PSYCH chapter 4 (question samples)

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Only a small proportion, about _____percent, of U.S. teens wish they were someone else.


In the United States, about _____percent of all babies are walking by age 11 months, _____ percent are walking within a week after their first birthday, and about _____ percent are walking by age 15 months.

25; 50; 90

There is a gradual decline in female fertility as women age. As an example, for women ___________, a single act of intercourse is only half as likely to produce a pregnancy as it would for a woman 19 to 26 years old.

35 to 39 years old

In round figures, the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder is just over 1 in _____children.


_____is characterized by deficient social interaction and an impaired understanding of another person's state of mind.

Autism spectrum disorder

_____psychology examines growth and change in physical, cognitive, and social areas across the life span.


Sam, a 3-month-old baby, is staring intently at the new person who just came to sit beside him and his dad. Why is he staring so intently?

He has an inborn interest in new stimuli and faces.

_____ refers to biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior that are relatively uninfluenced by experience.


Preoperational is to preconventional as _____is to _____.

Piaget; Kohlberg

Selby is 15 years old and has been devastatingly neglected her entire life. She has never been exposed to spoken language. What is the likelihood that she will learn language now?

She will never learn language as the critical period for language development has passed.

The process of attachment in many animals occurs during a brief developmental phase known as:

a critical period.

In Piaget's theory, the process of fitting new experiences into existing schemas is called _____. The process of adjusting ideas to make room for new information is called _____.

assimilation; accommodation

Hailey's parents demand her strict obedience; back talk is not tolerated. Isabella's parents are firm as well, but are more likely to reason with her and explain the consequences of her behavior. In Baumrind's terms, Hailey's parents are _____; Isabella's are _____.

authoritarian; authoritative

The Markowitz family has a son, Noah, who has exceptionally high intelligence and excels in math. However, he lacks social and communicative skills, which limit his ability to sustain normal peer relationships. Noah will MOST likely be diagnosed with:

autism spectrum disorder.

With respect to adolescence, biology determines:

beginning not its end

Jean Piaget proposed a stage theory of _____development.


The Swiss scholar Jean Piaget made groundbreaking contributions to the study of _____development.


During the _____stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children begin to think logically about events, grasp analogies, and perform arithmetical operations.

concrete operational

Dr. Matsuko's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-raising practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is MOST likely that Dr. Matsuko is a _____psychologist.


Dr. Murphy studies a group of schoolchildren and follows their progress through college. Dr. Murphy is MOST likely a _____psychologist.


Research on how people change physically, mentally, and socially across the life span is MOST often conducted by _____psychologists.


Danielle is consulting her college's course catalog. The description of one psychology course begins, "This course surveys growth and change across the life span in physical, cognitive, and social domains." This course is MOST likely:

developmental psychology.

Which term is matched with the correct social development concept?

easy --- temperament

The likelihood that a child will be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is much higher when the child's _____is _____ when the child is conceived.

father; middle age

When adolescents achieve the intellectual summit that Jean Piaget called _____, they apply their new abstract reasoning tools to the world around them.

formal operations

Marcia is 48. She has the intense desire to create a mentoring program at her company. According to Erik Erikson, she is likely experiencing:


Candice tosses a newly purchased felt mouse across the floor; her cat chases it excitedly, clutches it in its paws, and rolls around with it. Several tosses later, her cat yawns pointedly and settles itself for a nap. The change in the cat's behavior BEST illustrates:


Which list contains items that all belong together?

identity, psychosocial development, Erikson

Latoya is 3 years old and her favorite book is Are You My Mother?, a children's book about a baby bird that hatches while its mother is away. The baby bird then leaves the nest in search of its mother. The baby bird approaches the first animal it sees. When it is told that the animal is not its mother, it then approaches the second animal it sees, and so on. Which of the attachment concepts is an aspect of this story?


According to research on the stability of temperament, which of the following is the MOST stable over time?


People differ the most in their learning and memory abilities during:

late adulthood.

The orderly sequence of biological growth is referred to as _____.


_____is the orderly sequence of biological growth.


According to Jonathan Haidt, the mind makes moral judgments the way it makes aesthetic judgments: quickly and automatically. This is known as the:

moral intuitionist view.

Early-maturing boys tend to be:

more self-assured, popular, and independent.

Research participants are presented with this scenario: "There is a runaway trolley headed for five people. All will certainly be killed unless you throw a switch that diverts the trolley onto another track, where one person will die. Will you throw the switch?" What are the likely results to this question?

most will say yes

Dr. Wiley studies the interaction between our inheritance and our experience, which he also calls the _____issue when he lectures to his students.

nature and nuture

Scientists are exploring whether treatment with the hormone _____might improve social understanding in those with autism spectrum disorder.


Critics have argued that Kohlberg's _____stage is culturally defined because it seems to appear in individualistic nations more often than in collectivistic nations.


Jack registered as a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War. He believed that it is fundamentally wrong to take human life. He was willing to serve time in jail rather than take part in an armed conflict. Jack's reasons for not going to war reflect Kohlberg's _____level of moral reasoning.


According to Kohlberg, those who develop an abstract level of reasoning, wherein they perceive basic ethical principles and the moral good as more important than their own self, have developed what is known as:

postconventional morality.

Reflecting a use-it-or-lose it approach, unused synaptic connections are eliminated during infancy and childhood in a process called _____.


Dianne feels overwhelmed. She helps her adult daughter regularly with finances and caring for her grandchildren. She is also the primary caregiver of both her aging mother and her father-in-law. She feels like she never has a minute to herself. Dianne can be referred to as being in the _____generation.


Vygotsky used the term _____to refer to a framework offering children temporary support as they develop higher levels of thinking.


Piaget used the word _____to refer to a mental framework that organizes and interprets information.


Three-year-old Adam happily explores the attractive toys located in the dentist's waiting room while his mother is in the room. However, if she briefly leaves and then returns, he will return periodically to her side for brief moments. Adam MOST clearly displays signs of:

secure attachment

According to Jean Piaget, during the _____stage of cognitive development, object permanence and stranger anxiety are the developmental phenomena that occur.


When is menopause usually experienced for women?

shortly after age 50

Stephanie is 33 years old. She has a full-time career and is not married. She does not have any children. Stephanie's grandmother keeps asking her when she will get married and have children, insisting that Stephanie should be married and a mother by now. She also insists that Stephanie should not focus on her career because once she is married she should not be working. Stephanie's grandmother is referring to the _____clock of her generation.


Carla is 32 years old and unmarried, and she is worried that she will not be married early enough to have children. Carla is feeling pressure from her culture's established:

social clock.

Based on the textbook's introductory discussion of adolescence, the teen years are LEAST likely to be described as a period of:


A neighbor is 5 months pregnant and still smoking about a pack of cigarettes a day. Perhaps she is unaware that nicotine is a _____for the fetus of a mother who smokes heavily.


Erik Erikson proposed that at each stage of life we face a psychosocial task that needs resolution. The first task, the one infants wrestle with, is:

trust versus mistrust.

To most people the sexual abuse of a very young child is so emotionally repulsive that they immediately recognize it as immoral. This BEST illustrates that moral judgments may possibly reflect:

unconscious decision making.

The conclusion of many researchers regarding the stability versus change developmental issue is that:

while some characteristics are stable, both stability and change are part of development.

Which of the following is NOT a major issue in developmental psychology?

zygotes versus teratogens

_____gave Stanford preschool children a choice between a marshmallow now and two later. He found that the children who were able to wait had higher completion rates and incomes and were less likely to experience addiction as an adult. He also found that this tendency to wait or not persisted even 40 years later.


Which statement is MOST relevant to evaluating the stability and change developmental issue?

One's temperament is more predictable than one's social attitudes.

The importance of schemas was MOST clearly highlighted by _____and his cognitive development theory.


How might adolescents' tendency to engage in risky behaviors such as drag racing and experimental drug use reflect brain development phenomena?

The frontal lobe matures slowly, impeding adolescents' ability to weigh potential consequences.

Amanda's brother hid her favorite stuffed bear in a cabinet after Amanda had originally put the bear in her own toy chest. When she returns, though, she notices her brother's mischievous grin and is able to find her hidden bear. This illustrates Amanda's development of:

a theory of mind.

A child's adaptation of his current understanding to incorporate new experiences is known as:


Leon's parents set firm rules, but are responsive to his needs. They give him a chance to explain himself, and also explain their position on why they cannot allow him to stay out past midnight. Leon's parents have a(n) _____parenting style.


Kelly is 11 months of age and just began crawling. This is likely a result of Kelly sleeping on her:


Maturation refers mainly to _____development.


_____is one of the major issues addressed by developmental psychologists.

continuity and stages

Mark thinks that language development over the life span requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is MOST directly relevant to the issue of:

continuity and stages.

Sixteen-year-old Michael begins growing a marijuana plant in a corner of his family's garden. His stepfather asks him to remove it because it is illegal. In Kohlberg's terms, Michael's stepfather is demonstrating _____reasoning.


The local hospital has publicized for years that new parents should have their babies sleep on their backs and not their stomachs in order to reduce incidences of crib death. How might following this good advice impact their baby's development?

crawling will be delayed

Gabriela is a 22-year-old recent college graduate. She is preparing to move to the largest city in her region to complete a prestigious internship. She has dated several young men but does not envision settling into a serious relationship for at least a few years yet. Gabriela is in a life stage many developmental psychologists call _____adulthood.


Malcolm was contemplating dropping out of high school when he was asked to enroll in a volunteer program. Every week he worked in a local day-care center, helping children with their projects. The children appreciated his help. After a few months, it is MOST likely that Malcolm will:

feel better about himself and not drop out.

The second and third trimesters of pregnancy occur entirely within the _____period of prenatal development.


Following the death of a local teenager, Melissa came to believe that the teen had been profiled as a potential threat because he was an African-American youth. She decided to join in the protests and actively engaged in public demonstrations in her community and high school. According to Piaget, Melissa has entered the _____stage of development.

formal operational

Leslie is in the tenth grade and is currently taking calculus. She is doing very well and has even earned an A in the class. Leslie is MOST likely in which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

formal operational

Rebecca takes her 1-year-old son, Adam, to visit an infants and toddlers program in which she hopes to enroll him. Adam appears very anxious and is unwilling to explore and play with the toys, even though Rebecca is close by. When Rebecca leaves the room to fill out some forms, Adam becomes extremely upset and remains inconsolable. When Rebecca returns, Adam stays close to her, holding onto her pant leg. However, Adam makes it very clear he does not want her to touch him or pick him up. Which term BEST describes Adam's attachment style?


Nature is to nurture as _____is to _____.

maturation; experience

Which type of parent is neither demanding nor responsive?


Clarrisa, who has suffered from epilepsy all her life, takes Trileptal to control her seizures. Recently she became pregnant with her first child. She then checked on her medication and found that no adequate studies have been performed on the effect of the medication on pregnant women. She asked her doctor whether Trileptal was a(n):


Your neighbor is five months pregnant and is still smoking about a pack of cigarettes a day. Perhaps she is unaware that nicotine is a(n) _________ for the fetus.


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