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Aaron can stay balanced while standing on one foot with eyes closed. Assuming that his motor skill development is on track, this tells us that he must be at least ________ years old. 2 3 4 5


The majority of middle-aged adults in the United States experience a midlife crisis. True False


When we refer to a child as egocentric, we mean that child has an excessively inflated sense of self-esteem and thinks they are superior to others. True False


Learning new words by making connections between new words and concepts already known is called: Theory of mind Theory-theory Fast mapping Scaffolding

Fast mapping

___________ is thought to be permanent. Sensory memory Working memory Long-term memory Short-term memory

Long-term memory

The loss of muscle tissue as a natural part of aging is called: Sarcomeria Sarcopenia Sarcoma Sarcoidosis


__________ is the temporary support that parents or teachers give a child to do a task. Scaffolding Proximal development Facilitated communication Centration


Blood pressure is represented by two numbers, such as 110/70 (which, when said aloud, would be "110 over 70"). In blood pressure, the "top" number is called the _________ pressure. Hyperbolic Diastolic Prolific Systolic


__________ is knowledge that is pragmatic or practical and learned through experience rather than explicitly taught. Expertise Wisdom Flow Tacit knowledge

Tacit knowledge

Children's early drawings of people are described using which term? Tadpoles Chicks Embryos Efts


Male pattern baldness is related to: Estrogen Progesterone Insulin Testosterone


In the false belief task, a child must think logically about a situation from the perspective of someone who knows something different than they do. In order to reason correctly about this situation, the child must have: Theory of mind Theory-theory Fast mapping Scaffolding

Theory of mind

Generative adults often have other positive qualities. Which of the following traits is NOT mentioned in your book as one of these positive qualities? Good cultural knowledge Better cognitive functioning Agreeableness Wisdom


Which of the following statements about divorce and older adults is TRUE? Adults age 65 and over are more likely to divorce than middle-aged and young adults Men who divorce are more likely to experience financial difficulties Women who divorce are more likely to remain single Adult children of divorced parents offer more support and care to their fathers than their mothers

Women who divorce are more likely to remain single

More positive views on aging and greater health are noted with those who keep active than those who isolate themselves and disengage with others. This is consistent with: Socioemotional selectivity theory Selective optimization with compensation Activity theory Convoy model of social relations

activity theory

The fastest growing age division of the United States population consists of: Children under 18 Adults 19-39 years old Adults 40-64 years old Adults over 65 years old

adults over 65 years old

The greatest risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease is: Exposure to aluminum Lack of physical activity Age Premature birth


Alzheimer's disease involves changes in: Personality Cognitive functioning Physical coordination All of the above

all of the above

Children born in the United States today may be the first generation to have a shorter life span than their parents due to increasing rates of: Obesity Unhealthy eating habits Physical inactivity All of the above

all of the above

Chronic pain can lead to other problems such as: Decline in physical activity Sleep and mood disorders Greater disability All of the above

all of the above

In general, successful aging involves: Relative avoidance of disease, disability, and risk factors, like high blood pressure, smoking, or obesity Maintenance of high physical and cognitive functioning Active engagement in social and productive activities All of the above

all of the above

In terms of attention changes in late adulthood, older adults: Are less able to selectively focus on information while ignoring distractors Require more time to perform at young adult levels Have greater difficulty shifting their attention between objects or locations All of the above

all of the above

The pragmatics of intelligence ___________ with age. Are maintained Decline

are maintained

Changes in intelligence, wisdom, perception, problem-solving, memory, and language are part of the ________ domain. a. Physical b. Cognitive c. Contextual d. Psychosocial

b. Cognitive

The question of whether biological or environmental factors are stronger influences on our development is the debate called: a. Continuity vs. discontinuity b. Nature vs. nurture c. Active vs. passive d. Stability vs. change

b. Nature vs. Nurture

According to your book, Vygotsky believed that adults didn't possess new skills, but instead had skills that were already present in children, just better developed. This is an example of _________ development. a. Discontinuous b. Continuous c. Stable d. Qualitative

b. continuous

In general, centenarians are likely to be in __________ health compared to many other adults. Worse Better The same quality


Beta-amyloid plaques appear to: Replicate rapidly and encourage the formation of new plaques Block cell communication in the brain Strip axons of myelin All of the above

block cell communication in the brain

People who get part-time jobs as a transition between a career and full retirement are said to have: Encore careers Recidivism Bridge jobs Adjunct positions

bridge jobs

________ is/are a clouding of the lens of the eye. Macular degeneration Glaucoma Presbyopia Cataracts


Which group is least likely to live in multigenerational households? Asian Hispanic African American Caucasian


Older adults above the age of 100 comprise the ________ category. Young-old Old-old Oldest-old Centenarian


Working memory is composed of three major systems. The one that oversees working memory, allocating resources where needed and monitoring whether cognitive strategies are being effective, is the: Central executive Visuospatial sketchpad Phonological loop Auditory processor

central executive

Shingles is a disease that affects your nerves, caused by the same virus that causes: Measles Influenza Chicken pox Mumps


How does socioeconomic status influence development? a. It affects our health and life expectancy b. It influences the degree of control we feel over our lives c. It affects the resources available to us and the environment we live in d. All of the above

d. All of the above

Using the term "tabula rasa" (your book spells it wrong) to refer to a child's mind means that the child comes into the world like a(n): a. Empty vessel b. Little voice c. Unchained melody d. Blank slate

d. Blank Slate

Changes in emotion, self-perception, and interpersonal relationships with families, peers, and friends are part of the __________ domain. a. Physical b. Cognitive c. Contextual d. Psychosocial

d. Psychosocial

According to Freud, we come into the world as __________ beings but have to learn to become ___________ beings during childhood. a. Social, biological b. Social, cognitive c. Biological, cognitive d. Biological, social

d. biological , social

Theories of aging emphasizing environmental factors that cause cumulative damage in organisms are called _________ theories. Sensorineural Longitudinal Programmed Damage


The mechanics of intelligence ___________ with age. Are maintained Decline


According to Erikson, the stage in life in which we make a retrospective accounting of our life to date and evaluate how much one embraces life as having been well lived, as opposed to regretting missed opportunities, is the stage of: Initiative versus guilt Generativity versus stagnation Ego integrity versus despair Intimacy versus isolation

ego integrity versus despair

The most common form of elder abuse is __________ abuse. Financial Emotional Physical Sexual


People who get another job after being fully retired but work in a different field from the one in which they retired are said to have: Encore careers Recidivism Bridge jobs Adjunct positions

encore careers

Which type of long-term memory shows the greatest declines with aging? Semantic Episodic Implicit Trick question! All of them show equal decline with aging


Atherosclerosis is an unavoidable part of normal aging. True False


________ is/are little spots or "cobwebs" that float around the field of vision and that occur when the vitreous, a gel-like substance in the interior of the eye, slowly shrinks. Floaters Presbyopia Scotopic sensitivity Dry eye syndrome


The mechanics of intelligence are similar to the concept of ___________ intelligence. Interpersonal Intrapersonal Fluid Crystallized


According to your book, which of the following is NOT one of the most common reasons for hospitalization for the oldest-old? Congestive heart failure Influenza Urinary tract infections Hip fractures


As bones weaken in the spine, adults gradually lose height and their posture becomes hunched over, which is called: Osteoporosis Scoliosis Kyphosis Hyperhydrosis


Older adults between the ages of 85 and 99 comprise the ________ category. Young-old Old-old Oldest-old Centenarian


Working memory is composed of three major systems. The one that maintains information about auditory stimuli is the: Central executive Visuospatial sketchpad Phonological loop Auditory processor

phonological loop

Cultural exposure to facts and procedures is called the ____________ of intelligence. Mechanics Pragmatics Informatics Automatics


Smell loss due to aging is called: Anosmia Dysosmia Presbyosmia Phantosmia


When the belief in one's ability results in actions that make it come true, this is called a: Self-serving bias Positive reinforcer Self-fulfilling prophecy Stereotype threat

self-fulfilling prophecy

The Social Readjustment Rating Scale rates ___________ as the most significant possible stressor in a person's life. Being diagnosed with a terminal illness The death of a spouse The death of a child Being incarcerated

the death of a spouse

Empty nest syndrome is consistent with the idea of: The role loss hypothesis The Zeigarnik effect The law of filial regression The law of proximity

the role loss hypothesis

According to the National Survey of Sexual Health, 20%-30% of individuals remain sexually active: Until they reach their 50s Until they reach their 60s Until they reach their 70s Well into their 80s

well into their 80s

There is a higher risk of death after the death of a spouse. This is called the: Comorbidity effect Widowhood mortality effect Terminal drop Thanatoptic syndrome

widowhood mortality effect

Worldwide, who lives longer on average, men or women? Men Women They live the same amount of time


Mike had his cholesterol measured and learned that his high-density lipoprotein (LDL) level is 25 mg/dl. Should he be concerned? Yes No


Young children who grow accustomed to high fat, very sweet and salty flavors may have trouble eating foods that have subtler flavors such as fruits and vegetables. True False


The behavior pattern that involves being competitive, impatient, hostile, and time urgent is called: Type A Type B Type C Type D

Type A

Which behavior pattern is associated with a high risk of heart disease? Type A Type B Type C Type D

Type A

Children of ___________ parents are likely to do poorly in school and have poor relationships with peers. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved


___________ parents are disengaged from their children. They do not make demands on their children and are non-responsive. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved


In Parten's play classification system, __________ refers to random behavior without a specific goal. Parallel play Solitary play Unoccupied play Associative play

Unoccupied play

___________ is the component of memory in which current conscious mental activity occurs. Sensory memory Working memory Long-term memory Eidetic memory

Working memory

The pragmatics of intelligence are similar to the concept of ___________ intelligence. Interpersonal Intrapersonal Fluid Crystallized


Exercise appears to improve sleep quality. True False


Bowie is able to put on simple clothes without help. Assuming that his motor skill development is on track, this tells us that he must be at least ________ years old. 2 3 4 5


Catori can kick a ball without losing balance. Assuming that her motor skill development is on track, this tells us that she must be at least ________ years old. 2 3 4 5


A 2010 research study indicated that ______ of adults 50 and over who were single or had a new sexual partner reported using a condom the last time they had sex. 10% 25% 40% 60%


Approximately _________ of grandparents raising their grandchildren are at least 65 years old. 5% 18% 25% 46%


Nearly _____ of people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States are 50 or older. 10% 25% 40% 60%


After age 30, people tend to lose _______ tissue and gain _________ tissue. Lean, fat Fat, lean


Minah can pedal a tricycle. Assuming that her motor skill development is on track, this tells us that she must be at least ________ years old. 2 3 4 5


According to your book, short-term memory is most similar to: Sensory memory Working memory Long-term memory Eidetic memory

Working memory

Nyawira can build a block tower of more than 9 cubes. Assuming that her motor skill development is on track, this tells us that she must be at least ________ years old. 2 3 4 5


Children between the ages of two and six years tend to grow about _____ in height each year. 3 inches 33 inches 6 inches 44 inches

3 inches

Children between the ages of two and six years tend to gain about ________in weight each year. 8 to 10 pounds 3 to 5 pounds 23 to 28 pounds 40 to 50 pounds

3 to 5 pounds

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, in 2015 _________ of older adults lived in a nursing home. 3.2% 1.9% 10.4% 7.4%


Jessica can cut out a picture using scissors. Assuming that her motor skill development is on track, this tells us that she must be at least ________ years old. 2 3 4 5


Peter can throw a ball overhand with coordination. Assuming that his motor skill development is on track, this tells us that he must be at least ________ years old. 2 3 4 5


The majority of the sandwich generation is: 40-59 years old 60 or older 20-39 years old Under 20 years old

40-59 years old

Josh can copy a triangle. Assuming that his motor skill development is on track, this tells us that he must be at least ________ years old. 2 3 4 5


Intermittent erectile dysfunction affects as many as ______ of men between the ages of 40 and 70. 4% 50% 17% 70%


The human brain reaches 95% of its adult weight by the time a child is: 1 year old 3 years old 6 years old 10 years old

6 years old

According to your book, the average age of retirement is currently: 70 years 65 years 63 years 60 years

65 years

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that middle-aged adults get __________ hours of sleep per night. Less than 6 More than 10 7-9 Trick question! The National Sleep Foundation does not make sleep recommendations for adults


Results from the National Social Life Health, and Aging Project indicated that ______ of men and aged 52 to 72 reported being sexually active. 45% 72% 30% 20%


The "tip-of-the-tongue" phenomenon involves: Declines in oral-motor skills with aging Declines in taste sensitivity with aging A "block" at retrieving information that we know Improvements in vocabulary with aging

A "block" at retrieving information that we know

Socioeconomic status may influence parenting style by affecting the qualities that parents emphasize as being most important for success and survival. True False


Sleep disturbances (including poor sleep quality and insufficient sleep) are associated with which of the following consequences? Hypertension Insulin resistance Memory impairment All of the above

All of the above

Spanking children appears to be associated with: Lower vocabulary scores More aggressive behavior in children Higher scores on a measure of rule-breaking All of the above

All of the above

The quality of sibling interactions is often difficult to tease out from the effect of the parent-child relationship. True False


The risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection does not disappear just because a person reaches a certain age. True False


The specific parenting styles and child behaviors that are viewed as ideal vary across cultures. True False


There is a lot of variation in the range and severity of Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms. True False


Parents and family characteristics, such as income and the amount of cognitive enrichment in the home, are stronger predictors of child development than whether or not a child goes to day care. True False


Vascular neurocognitive disorder is associated with: A general loss of neurons Microscopic protein deposits in neurons A blockage of cerebral blood vessels that usually affects only one part of the brain Tremors and slowing of movement in addition to cognitive decline

A blockage of cerebral blood vessels that usually affects only one part of the brain

Prolonged problems with heartburn can lead to esophageal cancer. True False


Stress can be caused by: Traumatic events, like a natural disaster Daily hassles, like getting stuck behind a slow driver when you're late Chronically difficult situations, such as an unhappy marriage All of the above

All of the above

When the telomeres get too short, one of three things can happen. When "apoptosis" occurs: A cell ceases to replicate by turning itself off A cell takes on new functions A cell continues to divide and becomes abnormal A cell ceases to replicate by dying

A cell ceases to replicate by dying

When the telomeres get too short, one of three things can happen. When "cellular senescence" occurs: A cell ceases to replicate by turning itself off A cell takes on new functions A cell continues to divide and becomes abnormal A cell ceases to replicate by dying

A cell ceases to replicate by turning itself off

During the "vocabulary spurt", children learn about __________ new words per week. 1-2 10-20 50-100 200-10,000


The National Sleep Foundation recommends that toddlers get _________ of sleep per night. 14-17 hours 12-15 hours 11-14 8-10


In terms of the U.S. work force, adults in which age group are the only population of adults that will shrink in size over the next few years? 16-24 35-45 55-64 65 and up


By the year 2020, students over age 35 are expected to account for ________ of all college and graduate students. 6% 19% 27% 33%


The mitochondria is: The finely branched terminal of an axon A cell organelle that uses oxygen to produce energy from food A molecule that is missing an electron and creates instability in surrounding molecules by taking electrons from them A chemical compound that counteracts the deterioration of stored food products

A cell organelle that uses oxygen to produce energy from food

Presbycusis is: A ringing, hissing, or roaring sound in the ears The experience of dizziness caused by fluid problems in the inner ear A common form of hearing loss in late adulthood that results in a gradual loss of hearing An injury to the ear caused by changes in air or water pressure

A common form of hearing loss in late adulthood that results in a gradual loss of hearing

A free radical is: The finely branched terminal of an axon A cell organelle that uses oxygen to produce energy from food A molecule that is missing an electron and creates instability in surrounding molecules by taking electrons from them A chemical compound that counteracts the deterioration of stored food products

A molecule that is missing an electron and creates instability in surrounding molecules by taking electrons from them

The term "perimenopause" refers to: A period of transition in which a woman's ovaries stop releasing eggs and the level of estrogen and progesterone production decreases The midlife transition when fertility declines A span of 12 months without menstruation A surge of adrenaline caused by hormonal changes

A period of transition in which a woman's ovaries stop releasing eggs and the level of estrogen and progesterone production decreases

Rheumatoid arthritis appears to develop as a result of a genetic susceptibility combined with an unidentified environmental trigger. True False


Tinnitus is: A ringing, hissing, or roaring sound in the ears The experience of dizziness caused by fluid problems in the inner ear A common form of hearing loss in late adulthood that results in a gradual loss of hearing An injury to the ear caused by changes in air or water pressure

A ringing, hissing, or roaring sound in the ears

The term "menopause" refers to: A period of transition in which a woman's ovaries stop releasing eggs and the level of estrogen and progesterone production decreases The midlife transition when fertility declines A span of 12 months without menstruation A surge of adrenaline caused by hormonal changes

A span of 12 months without menstruation

The term "hot flash" refers to: A period of transition in which a woman's ovaries stop releasing eggs and the level of estrogen and progesterone production decreases The midlife transition when fertility declines A span of 12 months without menstruation A surge of adrenaline caused by hormonal changes

A surge of adrenaline caused by hormonal changes

The term "sandwich generation" refers to: Children who rely on school-provided lunches for most of their nutrition Adults who have not learned to cook because their parents served prepared foods so often Adults with elderly parents and are either raising their or supporting their own children Children who are extremely picky eaters

Adults with elderly parents and are either raising their or supporting their own children

The number of people living with diabetes increases dramatically: During the ages of 20-29 After the age of 65 After the age of 45 Before the age of 20

After the age of 45

A sign that a child is ready for toilet training is that they: Stay dry for periods of two hours or longer during the day Can understand and follow basic directions Complains about wet or dirty diapers All of the above

All of the above

According to dietary guidelines, an adult's diet should contain less than: 2,300mg (1 teaspoon) per day of sodium 10 percent of calories per day from added sugars 10 percent of calories per day from saturated fats All of the above

All of the above

Adult-focused parents: Tend to have less rapport with their children Tend to prioritize their partner's needs over their children's needs Spend less time in joint activities with their children All of the above

All of the above

Attitudes about women's aging vary by: Sexual orientation Race Culture All of the above

All of the above

Cancer can be life-threatening because: Malignant tumors can invade neighboring body parts Cancer cells can metastasize, which means they can travel through the lymph system or blood to form new tumors in other parts of the body Even benign tumors, particularly in the brain, can interfere with the functioning of organs All of the above

All of the above

Caregiving is associated with several negative outcomes for the caregiver, including: Depression Physical health problems Anxiety All of the above

All of the above

Changes in the human brain that occur between ages three and six years include: Development of dendrites Myelination Growth of the corpus callosum All of the above

All of the above

Common skin changes in older adults include: Skin tags, especially in women More frequent bruising Longer healing time for cuts and scratches All of the above

All of the above

Compared to younger students, older students are more likely to: Use higher order cognitive skills to enhance memory Look for relevance and meaning when learning information Learn information more slowly but retain it longer All of the above

All of the above

Greater development in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain behind the forehead, helps us to: Understand how to play games, especially ones that involve strategy and planning Control attention Inhibit emotional outbursts All of the above

All of the above

Hearing loss appears to be either caused or exacerbated by: Cigarette smoking High blood pressure Exposure to noisy environments All of the above

All of the above

Hormone replacement therapy to relieve unpleasant symptoms of menopause has been associated with an increased risk of: Breast cancer Stroke The development of blood clots All of the above

All of the above

How does stress negatively affect the developing child? Stress hormones can also reduce immunity to disease Exposure to long periods of severe stress can make the child hypersensitive to stress in the future Stress hormonescan reduce the size of the hippocampus and affect the child's memory abilities All of the above

All of the above

In order to correctly pass the false belief task, a child must: Distinguish between what they once thought was true and what they now know to be true Understand that what guides people's actions and responses are what they "believe" rather than what is reality Separate what they "know" to be true from what someone else might "think" is true All of the above

All of the above

Lacking close friendships in adulthood is associated with: Increased depression and anxiety Premature mortality Poorer reactions to stress All of the above

All of the above

Older adults are more likely to adjust better to the death of a spouse if they: Are more extroverted Have higher self-efficacy Get positive support from adult children All of the above

All of the above

People with diabetes are at an increased risk of: Heart attack Kidney failure Limb amputations All of the above

All of the above

Religious beliefs and practices appear to vary by: Age Gender Religious denomination All of the above

All of the above

Risk factors for diabetes include: Diet Physical inactivity Obesity All of the above

All of the above

Risk factors for hypertension include: Diet that is too high in sodium, which is often found in processed foods, and too low in potassium Sedentary lifestyle Nicotine use All of the above

All of the above

Sibling interactions can help the development of: Empathy Sharing Social skills All of the above

All of the above

The degree that grandparents are involved in their grandchildren's lives depends on: The proximity of the grandparents' home to the grandchild's home The availability of technology such as FaceTime and Skype Cultural factors such as how common multigenerational households are All of the above

All of the above

The memory of older children is generally better than that of young children due to improvements in: Attention Executive functions Brain maturation All of the above

All of the above

Too much television is thought to negatively affect child development because it: Reduces focus on active, hands-on play Is linked to attention problems May negatively affect cognitive and language development All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a benefit of exercise? Stress reduction Better blood sugar control Increased bone density All of the above

All of the above

Why do so many American workers fail to use all of their available vacation time? Lack of encouragement from bosses and coworkers Concerns about coming back to a big mountain of work to do Not wanting to seem replaceable All of the above

All of the above

Why has it been difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the Head Start program? Head Start programs vary in several ways (such as teacher qualifications) depending on the location Testing young children is difficult Ethical concerns make it difficult to use an experimental design to measure cause and effect All of the above

All of the above

Vygotsky believed that children's cognitive skills improved as a result of: Social interactions with more learned peers Language, writings, and concepts arising from the culture Social interactions with adults All of the above

All the above

Laylah doesn't want hot chocolate put in her Doc McStuffins cup because she's worried the hot liquid will burn Doc McStuffins. The best term to describe this is: Animism Egocentrism Scaffolding Conservation


______________ is the behavior of attributing life-like qualities to objects. Animism Egocentrism Centration Conservation


In Parten's play classification system, __________ occurs when children interact with each other and share toys, but are not working toward a common goal. Parallel play Cooperative play Unoccupied play Associative play

Associative play

____________, or a buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries, is the most common cause of cardiovascular disease. Hypertension Atherosclerosis Atrial fibrillation Bradycardia


Children of ___________ parents may fear rather than respect their parents and may become aggressive toward peers. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved


___________ parenting is the traditional model of parenting in which parents make the rules and children are expected to be obedient. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved


Children of ___________ parents tend to have greater self-confidence and competence as a result of their parents' high but reasonable expectations. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved


___________ parents are supportive and show interest in their kids' activities, but are not overbearing and allow them to make constructive mistakes. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved


Our "personal narrative" is our: Autobiographical memory Non-declarative memory Episodic memory Declarative memory

Autobiographical memory

Expert thinkers often process information faster and more effectively than novices, and their reactions often appear instinctive (such as a trauma nurse who barely has to think about what to do because they've done their job for so long). For this reason, expert thought is sometimes described as: Intuitive Automatic Strategic Flexible


______________ is a waxy fatty substance carried by lipoprotein molecules in the blood. Triglyceride Plasma Cholesterol Visceral fat


Why do young children tend to have a positive self-image? Because their parents praise them for everything Because they are genuinely good at everything Because they lack a basis for comparison All of the above

Because they lack a basis for comparison

The primary way that Neo-Piagetian theories differ from Piaget's original theories is that they: Assume cognitive development can be separated into different stages with qualitatively different characteristics Advocate that children's thinking becomes more complex in advanced stages Believe that aspects of information processing, not logic, change the complexity of each stage Believe in constructivism

Believe that aspects of information processing, not logic, change the complexity of each stage

Which of the following is NOT one of the criteria for being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder? Below-average scores on IQ tests Deficits in communication Deficits in social interaction Repetitive patterns of behavior or interests

Below-average scores on IQ tests

__________ is a technique where the individual is shown bodily information that is not normally available to them and then taught strategies to alter this signal. Sensory integration therapy Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Biofeedback Paired-associates learning


Baumrind's parenting styles vary on the dimensions of: Expectations and warmth Control and responsiveness Both a) and b)

Both a) and b)

Piaget believed that children's pretend play: Was pointless and a waste of time Helped children solidify new schemata they were developing Helped children learn Both b) and c)

Both b) and c)

Women are more likely than men to be: Caregivers Care recipients Both caregivers and care recipients Neither caregivers nor care recipients

Both caregivers and care recipients

Which of the following appears to significantly increase a person's risk of developing Parkinson's disease? Brain injury that results in loss of consciousness Exposure to radiation A high-sodium diet Being born prematurely

Brain injury that results in loss of consciousness

Which of the following statements about cognitive development in midlife is FALSE? Older adults use more of their brains than younger adults Brain plasticity has stopped before midlife Adults in middle adulthood make better financial decisions Some individuals in middle age actually have improved cognitive functioning

Brain plasticity has stopped before midlife

According to Table 8.2 on page 292 of your book, the most common type of cancer is ________ cancer, but the one with the highest number of deaths per year is _________ cancer. Liver, pancreatic Breast, lung Colorectal, ovarian Prostate, kidney

Breast, lung

Rehearsing previous material while adding in additional information is called: Rote rehearsal Method of loci Clustering rehearsal Mental mapping

Clustering rehearsal

Which of the following fine motor skills could be seen in a 4-year-old, but not a 3-year-old? Can copy a circle Can cut out a picture using scissors Builds tower of 9 blocks Feeding self easily

Can cut out a picture using scissors

Which of the following gross motor skills could be seen in a 3-year-old, but not a 2-year-old? Can kick a ball without losing balance Can pick up objects while standing, without losing balance Can pedal a tricycled Can run with some coordination

Can run with some coordination

__________ is the name given to a collection of related diseases in which the body's cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues. Diabetes Alzheimer's disease Heart disease Cancer


Which of the following statements about cannabis use in older adults is TRUE? Cannabis appears to relieve some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and chronic pain Adults aged 65-79 were more likely to use cannabis than older adults Among Baby Boomers, married men were most likely to use cannabis All of the above

Cannabis appears to relieve some of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and chronic pain

Erikson identified "virtues" for each of his eight stages, and they refer to what the individual achieves when the stage is successfully reconciled. The virtue emerging when one achieves generativity is: Purpose Care Love Wisdom


Our focus on external qualities when describing ourselves is called our: Self-esteem Categorical self Self-concept All of the above, because these terms mean the same thing

Categorical self

Alex has a scoop of ice cream in a small bowl. Daniel has the same amount of ice cream, but in a larger bowl, so it takes up less space in the bowl. Daniel is upset because he thinks Alex has more ice cream, and he cannot understand that he needs to consider both the size of the bowl and the amount of ice cream when figuring out who has more. The best term to describe this is: Animism Egocentrism Centration Scaffolding


_____________ is the tendency of young children to focus on only one characteristic of an object to the exclusion of others. Animism Egocentrism Centration Conservation


Sexual behavior such as masturbation is not unusual in young children. True False


Alex has a scoop of ice cream in a small bowl. Daniel has the same amount of ice cream, but in a larger bowl, so the ice cream takes up less space in the bowl. Daniel is upset because he thinks Alex has more ice cream. Daniel is having a problem with: Animism Egocentrism Scaffolding Conservation


______________ refers to the ability to recognize that moving or rearranging matter does not change the quantity. Animism Egocentrism Centration Conservation


The __________ is a dense band of fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain. Longitudinal fissure Limbic system Corpus callosum Reticular formation

Corpus callosum

The accumulated knowledge of the world we have acquired throughout our lives is called: Acquired intelligence Crystallized intelligence Fluid intelligence Experiential intelligence

Crystallized intelligence

________ tends to increase with age, while _________ tends to decrease with age. Fluid, crystallized Crystallized, fluid

Crystallized, fluid

Someone is experiencing job burnout when they: Have reached the peak of their earning potential Feel disillusioned and frustrated at work Have advanced as far as they can go in terms of promotions and responsibilities Are trying to balance their employment and family responsibilities

Feel disillusioned and frustrated at work

Which of the following is NOT one of the four main types of child maltreatment? Psychological maltreatment Financial exploitation Neglect Physical abuse

Financial exploitation

Remembering the definition of "declarative memory" is an example of: Autobiographical memory Non-declarative memory Episodic memory Declarative memory

Declarative memory

Experiencing shortness of breath and feeling tired are likely results of: Declines in lung capacity Decreased testosterone production Menopause Reduced melanin production

Declines in lung capacity

Blood pressure is represented by two numbers, such as 110/70 (which, when said aloud, would be "110 over 70"). In blood pressure, the "bottom" number is called the _________ pressure. Hyperbolic Diastolic Prolific Systolic


Atchley (1994) identified several phases that individuals ago through when they retire. In which phase do people experience an emotional let-down? Remote pre-retirement phase Actual retirement Disenchantment phase Honeymoon phase

Disenchantment phase

Understanding that two people may have different desires regarding the same object is called: Hidden emotion Knowledge access Diverse-beliefs Diverse-desires


The ability to switch our focus between tasks or external stimuli is called: Sustained attention Selective attention Divided attention Prodromal attention

Divided attention

Cherlin and Furstenberg identified three styles of grandparents. Companionate grandparents: Rarely see their grandchildren, either due to geographic or emotional distance Have frequent contact with and authority over the grandchild Do things with the grandchild but have little authority or control over them Emphasize the importance of discipline over affection, much like authoritarian parents

Do things with the grandchild but have little authority or control over them

Which of the following fine motor skills could be seen in a 3-year-old, but not a 2-year-old? Can turn a doorknob Can look through a book turning one page at a time Drawing a person with 3 parts Building a tower of 6-7 cubes

Drawing a person with 3 parts

____ occur(s) when the eye does not produce tears properly, or when the tears evaporate too quickly because they are not the correct consistency. Floaters Presbyopia Scotopic sensitivity Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome

When Juan plays hide-and-seek, he "hides" by covering his eyes, because he believes that if he can't see someone else, they must not be able to see him either. The best term to describe this is: Animism Egocentrism Centration Conservation


______________ is the tendency of young children not to be able to take the perspective of others, and instead the child thinks that everyone sees, thinks, and feels just as they do. Animism Egocentrism Centration Conservation


Demitri is very stressed by his caregiving responsibilities and is dealing with it by reminding himself that his mother's disruptive behaviors are part of her Alzheimer's disease and she's not doing these things on purpose. Demetri is using: Emotion-focused coping Problem-focused coping Self-focused coping Other-focused coping

Emotion-focused coping

Great emotional distress experienced by parents, typically mothers, after children have left home is called: Postpartum depression Empty nest syndrome Child-centered coping Prosopagnosia

Empty nest syndrome

Parents whose children are grown up and have left home are sometimes called: Fictive kin Kinkeepers Family watchdogs Empty nesters

Empty nesters

____________ is the repeated passage of feces into inappropriate places, whether deliberate or accidental. Encopresis Enuresis Scotoma Coprolalia


____________ is the repeated voiding of urine into bed or clothes, whether deliberate or accidental. Encopresis Enuresis Scotoma Coprolalia


Self-regulatory processes, such as the ability to inhibit a behavior or cognitive flexibility, that enable adaptive responses to new situations or to reach a specific goal are called: Executive function Inductive logic Deductive logic Mnemonic devices

Executive function

Specialized skills and knowledge that pertain to a particular topic or activity are collectively called: Tacit knowledge Crystallized intelligence Wisdom Expertise


Declarative memories are also called: Implicit Explicit Working Eidetic


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in your book as a factor contributing to sarcopenia? Reduction in nerve cells responsible for sending signals to the muscles from the brain to begin moving Decrease in the ability to turn protein into energy Exposure to environmental toxins Not receiving enough calories or protein to sustain adequate muscle mass

Exposure to environmental toxins

All children need the same amount of sleep each night, regardless of age. True False


Calorie needs tend to increase in midlife. True False


Children of all cultures understand all of the different components of theory of mind at the same age. True False


Children understand all of the different components of theory of mind at the same age. True False


Internet relationships are inferior to real-life relationships. True False


Job satisfaction tends to peak in early adulthood and decline in middle adulthood. True False


Rates of diabetes are equal across gender, ethnic, and racial groups. True False


Expert thinkers are more curious and creative; they enjoy a challenge and experiment with new ideas or procedures (such as a painter who explores other artistic mediums such as sculpture). For this reason, expert thought is sometimes described as: Intuitive Automatic Strategic Flexible


_______ is the mental state of being completely present and fully absorbed in a task. Sustained attention Flow Productive concentration Information processing


The capacity to learn new ways of solving problems and performing activities quickly and abstractly is called: Acquired intelligence Crystallized intelligence Fluid intelligence Experiential intelligence

Fluid intelligence

According to Figure 8.4 on page 288 of your textbook, the biggest increase in the number of adults with hearing impairments occurs: From ages 40-44 to 45-49 From ages 60-64 to 65-69 From ages 50-54 to 55-59 From ages 55-59 to 60-64

From ages 60-64 to 65-69

______________ are hard particles, including fatty materials, bile pigments, and calcium deposits, that can develop in the gallbladder. Gallstones Gallbladder polyps Gallbladder acalculi Gallbladder abscesses


The distress accompanying a mismatch between one's gender identity and biological sex is known as: Gender schema Gender roles Gender dysphoria Gender identity

Gender dysphoria

Self-identification based on a continuum from male to female is known as: Gender schema Gender role Gender dysphoria Gender identity

Gender identity

The expectations associated with being male or female are known as: Gender schemas Gender roles Gender dysphoria Gender identity

Gender roles

Children develop their own conceptions of the attributes associated with maleness or femaleness. These conceptions are known as: Gender schemas Gender roles Gender dysphoria Gender identity

Gender schemas

As Erikson uses it, the term ________ refers to procreativity, productivity, and creativity in midlife, with the goal of leaving a positive legacy. Generosity Gainsharing Generativity Gemellology


Which term refers to organizational discrimination in the workplace that limits the career advancement of women? Sexual harassment Family responsibilities discrimination Glass ceiling Title VII violation

Glass ceiling

Cherlin and Furstenberg identified three styles of grandparents. Involved grandparents: Rarely see their grandchildren, either due to geographic or emotional distance Have frequent contact with and authority over the grandchild Do things with the grandchild but have little authority or control over them Emphasize the importance of discipline over affection, much like authoritarian parents

Have frequent contact with and authority over the grandchild

According to your textbook, someone with a systolic pressure of 130 would likely be diagnosed as: Having normal blood pressure Having prehypertension Having hypertension Being at immediate risk for death from cardiovascular disease

Having prehypertension

The number one cause of death for adults, both in the U.S. and worldwide, is: Diabetes Alzheimer's disease Heart disease Cancer

Heart disease

___________occurs when the blood flows with a greater force than normal.. Hypertension Atherosclerosis Atrial fibrillation Bradycardia


Atchley (1994) identified several phases that individuals ago through when they retire. In which phase do people establish concrete plans for retirement? Immediate pre-retirement phase Remote pre-retirement phase Reorientation phase Honeymoon phase

Immediate pre-retirement phase

Non-declarative memories are also called: Implicit Explicit Working Eidetic


Type 2 diabetes often starts with __________, a disorder in which the cells in the muscles, liver, and fat tissue do not use insulin properly. Insulin resistance Glucagon intolerance Ketoacidosis Adiposity

Insulin resistence

Expert thought often involves calling upon knowledge and past experience instead of relying on rules (such as a person who doesn't need to follow a recipe because they have so much cooking experience). For this reason, expert thought is sometimes described as: Intuitive Automatic Strategic Flexible


The _________ substage of the preoperational stage is marked by greater dependence on intuitive thinking rather than just perception. Animistic Symbolic function Egocentric Intuitive thought

Intuitive thought

Why is low-density lipoprotein (LDL) referred to as "bad cholesterol"? It can form plaque in the arteries, leading to heart attack and stroke It interferes with insulin regulation It interferes with normal digestive processes, leading to malnutrition It is associated with the development of cancer

It can form plaque in the arteries, leading to heart attack and stroke

When we say that a memory is "declarative" or "explicit", we mean that: It is tied to a timeline It is not tied to a timeline It is a memory for facts or events that we can consciously recollect It is highly automated and does not require conscious recollection

It is a memory for facts or events that we can consciously recollect

The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion's 2008 guidelines for exercise in adults contain several recommendations. Which of the following is NOT one of them? It is better to have one day of vigorous exercise than to spread out the exercise over several days Adults should engage in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise Adults should participate in muscle-strengthening activities in addition to aerobic activity Any activity will result in some health benefits

It is better to have one day of vigorous exercise than to spread out the exercise over several days

When we say that a memory is "non-declarative" or "implicit", we mean that: It is tied to a timeline It is not tied to a timeline It is a memory for facts or events that we can consciously recollect It is highly automated and does not require conscious recollection

It is highly automated and does not require conscious recollection

The factor that distinguishes a semantic memory from an episodic memory is that: It is tied to a timeline It is not tied to a timeline It is a memory for facts or events that we can consciously recollect It is highly automated and does not require conscious recollection

It is not tied to a timeline

The factor that distinguishes an episodic memory from a semantic memory is that: It is tied to a timeline It is not tied to a timeline It is a memory for facts or events that we can consciously recollect It is highly automated and does not require conscious recollection

It is tied to a timeline

The _______ hemisphere of the brain is heavily involved in language tasks. Left Right


The notion that people in important relationships, such as children and parents, mutually influence each other's developmental pathways is called: Intersectionality Linked lives Equipotentiality Generation effect

Linked lives

In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the term "operational" refers to: Understanding cause and effect Being able to engage in deferred imitation Logical manipulation of information Being able to use symbols to convey meaning

Logical manipulation of information

The most common relationship status for middle-aged adults in the United States is: Divorced Never married Married Widowed


Gray hair is caused by lower production of ________, the pigment that produces hair color. Melatonin Melanoma Melanin Melanite


In general, who spends more time in leisure activities, men or women? Men Women Men and women spend equal amounts of time in leisure activities


____________ is a cluster of several cardiometabolic risk factors, including large waist circumference, high blood pressure, and elevated triglycerides, LDL, and blood glucose levels, which can lead to diabetes and heart disease. General adaptation syndrome Angelman syndrome Metabolic syndrome Waardenburg syndrome

Metabolic syndrome

__________ is the process by which the body converts food and drink into energy. Ketosis Mitosis Metabolism Protein synthesis


According to Figure 8.19 on page 313 of your book, the average number of annual hours worked by American workers is higher than the number for all of the following countries EXCEPT: Australia Denmark Mexico Germany


Neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies is associated with: A general loss of neurons Microscopic protein deposits in neurons A blockage of cerebral blood vessels that usually affects only one part of the brain Overuse of certain types of medications

Microscopic protein deposits in neurons

According to your book, which of the following statements about divorce is TRUE? Most divorces are initiated by men Most divorces take place within the first 5 to 10 years of marriage Since the 1990s, the divorce rate among those 50 and older has declined significantly Compared to divorce at younger ages, midlife divorces tend to be more angry and conflictual

Most divorces take place within the first 5 to 10 years of marriage

__________ parenting involves holding expectations of children that are below what could be reasonably expected from them. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved


Which of the following statements about remarriage is TRUE? Remarriage rates have declined in recent years More women than men remarry Rates of remarriage are similar across racial and ethnic groups The divorce rate in remarriage is less than in first marriages

Remarriage rates have declined in recent years

___________ involves both cognitive and motor symptoms, similar to Parkinson's disease. Vascular neurocognitive disorder Pick's disease Neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies Alzheimer's disease

Neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies

The term __________ refers to the brain's ability to change its structure and function in response to experience or damage. Neuroplasticity Anisocoria Red desaturation Sectoranopia


A __________is someone who has limited experiences with a particular task. Novice Trainee Newbie Greenhorn


To produce a healthy resolution of the Initiative vs. Guilt crisis, caregivers should: Provide consistent, affectionate care Offer praise for the child's efforts and avoid being critical of messes or mistakes Allow the child to try new things and explore their expanding self-concept Model initiative-taking behavior of their own

Offer praise for the child's efforts and avoid being critical of messes or mistakes

The term "advanced sleep phase syndrome" means that: Older adults need less sleep than adults of other ages Older adults are more likely to experience insomnia than other sleep problems Older adults tend to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier than younger adults All of the above

Older adults tend to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier than younger adults

The term "triple jeopardy" is used to describe a situation in which: People do not have at least three sources of social support Older minority women face a combination of ageism, racism, and sexism A person has at least three life-threatening illnesses A person has at least three factors that increase their suicide risk

Older minority women face a combination of ageism, racism, and sexism

Karen has learned that adding "-ed" to the end of verbs is the standard way to make them past tense, so she adds "-ed" to all verbs, producing words like "swimmed" and "sleeped". This process is called: Overgeneralization Undergeneralization Overregularization Underregularization

Over regularization

According to the Centers for Disease Control data collected in 2006-2007, which of the following statements about Health Life Expectancy (HLE) in the U.S. is TRUE? The highest HLE was observed in Wisconsin HLE was equal across racial and ethnic groups in most states Females had a lower HLE than males at age 65 years Overall, the lowest HLE was among southern states

Overall, the lowest HLE was among southern states

Which of the following statements about shingles is FALSE? People who had the chicken pox when they were younger do not have to worry about getting shingles A person can catch the chicken pox from someone with shingles Shingles can produce a lasting pain condition that impairs daily functioning Shingles can produce blindness if a person experiences blisters near their eye

People who had the chicken pox when they were younger do not have to worry about getting shingles

People who jerk and kick their legs every 20 to 40 seconds during sleep are said to have: Periodic limb movement disorder Sleep apnea Restless legs syndrome Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder

Periodic limb movement disorder

Children of ___________ parents often fail to learn self-discipline and may feel somewhat insecure because they do not know the limits. Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Uninvolved


The program that assists community colleges in creating or expanding options that focus on workforce training and new careers for the plus-50 population is called: Golden Opportunities Slow and Steady Wins the Race Plus 50 Initiative Old Dogs, New Tricks

Plus 50 Initiative

Which part of the brain appears to be particularly important for the development of executive function? Cerebellum Hypothalamus Thalamus Prefrontal cortex

Prefrontal cortex

In Piaget's ___________ stage of development, children use symbols to represent words, images, and ideas. Sensorimotor Concrete operational Formal operational Preoperational


_______ is/are caused by a loss of elasticity in the lens of the eye that makes it harder for the eye to focus on objects that are closer to the person. Floaters Presbyopia Scotopic sensitivity Dry eye syndrome


Aging caused by biological factors, such as molecular and cellular changes, is called: Primary aging Secondary aging Tertiary aging Physical aging

Primary aging

Esther is very stressed by her caregiving responsibilities and is dealing with it by attempting to hire some home health care. Esther is using: Emotion-focused coping Problem-focused coping Self-focused coping Other-focused coping

Problem-focused coping

Midlife social interactions are predicted by the ______ of social interactions at age 20 and the __________ of social interaction at age 30. Quantity, quality Quality, quantity Quality, quality Quantity, quantity

Quantity, quality

People whose muscles move during REM sleep and therefore disrupt their sleep are said to have: Periodic limb movement disorder Sleep apnea Restless legs syndrome Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder

Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder

Cherlin and Furstenberg identified three styles of grandparents. Remote grandparents: Rarely see their grandchildren, either due to geographic or emotional distance Have frequent contact with and authority over the grandchild Do things with the grandchild but have little authority or control over them Emphasize the importance of discipline over affection, much like authoritarian parents

Rarely see their grandchildren, either due to geographic or emotional distance

In Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome, there are three phases. Which of the following is NOT one of them? Mobilization of physiological resources Coping Exhaustion Recuperation


According to Levinson's theory of adult development, the midlife transition (ages 40-45) was a time of: Attaining career success and prestige Reevaluating previous commitments and making changes as necessary Disengaging from society Thinking of life in terms of how many years are left

Reevaluating previous commitments and making changes as necessary

The term __________ refers to engaging with a formal religious group's doctrines, values, traditions, and co-members. Religiosity Spirituality Transcendentalism Predestination


Prospective memory involves: Remembering things we need to do in the future Using executive functions to track multiple tasks simultaneously Using previously learned information to make decisions about new information Recognizing information previously presented

Remembering things we need to do in the future

Diabetic ___________ is damage to the small blood vessels in the retina that may lead to loss of vision. Presbyopia Retinopathy Glaucoma Macular degeneration


_____________ is an inflammatory disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function in the joints. Lupus Rheumatoid arthritis Sickle cell anemia Neurofibromatosis

Rheumatoid arthritis

_____________ is a program that provides educational opportunities and travel experiences for older adults. Senioritis Age of Enlightenment Golden Road Experiences Road Scholar

Road scholar

The theory that the brain adapts to neural atrophy (dying of brain cells) by building alternative connections is called the: Dopamine hypothesis Scaffolding theory of aging and cognition Neural proliferation hypothesis Role stress relief hypothesis

Scaffolding theory of aging and cognition

_______ is/are the ability to see in dimmer light, an ability that declines during midlife. Floaters Presbyopia Scotopic sensitivity Dry eye syndrome

Scotopic sensitivity

Aging caused by potentially controllable factors, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, is called: Primary aging Secondary aging Tertiary aging Physical aging

Secondary aging

The ability to focus on a single task or stimulus while ignoring distracting information is called: Sustained attention Selective attention Divided attention Prodromal attention

Selective attention

Our self-description according to various categories is called our: Self-esteem Categorical self Self-concept All of the above, because these terms mean the same thing


Our evaluative judgment about who we are is called our: Self-esteem Categorical self Self-concept All of the above, because these terms mean the same thing


Remembering the definition of "declarative memory" is an example of: Autobiographical memory Non-declarative memory Episodic memory Semantic memory

Semantic memory

___________ is the first stage of the memory system and stores sensory input in its raw form for a very brief duration, just long enough for the brain to register and start processing the information. Sensory memory Working memory Long-term memory Eidetic memory

Sensory memory

The innate immune system is composed of the: Skin, mucous membranes, cough reflex, stomach acid, and specialized cells that alert the body of an impending threat Cellular changes that occur following immunization or exposure to bacteria or viruses that results in the body developing immunity Tonsils, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, circulatory system and the lymphatic system that work to produce and transport T cells Antibodies that are produced in a body other than our own, such as the antibodies transferred from mother to infant through the placenta

Skin, mucous membranes, cough reflex, stomach acid, and specialized cells that alert the body of an impending threat

Your book uses the term _________ to describe to describe the number of social roles a person has. Social facilitation Sociability Social integration Social ascendancy

Social integration

The idea that as we age, we change our motivation for actively seeking social contact with others is called: Socioemotional selectivity theory Selective optimization with compensation Activity theory Convoy model of social relations

Socioemotional selectivity theory

Most cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by other medical conditions, such as diabetes and atherosclerosis. True False


The term __________ refers to an individual's intrapsychic sense of connection with something transcendent (that which exists apart from and not limited by the material universe) and the subsequent feelings of awe, gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness. Religiosity Spirituality Transcendentalism Predestination


Which of the following gross motor skills could be seen in a 5-year-old, but not a 4-year-old? Stays balanced while standing on one foot with eyes closed Hops on 1 foot without losing balance Throws a ball overhand with coordination Using a knife to spread soft foods

Stays balanced while standing on one foot with eyes closed

The muscle-to-fat ratio for both men and women changes throughout middle adulthood, with an accumulation of fat in the: Buttocks Stomach Neck Hip


Heartburn is caused by: Insufficient stomach acid The stomach failing to digest food as quickly as it should Stomach acid backing up into the esophagus The digestive system failing to properly absorb nutrients

Stomach acid backing up into the esophagus

Expert thinkers can generate hypotheses better than novices, and are also better at ignoring irrelevant information to make effective decisions (such as an experienced college student who can identify which information on the PowerPoints is important and doesn't have to write down everything). For this reason, expert thought is sometimes described as: Intuitive Automatic Strategic Flexible


The word ________ refers to a pattern of physical and psychological responses in an organism after it perceives a threatening event that disturbs its homeostasis and taxes its abilities to cope with the event. Jittering Ululation Stress Damping


The ability to stay on task for long periods of time is called: Sustained attention Selective attention Divided attention Prodromal attention

Sustained attention

The _________ substage of the preoperational stage is characterized by the child being able to mentally represent an object that is not present and a dependence on perception in problem solving. Animistic Symbolic function Egocentric Intuitive thought

Symbolic function

The systolic pressure represents: The pressure in the blood vessels when the heart beats The time it takes for blood pressure to return to normal after a stressful event The pressure in the blood vessels when the heart is at rest The number of heartbeats per minute

The pressure in the blood vessels when the heart beats

The diastolic pressure represents: The pressure in the blood vessels when the heart beats The time it takes for blood pressure to return to normal after a stressful event The pressure in the blood vessels when the heart is at rest The number of heartbeats per minute

The pressure in the blood vessels when the heart is at rest

Vygotsky believed that children talked to themselves because: They were learning to solve problems or clarify thoughts They were egocentric They had insecure attachments They were resolving the crisis of Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt

They were learning to solve problems or clarify thoughts

Delayed gratification involves: The ability to stop a behavior that has already begun The ability to hold out for a larger reward by forgoing a smaller immediate reward The ability to not initiate a behavior before you have evaluated all of the information The ability to take action to solve problems

The ability to hold out for a larger reward by forgoing a smaller immediate reward

Response initiation involves: The ability to stop a behavior that has already begun The ability to hold out for a larger reward by forgoing a smaller immediate reward The ability to not initiate a behavior before you have evaluated all of the information The ability to take action to solve problems

The ability to not initiate a behavior before you have evaluated all of the information

Response inhibition involves: The ability to stop a behavior that has already begun The ability to hold out for a larger reward by forgoing a smaller immediate reward The ability to not initiate a behavior before you have evaluated all of the information The ability to take action to solve problems

The ability to stop a behavior that has already begun

In terms of developmental biology, women are the "default" sex. The term "default" means that: Women outlive men Males are heterogametic (XY), whereas females are homogametic (XX) The creation of a male individual requires a sequence of events at a molecular level Women are, on average, at lower risk of certain conditions than men

The creation of a male individual requires a sequence of events at a molecular level

The term "sarcopenia" refers to: A form of skin cancer caused by repeated sun exposure Bone growths that make it painful to walk The loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs with aging Changes in skin appearance and texture with aging

The loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs with aging

Which of the following is NOT one of the criteria for a high-quality preschool as described in your textbook? Establishes and maintains collaborative relationships with families Uses teaching approaches that are developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate Promotes children's health and nutrition The majority of children who go there come from a high socioeconomic status

The majority of children who go there come from a high socioeconomic status

The term "climacteric" refers to: A period of transition in which a woman's ovaries stop releasing eggs and the level of estrogen and progesterone production decreases The midlife transition when fertility declines A span of 12 months without menstruation A surge of adrenaline caused by hormonal changes

The midlife transition when fertility declines

Which of the following statements about volunteering in later life is FALSE? The number of hours older adults volunteer declines significantly in their early 70s About 40% of older adults engage in volunteerism Religious organizations, hospitals, and environmental groups are common volunteer outlets for older adults Volunteering is associated with positive factors such as better health and life satisfaction

The number of hours older adults volunteer declines significantly in their early 70s

The ability to think about other people's thoughts is called: Theory of mind Theory-theory Fast mapping Scaffolding

Theory of mind

The tendency of children to generate theories to explain everything they encounter is called: Theory of mind Theory-theory Fast mapping Scaffolding


In the context of divorced parents' interactions with their children, the word "gatekeeping" means: These parents limit their ex-spouse's contact with their children These parents regulate the flow of information about their new romantic partner to their children These parents do not discuss their ex-spouse with their children These parents want to be very involved in their children's romantic lives to prevent them from making the same mistakes they did

These parents regulate the flow of information about their new romantic partner to their children

Which of the following general statements about people in a flow state is FALSE? They are achieving great joy or intellectual satisfaction from the activity and accomplishing a goal They are not concerned with extrinsic rewards They are engaged in vigorous physical activity They are able to block outside distractions

They are engaged in vigorous physical activity

A child is in the zone of proximal development when: They can perform a task independently They are unable to perform a task They can almost perform a task, but not quite on their own without assistance They are almost ready to start learning to perform a task

They can almost perform a task, but not quite on their own without assistance

According to DePaulo, studies that simply compare married people to single people may be flawed because: They use cross-sectional and not longitudinal designs They are not experimental studies They do not use valid measures to assess adjustment They do not differentiate between adults who have always been single and adults who are single due to divorce or widowhood

They do not differentiate between adults who have always been single and adults who are single due to divorce or widowhood

The main reason that people choose to delay retirement is: They are not emotionally ready to think of themselves as old enough to retire They have not yet developed hobbies to keep them busy They may not have the financial resources They enjoy working so much that they can't imagine making changes

They enjoy working so much that they can't imagine making changes

Piaget believed that children talked to themselves because: They were learning to solve problems or clarify thoughts They were egocentric They had insecure attachments They were resolving the crisis of Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt

They were egocentric

Which of the following gross motor skills could be seen in a 4-year-old, but not a 3-year-old? Can pedal a tricycle Throws a ball overhand with coordination Can briefly balance and hop on one foot May walk up stairs with alternating feet (without holding the rail)

Throws a ball overhand with coordination

Cross-sectional research may not be appropriate for examining the experiences of LGBT elders because: There are ethical issues with recruiting participants The sample size will not be large enough to draw valid conclusions Today's cohort of LGBT elders grew up in times when social attitudes about homosexuality were different than they are now People cannot be randomly assigned to groups based on sexual orientation or gender identity

Today's cohort of LGBT elders grew up in times when social attitudes about homosexuality were different than they are now

The adaptive immune system is composed of the: Skin, mucous membranes, cough reflex, stomach acid, and specialized cells that alert the body of an impending threat Cellular changes that occur following immunization or exposure to bacteria or viruses that results in the body developing immunity Tonsils, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, circulatory system and the lymphatic system that work to produce and transport T cells Antibodies that are produced in a body other than our own, such as the antibodies transferred from mother to infant through the placenta

Tonsils, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, circulatory system and the lymphatic system that work to produce and transport T cells

__________ reasoning involves making faulty inferences from one specific example to another. Inductive Deductive Transductive Inconclusive


According to your book, __________ have been found to cause autism. Cold, unaffectionate parenting Vaccines Nutritional deficiencies Trick question! According to your book, none of these things have been found to cause autism

Trick question! According to your book, none of these things have been found to cause autism

Although age-related physical changes can affect sexual functioning and desire, interest in sex does not automatically disappear at a certain age. True False


At this time, among the top 10 causes of death in America, Alzheimer's disease is the only one that cannot be prevented or cured. True False


Children between the ages of two and six years sometimes show a decrease in appetite. True False


Depression and mood swings are more common during menopause, but only for women who have prior histories of these conditions. True False


Gender role expectations appear to develop largely as a result of the expectations and experiences parents and cultures place on children. True False


Growth during childhood occurs in spurts instead of a steady continual progression. True False


How parents react to their children growing up and leaving home appears to be affected by cultural factors. True False


In general, children cared for by their mothers do not develop differently than those who were cared for by others, such as day care workers. True False


In general, research has demonstrated that raising children has a negative impact on the quality of martial relationships. True False


In general, women acting as caregivers experience more burden than men in that role. True False


It appears that formal religious participation and spirituality relate differently to an individual's overall psychological well-being. True False


Middle aged adults who find themselves unemployed are likely to remain unemployed longer than those in early adulthood. True False


Which of the following is NOT recommended for encouraging the development of healthy eating habits in children? Try to keep a positive atmosphere at mealtime Limit choices Use dessert as a way to get children to eat healthy foods Prepare the same meal for everyone

Use dessert as a way to get children to eat healthy foods

The subgroup of divorcees called "enhancers": Use the experience to better themselves and seek more productive intimate relationships Look for other relationships immediately after their divorce Use their divorce experience to grow emotionally, but choose to stay single Maintain positive relationships with their ex-spouses

Use the experience to better themselves and seek more productive intimate relationships

The subgroup of divorcees called "competent loners": Use the experience to better themselves and seek more productive intimate relationships Look for other relationships immediately after their divorce Use their divorce experience to grow emotionally, but choose to stay single Maintain positive relationships with their ex-spouses

Use their divorce experience to grow emotionally, but choose to stay single

Levinson concluded from his research that a midlife crisis was a normal part of development. However, his research has been criticized and questioned for: Using a cross-sectional instead of a longitudinal design Not operationally defining his variables Using the wrong statistical tests during data analysis Using invalid measures to assess development

Using a cross-sectional instead of a longitudinal design

Which of the following fine motor skills could be seen in a 5-year-old, but not a 4-year-old? Drawing a square Managing a spoon and fork neatly while eating Putting on clothes properly Using a knife to spread soft foods

Using a knife to spread soft foods

Working memory is composed of three major systems. The one that maintains information about visual stimuli is the: Central executive Visuospatial sketchpad Phonological loop Auditory processor

Visuospatial sketchpad

Around the world, the most common leisure activity in both early and middle adulthood is: Reading Participating in exercise or sports Creative pursuits such as cooking and art Watching television

Watching television

The length of time a species can exist under the most optimal conditions is called: a. Lifespan b. Life expectancy c. Both a and b d. None of these

a. Lifespan

Boomerang kids are: Young adults who go from job to job without steadily committing to anything Young adults who help their aging relatives on a temporary, as-needed basis Young adults who are returning after having lived independently outside the home Young adults who are still forming their identity

Young adults who are returning after having lived independently outside the home

Bandura's studies with the "Bobo doll" indicated that: a. Children will imitate aggressive behavior they see on TV b. After observing aggressive behavior in another person, children will display new aggressive acts not initially shown by the model c. Children will imitate aggressive behaviors they see other people perform d. All of the above

a. All the above

Descriptive records of one or a small group of individuals' experiences and behavior are called: a. Case studies b. Surveys c. Naturalistic observations d. Experiments

a. Case studies

The predicted number of years a person born in a particular time period can reasonably expect to live is called: a. Lifespan b. Life expectancy c. Both a and b d. None of the above

a. Life expectancy

Which of the following factors can make it difficult to identify substance abuse problems in older adults? Stereotypes of older adults can result in a diagnosis of cognitive impairment instead of a substance use disorder Stigma and shame about use may keep older adults from seeking assistance Older adults may participate in fewer activities (such as jobs) where substance abuse would be easily noticed All of the above

all of the above

Erikson proposed that each period of life has a unique challenge that the person who reaches it must face. This task is called a(n): a. Psychosocial crisis b. Psychogenic fugue c. Psychosexual crisis d. Nonnormative life event

a. Psychosocial crisis

What is the term we use for the set of assumptions, rules, and procedures scientists use to conduct research? a. Scientific method b. Experimental psychology c. Radical empiricism d. Epistemology

a. Scientific method

Research that describes what is occurring at a particular point in time is called: a. Descriptive b. Correlational c. Experimental d. All of the above, because all of these terms mean the same thing

a. descriptive

Opportunities to develop close relationships often diminish in later life as social networks decrease because of: Retirement Relocation The death of friends and loved ones All of the above

all of the above

People who live in cultures with negative stereotypes about aging, and who believe those negative stereotypes, are likely to: Experience declines in memory and other cognitive skills Have more difficulty recovering from illnesses Experience more stress and anxiety All of the above

all of the above

Possible non-cognitive explanations for cognitive differences between younger and older adults include: Decreased sensory function in older adults Older adults' greater need for cognitive tasks to be meaningful An overreliance on cross-sectional versus longitudinal research All of the above

all of the above

Reasons commonly cited by older women for not wanting to remarry include: Wanting to maintain their autonomy Not wanting to merge their finances with someone else Not wanting to care for an ill partner All of the above

all of the above

Reasons why women tend to live longer than men include: The protective effect of estrogen Men tend to have more dangerous jobs Men are more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections All of the above

all of the above

Sleep problems in older adults are associated with: Increased risk of falls Reduced immune function Cognitive decline All of the above

all of the above

Socioemotional selectivity theory is supported by research indicating that: Older adults have smaller networks compared to young adults Older partners show more affectionate behavior during conflict discussions than do middle-aged partners Compared to younger adults, older adults often avoid negative interactions All of the above

all of the above

Successfully resolving the crisis of Ego integrity versus Despair requires: Finding meaning in one's life and accepting one's accomplishments Acknowledging what in life has not gone as hoped Feeling a sense of contentment and accepting others' deficiencies, including those of one's parents All of the above

all of the above

Treating cancer in older adults is challenging because: Chemotherapy may exacerbate dementia and elderly cognitive declines Aging is associated with a decline in multiple organ systems that can adversely affect the ability of medications to treat the cancer Older adults are likely to have other medical conditions that can complicate treatment All of the above

all of the above

When compared to adults over 85, the young-old tend to have better functioning in: Health Social engagement Cognitive skills All of the above

all of the above

When compared to heterosexual elders, lesbian and gay elders have less support from others as they are: More likely to live alone Less likely to have adult children Likely to be discriminated against All of the above

all of the above

When grandparents take over the task of raising their grandchildren, they may face challenges because: Older adults have far less energy Traumatic events are usually the reason behind them taking over this task They face financial, health, education, and housing challenges that often derail their retirement plans All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following laws and regulations can influence a person's decision to retire? Eligibility for Medicare Eligibility for Social Security benefits Specific occupations have mandatory retirement ages All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following statements about elder abuse is TRUE? Cognitive impairment is the greatest risk factor for elder abuse Approximately 4.3 million older Americans are affected by at least one form of elder abuse per year Elders between 60 and 69 years of age are more susceptible to elder abuse than those older All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following statistics about substance abuse in older adults is TRUE? Nearly 50 percent of nursing home residents have alcohol related problems 14 percent of elderly emergency room admissions are a result of alcohol or drug problems Older adults are hospitalized as often for alcoholic related problems as for heart attacks All of the above

all of the above

Why might older adults be especially sensitive to the effects of drugs and alcohol? The age-related decrease in the ratio between lean body mass and fat makes them more susceptible to the effects of drugs and alcohol Older adults are likely to be taking other medications, which can result in unpredictable interactions Liver enzymes that metabolize alcohol become less efficient with age All of the above

all of the above

Years exposed to the sun may lead to: Cancer Wrinkles Age spots All of the above

all of the above

Total loss of smell is called: Anosmia Dysosmia Presbyosmia Phantosmia


Which of the following is NOT one of the three primary domains in which development occurs? a. Physical b. Cognitive c. Contextual d. Psychosocial

c. Contextual

Developmental psychology is also called: a. Lifespan Development b. Human Development c. Both a & b d. None of these

c. Both a & b

Appreciating cultural differences and understanding that cultural practices are best understood from the standpoint of that particular culture is called: a. Ethnodiversity b. Multiculturalism c. Cultural relativity d. Universalism

c. Cultural relativity

The transitional time between the end of adolescence and before individuals acquire all the benchmarks of adulthood is called: a. Post-pubescence b. Early adulthood c. Emerging adulthood d. Senescence

c. Emerging adulthood

The researcher who first articulated key underlying principles of lifespan development is: a. Erik Erikson b. Sigmund Freud c. Paul Baltes d. James Mark Baldwin

c. Paul Baltes

When we say that development is characterized by "plasticity", we mean that: a. It always occurs in a way that we can see and touch b. It is created by chemicals c. We are capable of change, and many of our characteristics are malleable d. It has many possible uses

c. We are capable of change, and many of our characteristics are malleable

Working memory is composed of three major systems. Which one appears to be most negatively impacted by age? Central executive Visuospatial sketchpad Phonological loop Auditory processor

central executive

______ is a progressive lung disease in which the airways become damaged, making it difficult to breathe. Tuberculosis Asthma Pneumonia Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

___________ is a disease in which the liver becomes scarred and does not function properly. Diverticulosis Cirrhosis Cellulosis Halitosis


The idea that the social connections that people accumulate differ in levels of closeness and are held together by exchanges in social support is called: Socioemotional selectivity theory Selective optimization with compensation Activity theory Convoy model of social relations

convoy model of social relations

__________ is a disease in which the body does not control the amount of glucose in the blood. Insulin resistance Glucagon intolerance Diabetes Neuropathy


Treatment for Parkinson's disease often involves medication that affects which neurotransmitter? Serotonin Dopamine Epinephrine Norepinephrine


Older parents of adult children who provided _______ support tended to report greater life satisfaction, but older adults whose children provided ________ support reported less life satisfaction. Emotional, informational Financial, emotional Informational, emotional Informational, financial

emotional, informational

Having to remember to do something when a certain event occurs is called _______-based prospective memory. Future Time Proactive Event


Older adults who remarry often find that their remarriages are less stable than those of younger adults. True False


Research has conclusively demonstrated that adding antioxidants to our diets reduces the effects of free radical damage. True False


The poverty rate for older adults is consistent across gender, marital status, race, and age. True False


The "MyPlate for Older Adults" guide from Tufts University suggests that 50% of an older adult's diet should consist of: Lean meats Whole grains Fruits and vegetables Fats and sugars

fruits and vegetables

According to your book, the most common cause of blindness in the United States is: Macular degeneration Glaucoma Diabetic retinopathy Cataracts


__________ is/are the loss of peripheral vision, frequently due to a buildup of fluid in eye that damages the optic nerve. Macular degeneration Glaucoma Presbyopia Cataracts


When looking at large populations, the World Health Organization (2016) measures how many equivalent years of full health on average a newborn baby is expected to have. This age takes into account current age-specific mortality, morbidity, and disability risks and is referred to as the: Adjusted Life Span Prorated Life Expectancy Healthy Life Expectancy Corrected Life Span

healthy life expectancy

According to Table 9.6 on page 368 of your book, the most common chronic condition is: Diabetes Osteoporosis Stroke High cholesterol

high cholesterol

Neurons in the ___________ are among the first to be damaged in Alzheimer's disease. Cerebellum Thalamus Reticular formation Hippocampus


Which of the following groups is MOST likely to live in poverty? Caucasian older men African American older men Hispanic women African American older women

hispanic women

Hormonal Stress Theory suggests that as we age, the ability of the ____________to regulate hormones in the body begins to decline, leading to metabolic problems. Thyroid gland Pineal gland Pituitary gland Hypothalamus


The idea that older adults have difficulty focusing on certain information while suppressing attention to less pertinent information tasks is called: Inhibition theory Directed forgetting Processing speed theory Accommodation theory

inhibition therapy

The average number of years that members of a population (or species) live is called: Life expectancy Life span Life course All of the above, because all of these terms mean the same thing

life expectancy

The greatest age reached by any member of a given population (or species) is called: Life expectancy Life span Life course All of the above, because all of these terms mean the same thing

life span

Which is longer, life span or life expectancy? Life expectancy Life span They are equal in length


Your book uses the term __________ to describe the discrepancy between the social contact a person has and the contacts a person wants. Solitude Social isolation Loneliness Autonomy


The brain decreases in weight as we age. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in your book as a reason for this decrease? Shrinkage of neurons Lower number of synapses Loss of myelin Shorter length of axons

loss of myelin

________ is/are a loss of clarity in the center field of vision, due to the deterioration of the macula, the center of the retina. Macular degeneration Glaucoma Presbyopia Cataracts

macular degeneration

A significant cognitive decline from a previous level of performance in one or more cognitive domains and interferes with independent functioning is called a _______ neurocognitive disorder. Major Minor Primary Secondary


Aspects of intelligence that are dependent on brain functioning are called the ____________ of intelligence. Mechanics Pragmatics Informatics Automatics


The life sustaining activities of the body are called: Eustress Acute stress Chronic stress Metabolic stress

metabolic stress

A modest cognitive decline from a previous level of performance in one of more cognitive domains and does not interfere with independent functioning is called a _______ neurocognitive disorder. Major Minor Primary Secondary


Cognitive training programs for older adults: Have been shown to delay or slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease Are more effective at maintaining cognitive functioning than physical exercise, learning new skills, and socializing Have been found to improve generalization of cognitive skills to other tasks None of the above

none of the above

The term "fourth age" is sometimes used to describe people in the ___________ age group. Young-old Old-old Oldest-old Centenarian


Which age group accounts for only 2% of the U. S. population, but 9% of all hospitalizations? Young-old Old-old Oldest-old Centenarian


The disease that thins and weakens bones to the point that they become fragile and break easily is called: Osteoporosis Scoliosis Kyphosis Hyperhydrosis


________ is a disease characterized by motor tremors, loss of balance, poor coordination, rigidity, and difficulty moving. Huntington's disease Alzheimer's disease Parkinson's disease Meniere's disease

parkinson's disease

According to Figure 8.17 on page 308 of your book, the Seattle Longitudinal Study showed that all of the following skills improve in middle adulthood EXCEPT: Inductive reasoning Spatial orientation Perceptual speed Verbal memory

perceptual speed

If you were shown pictures of food and asked to rate their appearance and then later were asked to complete words such as s_ _ p, you may be more likely to write soup than soap, or ship. This is an example of: Semantic memory enhancement Central processing disorder Facilitated communication Priming


The idea that our ability to process information declines as the nervous system slows with advanced age is called: Inhibition theory Directed forgetting Processing speed theory Accommodation theory

processing speed theory

Theories of aging that follow a biological timetable, possibly a continuation of childhood development, are called _________ theories. Sensorineural Longitudinal Programmed Damage


Older adults show larger declines in _________ memory compared to younger adults. Recall Recognition Procedural All of the above


Atchley (1994) identified several phases that individuals ago through when they retire. In which phase do people attempt to adjust to retirement by making less hectic plans and getting into a regular routine? Honeymoon phase Reorientation phase Immediate pre-retirement phase Disenchantment phase

reorientation phase

People who feel tingling, crawling, or pins and needles sensations in one or both legs that worsens at night are said to have: Periodic limb movement disorder Sleep apnea Restless legs syndrome Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder

restless legs syndrome

The ______ hemisphere of the brain is heavily involved in spatial tasks. Left Right


According to Table 9.2 on page 350 of your textbook, in 2030, the United States is predicted to have the lowest percentage of living adults over 65 except for which country? Russia Japan Canada Germany


When an elder makes adjustments, as needed, in order to continue living as independently and actively as possible, this is called: Socioemotional selectivity theory Selective optimization with compensation Activity theory Convoy model of social relations

selective optimization with compensation

People who have repeated short pauses in breathing that can lead to reduced oxygen in the blood are said to have: Periodic limb movement disorder Sleep apnea Restless legs syndrome Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder

sleep apnea

Being the target of stereotypes can adversely affect individuals' performance on tasks because they worry they will confirm the cultural stereotypes. This is called a: Self-serving bias Positive reinforcer Self-fulfilling prophecy Stereotype threat

stereotype threat

_____ is an important protein that helps maintain the brain's transport system. Alpha Sigma Tau Beta


At the end of each chromosomal strand is a sequence of DNA that does not code for any particular protein, but protects the rest of the chromosome. This sequence of DNA is called a: Telecaster Telodendron Telomere Teleplasm


As our cells replicate, what happens to our telomeres? They get stronger They get shorter They take on new functions They create new cells of their own

they get shorter

Having to remember to do something at a future time is called _______-based prospective memory. Future Time Proactive Event


A change in marital status is more likely to affect the sexual behavior of older women than older men. True False


According to Erber and Szuchman (2015), the majority of older adults do not move to a different residence after retirement. True False


Although there do not seem to be racial or ethnic group differences in elder abuse prevalence, cultural norms regarding what constitutes abuse do differ based on ethnicity. True False


Although those 85 and older are more likely to require long-term care and to be in nursing homes than the youngest-old, most still live in the community rather than a nursing home. True False


Children born in the United States today may be the first generation to have a shorter life span than their parents. True False


Family physicians may be more likely prescribe benzodiazepines and opioids to older adults to deal with psychosocial and pain problems rather than prescribe alternatives such as therapy. True False


Having a friend as a confidante appears to provide more health-related benefits to recent widows than having a family member as a confidante. True False


How women feel about menopause depends on cultural influences as well as how they individually feel about fertility and the aging process. True False


If there is a decline in sexual activity for a heterosexual couple, it is typically due to a decline in the male's physical health. True False


In nations in which medical care is limited, cataracts are a leading cause of blindness. True False


Older adults often show increasing insensitivity to pressure, temperature, or pain, putting them at risk for injury. True False


People tend to get shorter as they move into old age. True False


People who live in cultures with negative stereotypes about aging, and who believe those negative stereotypes, are likely to experience declines in memory and other cognitive skills. True False


Perpetrators of elder abuse are more likely to be family members than paid workers such as home health aides or nursing home staff. True False


Recognition tasks are usually easier because they require less cognitive energy. True False


Research suggests that life experiences, rather than just age, are stronger predictors of wisdom. True False


The context of a spouse's death, such as whether or not the death occurred after a lengthy illness, is an important factor in how people may react. True False


The number of older people in less developed countries is projected to increase more than in developed countries. True False


The online dating patterns of older adults are similar to those of young and middle-aged adults. True False


According to Erikson, successfully resolving the crisis of Ego integrity versus Despair is necessary in order to achieve: Closure Wisdom Postformal thinking Fluid intelligence


The ability to use the accumulated knowledge about practical matters that allows for sound judgment and decision making is called: Common sense Implicit memory Procedural memory Wisdom


2014 statistics indicate that men 65 years of age and older are most likely to live: In a nursing home With their spouse With adult children or other family members Alone

with their spouse

In general, women 65 years of age and older are least likely to live: With non-relatives such as friends With their spouse With adult children or other family members Alone

with their spouse

Older adults between the ages of 65 and 84 comprise the ________ category. Young-old Old-old Oldest-old Centenarian


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