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Which of the following are cognitive theories of development? a) Erikson's psychosocial theory b) Piaget's developmental theory c) Vygotsky's sociocultural theory d) Freudian theory

b and c

Which of the following is a finding of a study of more than 11,000 adolescents from 18 countries living mainly in middle- and upper-income families? a) the majority of adolescents gave a high stress rating to the potential difficulty they might have in combining their education or employment with marriage and family b) adolescents in all of the countries were experiencing considerable stress regarding their future c) the majority of adolescents assigned a medium stress rating to their fear of becoming unemployed d) most adolescents gave a low stress rating to their fear of not being able to pursue the vocational training they desired

b and c

Select all of the following that are involved in critical thinking a) using emotion to evaluate choices b) evaluating evidence c) thinking productively d) thinking in a rigid fashion e) thinking in black or white terms f) thinking reflectively

b, c, and f

What perspective does not rigidly endorse any one theoretical perspective but considers multiple theories and selects the best features from each? a) psychoanalytic theory b) information-processing theory c) eclectic theoretical orientation d) electric theory orientation


similar to contemporary views of adolescence, what did Aristotle emphasize? a) the development of employment b) the development of sexual relationships c) the development of friendship d) the development self-determination


critical thinking is thinking _________ and ___________ evaluating evidence

reflectively and productively

True or false: Once we assign a stereotype, it is difficult to abandon it, even in the face of contradictory evidence


true or false: Menarche occurs in mid- to late gonadarche in girls.


emerging adulthood takes place from approximately ____ to ___

18 to 25

the federal government recommends a minimum of ______ minutes per day of moderate to vigorous exercise


Which of the following are produced by the Kiss 1 gene and are believed to affect pubertal onset and change? a) kisspeptins b) leptins c) GnRH chemicals d) abdominal fat cells


if the level of sex hormones rises too high, the _____ and pituitary gland reduce their stimulation of the gonads, decreasing the production of sex hormones. a) hypothalamus b) frontal lobes c) amygdala d) gonads


on average, adrenarche occurs _____. a) about one year later in boys than in girls b) at about the same time in both girls and boys c) about one year later in girls than in boys d) much later in girls than in boys


A study comparing adolescents in 28 countries found that U.S. and British adolescents were more likely to eat Blank______ than were adolescents in most other countries. a) fried food b) fruit c) vegetables d) whole grains


According to Deanna Kuhn, young children attain largely ______ cognitive levels, whereas older children and adolescents approach cognitive levels that they ________ obtain a) universal; may or may not b) individual; may or may not c) individual; will not d) universal; will


According to Erikson, what should the focus of children be during their elementary school years? a) intellectual skills b) all schoolwork c) confidence building d) healthy lifestyle


According to Kuhn, by the time a child reaches adolescence there is ______ in cognitive functioning across individuals. a) considerable variability b) considerable similarity c) slight similarity d) slight variability


In recent years, scientists have begun to conduct Blank______ studies in an attempt to identify specific genes that are linked to the onset and progression of puberty. a) molecular genetic b) animal c) epigenetic d) observational


The growth spurt associated with puberty occurs, on average, Blank______ years earlier for girls than for boys. a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 4


What are processes that involve changes in an individual's thinking and intelligence? a) cognitive processes b) socioemotional processes c) biological processes d) intellectual processes


What can the "nature" part of the nature vs. nurture controversy be described as? a) a biological perspective b) the prominent perspective c) an environmental perspective d) a psychological perspective


What is Erikson's first stage of psychosocial development called? a) trust v mistrust b) trust in infancy c) early trust d) initiative v guilt


What is Erikson's sixth developmental stage, in which individuals form intimate relationships? a) intimacy v. isolation b) intimacy v. inferiority c) friendship v. romance d) isolation v. attachment


What is a method of data collection that has uniform procedures for administration and scoring? a) a standardised test b) surveys and interviews c) laboratory research d) naturalistic observation


What theory of development emphasizes individuals manipulating, monitoring, and strategizing about information? a) information-processing theory b) Behavior-processing theory c) Vygotsky's sociocultural theory d) Environmental processing theory


Which model states that decision making is influenced by both analytical and gist-based cognitive systems, which compete against each other? a) the fuzzy-trace theory dual-process model b) the rational decision-making model c) the Vroom-Jago decision-making model d) the recognition-primed decision-making model


Which of the following Cs of positive youth development is most likely characterized by positive relationships with others? a) connection b) confidence c) character d) competence


A longitudinal study found that Swedish men who had relatively Blank______ cardiovascular fitness at 18 years of age had an increased risk of Blank______ at 60 years of age. (Select all that apply.) a) low; early-onset dementia b) low; mild cognitive impairment c) high; early-onset dementia d) high; mild cognitive impairment

a and b

According to the dual-process model, decision making is influenced by which systems? a) analytical b) gist-based intuition c) creative d) socioemotional

a and b

In a good survey, the questions are _______. a) unbiased b) clear c) complex d) ambiguous

a and b

Which of the following are criticisms of research performed in the laboratory? a) there is a lack of participants from diverse cultures b) participants know they are being studied c) it is an unethical setting for most research d) it is difficult to control for alternative variables

a and b

Which of the following characterize G. Stanley Hall's concept of adolescence? a) a time of oscillating thoughts and feelings b) a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings c) a time when actions are predictable d) a stress-free time of emotional maturity

a and b

Which of the following are true of social contexts? a) they are influenced by societal factors b) they are not affected by cultural factors c) they are settings in which development occurs d) they are not influenced by economic factors

a and c

Zack is 14. He eats well and exercises regularly. Research shows that this behavior will help to delay or prevent which of the following? a) heart disease b) certain diseases c) developmental delays d) disability caused by stroke

a, b, and d

What are the benefits associated with exercise in adolescence? a) decreased inflammatory markers b) fewer accidents c) lower blood pressure d) healthy weight e) higher IQ

a, c, and d

What would be typical goals for educational intervention to help improve an adolescent's health? a) teach skills that lead to more health-enhancing behavior b) avoid creating stress that would result from pointing out health risks c) increase the amount of exercise the adolescent gets d) reduce the adolescent's violent behavior

a, c, and d

Which are the three leading causes of death in adolescence and emerging adulthood? a) unintentional injuries b) medical malpractice c) homicide d) suicide e) illness

a, c, and d

Which of the following are physical biological processes related to development? a) weight gain b) problem-solving ability c) advances in motor skills d) brain development

a, c, and d

________ is an adjustment of a schema in response to new information


________ refers to the concentration and focusing of mental effort.


According to research on mortality rates in adolescents and emerging adults, which of the following individuals would be at highest risk for premature death? a) Jennifer, who is 23 b) Trenton, who is 21 c) Liv, who is 16 d) Tanner, who is 27


Capacity and speed of information processing are known as a) schemas b) cognitive resources c) executive function d) cognitive equilibrium


Cognitive control involves effective control of ___________, reducing interfering thoughts and being cognitively flexible. a) function b) attention c) memory d) creativity


During Erikson's final stage of development, what do individuals do? a) form intimate relationships b) reflect on the past c) help their children d) explore who they are


In Erikson's seventh developmental stage, what term does he use for the feeling of having done nothing to help the next generation? a) apathy b) stagnation c) generativity d) isolation


Janessa is an African American girl. According to findings on ethnic differences in the United States, at what age is Janessa likely to enter the gonadarche period? a) 6 to 7 years of age b) 8 to 9 years of age c) 13 to 14 years of age d) 10 to 11 years of age


Like Vygotsky's theory, information-processing theory is not ___. a) gradual b) stage-like c) important d) increasingly complex


What do both the behavioral and the social cognitive theories of development assume? a) personality is formed in early childhood b) development does not occur in a stage-like fashion c) there are critical and sensitive periods in development d) there is an emphasis on discontinuity


What is Erikson's fourth developmental stage called? a) knowledge v. energy b) industry v. inferiority c) production v. intellect d) integrity v. inferiority


What is one criticism of standardised tests? a) they assume setting affects the score b) they assume a person's behavior is consistent c) they are difficult to give out to young people d) they compare your performance with too many people


Which best describes the use of theories in explaining adolescent development? a) choosing a single theory as a guide is the best way to understand adolescent development b) theories are helpful guides, but no one theory can be used to explain adolescent development c) theories are not helpful guides because they do not mirror complex human behavior d) theories can be helpful guides only when theorists make the same assumptions and stress the same problems


Which field seeks to discover the influence of environment and heredity on individual differences in human development? a) biological genetics b) behavior genetics c) culture genetics d) environment genetics


Which of the "Five Cs" of positive youth development consists of an overall positive sense of self-worth and self-efficacy? a) compassion b) confidence c) character d) connection e) competence


______ is the period most people think of as puberty. a) spermarche b) gonadarche c) adrenarche d) menarche


Which of the following assertions about the neuroconstructivist view are accurate? (select all that apply). a) neural connections are fully formed at birth b) the brain has plasticity c) the brain is context development d) development of the brain is closely linked with cognitive development e) nearly all development is complete prior to birth f) biological processes influence brain development g) experience has minimal impact on brain development

b, c, d, and f

Which of the following are examples of cognitive processes? a) breaking a school track record b) imagining what being a movie star is like c) solving a math problem d) memorising a poem


hormones are carried throughout the body by the __________.


A recent study found that approximately Blank______ percent of college students reported getting 7 hours or less of sleep each night. a) 20 b) 50 c) 35 d) 5


According to Aristole, what is the most important aspect of adolescence? a) the ability to create b) the ability to reason c) the ability to choose d) the ability to ask


According to Erikson at what stage do children encounter a wider social world and face new challenges that require active, purposeful behavior? a) initiative v. doubt b) autonomy v. guilt c) initiative v. guilt e) initiative v. trust


According to Piaget, adolescents are motivated to understand their world because doing so a) required for getting into college b) a form of egocentrism c) biologically adaptive d) required for postformal thought


According to the ______ view, biological processes and environmental experiences influence the brain's development. a) ethnographic b) behaviorist c) neuroconstructivist d) ecological systems


Assimilation refers to the a) evaluation of the importance of an observation b) process of planning an experiment or course of action c) adjustment of a schema in response to new information d) incorporation of new information into existing knowledge


During Erikson's stage of autonomy v. shame and doubt, what do infants begin to do? a) assert their anger b) assert dependence c) assert their independence d) assert their trust


In boys, ____ occurs in early to mid-gonadarche. a) puberty b) cortisol production c) spermarche d) menarche


In males, the pituitary gland's production of Blank______ stimulates the testes to produce testosterone. a) GnRH b) leptin c) LH d) GH


In what areas of the brain have researchers documented neurogenesis? a) amygdala and pituitary gland b) olfactory bulb and pituitary gland c) hippocampus and olfactory bulb d) hippocampus and amygdala


On average, adrenarche occurs _____. a) about one year later in girls than in boys b) much later in girls than in boys c) about one year later in boys than in girls d) at about the same time in both girls and boys


One concern about the eating habits of adolescents is their tendency to a) avoid school lunches b) eat high protein diets c) snack between meals d) eat large meals


Piaget was especially interested in how children and adults use _____ to organize and make sense out of their current experiences a) equilibration b) concrete thinking c) schemas d) assimilation


The National Sleep Foundation suggests that emerging adults should get Blank______ hours of sleep a night. a) 6 to 8 b) 10 to 12 c) 7 to 9 d) 4 to 6


The very early onset and rapid progression of puberty is called a) early-maturing puberty b) spermarche c) precocious puberty d) menarche


Unlike psychoanalytic theories, what do cognitive theories of development emphasize? a) behavior b) the unconscious c) conscious thoughts d) scientific support


What can the "nurture" portion of the nature v. nurture controversy be described as _____. a) biological b) socioeconomic c) environmental d) prominent


Which of the following are physiological measures used to collect data? a) having a group of adolescents answer questions about their mood b) observing small group interactions in a laboratory c) checking blood levels of hormones d) functional magnetic resonance imagine

c and d

_______ _______ involves effective control and flexible thinking in such areas as controlling attention, reducing interfering thoughts, and being cognitive flexible.

cognitive control

__________ is the ability to think in novel ways and discover unique solutions to problems


A century ago, girls in the United states reached menarche at about 14 years of age. Today, they reach menarche at around Blank______ years of age. a) 9 b) 11 c) 10.5 d) 12.5


According to a recent study of adolescents from 18 countries, adolescents report high levels of stress derived from the fear of the inability to ______. a) secure a high-paying job b) sustain employment c) find a soul mate d) pursuer desired training or studies


In ______, the schema does not change. In ________, the schema changes. a) accommodation; assimilation b) Piaget's theory; Vygotsky's perspective c) cognitive theory; information-processing theory d) assimilation; accommodation


Most information-processing psychologists maintain that an increase in cognitive capacity leads to a) slower reaction times b) the emergence of executive functioning c) a drastic increase in IQ scores d) improved processing of information


The _______ plays an important role in the cognitive processes that underlie executive functioning. a) corpus callsum b) amygdala c) right hemisphere d) prefrontal cortex


The ________ is a structure in the higher portion of the brain that monitors eating, drinking, and sex. a) amygdala b) occipital lobe c) cerebellum d) hypothalamus


What is a generalization that reflects our impressions and beliefs about a broad category of people called? a) a prejudice b) a norm c) an ethnic gloss d) a stereotype


What is functional magnetic resonance imaging? a) a sociocultural measure b) a behavioral measure c) a psychological measure d) a physiological measure


What was G. Stanley Hall's proposed view of adolescents called? a) the "cool-and-calm" view b) the "conflict-and-mood" view c) the "flight-and-flight" view d) the "storm-and-stress" view


When do the changes involved in adrenarche begin? a) in the middle of puberty b) at the beginning of puberty c) at the end of puberty d) before puberty


Which of the following marks the beginning of adolescence? a) spermarche b) sexual identity c) menarche d) puberty


Which of the following questions is an example of divergent thinking? a) would you describe yourself as a creative person? b) who was the first president of the United States? c) how many dimes are in 30 dollars? d) can you think of some unique uses for paper clips?


research indicates that (early/late) ______ adolescence is a time of considerable brain plasticity


Which of the following factors affect social contexts? a) economic b) neutral c) historical d) personal

economic, historical, cultural, and social factors

the transition from adolescence to adulthood is referred to as ______ _____

emerging adulthood

According to Piaget, a shift in thought from one state to another is called _____.


Piaget argues that individuals move back and forth between states of cognitive _______ and ____

equilibrium and disequlibrium

the main class of female sex hormones are called _______


_______ ______ involves managing one's thoughts to engage in goal-directed behavior and exercise self-control

executive function

True or false: scientists have found that adolescents' brain undergo minimal structural changes


a girls first menstrual period is also known as ______.


a boys first ejaculation of semen is called _______.


Programmed into the genes of every human being is the ___________ for the emergence of puberty.


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