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The prevalence estimate for intellectual disability in children and adults is about ____ of the entire population. A. 0.4% B. 1% C. 4% D. 5%


The evidence points to a heritability of intelligence of approximately ____. A. 0% B. 10% C. 50% D. 75%


An example of a neurodevelopmental disorder would be ____. A. Oppositional Defiant Disorder B. ADHD C. Anxiety Disorders such as Separation Anxiety Disorder D. Feeding and Eating Disorders such as Pica


Children who have been diagnosed with ____ have deficits in recognizing facial expressions. A. depression B. ASD C. ADHD D. anxiety


Which statement about ASD is true? A. ASD is a subtype of Asperger's disorder. B. ASD is a single domain disorder. C. ASD is a disorder children outgrow. D. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder.

ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder

Which statement about gender differences in ASD is true? A. ASD is equally common in boys and girls. B. ASD is more common in boys. C. ASD is more common in boys, except among those with profound ID, where the numbers of boys and girls are similar. D. ASD is more common in boys, except among those with average or aboveaverage IQ, where the numbers of boys and girls are similar.

ASD is more common in boys, except among those with profound ID, where the numbers of boys and girls are similar

Which psychological condition is more common among females than males? A. Intellectual disability B. Autistic disorder C. Conduct disorder D. Adolescent depression

Adolescent depression

Which of the following disadvantages can impair a child's developmental progress significantly? A. Less education B. Limited resources C. Greater exposure to violence D. All of these are correct

All of these are correct

Which attachment pattern has been linked to phobias and anxiety problems? A. Secure B. Anxious-avoidant C. Anxious-resistant D. Disorganized


What is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that reduces overall arousal and levels of anger, hostility, and aggression? A. Serotonin B. Benzodiazepine-GABA C. Norepinephrine D. Dopamine


Which statement regarding the general intellect of children with learning disabilities is true? A. Children with learning disabilities usually have mild intellectual disability. B. Children with learning disabilities usually have below-average intelligence. C. Children with learning disabilities usually have average intelligence. D. Children with learning disabilities usually have average or above-average intelligence.

Children with learning disabilities usually have average or above-average intelligence

Which risk factor is most likely to increase a child's vulnerability to psychopathology? A. Chronic poverty B. Impulsivity C. Two-career families D. Lack of siblings

Chronic poverty

____ approaches to treatment view child psychopathology as the result of faulty thought patterns and faulty learning and environmental experiences. A. Behavioral B. Cognitive C. Cognitive-behavioral D. Client-centered


Examples of social communication or social interaction deficits indicative of ASD include which of the following? A. Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity B. Insistence on sameness C. Stereotyped motor movements D. Highly restricted, fixated interests

Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity

Interview questions focused on somatic symptoms for an older child or adolescent with depression could include which of the following? A. Do you get muscle pains and aches? B. Do you get moody? C. Do you have trouble concentrating in school? D. Do you often feel tired?

Do you get muscle pains and aches?

_____ theorists argue that a child's behavior can only be understood in terms of relationships with others. A. Cognitive B. Behavioral C. Family systems D. Genetic

Family systems

Which behavior would be characteristic of someone with issues on the internalizing behavior dimension? A. Hitting another child in anger B. Refusing to sit in a seat at school C. Feeling sad all of the time D. Intentionally hurting another child's feelings

Feeling sad all of the time

The ____ refers to the phenomenon that IQ scores have risen sharply since the beginning of IQ testing. A. Flynn effect B. Foster effect C. IQ effect D. scoring effect

Flynn effect

Which statement about our genetic makeup is false? A. Genes determine behavior. B. Genes are composed of DNA. C. Genes produce proteins. D. The expression of genes is influenced by the environment.

Genes determine behavior

Which element(s) are typically included in a clinical description? A. Taxonomic diagnosis B. Assessment of prior history C. Treatment and referral plan D. Intensity, frequency, and severity of the problem

Intensity, frequency, and severity of the problem

Which statement about learning disabilities is true? A. Learning problems occurring as a result of intellectual disability may qualify as "learning disabilities." B. Learning problems occurring as a result of brain injury may qualify as "learning disabilities." C. Learning problems occurring as a result of either intellectual disability or brain injury may qualify as "learning disabilities." D. Learning disabilities can affect daily routines, work, and family life.

Learning disabilities can affect daily routines, work, and family life

Which part of the brain is most responsible for regulating our emotional experiences, expressions, and impulses? A. Hypothalamus B. Hindbrain C. Basal ganglia D. Limbic system

Limbic system

What concept states that various outcomes may stem from similar beginnings such as child maltreatment? A. Trifinality B. Ethnic finality C. Equifinality D. Multifinality


Which disorder is determined by achievement test results that are substantially below what is expected for the child's age, schooling, and intellectual ability? A. Communication disorder B. Phonological awareness C. Specific learning disorder D. Fluency disorder

Specific learning disorder

What is the purpose of an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)? A. To test the child using standardized tests B. To accurately diagnose each child's illness against a model C. To tailor the child's school program to his or her needs D. To understand the role of family history in mental health

To tailor the child's school program to his or her needs

Examples of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior indicative of ASD include which of the following? A. Reduced sharing of interests or emotions B. Unusual interest in sensory aspects of environment C. A total lack of facial expressions D. Absence of interest in peers

Unusual interest in sensory aspects of environment

If you were to administer the WISC to a child with ASD, which subscale would likely cause the child the most difficulty? A. Nonverbal subtests involving short-term memory B. Image memory tasks C. Repetitive design tasks D. Verbal comprehension subtests

Verbal comprehension subtests

The most commonly used intelligence scale today is the ____. A. Stanford-Binet 5 (SB5) B. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) C. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC-II) D. Rorschach inkblot test

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)

Schizophrenia is extremely rare prior to ____. A. the preschool years B. the early school years C. adolescence D. early to mid-adulthood


The ____ gland produces epinephrine in response to stress. A. hypothalamus B. thyroid C. adrenal D. pituitary


Epinephrine is also known as ____. A. dopamine B. serotonin C. cortisol D. adrenaline


Children's problems must be considered in the context of their ____. A. individual nature B. family dynamics C. community/culture D. all of these

all of these

Infants that explore the environment with little affective interaction with the caregiver are likely to have a(n) ____ attachment pattern. A. secure B. anxious-avoidant C. anxious-resistant D. disorganized


Generally, the emotional and behavioral problems of children with intellectual disability ____. A. constitute major psychiatric disorders B. are considered part of the spectrum of problems coexisting with intellectual disability C. often are not severe enough to require intervention D. have prevalence rates comparable to those of the general population

are considered part of the spectrum of problems coexisting with intellectual disability

Projective tests ____ with children. A. should not be used B. are one of the most commonly used assessment methods C. are one of the least commonly used assessment methods D. have not been designed specifically for use

are one of the most commonly used assessment methods

The deficits of ASD become increasingly noticeable ____. A. from birth B. around 6 months of age C. around 2 years of age D. when the child enters school

around 2 years of age

The most common presenting symptom for children with childhood-onset schizophrenia is ____. A. auditory hallucinations B. visual hallucinations C. paranoid delusions D. flat affect

auditory hallucinations

Victor is fearful of approaching new situations and often appears inhibited. Victor's mother reports that she struggles with similar difficulties and he may have inherited it from her. This is an example of ____. A. emotional influences B. biological influences C. cognitive influences D. behavioral influences

biological influences

The "C" in the "ABCs of behavioral assessment" stands for ____. A. consequences B. causes C. child D. correction


Adults with mild intellectual development disorder need support with all of the following EXCEPT: A. shopping and transportation. B. cooking and money management. C. considerable support needed from co-workers/supervisors in employment. D. health care and legal decisions

considerable support needed from co-workers/supervisors in employment.

To determine a child's competencies, it is useful to have some knowledge of ____. A. institutional norms B. animal behavior C. adult dysfunctions D. developmental tasks

developmental tasks

Analyzing information and drawing conclusions about the nature or cause of a problem refers to ____. A. a clinical description B. diagnosis C. prognosis D. treatment planning, and evaluation


Psychological disorders are defined as patterns of behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or physical symptoms that are associated with ____. A. deviance B. defiance of norms C. disobedience D. distress


The theory of mind hypothesis of ASD suggests that children with ASD ____. A. focus on one feature of an object in an environment while ignoring other equally important features B. do not understand others' mental states C. cannot take in the larger picture because of a tendency to focus on details D. are unable to split their social attention in social situations

do not understand others' mental states

The tendency to focus on certain types of sensory input over others is called sensory ____. A. dominance B. specialization C. screening D. overselectivity


Freud was the first to link mental disorders to ____. A. neurotransmitter imbalances B. early childhood experiences C. possession by evil spirits D. classical conditioning

early childhood experiences

The most likely explanation for the discrepancy in IQ scores between blacks and whites in North America is ____. A. genetic dissimilarities B. test bias C. economic and social inequalities D. poor attitude

economic and social inequalities

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA; Public Law 104-446) mandates ____. A. segregated education for children with special needs B. the use of IQ tests for assessing children C. standardized programs for children identified as special needs D. education in the least restrictive environment possible

education in the least restrictive environment possible

The role that a child's primary caretaker has in terms of that child's brain development is crucial, since those early experiences form the part of the brain that is responsible for their__. A. planning and complex processes B. Problem-solving skills C. emotion, personality, and behavior D. Fine and gross motor skills

emotion, personality, and behavior

John Locke (1632-1704) advanced the belief that children were ____. A. possessed by the devil B. uncivilized C. emotionally sensitive beings D. young adults

emotionally sensitive beings

When mainstreamed into a regular classroom, children with intellectual disability ____. A. are accepted readily by other children B. are targeted and abused by other children C. are often aggressive toward other children D. end up being socially isolated because other children do not play with them

end up being socially isolated because other children do not play with them

Research demonstrates that, with respect to aggression, girls ____. A. tend not to engage in aggressive acts B. are more distressed by aggressive acts C. engage in more relational forms of aggression D. are more aggressive than boys

engage in more relational forms of aggression

Conduct disorder may arise from different developmental pathways, a concept known as ____. A. equifinality B. multifinality C. developmental diversity D. disordered beginnings


In the DSM-5, the level of disability, reflecting a child's degree of difficulty, is based upon the ____. A. number of deficits in adaptive functioning B. extent of cognitive impairment C. extent of support needed D. number of social deficits

extent of cognitive impairment

The _________ lobes contain the functions underlying much of our thinking and reasoning abilities. A. temporal B. frontal C. parietal D. occipital


Current views regarding the causes of schizophrenia emphasize ____. A. biological factors B. family environment factors C. disruptions to prenatal development D. genetic vulnerability and early neurodevelopmental insults

genetic vulnerability and early neurodevelopmental insults

Children with ASD ____. A. have reduced sharing of emotions B. initiate most social interactions C. tend to listen to the speaker D. make exaggerated facial expressions

have reduced sharing of emotions

The proportion of variance in a trait attributable to genetic influences is called ____. A. genotype B. phenotype C. heritability D. attribution


At the end of the nineteenth century, children with intellectual disabilities were regarded as ____. A. suffering from "moral insanity" B. imbeciles C. lunatics D. possessed by the devil


The use of protodeclarative gestures requires ____. A. verbal ability and shared social attention B. theory of mind and verbal ability C. implicit understanding and shared social attention D. intelligence and shared social attention

implicit understanding and shared social attention

A risk factor is a variable that ____. A. follows a negative outcome B. increases the likelihood that a negative outcome will occur C. indicates positive outcomes D. decreases the likelihood that negative outcome will occur

increases the likelihood that a negative outcome will occur

Children with ASD are most likely to use ____. A. instrumental gestures B. expressive gestures C. protodeclarative gestures D. joint social behaviors

instrumental gestures

Many children with ASD also have ____. A. intellectual disability and epilepsy B. superior intelligence C. schizophrenia D. intellectual disability and schizophrenia

intellectual disability and epilepsy

Unstructured interviews tend to be ____ than semistructured interviews. A. more consistent B. less reliable and more flexible C. more reliable and less flexible D. less biased

less reliable and more flexible

Neuropsychological assessments are primarily used to ____. A. identify underlying brain lesions B. identify genetic abnormalities C. make inferences about central nervous system dysfunction D. diagnose mental deficits

make inferences about central nervous system dysfunction

An integrative approach to the psychopathology of a child means that A. maladaptive behaviors are acceptable. B. all development takes place on a continuum. C. more than one therapist has to see the child. D. many theories and concepts can be used to explain behavior.

many theories and concepts can be used to explain behavior

Children with schizophrenia may be treated with ____ to diminish psychotic symptoms. A. behavior modification B. individual therapy C. medications D. family treatment


On average, the IQ of children with fetal alcohol syndrome is in the ____ range of intellectual disability. A. mild B. moderate C. severe D. profound


The majority of individuals with intellectual disabilities have ____ impairment. A. mild B. moderate C. severe D. profound


Many persons with Down syndrome function at the ____ level of disability. A. mild B. moderate C. severe D. profound


Examples of conceptual adaptive behavior skills are: A. money concepts. B. responsibility. C. obeying laws. D. eating, dressing, mobility, and toileting.

money concepts

Semistructured interviews tend to be ____ than unstructured interviews. A. less consistent B. more spontaneous C. less reliable D. more consistent and less spontaneous

more consistent and less spontaneous

In comparison to the IQ scores of normally developing children, those of infants and children with developmental delays or intellectual disability are ____. A. more stable B. less stable C. equally stable D. unmeasurable

more stable

A clearly defined group used to compare an individual child's test score against is called a A. reference group. B. comparative group. C. standard group. D. norm group.

norm group

Learning disabilities differ from physical disabilities in childhood in that they are ____. A. more pronounced B. not as easy to detect C. not diagnosed by professionals D. fairly rare

not as easy to detect

Gathering information about a child's behavior for analysis involves ____. A. making inferences about the child's behavior B. observing the child in real-life settings C. assessing personality D. having the child write a story

observing the child in real-life settings

A step-by-step approach that first increases the child's vocalizations and then teaches imitation of sounds and words, the meanings of words, labeling objects, making verbal requests, and expressing desires is better known as: A. TEACCH B. discrete trial training C. operant speech training D. Pivotal Response Training

operant speech training

The more severe forms of intellectual disability are more likely due to ____ causes than is mild intellectual disability. A. cultural B. familial C. idiopathic D. organic


The ____ gland oversees the body's regulatory functions by producing several hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. A. pineal B. pituitary C. thyroid D. adrenal


The primary purpose of assessment is to ____. A. find correlating causes for the problem B. plan and evaluate treatment C. determine who is responsible for the problem D. treat individual symptoms

plan and evaluate treatment

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, children's mental health problems were attributed to ____. A. possession by the devil or other evil forces B. poor parenting practices C. chemical imbalances D. low self-esteem

possession by the devil or other evil forces

Etiology refers to the ____ of childhood disorders. A. possible root causes B. possible treatments C. various correlations D. various preventions

possible root causes

As a social risk factor for intellectual disability, this stands as both a prenatal and a postnatal condition.. A. Lack of access to prenatal care B. Domestic violence C. Malnutrition D. Poverty


The primary language deficit of children with ASD (who develop language) is ____. A. grammatical usage B. semantics C. morphological usage D. pragmatics


To be labeled with intellectual disability, below average intellectual and adaptive abilities must be ____. A. due to chromosomal abnormalities B. due to genetic anomalies C. present before age 12 D. present before age 18

present before age 18

____ means generating predictions concerning future behavior under specified conditions. A. Assessment B. Diagnosis C. Outcome generation D. Prognosis


Patterns of behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or physical symptoms shown by an individual are defined as ____. A. psychological disorders B. defiance of norms C. disobedience D. distress

psychological disorders

A child who cannot control his temper has problems in emotion ____. A. sensitivity B. reactivity C. regulation D. deregulation


The relationship between assessment and intervention is best viewed as ____. A. separate and unrelated B. related and ongoing C. related but separate D. related but time-limited

related and ongoing

The ability to successfully adapt in the environment is referred to as ____. A. intelligence B. adjustment C. resilience D. coping


The windows of time during which environmental influences on development are enhanced are called ____. A. sensitive periods B. critical periods C. crucial periods D. necessary periods

sensitive periods

The neurotransmitter implicated in regulatory problems, such as eating and sleep disorders, is ____. A. norepinephrine B. serotonin C. benzodiazepine-GABA D. dopamine


To be diagnosed with intellectual disability, a person must exhibit ____. A. subaverage intellectual functioning B. genetic anomalies C. deficits in adaptive functioning D. subaverage intellectual functioning and deficits in adaptive functioning

subaverage intellectual functioning and deficits in adaptive functioning

At the end of the nineteenth century, children with normal cognitive abilities but disturbing behavior were thought to be ____. A. suffering from "moral insanity" B. imbeciles C. diseased D. possessed by the devil

suffering from "moral insanity"

John Bowlby's research on attachment showed that a child who has a secure attachment with a caregiver generally leads to A. atypical development. B. extra neurotransmitters being released. C. the development of a child's positive internal working model. D. an unknown outcome, since that attachment is broken after 12 months of age.

the development of a child's positive internal working model.

A child typically enters the mental health system ____. A. by asking for a referral from a pediatrician B. through the criminal justice system C. by the actions, positive or negative, of peers D. through teachers, counselors, or parents

through teachers, counselors, or parents

Postnatal risk factors for intellectual disability include A. parental immaturity. B. traumatic brain injury. C. lack of preparation for parenthood. D. parental abandonment of child.

traumatic brain injury

Intervention focuses on ____. A. noncompliance B. assimilation C. motivation D. treatment


Subaverage intellectual functioning is defined as an IQ approximately ____. A. one standard deviation below the mean B. two standard deviations below the mean C. a mental age of less than 10 years D. a mental age of less than 15 years

two standard deviations below the mean

An example of a highly structured intervention would be one that A. actively engages the child for at least 25 hours a week, year-round. B. allows sufficient one-on-one time C. uses predictable routines, visual activity schedules, and clear physical boundaries D. emphasizes ongoing assessment.

uses predictable routines, visual activity schedules, and clear physical boundaries

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