Psych Chapt. 13

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Which of the following statements would most likely appear on a lie scale?

"I have never disliked anyone."

The theorist who opposed Freud's assumptions that women have weak superegos and suffer "penis envy," and who attempted to balance Freud's masculine bias was

Karen Horney

Toni's therapist tells her that the anxiety she is experiencing in social and romantic situations comes from her unfulfilled childhood desire for love and security because her mother abandoned her when she was 5 years old. Toni's therapist's statement reflects the views of

Karen Horney

Psychoanalysis refers to the personality theory and therapeutic practices developed by

Sigmund Freud

The theory that would most likely predict that boys raised without a father figure will have difficulty developing a strongly masculine gender identity was proposed by

Sigmund Freud.

It is finals week and Donna has two cumulative exams tomorrow. She has been studying, it seems, nonstop for the past few days and is currently in her dorm room studying. Her roommate tells her that she is studying too much and that she should go out to dinner with her. Donna replies, "No, thanks. I plan to spend the evening sleeping . . . uh, I mean studying." Donna's reply is an example of what Freud would call

a slip of the tongue

Janet has high self-esteem. We can conclude, then, that she is LESS likely to

conform to others

Self-actualized people, as described by Maslow, are LEAST likely to be highly


A person who is careless and disorganized most clearly ranks low on the Big Five trait dimension of


Dr. Pennington is applying for a job as an instructor at a local university. As part of the interview process, she is asked to give a lecture. This is called the

assessment center approach.

Repression refers to the defense mechanism by which people

banish anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousness.

Hans and Sybil Eysenck described personality differences by identifying

basic personality dimensions.

The concept of personality most clearly embodies the notion of

behavioral consistency

According to Bandura, reciprocal determinism involves multidirectional influences among

behaviors, internal personal factors, and environmental events.

Personality is fruitfully studied at multiple levels of analysis because people are best understood as

biopsychosocial organisms.

Carl Jung referred to a shared reservoir of memory traces from our species' history as the

collective unconscious.

According to Freud, the need to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive desires comes from the ________, which operates on the ________.

id; pleasure principle

Freud suggested that a boy's identification with his father during the phallic stage illustrates

the process of conflict resolution

Gender identity refers to

the sense of being male, female, or a combination of the two.

Contemporary psychologists are most likely to consider ________ to be of pivotal importance to personality.

the sense of self

Although we are nervous about giving a talk in psychology class, simply imagining how much our classmates empathize with us can reduce the threat associated with our experience of

the spotlight effect

While Kailie was grocery shopping, she dropped a glass jar containing jelly on the floor. She was extremely embarrassed and thought others would believe she is clumsy, even though no one else observed her breaking the jelly jar. This is an example of

the spotlight effect

Humanistic theorists have been criticized for

underestimating the inherent human capacity for destructive and evil behaviors.

Our personality traits are most likely to remain hidden as we carefully attend to social cues in

unfamiliar, formal situations.

Rorschach inkblot test results diagnose many healthy adults as disordered. This indicates that the test has little


As Dotty is typing her research paper on six learning strategies for class, she types "Sex learning styles are..." Modern research would conclude that

what Dotty typed was simply a random typo

Individuals with high self-esteem are more likely than those with low self-esteem to

work persistently with difficult tasks

Jacinda failed her last history midterm. Which of the following conclusions would be most representative of a self-serving bias on Jacinda's part?

"I think the test questions were ambiguous and confusing."

The traits that seem to provide the most useful information are often referred to as the

Big Five

Who developed the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?

Henry Murray

According to Freud, identification involves

disguising one's own threatening impulses by attributing them to others.

Redirecting aggressive or sexual impulses toward a less threatening target is referred to as


While Professor Gomez was going through a painful divorce, he tended to create unnecessarily difficult tests and gave his students unusually low grades. A psychoanalyst would be most likely to view the professor's treatment of students as an example of


Freud believed that ________ are the "royal road to the unconscious."


Bruce wants to be a loving husband but at the same time wants to express his disgust for some of his wife's habits. According to Freud, Bruce's ________ might enable him to partially satisfy both desires.


Freud emphasized that the ________ operates on the reality principle.


Freud referred to the largely conscious "executive" part of the personality as the


According to Freud, defense mechanisms are used by the

ego to prevent threatening impulses from being consciously recognized.

It is finals week and Donna has two cumulative exams tomorrow. She has been studying, it seems, nonstop for the past few days and is currently in her dorm room studying. Her roommate tells her that she is studying too much and that she should go out to dinner with her. Donna replies, "No, thanks. I plan to spend the evening sleeping . . . uh, I mean studying." Donna's reply is an example of what Freud would call

a slip of the tongue.

A consistent tendency to be shy is best described as

a trait

Megan, who loves to dance and is a talented professional ballerina, as a child had always dreamed of being a ballerina. Carl Rogers would say that Megan has a positive self-concept because there is consistency between her

actual self and ideal self

The Big Five traits show their greatest stability during


The use of positive-emotion words in text messaging may be able to predict the Big Five trait of


Features of the Big Five traits are common to people from

all human groups

Some psychoanalysts in Freud's era believed that girls experienced unconscious sexual desires for their father during the phallic stage. These feelings, they thought, reflected

an Electra complex

Alfred Adler was a neo-Freudian who proposed the concept of

an inferiority complex

A psychotherapist instructs Dane to relax, close his eyes, and state aloud whatever thoughts come to mind, no matter how trivial or absurd. The therapist is using a technique known as

free association

Ten-year-old Jamie enjoys spending time with her girlfriends and learning in school. According to Freud, Jamie, who is no longer coping with unconscious incestuous sexual feelings, is probably in the ________ stage of development.


In an unfamiliar culture, the collectivist self is most likely to experience a greater loss of

group identification

People who take personality inventories can lie in order to create a good impression. This best illustrates that the objectivity in scoring personality inventories does not guarantee that they

have validity

In recent years, the percentage of American boys and girls given one of the 10 most common names for their birth year has plunged. This best reflects Americans' increasing


Voluntary emigration, a sparsely populated environment, and a shift to a capitalist economy have most clearly fostered


Hasina had a difficult childhood. As an adult, she is homeless and squanders any money she can find on alcohol. Alfred Adler would have suggested that Hasina suffers from a(n)

inferiority complex

Researchers have found that personal insults are especially likely to trigger a response of aggression from those who experience

inflated self-esteem

Lee was born with a specific temperament and behavioral style that will shape his personality. These are directly influenced by his

inherited genetics

Coretta is typically quiet, thoughtful, and reserved. In terms of the Eysencks' basic factors, she would most clearly be classified as


One study found that ________ people were especially likely to salivate a lot when tasting lemon juice.


A person who experiences defensive self-esteem is ________ to demonstrate self-serving bias and is ________ to feel angry when criticized.

likely; likely

All of the following are true regarding those with high self-esteem EXCEPT that they

make fewer positive facebook posts

The famous test introduced by Hermann Rorschach asks test-takers to respond to

meaningless inkblots.

Compared with European-American students, Asian-American students are more likely to value


Compared with people in individualist cultures, those in collectivist cultures are

more likely to display signs of humility and more likely to value group goals.

Psychologist Jean Twenge refers to those born in the 1980s and 1990s as Generation Me because they express high levels of


Wayne's parents repeatedly told him that he was better than others when he was a child. This may increase the likelihood that Wayne will have a high score on the trait of ________ as an adult.


Freud believed that the manifest content of dreams consisted of

censored expressions of unconscious wishes.

Neo-Freudian personality theorists were most likely to disagree with Freud about the importance of

childhood sexual instincts.

According to some scholars, Freud thought that stories of childhood sexual abuse reported by his adult female patients reflected their

childhood sexual wishes.

Studies have correlated early trait scores with scores for the same traits seven years later. The weakest correlations were observed among


Personality factors are best described as

clusters of behavior tendencies that occur together.

When Mr. Thompson lived overseas for a year, he was very surprised at how much respect he received from people simply because he was an older person. His sense of surprise suggests that he had NOT previously lived in a culture characterized by


Self-efficacy refers to our experience of our own


Assessing an individual's standing on the Big Five today has the advantage of providing a ________ personality description.


Freud believed that the basis of human personality was some form of ________ that needed to be resolved.


Freud's supporters note that some of his ideas are enduring. Research by psychologist Daniel Kahneman, who won a 2002 Nobel Prize, has demonstrated support for Freud's idea of the

connection between the unconscious and the irrational.

Those who score high on the Big Five trait of ________ tend to have a larger frontal lobe area that aids in planning and controlling behavior.


Scholars understand how Freud's questioning of his patients may have ________ of abuse.

created false memories

Emotional instability is most closely related to the Big Five trait dimension of


Freud's theory of personality has been criticized because it

offers few testable hypotheses that allow one to determine its validity.

The major reason for criticism of the Rorschach test is that

only a few of the many Rorschach-derived scores have demonstrated validity.

Unlike country, pop, and religious music lovers, those who prefer classical, jazz, blues, and folk music tend to score high on the Big Five trait dimension known as


Lupe, who has reached Maslow's self-actualization level, has recently been moved by spiritual experiences that are beyond normal consciousness. Maslow referred to these as

peak experiences

According to Freud, repressed feelings and ideas seep out in

people's work and daily habits.

Carl Rogers' ________ perspective held that people are primed to reach their potential and are basically good.


Arguments as to whether people's behavior is more strongly influenced by temporary external influences or by enduring inner influences best characterize the

person-situation controversy

A collectivist culture is especially likely to emphasize the importance of

social harmony

In assessing candidates for spy missions during World War II, U.S. Army psychologists subjected them to simulated undercover conditions. This best illustrates the use of an assessment strategy favored by ________ theories.


Many colleges assess potential faculty members' teaching abilities by observing them teach. This best illustrates the use of an assessment strategy favored by ________ theorists.


Which personality theories emphasize reciprocal determinism?


Which theories build on learning and cognition?


Which perspective emphasized that we learn many of our behaviors either through conditioning or by observing and imitating others?

social-cognitive perspective

Which personality theories have most clearly been developed through psychological research on learning and cognition?

social-cognitive theories

No matter how long and hard Lerae studies, she always feels she hasn't studied as much as she should have. A Freudian psychologist would suggest that Lerae shows signs of a

strong superego

Janine is repulsed by the thought of watching a pornographic video. Freud would have attributed these feelings to Janine's


Dr. Zytowics wants to assess the extent to which a client is suffering from depression, social withdrawal, and other symptoms of an emotional disorder. Which personality inventory would be most helpful for this purpose?

the MMPI

Which of the following tests was empirically derived?

the MMPI

Carl Rogers would have suggested that many of the defense mechanisms described by Freud are used to minimize the perceived discrepancy between

the actual self and the ideal self.

Kristi, who is a perfectionist with respect to her academic work, feels that her work is never good enough. She is highly critical of herself and believes that she is just not as intelligent as she would like to be. According to Carl Rogers, Kristi is experiencing a conflict between

the actual self and the ideal self.

Professor Sanders explains to his class that our personality and behavior are influenced by our biology, our social and cultural experiences, and our cognition and dispositions. Professor Sanders' views coincide with

the biopsychosocial approach.

Neo-Freudians did NOT accept which of Freud's basic ideas?

the dynamics of depression

Which of the following Freudian ideas did neo-Freudians tend to disagree with?

the emphasis on sex and aggression as human motivations

Freud's concept of projection is most similar to what today's researchers call

the false consensus effect.

Rusty is a heavy drinker who overestimates the extent to which other people also engage in heavy drinking. Rusty's overestimate best illustrates

the false consensus effect.

Ramon's therapist asks him to write a detailed narrative of his life in an effort to help Ramon learn about his self-concept. Ramon's therapist is using ________ to help Ramon.

the life story approach

When Jack was in his twenties, he was more emotional and less conscientious in his job. Now that he is in his forties, he is more emotionally stable and more agreeable in his work and family life. Jack's change illustrates

the maturity principle.

In contemporary psychology, the self is considered to be

the organizer of our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

A characteristic pattern of behavior or tendency to act and feel in a certain way is called


Dr. Chen believes that the study of personality should focus on identifying, describing, and measuring individual differences. Dr. Chen probably would identify with the ________ perspective on personality.


Freud is to psychoanalytic theory as Allport is to ________ theory.


Tyson describes his best friend, Marcus, as "very friendly, pretty intelligent, and a really nice guy. He seems laid-back, but he actually works hard at keeping up with his college classes. He's a lot of fun because he's always ready to try something new." Tyson's description of his friend's personality would be most consistent with the ________ approach to personality.


Which theorists are most likely to be criticized for underestimating the variability of behavior from situation to situation?


Which approach to personality focuses on describing individual differences?

trait perspective

Personality inventories are designed to assess several ________ at once.


Freud believed in the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior; modern cognitive researchers believe that unconscious processes are a part of our ________, where cooler information processing occurs without our awareness.

two-track mind

Carl Rogers referred to an attitude of total acceptance toward another person as

unconditional positive regard

Chantae cannot recall events surrounding the day her father died. According to Freud's theory of personality, Chantae's memories are stored at the ________ level of awareness.


According to Freud, the ________ is a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories of which we are unaware.

unconscious mind

Research on self-perception indicates that most people

view themselves very favorably in comparison to most others.

The MMPI is an example of a

personality inventory

Factor analysis has been used to identify the most basic

personality traits

Maddie is a personality theorist who believes that our individual traits and thoughts interact with our social world as we move from one situation to another. Maddie is most likely to agree with which of the following perspectives on personality?

personality traits

Studies of college students' conscientiousness revealed only a modest relationship between a student being conscientious on one occasion and being similarly conscientious on another occasion. This should make psychologists more cautious about overestimating the impact of ________ on behavior.

personality traits

According to Abraham Maslow, we focus on personal safety after meeting our ________ needs.


Freud emphasized that the id operates on the ________ principle.


People's scores on a test of extraversion are ________ predictors of how agreeable they will act in one particular situation. Their scores are ________ predictors of how agreeable they will act on average over many different situations.

poor; good

Melissa is unconsciously fearful that her husband is a better cook than she is. Recently, she refused his offer to prepare dinner because, said she, "You could better spend the time playing with your kids." Melissa's comment best illustrates


Parents who disguise hostility toward their children by becoming overly protective of them are very likely using the defense mechanism of

reaction formation

Ego is to id as ________ is to ________.

reality principle; pleasure principle

How we treat others influences how they treat us. This is an example of

reciprocal determinism

Randy's substandard academic performance is both a result and a cause of his feelings of academic inferiority. This best illustrates the importance of

reciprocal determinism

Freud emphasized that emotional healing is associated with the

recovery of repressed wishes.

Four-year-old Timmy had not wet his bed for over a year. However, he started bed-wetting again soon after his sister was born. Timmy's behavior best illustrates


Dr. Rosemount gave the Rorschach inkblot test to a patient. After scoring the responses and determining a diagnosis, he sent the patient's test results to three other therapists. Each therapist came up with a different diagnosis. The disagreement among the therapists illustrates that the Rorschach inkblot test does not demonstrate


Survivors' vivid memories of Nazi death camp experiences most clearly challenge Freud's concept of


Sheldon has a great deal of confidence in his ability to succeed at most new athletic endeavors. Sheldon is demonstrating


A sense of personal self-worth is called


The Big Five trait dimensions were identified by means of

self-report inventories.

Athletes often privately attribute their losses to bad officiating. This best illustrates

self-serving bias

During football season, when a team loses, its fans will believe that factors other than team performance (such as poor officiating) were responsible for the loss. This best illustrates

self-serving bias

Many college students perceive a low exam score as a result of unfair exam questions rather than a reflection of their ability. This best illustrates

self-serving bias

In every one of the 53 countries surveyed, people typically expressed a level of self-esteem above the midpoint of the most widely used scale. This best illustrates the pervasiveness of

self-serving bias.

Contemporary psychodynamic theorists are most likely to disagree with Freud's assumption that

sexual drives are central to personality development.

In Western cultures, introversion is belittled in part because people tend to equate introversion with


Mariel enjoys spending time with a small group of friends but rarely participates in the conversation. She also loves reading alone and avoids loud, active social situations. Mariel is known as a great listener. Mariel's behavior illustrates


Narcissism is associated with

more gambling and more cheating

Heritability generally runs about ________ percent for each of the Big Five trait dimensions.


Which neo-Freudian theorist emphasized the influence of the collective unconscious in personality development?

Carl Jung

Mario doesn't feel very positive about himself because he often fails to measure up to his unrealistically high performance aspirations. Mario's predicament is most clearly addressed by an assessment strategy used by

Carl Rogers

Mrs. Sunstedt believes that parents should accept and try to understand their children's feelings and should honestly disclose their own inner feelings to their children. Her approach to parent-child interaction was most explicitly recommended by

Carl Rogers

Which theorist emphasized that an individual's personal growth is promoted by interactions with others who are genuine, accepting, and empathic?

Carl Rogers

Vince is an extravert. As compared with introverts, which of the following can be said about Vince?

Dopamine and dopamine-related neural activity will be higher in Vince's brain.

Which of the following theorists described personality in terms of fundamental traits?

Gordon Allport

Rebecca claims to have a disorder that prevents her from being able to keep a job. Which personality inventory might she be given to test the accuracy of her statement?


Sven is taking a personality inventory for potential employment purposes. He really wants this job, so he is answering the questions in a way he believes will impress his future employer. As a result, Sven scores high on the lie scale. Which test did he likely take?


One night after he heard his parents arguing, 4-year-old Wei had a vivid dream in which he saved his mother from being bitten by a large snake. A psychoanalyst would most likely suspect that Wei's dream reflects a(n)

Oedipus complex

________, which are often unconscious, can automatically influence how people see those from other racial backgrounds, religions, and sexual orientations.


An integrated understanding of Tara's consistent cheerfulness in terms of her supportive peer relationships, her calm temperament, and her optimistic expectations best illustrates

a biopsychosocial approach.

Freud referred to a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage as

a fixation

Two-year-old Damien frequently refuses to obey his parents because he derives immense pleasure from demonstrating his independence from their control. Freud would have suggested that Damien is going through the ________ stage of development.


Carl Jung believed that the collective unconscious contains ________ derived from our species' universal experiences.


The Eysencks believed that extraversion and emotionality

are genetically influenced.

Early humanistic psychologists sometimes assessed personality by

asking people to fill out questionnaires that would evaluate their self-concept.

The TAT has been used to assess

both achievement and affiliation motivation.

British psychologists Hans and Sybil Eysenck believed that we can reduce individual variations based on

both extraversion-introversion and emotional stability-instability.

Which of the following can shift our expression of personality traits?

both new situations and major life events

Trait theories expanded on

both psychoanalytic and humanistic theories.

Kelly loves to boast about her accomplishments and becomes very upset when anyone criticizes her. Kelly most clearly demonstrates

defensive self-esteem

A refusal to believe direct and highly credible evidence that your spouse is suffering from a terminal illness best illustrates that you are using


Refusing to believe or even to perceive painful realities constitutes the defense mechanism known as


Trait theorists are more concerned with ________ personality than with ________ it.

describing; explaining

James is walking home alone at night when he is suddenly startled and scared. A few seconds later, he realizes that he heard a noise that came from a stray cat. His experience demonstrates how ________ can be instantly activated prior to conscious awareness.


When Rosalina listens to her friend discuss the difficulty she is having with her boyfriend, she does not tell her what to do but rather mirrors what she says and reflects her feelings. Rosalina is using ________ to help her friend understand the problem.


Social-cognitive theories are LEAST likely to be criticized for neglecting the importance of

environmental influences

The person-situation controversy involves a debate regarding the influence of ________ and ________ on behavior.

environments; traits

The stability of personality traits is best illustrated by the consistency of

expressive styles.

Abigail was generally outgoing and friendly. As a teen, she had numerous friends. As an adult, her social circle continued to grow. She seemed to make friends wherever she went. In late adulthood, Abigail will probably score high on the Big Five factor of


Sheryl is very outgoing and fun-loving. She prefers to be around other people most of the time. She most clearly ranks high on the Big Five trait dimension known as


According to trait theorists, ________ are clusters of behavior tendencies that occur together.


James has a sense of being a male. This would be considered his

gender identity

Joshua has a predisposition for aggressive behavior. As a child, he lived in a neighborhood in which a lot of violent gangs roamed the streets. By the time Joshua was 18 he had been arrested multiple times for aggressive actions against other teens. Joshua's aggressive behavior is a result of

gene-environment interactions.

In the ________ stage of development, sexual interests mature.


Lee is 13 years old and has recently become interested in girls. He likes the way they look and wonders what it would be like to kiss a girl. According to Freud, Lee is in the ________ stage of development.


According to Carl Rogers, people who are self-disclosing and open with their own feelings are demonstrating


Debra is a new mother who believes that she needs to make sure her son develops a positive self-concept and high self-esteem. By so doing, he will improve his chances of being successful in later life. Debra has probably been influenced by

humanistic psychology.

Which psychologists are most likely to criticize standardized personality tests for failing to capture the unique subjective experience of the individual personality?

humanistic theorists

According to psychoanalytic theory, the part of the personality that strives for immediate gratification of basic drives is the


Stephen's mother bought a cake for dessert after tonight's dinner. While she was in the other room, Stephen grabbed a piece with his hands and took a bite. Which part of his personality, according to Freud, was obviously in control?


Six-year-old Marcel sees that his mother just baked some cookies. His immediate thought is to sneak a cookie before dinner, which is against his mother's wishes. According to Freud, the desire for the cookie and the thoughts of sneaking a cookie come from the ________ seeking to satisfy the ________ principle.

id; pleasure principle

According to Rogers, a person's self-concept is positive if the

ideal self and actual self are nearly alike.

Brit is 15 months old and is on a serious mission to explore his surroundings. His mother is concerned about his exploration of their home because she has noticed that he seems to put everything in his mouth. He bites, chews, and sucks on objects. According to Freud, Brit is in the ________ stage of development.


If we are nervous about our personal appearance after adopting a new hairstyle, we are likely to ________ the extent to which others notice our nervousness and we are likely to ________ the extent to which they notice our new hairstyle.

overestimate; overestimate

Dr. Wang is a developmental psychologist. She is likely to think that Freud ________ parental influence and ________ peer influence.

overestimated; underestimated

Freud suggested that orally fixated adults are especially likely to exhibit

passive dependence.

Social-cognitive theorists would suggest that the best way to predict a political candidate's performance effectiveness after election is to assess that individual's

past performance in situations involving similar responsibilities.

People are more critical of their ________ selves than of their ________ selves.

past; current

Six-year-old Terrance has been watching his favorite cartoon while his father prepares dinner. When the cartoon is over, Terrance asks his father for a new toy fire truck and for sugary cereal for breakfast tomorrow. A psychologist might say that Terrance asked for these things because of the ________ by the toy and cereal commercials he saw while watching the cartoon.


Abdul mistakenly believes that his classmates are unusually hostile. In fact, Abdul is the most quarrelsome and aggressive child in the school. According to psychoanalytic theory, Abdul's belief that his classmates are hostile is a


Mrs. Smith, who is White and unconsciously in favor of racial segregation, tells her friends that most Blacks prefer to live in residential neighborhoods inhabited predominantly by Blacks. According to psychoanalytic theory, Mrs. Smith best illustrates


Henry Murray found that children's perceptions of photographs were biased by their previous participation in a frightening game. Their perceptual reactions most clearly highlighted the potential value of

projective test

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a(n)

projective test

Free association is central to


When Inge was 4 years old, her uncle yelled at her. At 14, Inge felt uncomfortable whenever she saw this uncle but was unable to understand why she felt this way. A psychoanalyst would be most likely to suggest that Inge is using the defense mechanism of


Regression is a defense mechanism that involves

retreating to an earlier psychosexual stage.

Accepting ourselves without excessive dependence on the approval of others best illustrates

secure self-esteem

Maslow's description of self-actualized individuals was said to reflect his own personal values because he

selectively studied people with qualities he admired.

Abraham Maslow suggested that those who fulfill their potential have satisfied the need for


Ignorance of what we don't know sustains our


The humanistic perspective emphasized the value of


Janet attributes her good grade on a difficult algebra test to her high level of mathematical skills. This most clearly indicates that she experiences a high level of


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