PSY Exam 2

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A(n) _____ is a system of symbols along with rules that are used to manipulate the symbols.


In the context of language development, which of the following statements is true of learning theory?

Learning theorists see language as developing according to laws of learning.

The _____ is the view that language structures the way we view the world.

Linguistic-relativity hypothesis

In the context of women, which of the following is true of androgens?

Ovaries produce androgens in women.

In language development, over inclusion of instances in a category is labeled _____.


Patricia, a three-year-old girl, is having dinner. She looks at her father and says, "I eated food." In this scenario, Patricia is exhibiting _____.


_____ is the application of regular grammatical rules for forming inflections to irregular verbs and nouns.


____ are at the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Physiological needs

The _____ is the second phase of the sexual response cycle.

Plateau phase

_____ is best described as the field of psychology that is about personal well-being and satisfaction; joy, sensual pleasure, and happiness; and optimism and hope for the future.

Positive psychology

_____ is an example of a psychological need.


In the context of hunger, which of the following is true of human beings?

Psychological factors play an important role in the human hunger drive.

Jason, while standing on the deck of a ship, is trying to memorize distant landmarks to the harbor entrance; he is trying to create a mental picture of all the names. He is using _____.

a visual code

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, decentration in the concreate operational stage refers to children being able to:

center on two dimensions of a problem at once.

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to _____.

determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory

At a painting exhibition, Martha admired a painting that depicted a farm. Half an hour later, when she was having lunch with a friend, Martha was able to recall several details depicted in the painting. She remembered correctly the colors that were used, the animals that were drawn, and even the number of trees in the painting. Martha's ability to remember these details is known as _____.

eidetic imagery

Cognitive theorists note that:

people represent their worlds mentally.

Jonah loves learning new languages. In high-school, he learned French and in college, he learned Italian. Sometimes, when he is trying to remember Italian words, French words come to mind instead. This is an example of _____.

proactive interference

_____ refers to conscious, planned attempts to make sense of and change the world.


Which of the following statements is true of prelinguistic vocalizations?

Babies' babbling frequently combines consonants and vowels.

Which of the following is true of the placenta?

It is connected to the mother by blood vessels in the uterine wall.

Which of the following is a feature of a child's motor development?

It is dependent on brain maturation of the child.

Which of the following is true of crystallized intelligence?

It is shown more generally by vocabulary.

Which of the following is true about anterograde amnesia?

It is the failure to remember the events that occurred after a physical trauma.

Identify a true statement about the heritability of intelligence.

Being reared together is related with similarities in intelligence quotient.

_____ are male sex hormones that masculinize the sex organs in the embryonic stage of prenatal development.


_____ is defined by the ability to cope with novel situations and generate many possible solutions to problems.

Creative intelligence

Which of the following is a prototype of the category mammal?


Feeling states with physiological, cognitive, and behavioral components are defined as _____.


The _____ is an assumed electrical circuit that corresponds to a memory trace.


Which of the following is a feature of Erikson's intimacy versus isolation stage?

Establishment of close relationships

According to Arnett, which of the following is most likely a part of the emerging adulthood stage?

Experiments with career possibilities

_____ refers to one's sense of whether a person sees herself or himself as being female, male, or somewhere in between.

Gender identity

The _____ is vital in storing new information even if one can retrieve old information without it.


When a child utters the word "mama," it may signify meanings as varied as "There goes Mama," "Come here, Mama," and "You are my Mama." Such single words used by children to express complex meanings are known as _____.


Clark Hull's drive-reduction theory states that:

Humans learn to engage in behaviors that reduce a state of arousal

_____ is the type or stage of memory that can hold information for up to a minute or so after the trace of the stimulus decays.

Short-term memory

_____ believed that tension motivates us to behave in ways that restore us to a resting state.

Sigmund Freud

In the context of Long-term memory, which of the following statements is true of flashbulb memory?

Stimuli that stand out are preserved in detail in a person's long-term memory.

Which of Jeffrey Arnett's five features of emerging adulthood is characterized by people having an optimistic belief that the world lies open before them?

The age of possibilities

The influence of wording, or the context in which information is presented, on decision making is known as _____.

The framing effect

Dana can only remember the first few and the last few items on her grocery list. Which of the following is this an example of?

The serial-position effect

Which of the following is a feature of Erikson's trust versus mistrust stage of psychosocial development in children?

They are dependent on their primary caregivers.

According to Melissa Hines and her colleagues (2015), which of the following is true of human female embryos and fetuses who have been exposed prenatally to higher-than-typical concentrations of male sex hormones?

They are more likely to demonstrate possible changes in gender identity.

Which of the following is true about the storage of information in long-term memory?

We tend to organize information according to a hierarchical structure.

The _____ groups test questions into a number of separate subtests where each subtest measures a different intellectual task.

Wechsler scale

The placenta:

acts as a medium for the passage of nutrients from the mother to the embryo.

According to Ainsworth's strange situation method, upon reunion with their mothers after separation, infants with resistant attachment:

alternately cling to and push their mother away..

According to Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, toddlers through about the age of three are said to be in the stage of:

autonomy versus shame and doubt.

In the context of memory and forgetting, one of the cognitive explanations for infantile amnesia states that:

infants do not make reliable use of language to symbolize or classify events.

Vygotsky's sociocultural theory focuses on the:

influence of teachers on children's cognitive development.

In the context of psycholinguistic theory, the inborn tendency to acquire language is referred to as a(n) _____.

language acquisition device

According to Ainsworth, securely attached children:

seek interaction with their mother upon reunion after separation.

Maslow believed that we are separated from other animals by our capacity for _____.


A person's ability to recall a historic event, like the American Civil War of 1861-65, would be an example of

semantic memory

Information that is better retrieved in the physiological or emotional state in which it was encoded and stored, or learned, is known as _____.

state-dependent memory

Why we go clubbing and drink alcohol can best be explained by _____.

stimulus motives

In the context of sexual behavior, vasocongestion is characterized by:

swelling of the genital tissues.

According to a research by Kohlberg, children at the preconventional level base their moral judgments on _____.

the consequences of behavior

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