found? Select one: a. in the executive board room b. on the auto race track c. hang gliding d. on the assembly line Question 34 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to evolutionary theory, what is the basis of sibling rivalry? Select one: a. jealousy over physical attractiveness b. fear of abandonment c. jealousy over the greater skills of the older sibs d. competition for available resources Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are properties of early memories (ER), except one. Which is NOT a property? Select one: a. future oriented b. highly accurate c. related to style of life d. often used by Adler Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the most accurate regarding social interest research? Select one: a. Social interest is unrelated to positive personal attributes. b. Social interest research is still in its infancy. c. Social interest is positively related to psychological health. d. Social interest is a concept without empirical support. Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following describes the ruling type? Select one: a. Aggressive and dominant over others b. Sensitive who are prone to dependence c. Survive by avoiding life d. Socially interested with lots of energy Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following describes the avoiding type? Select one: a. Aggressive and dominant over others b. Sensitive who are prone to dependence c. Survive by escaping from life d. Socially interested with lots of energy Question 39 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is like Adler's leaning type? Select one: a. Phlegmatic b. Choleric c. Melancholy d. Sanguine Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is like Adler's socially useful type? Select one: a. Phlegmatic b. Choleric c. Melancholy d. Sanguine Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is described as cold and dry? Select one: a. Phlegmatic b. Choleric c. Melancholy d. Sanguine Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is a humor with respect to types? Select one: a. Being friendly and outgoing b. Sanguine personalities c. Special fluids of the body d. A socially useful type Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is the cause of neurosis according to Adler? Select one: a. Too much blood in the body b. Not enough social interest c. Too much interaction with other people d. Wanting to help others so badly that you break down Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How many childhood situations did Adler describe that contribute to a faulty lifestyle? Select one: a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 7 e. none of the above Question 45 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How would Adler describe the patient's lack of courage. The patient is unable to give up their Select one: a. neurotic lifestyle? b. Repression c. Regression d. Recurring redundancy e. Resistance


Skip to main content Side panel 1 Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Topic 6 - Allport Allport Quiz Started onSaturday, October 1, 2022, 6:14 PMStateFinishedCompleted onSaturday, October 1, 2022, 6:19 PMTime taken4 mins 34 secsPoints54.00/90.00Grade0.30 out of 0.50 (60%) Question 1 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Allport's father was all except one of the following. Which was NOT true of Allport's father? Select one: a. He was a physician b. He was a politician c. He was a humanitarian d. He was a businessman Question 2 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following describes Allport's family outlook? Select one: a. broadly humanitarian b. radically religious c. atheist d. hard working e. Marxist f. "A" and "C" g. "B" and "D" h. "A" and "D" Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In whose footsteps was young Allport destined to tread? Select one: a. Murray b. Thorndike c. Titchener d. Floyd Allport Question 4 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Allport had a bad experience with which psychologist? Select one: a. Watson b. Titchener c. Jung d. Freud e. Horney f. "A" and "C" g. "B" and "D" h. "C" and "E" Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following were true of Allport's career. Which was NOT true about his career? Select one: a. Before graduate school, he taught chemistry at Simpson College. b. He was a president of the American Psychological Association. c. He consistently condemned oppression and praised social consciousness. d. He participated in successful efforts to establish a multi-disciplinary department at Harvard. Question 6 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Nomothetic theorists Select one: a. are inclined to derive general laws concerning how a relatively few traits apply to all people b. emphasize the experimental rather than the factor analytic approach c. are inclined to study each individual's unique traits without attempting to find a place for each along a relative few trait dimensions d. emphasize the discovery of the maximum number of trait dimensions needed to account for personality Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Idiographic theorists Select one: a. are inclined to derive general laws concerning how a relatively few traits apply to all people b. emphasize the experimental rather than the factor analytic approach c. are inclined to study each individual's unique traits without attempting to find a place for each along a relative few trait dimensions d. emphasize the discovery of the maximum number of trait dimensions needed to account for personality Question 8 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How did Allport feel about the unconscious? Select one: a. He agreed with Murray on its importance. b. He dismissed it entirely. c. He considered it to be of primary importance. d. He felt that psychoanalysis ignored the surface explanations. Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Allport, personality is what? Select one: a. a specific pattern of traits that interact to produce behavior b. that which predicts what all people will do in a situation c. the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought d. the relatively enduring pattern of recurrent interpersonal situations which characterize a human life Question 10 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Allport dynamic organization refers to what? Select one: a. the interplay of forces within an integrated system of tightly connected components b. the neo-Freudian instincts that guide the personality of the individual in directions that will yield satisfactions c. unconscious motivations d. the observation that personality is neither exclusively mental nor neural Question 11 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Allport psychophysical refers to what? Select one: a. the interplay of forces within an integrated system of tightly connected components b. the neo-Freudian instincts that guide the personality of the individual in direction that will yield satisfactions c. unconscious motivations d. the observation that personality is neither exclusively mental nor neural Question 12 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Allport recognized that Select one: a. traits cause people to behave in much the same manner in many different situations b. a different environmental context would call forth a different response to functionally equivalent stimuli c. in terms of traits "all people are created equal" d. The Id and collective unconscious were the same thing Question 13 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are among Allport's characteristics of traits, except one. Which is NOT one of his characteristics of traits? Select one: a. They can be established empirically. b. They are less generalized than a habit. c. They are not synonymous with moral or social judgment. d. Acts that are inconsistent with a trait are not proof of the nonexistence of the trait. Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Common traits (Allport) Select one: a. are traits that a group of people share that all have something in common b. can be measured for all people by the same battery of tests on which the people differ in degree rather than in form c. are those aspects of personality in respect to which most people within a given culture can be compared d. are traits that are so common that they have been of little interest to personologists Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A personal disposition is Select one: a. a trait that is unique to a particular individual b. is a trait that, while held in common with other people, is manifested only similarly, not identically, in each person c. is a propensity to behave in a certain way toward some social stimulus d. is an internal entity that guides social behavior directed toward entire groups of people Question 16 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A cardinal personal disposition is Select one: a. a personal disposition that, like the cardinal, can alight anywhere in the hierarchy of personality factors b. a disposition that is less conspicuous, less generalized, and less consistent c. one of the entries on the relatively small list of traits we use to summarize an individual's personality d. pervasive and outstanding in the life of a person e. the "me" as felt and known by the "self" Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A central personal disposition is Select one: a. a personal disposition that, like the cardinal, can alight anywhere in the hierarchy of personality factors b. a disposition that is less conspicuous, less generalized, and less consistent c. one of the entries on the relatively small list of traits we use to summarize an individual's personality d. pervasive and outstanding in the life of a person e. the "me" as felt and known by the "self" Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A secondary personal disposition is Select one: a. a personal disposition that, like the cardinal, can alight anywhere in the hierarchy of personality factors b. a disposition that is less conspicuous, less generalized, and less consistent c. one of the entries on the relatively small list of traits we use to summarize an individual's personality d. pervasive and outstanding in the life of a person e. the "me" as felt and known by the "self" Question 19 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "Proprium" refers to Select one: a. a personal disposition that, like the cardinal, can alight anywhere in the hierarchy of personality factors b. a disposition that is less conspicuous, less generalized, and less consistent c. one of the entries on the relatively small list of traits we use to summarize an individual's personality d. pervasive and outstanding in the life of a person e. the "me" as felt and known by the "self" Question 20 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During early infancy, Allport's first stage, Select one: a. a self develops that is fused with the mothering one's self b. a self that is dominated by what Freud would call id forces develops c. there no sense of self d. a self develops that is vague, nebulous, and generally ill-defined Question 21 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Allport's bodily self is Select one: a. a self that is confined to the central core of the body b. developing during Allport's fourth stage c. of little value in structuring the child's world d. a set of sensations that emanate from the muscles and other body parts Question 22 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-identity (Allport) refers to Select one: a. expanding oneself to include significant aspects of one's environment b. the continuity of self over, past, present, and future resulting from memory c. pride in one's pursuits and accomplishments d. hopes and aspirations that develop from others perceptions of us Question 23 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-esteem (Allport) refers to Select one: a. expanding oneself to include significant aspects of one's environment b. the continuity of self over, past, present, and future resulting from memory c. pride in one's pursuits and accomplishments d. hopes and aspirations that develop from others perceptions of us Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Extension of self refers to Select one: a. expanding oneself to include significant aspects of one's environment b. the continuity of self over, past, present, and future resulting from memory c. pride in one's pursuits and accomplishments d. hopes and aspirations that develop from others perceptions of us Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-image refers to Select one: a. expanding oneself to include significant aspects of one's environment b. the continuity of self over, past, present, and future resulting from memory c. pride in one's pursuits and accomplishments d. hopes and aspirations that develop from others perceptions of us e. being the owner and operator of ones life f. what is also known as Industry Question 26 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Rational coper refers to Select one: a. expanding oneself to include significant aspects of one's environment b. the continuity of self over, past, present, and future resulting from memory c. pride in one's pursuits and accomplishments d. hopes and aspirations that develop from others perceptions of us e. being the owner and operator of ones life f. what is also known as Industry Question 27 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Propriate striving refers to Select one: a. expanding oneself to include significant aspects of one's environment b. the continuity of self over, past, present, and future resulting from memory c. pride in one's pursuits and accomplishments d. hopes and aspirations that develop from others perceptions of us e. being the owner and operator of ones life f. what is also known as Industry Question 28 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which begins during adolescence? Select one: a. rational coping b. self-identity c. propriate striving d. self-image e. sense of body Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The main concept of Functional autonomy refers to Select one: a. when new system of motivation evolve from and are independent of older ones b. when the functions of the body become autonomous from those of the personality c. when behaviors are performed out of habits d. the person's intention to remake the personality in a unique image e. when the cognitive functions of the person separate the emotions f. when we make choices about how we will behave Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is an example of functional autonomy? Select one: a. A person does something over and over until it become a habit b. A person becomes a physician because her mother wants her to be, but later becomes intensely interested in research, and devotes her life to medical discovery. c. A person becomes a nurse because she wants to help people and as she progresses in her profession becomes more and more involved with patients, experiencing more and more fulfillment. d. A person decides to do something for some reason and continues to do it for that same reason during the rest of her or his life. Question 31 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Allport, all of the following are characteristics of intrinsically religious people, except one. Which is NOT characteristic of intrinsically religious people? Select one: a. optimistic b. self-deceptive c. tend to manipulate the impressions they make on others d. tend to be prejudiced Question 32 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Allport, the traits of highly prejudiced people can be summarized in which of the following terms? Select one: a. selfish b. ignorant c. threat oriented d. mean spirited Question 33 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following accurately describes authoritarians. Which is NOT an accurate description of authoritarians? Select one: a. tending to have low grade point averages if they majored in the liberal arts b. tending to admire dictators c. tending to be conservative and anti-gay d. preferring a disorderly, weak society so they can exert their "superiority" Question 34 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are reasons why Allport and his works are worth remembering? Which is NOT one of those reasons? Select one: a. Allport's ideas are unique because he insisted on never using anyone else's ideas. b. He is one of a few psychologists who are so unusually warm and genuine that they are models for us all. c. He understood the complexity of human personality. d. His "mini-theories" remind us that all-encompassing theories may not make sense. Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Allport was most critical of which of the following? Select one: a. social psychology b. self-actualization c. personal dispositions d. psychoanalysis Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Extrinsic religious orientation is characterized by Select one: a. religion accepted for its own sake b. utilitarianism: use of one's religion to attain goals in life c. few friends outside the church d. large donations to the church Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Intrinsic religious orientation is characterized by Select one: a. religion as an end unto itself b. utilitarianism: use of one's religion to attain goals in life c. many friends outside the church d. prejudice Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Allport's research has shown that extrinsically religious persons Select one: a. tended to be altruistic b. tended not to be depressed c. tended to be optimistic d. tended to be prejudiced Question 39 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Allport's research has shown that intrinsically religious persons Select one: a. tended to be altruistic b. tended not to be depressed c. tended to be optimistic d. tended to be prejudiced Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Preservative functional autonomy refers to Select one: a. when new system of motivation evolve from and are independent of older ones b. when the functions of the body become autonomous from those of the personality c. when behaviors are performed out of habits d. the person's intention to remake the personality in a unique image e. when the cognitive functions of the person separate the emotions f. when we make choices about how we will behave Question 41 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Propriate functional autonomy refers to Select one: a. when new system of motivation evolve from and are independent of older ones b. when the functions of the body become autonomous from those of the personality c. when behaviors are performed out of habits d. the person's intention to remake the personality in a unique image e. when the cognitive functions of the person separate the emotions f. when we make choices about how we will behave Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Maturity consists of seven characteristics. Which of the following is one. Select one: a. Emotional instability b. contraction of the self c. Unitas Multiplex d. Self Subjectivication Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Opportunistic functioning includes which of the following? Select one: a. Self expression b. Proactive, future oriented and psychological c. The tendency to satisfy biological survival needs d. Reactive and past oriented e. "A" and "B" f. "C" and "D" Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How many traits did Allport glean from reading the dictionary? Select one: a. Approximately 1000 b. Approximately 2500 c. Approximately 6325 d. Approximately 18000 e. Approximately 29346 Question 45 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What does the statement sometimes a banana is just a banana mean? Select one: a. It is not correct to compare apples to oranges b. objects may not have more than one meaning c. psychoanalysis looks to much at the surface meanings of statements d. People do not always like bananas


Skip to main content Side panel 1 Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Topic 9 - Bandura Bandura Quiz Started onSaturday, October 22, 2022, 9:01 PMStateFinishedCompleted onSaturday, October 22, 2022, 9:05 PMTime taken4 mins 5 secsPoints96.00/100.00Grade0.48 out of 0.50 (96%) Question 1 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What was remarkable about Bandura's early schooling? Select one: a. He went to private schools. b. He went to a school for disadvantaged children. c. His school was rated one of the best in his country. d. His school was so small, he was forced to learn on his own. Question 2 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What was all the rage during Bandura's time at the University of Iowa? Select one: a. learning theories b. Freudian theory c. the new cognitive movement d. existentialism Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Observational learning is Select one: a. learning how people and animals make observations b. learning by observing models as they perform useful behavior c. making observations about the learning processes d. a special form of operant learning in which cognition plays a role Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Bandura's theory focuses on Select one: a. the consistency of behavior b. both the variability and stability of behavior c. the variability of behavior d. the magnitude of behavior Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The environment, personal factors and behavior are Select one: a. engaged in an adversarial relationship b. are independent entities c. are locked into a reciprocal relationship d. are enveloped in "two at a time relationships" Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In terms of behavior and neurobiological functions Select one: a. neurobiology affects behavior but not the other way around b. behavior affects neurobiology c. by the time behavior emerges, it has "lost touch" with neurobiology d. to paraphrase Freud, "behavior knows nothing of neurons" e. neurobiology affects behavior f. Answers "B" and "E" g. Answers "A" and "C" h. none of the above Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In terms of environment and neurobiology Select one: a. environment directly affects neurobiology but not the other way around b. neurobiology affects environment but not the other way around c. environment can directly affect neurobiology d. neurobiology can directly affect environment e. Answers "B" and "D" f. Answers "C" and "D" g. none of the above Question 8 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Personal agency is defined as Select one: a. a person acting as an agent on her or his behalf b. believing that you can make things happen that will benefit yourself and others c. non-consciously evoking actions and strategies in others d. the aspiration of most people regarding their ability to change their environment Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "Proxy agency" means Select one: a. the same thing as "collective agency" b. an approximation to agency c. an agent who is proximal to oneself d. enlisting others to help control circumstances affecting one's life Question 10 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Forethought refers to Select one: a. anticipation of likely consequences of future actions b. eyes in the back of the head as opposed to eyes up front c. learning that thinking ahead is the best way to understand the past d. the observation that learning is a matter of far-reaching concentration Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Why is a child's copying of her parents behavior not mere mimicry? Select one: a. She always makes major changes in it. b. She is not conscious that she is copying, she just goes thoughtlessly through the motions of copying behavior. c. She is always coached in the behavior by her parents. d. She has awareness of what parents have done and thoughtfulness about the implications of what's done. Question 12 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one are true regarding "models," except one. Which is NOT true? Select one: a. Children consciously use parents as models. b. Monkeys react neurologically when watching keepers perform a grasping response. c. Mimicry among birds is the same as observation learning among humans. d. Models can perform behavior for an audience to show how to do it. Question 13 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "Modeling" refers to Select one: a. displaying a framework of ideas, as opposed to relating a full-blown theory b. defining ways to frame an idea or thought c. the act of performing a behavior before one or more observers d. offering a sort of prototypical behavior that stands as an exemplar for others to adopt Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How do people react to a model's behavior? Select one: a. They think about it, relating it to information they already have. b. They passively soak it up. c. They absorb it, as in osmosis. d. They mimic it, and in the process, learn, integrate, and prepare to use it. Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What happens when an observer adopts a behavior from a model? Select one: a. The behavior is simply recorded in the motor systems of the brain. b. The behavior is immediately and compulsively practiced. c. The behavior is immediately assimilated to other previously possessed behaviors so that it loses its former identity. d. An internal representation of the behavior is created and that representation is honed and refined. Question 16 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What kind of model is a person likely to observe? Select one: a. anyone in a relevant setting performing relevant behavior b. successful models: those who have done well generally and on specific tasks c. anyone who is performing attractive behavior d. persons who are similar to oneself or share one's life situation, regardless of their behavioral effectiveness Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Bandura, what are Goals? Select one: a. essential to a firm sense of self b. valid only if one adamantly refuses to abandon them even if they seem unattainable c. all that one needs to succeed d. anticipated achievements that are in line with current personal standards Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-efficacy is Select one: a. a more general kind of self-esteem b. a means of becoming more efficient c. beliefs about your ability to perform behaviors yielding expected outcomes d. feelings that you can perform adequately as long as you get support from others Question 19 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Participant modeling Select one: a. is participating in research as a model b. is when a person with low self-efficacy imitates a model's efficacious behavior c. is when several models perform the same behavior for a single observer d. is when an observer takes on the role of model and models a behavior for the benefit of the person who was previously the model Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In vicarious expectancy learning Select one: a. one learns a behavior by observing another person b. one learns to expect what a model is likely to do in a particular situation c. people adopt others expectancies concerning future events d. people expect to learn from a model because of verbal promises of future performances on the part of the model Question 21 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Response facilitation refers to Select one: a. processes that make a response easier to perform b. facilitating the responses of others as they perform those responses c. old responses being disinhibited as a result of watching a model's performance d. people facilitating the responses of other people in a reciprocating process Question 22 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Bandura, which is a limit on adopting a novel behavior? Select one: a. Even simple behavior may be obsolete by the time one learns it. b. One may lack the skills to perform the new behavior. c. People tend to adopt "what's new" whether it has any benefits to it. d. By the time one adopts a behavior it is no longer novel. Question 23 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Extrinsic rewards refer to Select one: a. rewards from within the individual b. rewards originating outside the individual c. rewards at the top of the hierarchy of rewards d. rewards with especially great longevity Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Intrinsic rewards refer to Select one: a. rewards from within the individual b. rewards originating outside the individual c. rewards at the top of the hierarchy of rewards d. rewards with especially great longevity Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Bandura, long-term maintenance of a behavior depends largely on Select one: a. repeated practice of the behavior b. how long ago the behavior was adopted c. how complex the behavior happens to be d. developing intrinsic rewards for the behavior Question 26 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-evaluation refers to Select one: a. roughly the same thing as "self-esteem" b. adopting and applying other's evaluations of oneself c. using criteria for determining how well one is doing relative to others d. evaluating one's performance and issuing a judgment of its value Question 27 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Vicarious reinforcement refers to Select one: a. "middle-man" reinforcement b. reinforcement that is secondary to primary reinforcement c. when one observes another person being rewarded for performing a behavior d. when one observes oneself being rewarded for performing a behavior Question 28 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-efficacy is Select one: a. rarely researched b. heavily researched c. little supported by research d. aimed at negative behaviors only e. answers "B" and "C" f. none of the above Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Rather than promoting the view of addicts as powerless drug abuser, what does Bandura suggest? Select one: a. empower them b. teach them delay tactics c. get them away from enablers d. give them some new incentives Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are important for changing social and health-related behavior, except one. Which is NOT important for changing health related behavior? Select one: a. optimism b. recovery from setbacks c. present-orientation d. perceived health self-efficacy Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What does dehumanization allow people to do? Select one: a. ignore the consequences of others' actions b. be concerned about others c. kill, torture, and unjustly imprison d. live by the universal moral code of conduct e. answers "B" and "C" f. none of the above Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an advantageous comparison? Select one: a. comparing oneself to people of great wealth b. comparing what certain people do to what other people do c. comparing oneself to similar others in the hope that one does a little bit better than t hem d. excusing deplorable behavior by declaring that others do it also Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Saying that gays and lesbians brought persecution on themselves is an example of Select one: a. euphemistic labeling b. gradualistic moral disengagement c. moral justification d. blaming the victim Question 34 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which one of the following is a definition of displacement or a definition of diffusion of responsibility according to Bandura? Select one: a. spreading the responsibility among actors for having been forced to perform an act b. displacing, for example, aggression onto other than the person who attacked oneself c. spreading the responsibility for taking some action to other persons present d. displacing oneself from the scene of a reprehensible act Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following amounts to moral justification? Select one: a. saying that victims of AIDS are at fault for their condition b. using phrases like "body count" c. placing the blame for one's deplorable acts onto others d. seeking support for one's deplorable acts in religious doctrine Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following amounts to scapegoating? Select one: a. saying that victims of AIDS are at fault for their condition b. using phrases like "body count" c. placing the blame for one's deplorable acts onto others d. seeking support for one's deplorable acts in religious doctrine Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following amounts to euphemistic labeling? Select one: a. saying that victims of AIDS are at fault for their condition b. using phrases like "body count" instead of number of dead c. placing the blame for one's deplorable acts onto others d. seeking support for one's deplorable acts in religious doctrine Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A possible problem with social cognitive theory is Select one: a. It is too restricted. b. Its terms are not clearly defined. c. Research support is growing faster than application of it. d. It relies to heavily on obscure rather than common language labels for concepts. Question 39 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an accurate statement about social cognitive theory? Select one: a. The cognitive element is more important than the social element. b. The social element is more important than the cognitive element. c. It is more relevant to neuropsychology than any other theory covered in this text. d. It is on the cutting edge of the cognitive movement in psychology. Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Bandura's early research was on Select one: a. classical conditioning b. aggression in children c. operant conditioning d. alcoholic Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In symbolic modeling Select one: a. models are always humans b. models may be non-human c. a model symbolizes a need of the observer d. primitive cognitive processes are involved Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text An incentive is Select one: a. food presented after "proper behavior" has been performed b. money paid following work performed c. praise following a kind deed d. an offer of money to be paid after a subsequent favor has been performed Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The most efficient method for boosting self-efficacy is Select one: a. concrete reinforcements following performances b. performance accomplishment c. classical conditioning d. systematic desensitization Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Resilience is Select one: a. roughly the same thing as persistence b. mental toughness analogous to physical toughness c. the ability to absorb rejection and failure, but still maintain the belief that one can accomplish what one desires to do d. the continuation of important pursuits with just as much vigor after success as before succeeding Question 45 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text For what famous experiment is Bandura known? Select one: a. Little Albert b. Teaching Rats to run in a Maze c. Teaching Cats to escape from puzzle boxes d. Teaching children to beat up a clown e. Work on alcoholism f. None of the above Question 46 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Michael does not want to be bad because he saw someone go to jail for murder. Which of the following describes Michael's motivation? Select one: a. Past reinforcement b. Promised Reinforcement c. Vicarious Reinforcement d. Past Punishment e. Promised Punishment f. Vicarious Punishment Question 47 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Rachael eats all of the food on her plate because her brother gets kisses whenever he finishes his food. Which of the following describes Rachael's motivation? Select one: a. Past reinforcement b. Promised Reinforcement c. Vicarious Reinforcement d. Past Punishment e. Promised Punishment f. Vicarious Punishment Question 48 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Doug went to jail for a year when he was 18. At 30 Doug has not broken the law since he got out of jail. Which of the following describes Doug's motivation? Select one: a. Past reinforcement b. Promised Reinforcement c. Vicarious Reinforcement d. Past Punishment e. Promised Punishment f. Vicarious Punishment Question 49 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Human Agency does not include which of the following? Select one: a. Intention b. Self-reflection c. Hindsight d. Self-reactiveness e. All of the above are parts of Human Agency Question 50 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following will improve self-concept? Select one: a. Create a strong ideal self b. Set very low goals that are easy to meet c. Celebrate the achievement of goals d. Dwell on your failures so you can avoid them in the future e. Answers "A" and "B" f. All of the above g. None of the above Finish review


Who was Buddha before he went out into the world? Select one: a. A prince who was kept isolated in the palace b. A beggar on the street who had a vision c. A criminal who was captured and found God in prison d. A wealthy shop owner who gave up his factory to follow a new principle of peace and love


How would you characterize the way Freud viewed the disciples and followers who surrounded him? Select one: a. with unqualified trust b. with great familiarity c. with suspicion d. with a great sense of humility Which of the following is an accurate description of Freud's family? Select one: a. His father was stern and humorless b. His family was Jewish c. His mother had a dull personality d. They were Russian e. all of the above f. none of the above All of the following are true of Freud's time in medical school except one. Which is NOT true? Select one: a. He entered medical school at age 17. b. His grades were rather mediocre. c. His most esteemed professor believed in reductionism. d. He invented a technique for staining nervous tissue. During medical school, Freud experimented with Select one: a. extrasensory perception b. goldfish c. cocaine d. bile e. both answers "A" and "C" f. none of the above Freud became famous for his early book on Select one: a. dreams b. sexual perversion c. cocaine d. bile Upon what did Freud rely in forming his theory? Select one: a. ancient Greek philosophy b. his own personal experiences c. the teaching of Francis Cobbs d. Johann Mueller's experiments How did Freud feel about religion? Select one: a. He was devout. b. He was a militant atheist. c. He regarded it as an illusion. d. He refused even to discuss the topic. Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Unit 2 - Freud Freud Quiz Started onSaturday, September 3, 2022, 11:06 AMStateFinishedCompleted onSaturday, September 3, 2022, 11:14 AMTime taken7 mins 35 secsPoints112.00/112.00Grade0.50 out of 0.50 (100%) Question 1 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How would you characterize the way Freud viewed the disciples and followers who surrounded him? Select one: a. with unqualified trust b. with great familiarity c. with suspicion d. with a great sense of humility Question 2 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an accurate description of Freud's family? Select one: a. His father was stern and humorless b. His family was Jewish c. His mother had a dull personality d. They were Russian e. all of the above f. none of the above Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are true of Freud's time in medical school except one. Which is NOT true? Select one: a. He entered medical school at age 17. b. His grades were rather mediocre. c. His most esteemed professor believed in reductionism. d. He invented a technique for staining nervous tissue. Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During medical school, Freud experimented with Select one: a. extrasensory perception b. goldfish c. cocaine d. bile e. both answers "A" and "C" f. none of the above Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Freud became famous for his early book on Select one: a. dreams b. sexual perversion c. cocaine d. bile Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Upon what did Freud rely in forming his theory? Select one: a. ancient Greek philosophy b. his own personal experiences c. the teaching of Francis Cobbs d. Johann Mueller's experiments Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How did Freud feel about religion? Select one: a. He was devout. b. He was a militant atheist. c. He regarded it as an illusion. d. He refused even to discuss the topic. Question 8 Correct Freud died of cancer of the mouth, probably traceable to Select one: a. a genetic disposition to cancer in his family b. his highly unusual diet c. a distinct lack of oral hygiene d. chain-smoking cigars Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The id is Select one: a. self-sacrificing b. beyond conscious awareness c. unit that develops after age 3 d. the third personality structure to develop e. all of the above f. none of the above Question 10 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The id operates according to the ________ principle. Select one: a. agnostic b. operant c. pleasure d. antagonistic e. all of the above f. none of the above Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The primary process involves Select one: a. needs to become all one can be b. conscious thoughts c. attempts to delay gratification d. wishes that demand immediate satisfaction Question 12 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are ways to describe "libido" except one. Which is not a way to describe "libido"? Select one: a. an asexual energy b. sexual desire in the broadest sense c. physical desire d. erotic tendencies Question 13 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The instinct "Thanatos" is associated with Select one: a. life b. death c. transcendence d. apperception e. both answers "B" and "D" f. none of the above Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text If you wanted to see the id operating in real life, where would you look? Select one: a. at your conscious sexual fantasies b. at the flirtatious behavior of young people c. at an infant's behavior d. at your relationship to your lovers Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is needed to protect the infant from its tendency to accept any available object as a means to gratify a need? Select one: a. a superego b. an id c. an archetype d. an ego Question 16 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The ego operates according to the ________ principle. Select one: a. pleasure b. primary instinctive c. secondary instinctive d. reality Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The ego is guided by a higher level of mental functioning than that which guides the id. Which of the following is related to that functioning? Select one: a. displeasure b. primary process c. secondary process d. surrealism Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Freud's definition of anxiety includes Select one: a. a central reference to explicit sexuality b. a statement of relationship to fear c. reference to unpleasant emotional discomfort d. a proposal for anxiety reduction e. all of the above f. none of the above Question 19 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text An hysterical neurosis was Select one: a. quite common b. physical symptoms designed to avoid painful experiences c. a real tumor caused by psychological problems d. episodes of crying and screaming or prolonged laughter e. all of the above f. none of the above Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The superego is Select one: a. an arm of the id b. a mechanism for sexual gratification c. the representation of society in personality d. a storehouse of instincts Question 21 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The superego operates according to the ________ principle. Select one: a. trivial b. primary c. pleasure d. morality e. all of the above f. none of the above Question 22 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text One of the superego's aspects or functions is equivalent to Select one: a. conscience b. the devil on one's shoulder c. rationality d. avoidance of addressing id needs e. all of the above f. both answers "A" and "B" g. none of the above Question 23 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are true regarding superego operation, except one. Which is NOT true of superego operation? Select one: a. guilt b. seeking perfection c. inhibiting sexual and aggressive need d. rejecting parents' renditions of society's rules Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text An ego ideal is Select one: a. the same as an ideal ego b. internal representations of idealized parents c. consciousness restricted to peers like oneself d. a structure that mediates between the ego and the superego Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Erogenous zones are Select one: a. the body parts that store ergs b. non-sexual zones of the body c. sensitive areas related to instinctual satisfactions d. parts of the body that are purposefully ignored because they are insensitive Question 26 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Psychosexual refers to Select one: a. the sexuality of archetypes b. stages that are sexual in the broadest sense c. functionally autonomous stages of cognitive development d. the sexuality that occurs at adulthood Question 27 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Regression is Select one: a. a statistical concept that Freud used to estimate loss of libidinal energy b. moving toward people c. anti-erotic d. retreating to behaviors of an earlier fixated state e. none of the above Question 28 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following types would tend to be sarcastic and argumentative? Select one: a. oral receptive b. anal retentive c. anal expulsive d. oral aggressive Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following types would tend to be suggestible and gullible? Select one: a. oral receptive b. anal retentive c. anal expulsive d. oral aggressive Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following types would tend to be orderly, stingy and stubborn? Select one: a. oral receptive b. anal retentive c. anal expulsive d. oral aggressive Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Of all the psychosexual stages, which is most central to Freud's thinking? Select one: a. oral b. intestinal c. anal d. Phallic Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following involves the boy's attraction to his mother and desire to do his father in? Select one: a. Neurotic complex b. Inferiority complex c. Oedipal complex d. Electra complex Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following characterizes the boy during the Phallic stage? Select one: a. genital fixation b. penis envy c. castration anxiety d. basic distrust Question 34 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Repression Select one: a. makes threatening material unavailable for recall b. involves casting our unacceptable traits onto other people c. allows us to excuse unacceptable behavior d. produces behavior designed to reverse the effects of undesirable behavior Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Rationalization Select one: a. makes threatening material unavailable for recall b. involves casting our unacceptable traits onto other people c. allows us to excuse unacceptable behavior d. produces behavior designed to reverse the effects of undesirable behavior Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Projection Select one: a. makes threatening material unavailable for recall b. involves casting our unacceptable traits onto other people c. allows us to excuse unacceptable behavior d. produces behavior designed to reverse the effects of undesirable behavior Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Undoing Select one: a. makes threatening material unavailable for recall b. involves casting our unacceptable traits onto other people c. allows us to excuse unacceptable behavior d. produces behavior designed to reverse the effects of undesirable behavior Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Displacement Select one: a. makes threatening material unavailable for recall b. involves finding a new target for some feelings c. allows us to excuse unacceptable behavior d. is thinking intellectually rather than an emotionally Question 39 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Anna O's symptoms included Select one: a. neurasthenia b. hives c. dissociative personality disorder d. communication only in English Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During the latency period Select one: a. children are especially sexually active b. children are sexually disinterested c. children regress to pre-Phallic stages d. children give up their fixations Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Sublimation Select one: a. reorients instinctual aims in acceptable directions b. involves casting our unacceptable traits onto other people c. allows us to excuse unacceptable behavior d. produces behavior designed to reverse the effects of undesirable behavior Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During the Genital stage Select one: a. boys long for a vagina b. girls give up their attraction to males, temporarily c. girls accept the lack of a penis and identify with the vagina d. boys give up their attraction to females, temporarily e. both answers "A" and "C" f. none of the above Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Manifest and latent content refer to Select one: a. the content of dreams b. sexual and asexual desire, respectively c. the content of regressed experienced d. the defense mechanism, denial Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What technique did Freud try and abandon because it provided only temporary solutions to patients' problems? Select one: a. acupuncture b. hypnosis c. laying on of hands d. astrology Question 45 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is true regarding Anna O's "cure" via psychoanalysis? Select one: a. She spent nearly eight years in asylums after leaving psychoanalysis. b. She was never able to have a career. c. Ten years after leaving psychoanalysis she developed full-blown schizophrenia. d. She committed suicide five years after leaving psychoanalysis. Question 46 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Freud's age when he received his M.D. degree was Select one: a. 17 b. 20 c. 25 d. 30 Question 47 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text At an early age, Freud was ordered out of his parents bedroom by Select one: a. a protective nanny b. an outraged mother c. a jealous aunt d. an irate father Question 48 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The superego strives for Select one: a. mastery over guilt b. 100% perfection c. love in its purest sense d. satisfaction of the ego Question 49 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Anal-expulsive individuals Select one: a. are noted for their cleanliness b. retain things c. are devoted to "the rules" d. disregard rules of cleanliness Question 50 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During the genital stage, energies are directed more toward Select one: a. benefiting others b. pleasure and self-enhancement c. curiosity seeking d. oral expression of the receptive type Question 51 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is solely below awareness (iceberg)? Select one: a. erg b. id c. ego d. superego Question 52 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Who may have actually been responsible for the defense mechanisms? Select one: a. Adler b. Jung c. Anna Freud d. Josef Freud Question 53 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The "ego ideal" is an internal representation of Select one: a. father b. mother c. adults d. parents Question 54 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the principle of the superego? Select one: a. pleasure b. reality c. morality d. suppression Question 55 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to a recent review of research on the "unconscious" Select one: a. there is no such thing b. Freud's conception of it has been completely confirmed c. the evidence is too mixed to draw firm conclusions d. it exists, but is not quite what Freud thought it was Question 56 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text With regard to his ideas, Freud Select one: a. was very open to criticism b. was very flexible regarding change c. clung to each of his notions with great tenacity d. refused to respond to criticisms regarding his ideas


Skip to main content Side panel 1 Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Topic 5 - Horney Horney Quiz Started onSaturday, September 24, 2022, 1:02 PMStateFinishedCompleted onSaturday, September 24, 2022, 1:07 PMTime taken5 mins 32 secsPoints96.00/98.00Grade0.49 out of 0.50 (97.96%) Question 1 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Horney's theory emphasizes Select one: a. parent-child interactions b. repressed attraction to the opposite sex parent c. present relationships with siblings d. long term sibling relations Question 2 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Horney's father was a Select one: a. preacher b. sea captain c. professor d. school teacher Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Horney's feelings toward her father were Select one: a. warm b. negative c. characterized by indifference d. mixed Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Horney was Select one: a. a slow learner until college b. a beauty c. rather plain, she thought d. a tomboy to the extreme Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During her medical training, Horney suffered from Select one: a. depression b. asthma c. inattention from men d. rickets Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During her first semester in medical school, Horney met Select one: a. a young woman who became her role model b. with academic difficulties c. Oscar Horney d. was elected president of an all male organization Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During medical school Horney Select one: a. adopted Dr. Karl Abraham, a psychoanalyst, as her mentor b. had a series of affairs c. became violently ill frequently d. had several conflicts with male students Question 8 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following was true of Horney during her medical training? Select one: a. She received help with the children from her husband, unusual for the day. b. She worked a high pay job and was able to hire a nanny for the children. c. She tried to balance mother, homemaker, and medical student. d. She had a nervous breakdown and dropped out of medical school for a time Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Instead of libidinal satisfactions, Horney emphasized Select one: a. strivings for superiority b. the ancestral past of humans c. safety from feelings of isolation, helplessness, fear, and hostility d. the need for interpersonal contact with significant others Question 10 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Horney quarreled with all of the following Freudian ideas or derivations of those ideas, except one. Which did she NOT quarrel with? Select one: a. Oedipus complex b. penis envy c. women's castrating tendencies d. neurosis as the predominant form of maladjustment in the early 20th century Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following, except one, were "bones of contention" in Horney's disagreements with Freud. Which was NOT a matter of contention between Horney and Freud? Select one: a. the importance of early childhood experiences b. the importance of culture c. psychoanalysts' extrapolation from their own cultures to all others d. the emphasize on sexual factor Question 12 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best summary statement concerning Horney's attitude toward sexuality? Select one: a. Orgasm is the heart and soul of sexuality. b. There are psychological reasons for sexual expression that are far more important than physical gratification. c. Sexual expression is almost always neurotic in form. d. It is women who are sexual beings, not men. Question 13 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the most serious and fundamental problem that the young child faces (basic anxiety)? Select one: a. sexual frustration b. a feeling of low status relative to siblings c. being caught in the titanic clash between instinctual and social needs d. being lonely and helpless in a hostile world Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following, except one, are among the sources of the child's insecurity, according to Horney. Which is NOT a source of insecurity? Select one: a. forbidding gestures b. belittling attitudes c. overprotection d. un-kept promises Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Neurotic needs are Select one: a. the needs of neurotics to overcome their neuroses b. the ergs that conspire to cripple the ego in its fight to fulfill basic needs c. coping techniques composed of insatiable demands developed in response to basic anxiety d. a series of symptoms that are set up each to defend against the other in the struggle to satisfy both social and physical needs Question 16 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is NOT among Horney's generalized movement trends? Select one: a. moving toward people b. moving against people c. moving away from people d. moving with people Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are characteristic of neurotic individuals. Which is NOT one of their characteristics? Select one: a. inferiority feelings b. unhappiness c. hyperactivity d. distrust Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Expansiveness refers to Select one: a. desire to be "in control" and not admit that one is incorrect b. believing that winning is nothing, how the game is played is everything c. being the on-looker, the non-competitor, the avoider who is hypersensitive to influence attempts d. seeking accommodation to others at any price Question 19 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are among Horney's Ten Neurotic Needs, except one. Which is NOT one of the ten needs? Select one: a. Affection and approval b. Exploiting others c. Social recognition or prestige d. Self-actualization Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Resignation refers to Select one: a. desire to be "in control" and not admit that one is incorrect b. believing that winning is everything, how the game is played is nothing c. the on-looker, non-competitor, avoider who is hypersensitive to influence d. seeking accommodation to others at any price Question 21 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-effacing refers to Select one: a. desire to be "in control" and not admit that one is incorrect b. believing that winning is everything, how the game is played is nothing c. the on-looker, non-competitor, avoider who is hypersensitive to influence d. seeking accommodation to others at any price Question 22 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Hyper-competitiveness is Select one: a. the desire to be "in control" and not admit that one is incorrect b. believing that winning is everything, how the game is played is nothing c. the on-looker, non-competitor, avoider who is hypersensitive to influence d. seeking accommodation to others at any price Answer: B Diff: 3 Question 23 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are needs associated with moving against others, except one. Which is NOT a need of those oriented to moving against others? Select one: a. Power b. Exploiting others c. Personal admiration d. Personal achievement Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which best describes the "idealized image of the self"? Select one: a. the image of the person one would like to be b. the fiction that guides one's style of life c. an artificial pride system d. a projection onto a more powerful person Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Controllers Select one: a. try to influence people, but avoid heavy-handed methods b. may try to determine everything in the controlled person life c. will resort to every technique, short of violence, in order to control someone d. are difficult to explain in terms of evolutionary theory Question 26 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The actual self is Select one: a. the way you might be b. the way you currently are c. the way that others see you d. none of the above Question 27 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In compartmentalization Select one: a. one hides away in a compartment of the mind b. key aspects of oneself are separated into "logic tight" compartments c. significant others are categorized into several compartments d. the mind is divided into compartments analogous to the id, ego, and superego Question 28 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Horney, rationalization is Select one: a. a way to increase cognitive dissonance b. a tendency to emotionalize instead of intellectualize about intrapsychic conflicts c. self-deception by reasoning d. attempting to be rational when irrationality actually characterizes oneself Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Arbitrary rightness is Select one: a. arbitrarily deciding what is the right thing for others to do b. an arbitrariness in deciding what is morally right c. a feeling that others are arbitrary in deciding what is right for oneself d. when you must be right about everything Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Elusiveness is Select one: a. evading the conflict between the real self and the idealized image of self b. hiding from close relations with members of both genders c. slithering away from conflicts by refusing to take an identifiable stand d. saying the opposite of what one really feels about relations with others Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Cynicism is Select one: a. hostility directed toward fate b. denying moral values because of uncertainty about them c. a form of nihilism in which religion and spirituality are rejected d. inability to believe in anyone, least of all, oneself Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The masculine equivalent of "penis-envy" is Select one: a. clitoral envy b. breast envy c. ovarian envy d. womb envy Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Horney was ahead of her time in that she recognized that Select one: a. jealousy is not a problem in romantic relationships b. sexuality is rather completely unimportant in human relationships c. European-American culture is dominated by masculine ideology d. progress for women requires open rebellion, like bra burning of the 1960s Question 34 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Among the "firsts" achieved by Horney was the fact that she pioneered Select one: a. sexual therapy b. plain language, self-exploration books c. rational emotive therapy d. clinics for children with emotional problems Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The looking glass self is Select one: a. the way you might be b. the way you currently are c. the way that others see you d. none of the above Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The "tyranny of the shoulds" refers to Select one: a. an idea that Horney borrowed from Albert Ellis b. a notion that is more applicable to men than women c. the belief that one should do whatever a good person would do d. the belief that the shoulds that others require of your are tyrannical Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All below are among the "shoulds" that plague people, except one. Which is NOT a "should"? Select one: a. point out other's faults b. be dignified c. be courageous d. be honest and generous Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-analysis is Select one: a. analysis of the self from an objective point of view b. analysis of the self from an outsider's point of view c. analysis of the connection among the various personality structures d. analysis to gain a better understanding of oneself through one's own efforts Question 39 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Horney, to escape from under the thumb of her father, Select one: a. ran away from home at the age of thirteen b. refused to obey him c. submitted to the protection of her mother d. at an early age, decided to reject all males Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Having attended psychoanalytic sessions at Dr. Carl Abraham's house, Horney was associated with the founding of the Select one: a. anti-Freud movement b. Feminists' League of Psychoanalysts c. Neo-Freudian Movement d. Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Horney knew and interacted with all of the following, except one. With whom did she NOT personally know and interact? Select one: a. Freud b. Sullivan c. Margaret Mead d. Fromm Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How many primary adjustments did Horney predict existed? Select one: a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. 7 f. 8 g. 9 h. 10 i. none of the above Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How many secondary adjustments did Horney predict existed? Select one: a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. 7 f. 8 g. 9 h. 10 i. none of the above Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How many ways did Horney describe that a person can hate themselves? Select one: a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. 7 f. 8 g. 9 h. 10 i. none of the above Question 45 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How many needs did Horney describe? Select one: a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. 7 f. 8 g. 9 h. 10 i. none of the above Question 46 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a Primary adjustment? Select one: a. Detachment b. Blind Spots c. Perfectionism d. Elusiveness e. Answers "B" and "D" f. none of the above Question 47 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a Secondary adjustment? Select one: a. Detachment b. Blind Spots c. Perfectionism d. Elusiveness e. Answers "B" and "D" f. none of the above Question 48 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a type of self hatred? Select one: a. Detachment b. Blind Spots c. Perfectionism d. Elusiveness e. Answers "B" and "D" f. none of the above Question 49 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a Need? Select one: a. Detachment b. Blind Spots c. Perfectionism d. Elusiveness e. Answers "B" and "D" f. none of the above


Jung's family can be described as Select one: a. poor b. well-to-do but uneducated c. having clergy and professors in it d. descendants of royalty Question 2 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following characterized Jung's childhood? Select one: a. happy and carefree b. lacking in education c. filled with friends d. lonely Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Freud and Jung met because of Freud's interest in Jung's Studies in Word Association. From 1906 to 1913, they exchanged ________ letters. Select one: a. 1000 b. 30 c. 870 d. 3509 Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In 1913, Jung had a premonition of Select one: a. an invasion of creatures from outer space b. the start of World War I in 1914 c. the end of his current romance d. the beginning of a brave new world Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Jung and Freud shared all of the following terms, except one. Which of the following did they NOT share? Select one: a. ego b. Psyche c. unconsciousness d. penis envy Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In comparing Freud's and Jung's therapeutic styles it is clear that Select one: a. Freud was controlling, Jung participated with patients b. their styles were nearly identical c. neither had patients talk freely d. Freud was informal, but Jung was quite formal Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text One of Jung's strongest beliefs was Select one: a. that all people are created equal b. that aspects of mentality are arranged in opposites or contrasts c. that cures could be obtained quickly with the right kind of therapy d. that the unconscious contained only repressed material Question 8 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The personal unconscious contains Select one: a. material that was once conscious but has been forgotten b. the self ideal c. the id d. ancestral experiences passed down through generations Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The collective unconscious contains Select one: a. material that were once conscious but have been forgotten b. the self ideal c. the id d. ancestral experiences passed through generations Question 10 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Persona is roughly synonymous with Select one: a. ego b. mask c. sexual intercourse d. superego Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following best describes Jung's "self" ? Select one: a. totally unconscious b. very superficial c. the total personality d. at the fringe of the personality Question 12 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Archetype means Select one: a. pre-existent forms that are innate and represent psychic predispositions b. symbols of current conflicts and past unresolved interpersonal quarrels c. energy consumed to accommodate one intention balanced by energy fueling an opposite intention d. the storehouse of all the actual experiences that occurred to a particular person Question 13 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following Archetypes most resembles Freud's Thanatos? Select one: a. pestilence b. anima c. animus d. shadow Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the representation of woman in man? Select one: a. pestilence b. anima c. animus d. shadow Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Mandala means Select one: a. Irish god b. revenge c. circle d. incongruence Question 16 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best example of synchronicity? Select one: a. "I dreamed of you last night." b. "You feel sad." c. "It's weird that you called about your sickness; I've taken sick also." d. "I don't know what to tell you. I don't understand you at all." Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Jung, dreams are Select one: a. messages from a wise unconscious b. virtually useless for diagnosis c. rarely meaningful d. meaningful in terms of latent content, but not manifest content Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Regarding dreams, Jung believed Select one: a. only latent content is meaningful b. most people's dreams mean little c. symbols of the collective unconscious are undisguised in a dream d. the collective unconscious is manifested in dreams in disguised form on Question 19 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What does Jung's idea of Compensation refer to? Select one: a. dealing with inferiority b. countering a deficiency, such as an organ defect c. trying to overcome being born last d. balancing a conscious experience with an opposing unconscious one Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What does Jung's idea of Prospective refer to? Select one: a. mining the unconscious for "golden" nuggets of self-insight b. searching the forest of philosophy for the truth hidden among the groves c. dreams foretelling the future d. the future orientation of the ego Question 21 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Extraversion is Select one: a. outward turning of energy b. inward turning of energy c. overflowing of energy d. a clogging of energy canals Question 22 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Introversion is Select one: a. outward turning of energy b. inward turning of energy c. overflowing of energy d. a clogging of energy canals Question 23 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Of the following who is most likely an extravert? Select one: a. "I'm sort of indifferent." b. "I love to party." c. "I move in tight circles." d. "I spend a lot of time daydreaming." Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The eight possible combinations of the psychological functions and introversion-extraversion include all of the following, except one. Which is not among those combinations? Select one: a. introverted-feeling b. extraverted-winnowing c. extraverted-intuiting d. introverted-thinking Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Individuation is Select one: a. separating oneself from others b. the process by which the person becomes an individual c. finding the heart of one's psyche d. a psychological hunt for the dimensions along which others differ from oneself e. a process which occurs in midlife f. answers "B" and "E" g. all of the above h. none of the above Question 26 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following accurately characterizes Jung's spiritual experiences? Select one: a. Because of his family history, he avoided them. b. He attended séances with family members. c. He thought long and hard about becoming a priest. d. He was unable to have such experiences. Question 27 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which two are the functions added to those of Jung on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? Select one: a. altruistic, selfish b. future oriented, past oriented c. judging, perceiving d. hoping, aspiring Question 28 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following occurs during Jung's "childhood" stage? Select one: a. the ego develops from object into subject b. psychic birth c. psychic revolution d. establishing community roles e. the ego develops from subject into object f. none of the above Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Jung's middle-age stage brings with it Select one: a. the period of most potential b. an inevitable crisis c. the destruction of ying and yang d. the separation of the female and male selves Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Jung's old age stage Select one: a. brings the end of hope b. begins the process of generativity c. has implications for the reincarnation theme of Eastern religions d. brings conquest of death Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the most popular measure of Jung's eight combinations? Select one: a. the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator b. the Adjective Check List c. the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory d. the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III-R Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which characterized Jung's attitude toward therapy techniques? Select one: a. He dogmatically espoused only his own methods. b. He embraced whatever worked with a particular patient, even Catholic confession. c. He was orthodox Freudian, except that he rejected penis envy. d. He dabbled with other people's methods and never developed his own. Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Jung, a complex is Select one: a. psychological core around which sexual experiences gather b. free-flowing libidinal rivers c. mental contents that stick together and take up residence in the personal unconscious d. a series of psychic conflicts that originate in the collective unconscious and then are projected outward Question 34 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text With use of the Word Association Test Select one: a. patients respond to each of a standardized list of 100 words b. the therapist has patients listen to him or her recite a set of spontaneously generated words c. associations with words are given to patients and they guess which words corresponds to each associate d. patients spontaneously generate words to describe themselves Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Jung paid particular attention to what kinds of responses when administering the Word Association Text? Select one: a. responses to words with multiple meanings b. responses to words that are emotionally arousing c. responses that patients gave reluctantly d. responses to words that have hidden meanings Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Jung's "active imagination" refers to Select one: a. the child-like quality of many adults' imaginings b. the snake biting its tail: coming full circle c. simulating dream experiences by engaging the imagination while awake d. the dreams of especially creative people Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Jung believed that dreams Select one: a. revealed little about the collective unconscious b. had to be analyzed one at a time c. were revealing only in their latent content d. foretell the future Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "His own world is a safe harbour....a walled in garden,..." refers to (Jung) Select one: a. sensing function b. introversion c. extraversion d. intuitive function Question 39 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are among Jung's functions, except one. Which is NOT among his functions? Select one: a. conniving b. sensing c. feeling d. thinking Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A major controversy of Jung's career is Select one: a. his rejection of science b. his tendency to change his theory c. his belief in the inheritance of ideas d. his transcendentalism Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is the basic difficulty of Jung's youth (teenage through young adult)? Select one: a. changes in appearance b. giving up illusions of childhood c. developing adult aspirations d. learning to love as opposed to expressing lust Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an example of Jung's "active imagination"? Select one: a. pretending to go fishing b. in a darkened room, imagine descending a stairway c. pretending to be sleeping walking d. imagining something that had just happened Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the Types is most interested in ideas? Select one: a. Introvert thinking b. Introvert sensing c. Introvert intuition d. Extrovert thinking e. Extrovert sensing f. Extrovert intuition Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the Types attracts more actors and musicians? Select one: a. Introvert thinking b. Introvert sensing c. Introvert intuition d. Extrovert thinking e. Extrovert sensing f. Extrovert intuition Question 45 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the Types is most in touch with the unconscious? Select one: a. Introvert thinking b. Introvert sensing c. Introvert intuition d. Extrovert thinking e. Extrovert sensing f. Extrovert intuition Question 46 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the Types most represses emotions and feelings? Select one: a. Introvert thinking b. Introvert sensing c. Introvert intuition d. Extrovert thinking e. Extrovert sensing f. Extrovert intuition Question 47 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the Types includes the most adventuresome? Select one: a. Introvert thinking b. Introvert sensing c. Introvert intuition d. Extrovert thinking e. Extrovert sensing f. Extrovert intuition Question 48 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What are the three stages of childhood according to Jung? Select one: a. anarchic, monarchic, analytic b. monarchic, dualarchic, triarchic c. oral, latent, genital d. anarchic, monarchic, dualistic e. none of the above Question 49 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is the second test of courage according to Jung? Select one: a. a man getting in touch with his shadow b. a woman getting in touch with her shadow c. a woman getting in touch with her animus d. a man getting in touch with his anima e. answers "A" and "B" f. answers "C" and "D" g. none of the above


Skip to main content Side panel 1 Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Unit 10 - Kelly Kelly Quiz Started onSaturday, October 29, 2022, 2:46 PMStateFinishedCompleted onSaturday, October 29, 2022, 2:58 PMTime taken12 mins 12 secsPoints70.00/92.00Grade0.38 out of 0.50 (76.09%) Question 1 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Kelly's approach may be designated Select one: a. behavioral b. psychodynamic c. cognitive d. transcendental Question 2 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What was Kelly's reaction upon first reading Freud? Select one: a. joy b. confusion c. incredulity d. laughter Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Kelly, the forces that determine behavior are Select one: a. external b. internal c. mostly external, partly internal d. extrapsych Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What governs people, according to Kelly? Select one: a. hedonic forces b. consequences of behavior c. the way they construe events in their worlds d. past reinforcement schedules Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Like Adler, Kelly believed that people are Select one: a. afflicted with feelings of inferiority b. future oriented c. always striving for superiority d. subject to shock Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A construct is Select one: a. a concept by another name b. a cognitive structure that is a hidden organizer of experience, both internal and external c. a personality entity that is analogous to Freud's ego, but without implications for instinctual satisfactions d. a way of construing events so that the future is anticipated Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Kelly, personality is Select one: a. a collection of traits each guiding a different sphere of life b. an organized system of constructs that may be ranked in importance c. a framework of personal dispositions that, together, operate in the real world in order to secure satisfactions d. traits organized according to similarity Question 8 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A postulate is Select one: a. an elaborate hypothesis b. another name for "theory" c. a basic assumption d. a fundamental principle Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Kelly's fundamental postulate is Select one: a. the assumption that a person's psychological processes are routed through various channels by the way the person anticipates events b. humans can solve their problems if they are provided with another person to act as a sounding board off which they can bounce their emotions c. the important events for understanding humans are internal d. people are able to accurately predict their outcomes in the future, provided they record past rewards Question 10 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A construction system is Select one: a. a system of tightly organized traits b. an organization of constructs with the more important at the top and the less important at the bottom c. the system of intra- and inter- psychic entities in a relationship that allows the organism to function at maximum efficiency d. personality structures working in unison e. Legos Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Constructs at the top of a construct system are called Select one: a. superior b. anterior c. superordinate d. elevated Question 12 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The emergent pole is Select one: a. the contrasting end b. the primary and principle end c. the highest pole d. the more dense pole Question 13 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The implicit pole is Select one: a. the contrasting end b. the primary and principle end c. the highest pole d. the more dense pole Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Adopting the construct "tolerant" almost always Select one: a. fails to affect the adopter b. lowers the adopter's prejudice level c. brings "intolerant" with it d. includes adoption of the construct "thoughtful" Question 15 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "Impermeable" refers to Select one: a. the level of rigidity of a person's construct system b. the degree to which a person's construct system is impenetrable, and, therefore, not subject to change c. the hardness of the surface of a person's construct system d. the tendency for some constructs not to change in terms of range of convenience and place in the construct system e. a construct to which new elements can be applied Question 16 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Kelly, anxiety is Select one: a. what people experience when their construct systems do not apply to critical events b. what people experience when a new construct appears to be entering the system an d may be dominant c. what people experience when their construct system appears to be fusing with that of another person d. people's realization that their entire construct system will be over-hauled e. we keep trying to prove our construct in the face of overwhelming evidence that we are wrong Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Kelly, fear is Select one: a. what people experience when their construct systems do not apply to critical events b. what people experience when a new construct appears to be entering the system and may be dominant c. what people experience when their construct system appears to be fusing with that of another person d. people's realization that their entire construct system will be over-hauled e. we keep trying to prove our construct in the face of overwhelming evidence that we are wrong Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Elements are Select one: a. entities that can be thought of as the atoms that make-up constructs b. objects, beings, or events c. all those entities to which the construct applied d. one of those entities to which a construct applies that may be used as its name Question 19 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Dependency constructs are Select one: a. more rare, according to Kelly, than Freud would predict; b. a reference to the level of interdependency among the constructs of a system c. a reference to the level of dependency of one's constructs on those of another person d. special constructs that revolve around the child's survival needs Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Tight constructs yield ________ predictability while loose constructs yield _______ _ predictability. Select one: a. good; poor b. unvarying; varying c. definite; indefinite d. open; closed Question 21 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Kelly, guilt is Select one: a. feeling badly about violating some social norm b. feeling badly about violating the requirements of some role c. the result of something happening that opposes a core construct d. the result of the perception that one has failed the people who have prescribed one's roles Question 22 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Elaborative choice refers to Select one: a. selecting one of two constructs which appears to provide greater opportunity for extension b. a period of trying on for size the various constructs available in one's repertory c. attempting to expand a construct dimension so that it applies to more situations d. working with constructs to bring out implicit poles Question 23 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is a problem with supporting Kelly's Personal Construct Theory? Select one: a. He has not defined his terms consistently. b. Each person's construct system is different. c. His concepts are too nebulous and abstract. d. He has failed to even attempt to define some of his concepts. Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A cognitively complex person is Select one: a. a person with very complex constructs b. a person who is intelligent by virtue of having a highly unique construct system c. a person who has a construct system with many well differentiated constructs d. a person who has a construct system that is characterized by constructs that are well related to one another e. a person who has a construct system that is characterized by blurred distinctions among constructs Question 25 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The Role Construct Repertory (REP) Test is Select one: a. a variation of the Personality Orientation Inventory that assesses the relations among a person's constructs b. a device for determining whether one's construct system is organized by extension of the cleavage line or abstracting across the cleavage line c. an assessment device designed to reveal a person's construct system d. a measurement instrument to ascertain individual differences in the constructs people have in their systems Question 26 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are steps in fixed role therapy. Which is NOT one of those steps? Select one: a. The client describes himself in terms of central and troublesome constructs. b. The client decides which of his troublesome constructs should be the focus of therapy. c. The therapist writes a fixed role for an imaginary character and the client acts out the part of that character using the new role. d. The client tries out the role and he and the therapist discuss reactions of others. Question 27 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Dependency constructs tend to be Select one: a. complex b. easy to change c. global d. free flowing Question 28 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In fixed role therapy, the client Select one: a. opposes whatever the therapist does b. gives up an important role c. plays an imaginary character d. rapidly switches roles Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Kelly's bachelor degree was in which field of study? Select one: a. Labor Relations b. Chemistry Biology c. Physics Math d. Psychology Sociology e. None of the above Question 30 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is an example of a Concrete construct? Select one: a. People can be good or bad b. The sky is blue c. Trees come in many shapes and sizes d. Life is a cabaret e. None of the above Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How did Kelly's family get to Colorado when he was young? Select one: a. by airplane b. by car c. by wagon train d. on foot e. none of the above Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Many of Kelly's first clinics were in what area? Select one: a. Industry b. Schools c. His own home d. Ohio State university e. None of the above Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What was Kelly's role in WWII? Select one: a. He was a radio man b. He was a gunnery sear gent c. He flew airplanes d. He was a naval psychologist e. none of the above Question 34 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is Kelly's term which indicates that human beings are capable of changing their interpretations of events and having alternative ways to view their world? Select one: a. the CPC cycle b. The Fundamental Postulate c. The Construction Corollary d. The Experience Corollary e. The Fragmentation Corollary f. None of the above Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is Kelly's term which basically states that anticipation allows us to prepare for events? Select one: a. the CPC cycle b. The Fundamental Postulate c. The Construction Corollary d. The Choice Corollary e. The Fragmentation Corollary f. None of the above Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is Kelly's term which basically sates that we anticipate that past events will repeat themselves Select one: a. the CPC cycle b. The Fundamental Postulate c. The Construction Corollary d. The Choice Corollary e. The Fragmentation Corollary f. None of the above Question 37 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is Kelly's term which defines how easy it is for you to change your constructs? Select one: a. the CPC cycle b. The Fundamental Postulate c. The Construction Corollary d. The Choice Corollary e. The Fragmentation Corollary f. None of the above Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is Kelly's term which talks about decisions that extend your constructs? Select one: a. the CPC cycle b. The Fundamental Postulate c. The Construction Corollary d. The Choice Corollary e. The Fragmentation Corollary f. None of the above Question 39 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is Kelly's term which talks about using incompatible constructions? Select one: a. the CPC cycle b. The Fundamental Postulate c. The Construction Corollary d. The Choice Corollary e. The Fragmentation Corollary f. None of the above Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is it called when we choose a well known construct that requires no growth? Select one: a. Validation b. Circumspection c. Self-characterization sketch d. Enactment sketch e. Sedimentation Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is it called when we consider several constructs which may fit the situation? Select one: a. Validation b. Circumspection c. Self-characterization sketch d. Enactment sketch e. Sedimentation Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is it called when a client writes down a description of who he is for the clinician to review? Select one: a. Validation b. Circumspection c. Self-characterization sketch d. Enactment sketch e. Sedimentation Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is a construct that leaves all of its elements open to modification? Select one: a. Superordinate b. Subordinate c. Peripheral d. Preemptive e. Propositional Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following constructs is concrete by its very nature? Select one: a. Superordinate b. Subordinate c. Peripheral d. Preemptive e. Propositional Question 45 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Kelly received a bachelor degree in which of the following? Select one: a. Sociology b. Psychology c. Math d. Physics e. Drama f. "A" and "B" and "D" g. "B" and "C" and "D" h. "A" and "E" Question 46 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Who's position did Kelly fill at Ohio State? Select one: a. Rollo May b. Abraham Maslow c. Carl Rogers d. Karen Horney e. None of the above Finish review


Skip to main content Side panel 1 Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Unit 11 - Maslow Maslow Quiz Started onSaturday, November 5, 2022, 9:04 PMStateFinishedCompleted onSaturday, November 5, 2022, 9:09 PMTime taken4 mins 57 secsPoints74.00/94.00Grade0.39 out of 0.50 (78.72%) Question 1 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Maslow's father married Select one: a. into wealth b. because he had to c. when he was 57 years old d. his first cousin e. none of the above Question 2 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What claim did Maslow make about his mother? Select one: a. She was the kindest person he ever known. b. He was the brightest person he ever knew. c. She was cold and vicious. d. She was a sickly person. e. None of the above Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What menace did Maslow face during his youth? Select one: a. gangs b. polio c. the military draft d. starvation Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What obstacle did Maslow face during his youth? Select one: a. dyslexia b. anti-Semitism c. teachers thought he was retarded d. being born in Europe, he had to learn English Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What problem did Maslow share with Horney during their youth? Select one: a. They were both subject to anti-Semitism. b. They both came from poverty. c. They both felt unattractive. d. They were both dyslexic. Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What problem did Maslow face when he began to look for a job after college? Select one: a. low college entrance scores b. no money and no ability to get a loan c. poor high school preparation d. anti-semitism Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What dinosaur-among-professors turned Maslow off to psychology? Select one: a. Wundt b. Titchener c. Harlow d. Koffka e. Skinner f. Thorndike g. Adler Question 8 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To whose monkey laboratory did Maslow migrate while at the University of Wisconsin? Select one: a. Wundt b. Titchener c. Harlow d. Koffka e. Skinner f. Thorndike g. Adler Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text When Maslow returned to New York City to take a position at Columbia, all except one of the following luminaries were available to him. Who was NOT in New York at the time? Select one: a. Thorndike b. Horney c. Harlow d. Adler Question 10 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Needs, according to Maslow, are Select one: a. opposite to motives b. motion-propelling organization directed toward goals c. simple tensions that demand to be satisfied d. satisfactions that are sought by all humans Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The physiological need level is often experienced by Select one: a. psychotic people b. homeless people c. immigrants of all kinds d. priests Question 12 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Safety needs Select one: a. are met only after esteem needs b. are aroused in only a small minority of the world's people c. include the security that comes with having enough to eat and drink d. include security, protection, stability, law and order, and freedom from fear and chaos e. none of the above Question 13 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Belongingness and love needs Select one: a. are met after esteem needs b. are the most important needs c. include security and freedom from physiological want d. include a sense of place in family and groups e. none of the above Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Esteem needs Select one: a. include being cared for by a mothering one b. are the highest in the hierarchy c. include personal desires for adequacy d. include affectionate relations with people e. none of the above Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Need for self-actualization Select one: a. is the second highest need on the hierarchy b. includes the desire for self-fulfillment c. includes personal desires for adequacy d. includes desires for respect from other people e. none of the above Question 16 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are true of self-actualization, according to Maslow, except one. Which is NOT true of self-actualization? Select one: a. Potentially, everyone can become self-actualized. b. It is becoming what one potentially is. c. It is not a deficiency need. d. It is becoming everything that one is capable of being. e. all of the above are true Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Deficiency needs refers to Select one: a. the meta-needs b. a category of needs that includes self-actualization c. the first four needs d. all the needs except meta-needs e. none of the above Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Who among the following is most likely to continually experience D-needs? Select one: a. psychotic people b. religious fanatics c. people on medication d. impoverished people Question 19 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-actualization is Select one: a. a D-need b. a growth need c. a meta-need d. a transcendental need e. none of the above Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In Maslow's scheme, prepotent means Select one: a. the same as impotent b. omnipotent c. stronger and more immediately demanding than higher-order needs d. stronger and more immediately demanding than lower-order needs Question 21 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Hierarchical needs are Select one: a. only part of the biological needs that humans seek to satisfy b. arranged in a shifting pattern c. only effective during childhood d. not met in all-or-none fashion e. none of the above Question 22 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Who is most likely never to get beyond the first two levels? Select one: a. poor people b. priests c. war veterans d. rich people Question 23 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Maslow's instinctoid Select one: a. includes both needs and values b. includes only lower order needs c. includes only higher order needs d. included everything but meta-needs Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self-actualizers Select one: a. could be anyone b. are not everybody, but number in the millions c. are people who are nearly perfect: for practical purposes: they have no faults d. fulfill themselves by making complete use of their potentialities Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What percent of college students are self-actualizers, according to Maslow Select one: a. 15% b. 1% c. 5% d. 75% e. none of the above Question 26 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Meta-needs are Select one: a. lower in the hierarchy than self-actualization b. more immediate and prepotent than D-needs c. relatively easy to satisfy d. growth needs e. none of the above Question 27 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which best characterizes the example self-actualized person? Select one: a. well-rounded b. deeply turned inward c. a citizen of the world d. He is his ethnicity. Question 28 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Peak experience refers to Select one: a. the top of the experience hierarchy b. the experiences one has at her or his peak of life c. intense, mystical experiences associated with wonder and awe d. voluntary and durable like a plateau experience Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are peak experiences, except one. Which is LEAST likely to qualify as a peak experience? Select one: a. a roller coaster ride b. space walk c. religious conversion d. making it to the top of Mount McKinley Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Eupsychia refers to Select one: a. a place where differences between people would melt away b. a utopian society characterized by psychological health among all members c. a kind of therapy in which the client is the therapist d. a condition of transcendental exultation e. none of the above Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a problem with the idea that "peak experiences" are created from self-actualization? Select one: a. There are almost no reports of them. b. Only people who are self-actualizers have them. c. Non-self-actualizers report them. d. Most peak experiences are not profound or noteworthy. Question 32 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Drives are Select one: a. opposite to motives b. motion-propelling organizations directed toward goals c. simple tensions that demand to be satisfied d. satisfactions that are sought by all humans Question 33 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Impoverished people operate at what need level on Maslow's hierarchy? Select one: a. self-esteem b. safety and security c. D-needs d. belongingness and love e. none of the above Question 34 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Related to Maslow's theory, success in school and in sports leads children to Select one: a. self-efficacy b. esteem c. arrogance d. self-regulation Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is more likely to be possessed by self-actualizers than others? Select one: a. selflessness b. mathematical ability c. B-Values d. Q-needs Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Maslow, which is the best description for neurosis? Select one: a. putting emotions into scientific endeavors b. emphasizing the scientific procedure c. emphasizing the issue in science research d. needs that lead to cravings e. sometimes called the third force in psychology f. the idea that upper level needs are weak. g. needs that are easily molded by the environment h. fighting impossible odds to raise oneself above the first level of needs i. bowing to social pressures to conform to societies desires j. none of the above Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the best description for enculturation? Select one: a. putting emotions into scientific endeavors b. emphasizing the scientific procedure c. emphasizing the issue in science research d. needs that lead to cravings e. sometimes called the third force in psychology f. the idea that upper level needs are weak. g. needs that are easily molded by the environment h. fighting impossible odds to raise oneself above the first level of needs i. bowing to social pressures to conform to societies desires j. none of the above Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the best description for resacralization? Select one: a. putting emotions into scientific endeavors b. emphasizing the scientific procedure c. emphasizing the issue in science research d. needs that lead to cravings e. sometimes called the third force in psychology f. the idea that upper level needs are weak. g. needs that are easily molded by the environment h. fighting impossible odds to raise oneself above the first level of needs i. bowing to social pressures to conform to societies desires j. none of the above Question 39 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the best description for the phrase "problem centered"? Select one: a. putting emotions into scientific endeavors b. emphasizing the scientific procedure c. emphasizing the issue in science research d. needs that lead to cravings e. sometimes called the third force in psychology f. the idea that upper level needs are weak. g. needs that are easily molded by the environment h. fighting impossible odds to raise oneself above the first level of needs i. bowing to social pressures to conform to societies desires j. none of the above Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the best description for the phrase "humanistic psychology"? Select one: a. putting emotions into scientific endeavors b. emphasizing the scientific procedure c. emphasizing the issue in science research d. needs that lead to cravings e. sometimes called the third force in psychology f. the idea that upper level needs are weak. g. needs that are easily molded by the environment h. fighting impossible odds to raise oneself above the first level of needs i. bowing to social pressures to conform to societies desires j. none of the above Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the best description for the phrase "method centered"? Select one: a. putting emotions into scientific endeavors b. emphasizing the scientific procedure c. emphasizing the issue in science research d. needs that lead to cravings e. sometimes called the third force in psychology f. the idea that upper level needs are weak. g. needs that are easily molded by the environment h. fighting impossible odds to raise oneself above the first level of needs i. bowing to social pressures to conform to societies desires j. none of the above Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the best description for deficiency needs? Select one: a. putting emotions into scientific endeavors b. emphasizing the scientific procedure c. emphasizing the issue in science research d. scarcity of these leads to cravings e. sometimes called the third force in psychology f. the idea that upper level needs are weak. g. needs that are easily molded by the environment h. fighting impossible odds to raise oneself above the first level of needs i. bowing to social pressures to conform to societies desires j. none of the above Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is the best description for instinctoids? Select one: a. putting emotions into scientific endeavors b. emphasizing the scientific procedure c. emphasizing the issue in science research d. needs that lead to cravings e. sometimes called the third force in psychology f. the idea that upper level needs are weak. g. needs that are not easily molded by the environment h. fighting impossible odds to raise oneself above the first level of needs i. bowing to social pressures to conform to societies desires j. none of the above Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Sequence the needs in Maslow's hierarchy of basic motives from the lowest to the highest. Select one: a. self actualization, esteem, attachment, safety, biological b. biological, self-actualization, esthetic, self actualization, attachment c. attachment, biological, safety, esteem, self actualization d. biological, safety, attachment, esteem, self actualization e. biological, attachment, safety, esteem, self actualization Question 45 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text If a person is successful in life then they must also be self-actualized. Select one: True False Question 46 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text When a person is self-actualized they are no longer self absorbed and want to be around other people. Select one: True False Question 47 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Self actualized people maintain strong religious ethical standards. Select one: True False Finish review


Skip to main content Side panel 1 Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Unit 13 - Rollo May May Quiz Started onSaturday, November 19, 2022, 8:14 PMStateFinishedCompleted onSaturday, November 19, 2022, 8:18 PMTime taken4 mins 7 secsPoints93.00/105.00Grade0.44 out of 0.50 (88.57%) Question 1 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May's parents Select one: a. Loved each other and gave their children Christian values b. Did not get along and got divorced. c. Were Amish and Jewish which eventually lead to their divorce. d. Produced a pleasant childhood for all their children. e. Did not push May to become much of anything. f. None of the above Question 2 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May went to college at Michigan State University Select one: a. Where he graduated with a Bachelor of Art degree b. Where he studied psychology c. Where he was thrown out for working on a radical paper. d. Where he met his first wife. e. None of the above Question 3 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May taught English Select one: a. At Berkeley in California b. In Greece while traveling around Europe c. At Pennsylvania State college d. At a small community college in New York e. None of the above Question 4 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May spent one summer Select one: a. Being psychoanalyzed by Sigmund Freud b. Doing research with Carl Jung c. Working at a car wash while trying to decide what he wanted to be d. Attending lectures given by Alfred Adler e. None of the above Question 5 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What degree did May receive after his BA? Select one: a. His next degree was just like everyone else, a master degree. b. His next degree was a master of divinity degree. c. His next degree was a PhD in psychology d. His next degree was another bachelor degree. e. None of the above Question 6 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What disease nearly killed May as a young man? Select one: a. A lung disease b. The bubonic plague c. High Blood Pressure d. A urinary tract infection e. None of the above Question 7 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Where did May get his PhD? Select one: a. From the University of Pennsylvania b. From Pennsylvania State University c. From Columbia University in NY d. From a college that never gave a PhD before e. Answers "B" and "D" f. Answers "C" and "D" g. None of the above Question 8 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Who influenced May when he attended Union Theological Seminary? Select one: a. Eric Fromm b. Jean Benay Ramsey c. William Wundt d. William James e. Paul Tillich f. Soren Kierkegaard Question 9 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text How is May's view of existentialism different from the mainstream? Select one: a. He attempted to reconcile existentialism with psychoanalysis b. He attempted to reconcile existentialism with behaviorism c. He attempted to reconcile existentialism with humanism d. He attempted to reconcile existentialism with cognitive psychology Question 10 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May defined certain types that people possess in development. Which of the following is the one that is only found in teenagers? Select one: a. Innocence b. Rebellion c. Ordinary d. Creative e. None of the above Question 11 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May defined certain types people possess in development. Which of the following is the type that is characterized as boring? Select one: a. Innocence b. Rebellion c. Ordinary d. Creative e. None of the above Question 12 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May defined certain types people possess in development. Which of the following is the type that is characterized as the normal adult? Select one: a. Innocence b. Rebellion c. Ordinary d. Creative e. None of the above Question 13 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May defined certain types people possess in development. Which of the following is the type that is characterized as a person who is most existential? Select one: a. Innocence b. Rebellion c. Ordinary d. Creative e. None of the above Question 14 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May defined certain types people possess in development. Which of the following is the type that is characterized as most like a wild animal? Select one: a. Innocence b. Rebellion c. Ordinary d. Creative e. None of the above Question 15 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May defined certain types people possess in development. Which of the following is the type that is characterized as not fully responsible? Select one: a. Innocence b. Rebellion c. Ordinary d. Creative e. None of the above Question 16 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What aspect of life did May study while he was sick? Select one: a. Anxiety b. Love c. Hate d. None of the above Question 17 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What is a Daimon? Select one: a. A small diamond which has not yet been cut b. A Ferengi enlisted man c. A big God d. Another name for a Demon e. A motivation system f. None of the above Question 18 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What is the word that Dr. Boeree uses to describe a person with all will and no love? Select one: a. Will b. Wishes c. Destiny d. Courage e. Daimons f. Neo-puritan g. Infantile h. Myths Question 19 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What is the manifestation of our daimons called? Select one: a. Will b. Wishes c. Destiny d. Courage e. Daimons f. Neo-puritans g. Infantile h. Myths Question 20 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is described as facing our anxieties and raising above them? Select one: a. Will b. Wishes c. Destiny d. Courage e. Daimons f. Neo-puritans g. Infantile h. Myths Question 21 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text When a person has the ability to organize themselves and achieve their goals, May says they have which of the following? Select one: a. Will b. Wishes c. Destiny d. Courage e. Daimons f. Neo-puritans g. Infantile h. Myths Question 22 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text May talked about a system of motives and gave them what name? Select one: a. Will b. Wishes c. Destiny d. Courage e. Daimons f. Neo-puritans g. Infantile h. Myths Question 23 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text What are the stories that help us make sense of our lives? Select one: a. Will b. Wishes c. Destiny d. Courage e. Daimons f. Neo-puritans g. Infantile h. Myths Question 24 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text When a person is all wishes with no will to fulfill them what does Dr. Boeree call them? Select one: a. Will b. Wishes c. Destiny d. Courage e. Daimons f. Neo-puritans g. Infantile h. Myths Question 25 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Which word below is best described as the raw materials of our lives according to May? Select one: a. Will b. Wishes c. Destiny d. Courage e. Daimons f. Neo-puritans g. Infantile h. Myths Question 26 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text In May's theory, Eros stands for sex. Select one: True False Question 27 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text In May's theory an Infantile person is a small child. Select one: True False Question 28 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text The term Umwelt refers to getting along with other people in the world. Select one: True False Question 29 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text For an existentialist the most important thing is to allow our wishes to guide us into the future. Select one: True False Question 30 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text The term non-being does not simply refer to our deaths. Select one: True False Question 31 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text For an existentialist we can feel guilt simply for denying our potentials. Select one: True False Question 32 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Mitwelt guilt is the guilt we feel when we do not live in harmony with the Universe. Select one: True False Question 33 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Relying on technology can produce what existentialists call Umwelt guilt. Select one: True False Question 34 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Existential freedom is our ability to exist. Select one: True False Question 35 Correct 3.00 points out of 3.00 Flag question Question text Freedom does not exist once one accepts destiny as a preordained outcome. Select one: True False


(61.7%) Question 1 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How does Rogers compare to other humanistic theorists? Select one: a. His impact is in the cognitive realm, not the humanistic. b. He is more of a philosopher than a scientist. c. He applied science to understanding people rather than to validating his therapy, showing the biological side of humans, and rendering his concepts testable. d. His ideas has been validated by systematic research more than the ideas of other humanistic theorists. Question 2 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Rogers' family life was characterized by fundamentalist religion. However, later he had trouble with Select one: a. the concept of original sin b. guilt over abandoning his religion c. churches wishing to train ministers in Rogerian therapy d. people who regarded themselves as fundamentalists Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following was among Rogers' favorite books as a youth? Select one: a. the Old Testament b. Freud's Interpretation of Dreams c. Feeds and Feeding d. Fromm's Art of Loving Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What enlightening experience did Rogers have during his youth? Select one: a. a trip to China b. a peak experience c. a drug experience d. a couple of years in a monastery Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Who probably influenced Rogers the most? Select one: a. Freud b. Jung c. Rank d. Horney Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What model for addressing psychological problems was rejected by Rogers? Select one: a. the Jungian model b. the psychiatric model c. the clinical psychology model d. the medical model Question 7 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is most consistent with Rogers' growth model? Select one: a. Psychological patients are sick and need some kind of treatment. b. Disturbed people need a structured kind of therapy. c. Obstructions in people's paths are to be removed so they can move beyond being normal. d. Patients need love and understanding in order to be cured of their psychological sicknesses. Question 8 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is among Rogers' most basic assumptions? Select one: a. People are resistant to change. b. People are inherently good. c. Personality is based on consistent traits. d. Sexuality is never an important factor in a person's well being. Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are stereotypes of Rogers. Which is NOT one of those stereotypes? Select one: a. He never became angry. b. He regarded himself as a counselor. c. He often became impatient with clients. d. He believed that empathy was a passive process. Question 10 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Phenomenology involves Select one: a. experiencing the phenomenon of moral rectitude b. people sharing common experiences c. the belief that one person can never appreciate the experience of another person d. a desire to grasp reality as each person uniquely perceives it Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Empathy, according to Rogers, is Select one: a. the emotional linkage between the infant and significant other people b. sensing and participating in the emotions of other people c. offering one's own emotions as a taste of one's own inner self d. guiding the emotions of another person from sick to well Question 12 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Rogers believes Select one: a. in the idiographic approach to understanding individuals b. the client and the therapist should be equal in the psychotherapy setting c. therapists should let the client do all the talking d. therapists should never show strong emotional reactions during therapy Question 13 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What sort of college classroom procedure did Rogers pioneer? Select one: a. students running the entire class b. student active participation c. the Rogerian tendency to reflect student's questions back to them, rather than provide any answers to questions d. transforming the classroom into a "be all you can be" arena Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a distinguishing mark of humanistic Rogerian psychology? Select one: a. self-sacrifice b. duty to others c. belief in the importance of the self d. belief that all problems have solutions Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Rogers the self is functionally equivalent to Select one: a. the personality b. the self-concept c. the junction of conscious and unconscious processes d. emotions, cognitions, and perceptions occurring at a given moment Question 16 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Rogers, the self is Select one: a. static after adolescence b. unable to understand itself c. personality manifested d. a continuing process, not a fixed end-point Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The ideal self is Select one: a. almost always an unobtainable self b. an aspiration without bounds c. the self a person most values and desires to be d. how one should be, as defined by one's culture Question 18 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Congruency refers to Select one: a. behavioral consistency b. consistency between the self-concept and experiences relating to the self c. being what one is supposed to be d. the coincidence of conscious and unconscious desires Question 19 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Rogers, distortion is Select one: a. refusal to think about or address whatever is too hard to bear b. refusal to accept who we are c. a reinterpretation of an experience so as to make it consistent with how one wants things to be d. the inability to recognize or accept the existence of an experience that has occurred Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Defensiveness is illustrated by Select one: a. reaction aimed at maintaining the self in the face of contradictory information b. one of those several Freudian mechanisms that Rogers put to good use c. the same as "denial" d. the same as "distortion" Question 21 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How did Rogers describe Adler's manner of relating to a child? Select one: a. a little rough, but with an undercurrent of kindness b. very direct and employing a deceptively simple manner c. rather authoritarian, in an ironically Freudian manner d. Very scientific; he addressed the child only after administering a battery of test. Question 22 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What will be the result of continued defensiveness? Select one: a. psychosis b. restructuring of the personality c. new insights d. maladjustment Question 23 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Rogers, what sort of interaction is important to personality development? Select one: a. between environments and actualization tendencies b. between the here and now and the past c. between infant and siblings d. between conscious and unconscious Question 24 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best definition of positive regard? Select one: a. regarding relations with other people in a positive light b. other people communicating to oneself that one is accepted, valued, worthwhile and trusted simply for being who one is c. regarding other people as one might hope they will regard oneself: positively d. the experience of oneself as making a positive difference in others' lives and receiving warmth, liking, respect, and caring from others Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best definition of unconditional positive regard? Select one: a. regarding relations with other people in a positive light b. other people communicating to oneself that one is accepted, valued, worthwhile and trusted simply for being who one is c. regarding other people as one might hope they will regard oneself: positively d. the experience of oneself as making a positive difference in others' lives and as receiving warmth, liking, respect, and caring from others Question 26 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following allows the person to pursue self-actualization? Select one: a. release from the tyranny of the shoulds b. developing insight during therapy c. welding archetypes to consciousness d. overcoming inferiority Question 27 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is a common misconception of unconditional positive regard? Select one: a. Few therapist use it. b. A child's behavior is approved no matter what its nature. c. It usually backfires: the child will ignore it. d. It is naive: the child will see through it and exploit it. Question 28 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Accurate empathy is Select one: a. empathy, but with evaluation of self by others standards b. understanding a person's thinking rather than emotions c. accurately perceiving a person's inner world non-evaluatively d. empathy that comes with practice at perceiving one's own inner world Question 29 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Positive self-regard refers to Select one: a. an ability that some people have and others do not have b. accepting one's behavior no matter what its nature c. regarding oneself positively when one's behavior warrants it d. a favorable attitude toward oneself Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are necessary conditions for productive therapy, except one? Which is NOT a necessary condition? Select one: a. accurate empathic understanding b. congruence c. initial, mutual liking on the part of client and therapist d. positive regard Question 31 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a contribution of Rogers? Select one: a. He has had great impact on personality assessment. b. He pioneered long-term therapy. c. He has had great impact on personality psychology. d. He has shown that science has no place in assessing therapy. Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a contribution of Rogers? Select one: a. He was a self-proclaimed pioneer in counseling. b. He correctly recognized that therapy, humanism, and classroom procedures don't mix. c. He showed the importance of the phenomenological perspective. d. He convinced other humanists they have no business dealing in issues of international conflict. Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a contribution of Rogers? Select one: a. He recognized that therapeutic methods have no place in the classroom. b. He showed that it is pointless to attempt to validate therapeutic techniques. c. He guided professionals away from concern about what a person should be. d. He, like Skinner, found "freedom" a misguided concept. Question 34 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Regarding the scientific method for understanding people, Rogers Select one: a. made it the backbone of his therapeutic technique b. fully rejected it, especially in regard to evaluation of the effectiveness of his therapy techniques c. felt that science could begin anywhere, even outside the lab d. remained puzzled regarding the scientific approach and never quite grasped how it related to his techniques Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which was an original idea of Rogers? Select one: a. existentialism b. unconditional positive regard c. phenomenology d. character structure Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is most true of Rogers? Select one: a. He often blurted out his opinion of what was wrong with a client on the first session. b. He often developed strong feelings toward his clients. c. He never offered advice to clients. d. He violated protocol by scolding clients. Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What "first" did Rogers score way back in 1942? Select one: a. He became the first psychologist to win the Nobel prize. b. He recorded and transcribed a therapy session. c. He wrote President Roosevelt and, in his letter, correctly predicted the current explosion in mental health problems. d. He resigned from the American Psychological Association because they would not accept his ground-breaking "Ethical Principles for Psychologists." Question 38 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To what did Rogers devote many of his last years? Select one: a. improving his therapeutic style b. setting up programs around the country to teach his methods c. visiting universities around the world to promote client centered therapy d. travel around the world to engage in conflict resolution Question 39 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text To Rogers, an experience is Select one: a. valid only if objectively verified b. in the eye of those involved who are targets of the experience c. real to the experiencer at the time of the experience d. has no reality in the usual sense of the word Question 40 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following did Rogers try to avoid? Select one: a. revealing himself to his clients b. talking during therapy c. showing any emotion during therapy d. scientific detachment Question 41 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The organismic propensity for actualization is true of all of the follow except one. For which of the following is the propensity for actualization NOT true? Select one: a. glaciers b. protozoa c. potatoes d. rabbits e. none of the above Question 42 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is a characteristic unique to the self-actualizing person? Select one: a. irritability b. thoughtfulness c. time competency d. argumentativeness Question 43 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is true of the "self" in relation to Rogers' theory? Select one: a. He was the first to deal with the self. b. He, late in his career, abandoned the self. c. The self is between the conscious and the unconscious. d. The self is clearly central to his point of view. Question 44 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Successfully pursuing the ideal self is Select one: a. not possible b. a major pre-condition to feelings of conditional worth c. possible only for the elderly d. possible only after having attained self-actualization Question 45 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text While Rogers may not have been so committed to "equality" between himself and his clients, he did Select one: a. reject any authoritarian posture on the part of the therapist b. embrace equal participation on the part of client and therapist in terms of amount o f time spent talking c. reject attempts on the part of clients to take charge of their own therapy d. embrace the idea that the therapist was subordinate to the client in the sense of human worth Question 46 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Rogers the therapist has been criticized for Select one: a. his stoic silence during therapy b. his unwillingness to offer clients advice c. being authoritarian during therapy d. forcing clients to continue in therapy for years Question 47 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In so far as Rogers defined "personality" he equated it to Select one: a. traits b. behavior c. feelings of worth d. self Finish review


Skip to main content Side panel 1 Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Topic 8 - Learning Skinner Quiz Started onSaturday, October 15, 2022, 6:36 PMStateFinishedCompleted onSaturday, October 15, 2022, 6:43 PMTime taken6 mins 29 secsPoints60.00/86.00Grade0.35 out of 0.50 (69.77%) Question 1 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Behaviorism is Select one: a. a school of psychology that looks for the functions of thought b. concerned with the cognitive implications of behavior c. a school of thought founded by William James d. a school of psychology concerned with overt behaviors Question 2 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Radical behaviorism Select one: a. is a radical departure from Skinner's idea of behaviorism b. a form of behaviorism that eliminates classical conditioning from consideration c. considers only events that can be observed and measured d. considers only current behaviors measured by modern electronics Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Among Skinner's adventures during early adult-hood was Select one: a. living as a bohemian in Greenwich village b. sky diving c. underwater exploration d. exploring the jungles of South America Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Skinner, a consequence is Select one: a. the same thing as a response b. anything that happens after something else has occurred c. an event initiated by the organism and maintained by the experimenter d. an event that occurs after a response and changes its probability e. Answers "B" and "D" f. none of the above Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Skinner, genetic endowment Select one: a. has nothing to do with behavior b. absolutely explains behavior at a reductionistic level c. explains behavior for some individuals, but not others d. pre-disposes people to certain behaviors but not other behaviors e. is the preordained genetic size of a man's sexual organ f. none of the above Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text When we demand freedom, what do we really mean, according to Skinner? Select one: a. freedom from institutional oppression b. freedom to ward off the influences of others c. freedom from negative or aversive consequences d. freedom to do what we will to others Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Skinner, by "dignity" we mean Select one: a. self-respect b. growing old gracefully c. giving people credit for what they do d. making sure that everyone is respected Question 8 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Skinner what is Mentalism? Select one: a. the ancient notion "mind over matter" b. thoughts and feelings determine behavior rather than external consequences c. through your will you can ultimately and absolutely control behavior d. something like Jung's mental archetypes ultimately determine behavior Question 9 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Skinner, the observation that feelings and thoughts occur at about the same time as behaviors indicates Select one: a. absolutely nothing to anyone: it is happenstance b. that they cause behavior c. that they are the source for the force that causes behavior d. why they are mistaken for causes of behavior e. none of the above Question 10 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Operant conditioning is Select one: a. an automatic reaction to a stimulus b. conditioning responses such as salivation c. operating on the environment with consequences that influence repetition d. acting without regard to consequences Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Skinner, contingent means Select one: a. independence of events b. whether events are separated in time or occur together c. inhibition of one event by another d. dependence of an event on the prior occurrence of another event Question 12 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Learning is most likely to occur when Select one: a. a stimulus event and a response event occur simultaneously b. some event is contingent on the prior performance of some response c. three or more events occur in synchrony d. a consumable objects such as food, water, etc. is present Question 13 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Reinforcement refers to Select one: a. Any event having a positive valence b. Increasing the likelihood of a response upon which an event was contingent c. Decreasing the likelihood of a response upon which an event was contingent d. a response contingent on a previous stimulus e. any event or object which when presented increases the likelihood of a behavior f. any event or object which when presented decreases the likelihood of a behavior Question 14 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Positive reinforcer refers to Select one: a. Any event having a positive valence b. Increasing the likelihood of a response upon which an event was contingent c. Decreasing the likelihood of a response upon which an event was contingent d. a response contingent on a previous stimulus e. an event or object which when presented increases the likelihood of a behavior f. an event or object which when presented decreases the likelihood of a behavior Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The Skinner Box Select one: a. is what Skinner jokingly called his office b. is where Skinner raised his daughter c. is where Skinner kept notes on his experiments d. is a cage for conditioning animal's responses e. none of the above Question 16 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an operantly conditioned response? Select one: a. a dog's salivating when presented with food b. a baby's startle response when a loud sound is sounded c. a cat's hissing when confronted with a dog d. a baby's crying followed by the appearance of a parent with food in hand Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text During extinction procedures Select one: a. there are no responses b. a response is not followed by a reinforcer c. a response is followed by a punisher d. the animal is sacrificed (extinguished) for neurological examination Question 18 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Shaping is Select one: a. reshaping a stimulus until it is a useful reinforcer b. a process by which the environment is shaped to create behavior c. a process of successive approximation by which a new behavior is acquired d. reshaping the paradigm until successful conditioning prevails Question 19 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are instances of positive reinforcement in the life of a student. Which is NOT an instance of positive reinforcement? Select one: a. presenting an id card at a cafeteria followed by food presentation b. observing an attractive person followed by an increase in heart rate c. an enjoyable stimulating lecture occurs when you attend class d. a husband actually says "thank you" to his wife after eating dinner Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In negative reinforcement, a response increases in likelihood when it is followed by Select one: a. presentation of a stimulus b. the termination of a stimulus c. the intermittent presence of a stimulus d. the increase in strength of a stimulus Question 21 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text In punishment, responses that are followed by the presentation of a stimulus Select one: a. increase in likelihood b. maintain the same likelihood c. increase or decrease in likelihood, depending on the species of subjects d. decrease in likelihood e. none of the above Question 22 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement? Select one: a. A man remembers his umbrella because it keeps him dry from the rain. b. A child is given praise for having been gentle instead of aggressive. c. A man is presented with an award for outstanding service. d. A women is shocked each time she lights up a cigarette. Question 23 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text About punishment, Skinner believed Select one: a. it is the most effective way to control behavior and should be used often b. it is the most effective way to control behavior but its use is unethical c. the organism punished shows temporary changes in behavior d. punishment causes people to respond at higher rates if they are masochistic e. none of the above Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are unfortunate side effects of punishment. Which is NOT such an effects? Select one: a. loss of self-esteem b. loss of self-worth c. reduction of aggressive response d. an increase in the fear response e. none of the above Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text While a parent holds their son, the baby hits them. In responding with a negative punisher to decrease hitting behavior what would the parent do? Select one: a. Put the child down b. give the child candy when they do not hit c. Scold the child harshly d. Strike back at the child e. Answers "A" and "B" f. Answers "C" and "D" g. None of the above Question 26 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text While a parent holds their son, the baby hits them. In responding with a negative reinforcer to increase pleasant behavior what would the parent do? Select one: a. Put the child down b. give the child candy when they do not hit c. Scold the child harshly d. Strike back at the child e. Answers "A" and "B" f. Answers "C" and "D" g. None of the above Question 27 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is Skinner's attitude toward the notion of "personality"? Select one: a. He rejected it. b. He thought it was harmless and useless. c. He embraced it. d. He ignored it. Question 28 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best description of a punisher? Select one: a. A reinforcer that is learned b. A reinforcer that is not learned c. The rate of responding prior to conditioning d. Reduction in the rate of responding when reinforcement ends e. None of the above f. A stimulus that has the effect of increasing behavior Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best description of a reinforcer? Select one: a. A reinforcer that is learned b. A reinforcer that is not learned c. The rate of responding prior to conditioning d. Reduction in the rate of responding when reinforcement ends e. None of the above f. A stimulus that has the effect of increasing behavior Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best description of a base rate? Select one: a. A reinforcer that is learned b. A reinforcer that is not learned c. The rate of responding prior to conditioning d. Reduction in the rate of responding when reinforcement ends e. None of the above f. A stimulus that has the effect of increasing behavior Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best description of a skinner box? Select one: a. Reinforcement of successive approximations to produce behavior b. Learning to respond when cues in the environment dictate an advantage c. Responding to stimuli similar to those already experienced d. The specific contingency between a response and a reinforcement e. The application of learning principles to therapy f. A device that provides a controlled environment for measuring learning g. None of the above Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best description of shaping? Select one: a. Reinforcement of successive approximations to produce behavior b. Learning to respond when cues in the environment dictate an advantage c. Responding to stimuli similar to those already experienced d. The specific contingency between a response and a reinforcement e. The application of learning principles to therapy f. A device that provides a controlled environment for measuring learning g. None of the above Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best description of generalization? Select one: a. Reinforcement of successive approximations to produce behavior b. Learning to respond when cues in the environment dictate an advantage c. Responding to stimuli similar to those already experienced d. The specific contingency between a response and a reinforcement e. The application of learning principles to therapy f. A device that provides a controlled environment for measuring learning g. None of the above Question 34 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is the best description of behavior modification? Select one: a. Reinforcement of successive approximations to produce behavior b. Learning to respond when cues in the environment dictate an advantage c. Responding to stimuli similar to those already experienced d. The specific contingency between a response and a reinforcement e. The application of learning principles to therapy f. A device that provides a controlled environment for measuring learning g. None of the above Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Skinner reared his daughter Select one: a. in a typical nursery by atypical procedures b. in an apparatus not unlike a Skinner box in terms of reinforcement delivery c. in a special, contingency controlled, outdoor box d. in a special indoor/outdoor, contingency controlled, box e. in a box featuring temperature and humidity control Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Calling Debs "Aircrib" a "box" stirred controversy because Select one: a. It is too impersonal. b. It was actually a bed. c. It was a kind of play pen. d. "Box" meant coffin at the time the Aircrib was used. Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Skinner thought that cultures develop according to Select one: a. Stimulus-Response principles b. principles of classical conditioning c. principles of operant conditioning d. principles of observational learning Question 38 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Behavior therapy Select one: a. is psychotherapy that relies on ignoring behavior rather than reinforcing it b. was a term introduced by William James c. was a late-in-the-life interest of Skinner d. is psychological therapy employing behavioral techniques Question 39 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A form of behavior modification helping a shy child become more bold would best include which of the following? Select one: a. a stranger talking to a child without any contingency present b. the child's behavior, talking to a stranger, is reinforced c. the child's behavior, approaching a stranger, is punished d. the child's refusal to talk is punished Question 40 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following is an example of a secondary reinforcer? Select one: a. food b. oxygen c. water d. money Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which is one of Skinner's awards? Select one: a. The Golden Globe Award b. The National Medal of Science c. Induction into the Royal Academy's Hall of Fame d. The National Film Foundation's lifetime achievement award Question 42 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Skinner coined the term Select one: a. psychosis b. classical conditioning c. instrumental conditioning d. behavior therapy Question 43 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Solving a never-before-encountered math problem in the head is an example of Select one: a. primary reinforcement b. extinction c. relearning after operant conditioning d. the importance of thoughts unrelated to behavior Finish review


Skip to main content Side panel 1 Psychology of Personality - 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Dashboard My courses 2022FA_PSY_239_IN01 Topic 7 - Traits Cattell Quiz Started onSunday, October 9, 2022, 9:41 PMStateFinishedCompleted onSunday, October 9, 2022, 9:45 PMTime taken4 mins 5 secsPoints62.00/98.00Grade0.32 out of 0.50 (63.27%) Question 1 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What is in common between Cattell and Eysenck? Select one: a. Both are decidedly Freudian. b. Both conceive of personality in trait terms. c. Both emphasize cognitive facilities rather than traits. d. Neither is a researcher; they are more philosophers than scientists. Question 2 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are true of Cattell's background, except one. Which is NOT true of Cattell's background? Select one: a. He is middle-class English. b. He described his parents and teachers as exacting. c. He hints that his own high intelligence comes from his father. d. He claimed to have quite a happy childhood. Question 3 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text As an empiricist, Cattell believed Select one: a. theory first, data second b. doing experiments provides the only approach to understanding people c. to get the facts about personality do lots of seemingly unrelated studies d. collect data first, filters it with statistics until the facts emerge Question 4 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The inductive-hypothetico-deductive spiral refers to Select one: a. detecting regularities in data leading to a hypothesis from which consequences are deduced, leading to further data from which new regularities are induced, and so forth b. that which tells what a person will do when placed in a particular situation c. a framework that integrates environmental situations with characteristics of the per son in attempts to understand the person d. a procedure for determining the number and nature of factors underlying larger numbers of measures Question 5 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Personality Select one: a. involves detecting regularities in data leading to a hypothesis from which consequences are deduced, leading to further data from which new regularities are induced, and so forth b. is that which tells what a person will do when placed in a particular situation c. is a framework that integrates environmental situations with characteristics of the person in attempts to understand the person d. is a procedure for determining the number and nature of factors underlying larger numbers of measures Question 6 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Where does Cattell stand in the nature-nurture debate? Select one: a. on the nature side b. on the nurture side c. mostly nurture and a small amount of nature d. he prefers an equal blend of the two Question 7 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Cattell's conception of traits refers to Select one: a. detecting regularities in trait-data leading to a hypothesis from which consequence s are deduced, leading to further data from which new regularities are induced, and so forth b. that which tells what a person will do when placed in a particular situation c. the degree to which a trait is controlled by the genes and the degree to which it is controlled by the environment d. a procedure for determining the number and nature of trait-factors underlying larger numbers of measures Question 8 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Factor analysis Select one: a. involves detecting regularities in data leading to a hypothesis from which consequences are deduced, leading to further data from which new regularities are induced, and so forth b. is a method which tells what a person will do when placed in a particular situation c. involves a framework that integrates environmental situations with characteristics of the person in attempts to understand the person d. is a procedure for determining the number and nature of factors underlying larger numbers of measures Question 9 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The "analysis" in factor analysis refers to Select one: a. the process of exploring a raw data set using the "eyeball technique" in search of regularities b. the "talking process" that is used with the client c. a series of statistical procedures involving inter-correlations among items and correlations of items with item-clusters, ending in a factor d. a method that specifies a theory, derives a hypothesis from that theory, tests the hypothesis, draws conclusions, and projects those conclusions back onto the theory Question 10 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The basic assumption behind factor analysis is Select one: a. each measure is unrelated to each other measure b. all measures relate to a significant degree to all other measures c. certain simple responses inter-correlate or vary together and thus are grouped together d. certain simple responses are entirely independent of each other and cannot be related to each other Question 11 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What does it mean when a group of subjects endorse an item and also endorse other items? Select one: a. The items are related. b. The items are unrelated. c. The items are negatively correlated. d. The items are uncorrelated. Question 12 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text What determines the assignment of a label for a factor? Select one: a. chance b. The analysis alone determines the assignment. c. the researcher's best judgment d. a new analysis especially designed to name labels Question 13 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "A common trait" is Select one: a. so specific to an individual that no one else could be scored on its dimension b. that which can be measured for all people by the same battery of tests and on which the people differ in degree rather than in form c. a permanent entity that does not fade in and out; it is inborn or develops during the life course and regularly directs behavior d. a psychological entity that fades in and out Question 14 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "Trait" is Select one: a. so specific to an individual that no one else could be scored on its dimension b. that which can be measured for all people by the same battery of tests and on which the people differ in degree rather than in form c. a permanent entity that does not fade in and out; it is inborn or develops during the life course and regularly directs behavior d. a psychological entity that fluctuates or varies over time and thus is transitory Question 15 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text "Unique trait" is Select one: a. so specific to an individual that no one else could be scored on its dimension b. that which can be measured for all people by the same battery of tests and on which the people differ in degree rather than in form c. a permanent entity that does not fade in and out; it is inborn or develops during the life course and regularly directs behavior d. a psychological entity that fluctuates or varies over time and thus is transitory Question 16 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are true of source traits. Which is NOT true of source traits? Select one: a. pure and narrow in scope b. a primary factor dimension c. a single unitary influence d. occupies the highest rank among traits (most broad and general) Question 17 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text An ability trait is Select one: a. exclusively related to the motor skills b. refers to motivations and interests c. a general personality trait that is usually stylistic, in the sense that it deals with such matters as tempo and persistence d. reflected in the manner of response to the complexity of a situation, selected after the individual is clear on what goals he or she wants to achieve in that situation Question 18 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A temperament trait is Select one: a. exclusively related to the motor skills b. refers to motivations and interests c. a general personality trait that is usually stylistic, in the sense that it deals with such matters as tempo and persistence d. reflected in the manner of response to the complexity of a situation, selected after the individual is clear on what goals he or she wants to achieve in that situation Question 19 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A dynamic trait is Select one: a. exclusively related to the motor skills b. refers to motivations and interests c. a general personality trait that is usually stylistic, in the sense that it deals with such matters as tempo and persistence d. reflected in the manner of response to the complexity of a situation, selected after the individual is clear on what goals he or she wants to achieve in that situation Question 20 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text An erg is Select one: a. an innate source of reactivity (driven) directed to a certain goal and accompanied by a certain quality b. a motivational entity that is oriented to turning an unsatisfactory situation into a satisfactory one c. an emotional unit that is expressed in anxiety, joy, sadness and so forth d. an instinctual structure that is bent on satisfaction of physiological urges Question 21 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text According to Cattell an attitude is Select one: a. cognition, affect, and conation directed to some object b. a cognitive representative of a social motive: prejudice is an attitude c. an expression of an ergic goal that is generally subsidiated to an erg(s) d. an orientation or inclination in a particular direction: vector Question 22 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text A sentiment is Select one: a. an emotional unit that is expressed in anxiety, joy, sadness and so forth b. an instinctual structure that is bent on satisfaction of physiological urges c. a motivational entity that is oriented to turning an unsatisfactory situation into a satisfactory one d. a set of attitudes the strength of which has become correlated through their being al l learned by contact with a particular social institution such as school, home, country Question 23 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following refers to a source trait? Select one: a. emotionality b. traits which are correlated but do not form a factor, hence, determined by more than influence c. a tendency to wink upon completing a question d. "I like scuba diving" Question 24 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following refers to a surface trait? Select one: a. emotionality b. traits which are correlated but do not form a factor, hence, determined by more than influence c. a tendency to wink upon completing the expression of a question d. "I like scuba diving" Question 25 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following refers to a unique trait? Select one: a. emotionality b. traits which are correlated but do not form a factor, hence, determined by more than influence c. a tendency to wink upon completing the expression of a question d. "I like scuba diving" Question 26 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are contributions of Cattell, except one. Which is NOT a contribution of Cattell? Select one: a. developed the 16 PF b. identified developmental trends c. an innovator in the area of factor analysis d. integrated Freudian theory, cognitive theory, and behaviorism bringing scientific respectability to them Question 27 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Heritability Select one: a. is simply another name for the nature-nurture debate b. assumes that all of a trait is determined by the genes, then attempts to assess which of several candidate genes is most important to the trait c. popularly refers to the proportion of the variability in a trait that is accounted for b y the genes d. refers to a research design for discovering which is more important for the determination of personality traits, nature or nurture Question 28 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are true about heritability estimates, except one. Which is NOT true of heritability estimates? Select one: a. If high heritability is the case for a characteristic, it is impossible for any imaginable environmental intervention to affect its expression. b. Heritability estimates are good only for the population used, at the time it is used. c. Heritability is an average statistic and population measure and provides no information about how a given individual might have developed under different conditions. d. Heritability estimates made with the use of "Whites" are meaningless when applied to "Blacks." Question 29 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following represents a "disaster at the end of Cattell's career"? Select one: a. His promotion of eugenics cost him a prestigious award. b. He died of cancer at an early age. c. He suffered a third and final divorce. d. His children condemned him. Question 30 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which has Cattell consistently condemned during his life? Select one: a. prejudice b. race mixing c. any hint of environment influence on behavior d. the empiricist's approach to research Question 31 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Eysenck and others have produced evidence to support the claim that extraversion has been linked to Select one: a. the ascending reticular activating system b. the limbic system c. the endocrine glands d. the amygdala Question 32 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Eysenck links Neuroticism to Select one: a. the ascending reticular activating system b. the limbic system c. the endocrine glands d. the amygdala Question 33 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Eysenck links Psychoticism to Select one: a. the ascending reticular activating system b. the limbic system c. the endocrine glands d. the amygdala Question 34 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are research results that support Eysenck's theory. Which is NOT a supportive result? Select one: a. Extraverts react more strongly to negative than to positive stimuli. b. Introverts were more likely to remember a demeaning event. c. Extraverts are better than introverts at being multitasking. d. Extraversion predicts subjective well being (happiness). Question 35 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All except one of the following are research findings, or relate to findings, in support of Eysenck's ideas. Which is NOT a research finding in support of Eysenck? Select one: a. Introverts show more normal activity in the brain than extroverts. b. A stimulant improved the performance of introverts, but not extraverts. c. Patients of conversion disorder are more often extraverts. d. Children with phobias are more often introverts. Question 36 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following represents Eysenck's greatest contribution? Select one: a. his thesis that the genes determine personality b. he has help make extraversion-introversion the king of personality concepts c. his insistence that there are only three second-order factors d. his development of measures of Neuroticism and Psychoticism Question 37 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Cattell stands accused of which of the following? Select one: a. promoting Eugenics b. publishing "data" that he made up c. being entirely wrong about the contribution of the genes d. being a communist Question 38 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text How do Cattell and Eysenck differ in their approach to research? Select one: a. Only Eysenck uses factor analysis. b. Cattell starts with hypotheses drawn from data; Eysenck starts with theory. c. Only Cattell uses factor analysis. d. Cattell emphasizes the experimental approach while Eysenck emphasizes the factor analytic approach. Question 39 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following are sources of bias involved in the practice of factor analysis, except one. Which is NOT a source of bias? Select one: a. The selection of items for factor analysis is based on the analyst's biases, rather than on previous research. b. Certain factor analytic solutions are promoted, rather than others. c. Naming factors is an entirely subjective process. d. The correlational statistics used in factor analysis are arbitrarily chosen. Question 40 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Cattell has tended to publish his research in Select one: a. the most respected and most rigorous journals; b. edited and strictly peer reviewed books c. journals noted for their lenient reviews d. popular magazines Question 41 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text All of the following have been related to extraversion in recent research, except one. Which has NOT been related to extraversion? Select one: a. unconscious motivation b. positive and negative mood c. positive life events d. optimism Question 42 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the Big 5 trait(s) do women test consistently lower than men? Select one: a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Neuroticism d. Openness e. Extraversion f. All of the above g. Answers "A" and "B" h. Answers "C" and "D" i. None of the above Question 43 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the big five trait(s) is the most stable? Select one: a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Neuroticism d. Openness e. Extraversion f. All of the above g. Answers "A" and "B" h. Answers "C" and "D" i. None of the above Question 44 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which of the big five trait(s) shows the biggest differences in youth between men and women? Select one: a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Neuroticism d. Openness e. Extraversion f. All of the above g. Answers "A" and "B" h. Answers "C" and "D" i. None of the above Question 45 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Which Big five trait(s) show increases over time. Select one: a. Agreeableness b. Conscientiousness c. Neuroticism d. Openness e. Extraversion f. All of the above g. Answers "A" and "B" h. Answers "C" and "D" i. None of the above Question 46 Incorrect 0.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Eysenck was a reductionist. Select one: True False Question 47 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text The constitution of the United States protected us from the horrors of Eugenics, while Hitler used the idea to remove the bad genes from the German populace. Select one: True False Question 48 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Eysenck divided psychology into experimentalists, personologists and psychoanalysts. Select one: True False Question 49 Correct 2.00 points out of 2.00 Flag question Question text Introverts have stronger inhibitory functions than extraverts. Select one: True False Finish review


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