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Which of the following statements BEST summarizes gender differences in motivations for infidelity?

Men seek sexual variety; women are motivated by relationship dissatisfaction

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the challenges to traditional views of marriage?

People are not as interested in monogamous relationships now.

Which of the following statements BEST reflects research on "friends with benefits" (FWBs) presented in your textbook?

People more likely to engage in FWB arraignments tend to be hedonistic and nonromantic

Which of the following provides the BEST explanation as to why college graduates may become underemployed?

Some college graduates do not have college-level reading, writing, and quantitative skills.

Evolutionary theorists assert that gender differences in male ____ reflect the division of labor in ancestral hunting-and-gathering societies and the adaptive demands of ____.

Spatial abilities; hunting

Which of the following reasons for cohabitation is associated with greater relationship commitment and satisfaction?

Spending time together

What is the BIGGEST challenge of the face-to-face interview

To convince the hiring committee that you fit in their company

A man is orally stimulating his female partner. In which of the following is he engaging?


The first time you met the parents of your significant other, they got out the photo albums and showed you embarrassing childhood photos of your fiancé/fiancee. As a child, your significant other seemed to be frowning more often than not. Based on the research presented in your textbook, you might predict which of the following?

a higher likelihood of divorce

Regarding overall marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction, research indicates there is

a strong relationship

The finding that males exhibit more cerebral specialization than females supports which of the following biologically based explanations for gender differences

brain organization

Which of the following is NOT a communication style identified by Gottman as a risk factor for divorce?


Which of the following statements about sex education programs in schools is MOST accurate, according to research presented in your text?

comprehensive programs reduce high-risk sexual behavior

Some experts suggest that people react to losing their job much like they do when they _______________________.

confront their own death

In earlier societies, gender roles

constituted a division of labor

Men's career paths are usually ___________, and women's tend to be __________.

continuous; discontinuous

In general, research on family background and marital success has found that children of divorce tend to

demonstrate negative communication styles

Which of the following patterns of gender differences would be the strongest form of support for evolutionary hypothesis?

differences that are consistent across cultures

Womens sexual problems are likely to focus on which of the following?

difficulty enjoying sex

___________ workers are those who are unemployed because their jobs have disappeared


Which of the following BEST reflects your authors' suggestion for gaining experience in the field—especially if you are unable to land an internship, part-time employment, or summer job?

do volunteer work

Research suggests that homosexuality, in and of itself, ___________________ impair(s) psychological functioning.

does not

Which of the following was NOT identified, in your text, as a popular leisure pursuit?

drinking alcohol

Women tend to be more distressed by _________________; men tend to be more distressed by ___________________.

emotional infidelity; sexual infidelity

which of the following is NOT considered a key element of the traditional male role?

emotional sensitivity with women

Intelligence does not necessarily predict occupational success, but it does predict the likelihood of ___________.

entering practical occupations

Produced by the ovaries are ___________- the principal class of female sex hormones; produces by the testes are _________- the principal class of male sex hormones

estrogens; androgens

Occupational interest inventories were often developed decades ago, and the authors of your text note that ___________.

ethnic bias is less of a concern than gender bias

Which of the following was NOT discussed by your authors as a possible cause of premature ejaculation?

excessive porn consumption

Stacy is in the initial phase of sexual arousal. Her muscles are tense and her heart rate and blood pressure are elevated. She is in which phase of Masters and Johnson's sexual response cycle?


According to Masters and Johnson, the four phases of the sexual response cycle are

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

The four phases of the human sexual response, according to Masters and Johnson (1966, 1970), are _____________________.

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Bruce has been diagnosed with low testosterone; he is likely to

experience low sexual desire

The Spotlight on Research study by Crain and colleagues (2014) found that employees who were high in work-to-family conflict (WTFC) ___________.

experienced less sleep and more insomnia

The vast majority of children who were raised in same-sex families identify as


The so-called "cohabitation effect" refers to the frequently observed association between premarital cohabitation and _______

higher divorce rates

Marissa is a psychology major and has read articles on prenatal influences on homosexuality and finds research on the potential genetic factors involved in sexual orientation compelling. Based on this information, Marissa is MOST likely to

hold relatively favorable, if not neutral, attitudes toward homosexuality.

Jim, a virgin, has never experienced or maintained an erection sufficient for intercourse with Marissa over the course of their three-year romantic relationship. Researchers would MOST LIKELY conclude that Jim has ___________________.

lifelong erectile difficulties

A statistical technique called ______ is used to combine the results of many research studies on the same question, and evaluate the impact of that work.


which of the following is not a work-related trend?

most new jobs will be in the manufacturing sector

The gender similarities hypothesis states that _______

most psychological gender differences are quite small

Compared to European workers, American workers receive

much less paid vacation time

Among gay men, _____________ is more prevalent than _________________.

mutual masturbation; anal intercourse

Which of the following statements about sexual orientation is true?

sexual orientation is complex and malleable

The unique challenge for same-sex couples relative to their heterosexual counterparts is _______

sexual stigmatization

Individuals' career choices are often

similar to those of their parents

In previous decades, the United States was mostly a manufacturing economy, and now it is becoming a service-oriented and professional industry. Given this shift, which of the jobs would be MOST likely to grow in the years to come?

skincare specialist

Taken as a whole, gender differences in verbal abilities are

small and favor females

Which of the following mate characteristics was NOT highly rated by both sexes?

social class

Among the following traits, the largest gender differences are found in

spatial abilities

A young girl is more likely than a young boy to engage in which of the following behaviors?

spreading rumors about another child

Which of the following DOES NOT belong with the others?


Which of the following does NOT belong with the other three?

vaginal ring

The left hemisphere is more actively involved in _________ and mathematical processing; whereas, the right hemisphere is specialized to handle _______ processing

verbal; visual-spatial

Different messages about sexuality are conveyed to young adolescent boys and girls in America. One message girls typically receive, according to your text, is to _________________.

view sex as part of a loving monogamous relationship

According to predictions from Robert Karasek's demand-control model, which job is MOST apt to result in the greatest stress?


Your authors note that the transition to parenthood is likely to be the most stressful under the following conditions: ____________

when there are unrealistic expectations about parenting responsibilities

Which of the following statements is true regarding infidelity?

women are more distressed by emotional infidelity, while men are more distressed by sexual infidelity

Imagine that you are trying to explain aspects of evolutionary psychology to a classmate by focusing one gender differences in mate selection criteria. You tell her than according to Buss and colleagues, men tend to prioritize ______; women tend to value ________.

youthfulness and attractiveness; financial prospects

In a national survey of never married adults, approximately ____% reported that they did not want to get married at some point in time.


Two trends affecting the institution of marriage include the increasing percentage of young adults who have never been married (nearly _____), and the median age of first marriage-- which, for both men and women, is now approaching ____years of age.

2/3; 30

_____% of children demonstrate emotional problems and/or psychological issues 2-3 years post-divorce


Divorce rates peaked at approximately _____% and now divorce rates are at about ____%


Approximately ___% of Americans report that having leisure time is important, yet many Americans are taking less vacation time.


Experts estimate that between __________ of college students have engaged in a sexual encounter outside of a committed relationship.


A recent estimate reveals that women earn nearly _____% of what men earn


Research indicates that

All of the above (the negative effects of divorce on psychological well-being is similar for men and women

Sexual prejudice perpetration is correlated with which of the following personality types?


Which of the following can an individual do to reduce the likelihood of being victimized by date rape?

Be aware of excessive alcohol and drug use

Which of the following statements BEST describes the current thinking on the origins of sexual orientation?

Biopsychosocial models are promising because they account for multiple factors.

Job stress has been found to lead to all but which of the following negative effects

Bipolar disorder

___________________ is typically more effective in producing orgasm in females than intercourse alone. Men are more likely to orgasm through ____________________.

Clitoral stimulation; intercourse

Dirk is a white Protestant who has never been married. He intends to marry his girlfriend of one year, Rebecca, whom he met at church. She is also white, never been married, and of the same social class. This pairing demonstrates


Which of the following statements about the role of hormones in sexual behavior is NOT accurate?

Estrogen levels among women correlate with sexual interest.

The first stage of development in stepfamilies is


In general, scores on occupational interest inventories are MOST likely to do which of the following for test-takers?

Indicate how similar a test-taker's interests are to those with a particular occupation

Which of the following explanations regarding the lower salaries of gay men relative to their heterosexual male counterparts is MOST accurate?

Gay men may not possess all of the legal protections against employment discrimination.

There has been an increase in the number of homosexuals opting to have children in the context of their gay relationships. Preliminary evidence suggests that.

Gay parents are similar to their heterosexual counterparts

________ is an individual's perception of the self as male or female

Gender Identity

Cognitive structures that guide the processing of gender-relevant information is called

Gender Schemas

Which of the following perspectives proposed that to be fully human, people need to move beyond gender roles as a way of organizing their perceptions of themselves and others

Gender-role transcendence

Scholars often use ________ to refer to male-female differences that are learned and _______ to designate biological differences.

Gender; sex

Your classmate Rosario is a new psychology major. She is fearful of math, writing, and conducting research. Often, Rosario prefers to provide her own opinion rather than looking for scientific evidence to provide more objective answers to important questions. Using Holland's model, how would you predict Rosario to do in the major?

Her personality characteristics are not a good fit, and the major may not be ideal for her.

___________________ is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD).

Human papilloma virus

Which of the following characteristics in young children is related to maternal employment?

Increased prosocial behavior

Which of the following BEST explains the relationship between intelligence and the likelihood of entering professions such as law or medicine?

Intelligence is related to academic success, and this success is necessary to earn advanced degrees.

Which of the following statements MOST accurately conveys researchers' criticisms of the Kinsey model of sexual orientation?

It is inaccurate to depict sexual orientation as fixed and stable.

Which of the following statements about condoms is true?

It's okay to use water-based lubrication with latex condoms

In _______, the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling that same-sex marriage was legal nationwide.

June 2015

The ______ model of sexual orientation makes use of a continuum (from "clusively heterosexual" to "exclusively homosexual"); the ____________ model, though, posits that sexuality can vary based on interpersonal and situational factors.

Kinsey; Diamond

__________ pursuits are unpaid—but meaningful—activities.


Truc and Hiroshi have plenty of financial resources. In their marriage, arguments about money

May be common

The website ___________ was mentioned in the text as a place to learn more about various occupations.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Which of the following workplaces is MOST likely to promote the development of workaholism among its workers?

One that does not encourage work-life balance

Which of the following is a social trend that is undermining the traditional model of marriage?

Reduced premium on permanence in marriage

Based on trends in the data, which of the following couple has the greatest likelihood of marital success?

Ruth and Randy, who had a long courtship

Which of the following has been supported by research on intimate relationships among gay men and lesbians?

Same-sex couples avoid becoming involved in long-term relationships AND most gay men and lesbians desire a stable, long-term relationship

Sylvia and Devon have two children in high school. Recently, Devon's mother moved in with them to recover from a broken hip. Sylvia and Devon are said to be part of the ______ generation.


Which of the following statements regarding the consumption of sexual media BEST reflects current thinking about media effects?

The link between sexual media and sexual behavior is bidirectional.

What does research tell us about the relationship between women's employment status and the quality of infant/mother emotional attachment?

There appears to be no relationship

Women tend to be overrepresented in "pink collar ghetto" occupations such as secretary, preschool aide, and kindergarten teacher. This is an exampled of differential

access to jobs

Aaron exhibits both masculine and feminine personality traits. According to gender identity theory, he would be classified as


Sexually transmitted diseases

are most common among people younger than age 25

Sexual fantasies

are quite normal

Marty is a first-year in college. Throughout high school and now in college, he has felt that the pursuit of sexual partners is not all that interesting, and romantic-emotional connection is not at all important to his well-being either. Based on this information, his sexual orientation appears to be ____________.


Findings on education and earnings show that

at all levels of education, men earn more than women

Meta-analysis techniques have allowed researches in the area of gender to do which of the following?

better assess overall trends

A _____ allows employees to raise their status and prestige through accomplishment; whereas, a _____ allows employees to serve a greater social purpose.

career; calling

Your authors note that couples can often overcome women's orgasmic challenges by ______________________.

clearly expressing and being assertive about sexual needs

Samirah's kids are all college graduate with families and no longer live in the house with her. She is most likely to experience which of the following?

feeling free from child-rearing responsibilities

Professor Garcia is in her seventies and walks slowly with a cane. Often male students will attempt to open and hold the door for her, but she often remarks, "I can do it for myself!" Professor Garcia may be interpreting peoples actions as _______ sexism


Which of the following statements about gender equality in household chores is MOST accurate?

gender equality is increasing, but wives still do the bulk of the household chores

Which of the following was NOT discussed in your text as an aspect of sexual identity

gender expression

The idea that individuals can move between gender identities is referred to as

gender fluidity

Parents tend to respond negatively to ______ behavior, especially in _______

gender inappropriate; boys

________ are cultural expectations about what is appropriate for each gender

gender roles

Supposed Pat takes a personality inventory online. After clicking the submit button, the score on the masculinity and femininity are both found to be in the low range. This patterns of scoring is referred to as

gender-role undifferentiated

Supposed you are explaining the participants section of a research article to a first-year student. You explain that researches use _______ when referring to male-female differences that you learned and _____ to designate biological differences.

gender; sex

The evidence suggests that the negative effects of divorce on former spouses' physical health and mortality are

greater for men than women

Which of the following BEST characterizes the differences in money handling strategies between happily married couples and divorced couples?

happy couples engage in more shared financial decision making

Mark is a handsome, college-educated man who has never been married. He intends to marry his girlfriend of two years, Marina, a former pageant winner who is graduating with her graduate degree in psychology, and also never married. This pairing demonstrates __________, and based on its discussion in your text, you would expect their relationship to demonstrate _________

homogamy; high levels of satisfaction

Ling is growing increasingly tired and uncomfortable at her job in the university's information technology office. Her co-workers sometimes watch porn in their cubicles, and make inappropriate sexual remarks about one another. Ling is experiencing which type of workplace harassment?

hostile environment

Occupational interest inventories are designed to predict

how satisfies a person is likely to be in a job

The ___________ of a contraceptive method is the probability of conception when the method is used correctly; the _______________ of a contraceptive method is the probability of conception when the method is used in the real world.

ideal failture rate; typical failure rate

Which of the following statements regarding research on kissing is MOST accurate?

increased kissing frequently contributes to lower stress and higher relationship satisfaction

Hari has spoken to his supervisor and the vice president of the company over the past 2 months about his feelings of burnout. As a result, in an effort to prevent him from leaving the company, the vice president has reassigned Hari to a new division. Hari is excited about the prospect of finding a better fit within a company he likes. This situation is an intervention at the ___________ level.


A national survey by Herbenick and colleagues (2010) revealed that over 90% of males in their sample experienced orgasm during intercourse, but nearly 65% of women reported orgasm via intercourse in the past year. Which of the following explanations best explains the observed gender differences in orgasm?

intercourse I snot the optimal mode of stimulation for women

The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) encourages the knowledge of the three stages of date rape. The first stage is ____, second _____, and the third stage is ______.

intrusion; desensitization; isolation

Research indicates that intelligent people tend to have lower job satisfaction than their less-intelligent counterparts when their work ___________.

is not challenging

Sexual satisfaction _________________ relationship satisfaction in ___________.

is positively correlated with; gay, lesbian, and heterosexual couples

The notion that cerebral specialization is linked to gender differences in mental abilities __________

is still under debate

Which of the following statements best reflects the effect that television has on gender-role socialization?

it contributes to traditional stereotypes

A family member nearly bores you to tears about her husband's virtues, but you try to be understanding because it is still the honeymoon period. Further, you would not want to put a damper on her marital bliss. Your family member's expression of bliss is most characteristic of the ______ state of the family cycle.

joining of families

Couples who, prior to having children, have high levels of intimacy, closeness, and commitment tend to

keep a high level of satisfaction after childbirth

Which of the following is a good tip for preparing an effective resume?

keep it short

Which of the following was NOT discussed in your text as a common barrier to sexual communication?

lack of sexual vocabulary

Neil complains that aside from the medical, vision, and dental plan, there is not much to like about his current job. Based on this description, Neil's job is ___________.

low in intrinsic job satisfaction

Imagine that you landed a Fortune 500 job right after college. You meet one of your co-workers who has been at the company for the last 20 years. He is quick to tell you that he is in no hurry to retire, and that he keeps current in the field by attending conferences and reading books related to his professional development. Based on what your co-worker has conveyed, which stage of Super's developmental model of career choice is being demonstrated?


Holland's theory of occupational choice emphasizes

matching personality traits and job environment

Studies of sexual assault perpetrators indicate which of the following?

men with nontraditional views of gender roles often become perpetrators

Difficulties in expressing emotions are MOST likely to occur in which of the following groups?

men with traditional attitudes

Research on gender differences in cognitive abilities reveals which of the following?

no significant differences in overall intelligence

Aaron is a psychology professor. He spends early mornings in his faculty office to hold required office hours, teaches his daily midmorning classes, and then goes back to his office and shuts his door. His writing keeps him at his desk until nearly midnight every day, including weekends. When asked about his workload, he notes that he feels driven to teach and write, but he hates it. Aaron is MOST likely a(n)________.

non enthusiastic workaholic

Relationship status and whether sexual acts have occurred in the past are

not indicators of consent

Children's tendency to imitate the behavior of same-gender models is most consistent with which of the following?

observational learning

Four-year-old Rachel seems to pay particular attention to what her mother and her older sister do, and she often imitates them. What is taking place?

observational learning

Carmen hypothesizes that high-quality parenting practices root from one factor-- the quality of parent-child interactions. Based on this hypothesis, it would follow that the best parents are likely to be

of any sexual orientation

When researches demonstrate that gender roles are shaped by the power of rewards and punishment, they are likely to cite classic research in the area that

operant conditioning

The results of the Spotlight on Research study by Scheele and colleagues (2012) on the effects of oxytocin on relationship infidelity found that _________________.

oxytocin influenced behaviors, but not attitudes, about an attractive female experimenter

Children may come to believe that sex is "dirty" because

parents may punish innocent, exploratory sex play

Which of the following actions contribute to traditional gender roles

parents purchasing gender-appropriate toys for their children

A meta-analysis of nearly 200 studies found that __________ discrimination is associated with increases in depression and distress, as well as a heightened stress response


K identifies as a man at school, but identifies as a women at work. On weekends K may identify as a women at times, while other times as a man. There are also times when K rejects gender labels altogether. K demonstrates a notion of

post gender reality

Singlism has been coined by researches who note that _______ unmarried adults

prejudice and discrimination toward

Which of the following statements regarding the adjustment of stepchildren is NOT true?

psychological adjustment is similar to that of children from same-sex families

Which of the following is one the text's suggestions for enhancing your sexual relationships

pursue adequate sex education

Julia reminded Dale that he was unlikely to be hired for another job because of his criminal record, and then proceeded to grab his crotch. He told her repeatedly to stop and reminded her that he has a fiancée. But she threatened to fire him if he did not give in, and so Dale gave in to her request in order to remain employed. Julia is perpetuating ___________ harassment in the workplace.

quid pro quo

According to law, the two types of sexual harassment are

quid pro quo and hostile environment

Sara's supervisor implied that she would get a promotion if she would go out on a date with him. This is an example of

quid pro quo harassment

Which of the following is likely to be a typical reaction by a father to gender-inappropriate behavior in his son?


Michelle and Luis have a son entering high school and another about to graduate. Michelle's father moved in with them because he is widowed and of declining health. This couple appears to be in the ______ phase


If Raul is a stereotypical male, he will generally be


Which of the following is a problem unique to research on sexuality?

sex studies are especially susceptible to participant bias

The androcentric bias in gender stereotypes refers to

the belief that traits associated with males represent the norm

Which of the following has NOT been found in studies on hemispheric specialization?

the cerebral Cortex is more convoluted in males than in females

Marriage is

the legally and socially sanctioned union of sexually intimate adults

Which of the following it not a problem associated with the male role?

the marriage mandate

The transition to parenthood tends to be easier when

the parents have realistic expectations

Becky complains to you that she is sick and tired of working retail and wants to quit. The customers are rude, the hours are inconsistent, benefits nonexistent, and the clothing discount does nothing to offset the low take-home pay. This situation is referred to as ______________ by researchers.

the sticky floor

Endogamy refers to

the tendency to marry within one's social group

The overall body of empirical evidence suggests that biological factors play a relatively minor role in gender differences, creating predispositions that are largely shaped by _______

the way males and females are socialized

When researches determine a statistically significant difference between genders on some outcome of interest, it is MOST likely that

there is another factor that explains the data

Empirical research comparing the marital satisfaction of couple in arranged marriages versus those born out of choice has revealed that

those in arranged marriages were significantly more satisfied

When there is only one women or minority person in a workplace setting, that person becomes a symbol of his or her group and is referred to as a


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