PSYC 430

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What percentage of children with autism spectrum disorder are boys?

80 percent

The BEST example of malingering is a person who:

feigns an illness to achieve some external gain, such as financial compensation.

People with an anxiety disorder are MOST likely to experience:

a second anxiety disorder.

Which statement about the use of second-generation antidepressants for treating depression in children and adolescents is MOST accurate?

They increase the risk of suicide for a small percentage of patients.

Depressive Disorders

This group of disorders may be related to low levels of serotonin activity and high levels of nor-epinephrine activity

Which child is MOST likely to develop a stress disorder later in life after experiencing a trauma?

a child who lives alone with a single mother who is working multiple jobs

Which of these is NOT a biological factor for autism spectrum disorder?

administration of the MMR vaccine

Arthur's sister visits him once a week and brings groceries, because he cannot bring himself to venture into public places such as grocery stores. Arthur suffers from what kind of phobia?


The most commonly abused substance is ____.


Max experienced a dissociative fugue for 2 weeks. What is a common immediate reaction upon "waking" from this state?


Commonly accepted features of abnormality include deviance, distress, dysfunction, and:


Pax has been feeling depressed. She has begun to feel helpless and hopeless and is considering committing suicide. Killing herself represents which aspect of abnormality?


Commonly accepted features of abnormality include deviance, distress, dysfunction, and:


Bella is a loner. She lives in a cabin in the woods with no running water or electricity. While she manages to survive this way, living so far from the closest city makes it difficult for her to get and keep gainful employment. She is often unhappy with her situation, yet feels it is unchangeable. Which term would NOT be used to describe Bella's behavior?


Individuals who clearly intend to end their lives at the time they attempt suicide (and fail to do so), only to experience confusion in the very next hour or day, might be classified as:

death seekers.

College students who drink so much that it interferes with their lives, health, and academic careers are often not diagnosed as engaging in abnormal behavior because:

drinking is considered part of college culture.

A researcher spends 15 hours or more each day conducting experiments or doing library reading and recording observations on color-coded index cards. This person lives alone in the country but doesn't interfere with others' lives. The BEST description of the researcher's behavior is that it is:


A research procedure in which a variable is manipulated and the manipulation's effect on another variable is observed is called a(n):


When people with gender dysphoria take hormones, it is in an attempt to:

facilitate their living as the other gender.

A person who intentionally produces or fakes physical symptoms simply out of a wish to be a patient might be diagnosed with a:

factitious disorder.

People in an occupation with a particularly high rate of suicide are:

police officers.

Compared with women, men who attempt suicide tend to:

use more violent methods.


A state of episode of euphoria or frenzied activity in which people may have an exaggerated belief

Bipolar disorders

An individual with a disorder in this group is at a higher risk for suicidal thinking and behaviors

What requires a client to view one inkblot card at a time and describe what they see in the image?

Rorschach test

A goal of behavior-focused therapy is to:

replace problematic behaviors with more appropriate ones.

According to the psychodynamic model, someone who unconsciously refuses to fully participate in therapy is said to be demonstrating:


The constant desire for cocaine, the high cost of the substance, and the need for increased doses to achieve a "high" can cause users to ____.

resort to criminal activities to support their drug habit

According to some researchers, what is an early version of social anxiety disorder?

selective mutism

Which is NOT one of the three types of biological treatment used today for treating abnormal behavior?


Depression has been linked to low activity of the neurotransmitters _ and ___.

serotonin; norepinephrine

Depression has been linked to low activity of the neurotransmitters _____ and _____.

serotonin; norepinephrine

Isaac has difficulty enjoying sexual intercourse because of premature ejaculation. Isaac is experiencing:

sexual dysfunction.

Shawn cannot enjoy sexual intercourse unless he is tied up by his partner and beaten. His behavior is typical of _____ disorder.

sexual masochism

Derrick tries to interact with as few people as possible during the workday. He doesn't engage in any nonwork events such as birthday celebrations or happy hours, because he thinks he is socially awkward and will make a fool of himself. These thoughts and symptoms are consistent with:

social anxiety disorder.

Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to:

social factors leading to stress.

Surveys have found that 43 percent of people today believe that mental illness is caused by:

something people bring on themselves.

According to psychodynamic theorists, when people behave with their therapist the way they interacted with their parents, they are demonstrating:


Freud believed that all functioning, normal and abnormal, originates from:

unconscious psychological processes.

Proponents of this practice argue that they provide smokers with an alternative, less-harmful source of nicotine. These proponents are advocating for the practice of _____.


Suicide prevention programs and hotlines focus on:

crisis intervention.

Which correlation coefficient represents the weakest relationship?

-.06, the smallest number

According to DSM-5, the cut-off point for diagnosing early ejaculation is within _____ of initiating sexual activity.

1 minute

Modern studies suggest that the average number of subpersonalities in cases of dissociative identity disorder is about _____ for women and about _____ for men.

15; 8

If a child is profoundly intellectually disabled, his or her IQ score is likely below:


How long must signs of somatic symptom disorder usually continue before a formal diagnosis becomes appropriate?

6 months

Rin's therapist suspects she has generalized anxiety disorder. Before making that diagnosis, however, according to the DSM-5 the therapist should confirm that Rin's symptoms have persisted for at least:

6 months.

On average, what percent of patients receiving therapy for a psychological problem improve more than people with similar problems who do not receive treatment?

75 percent

Based on the information in the above link, which description below would most likely fit a case of conversion disorder:

A man falls off a horse; and doctors determine he has no neurological damage, yet has to numbness and pain in his legs a year later

Among the elderly population, what is reported as the MOST feared problem?

Alzheimer's disease

What might be one way to determine if a child is the victim of an individual with Factitious Disorder (Munchausen syndrome) by proxy if the child is currently hospitalized?

Child's symptoms decrease when the caregiver is not present

Persistent Depressive Disorder

Chronic form of unipolar depression with ongoing and repeated symptoms of major or mild depression

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Clinical depressive symptoms the week before menstruation

How do death seekers differ from death darers?

Death seekers intend to end their lives with their action.

Who distinguished four kinds of people who commit suicide: the death seeker, the death initiator, the death ignorer, and the death darer?

Edwin Shneidman

How does fear differ from anxiety?

Fear is a response to a specific threat, whereas anxiety is more general.

As discussed in class, which of the following is NOT a form of treatment common for individuals with Illness Anxiety Disorder:

Free association

At 72 years old, Edward has just been diagnosed with depression. What is true regarding how he may recover in the future?

He will recover more slowly than average from both injuries and illnesses.

Jana has been diagnosed with substance-use disorder. Jana's substance-use disorder is considered mild because _____.

Jana shows more than one but less than four of the associated DSM-5 criteria

Bipolar I

Manic episode and may be preceded or followed by a major depressive episodes or hypomania

Manic Episode

May include psychotic features like hallucinations or delusions

Which statement about alcohol consumption in the United States is accurate?

Men and boys are more likely to drink alcohol and engage in binge and heavy drinking compared to women and girls.

Which statement is the MOST accurate conclusion about the current understanding of abnormal psychology?

No single definition of abnormality has won total acceptance.

Which statement is true about the four Ds of abnormality?

None of the four Ds is, by itself, an adequate gauge of psychological abnormality.

Cyclothymic Disorders

Periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms

Bipolar II

Person experiences hypo-manic episodes and major depressive episodes

Which statement BEST describes the role of religion with regard to the treatment of mental illness?

Religious institutions were among the first to provide treatment for the mentally ill.

Which statement BEST describes the role of religion with regard to treatment of mental illness?

Religious institutions were among the first to provide treatment for the mentally ill.

Unipolar Depression

Severe patterns of depression that is disturbing and not caused by medical conditions

Based on information in the DSM-5, which of these is NOT a part of a diagnosis of neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease?

Symptoms must contain behavioral difficulties.

A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. The drug causes severe vomiting if a person drinks alcohol while taking the drug. Why might this treatment be effective in preventing alcohol use even after the client stops taking the drug?

The client is classically conditioned to associate drinking with the negative experience of vomiting.

What does switching in a person with dissociative identity disorder mean?

The person has changed from one subpersonality to another.

Which statement is true with regard to suicide and the elderly?

The rate of suicide for the elderly is higher than that of young people.

Which statement BEST reflects current research about the biological causes of autism spectrum disorder?

There are probably multiple biological causes.

What does it mean to say that intelligence tests are culturally biased?

They are biased in favor of those from middle and upper socioeconomic levels who are exposed to the kinds of language and typical experiences that the test evaluates.

Which statement is true for people over age 85?

Women in this group outnumber men by 5 to 3.

Which is an example of a case study?

a long-term study of a clinical client

Which is NOT one of the essential elements of therapy, according to Jerome Frank?

a physical setting in which the treatment takes place

Jena is experiencing sadness, lack of energy, and low self-worth. The condition is chronic and severe. If her psychiatrist prescribed medication, it would likely be a(n):

antidepressant drug.

Drugs designed to decrease extremely confused and distorted thinking are termed:


Individuals who are older than 85 report higher rates of _____ than those between 65 and 84.

anxiety disorders

Oversensitivity of the _____ system can cause a person to respond to mildly stressful events as if they were significant events.

autonomic nervous

The antianxiety drugs diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanax) are classified as:


Which model of abnormality cites physical processes as being the key to behavior?


What is the first step in treating people with dissociative identity disorder?

bond with the primary personality

Which model emphasizes the importance of conditioning in determining human actions?


The two MOST common treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have been:

cognitive-behavioral and drug therapies.

Yaz has experienced severe depression for many years. They have tried both psychotropic medications and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatments without any success. Which of these will their mental health care team MOST likely recommend?

deep brain stimulation

A life-threatening condition that begins with profound anxiety, agitation, and confusion followed by seizures, disorientation, hallucinations, or extreme lethargy is known as ____.

delirium tremens

The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model.


Tolerance and withdrawal are the hallmarks of physiological substance ____.


Codeine, heroin, and morphine all ____.

depress the central nervous system and are derived from the opium plant

The MOST common theme of obsessive thoughts is:

dirt or contamination.

Alaina is always edgy and nervous; she feels there is something to be afraid of, though she cannot name it. She is MOST likely suffering from:

generalized anxiety disorder.

Which area of psychology focuses on the mental health of the elderly?


A health class video says, "This drug comes from opium and is really scary because after feeling relaxed and happy, you develop a tolerance quickly and need more. The withdrawal effects are awful." What drug is being described?


A therapist listens carefully to a client's words and then attempts to show accurate empathy and genuineness. The hope is that the client will engage in self-examination with acceptance and honesty. MOST likely, this is a _____ therapist.


Someone who studies the _____ model of abnormality focuses on how values and choices affect behavior.


When we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life and with the value they find in living. A psychologist from which background would agree MOST strongly with this statement?


The specific details and background of a client's problem are called _____ data.


While swimming with friends in a creek, Finny scrapes his foot on a rock, causing a cut and some swelling. Over the next few days, Finny checks his foot constantly, looking for any changes. He shows the wound to all his friends, asking whether they think it will become infected and the infection will then spread to his entire foot. Everyone tells him it is nothing, but he is convinced it is a significant problem. Finny is exhibiting signs of:

illness anxiety disorder.

Alanna's father has Alzheimer's disease, and she recently moved him into an assisted-living facility. Based on current research, what is a possible positive result of this change?

improved enjoyment of life

Female sexual interest/arousal disorder differs from male hypoactive sexual desire disorder MOST notably in that it:

includes difficulties in both the desire and excitement stages of the sexual response cycle.

A 67-year-old woman has just started using social media and messaging apps to keep up with friends and family. When compared with others her age, her behaviors are:

increasingly common because the number of elderly individuals using the Internet has increased dramatically in recent years.

Unlike the correlational method and the experimental method, the case study method provides:

individual information.

Untreated meningitis can lead to:

intellectual disability.

Which category of clinical tests tends to have the BEST standardization, reliability, and validity?

intelligence tests

Which type of reliability refers to an assessment tool in which different judges independently agree on how to score and interpret it?

interrater reliability

Symptoms of vaginismus always include:

involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles.

An individual develops somatic symptom disorder after a near-fatal car crash. The diagnosis is:

less likely to be somatization pattern than predominant pain pattern.

With mindfulness-based therapy techniques, clients would MOST likely be encouraged to:

let their thoughts flow, without judgment.

Winnie, who has an intellectual disability, goes to school with other children her age. Most of the children in her class do not have a disability. Winnie's placement is referred to as:


Zane has not had any interest in sex for the past year. Because of this, his sexual activity has been very limited. What would he MOST likely be diagnosed with?

male hypoactive sexual desire disorder

Due to the genetic makeup of people of Asian and African ancestry, the production of "clean-up" enzymes such as aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is ____.


Cognitive-behavioral theorists believe that the fears found in illness anxiety disorder have been acquired in part through:

misinterpreting bodily cues.

Luna is taking a psychotropic medication. Which condition does she MOST likely have?

mood disorder

A therapist's preferred method of assessing abnormal behavior is to watch clients in their everyday environments and record their activities and behaviors. This approach is known as:

naturalistic observation.

Significant cognitive deterioration, dementia, has been reclassified as:

neurocognitive disorder.

Which hormone has NOT been linked to hypoactive sexual desire?


To treat a client with a fear of dogs, a therapist brings a dog into the office, speaks to the dog, and pets it for a bit. She then invites the client to pat the dog's head. This is an example of:

participant modeling.

Which feature is NOT common in managed care programs?

patient choice in number of therapy sessions

The key psychological stress disorders are:

posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder.

A diagnostic tool that helps clinicians anticipate future symptoms or events has _____ validity.


After Caroline's plane crashed but she survived, her mother came to stay with her. Her friends visited often and went to lunch and dinner with Caroline occasionally. This situation probably contributed to Caroline's coping ability after the accident. Which of these relates as a factor in her response to stress?

presence of social support

If someone knew there were currently a total of 500,000 cases of schizophrenia in the United States, that person would know the _____ of schizophrenia in the United States


If someone knew there were currently a total of 500,000 cases of schizophrenia in the United States, that person would know the _____ of schizophrenia in the United States.


A theorist who views therapists as teachers of more functional behavior and thought is MOST likely to view abnormality as a(n):

problem in living.

The model of abnormality that focuses on unconscious internal processes and conflicts in behavior is the _____ model.


A psychiatrist who primarily prescribes medication is called a:


Not all participants are the same. Researchers use _____ to reduce the possibility that preexisting differences between groups are responsible for observed differences after experimental manipulation.

random assignment

According to DSM-5, someone who initiates sexual contact with children has a paraphilic disorder:

regardless of how troubled the individual may be.

Which has DSM-5 NOT categorized as an obsessive-compulsive-related disorder?

somatic symptom disorder

What are two components of stress?

stressor and stress response

A person is on many different medications to manage their many chronic conditions. The person often mismanages these medications, which eventually leads to their death. This death would probably be considered a

subintentional death.

The body system that activates our initial arousal response to danger is the:

sympathetic nervous system.

When we encounter a stressor, the _____ nervous system accelerates the automatic processes in our body. After the stressor is over, the _____ nervous system returns us to normal functioning.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

The tiny space between the nerve ending of one neuron and the dendrite of the other is the:


The tiny space between the nerve ending of one neuron and the dendrite of the other is the:


In males, the penis becomes erect during which phase of the sexual response cycle?

the excitement phase

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