Psych exam 4

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Brittany and Amy work in a marketing firm. Both are 25 years old. Brittney gave birth to her son at age 17. She finds increasingly stressful to juggle between office work and house work

B) have different social clocks

8) At present, the main cause of death in middle adulthood in the United States are

C) chronic diseases

50) ________ refers to a progressive, irresverabile brain disorder that is characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and eventually, physical function

C) clinical depression

17) which of the following is one of the ten most frequent daly hassles for middle-aged adults?

C) concerns about weight

21) Carla is described by her coworkers as highly organized and meticulous. She has a strong sense of self-disapline. According to the Big Five factors of personality, Carla is most likely to score high on

C) conscientiousness

4) Sandra is turning 50 this year. At this age, she can expect certain age related conditions, such as loss of strength i. her legs and back and difficulty in viewing objects and hearing clearly, to affect her. Of the vision-related issues that affect individuals, which of the following is Sandra most likely to experience because of her age?

C) difficulty in viewing close objects

35) Kara is 68 years old. In terms of percentage of total weight, which of the following is most likely to increase in her late adulthood

C) fat

42) Selective attention is _____, whereas divided attention is _______

C) focusing on one thing; focusing on many things

13) Erikson proposed that middle-aged adults face a significant issue, which he termed

C) generaticity verus stagnation

45) Which of the following is true of implicit memory

C) it involves skills and routine procedures that are preformed automatically

24)George valliant ran a longitudial study looking at what factors in middle adulthood were linked to different outcomes in older adulthood. In his study he listed three possible outcomes of older-adults, which one is not one of his outcomes?

C) neutral-normal

7) compared with men, women have a higher incidence of______ disorders durning middle adulthood

C) nonfatal chronic

46) Michael's mother always forgets to take her heart medication. So, every night Micheal calls her after dinner to remind her about her medicines. the demonstrates that Michael's mother is experiencing a decline in _____ memory.

C) prospective

40) which of the following concepts have distinctions similar to the ones between cognitive mechanics and cognitive pragmatics

B) fluid and crystallized intelligence

36) ________ is the most common chronic disorder in late adulthood

C) Arthritis

5) LDL is often referred to as __________ cholesterol

C) bad

27) Nathan just celebrated his 100th birthday. It can be said that Nathan is a(n) _______

C) centenarian

18) Hannah is grieving the death of her mother, so she is experiencing extreme stress. She is likely to engage in

A) a tend-and-befriend pattern

15) According yo Levinson, the transition to middle adulthood requires the adult male come to grips with four major conflicts. Which of the following is one of the major conflicts?

A) being young verus being old

12) Retired adults who were born durning the great depression make different life-choices compared to retired adults who were born during the baby boom. What idea best explains why there are variations in characteristics between different generations.

A) cohort effect

26) Life ______ is the number of years that the average person born in a particular year will probably live

A) expectancy

37) women are especially vulnerable to ______, which is the leading cause of broken bones women

A) osteoporosis

10) The Seattle Longituidinal study concluded that middle age is the time of

A) peak performance of verbal ability

34) The _________ is one area that shrinks more then others with aging

A) prefrontal cortex

48)________ is the idea that cognitive function may decrease significantly as out bodies approach death

A) terminal decline

44) _______, which is closely linked to short-term memory, allows children and adults to manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language.

A) working memory

2)The rectangularization of the age structure of the population, which can be represented by pyramid, has been created by

B) The againg of the baby-boom cohort

23) the researchers in the Mills College Study concluded that rather than being in a midlife crisis, the women were experiencing

B) a midlife consciousness

22) Lana's friends describe her as highly agreeable. According to the Big Five factors of personality, Lana is likely to be

B) cooperative

41) which of the following factors is most likely to contribute to the decline in fluid mechanics in late adulthood

B) decline in processing speed

Which of the following is one of the Big Five factors of personality

B) extraversion

38) ________ are the leading cause of injury deaths among adults who are 65 years and older.

B) falls

30) the oldest-old today are mostly

D) female

25)Karen, aged 21, is senior in college, but her mother calls her five or six times a day to "check in" and ask her what she is doing, what she had for lunch, and so on. This type of parenting is called _____ parenting

B) helicopter

16) According to the contemporary life-events approach, one of the factors on which the influence of life events depends is the

B) individual's adaptation

33) which of the following statements is true of the hormonal stress theory of aging

B) it argues that when faced with external challenges such as stressful situations, the human body adapts by alterning internal physiological processes

49) _______ which of the following is one of the most common predictors of depression in older adults

B) low social support

6) Silas is a man who is in his late 70's. He has a condition characterized by hypertension, obesity, and insulin resistance. This is otherwise known as

B) metabolic syndrome

11) According to the Seattle Longitudinal Study, which of the following abilities showed signs of early decline?

B) perceptual speed

47)_____ is expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits practical judgment about important matters.

B) wisdom

31) based on the cellular clock theory/telomere theory. Hayflick places the upper limit of the human life span potential at about ______ years of age

C) 120 to 125

28)Haruto is a 103 year old centenarian linign in Japan. He leads a healthy life. Which of the following factors has most likely contributed to his longevity?

D) Haruto engages in spiritual practice

1) Which of the following best explains why middle adulthood starts later and lasts longer now than the early 1900's

D) People today have healthier lifestyles than in the early 1900's

14) As he looks back at his life , Chris realizes that his work was not as important to him as he believed and that he lost too much valuable time with his children. If he could do it over again, he would work less and spend more time with his children. According to Eirkson , Chris is experiencing some degree of

D) Stagnation

3) Which of the following is a reason for the decrease in height with age advancement

D) bone loss in the vertebrae

9) ________ is a term that is used to describe the midlife transition in which fertility declines

D) climacteric

32) the tiny bodies within cells that supply essential energy for function, growth, and repair are known as ________. There is a theory of aging that believes that, as they break down, these tiny bodies are partly responsible for aging

D) mitochondria

29) Calvin has just turned 90 years old. He would be considered among the

D) oldest-old

43) A person knowledge about the world (or the 8th president) is called ______ memory.

D) semantic

39) cognitive __________ decline in old age, whereas cognitive _____appears to improve

mechanics; pragmatics

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