psych 348 final

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give an example of the ABCD's of CBT in sports psych

a= activating event (misses free throws consistently) b=belief (not again!) c=consequence (anxiety, anger, tunnel vision) d=disputation/distraction/distancing (physical cue, deep breath, self-statement)

what is the "Fit" (in multisystemic therapy, MST)

an MST technique where the therapist assess factors that contribute to the target behavior throughout the social ecology

list the four horseman of ethics

competence confidentiality conflict of interest informed consent

list three ethical standards discussed in the book

competence human relations privacy and confidentiality recording keeping and fees education and training assessment

list some pros and cons of evidence based practice

pros: scientific legitimacy, establishing a minimum competence level, decreasing subjective clinical judgments cons: threats to psychotherapy relationship, limits to practice, debatable criteria for empirical evidence

t/f currently, the most popular psychotherapy orientation among clinical psychologists is the humanistic orientation


t/f the beck depression inventory-II is the most psychometrically sound objective personality test used by clinical psychologists


list the five general principles

fidelity and respect benefience and nonmaleficience justice integrity respect for people's rights and dignity

what are the three main goals of cognitive therapy?

identify refute replace

list the steps of the polarization process... (name an additional two things that are also on that diagram)

incompatibilities, coercion, vilification, polarization other things: stressful events, attractions, level of incompatibilities

assessment and feedback, acceptance interventions, and traditional behavioral strategies are all interventions of what type of therapy?

integrative couples therapy

____% of women and ____% of men expressed feeling stressed "always" or "often" A. 43, 42 B. 55, 43 C. 39, 55

B. 55, 43

Which of the following is NOT one of the agents of change in the psychoanalytic approach? A. corrective emotional experiencing B. adaptation C. insight D. ego strengthening

B. adaptation

Therapist - "You really do care about your sister and often reach out to help her." A. open ended question B. affirmation C. reflection D. summary E. Elicit - provide - elicit F. confidence ruler G. reviewing past successes H. amplified reflection I. double-sided reflection J. reframing

B. affirmation

________ is the integration of knowledge from a wide variety of social sciences with knowledge from medical disciplines A. problem focused coping B. behavioral medicine C. health psych

B. behavioral medicine

______ is a theoretical model that asserts that health and illness are a function and interaction between biological, psychological, and social factors A. social support theory B. biopsychosocial model C. transtheoretical bias

B. biopsychosocial model

Which of the following forms of therapy most strongly emphasizes the use of teaching as a therapy tool? A. behavioral B. cognitive C. humanistic D. psychodynamic

B. cognitive

More than any other form of therapy, ______ therapy is characterized by a systems approach to understanding psychological problems (i.e., "the whole is more than the sum of the parts"). A. trauma-focused B. couples and family C. cognitive behavioral D. group

B. couples and family

The success of a particular therapy in a controlled study with clients selected using specific criteria is called: A. effectiveness B. efficacy C. statistically significant D. clinically significant

B. efficacy

____ is how well psychotherapy works in a controlled research study, or in a controlled environment like a lab A. effectiveness B. efficacy C. affectiveness

B. efficacy

_________ asserts that when you can confronted with temporary stressors, your flight or fight system works well; our bodies eventually wear out after prolonged exposure to stress A. stress statement theory B. general adaptation syndrome C. seyre effect

B. general adaptation syndrome

In a therapy where the therapist includes theistic features such as prayer or scripture memorization, Slife might refer to this as: A. strong theism - God's activity is core B. weak theism - peripheral C. weak theism - compartmentalized D. Strong theism - inclusion in practice

B. weak-theism-peripheral

For both children and adolescents, the most commonly used specific assessment technique is the ______. A. Draw-a-Person B. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) C. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children D. Child Behavior Checklist E. Sentence Completion

C. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

Compared to humanistic and psychodynamic approaches to psychotherapy, behavioral psychotherapy ______. A. emphasizes empiricism B. defines problems in terms of observable behaviors C. both emphasizes empiricism and defines problems in terms of observable behaviors D. neither emphasizes empiricism nor defines problems in terms of observable

C. both emphasizes empiricism and defines problems in terms of observable behaviors

what is a mental status exam? A. the idea that an individual is best assessed when using multiple methods that each describe the person from a different perspective B. recognizing, eliciting, and responding to change talk especially the idea of using conversational skills to pull from or elicit the client's motivation to change C. brief interview used to assess the client's current cognitive and psychological functioning

C. brief interview used to assess the client's current cognitive and psychological functioning

which of the following lists the necessary stages for independent liscensure as a clinical psychologist in order from first to last? A. completion of graduate coursework, licensure exams, predoctoral internship, and postdoctoral internship B. predoctoral internship, completing of grad coursework, licensure exams, and postdoc internship C. completion of grad coursework, predoctoral internship, postdoc internship, and licensure exams

C. completion of grad coursework, predoctoral internship, postdoc internship, and licensure exams

The extent to which psychotherapy has been demonstrated to work in "real-world" settings (such as clinics, private practices, and hospitals) is best described as the ___ of that form of psychotherapy. A. evidence B. efficacy C. effectiveness D. corroboration

C. effectiveness

which is NOT a goal of assessment? A. prediction B. description C. explanation D. treatment planning and evaluation E. diagnosis

C. explanation

who is connected with the general adaptation syndrome relating to stress? A. ivan pavlov B. gilbert psycharskiv C. hans selye

C. hans selye

which is NOT true about HIPPA? A. it reduces healthcare fraud and abuse B. eliminates job-lock due to pre-existing medical conditions C. it stands for the health information portability and accountability act

C. health information portability and accountability (really health insurance portability and accountability act)

while insurance for psychotherapy can ____________, it also _____________ A. stimulate the greater economy, leave therapists underpaid B. provide greater benefits for private owned therapists, leaves clinics and hospitals understaffed C. help more individuals have access to psychotherapy, effects how therapists treat and asses clients

C. help more individuals have access to psychotherapy, effects how therapists treat and asses clients

define change talk and sustain talk

-change talk: anything a client says that shows an openness to change -sustain talk: things clients say that reflect an inclination towards the status quo and away from change

list three reasons psychologists should be able to prescribe meds

-convenience of clients -psychologists know more than primary care physicians -other nonphysicians already have prescription privileges -shortage of psychiatrists

what's the difference between emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping?

-emotion: emphasizes changing the emotions to deal with stressful situation, instead of trying to change the situation themself -problem: emphasizes being proactive and taking attempts to take actions about stressful events

how can managed care effect confidentiality?

-since some insurance companies need information (like diagnosis, and other info) therapists cannot totally maintain confidentiality

explain stress and HPA axis

-stress activates the HPA axis -HPA axis helps regulate the production of cortisol, a stress hormone -when someone is chronically stressed, it leads to an overproduction of cortisol -this deteriorates T-cells and weakens your immune system

list three reasons why psychologists should not be allowed to prescribe medication

-training issues -identity confusion -threats to psychotherapy

list a couple of ways psychotherapists can use technology

-treating people through telehealth (assessing and diagnosing) -videoconferencing, emailing, or messaging with clients -using VR for therapeutic experiences

match the training models to their description: 1. Boulder model/scientist-practitioner 2. Vail model/practitioner-scholar 3. clinical scientist model A. more extensive clinical training for those who just want to practice, EX psyD B. dual emphasis in clinical methods and research methods C. science should be the bedrock of clinical psych, research oriented

1. Boulder model/scientist-practitioner 2. Vail model/practitioner-scholar 3. clinical scientist model

match the steps of stress exposure training with their descriptions... 1. infor provision 2. skills acquisition 3. application and practice A. this phase includes practicing skills under conditions that approximate the operational environment and that gradually attain the level of stress expected B. this is phase is designed to develop and refine behavioral, technical and cognitive skills C. this phase provides information on the human stress response, conditions participants should expect to encounter, and other preparatory info

1. info provision: this phase provides information on the human stress response, conditions participants should expect to encounter, and other preparatory info 2 skills acquisition: this is phase is designed to develop and refine behavioral, technical and cognitive skills 3 application and practice: this phase includes practicing skills under conditions that approximate the operational environment and that gradually attain the level of stress expected

list the stages of changes according to Prochaska and DiClemente

1. pre contemplation 2. contemplation 3. preparation 4. action 5. maintenance

match the terms to their definitions 1. TAT 2. assimilation 3. self-monitoring 4. separation 5. NEO A. objective personality test B. a new culture is adopted C. a new culture is rejected D. clients observe and record target behaviors E. interpretation of stories

1E TAT: interpretation of stories 2B. assimilation: a new culture is adopted 3D. self-monitoring: clients observe and record target behaviors 4C. separation: a new culture is rejected 5A. NEO: objective personality test

Which of the following are considered therapeutic factors in interpersonal group therapy. (Mark all correct answers +1 for correct responses, -1 for endorsing incorrect responses). A. Feedback B. Hope C. Reframing discord as differences D. Universality E. Interpersonal learning F. Self-actualization G. Group Cohesiveness H. Reinforcement of positive behaviors

A. Feedback, B. Hope, D. Universality, E. Interpersonal learning, G. Group Cohesiveness

the training program style that is often referred to as the scientist-practitioner model is called the... A. boulder model B. vail model C. aspen model D. denver model

A. boulder model

which is NOT a common disorders in athletes? A. depression in runners B. eating disorders in gymnasts or wrestlers

A. depression in runners

the tarasoff ruling resulted in what? A. duty to warn/protect B. informed consent C. confidentiality breech

A. duty to warn/protect

_____ is how well psychotherapy works with actual clients treated by therapists in clinics, private practices, hospitals, and counseling centers A. effectiveness B. efficacy C. affectiveness

A. effectiveness

what are the two things that makes a multiple relationship unethical? A. impairment and exploitation or harm to the client B. incompetence and no vigilence C. sex and friendships

A. impairment and expliotation

which is NOT one of the five aspirational general principles? A. respect for people's property B. benefience and nonmaleficence C. integrity D. justice E. fidelity and responsibility

A. respect for people's property

__________ is one of the three components of social resources. It is the broad scope of all social contacts one has A. social network B. social relationships C. social support

A. social network

___________ is the perception the one has relationships with others who can provide support in times of crisis and can share in good fortune as well A. social resources B. social network C. social work

A. social resources

which is NOT true of guilty but mentally ill? A. typically for severe mental illness, like schizophrenia B. sentence is the same C. setting for the sentence may be different

A. typically for severe mental illness

list the ABCD's of CBT in sports psych

A= activating event B= belief C= consequences D= disrutpion/distraction/distancing

________ is a subdisciple of behavioral medicine that deals specifically with how psychology processes interact with health and illness A. behavioral medicine B. health psychology C. rural medicine

B. health psychology

which is NOT a pro of evidence based practice? A. scientific legitimacy B. improved psychotherpeutic relationship C. decreased reliance on clinical judgement D. establishing minimum levels of competence

B. improved psychotherapy relationship

___________ is a method used in health psychology the emphasizes proactive attempts to take action about stressful events A. emotion-focused coping B. problem-focused coping C. stressed-focused coping

B. problem-focused coping

the "aspirational" in general apsirational principles means... A. psychologists must uphold them B. psychologists must strive to uphold them, though there are no specific definitions of ethical violations C. psychologists must study and memorize this guide without much wiggle room for error

B. psychologists must strive to uphold them, though there are no specific definitions of ethical violations

________ is one of the three components of social resources. It is the smaller poor of those with whom one has more meaningful interactions with A. social network B. social relationships C. social support

B. social relationships

what is overexpansion of disorders and why are people concerned about it? A. it means that insurance companies dictate how psychologists should practice; this inlfuences how therapists give treatment and diagnose patients B. the DSM-5's categories and qualifications for disorders are so broad; now a majority of people can be diagnosed with a mental disorder C. relates to beneficence and nonmaleficence; clinicians are competing to treat clients and are not considering the care and harm that may come to clients

B. the DSM-5's categories and qualifications for disorders are so broad; now a majority of people can be diagnosed with a mental disorder

in forensics psychology, competence is assessed based off of... A. the time of the crime B. the current state of the client C. their predicted future state

B. the current state of the client

which is NOT true of multiple relationships? A. this can apply retroactively or in the future- like if the therapist and client promises to enter another relationship in the future B. the most damaging type is work relationships C. the relationship is not always unethical

B. the most dangerous type is work relationships

another name for the ________ is the stages of change by DiClemente and Prochaska A. immunosuppression B. transtheoretical model C. biopsychosocial model

B. transtheoretical model

list the three components of social resources

social network social relationships social support

Barker completes the MMPI-2. His results produce a highly elevated K scale score. A clinical psychologist interpreting this score should consider the possibility that Barker is _______ A. "faking bad" B. responding infrequently C. "faking good"

C. "faking good"

_____-_____% of visits to health care providers are due to stress related disorders A. 20-46 B. 43-55 C. 75-90%

C. 75-90%

__________ protects the privacy of student education records A. HIPPA B. HPSP C. FERPA


what is the first and most important step in ethical decision making? A. consult a colleague B. build a good relationship with your client C. make a commitment to doing what is ethically appropriate

C. make a commitment to doing what is ethically appropriate

there have been four major "forces" in the field of clinical psychology. which of the following lists these forces in the correct historical order (from earliest to most recent)? A. behaviorism, multicultrualism, humanism, psychoanalysis B. humanism, psychoanalysis, multiculturalism, behaviorism C. psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism, multiculturalism

C. psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism, multiculturalism

_______ is something that health psychologists may teach clients to help them cope better with stress and lower cortisol levels A. immunosuppression B. transtheoretical model C. relaxation training

C. relaxation training

________ is one of the components of social resources. It is the quality and quantity of care and assistance those relationships bring A. social network B. social relationships C. social support

C. social support

which of the following is NOT an example of an objective personality test? A. personality assessment inventory B. NEO personality inventory C. thematic apperception test D. millon clinical multiaxial inventory

C. thematic apperception test

what is disputation, distraction, distancing called in sports psych?

stop, clear, focus

According to Slife et al., deism refers to the fact that A.​​The world is divided (natural and supernatural) and God only acts in the supernatural realm. B. God is not necessarily needed to conceptualize, conduct or explain psychotherapy in psychological science. C. God is actively engaged in the world D. God is the creator of the world, and natural laws, but is no longer involved in the world

D. God is the creator of the world, and natural laws, but is no longer involved in the world

which is NOT a goal of humanism? A. increase client congruence B. increase awareness of feelings C. increase genuineness D. all are goals of humanism

D. all are goals

which is NOT a con of evidence based practice? A. debatable criteria on empirical evidence B. threats to psychotherapy relationship C. limits of practice D. all of the above are cons

D. all of the above are cons

Most of the specific forms of psychotherapy that have demonstrated empirical benefits for specific disorders of childhood are ______. A. humanistic B. psychodynamic C. metacognitive D. cognitive behavioral

D. cognitive behavioral

In the book, it is stated that "among the ethical issues relevant to group therapy, ______ is perhaps most concerning." A. informed consent B. competency C. deception D. confidentiality

D. confidentiality

Motivational Interviewing fits best in and might be said to evolve from which of the following therapeutic orientations? A. cognitive therapy B. behavioral therapy C. psychoanalytic therapy D. humanistic therapy

D. humanistic therapy

the APA has recognized the importance of multiculturalism in the practice of clinical psychology by doing all of the following EXCEPT... A. developing APA divisions focused on various cultural groups B. incorporating cultural sensitivity and competency into the APA ethical code C. requiring a multicultural competent for APA-approved doctoral programs D. implementing a standardized diversity training program required for psychologists to maintain their licenses E. all of the above

D. implementing a standardized diversity training program required for psychologists to maintain their licenses

The essential first step in Russell Barkley's behavioral treatment for children with ADHD is: A. teach your child not to interrupt B. set up a token system C. learn to use time out effectively D. learn to pay positive attention

D. learn to pay positive attention

which is NOT an ethical standard discussed in the textbook? A. competence B. privacy and confidentiality C. record keeping and fees D. regard for feelings E. education and training

D. regard for feelings

which is not one of the three reasons why social support works? A. social support facilitates physical touch which is correlated with health B. those who have strong social support are more likely to confide in others C. positive feelings associated with social support may help challenging things feel more manageable D. social support can allow others to serve people in times of need, giving them stronger feelings of self worth

D. social support can allow others to serve people in times of need, giving them stronger feelings of self worth

Therapist: "In the past, what changes have you made in your life that were difficult for you?" A. open ended question B. affirmation C. reflection D. summary E. Elicit - provide - elicit F. confidence ruler G. reviewing past successes H. amplified reflection I. double-sided reflection J. reframing

G. reviewing past successes

Client: "I think things are just fine in our marriage the way they are."Therapist: "There's really no room for improvement. Things couldn't possibly be any better." A. open ended question B. affirmation C. reflection D. summary E. Elicit - provide - elicit F. confidence ruler G. reviewing past successes H. amplified reflection I. double-sided reflection J. reframing

H. amplified reflection

Therapist - "You think it's going to be a real challenge to change the way you cook and eat, and you also know how important it is to keep your blood sugar level regulated." A. open ended question B. affirmation C. reflection D. summary E. Elicit - provide - elicit F. confidence ruler G. reviewing past successes H. amplified reflection I. double-sided reflection J. reframing

I. double-sided reflection

Therapist - "Over the past few months you have been gearing up to exercise more. Although it is difficult for you, you know that you will feel better and have more energy because you have done it in the past. Sometimes you think about starting the very next day and you feel like you are on the verge of taking a stab at it. I wonder what you think might be coming next for you?" A. open ended question B. affirmation C. reflection D. Elicit - provide - elicit E. confidence ruler F. reviewing past successes G. amplified reflection H. double-sided reflection I. reframing J. recapitulation and key question

J. recapitulation and key question

Client: "I don't know if I can do it "Therapist: "It would be quite a challenge for you - hard work!" A. open ended question B. affirmation C. reflection D. summary E. Elicit - provide - elicit F. confidence ruler G. reviewing past successes H. amplified reflection I. double-sided reflection J. reframing

J. refraiming

the _______ is the most popular and psychometrically sound objective personality test

MMPI-2 (minnesota multiphasic personality inventory-2)

a(n) _____________ includes unambiguous test items, offers clients a limited range of response, and are objectively scored

objective personality test

give an example of the foundational skills of MI (OARS)

open ended question: how are you feeling about quitting smoking? affirmation: I can see that you really want to quit smoking; that is admirable to be willing to do something so difficult! reflection: you feel nervous about quitting smoking summary: summarize what they've said

name the two variables that predict outcomes in therapy

openness cooperation

what constitutes the four elements of the Spirit of MI (aka the "4 habits of the heart")?

partnership acceptance compassion evocation

list the steps in the "Do Loop"

referral behavior desired outcomes goals fit intermediate goals intervention development intervention implementation assessment of advances and barriers

what is the dodo bird effect?

the idea that different therapy orientations are equal when compared in therapy outcomes

T/F clinical psychologists have prescription privileges in some states like new mexico and louisiana


T/F many states have continuing education regulations to renew/maintain licensing


T/F sports psychology can either be provided by sports psychologists OR clinical psychologists


t/f the scientist-practioner model of training emerged before the practioner-scholar model of training


what are the agents of change in humanistic therapy?

unconditional positive regard genuineness empathy

define a multimethod assessment

when clinicians use multiple means to get a more full picture of their client. These means include interviews, personality and intelligence assessments, and collateral contacts

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