PSYCH 4342 Chapter V: Communication

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T or F Lovers tolerate longer delays in responding, are silent more often, and say less overall

false Instead of demonstrating appropriate acknowledgment and concern for a partner's complaints, stonewalling typically communicates "disapproval, icy distance, and smugness"

T or F People who stonewall are helping the situation by refusing to argue further


T or F Social penetration should always be total


T or F Unhappy partners also interrupt each other in negative ways more than contented couples do.


T or F Women tend to be better openers than men


T or F abusive mothers have trouble identifying signs of distress in infants;


T or F gaps are actually more likely to occur in close relationships than they are among strangers


T or F people are more self-disclosing on Facebook than they usually are in person


T or F people who get a glimpse of men's faces that lasts for only half a second can accurately judge whether they are gay or straight


T or F those who glance at us and then look away seem more likable and attractive than people with friendly expressions who catch our eye and keep looking

false You can communicate appropriate respect and recognition of a partner's point of view without agreeing with it

T or F validation requires you to agree with someone's point of view


T or F when men and women interact with each other, these differences in the topic of conversations are very apparent

False, gestures vary across cultures, facial expressions don't

T or F: gestures and facial expressions, don't vary widely from culture to culture

T or F Lovers tolerate longer delays in responding, are silent more often, and say less overall


T or F Women tend to be better openers than men


T or F gaps are actually more likely to occur in close relationships than they are among strangers


T or F men value instrumental communication skills such as the ability to give clear instructions and directions more than women do.


T or F people who get a glimpse of men's faces that lasts for only half a second can accurately judge whether they are gay or straight


functions of nonverbal

1. provide information 2. regulate the interaction 3. define the relationship 4. interpersonal influence 5. impression management 6. fine-tune the intimacy of our interactions to establish a comfortable level of closeness

What do unhappy couples o a poor job of?

1. saying what they mean 2. hearing each other 3. often display negative affect when they talk with each other

How can we avoid miscommunication traps?

1. saying what we mean 2. active listening

how many seconds of observation allow strangers to make reasonably accurate judgments about our personality traits?

30 seconds of evaluation

if you have a problem of communication disconnect between male or female, whose fault is it probably?

Probably the male. Women do work harder at nonverbal communication than men do , they also tend to interpret the nonverbal more carefully and interpret it more accurately

interpersonal process model of intimacy

genuine intimacy is likely to develop between two people only when certain conditions have been met responsiveness --> trust --> disclosure --> intimacy

critical startup

how the conversation begins

personal zone of interpersonal distance

ranges from 11'.z to 4 feet away from us, for friends and acquaintances


start with "I" and then describe a distinct emotional reaction force us to identify our feelings


they tend to address several topics at once

reasons why Self-disclosure is linked to liking

we tend to reveal more personal information to those we like lf we're attracted to others, we tend to be more open with them we also tend to like others because we have self-disclosed to them it's rewarding to be entrusted with self-disclosures from others


communicates constant criticism of the others' points of view

how do people learn their partners' expectations and intentions?

create secret tests of their lovers' fidelity and devotion

display rules

cultural norms that dictate what emotions are appropriate in particular situations

other taboo topics

current relationships with other partners Discussion of past sexual experiences

expressive communication skills

expressing affection and feelings, more valued by women

Which communicative skills do both men and women think is more important?

expressive communication skills

gender differences in self-disclosure

expressive people (feminine) are more self-disclosing than instrumental (masculine) people are, they elicit more self-disclosure, too

intimate zone of interpersonal distance

extends out from the front of our chests about a foot-and-a-half (

cross complaining

fails to acknowledge others' concerns; instead of expressing interest in what their partners have to say, they just respond to a complaint with one of their own

T or F when men and women interact with each other, these differences in the topic of conversations are very apparent


T or F People who stonewall are helping the situation by refusing to argue further

false Instead of demonstrating appropriate acknowledgment and concern for a partner's complaints, stonewalling typically communicates "disapproval, icy distance, and smugness"

T or F validation requires you to agree with someone's point of view

false You can communicate appropriate respect and recognition of a partner's point of view without agreeing with it

T or F shy people display the same level of self-disclosure as they do face-to-face

false shy people are more self-disclosing online than they are face-to-face


T or F Happy expressions are not correlated with success in life,

Dysfunctional communication

no one address the actual point of contention

triangle test

watch closely to see how their lovers respond to other attractive people

explicit taboo

we agree not to talk about it politics, religion

Differences in nonverbal receptivity

• Channel: phone call, text, email, etc... • Translating our intent with our actual work, coming up with the way we interact verbally • Distraction: noise, interference, not listening • History • Body language • Different generation

Four horsemen

• Criticism • Contempt • Defensiveness • Stonewalling

two vital tasks when we're on the receiving end of others' messages

1. accurately understand what our partners are trying to say, 2. to communicate that attention and comprehension to our partners so that they know we care about what they've said.

components of nonverbal behavior

1. facial expressions 2. gazing behavior 3. body movement 4. Touch 5. Interpersonal distance 6. Paralanguage

social zone of interpersonal distance

4 to 12 feet, interactions tend to be more businesslike

public zone of interpersonal distance

Beyond 12 feet, interactions tend to be quite formal.

T or F : men who beat their wives have less trouble than nonviolent men figuring out what their wives are feeling


T or F Happy expressions are not correlated with success in life,


T or F Social penetration should always be total


T or F those who glance at us and then look away seem more likable and attractive than people with friendly expressions who catch our eye and keep looking


T or F People with firm, full, long handshakes tend to be as extraverted, open to experience, and neurotic, as people with wimpy handshakes are.

False , People with firm, full, long handshakes tend to be more extraverted and open to experience, and less neurotic, than people with wimpy handshakes are.

T or F women are more tentative than men

False Both sexes speak less forcefully when they're on the other's home turf, and there's no difference in men and women's style when they're discussing neutral topic' with each other

T or F : men display as much to women as they do other men, which is very little

False Men open up to women, and women are open among themselves, but men disclose less to other men

T or F both men and women use the same pitch when they leave voice messages for pretty, rather than plain, members of the other sex, and they sound more pleasant when they do so

False they use a lower pitch when they leave voice messages for pretty, rather than plain, members of the other sex, and they sound more pleasant when they do so

T or F: gestures and facial expressions, don't vary widely from culture to culture

False, gestures vary across cultures, facial expressions don't

T or F women are more talkative than men

False. men speak up and say something less often than women do, but when they do get started, they talk longer, brooking no interruption

for two people to become close, three things have to happen

First, they have to engage in meaningful self-disclosure. Then, they have to respond to each other's personal information with interest and empathy Finally they each have to recognize that the other is being responsive.

How do men differ from women in the way they distance themselves from others while interacting? What about people of high vs low status? WHat about happy vs unhappy couples?

Men tend to use somewhat larger distances than women do people usually stand further away from others of high status than from those of lower power and prestige Spouses who are unhappy choose to maintain larger distances between each other than do spouses who are currently content

reciprocity in self-disclosure

New partners tend to match each other's level of openness, disclosing more as the other person does, and disclosing less if the other person's self-d1sclosure declines.


T or F : men who beat their wives have less trouble than nonviolent men figuring out what their wives are feeling


T or F Compared to those who engage in more superficial small talk, people who have substantive, deep conversations and who make themselves known to others enjoy better health and more satisfaction with life

What are signs of high status that make a man stand out in a group?

Taking up a lot of space, having an open posture, and touching other men (but not being touched in return)


The process of revealing personal information to someone else


When we open up to others, we want our disclosures to be received with apparent interest. sympathy, and respect.

XYZ statements

When you do X in situation Y" (that's a good behavior description), "I feel Z" (an I-statement)

sex Difference in style of conversation

Women are sometimes found to speak with less forcefulness than men do, being more indirect and seeming less certain


acknowledge the legitimacy of their opinions


all the variations in a person's voice other than the actual words he or she uses, such as rhythm, pitch, loudness, and rate.

talk table

allows the researcher to get a record or both your private thoughts and your public actions

clumsy criticism

attacks a partner's personality or character instead of identifying a specific behavior that is causing concern


authentic flashes of real emotion during momentary lapses of control.

What does self-disclosure looks like as the relationship develops?

become broader (with more topics being discussed) and deeper (with more topics of personal significance being revealed).

Do women possess more skill at nonverbal communication, or are they just working harder at it?

both, Women spend more time watching others' eyes than men do

functions of gazing

communicate affection as well as simple interest communicate dominance

visual dominance ratio VDR

compares "look-speak" (the percentage of time a speaker gazes at a listener) to "look-listen.

endurance test

contrive difficulties that the lover must overcome in order to demonstrate his or her devotion


differences in verbal style 1. Some put their thoughts and feelings into words quickly, blurt out whatever they're thinking and thereby engage in animated, rapid-fire conversation 2. others are slower, more deliberate, and more hesitant in verbalizing their feelings.


direction and amount of looking behavio

What do they mean by nonverbal insensitivity and dissatisfaction form a vicious cycle.

each exacerbate the other Nonverbal insensitivity makes someone a less rewarding partner than he or she otherwise would be Once partners grow dissatisfied for any reason, they tend to start tuning each other out, and that causes them to communicate less adeptly than they could if they really tried


dramatically overstate the negative consequence of a situation or person's action

High openers

draw out more intimate information from others more attentive during conversation gazing and nodding more, and looking interested-and they verbally express more interest in what others are saying

nonverbal leakage

elevation in physiological arousal subtle differences in timing and movement between real and fake emotions that are apparent in attentive viewers

separation test

find reasons to be apart to see how enthusiastically their lovers welcome their return

implicit taboo

generally agreed upon topics we don't talk about, it is more society based state of the relationship, past relationships

unique facial expressions

happiness, sadness,fear, anger, disgust, and surprise


he participants adopt similar postures and mannerisms, display comparable expressions, and use similar paralanguage.

behavior description

identify as plainly and concretely as possible a specific behavior that annoyed us

perceived partner responsiveness

judgment that one's partner is understanding and caring

self-disclosure is a gradual process

new partners moving toward deeper topics by stages rather than all at once.

nonverbal communication

includes all of the things people do in their interactions except for their spoken words and syntax.


instead of treating the clumsy complaint as legitimate and reasonable, the partners seek to protect themselves from the unreasonable attack by making excuses or by cross-complaining, hurling counterattacks of their own.


insults, mockery, or hostile humor

four ways we may try to modify our expressions of emotion to follow these rules.

intensify our expressions minimize our expressions neutralize our expressions mask our real feelings by replacing them with an entirely different feeling

what is the discrepancy in interpersonal communication?

interpersonal gap~between what the sender intends to say and what the listener thinks he or she hears


occurs when people assume that they understand their partners' thoughts, feelings, and opinions without asking


one partner aggressively rejecting the other altogether So what? What are you gonna do about it?


paralanguage used for babies

how do we accomplish the vital tasks on the receiving end of other's messages

paraphrasing perception checking Being polite and staying cool

perception checking

people assess the accuracy of their inferences about a partner's feelings by asking the partner for clarification

Do people usually look more at their conversational partners when they're SPEAKING or when they are Listening?

people usually look at their conversational partners more when they're LISTENING (gazing at the speaker about 60 percent of the time, on average) than when they're SPEAKING (looking at the listener about 40 percent of the time) low VDR or 40/60


pet phrases and specialized vocabulary that people in a relationship use and whose meaning is known only to them

How do high-status people tend to depart from the visual dominance norms?

powerful high status people look more while speaking but less while listening than the average person does] high VDR of 60/40

social penetration theory

relationships develop through systematic changes in communication


repeating it in our own words and giving the sender a chance to agree that that's what he or she actually meant

taboo topics

sensitive matters that, in the opinion of the partners, may threaten the quality of their relationship.

what does self-disclosure looks like at the beginning of the relationship?

take the form of a wedge that's both narrow and shallow only a few different topics are being discussed only impersonal information is being revealed

instrumental communication skills

the ability to give clear instructions and directions , more valued by men


wandering from topic to topic so that the conversation never stays on one problem long enough to resolve it

Interpersonal distance

the physical space that separates two people-that is usually reserved for relatively intimate interactions

how do unsatisfied couple differ from contented couples in terms of communication?

the impact of their messages-what their partners think they hear-is more critical and disrespectful nonetheless


the personal significance of the topics they discuss

Most common taboo topic

the state of the relationship itself

when there is a discrepancy bernreen people's \\'ords and actions, where does the truth lie?

the truth behind their words usually lies in their nonverbal, not their verbal, communication


the variety of topics they discuss

T or F Compared to those who engage in more superficial small talk, people who have substantive, deep conversations and who make themselves known to others enjoy better health and more satisfaction with life


T or F Unhappy partners also interrupt each other in negative ways more than contented couples do.


T or F abusive mothers have trouble identifying signs of distress in infants;


T or F people are more self-disclosing on Facebook than they usually are in person


key ingredients in all of these components of good communication

validation and respect


withdrawing into a stony silence

sex Difference in the topic of conversation

women : discuss their feelings about their close relationships and other personal aspects of their lives. men : stick to more impersonal matters, objects and actions such as cars and sports, gossiping about celebrities and politicians instead of friends, and seeking a few laughs instead of support and counsel

What does the term 'women's intuition' refer to ?

women tend to attentively use subtle but real nonverbal cues to discern what's going on


• Kitchen-sinking • Off-beam • Mind-reading • Interruptions • Yes-but • Cross-complaining o Criticism: what I don't like about you o Complaint: what you did and I didn't like • Absolutes: • Catastrophizing • Mention potential in-laws , insults, sarcasm( can be a problem but not always)*

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