PSY Exam 3

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Which of the following is most likely to cause people to have difficulty falling asleep?

becoming accustomed to going to bed late and then trying to shift to going to bed earlier

When Spearman described the 'g' factor in intelligence, what did the 'g' stand for?


According to the drive theory of motivation, why does motivation do?

it makes behavior more vigorous until it satisfies some need

The guiding assumption of scientific-management or Theory X is that...

jobs should be simple and foolproof

Freud referred to the surface appearance of a dream as the _____ content.


Circadian rhythms are partially controlled by the release of which hormone?


What are two practical applications of hypnosis?

reducing reactions to pain and post-hypnotic suggestions

Two common effects of meditation are...

relaxation and better control of attention

Kinsey's survey can lead us to reasonably confident conclusions concerning...

the range of variability in sexual behavior

Binet and Simon developed the first intelligence tests in order to measure...

the skills that children need for success in school

People tend to maintain a nearly constant body weight over the course of months, unless something unusual happens. That constant weight is referred to as...

set point

(T/F) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, certain motivations take priority over others.


(T/F) Goals become more effective if you talk about them publicly


(T/F) If you go without sleep all night, you feel more alert the next morning than you did late in the night


(T/F) Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests attempt to measure an individual's probable performance in school and similar settings


(T/F) Just putting a larger portion of food on the plate influences people to eat more


(T/F) Raven's progressive matrices can be used to measure intelligence of people who speak other languages


What evidence do most studies of heritability of human intelligence consider?

twins and adopted children

When asked about the body shape that the opposite sex finds most attractive, women _____ and men ______ the weight that the opposite sex actually prefers.

underestimate.... overestimate

In an environment in which temperature, light, and other conditions remain constant 24 hours a day, most people...

still awaken and go to sleep on a nearly 24-hour schedule

IQ test

Alfred Binet

Introduced "g"

Charles Spearman

The phenomenon that mean IQ scores rise from one generation to the next, unless the test is made more difficult, is known as what?

Flynn effect

Multiple intelligences


Which of the following theories holds that intelligence unrelated (or poorly correlated) abilities such as language, music, logic, body movement, and social sensitivity?

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences

What evidence did Spearman have for his proposed g factor in intelligence?

Most people who do well on one type of test also do well on other tests

What is the relationship between job satisfaction and age?

On average, older workers report the highest job satisfaction

Fluid and Crystallized intelligence

Raymond Cattell

Triarchic theory


The human-relations approach to job design is also called...

Theory Y

According to Abraham Maslow, what do we do when we have several motivations?

We start with the lowest need and work up

Which kind of goal is most effective in increasing your efforts?

a goal that is realistic but challenging

A major contributing factor to anorexia is...

a perceived pressure to be thin

In which of these does a person have the LEAST amount of brain activity and responsiveness?

brain death

Why do cats sleep more than sheep?

cats are in less danger when they sleep

According to Cattell, if er examine the intelligence of a person at age 20 and again at age 50, we are most likely to fine...

decreasing fluid intelligence but steady or increasing crystallized intelligence

During REM sleep

dreams are most likely to occur

A study compared memory abilities in young adults and older adults at different times. Early in the morning, the older adults performed _______ than the young adults; later in the day, the older adults performed _______ than the young adults.

equal or better.... worse

By developing tests of creative and practical intelligence, Sternberg is attempting to develop intelligence tests that are better predictors of _____ than standard IQ tests.

everyday intelligence

(T/F) A five-year old who has a Stanford-Binet IQ score of 116 is more intelligent than an eighty-year-old who also scores 116


(T/F) Larger animal species need more sleep than smaller species


(T/F) Most neurons stop all activity during sleep


(T/F) The best way to see whether a test is biased is to see whether one group of people does better than another


(T/F) When you decide to do something, you make the conscious decision slightly before the relevant activity begins in your brain


According to Raymond Cattell, the 'g' factor in intelligence has two major components...

fluid and crystallized

A new test determines your score by dividing your telephone number into your social security number, and then multiplying by 100. This test probability has...

high reliability and low validity

Which of these brain areas is most important for regulating hunger and appetite?


One advantage of the Wechsler intelligence tests, such as WAIS-III and WISC-IV, is that they...

provide separate scores representing a number of separate abilities

What are two important functions of sleep?

saving energy and enhancing memory

If you want to make and keep a New Year's resolutions, which of the following is poor advice?

set either a very easy or an extremely difficult goal

According to Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, three factors need to be considered when describing intelligence. Which of the factors below is NOT one of Sternberg's three factors?

the age of the individual

REM sleep is also called paradoxical sleep because...

the brain is very active, but the muscles are relaxed

People note the moment when they decide to flex their wrist, and they report it later. Researchers record the time of the movement, the time of the reported decision, and the time when activity began to increase in the premotor cortex of the person's brain. Which comes FIRST?

the increase in brain activity

A motivation is regarded as homeostatic if...

the individual maintains some variable around a constant value

To determine whether n IQ test is biased against some minority group, we need to determine...

whether the minority group members do better in school than the test scores predict

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