Psy 310 Chapters 1 &2

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Currently, ethnic minorities constitute about _____ of the US population


Psychological testing in its modern form originated roughly ____ years ago


A new humanism toward mentally retarded persons first arose in the


Idiocy, and its treatment by the physiological method was first published in ___ by___

1886, Seguin

The idea that intelligence could be better measured by means of the higher psychological processes rather than the elementary sensory processes such as reaction time was suggested in ___ in a paper by____

1896, Binet and Henri

The path-breaking discovery that mental test scores do not correlate with academic achievement was published in


The first modern intelligence test was invented in __ by__

1905, Binet

The first translation of the Binet-Simon scales was completed in ___ by ____

1910, Goddard

The latest revision of the Stanford-Binet was completed in


in a 50 item multiple choice test with four choices per item, what would be the corrected score for an examinee who answered 32 items correctly, answered 9 items incorrectly, and left 9 items blank


Suppose a young girl answers correctly on 37 questions from 50-item test but answers erroneously on 9 questions, leaving 2 questions blank. suppose there are 4 alternatives per question. using established principles of probability, what would be her correct score


In testing small samples of immigrants, Goddard concluded that about ____ percent of them were "feebleminded"


Which of the following could be a test according to the definitions offered in the textbook

A checklist for rating the social skills of a retarded youth. a non-timed measure of mastery in adding pairs of three-digit numbers. A microcomputer appraisal of reaction time. all of the above.


A helmet that measured the bumps on one's head. It generated a "personality profile" based on 32 different areas.

Psychological Test

A standardized procedure for sampling behavior and describing it with categories or scores that are compared to norms or standards to help predict non-test behavior.

Lake Wobegon Effect

A survey showed that virtually all schools exceed the 50th percentile. But, this is an overly optimistic representation of student achievement. A place where the weather is always sunny and the kids are all above average. But it's not possible for everyone to be above average, the average would just increase.


A warm, comfortable atmosphere that serves to motivate and elicit cooperation

_____ questioned whether successive increases of hot and cold were equal in the hot-cold rating scale


Professional Organization that publish standards for test use

American Psychological Association (APA)

The ____ test is multivariate assessment of heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color in newborns


_____ tests are often used to predict success in an occupation, training course, or educational endeavor


Testing vs Assessment

Assessment refers to the entire process of compiling information about a person and using it to make inferences about characteristics and to predict behavior. A test only refers to one source of information used in the assessment process.

What were researchers in the brass instruments period trying to measure?

Basic psychological processes; Researchers were trying to measure how a person could think based on objective measurements such as reaction time, hand strength, and perception. They thought these things predicted "speed of thought" or intelligence.

8 Ethical responsibilities of test users

Best interest of client Confidentiality and duty to warn Expertise of the test user Informed consent Obsolete tests and standard of care responsible report writing communication of test results Consideration of individual differences

a nonverbal group test designed for use with illiterates and recruits whose first language was not English


The concept of "intelligence quotient" was suggested by __ in ___

Binet, 1905

Individual tests of intelligence, projective personality test, and neuropsychological test batteries are examples of Level ___ tests.


The famous Strong Vocational Interest Blank has roots that go back to the

Carnegie Interest Inventory

The term "mental test" was first popularized by


Civil service examinations were first introduced in


five subjects (civil law, military affairs, agriculture, revenue, and geography) were tested in this country's civil service examination


The first applications of testing can be traced to

Chinese testing of officials for office in 2200B.C.

____ is a Swiss theologian who published his popular Essays on Physiognomy in Germany in the late eighteenth century

Clark Wissler

5 uses

Classification Diagnosis and Treatment Plan Self-knowledge Program Evaluation Research

3 important contributions from brass instruments era

Created standardized procedure Normal Distribution Data analysis procedures for reliability and validity

The character of the 1905 Binet and Simon scale owed much to a prior scale developed by


Army alpha vs Army beta

Developed by yerkes, Alpha was for people who could read english, beta for illiterate or non-english.

Three elements of informed consent

Disclosure Competency Voluntariness

Currently, most college admission tests are directed by the

Educational Testing Service

The first person to propose a classification system for mental retardation was


The first person to write about the difference between mental illness and mental retardation was


Who is generally credited with developing the first battery of psychological tests

Francis Galton

For a brief time, Binet's professional path paralleled that of


The first form of numerical rating scales can be traced to

Galen in the 2nd century

Cattell's test battery was mainly an extension of the battery developed by


The researcher who gave himself four seconds to come up with as many associations as possible to a stimulus was


All of the following persons studied under Cattell EXCEPT


How did Wissler end brass instruments era?

He found little relationship between each test. If each test was measuring intelligence, then those who did well on one test should do well on another. This was not the case. He then advocated that environment was the major contributor to intelligence.

In general, Head Start children show immediate gains in

IQ School readiness academic achievement All of the above

Test results should be communicated....

In a way that the client can understand, avoiding jargon. Should answer the referral question, tie assessment results to treatment, and set goals and progress monitoring.

Errors most commonly made

Incorrect timing Lack of clarity in directions Failure to explain whether the examinees should guess

Of what value was the WW I testing to the Army

It is not really clear whether the Army made much use of the test results

The psychologist who set the modern agenda for psychological testing by proclaiming "perhaps" tests would be useful in "training, mode of life or indication of disease" was

J McKeen Cattell

In developing his test, Rorschach was most heavily influenced by


Which test uses a forced-choice triad approach

Kuder Preference Record

Structured approach

MMPI, more structured tests (like multiple choice)

which test is considered to have better norming


in the equation X=T+e, what is the best that a test developer can do?

Make e very small X=observed score T=true score e=error

The test that introduced the use of validity scales to determine fake bad, fake good, and random response patterns was the

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

what subspecialty of psychology uses specialized tests on people to make inferences about the locus, extent, and consequences of brain damage


Tests that use a well-defined population of person for their interpretive framework are referred to as


What effect does an excessive emphasis on nationally normed achievement tests for selection and evaluation appear to promote

Outright fraud and cheating

Virtually all modern personality tests owe a debt to the

Personal Data Sheet

____ is concept dating back to the 4th century BC that suggest we can judge the inner character of people from their outward appearance especially the face


2 ethical responsibilities of test publishers

Publication and Marketing issues Competence of test purchasers

the psychologist who devoted his life to developing educational programs for the retarded was


Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of psychological tests?

Standardization to a mean of 100

5 defining features

Standardized procedures Sample of behavior Norms or Standards Scores or Categories Prediction of non test behavior

The early testing pioneer who studied aboriginal groups in Australia was

Stanley Porteus Stanley threw a shrimp on the barbie

Which of the tests below has faded into oblivion

Szondi test

Which test below is clearly based upon wholly faulty premises

Szondi test

Which test is based on the premise that projective preferences reveal recessive genes predisposing individual to specific psychiatric disturbances

Szondi test

Who was the first individual to both suggest multiplying the intelligence quotient by 100 to remove fractions and to use the abbreviation IQ


Which test(s) have roots that trace back to Yerkes and the mass testing of Army recruits during WW1

The Wechsler scales The Scholastic Aptitude test The graduate record exams all of the above

Regarding immigration and "feeblemindedness" which of the following statements characterizes national opinion in the early 1900s

The feebleminded reproduced at an alarming rate newer immigrants were mentally inferior to traditional immigrants immigrants threatened the nation's overall biological fitness All of the above

For which test have clinicians mainly relied upon an impressionistic analysis for scoring

Thematic Apperception Test

This test consists of a series of pictures depicting persons engaged in ambiguous interactions

Thematic Apperception Test

Which test was originally developed to investigate the need for achievement

Thematic Apperception Test

which test was originally developed to investigate the personality functioning of normal individuals

Thematic Apperception Test

Tarasoff case and duty to warn

There was a graduate student who made death threats about another person. The therapist told the police but not the victim. The graduate student later killed the victim. Therapists now need to warn the potential victim.

According to McReynolds and Ludwig, the first person to devise and apply rating scales for psychological variables was


Stereotype threat

Threat of confirming a negative stereotype of one's group

Which psychologist believed that global measures of intelligence did not, so to speak, "cut nature at its joints"


One of the first personality tests to use the method of internal consistency in scale development was the

Thurstone Personality Schedule


United States tested immigrants at ellis island


United states Cattell's student killed brass instruments era


United states invented term 'mental tests'

Who is typically credited with founding the first psychological laboratory in 1879 in Leipzig Germany

Willhelm Wundt

Whose results showed virtually no tendency for mental test scores to correlate with academic achievement


the "thought meter" was developed by

Wundt think of the thought meter shaped like a bundt cake

The WWI effort to test army recruits was headed up by


a psychometrician is best understood as

a developer and evaluator of psychological test

Test anxiety and test performance

a. An extensive body of research has confirmed the notion that test anxiety is negatively correlated with school achievement, aptitude test scores, and measures of intelligence. We cannot confirm causation. b. Consider the study by Sarason (1961). High and low anxious college students were each given a test under neutral or anxiety-inducing instructions. When the instructions induced anxiety, performance levels for high-anxious subjects dropped.

Aptitude vs Intelligence test

a. Intelligence tests measure assess general intelligence, whereas aptitude measures just one ability domain.

Sex, experience, and race's impact on testing

a. Most studies find that sex, experience, and race of an examiner make little difference on test results. The few studies that report a large effect size in one direction are contradicted by other studies showing the opposite trend. Still, we cannot conclude that sex, experience, or race never effect test scores. In the Terrell, Terrell, and Taylor study, they concluded that mistrustful African Americans do worse when tested by white examiners.

During his time, how did most experimental psychologists react to Wissler's discouraging findings regarding brass instrument testing

abandon the brass instruments approach to testing

On a footprint test, Australian aboriginal people scored _____ other racial groups examined

about the same as

______ tests are often used to measure a person's degree of learning, success, or accomplishment in a subject matter


Galton's methods were an improvement upon existing "brass instruments" approaches because they

allowed for quick and efficient data collection

Under what circumstances is it considered ethical to ask client to take a test such as the MMPI-2 home for completion?

almost never Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory®-2

A group test that consisted of eight verbally-loaded tests for average and high functioning recruits


Two tests were used to test army recruits during WW I

alpha and beta

the ability of test to predict non-test behavior is determined by

an extensive body of post-publication validational research

According to APA guidelines, who is qualified to use an individual intelligence test

an individual with at least a master's degree in psychology or an allied field

Psychological assessment is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

an objective process based on a single source of information

regarding a test manual, ethical guidelines indicate that test publishers

are required to publish a test manual

The term_____ was invented during WWII to describe a program to select men for secret service assignment in the Office of Strategic Services


appraising or estimating the MAGNITUDE of one or more attributes in a person is referred to as


which is the most comprehensive term


How did Wissler respond to his own test results

became an environmentalist researching ethic differences

_____ share a common assumption that behavior is best understood in terms of clearly defined characteristics such as frequency, duration, antecedents, and consequences

behavioral procedures

The single most important principle in the ethics of testing is

best interests of the client

The instructions on this test mainly used pictorial and gestural methods for explaining the questions and problems


in Moore's adoption study, which group scored higher on IQ test

black children adopted into white families

J. McKeen Cattell studied psychology with

both Galton and Wundt

In testing children, Binet warned psychologists to be on the lookout for

both suggestibility and failure of attention

Placement, screening, certification, and selection are all examples of


Binet and Simon's purpose for their test was

classification, not measurement


compares results to a fixed set of predetermined criteria.


compares results to the performance of others

Goddard's views on mental retardation can be characterized as

complex and inconsistent

Measures of _____ emphasize novelty and originality in the solution of fuzzy problems or the production of artistic works


In a(n) ______ test, the objective is to determine where the examinee stands with respect to very tightly defined educational objectives


When the armed forces first started using specialized aptitude tests, washout rates

decreased significantly

Intelligence quotient

developmental quotient= mental age/chronological age X 100

The text mentions tht the following element(s) can be used to define informed consent from a legal standpoint

disclosure competency voluntariness all of the above

Putting forth a variety of answers to a complex or fuzzy problem is an example of ____ thinking


the Tarasoff case was the impetus for changes in the concept of

duty to warn

Why were group tests originally slow to catch on

early versions had to be laboriously scored by hand

What did Goddard report as the primary culprit of the low intelligence scores of immigrants

environmental deprivation

The purpose of the norm is to

establish an average performance indicate the prevalence of high and low scores determine deviations from expected all of the above

with respect to the confidentiality of test results

exceptions can be made only if withholding information would present a clear danger to client or others

A statistical technique known as ___ was needed for the development of sophisticated aptitude tests

factor analysis

all of the following are common sources of error in group testing EXCEPT

failure to provide alloted break time


france developed the first modern intelligence test


germany established first psychological lab

In early Chinese testing, the beauty of penmanship was weighted very heavily in determining test scores. Why

good penmanship was essential for fitness in office


great britain father of mental testing

according to the text, which kind of test generally requires the greatest vigilance from the examiner

group and individual tests require equal vigilance

regarding the publication of new or revised instruments, the most important guideline is to

guard against premature release of a test

What was Goddard's position with respect to restrictions upon immigration

he did not join the popular call for immigration restriction

What was Goddard's position with respect to heredity and intelligence

he was a strict hereditarian who conceived of intelligence in simple-minded Mendelian terms He believed that much undesirable behavior was due to inherited mental deficiency he called for the colonization of the mentally defective all of the above

Most intelligence tests use a _____ assortment of test items

heterogeneous (diverse in character or content)

what is the relationship between test anxiety and school achievement?

high anxiety correlates with low achievement

Regarding payment, what arrangement did Galton make with his subjects

his subjects paid him a small fee to be tested

Which two subjects did Binet often use to try out new tests of intelligence

his two daughters

In determining the boundaries of flexible testing procedures, the examiner should consider

how the test was likely administered to the norm sample

Modern personality testing began with the practical need to

identify WW I Army recruits susceptible to breakdown

At the turn of the century, the following labels were used for diagnostic purposes in mental retardation

idiot, imbecile, and feeble-minded

with regard to professional ethics, which of the following are NOT true

if one is conversant with the written professional guidelines, answers to ethical testing issues are always simple and straightforward

access to psychological test is restricted because

in the hands of unqualified persons, psychological tests can cause harm the selection process is rendered invalid for persons who preview test questions leakage of item content to the general public completely destroys the efficacy of a test all of the above

Which of the following is possible sign of hearing loss

inattentiveness poor articulation difficulty in following oral directions all of the above

Undoubtedly the single greatest source of error in group test administration is

incorrect timing of tests

An important advantage of ________tests is that the examiner can gauge the level of motivation of the examinees


Experiments with the "thought meter" were relevant to what well-known historical controversy

individual differences in stellar crossing time how 2 astronomers using same telescope would report different crossing times as stars moved across a grid line on the telescope

Sir Francis Galton attempted to measure all of the following EXCEPT

infant intelligence

Which of the following does not need to be included in the marketing of tests

information about potential misuse a balanced presentation of the manuals or guides statistics on reliability, validity, norms, and other relevant technical details All SHOULD BE included

When test takers are made aware, in language they can understand, of the reasons for testing, etc, this is called

informed consent

according to the principle of _____, test takers or representatives are made aware, in language they can understand, of the reasons for testing, the type of tests to be used, the intended use and the range of material consequences of the intended use

informed consent

the 1908 revision of the Binet and Simon scale included the following innovation(s)

introduction of the concept of mental level

The first classification system for mental retardation relied mainly upon

language skills

In response to public criticism, Binet recanted his early findings about

magnetic induction of mood changes

By far the most common use of psychological tests is to

make decisions about persons

Though, in the end, Galton's tests were found invalid, they did make a substantial contribution to the testing movement by demonstrating that

meaningful scores could be obtained through standardized measures

The purpose of the "thought meter" was to

measure the essential speed of thought

Criterion-referenced tests

measure what person can do

projective approach

mental operations beneath the surface are at play (ink blot test)

Goddard considered children who were ____ to be feeble-minded

mentally four or more years behind

The first Stanford-Binet was useful mainly with

mentally retarded persons normal and superior children normal and superior adults all of the above

What current level did the first proposed classification system for mental retardation fail to recognize


In general, aptitude tests measure ____ than intelligence tests

more specific and delimited abilities

suppose a tester asks "where is the sofa" and the child looks puzzled. In general, is it acceptable for the tester to rephrase the question, asking "what is a couch"

no, because the rephrased question is easier and therefore not comparable

The 1905 Binet nd Simon scale was calibrated to a population average of

none of the above

which of the examiner characteristics listed below has been found to make a consistent and significant difference in the outcome of individual test results

none of the above (white)

In a(n) ______ test, the performance of each examinee is interpreted in reference to a relevant standardized sample


In light of consent guidelines, what requirement does a psychologist have if they are interested in testing an 18-year old client with mental retardation

obtain consent from a legal guardian

In discussing how to administer his test, Alfred Binet emphasized the importance of

patience and flexibility in procedures

when instructions for a task are neutral or nonthreatening, test-anxious subjects

perform just as well as low-anxious subjects

Checklists, inventories, and projective techniques re all examples of ____ tests


Franz Joseph Gall is credited with developing this procedure in which bumps on the head explained one's underlying faculties


In 1851, Orson Fowler used seven-point rating scale to practice


A consulting psychologist evaluates a candidate for law enforcement and notes significantly elevated K-scale (defensiveness). What should the psychologist do?

point out that elevated K scores are common in this group

As a group, Native Americans may tend to emphasize ____ more than European Americans

present time

Galton's test battery assessed ll of the following except

problem solving

The hypothesis that we inadvertently disclose our innermost needs, fantasies, and conflicts when responding to ambiguous or unstructured stimuli is known as the

projective hypothesis

Why did the Wechsler scales become a popular alternative to the Stanford-Binet

provides subtest scores and a verbal and performance IQ scores

according to APA guidelines, who is qualified to use straightforward paper-and pencil test of vocational proficiency

psychologist or a responsible non-psychologist

the "brass instruments" era was a dead end because

psychologists mistook simple sensory processes for intelligence

A specialist in psychology or education who develops and evaluates psychological tests


conscious faking on psychological tests is thought to be


The Thurston Personality Schedule employed ____ in scale development

rational keying

the necessary prerequisites to administer a new test are

reading the manual memorizing key elements of instructions rehearsing the test all of the above

When psychologist tests an individual who she believes to have a brain tumor, in her written report she should

recommend immediate consultation with the appropriate profession

A neuropsychologist investigating the hypothesis that low-level lead absorption causes behavior deficits in children would be an example of using psychological testing for ______


In the testing of children, Binet advocated

restarting procedures 10, 20 times if necessary

which of the following is NOT true in relation to psychological tests

results represent a thing with physical reality

What initial problem of sentence completion tests still remains today

scoring and interpretation

the idea of stereotype threat is essentially a sophisticated version of

self-fulfilling prophecy

"Brass instruments" tests measured

sensory thresholds reaction times strength all of the above

Leta Stetter Hollingworth is known for which of the following accomplishments

showing that students with high genius show significantly greater school achievement than those with ordinary genius Showing that gifted children who move ahead in school do not lag behind other children in penmanship or motor skills attributed gender differences in achievement to social and cultural impacts all of the above

Why are tests merely a sample of behavior

so that the time required for testing is not excessive

Owing to the special nature of this kind of impairment, subjects my receive less credit on a test item than is due

speech impaired

Uniformity of administration procedures is the definition of


The norm group is referred to as the

standardization sample

Being aware of obsolete tests (i.e. MMPI) and outdated test results are illustrations of _________?

standards of care

________ may have the long-term effect of pressuring African American students to "protectively dis-identify" with achievement in school and related intellectual domains

stereotype threats

It is appropriate to characterize the first Stanford-Binet as a ____ of the Binet-Simon scales

substantial revision

Suppose subjects are matched on overall IQ. On timed subtests from an intelligence scale such as the WAIS, the performance of low-anxious subjects _______ that of high anxious subjects


Kend and Rosanoff (1910) gave the association method a distinctly American flavor by

tabulating the reactions of 1000 normal subjects

the overly optimistic picture of student achievement is called

the Lake Wobegon Effect

In a study by Finn, one group of students received feedback bout the MMPI-2, whereas another group received an equal amount of supportive, non directive psychotherapy instead of the feedback, which group showed greater gains in self-esteem and symptom relief

the MMPI-2 feedback group

What was the catalyst for the development of Binet and Simon's test

the call for an instrument to identify cognitively impaired school children needing special instruction

Where is the most reliable source to get directions and instructions for administering specific psychological tests

the instruction manual that typically accompanies a test

To further his study of individual differences, Galton set up a psychometric laboratory at

the intentional health exhibition in London

In the selection and testing of a standardized sample, it is crucial that

the sample is representative of the population for whom the test is intended


the study of determining the inner character of people from outward appearance


the study of the bumps on one's head. Bumps mean that the brain underneath was more developed in that area

In most cases, if a test question asks "what shape is a ball?" a correct answer would be recorded if

the subject responds verbally "round" The subject responds verbally with "spherical" the subject gestures with his index finger in a circular pattern all of the above

Regarding the relationship between bodily energy and mental energy, Cattell believed

the two were inseparable from one another

Tens of thousands of WW I recruits received literal zero for many Army subtests because

they didn't understand the directions

How do the majority of recent testing textbooks portray Henry Goddard

they do not mention or refer to him at all

in general, how do test manuals for group standardized tests handle the issue of guessing

they provide explicit instructions to examinees as to the advantages and potential pitfalls of guessing

What was Goddard's opinion bout the placement of children who were "feebleminded"

they should be segregated to keep them from contaminating society

It is important that the standardization sample be representative of the population for whom the test is intended because

this allows for the examinee's relative standing to be determined

in Terrell's study, which group of black subjects showed the lowest IQ test results when tested by a white examiner

those with high cultural mistrust

when testing a person with a mild motor handicap, examiners may wish to omit

timed performance subtests

the first true intelligence tests were developed for what purpose

to identify children who were unlikely to profit from ordinary instruction

Which of the following was used as a situational test by the Office of Strategic Services

transporting equipment across a raging brook scaling a ten foot high wall surviving a realistic interrogation all of the above

Binet began his career in psychology by studying the

two point threshold how far apart before you can tell it is 2 points, not one touching you

Initially, Goddard was ____ about the purported threat of feeble-mindedness posed by the immigrants


Vernon and Brown relate the tragic case of a young girl who was put in an institution for the mentally retarded because of a test IQ of 20, when in fact, it was later shown her real IQ was 113. the original low score was a result of

unrecognized deafness in the girl

The distinction between aptitude tests and achievement tests is based largely upon


which of the following is an essential step in the standardization of a test

use of identical stimuli with all examinees precise specification of oral instructions for subtests advice to the examiner as to how to handle queries from the examinee all of the above

Binet's tests were heavily loaded toward

verbal skills

If you are a therapist and your client makes repeated death threats against a specific individual, what is your ethical responsibility

warn the individual who your client is making threats against and notify law enforcement

when testing children, testing should begin

when he/she seems relaxed enough to give maximum effort

in one study reported in the text, mistrustful blacks performed relatively poorly when tested by _____ examiners


The earliest form of projective testing consisted of

word association tests

test-anxious students have study habits that are _____ those of other students


the test item writer's aim is to make all or nearly all considered guesses _____ guesses


Suppose that answering "true" to the question "I drink a lot of water" happens to help predict depression. Would it be wise to include this item on a test to identify depression

yes, because the essential characteristic of a good test is that it predicts relevant behaviors

which age group is most prone to periodic accumulations of fluid in the middle ear during intervals of mild illness

young subjects

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