Psych 210 chapter 3 - 7

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As sperm mature, they migrate into tubes called this


As the oviducts approach the ovaries, each widens into a flared opening with fingerlike extensions,


At the very top of the uterus, forming a pathway between the uterus and ovaries, are two symmetrical branches

autonomic nervous system

Brain scans have revealed that all of the genital receptors relevant to erection are triggered by a spinal reflex and is part of it

Vestibular bulbs

Composed of corpus spongiosum tissue that becomes erect during sexual arousal.

Estrogens have the following effects during puberty.

Development of breasts and buttocks (atypical breast development, "gynecomastia," occurs in 30% of males and usually resolves itself without medical intervention) Mullerian duct development (growth of uterus, vagina, oviducts) Stimulation of vaginal secretions (lubrication) Increased skin softness and elasticity in females Subcutaneous fat development Calcification of bone (which prevents osteoporosis) Inhibition of long bone growth (brings growth to an end) Stimulation of pubic bone growth (causing pelvis and hips to widen in females) Control of electrolyte balance (which controls blood pressure and other crucial functions) Carbohydrate metabolism (energy level) Mood Ova development

spermatic cord

Each testicle connects to important internal organs via a loose bundle of structures through this

Androgens(雄性激素) have the following effects during puberty

Growth of external genitals (enlargement of penis, testes, clitoris, and labia) Continued development of Wolffian ducts (growth of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostate) Growth of underarm and pubic hair Development of sebaceous glands (oily skin, pimples, acne) Skeletal and muscle growth Enlargement of the larynx in males (voice lowers in pitch) Stimulation of long bone growth (increased height) Increased body hair, mostly in males Ability for orgasm, sex drive (libido) Sperm and semen production Strengthened erection Ejaculation, nocturnal emissions

SRY gene

In a male (i.e., XY) embryo at approximately seven weeks after conception, the sex-determining region of the Y chromosome, called the SRY gene, in combination with many other genes, directs the initial differentiation of the bipotential gonads into male testes In a female (i.e., XX ) embryo, in which there is no Y chromosome and consequently no SRY gene, the bipotential gonads at this point begin developing into ovaries. Interestingly, the initial pathway for sex development hinges entirely on the absence or presence of this SRY gene, suggesting that the "default" pathway for sex development is, in fact, female.


Internal structure that creates wishbone structure.


The Hawaiian transgender group that enjoys traditional spiritual and social roles within their society,

gender dysphoria

The distress individuals experience as a result of the discordance between their bodies and their gender was first labbed as "Gender Identity Disorder (GID)."

cremaster muscle

The primary function of the cremaster muscle is to keep sperm at their ideal temperature, which is approximately seven degrees below that of the rest of the body


The shedding(脱落) of the uterine lining


a condition in which one or both of the testes fail to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum.


a process some individuals progress through in order to shift toward a gender role that differs from the one associated with their gender at birth.

human papillomavirus (HPV)

a sexually transmitted infection (STI)


an erection sustained for a long period in the absence of stimulation, can cause damage because the tissue in the penis has no blood flow.

pubococcygeus (PC) muscle

an especially important pelvic floor muscle that steadily contracts during sex and helps to stiffen the walls of the vagina, making them more erotically sensitive

paraurethral glands (also known as the Skene's gland)

anatomically comparable to the prostate gland in men When a female has an orgasm via stimulation of her G-spot, the paraurethral glands sometimes release a fluid that is secreted from the glands into the urethra This fluid, combined with some urine, are then pushed out of the urethral opening during orgasm in what is known as female ejaculation

Bartholin's gland

anatomically homologous to the bulbourethral glands in males and are responsible for secreting minute amounts of alkaline fluid into the vagina immediately prior to orgasm

bulbospongiosus and pubococcygeu muscle

are involved in the process of orgasm and ejaculation

Klein's Sexual Orientation Grid (KSOG)

asserts that sexual orientation is fluid, and thus can be measured in terms of "past", "present" and "idealized future" states.

social role theory

attempts to blend evolutionary and social constructionist perspectives. It borrows from the social constructionist idea of embedded social roles, driven specifically by the fact that in current industrial and postindustrial economies there is a division of labor, where women are more likely than men to assume domestic and childcare responsibilities, and men are more likely to assume paid jobs and serve as the main family provider


attracted toward having multiple, consensually non-monogamous relationships


become sexually aroused by perceiving themselves or being perceived as females.

Sex development

begins at conception and proceeds through a fascinating sequence of events, guided primarily by sex chromosomes and hormones

Ejaculation (also referred to as emission)

caused by a series of rhythmic contractions of the muscles surrounding the urethra and pelvic floor Immediately prior to emission, fluids from the vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate gland are expelled into the urethra creating semen

corpus spongiosum (man)

center of the penis

seminal fluid

consisted of Prostaglandins and Fructose

Semen, otherwise referred to as ejaculate

consists of 30% prostatic fluid, 70% seminal fluids, and less than 1% (about 300 million) sperm

The shaft of the penis

contains three structures all bound together by connective tissue

internal and external sphincter muscles

control excretion


drug used to treat erectile dysfunction

sex hormones include

estrogens, androgens, and progestins and are secreted in a complex sequence which guides the stages of the menstrual cycle

Kegel exercises

exercise that helped women to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle, particularly after childbirth when it is naturally stretched out and weakened

coitus, or penis in vagina (PIV) sex.

formal name for sex intercourse `


he middle layer of the uterus consists of a powerful muscular wall contracts during labor, orgasm, menstruation and occasionally ovulation


ike hormones in that they act as chemical messengers


in between these seminiferous tubules are interstitial cells, which are responsible for making sex steroids


innermost layer of the uterus serves to help transport sperm up toward the site of fertilization and also serves as a source of nourishment for an implanted embryo


involves the downward sagging of the uterus into the vagina and is caused by the weakening of the ligaments that support both it and the pelvic floor


involves the growing of endometrial tissue in abnormal places, such as in the oviducts, the ovaries or other surfaces within the pelvic cavity

sex orientation

is who we are emotionally and physically attracted to


located directly under the clitoral hood

prostate gland (paraurethral gland)

located in the midline of the male body, directly beneath the bladder and is typically about the size of a walnut It is the equivalent of the Skene's gland in the female body The fluid is alkaline, which serves to maintain sperm's viability. It also helps to counteract the naturally acidic environments of the urethra and vagina

Testicular cancer

malignant tumor in one or both testicles commonly developing from the germ cells that produce sperm; classified in two groups according to growth potential

heterosexual ("straight")

meaning attraction to someone of the opposite sex

homosexual ("gay")

meaning attraction to someone of the same sex


mucous membrane partially or completely covering the opening to the vagina

Candida albicans

naturally occurring microbes(微生物) leads to a yeast infection known as candidiasis, which causes inflammation of the vaginal walls, itching and sometimes a thick, whitish discharge Cleans vagina basically


one (usually) follicle ripens fully and releases its ovum into the oviducts

tipped uterus

one which slants instead toward the spine, usually as a result of genetics


or egg cell, surrounded by fluids and supporting cells


part of the male external genitalia and can be viewed from outside a male's body


people are born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the typical male versus female patterns described above referred to as "hermaphrodites, Some intersex conditions are caused by a person having a combination of sex chromosomes that differs from the usual XX or XY pattern


refers to the biological sex characteristics (genes, hormones, anatomy) that are used to assign people to the category of male vs. female at birth.

cervical os

refers to the portion of the cervix(子宫颈) that connects the vagina with the cervical canal, which runs through the center of the cervix into the uterus contains numerous mucous glands, which excrete different types of mucus depending on where a female is in her menstrual cycle

social constructionist view

reflects inherent inequalities (e.g., use of male pronouns as generic) that shape a society's comprehension of "male" versus "female" and consequently create and maintain gender inequality.

clitoral hood

resides at the front of the vestibule where the inner labia meet.


resides between the vaginal opening and the clitoris

corpus spongiosum

responsible for making the size of the clitoris expand during sexual arousal

​​5-Alpha Reductase Deficiency

s the last of the intersex conditions that we will discuss. This condition is often referred to as Dominican Republic syndrome because it almost exclusively occurs on this island. occurs when a child is born as a female but naturally develops into a male at puberty. The condition is so common in the village of Las Salinas that the name for a person with it is güevedoce

urethra (man)

serves the double function of discharging both semen and urine

same-sex behavior ("SSB")

sex that occurs between two people of the same biologic sex Transgenerational vs. intragenerational ("Rite of Passage") Gender-conforming vs. nonconforming Extramarital vs. contramarital Fixed role vs. fluid sexual role


some trans men forego the procedure and choose instead to have their clitoris enlarged in a procedure called a metoidioplasty.


the biological rationale for gender inequality

penile bulb

the corpus spongiosum forms a rounded mass of erectile tissue Within this structure, the two corpora cavernosa diverge into two crura, just as they do in a female's clitoris.


the relatively flat area that resides between the vagina and anus and can be erotically sensitive for many females Also transmit bacteria

bulbourethral glands (or Cowper's glands)

two pea-sized glands located below the prostate gland They secrete a clear, alkaline, mucous fluid into the urethra. This fluid, which is released sometime between erection and ejaculation, appears at the tip of the penis as a clear slippery drop of liquid. Given this timing, it is colloquially referred to as "pre-cum."


two round structures each measuring about 1.5 inches in diameter Ovaries and men's testicles are about the same size and shape, and both are considered gonads since they produce ova or sperm as well as sex hormones

ejaculatory ducts

two short tubes formed by the union of the vas deferens and the seminal vesicles

The seminal vesicles

two small glands that secrete a fluid rich in sugar that nourishes and helps sperm move


used by people who are not heteronormative or gender-binary and who aim to transcend traditional gender roles


usually involves a man who is sexually aroused by wearing, and interacting with, women's clothing and/or accessories


where it is assumed that a person has a static sexual orientation that defines them throughout their entire lifespan.


which are tiny, hairlike structures that function to push the ovum (egg) along as it makes its way toward the uterus


which is formed from testosterone released by the testes, suppresses the potential for cyclic hormone production by altering the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN) in the hypothalamus In females, the hypothalamus is protected from estrogens (and other sex hormones) by fetonatal binding protein (FNBP), allowing the potential for cycling hormone production and a menstrual cycle to remain.



prostate cancer

1 in 9 males will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lives (164,690 new cases a year in the U.S.), making it the most common cancer among males after skin cancer. Whereas testicular cancer is a disease of the young, prostate cancer is most likely to inflict males over 50. Like testicular cancer, prostate cancer is highly treatable if detected early, with a five-year survival rate of close to 99%. Symptoms of prostate cancer typically include difficulty urinating, blood in urine or semen and pain in the lower back or hips.


AKA urinary tract infection (UTI) can occur when E. coli bacteria invade the urethra and bladder, causing frequent, painful urination. It is often caused by irritation of the urinary meatus due to prolonged or frequent intercourse ("Honeymoon Cystitis") and also by the use of spermicides which can alter the vaginal flora, causing the proliferation of E. coli. Anal intercourse followed by vaginal intercourse can also cause UTIs.


All three layers of the vagina swell with blood during sexual arousal


At four weeks after conception, the external genitalia of males and females looks the same and consists of an anogenital area with a slit, known as the cloaca The cloaca is closed by a membrane and enveloped by two urethral folds To the side of each urethral fold is a genital swelling At the top in the midline of the cloaca is a protrusion called the genital tubercle At about six weeks, the urethral folds fuse together at the rear, creating a urogenital sinus in front of the fusion point This urogenital sinus serves as the precursor for the external genitalia in both males and females. Behind the fusion point an anal fold forms that will become the anus. The area between the anal fold and the urogenital sinus will become the perineum.

Penile Disorders

Balanitis: an inflammation of the glans of the penis and occurs most frequently in uncircumcised males. Between the foreskin and head of the penis are the Tyson's glands, which secrete smegma, a mucus-like substance Phimosis occurs when the foreskin cannot be pulled back enough to expose the glans. Many babies and some teenage boys experience this condition, but it is only a serious medical problem in cases in which it prevents the flow of urine Paraphimosis is the opposite of phimosis—it involves the foreskin becoming trapped behind the glans instead of in front of it. This is a more dangerous condition than phimosis because it can limit the blood supply to the glans of the penis and cause tissue death if not treated promptly. Peyronie's disease involves unnatural curvature of the penis, caused by scar tissue in the corpus cavernosa.


Connects to the glans to the more internal structures of the clitoris.

non-cancerous conditions that can affect the testicle

Epididymitis inflammation of the epididymis (the coiled tube at the back of the testicle that stores and carries sperm) due to infection from bacteria, including STI Orchitis inflammation of the testicle due to infection. Epididymitis and orchitis often co-occur. The virus that causes mumps also can cause orchitis. Hydrocele usually harmless swelling of the testicle that occurs in reaction to fluid becoming trapped around the testicle membranes. Hydroceles usually resolve on their own or can be drained by a doctor. Varicocele enlargement of the veins around the testicle, which some males describe as feeling like a "bag of worms." Again, these usually don't need to be treated and will resolve on their own.

Homologus organs

Gonad --> tastes/Ovaries Genital tubercle--> Glan of Penis/ Glan of Clitors Genital swelling --> Scrotum/Outer labia (Majora) Urethral fold-->Penile shaft/ Inner labia and crural of clitors Mullerian ducts--> Degenerates/ Oviducts, uterus, cervix, upper portion of uterus Urethral primordia-->Prostate gland/ Paraurethal (Skene's) land

muscin ("fertile mucus")

Immediately prior to ovulation, the cervical os excretes muscin ("fertile mucus") which is alkaline, clear, copious and stretchy, like raw egg white facilitates the rapid transport of sperm into the uterus and oviducts, and it can allow pregnancy to occur even when sperm is deposited near (but not actually in)

anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH)

In a male embryo at about eight to 12 weeks after conception, the developing testes begin secreting anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) causing the Mullerian ducts to begin degenerating At about 12 to 14 weeks after conception, the newly formed testes begin secreting testosterone. Testosterone, in turn, triggers the Wolffian ducts to each develop into an epididymis, a vas deferens, and a seminal vesicle. Testosterone also triggers the prostate gland to begin development.


In many South Asian cultures, particularly India, a Hijra is a transgender person who was assigned male at birth.


Innermost layer of the vagina responsible for producing lubrication(润滑) during sexual arousal The mucosa is surrounded by an intermediate muscular layer, which tightens in order to wrap more tightly around the penis during coitus The outermost layer is more tough and elastic

seminiferous tubules

Inside the testicle are networks of very fine and twisty seminiferous tubules


It has a head, which contains the nucleus, and a tail called a flagellum, which propels it forward. Surrounding the top of the head of a sperm is an acrosome, which contains important receptors and enzymes that facilitate fertilization of an ovum. At the part of the flagellum closest to the head is the midpiece, tightly wound with mitochondria that supply energy for the sperm.

genital end-bulbs

Like the clitoris, the penis contains a class of highly concentrated sensory nerve ending are especially responsive to tactile stimulation during sexual behavior


On the underside of the penis, the corona moves in closer to the tip of the penis, creating a strip of looser skin called the

social transition.

Second step of transitioning Patients are advised to live and interact with others in their community as a member of the gender to which they are transitioning, and to assume the gender markers

precocious puberty

The risk with precocious puberty is that the pre-pubertal growth period is terminated early, resulting in the child being shorter than might otherwise have been the case

inguinal canal

The spermatic cord connects via this tube

At about six weeks after conception, both XX and XY embryos have undifferentiated gonads (also referred to as "ovotestes," or "bipotential gonads") as well as two sets of ducts, the Mullerian ducts and the Wolffian ducts

These ducts run from the gonads to the site of the external genitalia. The Mullerian ducts are the precursor to the female reproductive tract, and the Wolffian ducts are the precursor to the male reproductive tract. At this stage of development, the gonads may develop into either ovaries or testes, so they are referred to as bipotential gonads. At approximately the 7th week of embryonic development, the SRY gene on the Y chromosome directs the development of the Ovotestes

medical transition

Third step of transitioning patients begin taking hormones. Trans women will begin taking estrogens as well as androgen (testosterone) blockers


Typically, each breast contains one nipple that is situated in a circular patch of darker skin known as the

Benign prostatic hyperplasia ("enlarged prostate")

a common condition primarily affecting males over 60 where the prostate continues to slowly grow through adult life. This can eventually constrict the urethra as it passes through the prostate causing weak urine flow, as well as urgency and high frequency in urination.


a form of gender expression for men who may have a more fluid gender expression


a non-cancerous condition that can be either chronic or acute. It involves inflammation of the prostate and usually causes pain during ejaculation or urination and can lead to ongoing pain in the lower back or pelvis

vas deferens

a tube Within the spermatic cord carries mature sperm up from the testicles Sperm storage

Klinefelter syndrome

affects about 1 in 1000 newborn infants. It is believed to occur when an ovum containing two or three X chromosomes is fertilized by a Y sperm and thus produces a person with the genotype XXY or XXXY.

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

affects about 1 in 15,000 newborn infants. It occurs when a child lacks an enzyme in the adrenal glands, and as a consequence, these glands release atypically large amounts of androgens in the latter part of fetal development

XYY Syndrome

affects about 1 in 1500 newborn infants and usually results when a typical X-containing ovum is fertilized by a sperm that has two Y chromosomes. Individuals with this syndrome typically experience genital irregularities and decreased fertility, often accompanied by slight mental retardation and in many cases autism.

Triple X Syndrome

affects about 1 in 2000 newborn infants and results when a typical X ovum is fertilized by a sperm that has an extra X chromosome, producing an embryo with an XXX genotype.

Turner Syndrome

affects about 1 in 4000 newborn infants and is usually diagnosed at about age six or seven. It occurs when a person possesses one X chromosome and no Y chromosome, producing the genotype XO

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)

affects about one in 20,000 XY fetuses and occurs when the tissues in the XY fetus do not respond to testosterone. As a result, even though the fetus' gonads produce testosterone, the Wolffian ducts do not respond to it and consequently do not develop into typical male genitalia


affects the angle of a male's erection and allows for voluntary movement of the penis when it is erect

ovaries contain theca and granulosa cells,

both of which produce sex steroids.

dichotomous categories model

depicts sexual orientation as strictly binary (heterosexual vs. homosexual).

gender roles

describe the culturally defined behaviors that are seen as appropriate or expected for men and women


describes those who are attracted to neither gender

Grafenberg spot (G-spot)

discovered by sexologist Ernst Grafenberg in the 1950s located about two inches inside the vagina on the front wall (toward the female's abdomen) and can feel slightly more crinkled or rough than the surrounding area

gender confirmation surgery

forth step for a transgender woman involves removal of the testicles and penis and the construction of a vagina, labia, and clitoris using the inverted skin of the penis, or else a graft. A separate surgery to augment the breasts is also usually performed.

delayed puberty

he standard diagnosis if a child has not entered puberty by age 14.


hich in females is located posterior to the vagina. Like the vagina, the rectum is lined with mucosa, although unlike the vagina this inner cellular lining does not produce any lubrication, making the area susceptible to tearing

Gender expression

how a person communicates their sense of their own gender to the world. It refers to all the characteristics, traits, apparel, mannerism, and other things that we understand as masculine, feminine, or androgynous

Gender identity

how someone personally defines their own gender. It is psychological and subjective

corpora cavernosa

paired dorsal erectile bodies on the side of the glan


people have spiritual powers and the ability to flow in and out of different genders.

gender non-binary or gender queer

people who are nither identified as man or woman


person's biological sex and gender identity are congruent. Most people are cisgender.

vector models

presented sexual orientation in more accurate and nuanced ways.

Gender Schema Theory

presents a view that marries cognitive development theory with social psychological perspectives gender schema:As children mature, their gender schema gets filled in and becomes more complex, just as cognitive development theory would predict. sexual scripts:represent the gender-specific behaviors and mannerisms that people implicitly feel compelled demonstrate when interacting with potential partners, or with others they encounter in environments that make sexuality seem relevant


process of Hijra removing the penis, testicles and scrotum, as an initiation into the group.


process of man producing sperms


provides the last, outer covering of the uterus and separates it from the pelvic cavity.

sexuality or sexual identity

refers to all the aspects of our bodies and personalities that construct how we and others understand ourselves as sexual beings.

seminal vesicles

sperm mix with fluid from this vesicles

Cognitive Development Theory

suggests that children progress through somewhat predictable stages in terms of how they conceptualize gender and that these stages reflect the maturation of their brain and their resulting ability to formulate abstract thought.

vaginal canal

to provide a birth canal for a fetus and to help transport sperm up through the uterus into the oviducts to create a pregnancy.


transgender women in Thailand and enjoy iconic status, appearing frequently in films and entertainment


tumors of smooth muscle that tend to grow on the endometrium, in the myometrium or near the outer surface of the uterus.


vaccine that completely protects against HPV and cervical cancer

external female genitalia

vulva include the anatomical structures related to the genitals on the outside of the body

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