PSY 335 Exam 2 (Chap. 7-13)

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Events that threaten the well-being of an ingroup tend to

increase identification with the ingroup.

Which of the following has not been shown to result in regressive prejudice?

increased motivation to comply with social norms

In the job search process, being White

increases the chances for an interview, even for less qualified applicants.

According to terror management theory __________ mortality salience __________ prejudice.

increasing; increases

Self-categorization theory proposes that categorizing oneself as an _________ member becomes _________ as the perceived difference between the ingroup and outgroup increases.

ingroup; more likely

Research on stereotype threat has shown that Blacks who are told that a test is diagnostic of their intellectual ability will

score lower on that test than Whites who have also been told the test measures ability.

People who endorse hostile sexist beliefs

see women in non-traditional roles as a threat to male power.

Compared to a person who is not prototypical, a person who is prototypical of her social category is probably

categorized more easily.

Helen sees herself as gender-conforming; thus, Helen is


According to the stereotype content model, groups that are perceived as low on warmth but high on competence elicit feelings of


Which of the following is not one of the threats addressed by integrated threat theory?

mortality threat

Which of the following has not been suggested as a source of anti-fat prejudice?

unconscious desires to eat as much as one wants to

A measure that assesses what it is designed to assess is said to be high in


Which of the following is supported by research on the double standard of aging?

women are thought to enter middle age two years earlier than are men.

The finding that women are liked better than men is called the

women are wonderful effect.

As people age, most people report:

feeling younger than they really are

The _________ refers to the problem that women's traditional occupations do not offer avenues for advancement

sticky floor

According to social role theory, if people are asked to explain why nurses are caring, they would say that

women are more caring than men and most nurses are women.

According to twin studies, what percentage of identical twins are concordant for homosexuality?


Which of the following disabilities is most stigmatized (think about which is high on perceived controllability and danger)?

A building's complete lack of ramps make it difficult for a person in a wheelchair to enter.

Which statement reflects benevolent sexism?

A good woman should be set on a pedestal by her man.

Which ethnic group is perceived to be the model minority?


Which of the following has been shown by research on self-esteem across ethnic groups?

Asians have lower self-esteem than Whites.

Which of the following did we discuss as the most common/important explanation for why the negative stereotypes directed towards people who are overweight are widespread and often viewed as socially acceptable to express?

Being owerweight is not a very concealable condition, and many people also view it as controllable (people could change it if they wanted to).

Which of the following is true about the relationship between ethnicity and self-esteem?

Blacks, on average, have higher self-esteem than whites.

________cultures de-emphasize the importance of the self, relative to the group, which might be one reason why ______ score lower on self-esteem scales.

Collectivist; Asians & Latinos

Which of the following statements about how people respond when they are confronted about their prejudicial behavior is true?

Compared to accusations of racism, people tend to find it more amusing when they are accused of sexism (instead of taking it seriously/feeling bad and/or changing their behavior).

__________ discrimination is unequal and harmful treatment that is hidden, purposeful, and often maliciously motivated.


The relationship between prejudice and discrimination is strongest when prejudice is assessed by measures on which people __________ their responses, and discrimination is assessed by measures on which people ________ their responses.

D) either a or c ((A) are able to control; are able to control/ C) are unable to control; are unable to control)

In the context of social identity theory, which of the following statements about self-esteem and prejudice is/are true?

D. All of the above are true. (A. Intergroup bias increases positive social identity, which is reflected in an increase in self-esteem./ B. People with low self-esteem will engage in intergroup bias as a way to raise their self-esteem./ C. When an event linked to an important social identity threatens people's self-esteem, they can defend their self-esteem through intergroup bias.)

Which of the following may best explain the relationship between conservatism and prejudice?

D. both a and b (A. The relationship stems from prejudiced people's tendency to co-opt/use a conservative belief system to justify their prejudices (a conservative political philosophy does not directly cause or foster prejudice). & B. Some conservative individuals are high in social dominance orientation or right wing authoritarianism, and it is those conservatives who tend to be prejudiced.)

__________ is the idea that men and women are depicted differently in terms of facial prominence.


Henri told a racist joke; Francois responded by saying the joke was inappropriate. Henri is most likely to react negatively to being confronted if

Francois is an outgroup member.

Henri told a racist joke; Francois responded by saying the joke was inappropriate. Henri is most likely to see the confrontation as unreasonable if

Francois is an outgroup member.

__________ is the belief that gender-associated characteristics are mutually exclusive.

Gender polarization

Imagine that the earth is under an alien attack and people from different countries are forced to devise a global plan to prevent the attack. (Or, let's get really hypothetical and imagine the earth is attacked by a virus and scientists and governments across different countries have to work together to develop a cure). If things were to go similarly to the interdependence phase of the Robber's Cave study, then:

Global prejudice would decrease due to forcing people to collaborate to achieve a common goal/resource

Which subtype of older adults is most likely to be depicted in prime-time television shows?

Golder Ager

__________ is an extreme form of masculine gender expectations that convey the message that men should be tough and violent.


The idea of precarious manhood suggests that:

Masculinity is difficult to earn and easy to lose.

Research indicates that:

Most college students report positive attitudes towards students with physical disabilities, such as students with visual/hearing impairment or in a wheelchair. However, despite this self-reported positive attitude, people with physical disabilities still report experiencing discrimination based on their disability.

Proponents of reparative therapy (therapy aimed at changing sexual orientation) have sometimes asserted that such therapy has appeared to result in some succesful changes to sexual orientation. This is probably because:

People might be attempting to change their sexual behavior after receiving the therapy, even though evidence suggests that their sexual orientation (who they are attracted to) remains the same.

Which of the following statements about social identities is true?

People want to see their group as distinct from and better than other groups.

________ justice refers to the extent to which the rules used to allocate rewards are perceived to be fair.


_____ is a defensive detachment of self-esteem from outcomes in a particular domain.

Psychological disengagement

__________ is the expression of prejudice by people who are otherwise low in prejudice.

Regressive prejudice

Which of the following people is most likely to experience stereotype lift?

Rodolfo, a male, who is taking a math test and believes that men are better at math than are women.

Which might most effectively ensure that someone who has just engaged in discrimination will not do so again?

Saying "I'm sure you didn't mean that to be prejudiced, and I know you want to be fair. But do you think that might have resulted in some bad outcomes?"

__________ refers to the situation where minority group members realize they can be judged in terms of a negative stereotype and their fear of confirming that judgment affects their actual performance.

Stereotype threat

According to cognitive theory, why do people stereotype?

Stereotyping is a normal process for reducing a complex stimulus world to a manageable level.

Researchers have sometimes offered a possible explanation for why we have an abundance of research directed towards understanding the negative attitudes of whites towards blacks, as opposed to the other way around. What was the explanation that has most commonly been offered that we discussed in class?

The negative attitudes and behaviors of dominant group members may have more devastating effects on minority communities (when compared to the impact that negative attitudes of minority group members can have on dominant group members). Thus, many researchers have felt it might be more important to first understand the attitudes with the most harmful effects.

Which of the following ingroup member's beliefs does not reflect false consciousness?

The outgroup is oppressive.

Which of the following statements about the causes of intergroup competition is true?

The perception that resources are scarce can motivate intergroup competition even if that perception is not correct.

Which of the following statements about people with mental illness is correct?

The stigma associated with mental illness often prevents them from seeking treatment.

Which of the following is true about older adults in the workplace?

They have difficulty changing jobs effectively.

According to Ellen Langer's research, what happens when older people are given a sense of autonomy or told to "think young"? (i.e. to imagine themselves to be younger than they are or immerse themselves with cues associated with their youth?)

They may experience psychological and physical benefits to being given autonomy or told to "think young", not only feeling happier, but demonstrating an actual improvement in physical activity level, etc.

According to Michael Kimmel, what is one current challenge associated with changes in gender roles?

Women have been welcomed into the workplace at a faster rate than men have been encouraged/welcomed into the home (the obvious potential result is that the task of running the home is neglected, and women can be burned out if they feel pressured to "do it all".)

Which of the following billboards might most effectively reduce prejudice on the Purdue campus?

You are free to choose to value the diverse community here at Purdue!

Which of the following people is least likely to have a chronic social identity?

a White male physician

John works at a tech company. Hardly any females work there, and those that do are promoted very slowly and report feeling isolated and disrespected by bosses and coworkers. Some employees, both male and female, decide to meet over five different lunch hours to formulate a strategic plan to actively reach out to females in the company to make sure they feel included and that their full potential is identified. After they work to develop this plan, they go lobby the CEO to adopt it, and they successfully persuade him to pursue it. A meeting of the entire company is called where opposers are given a chance to vote "no" on the plan. John is not part of the group that crafted the strategic plan or that lobbied the CEO. When he attends the company meeting, he hears about the plan for the first time and is given a chance to oppose it. He lets it go through and does not oppose it. John's actions could be seen as:

a good example of something that passively facilitates females

Micro-aggressions are characterized by

a lack of hostile intent.

Who is most likely to be affected by stereotype threat for a particular domain?

a person whose self-esteem is tied to her or his performance in the domain

The social model of disability suggests that the idea of disability is considered to be

a social construction that has no definitive objective definition.

Racial categories such as ""Asian,"" ""Black,"" ""Hispanic,"" and ""White"" are

categories that are somewhat fluid and arbitrary and determined by social convention

People are more likely to discriminate when they are ___________ on prejudice and believe ___________.

a)high; others hold similar views

According to the linguistic intergroup bias model, one advantage of describing our group's positive behavior in abstract terms is that

abstract terms are difficult to disprove.

According to the linguistic intergroup bias model, the advantage of describing our ingroup's positive behavior in abstract terms is that

abstract terms are difficult to disprove.

The cluster of traits that represent stereotypes of men is called


The double standard of aging is the idea that

aging occurs at an earlier age (and has more severe consequences) for women than for men.

According to the minority stress model, stigmatized group members feel stress as a result of

all of the above (situational factors, such as job loss or illness./ experiencing micro-aggressions./ the expectation that they will be discriminated against.)

In general, disabilities that are seen as ________ are viewed more negatively.

all of the above. (controllable (vs. uncontrollable)/ aesthetically unpleasant (vs. having no effect on appearance)/ causing the person with the disability to behave in ways that appear dangerous (vs. having no effect on behavior))

A culture's gender belief system consists of

all of the above. (gender stereotypes./ beliefs about sexual orientation./ perceptions of people who violate gender-roles.)

Shelly, a white female, admires the heroism of blacks who have been involved in peaceful battles for their rights, and feels positively towards the idea of racial equality. She has an automatic positive feeling when she thinks about blacks in America and how so many have bravely and capably fought for equality. She also, however, has a stereotype that blacks sometimes listen to music with violent lyrical content, and has negative emotions directed towards the group when she thinks about how this violates her own values. Shelly's attitude towards blacks is characterized by:


Elderspeak is

an extreme form of patronizing talk.

Non-normative life pressures are those that

are experienced only by stigmatized group members.

One disclaimer/caution that I presented in class related to research on political orientation and prejudice was that the social psychologists doing this research:

are known for demonstrating a strong liberal bias.

Compared to average-weight people, overweight people

are more likely to experience discrimination in the workplace.

People who believe their success or failure is under their personal control

are unlikely to experience stereotype threat.

""If fat people wanted to, they could lose weight."" This statement is consistent with the ______ model of prejudice.


Devon says, "authority figures should use their power to crush those people causing problems". This is a good example of ________, one component of RWA.

authoritarian aggression

Which type of prejudice often results in a pro-minority bias to avoid appearing prejudiced?


__________ refers to the situation where a stigmatized group member expects to experience discrimination and adjusts her or his behavior to disconfirm the stereotype.

behavioral compensation

Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of people who score high on social dominance orientation?

being high on conformity, orderliness and moralism

The idea that older adults are ""weak but wonderful"" reflects which of the following?

benevolent ageism

Research shows that older children (around ages 4-8) are most likely to dislike _______ with __________ characteristics.

boys; feminine

People are more likely to respect __________ and are more likely to like ___________.

businessmen; housewives

Which of the following factors can decrease people's motivation to comply with norms that prohibit prejudiced behavior?

c) all of the above ((a) observing others engage in prejudiced behavior/ b) authority figures' approval of prejudiced behavior/ d) strong emotions)

People with ________ social identities are most likely to be tolerant of other groups.


Researcher B administers a survey in which she asks college students to report how many hours of television news they watch and also assesses (with a self-report scale) the extent to which they stereotype members of minority groups as criminals. She then looks at the relationship between these two variables. This is an example of a(n)

correlational study.

Correlational research meets only one of three necessary criteria for determining whether one variable causes another. That criterion is


Black workers' level of job performance may suffer relative to White workers' because

d) of all of the above reasons. ((a) Black workers receive less support and encouragement from their supervisors./ b) Black workers are subject to workplace micro-aggressions that adversely affect their job performance./ c) Black workers may have fewer on-the-job opportunities to display their skills.)

According to terror management theory, if you are asked to think about your own death, you will

derogate individuals whose values differ from your own.

Jill failed her math test but she did not let it bother her because she decided that her instructor had graded her unfairly because she had come out as a lesbian. Jill has engaged in the psychological process of

discounting negative feedback

One potential social cost of a stigmatized group member claiming discrimination is that ______________.

dominant group members tend to view the person as whining/complaining, even if there is good evidence discrimination likely happened.

In contrast to experimental research, ethnographic research

emphasizes naturalism.

Optimal distinctiveness theory proposes that people are most likely to identify with groups that

encourage identification with the group but also allow group members to be their own persons.

Self-determination theory suggests that if you want people to successfully respond to others without prejudice over a long period of time you should try to:

encourage them to remember that they are free to choose to respond without prejudice and value the diverse community they are a part of

The attribution-value model is most accurate at predicting prejudice toward groups that are high on __________ and low on __________.

entitativity; naturalness

Jill works in a company with predominantly male employees. Research on self-categorization suggests that, compared to the male employees, Jill will be

especially likely to think of herself in terms of her gender.

Prejudices that people are aware of and can easily describe are called

explicit prejudices.

Scott avoids doing anything that might appear to be prejudiced because all his friends think that prejudice is wrong and he does not want to be judged harshly. Scott is guided by which motivation to control prejudice?

external motivation

Scott avoids doing anything that might appear to be prejudiced because all his friends think that prejudice is wrong. Scott is guided by which motivation to control prejudice?

external motivation

Ironically, being high on ________ is associated with high scores on measures of prejudice.

external motivation to control prejudice

There is a strong consensus amongst psychologists that the implicit association test measures one's "true" or "real" attitudes, and if results on a self-report measure differ from one's IAT results, the self-report measures should be thrown out and viewed as dishonest.


Integral emotions are

feelings aroused when people think about or interact with members of another group.

People with which of the following characteristics are least likely to be transphobic?


Research on the accuracy of gender stereotypes shows that

gender stereotypes are "accurate" in the sense that people's perceptions of the on average differences between men and women accurately reflect the real on average differences that men and women report about themselves. However, there is still high variability of traits within each gender and more overlap in traits between individual men and women than people think.

________ relative deprivation is related to prejudice but _________ relative deprivation is unrelated to prejudice.

group/Fraternal; personal/egoistic

Saying to someone in a wheelchair, "what about the design of the city buses in this town makes it challenging for you to board and get around?" is an example of the viewpoint on handicaps that suggests:

handicaps are a feature of the environment

Which of the following is not a typical characteristic of people who score high on right-wing authoritarianism?

having a complex social identity

A personnel manager who is high on right-wing authoritarianism is most likely to engage in hiring discrimination when

he thinks that his superiors approve of hiring discrimination.

Research on sex differences in attitudes toward homosexuality shows that

heterosexual men are more likely to reject gay men than lesbians, whereas heterosexual women are more positive toward both gay men and lesbians.

A person with which of the following characteristics is least likely to exhibit explicit prejudice?

high internal motivation to control prejudice

Conservatives are most likely to be prejudiced if they are also

high on social dominance orientation.

On average, research suggests that liberals are more prejudiced towards _______ than conservatives.

high power groups (whites, Christians, the wealthy)

Modern-symbolic prejudice is characterized by

high scores on measures of both explicit modern prejudice and implicit prejudice.

Helen is an entity theorist. Therefore, she is likely to

hold on to her stereotypic beliefs, even if she meets a member of the stereotyped group whose characteristics are inconsistent with the stereotype.

According to the value difference hypothesis, prejudice is based on the belief that outgroup members

hold values that conflict with those of the ingroup.

Anti-gay prejudice tends to emerge

in adolescence.

Beatrice holds the strong personal belief that prejudice is wrong. She is guided by which motivation to control prejudice?

internal motivation

Every person is a member of multiple basic social categories. This concept is known as


Marcus is a Black physician who has many different important social identities. He loves to golf and sees all three identities (race, occupation, and hobby) as important to his self-concept. Compared to somebody who only had 1 important social identity, Marcus probably

is more tolerant of outgroups.

Realistic conflict theory would predict that people who live in the United States will display increased negativity towards immigrants when ________.

jobs are scarce

According to social identity theory, categorizing oneself and others into an ingroup and outgroup

leads people to take an ""us versus them"" perspective on intergroup relations.

Marta is a life-long Red Sox fan. According to social identity theory, when the Sox won the World Series, Marta

likely experienced a boost to her personal self-esteem.

The stereotypes, prejudice, and preferential treatment accorded to physically attractive people are collectively called


Dr. Developmental repeatedly presented an infant with a photo of a woman until the infant got used to the photo. The researcher than simultaneously showed the infant the old photo and a new photo of a woman. Dr. Developmental could conclude that the infant can discriminate between the two photos if the infant

looks at the new photo longer than the old photo.

According to the stereotype content model, in the United States Asians are commonly stereotyped as:

low on warmth and high on competence, and thus elicit feelings of envy

Disability-related prejudice and age-related prejudice are similar in that

members of both groups are often treated like children.

Research on the integrated threat theory of prejudice has found that the relationship between realistic threat and prejudice is highest for

members of high status groups (for race, for example, this would be people who are white).

Research on the male gender role shows that

men are expected to strive for power and success.

Once people believe they have demonstrated their lack of prejudice, they sometimes then behave in a prejudiced manner. They behave in this way because they believe they have established their

moral credentials as unprejudiced people.

Think about how a threat posed to a group can sometimes impact how much people self-identify with that group. After the September 11 attacks in the United States, most people were _____ likely to strongly identify as Americans than they were prior to the attack.


Susie is 50 pounds overweight (but she used to be 100 pounds overweight). Rearch shows that if people find out that Susie has recently lost some weight, on average, they will perceive Susie:

more negatively than if they believed she had not just lost some weight

If somebody is high on stigma consciousness, this can sometimes make interactions with people who they believe to be prejudiced towards their group go ________ than they would go if the person was low on stigma consciousness.

more poorly

The discrimination-affection paradox reflects the findings that people hold

more positive attitudes toward the social group ""women"" than toward the social group ""men,"" but women are more likely to be discriminated against than are men.

Which of the following would be considered a legitimizing myth in social dominance theory?

negative stereotypes of outgroups

Subtle discrimination is

often overlooked because it seems normal or customary.

According to terror management theory, younger people avoid older people because

older people remind them of their mortality.

The sexual orientation hypothesis proposes that

people are more likely to believe feminine men are gay than that masculine women are lesbian.

Research on the role that personal stereotypes play in discrimination shows that

people are more likely to discriminate against individuals whose characteristics are consistent with rather than inconsistent with their personal stereotypes of the individuals' groups.

Feelings of relative deprivation stem from

people comparing what they receive with what they received in the past or others are receiving and feeling that they are getting less than they deserve.

In the Gilbert and Hixon study, who applied stereotypes to the woman in stage 2 of the study? (stage 2 was when they were listening to an audio recording of her talking about herself and asked to make judgments about her).

people who were distracted when making a judgment of the woman during stage 2, and who had been not distracted during stage 1 when completing word stems and she was holding the cue card.

People with disabilities are often actively helped by others, such as by having doors held open for them, but also excluded from activities unrelated to their disabilities. According to the stereotype content model, people with disabilities experience these responses because they elicit feelings of ________ in others.


Muzafer Sherif's Robbers Cave study illustrates the role of ________ in creating prejudice.

realistic conflict

We said that the Robbers Cave study provided the classic illustration of:

realistic conflict theory

People who are doing well in objective terms may explain that they are prejudiced because their group is being victimized by groups that are less well-off. Which theory can best explain this phenomenon?

relative deprivation

Susie, who is white, feels that blacks have gained more than white have gained economically in the past ten years in America (in fact, she thinks whites seem to be worse off economically in America compared to their prior situation). Even though whites still experience economic advantages compared to blacks, Susie's perception of how blacks' progress compares to whites' progress results in resentment/prejudice towards blacks. Which theory best explains this?

relative deprivation theory

Of the following social categories, explicit awareness of ________ emerges last.


Older adults who hear positive stereotypes about older adults __________ than older adults who hear negative stereotypes about older adults.

report having better subjective health

Jacques dislikes arguments and therefore is careful not to make remarks about minority groups that people might object to. Jacques is guided by which motivation to control prejudice?

restraint to avoid dispute

Researcher Q assigned participants to a group at random, but told them it was because they tended to either over- or under-estimate the number of dots on a screen. According to your text, this process

resulted in people awarding more money to other ingroup members, even if they did not personally benefit from doing so.

Camille sees the world as a dangerous place, wants definite answers to questions, and prefers not to try new things or ideas. Camille would likely score high on a measure of

right-wing authoritarianism.

Black men who watched Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the 2007 Democratic National Convention

scored higher on a verbal ability test than Blacks who did not watch the speech.

Perspective-taking leads to lower prejudice because people who take an outgroup member's perspective on events

see the outgroup member as being similar to themselves.

A basic prediction of _________ is that a girl who is a member of Delta Gamma, when standing in a room full of Kappa Alpha Thetas, will be particuarly likely to think of herself as a "Delta Gamma" and focus on her status as a Delta Gamma. However, _______ suggests that if her sorority has put too much pressure on her lately to totally conform to the group and abandon any sense of individual identity, instead of fully adopting her identity as a Delta Gamma, she might instead focus on a social identity that allows her to better balance her group identity with her individual identity.

self-categorization theory; optimal distinctiveness theory

Research on the attribution-value model would suggest that people who are heterosexual would be most likely to be prejudiced toward lesbians and gay men when they think that this group of people violates their own values, and when they also believe that

sexual orientation is not naturally determined (most people who want to can change their sexual orientation)

Comoran has a negative view of Martin because Martin is sexually attracted to other men. Comoran is displaying

sexual prejudice.

Based on a study we discussed in class, we might expect that right after seeing a picture of Obama on the newspaper, a person scoring high on modern-symbolic prejudice would:

show an increase in their explicitly measured modern-symbolic prejudice, most likely because Obama (a black person achieving a high office) primes people with the idea that racism in America has been eliminated.

Research suggests that a male child is:

slightly more likely to be gay the more older brothers he has born to the same biological mom.

Micro-aggressions are

small-scale everyday behaviors that demean outgroups or members of those groups.

Devon says, ""It is probably a good thing that certain groups are on the top in society and that other groups are on the bottom."" Devon would probably score high on

social dominance orientation.

Over time,

the female gender role has increased in its agentic traits but the male gender role has not equivalently increased in its communal traits.

Which of the following has been shown by research on behavioral compensation?

sometimes people can effectively compensate for potential prejudice. For example, overweight women are able to compensate for potential prejudice by effectively using social skills.

People who believe they live in a world where they are likely to be stereotyped are high in

stigma consciousness.

People high in empathy

tend to be low in prejudice.

Adults who are high in restraint to avoid dispute often report

that their childhood contacts with Black people were mostly negative.

Intergroup anxiety stems from

the concern that interacting with members of an outgroup will have negative consequences.

Which of the following is an example of a normative life event that might be experienced differently by a stigmatized group member?

the development of sexual feelings

The sign (+ or -) of a correlation coefficient indicates

the direction of a relationship.

The finding that children are implicitly aware of social categories at an early age is typically interpreted to mean that:

the propensity to organize the social world in meaningful ways is innate.

We watched a video in class describing some experiments being conducted in a "baby lab" with infants as young as 6-9 months. The infants were shown two puppets: one that liked the same cereal they themselves liked, and one that liked a different cereal. The researchers recorded whether the babies preferred the puppet that was "different" or "similar" to them, and whether the babies preferred a puppet who they saw helping the "different" puppet or one they saw being mean to the "different" puppet. Think about the results. The psychologists in this video interpreted the findings of these experiments as suggesting that:

the propensity to organize the social world into "me" and "them", and possibly even discriminate against those who are categorized as "them", is innate.

Lyndzee, an African American college student, did not receive a scholarship even though she has a high grade point average. Lyndzee is most likely to conclude she was discriminated against if

the selection committee had no minority group members.

In one study we discussed, some OSU students who were members of an honor student community were given feedback to indicate that they were very different from their fellow honor students. Other students were given feedback to indicate that they were very similar to their fellow honor students. Next, they rated themselves on various traits. When given the chance to rate how much they thought they exhibited traits stereotypically displayed by an honors student (such as "smart", "hardworking", etc.), which students said they exhibited those traits the most?

the students who had just been made to feel very different from their fellow honor students

Loretta is scheduled to take a math test. She is most likely to experience stereotype threat if

the test is very difficult and she is told it is diagnostic of innate math abilities.

Gender expression is determined by:

the way a person presents their gender through their actions, dress, and demeanor

Studies of changes in attitudes toward homosexuality over time show that

there is an international trend toward greater acceptance.

People are most likely to support ingroup members who claim discrimination when

there is strong evidence that discrimination occurred.

Research on the attribution-value model shows that people who are heterosexual are least likely to be prejudiced toward lesbians and gay men when:

they believe sexual orientation is largely due to biology.

By what age can almost all children correctly explicitly classify people as male or female?

three years

Compared to equally qualified White job applicants, Black applicants can expect

to be steered toward a lower level job.

The stereotype content model organizes the relationship of stereotypes to emotions around which two dimensions?

warmth (friendliness) and competence

Linda is generally motivated to follow the social norm to avoid prejudice. However, under some conditions, she does discriminate against minority group members. In which of the following situations is she least likely to do so?

when she can be easily identified

Stereotype threat is thought to impair performance by reducing _______.

working-memory capacity

Research on the forgetfulness stereotype has found that

young people rate the same acts of forgetfulness as being more significant in an older person than in a young person.

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