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This is the and product of assessment it represents the dinician's efforts to integrate the assessment data into a functional whole so that the information can help the dent solve oroblems and make decisions a. Psychological diagnosis b. Psychological report c. Case conceptualization d. Clinical impression


which research had greater degree of internal validity? a. laboratory experiment research b. field experiment research c. field study research d. ex post facto research


within the field of psychology ______ pioneered the study of how organisms learn through processes such as the "law of effect" and "operant conditioning" a. behaviorist b. humanist c. ethologist d. psychodynamic psychologist


within the major category of personality test,two major subdivision of test are a. objective and subjective b. objective and projective c. valid and reliable d. valid and invalid


An IQ test does NOT provide which of the following? a. High test re-test reliability b. Good predictor of behavior c. High internal Consistency d. Good Validity


An organization settings, human resource professionals and industrial/organizational psychologists use psychological tests for all except a. Make a hiring decisions b. Determine training needs c. Diagnose disorders d. Evaluate employee performance


Another name of accidental or incidental sampling is? a. convenience sampling b. judgmental sampling c. purposive sampling d. inferential sampling


Sir Francis Galton associated individual differences in intelligence with their... a. ability to detect subtle sensory information changes b. IQ score c. schooling d. ability to speak well publicly


The MMPI measures which of the following? a. mood b. physical concerns c. social attitudes d. all of the above


The Weschler Adultt intelligence scale can be used to assess eligibility for: a. Housing benefit b. disability allowance c. suicide risk d. special educational needs


What is Rorschach's projective test designed to measure? a. unconscious b. dreams c. conscious desires d. brain size


Your 43-year-old client told you that she has plans of getting a hired gunman to kill her business partner who swindled money from her. She claimed that it will be an act of vengeance. What is the most ethical thing to do in this situation? a.Maintain confidentiality since it is the most absolute rule and guideline in our profession. b. Act like you've heard nothing. We are not supposed to meddle with our client's personal life. c. Call an ambulance so that your client will be confined in a psychiatric ward for evaluation. d. Inform the police, your client's family and business partners about her plans and motives


a child psychologist developed a test which can measure the level of magical thinking and egocentric tendencies of children in the preoperational stage of cognitive development. the test was designed to be accomplished by teachers, parents, and guidance counselors to check the consistency of kids behavior, what form of reliability should be used by this test? a. inter- item b. inter- rater c. test -retest d. split- half


a child's mental age a. cannot be determined independently of the child's chronical age b. provides a measurements of a child's performance relative to other children of a particular age group c. cannot be determined from a child's test score d. can only be determined from large representative samples


a false positive is when a. the test predicted that the test taker did not possess the particular characteristic or attribute being measured when the test test taker actually did. b. the test predicted that the test takers did possess the particular characteristic or attribute being measured when in fact the test takers did not c. the test predicted that the test takers did possess the particular characteristic or attribute being measured when the test takers actually did d. the test predicted that the test takers did not posses the particular characteristic or attribute being measured when the test takers actually did not


a rating error is a judgment resulting from the intentional or unintentional misuses of a rating scale. in order to avoid the different kinds of errors, one must use. a. rating scale b. ordinal scale c. ranking d. rating


a sample of 172 middle aged adults took weschler memory scale (WMS) and the newly developed quark working memory battery (QWMB). the scores of the respondents underwent statistical treatment and yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.91 this was done in order to check if the two test are measuring the same construct. with this, we can conclude that the two test have... a. good discriminant validity b. poor discriminant validity c. good convergent validity d. poor convergent validity


a test taker who repeatedly answers false on a personality inventory and with true/false response option is showing which response bias? a. malingering b. faking bad c. nay-saying d. self-deception


a testing entrepreneur has developed a big toe intelligence test. for assessing your intelligence, he measures your right big toe in centimeters, multiplies that figure by 100 and adds your age. Then he tells about your IQ. given your knowledge of testing, you can say that this test is a. reliable but not valid b. not reliable c. valid d. probably standardize for abnormal people and nit for normal ones


according to classical test score theory, what happens to the true score variance as error in a measure increases? a. it increases b. it decreases c. it remains constant d. classical test score theory makes no statement on this point


achievement test assess a. past learning b. future learning potential c. need for achievement d. innate potential


achievement, aptitude and intelligence can be encompassed by the term a. human potential b. human traits c. human personality d. human ability


as an examinee becomes older, the score in the Stanford binet become a. more reliable b. less reliable c. less valid d. none of the above


case formulation is: a. using information to draw up psychological explanation of the client's problems and plan for therapy b. using psychiatric diagnostic model of psychopathology c. using previous case studies for diagnosis d. analyzing clients behavior on a case by case


consider the following scores and their corresponding z- scores : theories of personality - 32, z- score- 1.22; industrial psychology- 47, z score - 1.22. what can we conclude from this presented information? a. the performance in relation to the norm is the same b. though the score on industrial psychology is higher, the performance in theories of personality in relation to the norm is higher c. though the score on theories of personality in relation d. though the z- score are the same the difference in raw score matter


consider the following statement about a hypothetical personality test. which one is not possible based on the relationship between reliability and validity a. the test is high in predictive validity and high in reliability b. test us high in predictive validity and low reliability c. the test is low in predictive validity and high in reliability d. the test is low in predictive validity and low in reliability

the notion that scores on a test correlate higher test with scores from test that measure the same scores

construct validity is a notion that refers to: a. the notion that scores on a test correlate higher test with scores from test that measure the same scores b. the level of which a construct is related to similar measure c. the degree to which the items in the test consistently relate to each other d. the test will produce consistent results.


counseling is a profession that aims to: a. promote personal growth snd productivity b. provide a successful diagnosis in psychopathology c. ensures that clients are on the correct medication d. solely address behavior


counter conditioning is an exposure therapy technique which involves: a. learning that one negative event may be linked to another b. exposing the client to feared stimulus c. learning that an event or situation is no longer threatening d. helping the client to see that their behavior is counterproductive


during experimentation informed consent should include which of the following: a. details of the purpose of the experiment b. A description of the procedures the participants will encounter c. the duration of the study d. all of the above

a and b

each point on a scatter diagram represents a. the variance of set of score b. the standard deviation of a set scores c. where an individual scored compared to the mean d. where an individual scored on both x and y


emotional intelligence is a. knowledge of emotional states b. the ability to feign emotions when necessary c. the ability to recognize and control one's own and other's emotions d. the emotional reaction that occurs when completing snd intelligence test


factor analytic techniques were employed in the development of the a. MMPI b. CPI c. TAT d. 16PF


for assessing attitude of one person, which type of item formats are frequently used? a. checklist b. sort c. Likert format d. category format


general aptitude test are good measures of ____ abilities, whereas general achievement test are good measures of _____ abilities, a. crystalized; fluid b. fluid; crystalized c. cognitive; developmental d. developmental; cognitive


grounded theory is an approach to qualitative analysis. it involve which of the following: a. identifying significant childhood experiences b. identifying consistent categories or themes within the data c. identifying unconscious defense mechanisms d. identifying baseline measurement


group test are often correctly criticized because a. they are too short b. their norms are based on inadequate samples c. examiners often give incorrect instructions d. little attention can be given rapport with the test taker


if something is testable it involves which of the following? a. scientific explanation that can be tested and potentially falsified b. research which has been collected under controlled conditions that will allow any other researchers to replicated the research c. research that involves cross cultural study d. a repeated measured design


if the obtained score is 80, standard deviation is 10 and the mean is 60 the Z score will be a. +3.0 b. +2.0 c. +1.75 d. +2.50


in a negative correlation a. individuals tend to maintain the same or similar relative performance b. scores on one variable tell us nothing about scores on a second c. individuals who scores low on one variable tend to score low on a second. d. high scores on the x variable are associated with low scores on the y variable


in classical test theory, letter X represents the____ a. observed score b. error c. false score d. true score


in general the reliabilities have been obtained with psychological test in the a. cognitive domain b. personality domain c. personality domain d. projective domain


in psychological research, the term privacy refers to which of the following options: a. participants in psychological research have a right to expect that information they provide will be treated confidentially b. participants have the right to withdraw from the experiment at any time c. the design of the experiment is double blind d. participants can decide not to provide some form of information to the researcher if they so wish


in the term objective personality test the word objective refers mainly to how the test is a. scored b. interpreted c. constructed d. administered


objective test are objective because a. they are scored in simple, straightforward manner b. scoring is heavily dependent on the judgement of the scorer c. different scorers are likely to produce the same test score from the same test performance d. they are based on response to ambiguous stimuli


psychological report is a result of: a. theory- based perception b. differential diagnosis c. style of the clinicians d. referral question


psychological test are better than other means of psychological assessment because they a. are cheaper b. have norms c. have face validity d. are suitable for measuring all psychological constructs


psychological test information obtained from children a. should never be divulged to parents b. may in some cases, be communicated to parents c. must legally be shared to parents d. should be made available to the child's whole family


quantitative methods enable one to: a. draw conclusions from studies on the basis of self- report questionnaires b. draw conclusions from studies on the basis of the size cohort c. draw conclusions from studies on the basis of observation of behavior d. draw conclusions from studies on the basis of statistical inference


realistic people prefer a. idealistic career choices b. sensible and achievable career aspirations c. jobs involving direct interaction with the physical world d. straight- talking vocational counselors who get to the point


self monitoring is a form of clinical observation involving which of the following a. clients measuring their own galvanic skin respiratory b. clients measuring their own heart rate c. clients observing and recording their own behavior d. clients recording their dreams


sensation + wrong meaning = a. perception b. imagination c. illusion d. hallucinantion


sometimes the researchers manipulates a variable only for the sake of controlling its unwanted effect upon the experimental results. such variable is known as a. extraneous variable b. irrelevant c. controlled independent variable d. none of these


spearman's general intelligence factor a. as thought to be the basis of all cognitive processes and performance b. can be observed directly using special intelligence test c. is related to schooling d. is affected by the culture of the person


test used with handicapped individuals a. always requires special procedural alteration b. cannot evolve manipulation of objects c. usually requires reconsideration of reliability and norms d. should not be altered in any way that will affect the established norms


the administration of physiological test which are designed to be an objective & standardized measure sample of behavior is called_____ a. physiological testing b. biological testing c. sample testing d. psychological testing


the external validity of an experiment means that: a. result have been obtain obtained from across cultural studies b. experiments were performed in the open air c. results are generalizable to other populations d. results are predictable


the first step in factor analysis is a. developing a correlational matrix b. determining if the test has sufficient validity and reliability c. replacing all raw scored with their z-scores equivalents d. identifying the principal factors


the first step of test development is a. test conceptualization b. test scoring c. test construction d. item analysis


the largest percentage of people taking an IQ test will score in range from a. 100 to 140 b. 80 to 100 c. 90 to 109 d. 60 to 90


the major advantage of interview over written and phone surveys is that interview a. is less expensive b. avoids problem of prejudice and bias c. yields information in detail d. never sampling problem


the most valid forms of interview are a. situational interviews b. panel interviews c. behavioral interviews d. structured interviews


the outcome of what us being measured is termed: a. the independent variable b. the dependent variable c. the predictor variable d. the hypothetical variable


the primary mental abilities theory proposed by thurstone: a. acknowledge that some test can be grouped such as verbal and spatial b. emphasized the difference between the abilities instead of common elements of all measures c. included seven major types if ability d. all of the above


the principle of extinction assumes that emotional problems can be: a. unlearned b. remove from your mental lexicon c. derived from childhood experience d. become prehistoric


the rationale for using projective test is that they are a. allow people to use the defense mechanism of projection b. have superior re test reliability c. are labor-intensive d. avoid self- report biases


the reason for the construction of the test of intelligence by Binet was a. to select recruits into specific army roles b. because there was financial incentive to do so c. to detect pupils who struggled in school d. because personality test were inadequate


the results when factors that are irrelevant to the construct influence test scores a. construct under representation b. construct irrelevant variance c. construct related correlation d. construct under description


the term social desirability when used with respect to construction pf personality test refers to the fact that a. people differ in their tendency to create a favorable impression of themselves when answering test items b. people differ in how strongly they are drawn to the company of others c. people differ in how much attractive they find social activities d. people differ in terms their tendency to agree rather than disagree with personality statements


to avoid experimenter bias, when the experiment nor the participant is aware of which group the participant is in, this is known as: a. Null hypothesis b. Random assignment c. variable manipulation d. double bind


to demonstrate _____ for validity, a test should have low correlation with measures of unrelated constructs, or evidence for what the test does not measures. a. discriminant validity b. convergent validity c. content validity d. predictive validity


we interpret someone's performance on a test in terms of how other people have performed on the test. other people's performance is the basis for the test's a. reliability b. norms c. validity d. items


when all the elements in a given population have an equal and independent chance of being included in the sample, the process is referred to as: a. good sampling b. nonrandom sampling c. random sampling d. non of these


when the difficulty value of the items of a test is low such as 0,15, is the examinee is most likely to exhibit a. tendency to work speedly b. tendency to guess c. semantics d. cautiousness


when the rater id predominantly influence by a single favorable or unfavorable traits of the rate and accordingly rates him, this constitutes the examples of a. error of leniency b. halo error c. logical error d. error of severity


which if the following scales would be used when the information is qualitative rather quantitative? a. ordinal b. interval c. nominal d. ratio


which is not characteristic of a good questionnaire? a. the questionnaire should be concerned with general topics b. the questionnaire should be as far as possible short c. directions and wordings of the question should be simple d. questions should be presented from general to specific responses


which is not characteristic of good psychological and educational test? a. such test is based upon unlimited sample of behavior b. such test provides scores or categories which are subsequently interpreted c. such test provides both quantitative and qualitative measurement d. such test are either norm/referenced or criterion referenced


which is not correct use of psychological test? a. in classification b. in diagnosis c. in determining ethical issues d. in self knowledge


which is the correct meaning of measurement? a. measurement means to measure something correctly b. measurement means assigning of numerals c. measurement assigning of numerals d. measurements means assigning numerals arbitrarily


which is the highest level of measurement? a. nominal b. interval c. ratio d. ordinal


which of the following is a continuous variable? a. reaction time b. race c. religion d. none of these


which of the following is an evidence against garnder's multiple intelligence theory? a. neuropsychological case studies b. other researchers do not like the idea of bodily kinesthetic intelligence c. the different intelligence are correlated and thus not independent as claimed d. some of the intelligences do not seems to exist


which of the following is assessed by chronbachs a. concurrent validity b. inter rater reliability c. test retest reliability d. internal consistency


which of the following is involved in a thematic apperception? a. black and white pictures of people in vague or ambiguous situation b. black and white pictures of people in compromising situations. c. color photographs of scenic view d. color photographs of catastrophic event.


which of the following is not a projective test? a. Words association test b. Rorschach's ink blot test c. Thematic apperception test d. Sentence completion test


which of the following is not a tool of psychological assessment? a. prediction b. interviews c. behavioral science d. case history data


which of the following is not a weakness of interview methods of personality assessment? a. they allow interviewers to follow personal lines of questioning b. they are sensitive to the interpersonal dynamics between interviewer and interviewee c. they have advantage when it comes to assessing personality disorders d. they are time consuming


which of the following is not potential problem when using the test re test reliability method? a. the longer the interval between two test administrations the greater likelihood that the reliability coefficient will be lower b. carryover effect c. the availability of the testtakers d. the items of the test may not have a sufficient coefficient of equivalence


which of the following is not usually used in psychological assessment a. psychological testing b. counseling c. interviewing d. observation


which of the following is true of test- retest reliability


which of the following refers to inter- rater reliability? a. the degree to which two test measure the same construct b. the degree to which two clinicians can predict future behavior c. the degree which two clinicians will agree on interpretation or scoring of a test d. the degree to which the items in the test relate to each other


which of the following refers to the notion of confirmatory bias? a. clinicians ignore information that does not support their hypothesis b. clinicians ignore informations that does not support their stereotypes c. clinicians interpret ambiguous information as supporting their hypothesis d. all of the above


which of the following statements about group differences in IQ is true a. males score higher in some specific intelligence test than females b. race difference research us controversial due to the disagreements about the biological basis of the race concept c. nutrition and discrimination may explain some of the race difference in IQ d. all of the above


which of the following statements about norms is correct? a. for every psychological test there is one snd inly set of norms b. the size of the sample used in developing norms is irrelevant once the norms have been developed c. different norms may apply for the different purposes for which a test score is used d. norms are best developed using criterion referencing approach


which of the following statements is not correct about personality interventions a. they tend to have high inter rater reliability b. they assess a single personality characteristic c. they are developed through a process of selecting the best from a larger set d. they are susceptible to several response biases because they rely on self report


which of the following theory emphasized the difference between ability to solve novel problems and learned knowledge a. cattell's fluid and crystalized has intelligence b. spearman's general intelligence c. gardner's multiple intelligence d. thurstone's primary mental abilities


which one can't be included in the limitations of the matching item? a. matching items does not measure real understanding of concepts b. matching with items provide opportunity to arrive at the correct answer through the process of elimination c. matching items are not suited when the purpose is to measure different types of information d. matching items require longer version and depth of knowledge in arriving at the correct answer


which one of the following does the practitioner risk when using a traditional clinical view a. hypothesis confirmation bias b. disconfirmation bias c. social desirability d. hypothesis disconfirmation bias

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