Psych 111 Chapter 9

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Dr. Fuller needs a really creative student to assist with the design of a new research project. She's asked to see the IQ scores of a number of students so she can use the scores to choose her new research assistant. What does Dr. Fuller need to know before making her decision?

Creativity is related to intelligence, but only weakly.

Which theorist set out to improve on the measurement of intelligence in adults with an intelligence test with two major innovations: that the score was less dependent on a subject's verbal ability and the use of a deviation intelligence quotient?

David Wechsler

Which of the following statements about the influence of culture on the use of IQ tests is MOST accurate?

Different cultures have different conceptions of what intelligence is.

Which British scholar concluded in his book Hereditary Genius that success runs in families because great intelligence is passed from generation to generation through genetic inheritance?

Francis Galton

Which of the following statements corresponds most closely to Arthur Jensen's position on ethnic differences in average IQ scores?

IQ differences are a function of the relative nature of the gene pool for different ethnic groups.

What traits have been linked to creativity?

Impulsive Nonconformity Independence

What do eminent adults who make enduring contributions to their fields show according to Renzulli?

Intelligence Motivation Creativity

Which of the following is NOT one of the eight types of intelligence described by Gardner?

Mechanical Emotional

Thurstone primary mental abilities

Numerical ability Word fluency Inductive reasoning

Which of the following does NOT characterize a psychological test?

Psychological tests allow one to predict behavior with great accuracy.

Which of the following does characterize a psychological test?

Psychological tests measure individual differences. Psychological tests are samples of behavior. Psychological tests are standardized measures of behavior.

Reliability refers to the ____ of a measuring device such as a test.

Reliability refers to the ____ of a measuring device such as a test.

IQ scores do NOT routinely increase as we get older because

an IQ score is indicative of our relative standing in our particular age group.

If you wanted to gauge a person's mastery and knowledge in a specific area, such as mathematics, you would need to administer

an achievement test.

If your roommate tries to convince you that the college cafeteria uses leftovers from students' dinner trays to make stew for the next day's lunch by arguing that she has never seen the leftovers actually thrown out, your roommate's argument is using

an appeal to ignorance.

In trying to make a decision about a career that would fit your abilities and interest, you would probably want to take a test that would measure your potential or talent for specific kinds of activities. A test that would measure this sort of potential would MOST likely be

an aptitude test.

Criterion-related validity is

estimated by correlating subjects' scores on a test with their scores on an independent criterion (another measure) of the trait assessed by the test.

Family studies can indicate whether a trait runs in families, but they cannot provide conclusive evidence that a trait is influenced by heredity because

family members share not only genes but also similar environments.

According to the text, people with high IQs are at lower risk for all of the following health problems EXCEPT

food poisoning.

If environment affects intelligence, you should predict that the IQs of children who stay in understaffed orphanages will

gradually decline as they grow older.


gradually decline as they grow older.

Ira has never done well on conventional tests designed to measure reasoning and logical-mathematical abilities, but when new and complex situations arise at his job, he is always the one who seems to come up with novel and effective solutions for the problems. According to Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, Ira shows

high creative intelligence but lower analytical intelligence.

Silas took the College Aptitude Test (CAT) when he was a junior in high school and attained a very high score on the test. When Silas was in college, he was suspended his first year; when he was readmitted, he ended up dropping out because he did poorly in all his classes. When Silas went for career counseling, he retook the CAT, and again he earned a very high score. Based on Silas's experience, you might conclude that the CAT has

high reliability but low validity.

The fact that adopted children resemble their biological parents in intelligence, even though they were not reared by those parents, suggests that intellectual development is

influenced more by genetics than by environmental factors.

In The Bell Curve, Herrnstein and Murray imply all of the following

intelligence is influenced by genetic inheritance. cultural differences in average intelligence are substantial. cultural differences in average intelligence cannot be easily reduced.

Reba has an uncanny ability to discern and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and desires of other people. According to Gardner, Reba has a high level of

interpersonal intelligence.

According to recent research conducted by Ellen Winner, profoundly gifted children (those with an IQ above 180) are often

introverted and socially isolated.

When Francesca took the ACT assessment this year, she was allowed to use a graphing calculator on the mathematics portion of the exam. Her older sister is surprised, because when she took the test six years ago, calculators were not allowed for any portion of the exam. This suggests that

it would be difficult to meaningfully compare Francesca's score with the score her sister obtained.

Dr. Clarke designs a test she believes will predict an individual's ability to perform in managerial positions. When Dr. Clark administers her test to 100 managers at Aldor Corporation, she finds that some of the best managers do well on the test, but others do quite poorly. Dr. Clarke should probably conclude that her test

lacks criterion-related validity.

If you are told that Philip displays the mental ability typical of an 11-year-old child, you know Philip's ____ is 11.

mental age

The Binet-Simon scale of intelligence expressed a child's score in terms of

mental age.

Ashley is 30 years old. She has an IQ score of 60 and has developed academic skills equivalent to a sixth-grade education. She is self-supporting, even though she still lives with her parents. According to the system traditionally used to categorize various levels of mental retardation, Ashley would MOST likely be classified as having

mild mental retardation.

The vast majority of individuals diagnosed as mentally retarded are

mildly retarded.

In convergent thinking, one attempts to

narrow down a list of alternatives to solve a problem.

A symmetrical bell-shaped curve that represents the pattern in which many characteristics, including intelligence, are distributed is the

normal distribution.

If a psychological test is intended to tell you how you score relative to other people, test ____ must be developed.


When a deviation IQ score is converted into a percentile score, it indicates

percentage of cases scoring at a lower level.

Recent research suggests that given equivalent IQ scores, students who think they are talented tend to ______________ on their school work than those with negative opinions of their own ability.

perform bettter

According to Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence, someone who is high in analytic intelligence should

perform well on conventional tests designed to measure reasoning skills.

Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon devised the first intelligence test in 1905 in order to

predict the school performance of children.

Dr. Iverson has had 25 students who have repeated her advanced economics class over the past five years. Each time, the students' grades for the second attempt in her course were nearly identical to the grades received on the first attempt. This leads Dr. Iverson to conclude that her testing procedures

provide reliable measures of student ability.

The term used to refer to genetically determined limits on IQ is

reaction range.

Leticia is a prima ballerina with a New York ballet company. According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, Leticia is likely to score high in which of the following?

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

Which of the following is NOT one of the items Galton measured in order to assess intelligence?

Brain size

Which of the following is NOT a type of validity?

Category validity

A group of sixth-graders all took a 100-word spelling test in order to qualify for the city-wide spelling bee contest. If a child needed to score in the top 20% of applicants to qualify, which one of the following students definitely qualified for the spelling bee?

Connor, who placed at the 90th percentile

Which of the following is NOT one of the "primary mental abilities" proposed by Thurstone?

Convergent thinking

Which statistical method is used to determine the reliability of a test?

Correlation coefficients

Mental retardation is currently defined as

a subaverage general mental ability accompanied by deficiencies in everyday adaptive skills.

The average correlation between IQ score and brain volume is approximately


Which of the following represents the strongest test-retest reliability for a test?


Modern IQ tests have a mean of ____ and a standard deviation of ____.

100; 15

Experts estimate that the heritability of intelligence is approximately 50%. This suggests that

50% of the variability in intelligence in a population of individuals is due to variations in genetic inheritance.

When Charmaine was 10 years old, she completed the original Binet-Simon scale. She answered all the questions that a typical 6-year-old would answer, but none of the questions a typical 7-year-old would answer. Based on this information, Charmaine's mental age would be

6 years.

Approximately ____ of IQ scores fall between 85 and 115.


If your score falls at the 75th percentile on a standardized test, which of the following is an accurate interpretation?

75% of the people who took the test scored at or below your score.

What occurs when a hypothetical, abstract concept is given a name and then treated as though it were a concrete tangible object?

A reification

Adoption studies provide support for the influence of

Adoption studies provide support for the influence of

Which of the following is an expression of the nurture side of the nature versus nurture argument?

An intellectually stimulating environment can lead to noticeable increases in the IQs of disadvantaged children.

What did Galton measure in order to assess intelligence?

Sensitivity to high pitched sounds Reaction time Color perception

What are 8 types of intelligence according to Gardner

Spatial Logical mathematical Musical Bodily kinesthetic Interpersonal Experiential Linguistic

The notion that all cognitive abilities share a core factor, labeled "g," was proposed by


Which of the following traits has NOT been linked to creativity?


Which of the following statistics is generally used to estimate reliability and validity?

The correlation coefficient

Which of the following appears to be the MOST responsible for ethnic differences in IQ?

The cultural disadvantages associated with a lower-class upbringing

Which of the following statements regarding giftedness and achievement in life is MOST accurate?

The vast majority of children selected for gifted school programs do not achieve eminence as adults.

Which of the following statements BEST characterizes the current view regarding the use of tests to predict vocational success?

There is controversy over the use of IQ tests in hiring employees.

Which of the following statements BEST reflects current thinking regarding the relationship between creativity and mental illness?

There may be a correlation between major creative achievement and vulnerability to mood disorders.

The question, "How many uses can you think of for a paper clip?" would be MOST likely found on

a creativity test.

An achievement test measures

a person's mastery and knowledge of a subject.

Leo wants to become a fighter pilot, and he is asked to complete a test that is designed to determine if he has the interests and the values typically found in fighter pilots. In this example, the test that Leo is asked to complete would be classified as

a personality test.

Walter has taken a test that attempts to assess his interests and attitudes. Walter has MOST likely taken

a personality test.

Any psychological test should be seen as

a sample of a person's behavior.

Which British scholar concluded in his book Hereditary Genius that success runs in Francis has applied for admission to a computer science program, and one of the requirements for admission is the completion of a test that measures sequencing skills and abstract reasoning skills. Her score on this test will be a major factor in the decision about whether to admit her to the program. In this case, the test that Francis is scheduled to take would be classified as because great intelligence is passed from generation to generation through genetic inheritance?

an aptitude test.

An elementary school child is given a test designed to determine whether or not she should be placed in a class of "gifted" children. The test is probably

an intelligence test.

The consensus among MOST researchers is that the heritability of intelligence is

around 50%.

According to the text, people with high IQs are at lower risk for all of the following health problems

cancer. cardiovascular disease. chronic lung disease.

The perspective on the investigation of intelligence that focuses on how people use their intelligence is the

cognitive perspective.

Lanette is arguing with her professor that questions on her last test were not covered during lectures or in the textbook. Lanette is basically arguing that the test did NOT have

content validity.

If you wanted to be able to predict your success at being an engineer, you would take a test that measured your potential for this profession. It is hoped that the test would be high in

criterion-related validity.

According to the "drudge theory" of exceptional achievement, eminence in a field depends on

determination and tedious practice.

Conrad works at an advertising agency and is one of the first people called in when brainstorming for a new campaign. He has the unique ability to generate hundreds of creative suggestions that no one else seems to think of. This suggests that Conrad is skilled in

divergent thinking.

Gunnar is 50 years old and only completed the sixth grade when he was in school. For the past 30 years, Gunnar has been a successful fisherman who has five fishing boats. Recently, he took part in an aging study conducted by a university near his home and was told that his IQ score was only 65. Based on the definition for mental retardation provided by the American Association on Mental Retardation, Gunnar

does not meet the definition because he does not show deficits in daily living skills.

Where a person's actual IQ score falls within the reaction range is determined by

environmental factors.

One explanation for the link between intelligence and mortality is

smart people take better care of themselves.

Many researchers suggest that since many of the larger minority groups in the United States (such as African American, Native American, Hispanic) are over-represented in the lower class, ethnic differences in IQ should be considered to be the result of

social class differences in experience.

According to Joseph Renzulli, eminent adults who make enduring contributions to their fields tend to show high levels of all of the following, EXCEPT

social skills.

The average IQ of this year's graduating class at Bradbury High is 112 points. The average IQ of the graduating class from 25 years ago was 107 points, and the average IQ of the graduating class from 50 years ago was 101 points. This trend is consistent with

the Flynn effect.

In The Bell Curve, Herrnstein and Murray imply all of the following EXCEPT

the heritability of intelligence is very low.

Creativity test items that give respondents a starting point and then require them to generate as many possibilities as they can in a short period of time are scored on the basis of

the originality of the alternatives. the quantity of alternatives generated. the usefulness of the alternatives.

Wechsler developed the deviation IQ based on the normal distribution. On his test, an overall IQ of 130 would mean

the person scored two standard deviations above the mean.

Regarding the debate about the structure of intelligence that lasted many decades, it is clear that

the vast majority of intelligence tests are designed to tap "g."

The IQ scores of children raised in substandard environments tend

to decrease as the child gets older.

In solving a problem using divergent thinking, a person

tries to generate many possible answers or solutions.

Dr. Darden is concerned about whether or not the final exam in his physics class accurately measures a student's accumulated knowledge about core concepts from the course. It appears that Dr. Darden is MOST concerned with the

validity of his final exam.

If a psychological test measures what it was designed to measure, the test has ____. If it also shows measurement consistency, it has ____.

validity; reliability

Most intelligence tests over the years have tended to stress

verbal and reasoning skills related to academics.

Ishmael and Aliyah were enrolled in different sections of the same course. When Aliyah was taking her midterm exam, there was a lecture being held in the next room. This distracted her and made it difficult for her to concentrate on her exam. When Ishmael wrote his midterm exam, the room next door was empty and he had no distractions. In this example, the administration of the midterm exam for this course

was not standardized across the two course sections.

According to Leon Kamin, ____ differences in IQ scores are most likely to be heritable, and ____ differences are most likely to be the result of environmental factors.

within-groups; between-groups

Recent research suggests that stereotype threat may undermine test performance by reducing

working memory.

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