Psych notes - correct answers ch1-9

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At which point during prenatal development are the internal organs developed fully enough to allow the baby to survive outside the womb if born prematurely (age of viability)?

24 weeks

Larry is born at 8 pounds. By the time he is two years old, he should weigh approximately how much?

32 pounds

Most infants can grasp a rattle by the age of

4 months

Twelve-month old Dennis accidentally knocks his bowl off the table. The bowl spins on the floor before coming to a stop. Dennis's mom picks up the bowl and places it back on the table, so he knocks it down again to see if it will spin. Dennis knocks the bowl down each time his mother picks it up. What substage of sensorimotor development does this behavior reflect?

Active experimentation

During high school, Maureen questioned her religious beliefs, moral values, and social attitudes. Her parents set limits and boundaries, but allowed her to explore her feelings without suppressing them. What type of parenting style did they use to help Maureen build a strong moral foundation of her own?


Which parenting style seems to promote high-achieving children?


Why do most women choose to have general prenatal screening before deciding whether or not to have more invasive testing?

Because invasive testing such as amniocentesis and CVS procedures can increase the risk of miscarriage and fetal damage.

Physical development during early childhood includes which of the following?

Cartilage turns to bone, and bones become harder

Many children learn sign language as infants and toddlers. How does this enhance their communication abilities?

Children understand more than they can vocalize, and gestures help convey meaning.

Leah, age 8, is teased at school for being overweight and she's self-conscious about her body image. How can Leah's parents best support her in losing weight?

Encouraging physical play and joining her in increasing physical activity.

Many adolescents go through family histories to discover their roots, or genealogy. What aspect of identity formation does this help an individual solidify?

Ethnic identity

Luke is certain he will become a doctor because his mother is a doctor, and her father is a doctor, too. It runs in the family. Which of Marcia's four identity statuses does Luke's decision align with?


The use of metaphor and analogy is an indication of which stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Formal operational

School-aged children are able to tell and appreciate jokes like "knock-knock" jokes and puns, thanks to what advancement in language?

Greater sophistication in vocabulary

A group discussion begins with "if you were trapped on a deserted island and you could only bring five book, what would they be?" This question engages what type of thinking?

Hypothetical thinking

What is the leading cause of death in middle childhood?

Injury by accident

Which of the following is true about the effects of alcohol during prenatal development?

It can lead to a spectrum of symptoms that include both physical and behavioral abnormalities.

______ development is the field of study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occur from conception through death


Scott is talking to his friends about what he has learned in his psychology class. They want to hear more about the theory of evolution by natural selection. What should Scott tell them is the main idea of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Organisms that are best suited for their environments will prevail in survival and reproduction.

Children in kindergarten are usually between 4 and 6 years of age. Which one of Piaget's developmental stages does this coincide with?


Which of the following accurately describes normal physical development during the early part of early adulthood (early twenties)?

Reproductive system, motor ability, strength, and lung capacity are at their best.

8-month-old Marvin cries when his father drops him off at daycare every day, even though they do this every day. What does Marvin display?

Separation anxiety

Sam and Andy, both 18, have been dating for a year, and they have decided to have sex for the first time. In terms of physical health, what should their primary concern be, and how should they protect against this concern?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs); condoms

Eight-month-old Howard meets his great-aunt for the first time. He clings to his mother, uncertain of this new person. What does Howard exhibit?

Stranger wariness

The campaign to increase back-sleeping awareness in infants attempts to address which of the following sleep concerns?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Barbara has a toddler, a boy, and another child, a girl, on the way. She's accustomed to her boy's fussiness, so she thinks she will be just fine adjusting to her second child's temperament. What is Barbara failing to take into consideration?

Temperament and goodness of fit may differ

Which of the following is true about the effects of heroin use during pregnancy?

The baby could be born with a heroin addiction.

What happens with gametes to create chromosomal abnormalities?

The gametes do not divide evenly when they are forming.

What is "hidden curriculum?

The underlying values and belief systems of the school and its members that do not constitute formal curriculum, but affect children's learning experience.

What is the primary function of gametes?

They are the sex cells involved in reproduction.

Socioemotional selectivity theory is connected to the idea of "mortality salience." What does this mean?

This is the idea that humans are aware of the inevitability of their own death and adopt thoughts and behaviors which seek to deny or suppress such knowledge.

Why are there fontanels in a neonate's skull?

To ease the passage of the skull through the birth canal

Many forms of communicable disease are preventable. Some immunities are transferred to children through the mother's breast milk. Immunities to other diseases are administered to children at medical appointments, in what form?


What is considered the greatest risk to the health and well-being of a preschool-age child?


Alicia's doctor has prepared her for the possibility that her baby has a large head and may have to be delivered by surgical delivery through an incision in Alicia's abdomen. This method of birth is called a


Which of the following is the most common reason for spontaneous abortions or miscarriages?

chromosomal abnormalities

Fred is 8 years old and has just learned to use a word-processing program that will allow him to write papers for school on the computer. According to Erikson, Fred's mastery of this skill should lead to feelings of


Four-year-old Mason is having lunch with his mother and sister. When his mother pours milk in the children's glasses, she finds there is not enough to fill both glasses, so she carefully pours half of the milk in the shorter, fatter glass in front of Mason and half into a thin, taller glass in front of Mason's sister. Immediately, Mason complains that his sister got more milk than he did, and even when his mother tries to explain that they both got the same amount, Mason insists he is right. In this example, Mason is demonstrating a lack of development in the area of __________.


The first stage of childbirth

consists of dilation or widening of the cervix

Tristen spends a considerable amount of his play time making things out of blocks, coloring and painting, and making art projects. Tristen is engaged in ______ play.


In human development class, Tasha and Vladimir learned that it is the chromosomes of __________ that will determine the sex of the child they hope to have together


In recent years there has been a rise in multiple births. This rise is a result of

delayed childbearing, increase in fertility drugs, & assissted reproduction

While most human development theorists and researchers have focused on infancy and childhood, and some on adolescence, others have explored development over the course of one's entire life, which aligns with Baltes' key principle of lifespan development that ________.

development is lifelong

A teenager bemoans, "My life is a roller coaster. I've got all this new stuff to think about and I'm not as good at things I used to do well. I think I'm making progress in one area, but I'm losing ground in another." This statement about alternating between gains and losses reflects which of Baltes' key principles of lifespan development?

development is multidirectional

Laura is in labor. She is being attended by an experienced helper who offers emotional support. This person is a


River is 4 years old, and she often assumes that everyone shares the same perspective as her. This limitation in early childhood thinking is known as:


Which of the following pain relief methods is most common during birth?


Rose has recently developed the ability to draw shapes such as circles and squares. She can also button large buttons. What skills has she developed?

fine motor

Which is the most compelling reason parents should introduce new solid foods to children one at a time?

food allergies may be present

Tracey believes abortion is wrong because her parents, friends, and church say so. She has never really thought about the issue but has simply accepted this view as her own. What is her identity status?


Twins formed by the fertilization of two ova by two sperm are


The inborn traits or characteristics we inherit from biological parents are our


The use of estimation in solving math problems appears to ______ during middle childhood.


Sven can sound out most three-letter words, but when he sees a long eight-letter word, he turns to his teacher instead of trying to sound it out. His teacher encourages him to go ahead and try to sound it out by breaking it down into two parts. According to Vygotsky, Sven

is in the zone of proximal development.

Gross motor skills involve ________, while fine motor skills involve ________

large muscle groups; exact movements of fingers and hands

During her labor, Beth's doctor has requested that she be connected to an electronic fetal monitor, which will

measure the fetal heartbeat during labor and delivery.

Which of the following situations is most likely to be a positive stressor and learning experience?

meeting a new friend and forming a connection

Charlotte is 3 years old. Her teacher shows her a crayon box and asks her what she thinks is inside. She says, "crayons." The teacher opens the box, showing Charlotte that there is chalk inside. She asks Charlotte again what she thought was in the box at first, and Charlotte says, "chalk." The teacher does the same thing with Mitch, who is 5 years old. After seeing the chalk, when asked what he thought was in the box at first, he says, "crayons." Based on their responses, which child (Charlotte or Mitch) has started to develop theory of mind?


Joseph thinks he wants to be an engineer but is not sure and is agonizing over the decision. Meanwhile, he is trying to get information about several other careers. What is his identity status?


A few days after birth, a baby develops a yellowish tinge to the skin and eyeballs. These symptoms indicate _________, which is due to immaturity of the _______.

neonatal jaundice; liver

On occasion, Flynn, a 7-year-old, awakens abruptly from a deep sleep in a state of panic within an hour after falling asleep. His parents get him quieted down, does not seem to be really awake, and he has no memory of the incident in the morning. Flynn is probably experiencing

night terrors

The family consists of two generations with parents and children—either biological, step, or adopted


Two children are playing in the same area. One child plays with blocks and the other plays with cars, dolls, and balls without any attempt to alter each other's play. They are engaged in which kind of play?

parallel play

Children raised with this parenting style may fail to learn self-discipline and develop uncertainty toward boundaries.


A developmental researcher who is interested in studying the effects of malnutrition on the rate of growth in children or how athletes' physical performance declines over time would be studying __________ development


What type of development is most involved in the growth of body and brain, sensory capacities, motor skills, and health?


Marlane is large for her age and does not have many friends. This is an example of interaction between which two types of development?

physical and social

A pediatrician provides parents with a chart that plots changes in their child's height and weight over time. This growth chart represents a ________ in human development

physical domain

When children make an object stand for or represent something else, they are using

pretend play

Dyslexia involves difficulty in which learning area?


What are genes comprised of?

sequences of DNA

The ability to arrange objects according to some dimension, such as largest to smallest, is called


Lucy is an overprotective mother, constantly trying to keep her toddler out of potentially dangerous situations, like playing on the slide at the playground. What message does Lucy's overprotective tendency send her child, who is trying to establish autonomy?

shame and doubt

What type of development involves the way in which individuals' interactions with others and their relationships grow, change, or remain stable over the course of life?


The major contributor to self-esteem in middle childhood is

social support from parents, peers, and teachers

A child is told that Bob is older than Sally, and Sally is older than Fred. When asked, "Who is older, Bob or Fred?" the child replies, "Bob." This child is demonstrating __________ ability.

tansitive inference

Maxine is having her first child. She has done the reading on childbirth and knows that she will have completed the first stage of labor when her doctor tells her that

the baby's head has moved through the cervix into the vaginal canal.

Jacqueline just found out that she is pregnant. She is aware that exposure to harmful substances can damage her baby. During which period of prenatal development is the baby most vulnerable to damage if exposed to harmful substances?

the embryonic period

At age 60, Sanda begins to be more aware of her sarcopenia, which she hopes to postpone with frequent exercise. What is sarcopenia?

the general loss of mass and function as part of the aging process.

The nature-nurture debate is concerned with:

the relationship between heredity and environment influences on human development

The idea that children are resilient helps compensate for possible missteps or downright failures in caregiving early in life. If a baby is resilient and learns to believe the world is a safe place, which Eriksonian task has the child tackled?

trust vs mistrust

Nonnormative life events are

unusual events that influence a person's life

The severity of approximately 88% of bicycling injuries can be reduced dramatically by

using a safety helmet

Levi is a middle school teacher. He spend a great deal of energy thinking about how to get his budding scientists to work on challenging tasks that they can't easily do on their own, but they can do with the help of their peers. Levi is relying on which psychological concept?

zone of proximal development

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