Business Management - Chapter 13

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What is bias?

a tendency to lean in a certain direction, either in favor of or against a particular thing.

_____________________ has a higher percentage of women employed than the US and Europe, BUT they have the lowest percentage of women in upper management roles.


What is an Employee Affinity Group?

based on social identity, such as gender or race, and are organized within companies to focus on concerns of employees from that group

Why might women be better managers?

because of a more collaborative, less hierarchical, relationship-oriented approach in tune with today's global and multicultural environment.

One study found that fathers are rated as the most desirable employees, while mothers are rated the ____________________ desirable.


In Japan, lifetime employment and age-based promotion mean that most managers are _____________________.


Ethnocentric viewpoints and a standard set of cultural practices produce a _________________________________.


unconscious bias

occurs when a person is NOT AWARE OF the bias in his or her favorable and unfavorable assessments, actions, and decisions toward members of specific groups.

By tapping into the strengths of diversity, teams are more likely to experience higher efficiency, better quality, less duplication of effort among team members, and increased ______________________________. (See Exhibit 13.2)

innovation and creativity

What is Diversity of Thought?

it is achieved when a manager creates a heterogeneous team made up of individuals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets to provide a broader and deeper base of ideas, opinions, and experiences for problem solving, creativity, and innovation.

What challenges do minorities face in the workplace?

it takes longer for them to get a management position and then its harder to move up the hierarchy

When creating a culture of inclusion and diversity, managers may experience times of tension and discord as people with different backgrounds bring different opinions and ideas. As a result, what might increase?

conflicts, anxiety, and misunderstandings

What is pluralism?

describes an environment in which the organization accommodates several subcultures, including employees who would otherwise feel isolated and ignored

As diversity has increased, so have the number of ____________________________ with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which investigates employee claims and sometimes brings lawsuits on behalf of workers.

discrimination complaints

Stereotyping is a barrier to diversity, but valuing cultural differences _______________________ diversity.

facilitates (supports)

What is the opt-out trend?

highly educated, professional women deciding that corporate success isn't worth the price in terms of reduced family and personal time, greater stress, and negative health effects

Today, companies have a more ____________________ definition of diversity than they had in the past.


What are stereotypes?

rigid, exaggerated, irrational beliefs associated with a particular group of people and IS BASED ON FALSE ASSUMPTIONS. Examples include thinking that black people are criminals, Asians can't drive, hispanics are lazy, women who are talkative are pushy and less capable than men.

For the first time in history, women hold a majority of the nation's jobs. They have roughly 51% of all lower- and mid-level managerial and professional jobs. But very few women break through the glass ceiling to reach _________________________ positions

senior management

What is ethnorelativism?

the belief that groups and subcultures are inherently equal

What is ethnocentrism?

the belief that one's own group and culture is inherently superior to other groups and cultures

What is inclusion?

the degree to which an employee feels like an esteemed member of a group in which his or her uniqueness is highly appreciated

valuing cultural differences

to value diversity and see it as something positive

Asian managers have found themselves stereotyped as 'not top management material' because they are _____________________________.

too quiet and unassertive (bamboo ceiling)

Minority employees and managers face many challenges because of what?

unconscious bias, prejudice, and stereotypes

The differences people bring to the workplace are _________________________, which makes diversity a good thing. (See Exhibit 13.1)


What is the role of a Chief Diversity Officer?

to create working environments where women and minorities can flourish/grow. About 60% of Fortune 500 companies have a CDO.

How are companies trying to address the issue of unconscious/hidden bias?

about 20% of large companies now provide unconscious bias training, and that number could grow to 50% with a few years

What is diversity?

all the ways in which employees differ

What is the National Black Crown Prosecution Association?

an employee affinity group for African Americans at Britains' Crown Prosecution Service

What is the glass ceiling?

an invisible barrier that exists for women and minorities that limits their upward mobility in organizations

The progression of women into ________________________________ continues to be slow in both the U.S. and global corporations, but innovative companies are initiating programs to boost women's advancement into higher levels of responsibility.

executive positions

Stereotyping is based on what?

folklore, media portrayals, and other unreliable sources of information

What is monoculture?

a culture that accepts ONLY ONE WAY of doing things and one set of values and beliefs. This causes problems because others (e.g. people of color, women, gays, the disabled, the elderly) may feel pressure to conform

What is 'imposter fear?'

a fear that you got a job by luck or chance rather than because you actually deserved it

What is a mentor?

a higher-ranking organizational member who is committed to providing upward mobility and support to a protégés professional career.

Stereotypes assume that all members of a group have the same ___________________________.

characteristics (e.g. all Asians are quiet, all blacks are lazy and unreliable)

managing diversity

creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity for organizational performance are maximized while the potential disadvantages are minimized. *This is a key management skill today.*

Today's workplace is becoming more diverse as the number of ___________________________ increases.

foreign-born workers

The U.S. workforce is being transformed by an increase in the number of ____________________________ employees and an increasing number of ___________________ employees.

foreign-born, women

Diversity is a driver of ________________________________.


Research shows that companies with several senior-level women outperform those without senior-level women both financially and __________________.


Men in the workplace still have the benefit of higher wages and faster _______________________.


What is prejudice?

the tendency to view people who are different as being deficient

The INCLUSIVE model of diversity includes what? (see Exhibit 13.4)

1. race 2. gender 3. lifestyle 4. pay level 5, function 6. competency 7. income 8. parent 9. language 10. work style 11. military experience 12. position 13. nationality 14. personality

What factors shape personal bias?

1. unconscious bias 2. prejudice 3. discrimination 4. stereotypes 5. ethnocentrism

What is discrimination?

when people act out their negative prejudicial attitudes toward people who are the targets of their prejudice. For example, the baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple because she thinks homosexuality is wrong. Or, paying a woman less than a man who is doing the exact same job.

What is reverse mentoring?

when younger managers and employees help older workers navigate new challenges they face with new technology (how to use a computer).

Which European countries have implemented laws to increase the representation of women on corporate boards?

Germany, Norway, France and Spain

What are some examples of the Unconscious Bias Theory?

- resumes with white sounding names were 50% more likely to get a job interview - black patients with the same symptoms as white patients were not ordered tests by doctors - e-mails from people with stereotypically black sounding names (e.g. Jamal, Lakeesha) were less likely to get a response than e-mails from people with white sounding names (Emily and Greg)

In the future, the number of _____________________ employees is projected to grow the most. (see Exhibit 13.3)


Women outnumber ________________ in the workplace, and that trend is projected to keep growing.


Managers who build strong, diverse organizations reap numerous dividends/benefits. What are the Dividends of Workplace Diversity? (see Exhibit 13.5)

1) Better use of employee talent 2) Increased understanding of the marketplace (e.g. Ford Motor Company) 3) Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions 4) Increased quality of team problem solving 5) Reduced costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism, and lawsuits

Diversity Initiatives and Programs Enhancing Structures and Policies

1. Enhancing Structures and Policies - to facilitate and support diversity (e.g. giving women 16 weeks of maternity leave and full time salary for 30 hour work week) 2. Expanding Recruitment Efforts - using new strategies and trying harder to find diverse employees by sending recruiters to, for example, to the National Black MBA Association) 3. Establishing Mentor Relationships - helps an employee learn and move up the company ladder 4. Increase Awareness of Sexual Harassment 5. Encouraging Employee Affinity Groups

What are the various forms of sexual harassment?

1. Generalized - sexual remarks and actions that are not intended to lead to sexual activity (e.g. 'you're a woman so you're probably in a bad mood because of your PMS") 2. Inappropriate/Offensive - although not sexually threatening, the behavior causes discomfort in a coworker, whose reaction in avoiding the harasser may limit their ability to function in the workplace (e.g. "I love it when you stand close to me and I can smell your perfume" 3. Solicitation with Promise of Reward - an attempt to 'purchase' sex (e.g. if you have sex with me I'll give you a promotion) 4. Coercion with threat of Punishment - the harasser coerces a coworker into sexual activity by using the threat of power ("If you don't have sex with me, you'll get fired") 5. Sexual crimes and misdemeanors - the highest level of sexual harassment would, these acts, if reported to the police, be considered felonies or misdemeanors (e.g. if someone physically forced someone else into sexual activity)

How do women hold themselves back in business?

1. They don't take responsibility for their success 2. They don't display confidence and credibility 3. They leave before they leave (they stop reaching for new opportunities because of the long-term future impact)

The TRADITIONAL model of diversity includes what? (see Exhibit 13.4)

1. age 2. race 3. gender 4. pay level 5. disability 6. lifestyle

To break through the glass ceiling into senior management roles, top executives suggest female and minority managers follow what advice?

1. be assertive and ask for what you want 2. highlight your achievements

What are the 3 most common diversity initiatives?

1. diversity-focused recruiting (75%) 2. Training and education (66%) 3. Community outreach (61%)

Many companies believe that diversity initiatives have what types of benefits?

1. maintain competitive advantage 2. improve employee morale 3. decrease interpersonal conflict 4. facilitates progress in new markets 5. increase creativity

Affinity Groups pursue what types of activities?

1. meetings to educate top managers 2. mentoring programs 3. networking events 4. training sessions and skills seminars 5. minority intern programs 6. community volunteer actives

Germany passed a law requiring companies to give __________ percent of supervisory board seats to women beginning in 2016.


Nearly _______ percent of Fortune 500 companies now have at least one female executive officer.


When managers create a feeling of inclusiveness, employees display more _________________________, _________________________, and _________________.

loyalty, cooperation, trustworthiness

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