PSY360 FINAL lecture quizzes

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who is ability grouping more likely to benefit

higher-performing students

Which use of textbooks is best aligned with backward instructional design?

identify learning objectives first and then decide whether the textbook is appropriate

which of the following topics would be most effectively taught using direct instruction

long division

Which characteristic of a test refers to its ability to yield the same results each time it is administered?


which of the following is NOT an example of metacognition?

repeating information over and over so you won't forget it

which of the following is an example of maintenance rehearsal?

repeating the names of the planets over and over

which type of memory holds information no longer than 3 seconds

sensory memory

which of the following skills can be learned from teacher modeling

summarizing main ideas underlining key concepts taking notes

if a student who wants to improve their grade sees a classmate cheating on an assignment without getting punished, what could you predict about their future behavior?

they will be more likely to cheat

which is the most basic classroom management task for teachers

to gain and maintain student cooperation

which desk arrangement is most appropriate for independent work?

traditional row and column

your interpretation of a problem is called a _____.


even if you don't review your notes, taking them in the first place increases your likelihood of learning


metacognition can be learned and improved


which visual learning tool would be most useful for comparing and contrasting related concepts?

venn diagram

suppose you have a student who understands the directions for an assignment and wants to get a good grade in your class, but is not willing to take the time to do quality work. Which aspect of self-regulation is missing?


which of the following rules is worded most appropriately

walk in the hallways and stairwells

Which of the following is an example of contiguity

When I was in high school I had an ulcer and every timeI ate fried food I got sick to my stomach; now when I smell oil or grease I feel nauseous

which of the following is an example of a precorrection strategy

a teacher reminds students before they go to recess to keep their hands to themselves and walk quietly in the hallway

which of the following describes cooperation

a way of working with others to attain a shared goal

which of the following is an example of learning?

acquiring a new skill (e.g. playing the piano)

who is best at argumentation


which of the following would a critical thinker be likely to do?(select all that apply)

ask clarifying questions test hypotheses in methodical ways

which reciprocal teaching strategy is used most often but least effectively

asking a question about the central point

What is the appropriate level of difficulty for seatwork and homework

at students' current level of knowledge so they can complete it independently and solidify their knowledge or skills

which type of response is not activated by mirror neurons

automatic nervous system activity (involuntary internal organ functioning)

which type of knowledge (from the last chapter) is most closely related to metacognition (e.g. knowing how, when, and why to use a particular strategy to accomplish a task)?


which type of knowledge is often the most difficult for students to access


which cognitive bias results in searching for information that confirms your existing beliefs

confirmation bias

what is elaboration (in the context of learning)?

connecting information you need to learn with information you already know

which type of rehearsal is more likely to result in information being stored in long-termmemory

elaborative rehearsal

which memory system requires conscious awareness?

explicit memory

Which of the following is an intrinsic reinforcer?

"good job!"

what level of anxiety would result in optimal performance on an important exam such as the ACT, SAT, or GRE?

a little anxiety

which type of model would be more effective for a struggling learner

a low-achieving classmate who is able to complete an academic task with effort and persistence

which of the following reflects a culture of thinking in the classroom? (Select all that apply)

a spirit of inquisitiveness a respect for reasoning and creativity an expectation that students will learn to make and counter arguments based on evidence

which of the following is an example of a vicarious experience increasing self-efficacy

a student learns that a classmate in the same reading group scored high on the last reading test

which behavior should a teacher deal with first

a student shoving another student

according to attribution theory, which student would be more motivated to study for the next test?

a student who failed a test because they came down with the flu

which of the following is an example of a mastery goal?

a student who loves heavy metal wants to learn how to play the drums

which of the following tasks would students be more motivated to accomplish

a task they perceive to be valuable for their future, believe they could accomplish, and would not require too much effort

according to cognitive evaluation theory, in which scenario would students be more motivated

a teacher assigns students a report on any aspect of climate change and recommends library resources that have helped students in the past

which scenario describes a self-fulfilling prophecy

a teacher hears that one of her students is difficult and has problems with authority figures; the teacher teats any small misbehavior as evidence of the student's disrespect and punishes the student harshly; soon the student dislikes the teacher and defies her authority

rewarding students with a gold star for turning in their homework on time is an example of which approach to motivation


Suppose a student gets sweaty palms every time he takes a test. In his math class, the teacher decides to play classical music during tests. At the end of the semester, the student gets invited to an orchestra concert. When the orchestra begins playing the first song, his palms start to sweat. What is the conditioned stimulus in this example?

classical music

in backward design, which teacher activity should occur first

determine acceptable evidence

which learning activity is more appropriate for introducing new information

direct instruction

which type of thinking results in coming up with more than one solution to a problem?

divergent thinking

problems with peers in the classroom is an example of which type of cognitive load that could interfere with learning?


which type of cognitive load refers to problems unrelated to the cognitive task


an effective behavior management technique is to promise students a reward if they behave appropriately


in jigsaw learning, group members are only tested on the material they were responsible for learning


what type of grouping practice would be more appropriate if the higher performing students in math are not the same as the higher performing students in reading

flexible grouping

Which type of assessment occurs before or during instruction and is not formally graded?


which of the following is NOT one way students learn self-control

getting lectured about their behavior

which of the following is NOT an effective strategy for promoting smooth transitions

give students the directions for all upcoming activities as the beginning of the day/class period

what is the most effective classroom management strategy

good instruction

according to the model of adaptive teaching, which learning activity is more appropriate for strong learners

guided discovery

is you failed an exam because you did not study for it, which emotion would you be more likely to experience>


what is likely to happen to a behavior if the reinforcer is removed?

it will eventually become extinct

which of the following "I" statements is more appropriate

its hard for me to concentrate when its so noisy

relating academic content to real-life problems is most beneficial for which phase of interest development

maintaining situational interest

which of the following is a problem-focused strategy for reducing anxiety?

making a set of note cards to use as a study aid

which goal orientation is more likely to result in long-term academic success


which source of self-efficacy is more likely to endure over time?

mastery experiences

which visual learning tool would be most useful for representing hierarchical concepts (e.g., subgroups belonging a larger groups?

mind map

a student calls out in class so the teacher keeps her in during recess. The next day the student calls out in class even more. What was the consequence of losing recess time for this student?

negative reinforcement

Match the type of test with its primary advantage to learners: cover more material


which characteristics best meet the criteria for creativity

original and useful

which type of feedback is the statement, "Remember to use the F-O-I-L method when multiplying binomials

process feedback

Which type of portfolios allow students to review their progress?

process portfolios

which type of multitasking is most likely to result in poor task performance

simultaneous multitasking

which of the following is a natural consequence of being late to class?

staying after class or school to make up the time

which type of learning facilitates knowledge construction in the classroom?


which classroom activity would be more likely to lead to a positive school climate

students setting individual goals and working towards prize for achieving them

which students often benefit more from an explanation?

students who offer the explanation

which of the following is the most appropriate learning objective to include in a lesson plan

students will explain the relationship between the angles and degrees of right, acute, obtuse, and isosceles triangles

Match the type of test with its primary advantage to learners: require more critical thinking


Suppose a student gets sweaty palms every time he takes a test. In his math class, the teacher decides to play classical music during tests. At the end of the semester, the student gets invited to an orchestra concert. When the orchestra begins playing the first song, his palms start to sweat. What is the unconditioned stimulus in this example?

taking a test

which of the following teacher responses to misbehavior is most intrusive

telling the student to stop the behavior

which of the following scenarios would be most likely to result in a production deficiency

the learning strategy takes so long to implement that you don't have time to study more than one topic for an upcoming test

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