PSYCH 318 Exam 1

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What is instrumental aggression?

A mugger who attacks a victim in order to obtain the victim's money is engaging in this type of aggression

According to Piaget, assimilation and accommodation are components of a process called ___.

Adaptation; resolve cognitive disequilibriums

What is cooperative learning teams ?

An educational strategy that fosters greater acceptance by classmates of students with special needs.

What is test anxiety or negative attitudes?

By the end of kindergarten, children who had attended academically-oriented preschools had higher levels

What is nature?

David's experience would argue that this factor plays an important role in gender identity.

What is either acceptance or control?

Erikson (and others) believed that two aspects of parenting are especially important throughout childhood and adolescence. This is one.

How does the concept of the critical period relate to Dylan?

For Dylan the issue is attachment he did not acquire this trusting bond during his early years biological mother refused to hold him and he was physically and sexually abused

In which stage can children pass logic problems?

Formal operational

A person taking the position that development is continuous (rather than discontinuous) would characterize developmental change as

Gradual, quantitative, and connected over time

Who is the heteronomous stage?

If a child believes rules are sacred and unchangeable, s/he is in the stage according to Piaget.

What is the rationale that is underlying the decision?

In Kohlberg's model of moral development, people at different stages may choose the same course of action when resolving a moral dilemma. Determining which stage a person is in depends on this.

What stage does object permanence develop in?

In the first ear of life - at the end of the sensory stage

What is computer programming?

It is the process of specifying the data types and the operations for a computer to apply to data in order to solve a problem Schools might want to teach this to improve metacognitive knowledge in children.

What does the mountain task in the video measure?

It measures egocentrism thinking that whatever one sees, thinks, and experiences is the same for another

Can children in the concrete operational stage pass logic problems?

No; they have no abstract thought

What is psychological control?

Parents who ignore a child's feelings, withhold affection and attempt to create feelings of guilt and shame are using this type of control, which leads to poor outcomes.

What is these are sometimes observed in toddlers?

Research on the development of sympathy and compassion suggests that these attributes can emerge at this age.

What are the risks and resilience factors for Dylan's parents?

Risk: biological mother rejected Dylan, was neglectful, and abusive Resilience: adoptive parents are very loving, trying everything they can

What are the risks and resilience factors for the people who tried to intervene with Dylan (therapists, adoption agencies, etc.)?

Risk: foster system - in many foster homes there is not enough mental health support provided Risk: adoption agency - did not disclose problem Risk/Resilience: holding therapy

What are the risks and resilience factors for the individual (Dylan)?

Risk: gender may have influenced physical abuse; boys are more likely to be physically abused Resilience: Dylan seems intelligent

What are the risks and resilience factors for Dylan's culture?

Risk: not enough known about attatchment disorder, certainly not in foster homes or adoption process; Dylan was allowed to go home with mother without follow up even though she refused to hold him in the hospital Risk/Resilience: there are programs available; holding therapy is illegal in some states

What are the risks and resilience factors for Dylan's time and place?

Risk: not enough time has passes - particularly in 1998 when this was filmed - to know what the ideal treatment should be Resilience: attachment disorder has been studied; Dylan is born in the US where more resources are available that some other countries

What is prosocial behavior?

Sharing cookies with a playmate is an example of this type of behavior

An early "fear" that is closely tied to the formation of an infant's first emotional attachment is

Stranger Anxiety and Separation Anxiety

What is what they are watching?

The developmental effects of television viewing depend most heavily on this factor.

What is obeying rules and serving human needs?

The dilemmas posed by Kohlberg's moral decision stories involve a choice between these two factors.

What is between ages 2 and 3?

The incidence of forceful, oppositional and aggressive behaviors peaks between these ages.

What is the sensitive period?

The optimal time when a skill can develop. If a skill isn't developed during this time period, it might not develop Later development harder to induce. Boundaries less defined.

Who is Freud, what is his view?

The view that aggression is best described as an instinct is most associated with this theorist.

What are passive and provocative individuals?

These are two types of victims targeted by bullies or aggressive children.

What is the catharsis hypothesis?

This hypothesis would predict that children exposed to violent television should have reduced levels of aggression after.

Sister is supportive Mom wants help, good relationship Intact family Middle class

This is a resilience factor for Kip's family.

What is a Social Learning Theory?

This theory states one way aggression is learned is modeling.

What is a positive expectancy about aggression?

This type of thought ("If I use aggression, I can end your 'bad' behavior!") would fit in well with this concept or phrase

If a measure accurately measures what it was designed to measure, it is said to be

Valid (validity = accuracy)

What are authoritative parents?

Warm, accepting parents who are reasonably high in control can be classified as

What is internalization?

When children behave (adhere to rules) even though authority figures are not around they have undergone this process

What is that more children live in poverty?

When we compare families to those 50 years ago, this is a major finding about children.

What is a critical period?

a period in which a behavior must be learned or it will be unable to be acquired a behavior may be acquired later, but if it is, aspects of the behavior may not be fully achieved

A set of concepts and propositions designed to organize, describe, and explain a set of observations is called

a theory

What is hostile aggression?

a type of aggression resulting from a desire to hurt someone

John Locke's notion that the mind of a newborn is a tabula rasa implies that human infants are

blank slates ready to learn from their experiences

Children are quite aware that people can "cause" various events

by age 2-3, when they display their awareness of causality in their own language

The most important advantage of the experimental method is that it

can test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships

An important limitation of all correlational studies is that they

cannot demonstrate that one thing causes another

In which stage can children pass the conservation tasks?

concrete operational ages - 7-11 yrs

The first "negative" emotion that infants display is


Freud's psychoanalytic theory adopts the ______ as a philosophical base, viewing the child as _____.

doctrine of original sin; inherently bad

The rational component of the personality is the


Infants' reactions to their mothers' "still faces" implies that they

expect their mothers to respond appropriately to their social overtures

One powerful contributor to a preschooler's ability to regulate emotions is ____.

family conversations centering on emotions

Increases in negative emotionally often seen among adolescents

have generally leveled off by mid-adolescence

According to Erikson, adolescents must grapple with the life crisis called

identity vs inferiority

Freud suggested that the id seeks:

immediate gratification of instinctual needs

Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory maintains that the best way to really understand environmental influences on humans

in the child's natural environments

The ethological perspective on human development emphasizes

inborn, biological behaviors

According to Skinner's operant learning theory, a stimulus is a reinforcer if it

increases the probability of the response that produced it

Suppose you randomly assign one group of children to watch the Discovery Channel and another comparable group of children to watch the Disney Channel to asses intellectual performance. The type of TV programming that children watch is your

independent variable

Brenfenbrenner's ecological systems model emphasizes the role of ____ in influencing child development.

interacting environmental systems

One of the advantages of naturalistic observation is that

it does not require verbal instructions and can be used to study infants and toddlers

All emotions that are not present at birth seem to require some ____ in order to appear.


In Brofenbrenner's ecological systems theory, a child's neighborhood playmates would be part of the child's


Perhaps the most frequent attributional error that preschool children make is to assume that

most effects that people cause are intentional

Piaget's four broad stages of cognitive development occur in the following order:

sensorimotor, pre operational, concrete operational, formal operational

Why does the first girl in the video fail the conservation tasks (glasses of water, coins, crackers)? What stage is she in?

she fails because she is perception bound pre-operational stage- 2-7 yrs

Case study methods may be of limited usefulness for drawing valid conclusions because

subjects may report inaccurate information - data on different "cases" may not be directly comparable - such information may lack generalizability to other groups of people

According to Freud, the ________ serves as a child's internal censor or moral authority


Adaptive regulation of emotions involves

suppressing some forms of emotional arousal while maintaining or intensifying others

According to Vygotsky, a child's zone of proximal development describes tasks

that the child cannot master without the assistance and encouragement of a more skillful partner

What is object permanence?

the awareness that things continue to exist even when not seen

______ is when ethologists have argued is the sensitive period for human social and emotional development.

the first three years

From a systems perspective, what are some factors that lead to Dylan's problem?

the individual the parents people who tired to intervene (therapists, adoption agencies, etc.) culture time and place

What is uninvolved?

the least effective parenting style

According to the ethological viewpoint, sensitive periods in developments are

the times that are optimal for the emergence of particular competencies and behaviors

What is hostile attributional bias?

this causes reactive aggressors to assume that an individual intends to harm them even though the situation does not clearly indicate that.

Perhaps the major reason that young children learn to comply with emotional display rules is

to maintain others' approval

Scientifically useful measures must be reliable and valid. A measure is reliable if it

yields consistent information over time and yields consistent information across observers

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